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Pulmonary hypertension is defined by an elevation in pulmonary artery pressure leading to progressive right heart failure and death. Primary (idiopathic) pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is a rare disease with an estimated incidence of 2 per million inhabitants per year in France. Abnormal pulmonary artery angiogenesis is a characteristic feature of this condition including endothelial and smooth muscle cell proliferation in small to medium-sized pulmonary arteries. The recent discovery of germline mutations of genes coding for receptor members of TGF-beta (BMPR-2 et ALK-1) in PPH represents a considerable progress in the understanding of this pulmonary orphan disease. This review summarizes the current genetic data obtained in this condition.  相似文献   

Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is a potentially lethal disorder, because the elevation of the pulmonary arterial pressure may result in right-heart failure. Histologically, the disorder is characterized by proliferation of pulmonary-artery smooth muscle and endothelial cells, by intimal hyperplasia, and by in situ thrombus formation. Heterozygous mutations within the bone morphogenetic protein type II receptor (BMPR-II) gene (BMPR2), of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) cell-signaling superfamily, have been identified in familial and sporadic cases of PPH. We report the molecular spectrum of BMPR2 mutations in 47 additional families with PPH and in three patients with sporadic PPH. Among the cohort of patients, we have identified 22 novel mutations, including 4 partial deletions, distributed throughout the BMPR2 gene. The majority (58%) of mutations are predicted to lead to a premature termination codon. We have also investigated the functional impact and genotype-phenotype relationships, to elucidate the mechanisms contributing to pathogenesis of this important vascular disease. In vitro expression analysis demonstrated loss of BMPR-II function for a number of the identified mutations. These data support the suggestion that haploinsufficiency represents the common molecular mechanism in PPH. Marked variability of the age at onset of disease was observed both within and between families. Taken together, these studies illustrate the considerable heterogeneity of BMPR2 mutations that cause PPH, and they strongly suggest that additional factors, genetic and/or environmental, may be required for the development of the clinical phenotype.  相似文献   

Human pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMC) were isolated from elastic pulmonary arteries dissected from lungs of individuals with and without pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Reflecting increased smooth muscle constriction in cells from PAH subject, Ca2+ influx in response to endothelin‐1 (ET‐1) increased in all the PAH PASMC populations relative to the normal donor control cells. The ETA receptor mRNA levels remained unchanged, whereas the ETB receptor mRNA levels decreased in both heritable and idiopathic PAH‐derived PASMC. All the PASMC populations expressed considerably higher ETA compared to ETB receptor number. Both ETA and ETB receptor numbers were reduced in bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II (BMPR2) mutation PAH. ETB receptors showed a particular reduction in number. Phospho‐antibody array analysis of normal and BMPR2 deletion PASMC illustrated ERK and Akt activation to be the most prominent and to be taking place principally through ETB receptors in normal PASMC, but primarily through ETA receptors in PASMC from BMPR2 PAH subjects. Additionally in the PAH cells the total relative ET‐1 signal response was markedly reduced. Western analysis from the BMPR2 PASMC duplicated the array results, whereas PASMC from iPAH subjects showed variability with most samples continuing to signal through ETB. In sum, these results indicate that generally both receptors are reduced in PAH particularly ETB, and that ETB signaling through protein kinases becomes markedly reduced in BMPR2 PASMC, while it continues in IPAH. Importantly, the data suggest that caution must be taken when applying ET‐1 receptor antagonist therapy to PAH patients. J. Cell. Physiol. 228: 322–329, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Heterozygous bone morphogenetic protein receptor-II-knockout (BMPR2(+/-)) mice have a similar genetic trait like that in some idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension patients. To examine the effect of pulmonary endothelial injury in BMPR2(+/-) mice, we challenged the mice with two injections of monocrotaline combined with intratracheal instillation of replication-deficient adenovirus expressing 5-lipoxygenase (MCT+Ad5LO). After the challenge (1 wk), BMPR2(+/-) mice exhibited a doubling of right ventricular systolic pressure that was greater than that of wild-type mice and remained elevated for 3 wk before heart failure developed. Muscularization and thickening of small pulmonary arterioles was evident in the BMPR2(+/-) lungs at 2 wk after the challenge and became severe at 3 wk. Marked perivascular infiltration of T cells, B cells, and macrophages was associated with the remodeled vessels. Real-time PCR analysis showed that the expression of six endothelial cell markers in lung tissue was decreased to 20-40% of original levels at 1 wk after the challenge in both BMPR2(+/-) and wild-type mice and largely recovered in wild-type (50-80%) but not BMPR2(+/-) lungs (30-50%) at 3 wk after the challenge. Macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha and fractalkine receptor expression doubled in BMPR2(+/-) compared with wild-type lungs. Expression of type I and type II BMP receptors, but not transforming growth factor-beta receptors, in the challenged BMPR2(+/-) and wild-type lungs showed a similar pattern of expression as that of endothelial markers. Apoptotic responses at 1 wk after MCT and Ad5LO challenge were also significantly greater in the BMPR2(+/-) lungs than the wild-type lungs. These data show that BMPR2(+/-) mice are more sensitive to MCT+Ad5LO-induced pulmonary hypertension than wild-type mice. Greater endothelial injury and an enhanced inflammatory response could be the underlying causes of the sensitivity and may work in concert with BMPR2 heterozygosity to promote the development of persistent pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

