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小麦黄化突变体叶绿体超微结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用透射电镜对小麦自然黄化突变体及其突变亲本(西农1718)叶片细胞叶绿体的数目、形态及超微结构进行比较分析。结果发现:(1)3种不同黄化程度突变体的叶绿体分布、数目、形状及大小与突变亲本无明显差异;(2)突变体叶绿素含量为野生型58%的黄绿植株与其突变亲本叶绿体超微结构无明显差异,基质类囊体与基粒类囊体高度分化,基粒数目以及基粒片层数目较多;(3)突变体金黄和绿黄植株的叶绿素含量分别为野生型的17%、24%,其叶绿体超微结构与突变亲本明显不同,突变体的叶绿体发育存在明显缺陷,其中突变体金黄植株的叶绿体内无基粒、基质片层清晰可见,有淀粉粒,嗜锇颗粒较多,而突变体绿黄植株的叶绿体内有基粒,但明显少于突变亲本,且基粒片层较少,基质类囊体较发达。结果表明该黄化突变体叶绿体超微结构的改变,是由于叶绿素含量降低造成,推测,该黄化突变是由于叶绿素合成受阻导致的。  相似文献   

小麦黄化突变体光合作用及叶绿素荧光特性研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
曹莉  王辉  孙道杰  冯毅 《西北植物学报》2006,26(10):2083-2087
对小麦自然黄化突变体及其突变亲本(西农1718)的叶绿素含量、光合速率及叶绿素荧光动力学参数进行比较分析.结果显示:(1)突变体金黄株、绿黄株、黄绿株的叶绿素含量均显著低于突变亲本,总叶绿素含量分别为突变亲本的17%、24%和58%,表明该突变体为叶绿素缺乏突变体;3个突变体叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值(Chl a/Chl b)均小于突变亲本,而且突变体叶绿素含量越低,Chl a/Chl b比值越小,说明该突变体Chl a下降幅度大于Chl b.(2)金黄株净光合速率在孕穗期、开花期仅为突变亲本的5.7%、2.4%;绿黄株净光合速率显著低于突变亲本,为突变亲本的57.7%、43.3%;而叶绿素含量仅为突变亲本一半的黄绿株,其净光合速率接近突变亲本,表明该黄化突变体叶绿素含量在一定范围内单位叶绿素含量的光合效率较高.(3)突变体Fo均显著低于突变亲本;金黄株、绿黄株的Fm,Fv,qP,qN显著低于突变亲本;金黄株Fv/Fm比值(0.671)显著低于突变亲本.研究表明,叶绿素含量在一定范围内减少,未引起突变体叶绿素荧光动力学参数(Fo除外)显著改变,而当叶绿素含量较大程度减少时,这些荧光参数会急剧降低.  相似文献   

在田间选育系谱过程中发现了一份黄绿叶突变体ygl-m,该突变体叶片在苗期自发地表现黄绿色,待植株长到6周大左右植株叶片开始恢复绿色,最后整个植株叶片都恢复正常的绿色。苗期ygl-m与野生型植株B73相比,叶片总叶绿素、叶绿素a、叶绿素b含量均显著下降,叶绿素a/b比值显著升高;苗期叶片叶绿体中基粒类囊体片层较少,排列不规则,结构松散。遗传分析表明,突变体ygl-m的黄绿叶表型由隐性单基因控制。本研究将为开展ygl-m基因的分子标记定位和进一步探讨其利用潜力奠定基础。  相似文献   

新的水稻矮秆基因的发掘,对深入研究植物株高的调控途径及株型育种有非常重要的作用。我们报道了从日本特早熟粳稻品种Kitaake的组织培养后代获得的一个矮秆突变体dm,该突变体植株细小,紧凑,机械强度降低,结实率下降,籽粒变窄,千粒重降低等。利用分离群体中的矮秆株,最终将目标基因定位在第4染色体长臂末端InDel标记EL-72和L-1之间,物理距离为168 Kb的区间内,该区间内无已报道的水稻矮秆基因,该基因可能是一个尚未被克隆的新的株高决定基因。  相似文献   

