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In order to isolate RNA aptamers against the mouse prion protein (mPrP), we carried out in vitro selection from RNA pools containing a 30-nucleotide randomized region. Aptamer 60-3 was found to have a high affinity for mPrP (K(d) = 5.6 +/- 1.5 nM), and 2'-fluoro-pyrimidine modifications for RNase resistance did not abolish its binding activity (K(d) = 22 +/- 4 nM). Following 5' biotinylation, aptamer 60-3 specifically detected PrP in mouse brain homogenate in a Northwestern blotting assay. To determine the mPrP-aptamer binding region, we performed protein-deletion-mutant analysis and competition-binding analysis using heparin. The results showed that aptamer 60-3 appears to have binding sites located between amino acids 23-108.  相似文献   

In the past decade, the interaction between prions and nucleic acids has garnered significant attention from the scientific community. For many years, the participation of RNA and/or DNA in prion pathology has been largely ruled out by the "protein-only" hypothesis, but this is now being reconsidered. Experimental data now indicate that nucleic acids (particularly RNA), besides being carriers of genetic information, function as important key components during development, physiological responsiveness, and cellular signaling. This revelation has brought a new perspective to prion pathology. Here we discuss the role of RNA molecules in prion protein aggregation and the resulting cellular toxicity. We combine our most recent findings with existing literature to shed new light on this exciting field of research.  相似文献   

Non-structural protein 3 (NS3) derived from Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is essential for viral proliferation and has two functional domains; trypsin-like serine protease and helicase. Recently we obtained three types of RNA aptamers (G9-I, -II and -III) bound to NS3 protease domain (delta NS3) by in vitro selection and confirmed their strong inhibition for protease activity. These aptamers have a common sequence, 5'-GA(A/U)UGGGAC-3', forming a loop structure by Mulfold secondary structure modeling. G9-I shows a three-way junction and G9-II and -III have four-way junction structures. To characterize the active structure of these aptamers, we applied modification interference analysis using nucleotide analogs and identified common important nucleotides in these three aptamers.  相似文献   

Aptamers, an emerging class of therapeutics, are DNA or RNA molecules that are selected to bind molecular targets that range from small organic compounds to large proteins. All of the determined structures of aptamers in complex with small molecule targets show that aptamers cage such ligands. In structures of aptamers in complex with proteins that naturally bind nucleic acid, the aptamers occupy the nucleic acid binding site and often mimic the natural interactions. Here we present a crystal structure of an RNA aptamer bound to human thrombin, a protein that does not naturally bind nucleic acid, at 1.9 A resolution. The aptamer, which adheres to thrombin at the binding site for heparin, presents an extended molecular surface that is complementary to the protein. Protein recognition involves the stacking of single-stranded adenine bases at the core of the tertiary fold with arginine side chains. These results exemplify how RNA aptamers can fold into intricate conformations that allow them to interact closely with extended surfaces on non-RNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

It is a central issue to elucidate the new type of molecular recognition accompanied by a global structural change of a molecule upon binding to its targets. Here we investigate the driving force for the binding of R12 (a ribonucleic acid aptamer) and P16 (a partial peptide of a prion protein) during which P16 exhibits the global structural change. We calculate changes in thermodynamic quantities upon the R12–P16 binding using a statistical-mechanical approach combined with molecular models for water which is currently best suited to studies on hydration of biomolecules. The binding is driven by a water-entropy gain originating primarily from an increase in the total volume available to the translational displacement of water molecules in the system. The energy decrease due to the gain of R12–P16 attractive (van der Waals and electrostatic) interactions is almost canceled out by the energy increase related to the loss of R12–water and P16–water attractive interactions. We can explain the general experimental result that stacking of flat moieties, hydrogen bonding and molecular-shape and electrostatic complementarities are frequently observed in the complexes. It is argued that the water-entropy gain is largely influenced by the geometric characteristics (overall shapes, sizes and detailed polyatomic structures) of the biomolecules.  相似文献   

