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Among the bacteria groups, most of them are known to be beneficial to human being whereas only a minority is being recognized as harmful. The pathogenicity of bacteria is due, in part, to their rapid adaptation in the presence of selective pressures exerted by the human host. In addition, through their genomes, bacteria are subject to mutations, various rearrangements or horizontal gene transfer among and/or within bacterial species. Bacteria’s essential metabolic functions are generally encoding by the core genes. Apart of the core genes, there are several number of mobile genetic elements (MGE) acquired by horizontal gene transfer that might be beneficial under certain environmental conditions. These MGE namely bacteriophages, transposons, plasmids, and pathogenicity islands represent about 15 % Staphylococcus aureus genomes. The acquisition of most of the MGE is made by horizontal genomic islands (GEI), recognized as discrete DNA segments between closely related strains, transfer. The GEI contributes to the wide spread of microorganisms with an important effect on their genome plasticity and evolution. The GEI are also involve in the antibiotics resistance and virulence genes dissemination. In this review, we summarize the mobile genetic elements of S. aureus.  相似文献   

The staphylococcal accessory regulator locus (sarA) encodes a DNA-binding protein (SarA) that modulates expression of over 100 genes. Whether this occurs via a direct interaction between SarA and cis elements associated with its target genes is unclear, partly because the definitive characteristics of a SarA binding site have not been identified. In this work, electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) were used to identify a SarA binding site(s) upstream of the SarA-regulated gene cna. The results suggest the existence of multiple high-affinity binding sites within the cna promoter region. Using a SELEX (systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) procedure and purified, recombinant SarA, we also selected DNA targets that contain a high-affinity SarA binding site from a random pool of DNA fragments. These fragments were subsequently cloned and sequenced. Randomly chosen clones were also examined by EMSA. These DNA fragments bound SarA with affinities comparable to those of recognized SarA-regulated genes, including cna, fnbA, and sspA. The composition of SarA-selected DNAs was AT rich, which is consistent with the nucleotide composition of the Staphylococcus aureus genome. Alignment of selected DNAs revealed a 7-bp consensus (ATTTTAT) that was present with no more than one mismatch in 46 of 56 sequenced clones. By using the same criteria, consensus binding sites were also identified upstream of the S. aureus genes spa, fnbA, sspA, agr, hla, and cna. With the exception of cna, which has not been previously examined, this 7-bp motif was within the putative SarA binding site previously associated with each gene.  相似文献   

Phage group II Staphylococcus aureus has been identified as the etiological agent of the staphylococcal scaleded skin syndrome. The development of an animal model system permitted fulfillment of Koch's postulates and recognition of exfoliative toxin (ET) as being responsible for some of the clinical manifestations of this syndrome. Initial studies directed toward associating a lysogenic phage with the genetic control of ET synthesis failed to support this hypothesis. Growth of two Tox+ strains at 44 C was more effective than growth in ethidium bromide or sodium dodecyl sulfate in eliminating the ability to produce ET. The early and rapid accumulation of ET-negative (Tox) variants during growth of strain UT 0007 at 44 C, the lack of any selective advantage of the Tox variants over Tox+ cells during growth at 44 C, and an enhanced elimination frequency at 44 C of 97.9% over the spontaneous frequency of loss strongly suggest that the gene for ET synthesis is extrachromosomal. Additional evidence suggests that this gene is located on a plasmid which is not associated with genes for penicillinase synthesis and cadmium resistance. Two Tox+ strains harbored lysogenic phage capable of transducing cadmium resistance, but not penicillin resistance, to specific Tox recipients.  相似文献   

Novick RP 《Plasmid》2003,49(2):93-105
It is a remarkable observation that virtually all bacterial toxins associated with specific clinical conditions (toxinoses) are encoded by mobile (and therefore variable) genetic elements. Remarkably, these rarely, if ever, carry determinants of antibiotic resistance. Examples are the toxins responsible for diphtheria, anthrax, tetanus, botulism, cholera, toxic shock, scarlet fever, exfoliative dermatitis, food poisoning, travelers' diarrhea, shigella dysentery, necrotizing pneumonia, and others. A recently discovered example of this phenomenon is the family of related staphylococcal pathogenicity islands encoding superantigens (SAgs). These are 15-20kb elements that occupy constant positions in the chromosomes of toxigenic strains, and are characterized by certain phage-related features, namely genes encoding integrases, helicases, and terminases, and the presence of flanking direct repeats. The prototype, SaPI1 of Staphylococcus aureus, encodes TSST-1 plus two newly described SAgs, SEK and SEL. Other members of the family encode enterotoxins B (SaPI3) and C (SaPI4), plus at least two other SAgs each. SaPI1 and SaPI2, also encoding TSST-1, are excised and induced to replicate by certain staphylococcal phages, and are then encapsidated at high efficiency into phage-like infectious particles with heads about 1/3 the size of the helper phage heads, commensurate with the sizes of the respective genomes. This results in transfer frequencies of the order of 10(8)/ml, and is presumably responsible for the spread of these elements as well as for their acquisition in the first place. In the absence of a helper phage, these two islands are highly stable; neither excision, loss, or transfer occurs at detectable frequency. Several general implications of this phenomenon will be discussed. One is that the determinants of these toxins have been imported from other species and therefore are not components of the basic genome of the extant producing organisms. This raises the question of the biological (adaptive?) roles of these toxins. Another is that the toxin-carrying units can spread among different (though probably related) species. An interesting question is that of the biological basis for the separation of toxin and resistance determinants.  相似文献   

A 4 kb fragment of chromosomal DNA was cloned from a clinical strain of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It comprises part of a section of the chromosome that was lost when the strain was cured of resistance to methicillin and to other antimicrobial agents. The fragment mediates an increased level of methicillin resistance when inserted into a shuttle vector and transformed back into the sensitive strain generated when the original DNA was deleted.  相似文献   

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