Loss-of-function mutations in the bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 (BMPR2) gene have been identified in patients with heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH); however, disease penetrance is low, suggesting additional factors play a role. Inflammation is associated with PAH and vascular remodeling, but whether allergic inflammation triggers vascular remodeling in individuals with BMPR2 mutations is unknown. Our goal was to determine if chronic allergic inflammation would induce more severe vascular remodeling and PAH in mice with reduced BMPR-II signaling. Groups of Bmpr2 hypomorph and wild-type (WT) Balb/c/Byj mice were exposed to house dust mite (HDM) allergen, intranasally for 7 or 20 weeks to generate a model of chronic inflammation. HDM exposure induced similar inflammatory cell counts in all groups compared to controls. Muscularization of pulmonary arterioles and arterial wall thickness were increased after 7 weeks HDM, more severe at 20 weeks, but similar in both groups. Right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP) was measured by direct cardiac catheterization to assess PAH. RVSP was similarly increased in both HDM exposed groups after 20 weeks compared to controls, but not after 7 weeks. Airway hyperreactivity (AHR) to methacholine was also assessed and interestingly, at 20 weeks, was more severe in HDM exposed Bmpr2 hypomorph mice versus WT. We conclude that chronic allergic inflammation caused PAH and while the severity was mild and similar between WT and Bmpr2 hypomorph mice, AHR was enhanced with reduced BMPR-II signaling. These data suggest that vascular remodeling and PAH resulting from chronic allergic inflammation occurs independently of BMPR-II pathway alterations.  相似文献   

The heritable form of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is typically caused by a mutation in bone morphogenic protein receptor type 2 (BMPR2), and mice expressing Bmpr2 mutations develop PAH with features similar to human disease. BMPR2 is known to interact with the cytoskeleton, and human array studies in PAH patients confirm alterations in cytoskeletal pathways. The goal of this study was to evaluate cytoskeletal defects in BMPR2-associated PAH. Expression arrays on our Bmpr2 mutant mouse lungs revealed cytoskeletal defects as a prominent molecular consequence of universal expression of a Bmpr2 mutation (Rosa26-Bmpr2(R899X)). Pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells cultured from these mice have histological and functional cytoskeletal defects. Stable transfection of different BMPR2 mutations into pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells revealed that cytoskeletal defects are common to multiple BMPR2 mutations and are associated with activation of the Rho GTPase, Rac1. Rac1 defects are corrected in cell culture and in vivo through administration of exogenous recombinant human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (rhACE2). rhACE2 reverses 77% of gene expression changes in Rosa26-Bmpr2(R899X) transgenic mice, in particular, correcting defects in cytoskeletal function. Administration of rhACE2 to Rosa26-Bmpr2(R899X) mice with established PAH normalizes pulmonary pressures. Together, these findings suggest that cytoskeletal function is central to the development of BMPR2-associated PAH and that intervention against cytoskeletal defects may reverse established disease.  相似文献   

