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A novel technique developed in the laboratories of Bradley D. Smith and David Piwnica-Worms for imaging bacterial infections in intact living nude mice using a novel fluorescent dye, a conjugate of a NIR carbocyanine dye and two zinc(II) dipicolylamine units, allows relatively deep imaging of bacterial infection in real time. The behavior of the mice indicated good tolerance of the probe. The probe's water-octanol partition coefficient calculated by Hansch and Leo's procedure demonstrates that it is slightly lipophilic and therefore could enter mouse cells. Extant values of the physicochemical and spectroscopic parameters relevant to practical use are tabulated.  相似文献   

Genetic high throughput screens have yielded large sets of potential protein-protein interactions now to be verified and further investigated. Here we present a simple assay to directly visualize protein-protein interactions in single living cells. Using a modified lac repressor system, we tethered a fluorescent bait at a chromosomal lac operator array and assayed for co-localization of fluorescent prey fusion proteins. With this fluorescent two-hybrid assay we successfully investigated the interaction of proteins from different subcellular compartments including nucleus, cytoplasm, and mitochondria. In combination with an S phase marker we also studied the cell cycle dependence of protein-protein interactions. These results indicate that the fluorescent two-hybrid assay is a powerful tool to investigate protein-protein interactions within their cellular environment and to monitor the response to external stimuli in real time.  相似文献   

Microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules are three major cytoskeletal systems providing cells with stability to maintain proper shape. Although the word “cytoskeleton” implicates rigidity, it is quite dynamic exhibiting constant changes within cells. In addition to providing cell stability, it participates in a variety of essential and dynamic cellular processes including cell migration, cell division, intracellular transport, vesicular trafficking, and organelle morphogenesis. During the past eight years since the green fluorescent protein (GFP) was first used as a marker for the exogenous gene expression, it has been an especially booming era for live cell observations of intracellular movement of many proteins. Because of the dynamic behavior of the cytoskeleton in the cell, GFP has naturally been a vital part of the studies of the cytoskeleton and its associated proteins. In this article, we will describe the advantage of using GFP and how it has been used to study cytoskeletal proteins.  相似文献   

The use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions as biosensors for examining protein localization and dynamics has revolutionized cell biology. Here, we describe the methods developed for imaging of GFP-fusions in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe using fluorescence microscopy, with a focus on the use of time-lapse imaging to analyze the dynamics of microtubules. We discuss the considerations in fluorescence microscopy, cell preparation, data acquisition, and image analysis appropriate for analysis of living cells.  相似文献   

There are surprisingly few studies that have successfully used the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a quantitative reporter in selection experiments screening for inducible bacterial promoters. One explanation is that GFP expression may confer a fitness cost for bacteria. To test this possibility, we monitored the doubling time in enteric bacteria expressing GFP. Four bacterial species, Escherichia coli, enterohaemorrhagic E. coli, Shigella flexneri, Salmonella typhi, and Vibrio cholerae, were examined. The level of GFP expression was varied by using a salt-inducible promoter. After accounting for the increase in doubling time resulting from elevated osmolarity, the doubling time of all bacteria was found to increase proportionally with GFP expression, and some strains were more affected than others. Cultures of the bacteria most affected by GFP exhibited a proportion of elongated cells, which suggests that GFP production could interfere with cell division in these strains. The results in this study show that GFP is costly to bacteria and suggest that overly active promoters should be difficult to obtain from a genomic promoter library. They also suggest that the chances of succeeding in using GFP as a reporter in selection experiments are increased by growing the bacteria for the fewest number of generations and by subduing the expression of GFP whenever possible, such as by using a low copy vector to clone the library.  相似文献   

We have shown that the intracellular pH of a single HeLa cell expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) can be imaged using the fluorescence lifetime of EGFP, which can be interpreted in terms of the pH-dependent ionic equilibrium of the p-hydroxybenzylidene-imidazolidinone structure of the chromophore of EGFP.  相似文献   

Stringent microbial cell barriers limit the application of many substances in research and therapeutics. Carrier peptides that penetrate or translocate across cell membranes may help overcome this problem. To assess peptide-mediated delivery into two yeast and three bacterial species, a range of cell penetrating and signal peptide sequences were fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP), expressed in Escherichia coli, partially purified and incubated with growing cells. Fluorescence microscopy indicated several peptides that mediated delivery. In particular, VLTNENPFSDP efficiently delivered GFP into Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus, while YKKSNNPFSD was most efficient for Bacillus subtilis and CFFKDEL for Escherichia coli. Carrier peptides may improve delivery of certain large molecular mass molecules into microorganisms for research and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