Higher-affinity RNA aptamers to GTP are more informationally complex than lower-affinity aptamers. Analog binding studies have shown that the additional information needed to improve affinity does not specify more interactions with the ligand. In light of those observations, we would like to understand the structural characteristics that enable complex aptamers to bind their ligands with higher affinity. Here we present the solution structure of the 41-nt Class I GTP aptamer (K(d) = 75 nM) as determined by NMR. The backbone of the aptamer forms a reverse-S that shapes the binding pocket. The ligand nucleobase stacks between purine platforms and makes hydrogen bonds with the edge of another base. Interestingly, the local modes of interaction for the Class I aptamer and an RNA aptamer that binds ATP with a K(d) of 6 microM are very much alike. The aptamers exhibit nearly identical levels of binding specificity and fraction of ligand sequestered from the solvent (81%-85%). However, the GTP aptamer is more informationally complex (approximately 45 vs. 35 bits) and has a larger recognition bulge (15 vs. 12 nucleotides) with many more stabilizing base-base interactions. Because the aptamers have similar modes of ligand binding, we conclude that the stabilizing structural elements in the Class I aptamer are responsible for much of the difference in K(d). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that increasing the number of intra-RNA interactions, rather than adding specific contacts to the ligand, is the simplest way to improve binding affinity.  相似文献   

Several protein-targeted RNA aptamers have been identified for a variety of applications and although the affinities of numerous protein-aptamer complexes have been determined, the structural details of these complexes have not been widely explored. We examined the structural accommodation of an RNA aptamer that binds bacterial r-protein S8. The core of the primary binding site for S8 on helix 21 of 16S rRNA contains a pair of conserved base triples that mold the sugar-phosphate backbone to S8. The aptamer, which does not contain the conserved sequence motif, is specific for the rRNA binding site of S8. The protein-free RNA aptamer adopts a helical structure with multiple non-canonical base pairs. Surprisingly, binding of S8 leads to a dramatic change in the RNA conformation that restores the signature S8 recognition fold through a novel combination of nucleobase interactions. Nucleotides within the non-canonical core rearrange to create a G-(G-C) triple and a U-(A-U)-U quartet. Although native-like S8-RNA interactions are present in the aptamer-S8 complex, the topology of the aptamer RNA differs from that of the helix 21-S8 complex. This is the first example of an RNA aptamer that adopts substantially different secondary structures in the free and protein-bound states and highlights the remarkable plasticity of RNA secondary structure.  相似文献   

The structure and membrane interaction of the N-terminal sequence (1-30) of the bovine prion protein (bPrPp) has been investigated by NMR spectroscopy in phospholipid membrane mimetic systems. CD spectroscopy revealed that the peptide adopts a largely alpha-helical structure in zwitterionic bicelles as well as in DHPC micelles but has a less degree of alpha-helix structure in partly charged bicelles. The solution structure of bPrPp was determined in DHPC micelles, and an alpha-helix was found between residues Ser8 and Ile21. The residues within the helical region show slow amide hydrogen exchange. Translational diffusion measurements in zwitterionic q = 0.5 bicelles show that the peptide does not induce aggregation of the bicelles. Increased quadrupolar splittings were observed in the outer part of the (2)H spectrum of DMPC in q = 3.5 bicelles, indicating that the peptide induces a certain degree of order in the bilayer. The amide hydrogen exchange and the (2)H NMR results are consistent with a slight positive hydrophobic mismatch and that bPrPp forms a stable helix that inserts in a transmembrane location in the bilayer. The structure of bPrPp and its position in the membrane may be relevant for the understanding of how the N-terminal (1-30) part of the bovine PrP functions as a cell-penetrating peptide. These findings may lead to a better understanding of how the prion protein accumulates at the membrane surface and also how the conversion into the scrapie form is carried out.  相似文献   

NMR structures of recombinant prion proteins from various species expressed in Escherichia coli have been solved during the past years, but the fundamental question of the relevancy of these data relative to the naturally occurring forms of the prion protein has not been directly addressed. Here, we present a comparison of the cellular form of the bovine prion protein isolated and purified from healthy calf brains without use of detergents, so that it contains the two carbohydrate moieties and the part of the GPI anchor that is maintained after enzymatic cleavage of the glycerolipid moiety, with the recombinant bovine prion protein expressed in E. coli. We show by circular dichroism and (1)H-NMR spectroscopy that the three-dimensional structure and the thermal stability of the natural glycoprotein and the recombinant polypeptide are essentially identical. This result indicates possible functional roles of the glycosylation of prion proteins in healthy organisms, and provides a platform and validation for future work on the structural biology of prion proteins, which will have to rely primarily on the use of recombinant polypeptides.  相似文献   