Pulmonary hypertension (PH), defined as a mean pulmonary arterial (PA) pressure of >25 mmHg at rest or >30 mmHg during exercise, is characterized by a progressive and sustained increase in pulmonary vascular resistance that eventually leads to right ventricular failure. Clinically, PH may result from a variety of underlying diseases (Table 1 and Refs. 50, 113, 124). Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) may be familial (FPAH) or sporadic (idiopathic, IPAH), formerly known as primary pulmonary hypertension, i.e., for which there is no demonstrable cause. More often, PAH is due to a variety of identifiable diseases including scleroderma and other collagen disorders, liver disease, human immunodeficiency virus, and the intake of appetite-suppressant drugs such as phentermine and fenfluramine (72). Other, more common, causes of PAH include left ventricular failure (perhaps the most common cause), valvular lesions, chronic pulmonary diseases, sleep-disordered breathing, and prolonged residence at high altitude. This classification, now widely accepted, was first proposed at a meeting in Evian, France, in 1998, and modified in Venice, Italy, in 2003 (124).  相似文献   

Mutations in the MAPT gene encoding tau protein lead to neurofibrillary lesion formation, neurodegeneration, and cognitive decline associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration. While some pathogenic mutations affect MAPT introns, resulting in abnormal splicing patterns, the majority occur in the tau coding sequence leading to single amino acid changes in tau primary structure. Depending on their location within the polypeptide chain, tau missense mutations have been reported to augment aggregation propensity. To determine the mechanisms underlying mutation-associated changes in aggregation behavior, the fibrillization of recombinant pathogenic mutants R5L, G272V, P301L, V337M, and R406W prepared in a full-length four-repeat human tau background was examined in vitro as a function of time and submicromolar tau concentrations using electron microscopy assay methods. Kinetic constants for nucleation and extension phases of aggregation were then estimated by direct measurement and mathematical simulation. Results indicated that the mutants differ from each other and from wild-type tau in their aggregation propensity. G272V and P301L mutations increased the rates of both filament nucleation and extension reactions, whereas R5L and V337M increased only the nucleation phase. R406W did not differ from wild-type in any kinetic parameter. The results show that missense mutations can directly promote tau filament formation at different stages of the aggregation pathway.  相似文献   

Decreased production of vasodilator substances such as nitric oxide (NO) has been proposed as important in development of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). We hypothesize that NO measured over time serves as a non invasive marker of severity of PAH and response to therapy. We prospectively and serially measured exhaled NO and carbon monoxide (CO), a vasodilator and anti-inflammatory product of heme oxygenases, in 17 PAH patients in conjunction with hemodynamic parameters over 2 years. Although pulmonary artery pressures and NO were similar in all patients at entry to the study, NO increased in the 12 individuals who survived to complete the study, and correlated with change in pulmonary artery pressures. In contrast, CO did not change or correlate with hemodynamic parameters. Investigation of NO-oxidant reaction products in PAH in comparison to controls suggests that NO synthesis is impaired in the lung and that reactive oxygen species may be involved in the pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension. Endogenous NO is inversely related to pulmonary artery pressure in PAH, with successful therapy of PAH associated with increase in NO.  相似文献   

目的:观察肺纤维化初期肺动脉高压大鼠肺动脉血管反应性的变化。方法:66只雄性SD大鼠,随机分为博莱霉素(BLM)组和手术对照(Sham)组。BLM组为气管内一次性滴注BLM(5 mg/kg);Sham组为气管内滴注等容量的生理盐水(NS)。应用离体血管张力检测技术测定大鼠肺动脉血管反应性变化;用HE显示肺动脉壁病理形态学变化;Masson染色检测肺纤维化程度;右心漂浮导管技术测定大鼠平均肺动脉压。结果:①BLM组大鼠的肺动脉血管(保留内皮和去内皮)对苯肾上腺素(PE)的收缩反应均弱于Sham组(P均〈0.05)。②BLM组大鼠肺动脉血管(保留内皮)对氯化乙酰胆碱(Ach)的舒张反应明显弱于Sham组(P〈0.01)。③Sham组有内皮的肺动脉血管对L-NAME和PE联合作用的收缩反应明显强于PE单独作用(P〈0.01),而BLM组有内皮肺动脉血管对L-NAME和PE联合作用的收缩反应与对PE单独作用比,其差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。④BLM组肺动脉内皮细胞脱落。⑤BLM组大鼠肺组织呈现纤维增生初期的病理特征,且大鼠的平均肺动脉压明显高于Sham组(P〈0.05)。结论:肺纤维化形成初期肺动脉高压大鼠肺动脉血管反应性出现异常。  相似文献   