A versatile deep-red fluorescent imaging probe is described that is comprised of a bis(zinc(II)-dipicolylamine) targeting unit covalently attached to a pentamethine carbocyanine fluorophore with Cy5-like spectroscopic properties. A titration assay based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer is used to prove that the probe selectively associates with anionic vesicle membranes whose composition mimics bacterial cell membranes. Whole-body optical imaging experiments show that the probe associates with the surfaces of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria cells, and it can target the site of bacterial infection in a living mouse. In vivo accumulation at the infection site and subsequent clearance occurs more quickly than a structurally related near-infrared bis(zinc(II)-dipicolylamine) probe. The fact that the same deep-red probe molecule can be used for spectroscopic assays, cell microscopy, and in vivo imaging studies, is an important and attractive technical feature.  相似文献   

A wide diversity of fluorescent probes is currently available to assess the physiological state of microorganisms. The recent development of techniques such as solid-phase cytometry, the increasing sensitivity of fluorescence tools and multiparametric approaches combining taxonomic and physiological probes have improved the effectiveness of direct methods in environmental and industrial microbiology.  相似文献   

A survey of the extracellular ATP levels of 86 heterotrophic bacteria showed that gram-negative bacteria of the genera Sulfitobacter, Staleya, and Marinobacter secreted elevated amounts of extracellular ATP, ranging from 6.0 to 9.8 pM ATP/colony forming unit (cfu), and that gram-positive bacteria of the genera Kocuria and Planococcus secreted up to 4.1 pM ATP/cfu. Variations in the levels of extracellular and intracellular ATP-dependent luminescence were monitored in living cells of Sulfitobacter mediterraneus ATCC 700856T and Planococcus maritimus F 90 during 48 h of attachment on hydrophobic (poly[tert-butyl methacrylate], PtBMA) and hydrophilic (mica) surfaces. The bacteria responded to different polymeric surfaces by producing either intracellular or extracellular ATP. The level of intracellular ATP in S. mediterraneus ATCC 700856T attached to either surface was as high as 50-55 pM ATP/cfu, while in P. maritimus F 90 it was 120 and 250 pM ATP/cfu on PtBMA and mica, respectively. S. mediterraneus ATCC 700856T generated about 20 and 50 pM of extracellular ATP/cfu on PtBMA and mica, respectively, while the amount generated by P. maritimus F 90 was about the same for both surfaces, 6 pM ATP/cfu. The levels of extracellular ATP generated by S. mediterraneus during attachment on PtBMA and mica were two to five times higher than those detected during the initial screening. High-resolution atomic force microscopy imaging revealed a potentially interesting correlation between the porous cell-surface of certain alpha- and gamma-proteobacteria and their ability to secrete high amounts of ATP.  相似文献   

We have formulated a numerical model that simulates the accumulation of green fluorescent protein (GFP) in bacterial cells from a generic promoter-gfp fusion. The model takes into account the activity of the promoter, the time it takes GFP to mature into its fluorescent form, the susceptibility of GFP to proteolytic degradation, and the growth rate of the bacteria. From the model, we derived a simple formula with which promoter activity can be inferred easily and quantitatively from actual measurements of GFP fluorescence in growing bacterial cultures. To test the usefulness of the formula, we determined the activity of the LacI-repressible promoter P(A1/O4/O3) in response to increasing concentrations of the inducer IPTG (isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside) and were able to predict cooperativity between the LacI repressors on each of the two operator sites within P(A1/O4/O3). Aided by the model, we also quantified the proteolytic degradation of GFP[AAV], GFP[ASV], and GFP[LVA], which are popular variants of GFP with reduced stability in bacteria. Best described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics, the rate at which these variants were degraded was a function of the activity of the promoter that drives their synthesis: a weak promoter yielded proportionally less GFP fluorescence than a strong one. The degree of disproportionality is species dependent: the effect was more pronounced in Erwinia herbicola than in Escherichia coli. This phenomenon has important implications for the interpretation of fluorescence from bacterial reporters based on these GFP variants. The model furthermore predicted a significant effect of growth rate on the GFP content of individual bacteria, which if not accounted for might lead to misinterpretation of GFP data. In practice, our model will be helpful for prior testing of different combinations of promoter-gfp fusions that best fit the application of a particular bacterial reporter strain, and also for the interpretation of actual GFP fluorescence data that are obtained with that reporter.  相似文献   