芥菜型油菜黄化突变体叶片叶绿素合成代谢变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以芥菜型油菜黄化突变体(L638-y)及其野生型(L638-g)为材料,测定了叶片叶绿素(Chl)、类胡萝卜素(Caro)、Chl合成代谢中间产物含量变化,及叶绿素分解代谢的关键酶叶绿素酶(Chlase)和叶绿素合成代谢相关的氨基乙酰脱氢酶(ALAD)、胆色素原脱氨酶(PBGD)、粪卟啉原Ⅲ氧化酶(CPOX)和原卟啉原Ⅸ氧化酶(PPOX)的活性变化,以揭示芥菜型油菜黄化突变体L638-y叶片缺绿的生化机制.结果显示:(1)从油菜苗期到现蕾期,L638-y叶片总Chl和Caro含量均显著低于L638-g,且Chl b含量降低程度大于Chl a,总Chl含量降低程度大于Caro;(2)L638-y叶片Chlase活性在3~5叶期显著低于L638-g, 其它各生长时期二者Chlase活性均无显著差异;(3)L638-y叶片叶绿素合成代谢中间产物氨基乙酰丙酸(ALA)、胆色素原(BPG)、尿卟啉原Ⅲ(Urogen Ⅲ)和粪卟啉原Ⅲ(Coprogen Ⅲ)含量均显著大于L638-g,而原卟啉Ⅸ(Proto Ⅸ)、镁原卟啉(Mg-Proto)、原脱植基叶绿素(Pchlide)的含量却显著低于L638-g;与L638-g相比,L638-y叶片ALAD活性无显著差异,BPGD活性显著增加,而COPX和PPOX活性却显著降低.研究表明,L638-y叶片叶绿素缺乏的主要原因是叶绿素合成代谢受阻,而并非其叶绿素降解所致,受阻位点在由Coprogen Ⅲ-Proto Ⅸ的反应.这是一种不同于前人报道的新型缺绿突变体.  相似文献   

以航空诱变高粱突变体har1为材料,对其幼苗去黄化过程进行研究。萌发的种子在远红光下预培养6小时后,置于12小时蓝光/2小时黑暗条件下培养。测量幼苗的各器官伸长,结果表明,与野生型R111相比,harl的胚芽鞘、中胚轴、第一叶鞘以及第二叶鞘的伸长均受到蓝光的明显抑制,而蓝光对叶片生长影响不明显。3天龄har1黄化苗在连续蓝光下中胚轴花色素苷的积累明显增高,红光和远红光无此效应。此外,蓝光促进har1叶片叶绿体发育,且在蓝光照射24小时后叶片中叶绿素含量升高。Westernblot检测结果显示,7天龄R111和har1幼苗隐花色素SbCRY1b蛋白水平呈现蓝光下低、黑暗中高的变化趋势,har1的SbCRY1b蛋白水平在黑暗中高于R111。研究结果表明,高粱har1在去黄化过程中具有蓝光超敏感表型,SbCRY1b的作用值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

蓝光调节高粱突变体har1 幼苗的去黄化反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以航空诱变高粱突变体har1为材料, 对其幼苗去黄化过程进行研究。萌发的种子在远红光下预培养6小时后, 置于12小时蓝光/12小时黑暗条件下培养。测量幼苗的各器官伸长, 结果表明, 与野生型R111相比, har1的胚芽鞘、中胚轴、第一叶鞘以及第二叶鞘的伸长均受到蓝光的明显抑制, 而蓝光对叶片生长影响不明显。3天龄har1黄化苗在连续蓝光下中胚轴花色素苷的积累明显增高, 红光和远红光无此效应。此外, 蓝光促进har1叶片叶绿体发育, 且在蓝光照射24小时后叶片中叶绿素含量升高。Western blot检测结果显示, 7天龄R111和har1幼苗隐花色素SbCRY1b蛋白水平呈现蓝光下低、黑暗中高的变化趋势, har1的SbCRY1b蛋白水平在黑暗中高于R111。研究结果表明, 高粱har1在去黄化过程中具有蓝光超敏感表型,SbCRY1b的作用值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

以航空诱变高粱突变体har1为材料,对其幼苗去黄化过程进行研究。萌发的种子在远红光下预培养6小时后,置于12小时蓝光/2小时黑暗条件下培养。测量幼苗的各器官伸长,结果表明,与野生型R111相比,harl的胚芽鞘、中胚轴、第一叶鞘以及第二叶鞘的伸长均受到蓝光的明显抑制,而蓝光对叶片生长影响不明显。3天龄har1黄化苗在连续蓝光下中胚轴花色素苷的积累明显增高,红光和远红光无此效应。此外,蓝光促进har1叶片叶绿体发育,且在蓝光照射24小时后叶片中叶绿素含量升高。Westernblot检测结果显示,7天龄R111和har1幼苗隐花色素SbCRY1b蛋白水平呈现蓝光下低、黑暗中高的变化趋势,har1的SbCRY1b蛋白水平在黑暗中高于R111。研究结果表明,高粱har1在去黄化过程中具有蓝光超敏感表型,SbCRY1b的作用值得进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

矮秆已被广泛用于改良作物的抗倒伏性状,培育理想株型,从而提高作物产量。玉米矮秆突变体K123d由自交系K123自然突变产生。本研究比较该突变体与野生型主要农艺性状差异及其对赤霉素的敏感性;用K123d与株高不同的3个自交系分别构建F1、BC和F2群体,分析矮秆性状的遗传模式;以K169/K123d-F2为定位群体,采用集团分离分析法(BSA),运用SSR标记定位矮秆基因d123;参照br-2序列信息分段设计特异引物,同源克隆d123。结果表明,与野生型相比K123d株高降低35.59%,穗位高降低、节间缩短、叶片较直立,但结实率差,对赤霉素敏感;在F2群体和BC1群体中,正常植株与矮秆植株分离比例分别符合3∶1和1∶1,说明矮秆性状受1对隐性基因控制;其矮秆基因d123定位于第一条染色体上SSR标记umc1278和bnlg1564之间,遗传距离分别为12.8 c M和7.3 c M;同源克隆显示d123与br-2存在12个碱基替换,其中第4个外显子编码的一个谷氨酸被替换为赖氨酸。由此可见,矮秆突变体K123d为br-2的一个突变类型,对矮化育种具有进一步研究利用价值。  相似文献   