Given the difficulty of diagnosing early-stage pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) due to the lack of signs and symptoms, and the risk of an open lung biopsy, the precise pathological features of presymptomatic stage lung tissue remain unknown. It has been suggested that the maximum elevation of the mean pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) is achieved during the early symptomatic stage, indicating that the elevation of the mean Ppa is primarily driven by the pulmonary vascular tone and/or some degree of pulmonary vascular remodeling completed during this stage. Recently, the examination of a rat model of severe PAH suggested that the severe PAH may be primarily determined by the presence of intimal lesions and/or the vascular tone in the early stage. Human data seem to indicate that intimal lesions are essential for the severely increased pulmonary arterial blood pressure in the late stage of the disease.However, many questions remain. For instance, how does the pulmonary hemodynamics change during the course of the disease, and what drives the development of severe PAH? Although it is generally acknowledged that both pulmonary vascular remodeling and the vascular tone are important determinants of an elevated pulmonary arterial pressure, which is the root cause of the time-dependent progression of the disease? Here we review the recent histopathological concepts of PAH with respect to the progression of the lung vascular disease.  相似文献   

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare disease characterized by distinctive changes in pulmonary arterioles that lead to progressive elevation of pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, right ventricular failure, and a high mortality rate. The etiology of PAH is heterogeneous and incompletely understood. Based on clinical classification, WHO Group 1 PAH includes sporadic disease (idiopathic PAH), inherited PAH (heritable PAH), and association with certain medical conditions (associated PAH). Genes play an important role in idiopathic and heritable PAH. Mutations in bone morphogenetic protein receptor 2 (BMPR2), a member of the transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) superfamily of receptors, have been identified in 70 % of cases of familial PAH, as well as in 10–40 % of cases of idiopathic PAH. Mutations in ALK-1, ENG, SMAD4 and SMAD8, other TGFβ family members, are additional rare causes of PAH. CAV1 regulates SMAD2/3 phosphorylation, and mutations in CAV1 are a rare cause of PAH. KCNK3 is a member of the two-pore domain potassium channels expressed in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells, and mutations in KCNK3 are a rare cause of both familial and IPAH. The genetics of PAH are complex due to incomplete penetrance and genetic heterogeneity. In addition to rare mutations as a monogenic cause of HPAH, common variants in cerebellin 2 (CBLN2) increase the risk of PAH by approximately twofold. PAH in children is much more heterogeneous than in adults and can be associated with several genetic syndromes, specifically syndromes with congenital heart disease, vascular disease, and hepatic disease. Clinical genetic testing is available for PAH and should be considered in families to allow for more definitive risk stratification and allow for reproductive planning.  相似文献   



Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a lethal disease that is associated with characteristic histological abnormalities of the lung vasculature and defects of angiopoetin-1 (ANG-1), TIE-2 and bone morphogenetic protein receptor (BMPR)-related signalling. We hypothesized that if these signalling defects cause PH generically, they will be readily identifiable perinatally in congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), where the typical pulmonary vascular changes are present before birth and are accompanied by PH after birth.


CDH (predominantly left-sided, LCDH) was created in Sprague-Dawley rat pups by e9.5 maternal nitrofen administration. Left lungs from normal and LCDH pups were compared at fetal and postnatal time points for ANG-1, TIE-2, phosphorylated-TIE-2, phosphorylated-SMAD1/5/8 and phosphorylated-ERK1/2 by immunoprecipitation and Western blotting of lung protein extracts and by immunohistochemistry on lung sections.


In normal lung, pulmonary ANG-1 protein levels fall between fetal and postnatal life, while TIE-2 levels increase. Over the corresponding time period, LCDH lung retained normal expression of ANG-1, TIE-2, phosphorylated-TIE-2 and, downstream of BMPR, phosphorylated-SMAD1/5/8 and phosphorylated-p44/42.