Rotaviruses are large, complex icosahedral particles consisting of three concentric capsid layers. When the innermost capsid protein VP2 is expressed in the baculovirus-insect cell system it assembles as core-like particles. The amino terminus region of VP2 is dispensable for assembly of virus-like particles (VLP). Coexpression of VP2 and VP6 produces double layered VLP. We hypothesized that the amino end of VP2 could be extended without altering the auto assembly properties of VP2. Using the green fluorescent protein (GFP) or the DsRed protein as model inserts we have shown that the chimeric protein GFP (or DsRed)-VP2 auto assembles perfectly well and forms fluorescent VLP (GFP-VLP2/6 or DsRed-VLP2/6) when coexpressed with VP6. The presence of GFP inside the core does not prevent the assembly of the outer capsid layer proteins VP7 and VP4 to give VLP2/6/7/4. Cryo-electron microscopy of purified GFP-VLP2/6 showed that GFP molecules are located at the 5-fold vertices of the core. It is possible to visualize a single fluorescent VLP in living cells by confocal fluorescent microscopy. In vitro VLP2/6 did not enter into permissive cells or in dendritic cells. In contrast, fluorescent VLP2/6/7/4 entered the cells and then the fluorescence signal disappear rapidly. Presented data indicate that fluorescent VLP are interesting tools to follow in real time the entry process of rotavirus and that chimeric VLP could be envisaged as "nanoboxes" carrying macromolecules to living cells.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrP(c)) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored plasma membrane protein whose conformational altered forms (PrP(sc)) are known to cause neurodegenerative diseases in mammals. In order to investigate the intracellular traffic of mammalian PrP(c) in living cells, we have generated a green fluorescent protein (GFP) tagged version of PrP(c). The recombinant protein was properly anchored at the cell surface and its distribution pattern was similar to that of the endogenous PrP(c), with labeling at the plasma membrane and in an intracellular perinuclear compartment. Comparison of the steady-state distribution of GFP-PrP(c) and two N-terminal deletion mutants (Delta32-121 and Delta32-134), that cause neurological symptoms when expressed in PrP knockout mice, was carried out. The mutant proteins accumulated in the plasma membrane at the expense of decreased labeling in the perinuclear region when compared with GFP-PrP(c). In addition, GFP-PrP(c), but not the two mutants, internalized from the plasma membrane in response to Cu2+ treatment and accumulated at a perinuclear region in SN56 cells. Our data suggest that GFP-PrP(c) can be used to follow constitutive and induced PrP(c) traffic in living cells.  相似文献   

The demonstration that the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria required no jellyfish-specific cofactors and could be expressed as a fluorescent protein in heterologous hosts including both prokaryotes and eukaryotes sparked the development of GFP as one of the most common reporters in use today. Over the past several years, the utility of GFP as a reporter has been optimized through the isolation and engineering of variants with increased folding rates, different in vivo stabilities and colour variants with altered excitation and emission spectral properties. One of the great utilities of GFP is as a probe for characterizing spatial and temporal dynamics of gene expression, protein localization and protein-protein interactions in living cells. The innovative application of GFP as a reporter in bacteria has made a significant contribution to microbial cell biology. This review will highlight recent studies that demonstrate the potential of GFP for real-time analysis of gene expression, protein localization and the dynamics of signalling transduction pathways through protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein (GFP) has become a powerful tool in molecular and cell biology. It is a commonly used marker for cloning and transfection experiments as well as a useful label of living cells allowing continuous observation of developing structures. In order to unravel mechanisms of neuronal differentiation, we generated a transgenic mouse model which expresses GFPS65T,hu under the control of the Purkinje cell-specific promoter L7/pcp-2. Here, we show that GFPS65T,hu is highly expressed specifically in the cerebellum in whole mount preparations after the 2nd postnatal week. GFPS65T,hu can be detected exclusively in Purkinje cells of cerebellar slices. The fluorescence intensity of GFPS65T,hu should enable the characterization and recording of axons, dendrites, and spines protruding from these neuronal processes. The level of GFP expression can be quantified by western blotting which allows to analyze protein expression and L7/pcp-2 promoter regulation in vivo. The application of cellular and physiological techniques on L7GFP mice will provide a remarkable opportunity to investigate various aspects of neuronal development at the cellular and subcellular levels.  相似文献   

Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) is an intracellular Ca2+ channel that releases Ca2+ into the cytosol and its subcellular distribution is believed to have significant effects on Ca2+ signalling. We constructed a plasmid vector containing full-length rat type 3 IP3R linked to GFP (GFP-IP3R) for expression in mammalian cells. Western blot analyses revealed that the expressed fusion protein contained both GFP and full-length type 3 IP3R. Fluorescence confocal microscopy showed that the fluorescence of GFP-IP3R3 was distributed to reticular network structures, even after cell permeabilization with saponin. We further visualized intracellular membranes with DiOC6, a vital fluorescent marker for intracellular membranes, and provide evidence that the distribution of GFP-IP3R3 overlaps with the distribution of the endoplasmic reticulum. Our results indicate that GFP-IP3R3 can be used to visualize IP3R in living cells, and pave the way for subsequent mutational and functional studies.  相似文献   

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