In vitro selection has been used to isolate several RNA aptamers that bind specifically to biological cofactors. A well-characterized example in the ATP-binding RNA aptamer family, which contains a conserved 11-base loop opposite a bulged G and flanked by regions of double-stranded RNA. The nucleotides in the consensus sequence provide a binding pocket for ATP (or AMP), which binds with a Kd in the micromolar range. Here we present the three-dimensional solution structure of a 36-nucleotide ATP-binding RNA aptamer complexed with AMP, determined from NMR-derived distance and dihedral angle restraints. The conserved loop and bulged G form a novel compact, folded structure around the AMP. The backbone tracing of the loop nucleotides can be described by a Greek zeta (zeta). Consecutive loop nucleotides G, A, A form a U-turn at the bottom of the zeta, and interact with the AMP to form a structure similar to a GNRA tetraloop, with AMP standing in for the final A. Two asymmetric G. G base pairs close the stems flanking the internal loop. Mutated aptamers support the existence of the tertiary interactions within the consensus nucleotides and with the AMP found in the calculated structures.  相似文献   

The structure of an RNA oligomer, r (GGAGGUUUUGGAGG) (R14-2) whose G-G steps are separated by adenine and uracil residues has been investigated by NMR. In the presence of 20 mM K+, a novel dimeric multiplex architecture is adopted by two strands of R14-2. In each strand a UUUU loop and two A residues connect four parallel G-G steps that pair-align into two tetrads. One of the tetrads is further pair-aligned by two A residues through the sheared mismatch and a novel hexad is subsequently formed. Two hexads coming from two different strands stack to make a dimeric multiplex. All of the guanosine and adenosine residues take an anti conformation.  相似文献   

Recently published data show that the prion protein in its cellular form (PrP(C)) is a component of multimolecular complexes. In this report, zero-length cross-linking with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC) allowed us to identify tubulin as one of the molecules interacting with PrP(C) in complexes observed in porcine brain extracts. We found that porcine brain tubulin added to these extracts can be cross-linked with PrP(C). Moreover, we observed that the 34 kDa species identified previously as full-length diglycosylated prion protein co-purifies with tubulin. Cross-linking of PrP(C) species separated by Cu(2+)-loaded immobilized metal affinity chromatography confirmed that only the full-length protein but not the N-terminally truncated form (C1) binds to tubulin. By means of EDC cross-linking and cosedimentation experiments, we also demonstrated a direct interaction of recombinant human PrP (rPrP) with tubulin. The stoichiometry of cosedimentation implies that rPrP molecules are able to bind both the alpha- and beta-isoforms of tubulin composing microtubule. Furthermore, prion protein exhibits higher affinity for microtubules than for unpolymerized tubulin.  相似文献   

'Locked nucleic acids' (LNAs) are sugar modified nucleic acids containing the 2'-O-4'C-methylene-β-D-ribofuranoses. The substitution of RNAs with LNAs leads to an enhanced thermostability. Aptamers are nucleic acids, which are selected for specific target binding from a large library pool by the 'SELEX' method. Introduction of modified nucleic acids into aptamers can improve their stability. The stem region of a ricin A chain RNA aptamer was substituted by locked nucleic acids. Different constructs of the LNA-substituted aptamers were examined for their thermostability, binding activity, folding and RNase sensitivity as compared to the natural RNA counterpart. The LNA-modified aptamers were active in target binding, while the loop regions and the adjacent stem nucleotides remained unsubstituted. The thermostability and RNase resistance of LNA substituted aptamers were enhanced as compared to the native RNA aptamer. This study supports the approach to substitute the aptamer stem region by LNAs and to leave the loop region unmodified, which is responsible for ligand binding. Thus, LNAs possess an encouraging potential for the development of new stabilized nucleic acids and will promote future diagnostic and therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Seven peptides matching fragments of the prion protein and containing from 17 to 31 amino acid residues were synthesized to obtain antibodies for diagnostics of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Rabbits were immunized with either free peptides or peptide-protein conjugates to result in sera with a high level of antipeptide antibodies. Immunohistochemical assay revealed sera against four free peptides and a protein-peptide conjugate, which effectively bind to the pathogenic isoform of the prion protein in brain tissue preparations from cattle afflicted with bovine spongiform encephalopathy and do not interact with normal brain preparations. The resulting antipeptide sera can be used in developing a diagnostic kit for bovine spongiform encephalopathy.  相似文献   

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