In PH and CDH defects of ANG-1/TIE-2/BMPR-related signalling are not essential for the lethal vasculopathy.  相似文献   

Most researchers believe that the peroxisome proliferative activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma-2) and bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II (BMPR2) play important roles in steroid-induced osteonecrosis (ON). However, the molecular mechanism of this process is still unclear. Recent studies indicate that steroid treatments cause adipocyte formation due to differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, which then prevents osteoblast formation. This study examined PPARgamma-2, bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2), and BMPR2 in patients with systemic lupus erythromatosus (SLE) who eventually developed ON after prolonged steroid treatment. The subjects of this experiment included 220 SLE patients who had undergone steroid treatment for at least 2 years. Fifty-five of the 220 patients were ON patients, and 165 were non-ON patients. Real-time PCR was performed to analyze the expression of the PPARgamma-2, BMP2, and BMPR2 mRNA in the peripheral blood of these patients. The results indicated that the expression of PPARgamma-2 mRNA increased 37% in the ON patients' peripheral blood, but the expression of BMPR2 mRNA decreased 57%. The average expression of the PPARgamma-2 mRNA in the ON patients was significantly higher than that in the non-ON patients (p = 0.044). Conversely, the expression of BMPR2 mRNA was significantly lower than that in non-ON patients (p = 0.036), but the expression of BMP2 mRNA did not significantly differ. This study demonstrated that the PPARgamma-2 and BMPR2 have important roles in the ON process after prolonged steroid administration in SLE patients; however, the detailed molecular mechanisms of this process require further study.  相似文献   

经典瞬时感受器电位通道6(transient receptor potential channel6,TRPC6)蛋白是受体操纵性Ca2+通道(ROCC)的分子基础。本文旨在研究TRPC6/ROCC在野百合碱(monocrotaline,MCT)诱发的肺动脉高压大鼠模型中的作用。Sprague-Dawley大鼠随机分为正常对照组(CON组)和MCT组,CON组正常饲养三周,而MCT组按60mg/kg剂量一次性腹腔注射2%MCT,建立MCT诱导的慢性肺动脉高压大鼠模型。通过测定右心室收缩压(RVSP)和右心室重量指数(RVMI)、HE染色观察肺动脉血管形态,分析肺动脉结构重建。半定量RT-PCR和Western blot检测大鼠肺动脉TRPC6 mRNA和蛋白表达水平。血管张力实验中用可特异性激活ROCC、可透膜的DAG拟似物1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol(OAG)检测大鼠离体肺动脉环的收缩效应。用荧光探针Fluo3-AM测定OAG诱导大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞(PASMCs)胞浆游离Ca2+浓度([Ca2+]i)。结果显示,与CON组相比,MCT组的RVSP、RVMI均明显增高(P0.01);形态学观察可见肺小动脉平滑肌层明显增厚,管腔减小;TRPC6的mRNA和蛋白质表达无明显变化。在CON组,OAG几乎不引起肺动脉环收缩,而在MCT组,肺动脉环的收缩反应显著增强,差别有显著性意义(P0.01)。相比较于CON组,MCT也可使OAG触发的PASMCs[Ca2+]i增量值显著升高(P0.05)。上述结果提示,MCT预处理对肺动脉TRPC6mRNA和蛋白质水平的表达无显著增强效应,但可促进TRPC6/ROCC介导的PASMCsCa2+内流和肺动脉张力升高,诱导大鼠产生肺动脉高压,并进一步诱发肺血管及右心室重构。  相似文献   



The objective of this prospective study was to assess the prevalence of anxiety and depression disorders and their association with quality of life (QoL), clinical parameters and survival in patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH).


We prospectively assessed 158 patients invasively diagnosed with pulmonary arterial hypertension (n = 138) and inoperable chronic thromboembolic PH (n = 20) by clinical measures including quality of life (QoL, SF-36 questionnaire), cardiopulmonary exercise testing and six minute walking distance and by questionnaires for depression (PHQ-9) and anxiety (GAD-7). According to the results of the clinical examination and the questionnaires for mental disorders (MD) patients were classified into two groups, 1) with moderate to severe MD (n = 36, 22,8%), and 2) with mild or no MD (n = 122). Patients were followed for a median of 2.7 years. Investigators of QoL, SF-36 were blinded to the clinical data.


At baseline the 2 groups did not differ in their severity of PH or exercise capacity. Patients with moderate to severe MD (group 1) had a significantly lower QoL shown in all subscales of SF-36 (p < 0.002). QoL impairment significantly correlated with the severity of depression (p < 0.001) and anxiety (p < 0.05). During follow-up period 32 patients died and 3 were lost to follow-up. There was no significant difference between groups regarding survival. Only 8% of the patients with MD received psychopharmacological treatment.


Anxiety and depression were frequently diagnosed in our patients and significantly correlated with quality of life, but not with long term survival. Further prospective studies are needed to confirm the results.  相似文献   

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