以辣椒叶色黄化突变体yl1及其野生型6421为试材,用白光、蓝光、红光、绿光、紫光、黄光和远红光不同光质进行处理,考察其表型、生理及光合特性的变化特征,探究光质对黄叶辣椒植株生长发育的影响。结果显示:(1)蓝光与红光对辣椒幼苗的生长有促进作用,黄光和远红光则会显著抑制幼苗生长,6421生长受不同光质的抑制影响比yl1更大。(2)两个辣椒材料光合色素含量在不同光质下均不同程度降低;6421叶绿素总含量和类胡萝卜素含量在不同光质下均高于yl1,yl1和6421叶片的光合色素含量分别在紫光和黄光下最低。(3)蓝光和绿光能显著提高yl1的净光合速率(Pn),而不同光质处理均显著降低了6421的Pn。(4)紫光处理使yl1的PSⅡ潜在活性(Fv/Fo)和最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)值均显著降低且显著低于6421,但升高了光化学猝灭系数(qP)和非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)。(5)蓝光、红光和绿光均能提高辣椒的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(...  相似文献   

A new tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) aurea mutant was isolated from the progeny of a selfed variegated tobacco plant. The new mutant is termed Su/su var. Aurea. If the mutant is selfed, the seeds obtained give rise to four types of plants: green seedlings which correspond to the wild type; yellow-green seedlings which correspond to the earlier described Su/su; yellow seedlings which correspond to the new tobacco aurea mutant Su/su var. Aurea; and white lethal seedlings. The frequency ratio of the four phenotypes is 1:1:1:1. It appears that the mutation is due to two independent nuclear factors, su and aur, both of which have to be present in a heterozygous conditions, Su/su Aur/aur, to give rise to the new aurea phenotype. The aurea mutant Su/su var. Aurea has a reduced photosynthetic unit size which is approximately one-eighth of the wild type. Despite its chlorophyll deficiency, the plant grows well and exhibits maximal photosynthetic rates on a chlorophyll basis which are at least seven times higher than those of the green wild type provided the temperature and the light intensities are high enough. In contrast to the earlier described Su/su, the new mutant does not exhibit more photorespiration than the wild type. It appears that the factor aur causes either repression of photorespiration or an increase in the number of functioning photosynthetic units.  相似文献   

We have obtained one plant regenerated from rye tissue culture which showed a high percentage of polyembryonic seeds in its progeny. The mutation inducing the development of extra embryos is also influencing erroneous cell division, mitosis and meiosis. The genetic analysis indicated that the aptitude for polyembryonic seed formation is a heritable trait controlled by a dominant gene. However, for expression of the phenotype the female parent should have a specific cytoplasm.  相似文献   

A common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) mutation that produces 3 pistils (TP) per floret may result in formation of up to 3 kernels per floret. The TP trait may be important for increasing the number of grains per spike and for improving the yield potential through breeding. This trait is determined by the dominant Pis1 gene. Genetic mapping of Pis1 involved 234 microsatellite markers and bulk segregant analysis of a cross of the TP line with Novosibirskaya 67. The Pis1 gene is located on chromosome 2DL, between markers Xgwm539 and Xgwm349. This result does not agree with a previously published localization of the Pis1 gene on chromosome 5B. The possible importance of TP wheat as an alternative genetic resource is discussed.  相似文献   

Internode extension-growth responses to neighbouring plants and to red to far-red ratios (R:FR) were investigated in wild-type (WT) and aurea (au)-mutant seedlings of tomato grown under natural radiation. The genomic location of the au mutant is not known, but one of its consequences is the reduced phytochrome level. In WT seedlings, internode growth was promoted by the presence of non-shading neighbours reflecting far-red light (FR), the shade of a tall canopy, FR provided as a supplement during the photoperiod, and FR pulses either provided at the end of the day or delayed into the dark period. Supplementary FR during the photoperiod also promoted growth in herbicide-treated partially bleached WT seedlings. The au mutant showed higher background extension-growth rates, but only responded to the most severe treatments: deep shade light and very low R:FR at the end of the day, i.e. au-mutant seedlings were less sensitive than WT seedlings to R:FR signals. Wild-type seedlings were transferred from the glasshouse to a growth room and exposed to white light with two levels of phytochrome-absorbable radiation but similar phytochrome photoequilibria and radiation for photosynthesis. The plants exposed to the lowest level showed a transient increase of internode extension growth rate and a simultaneous reduction of response to FR pulses, i.e. reproduced some of the features of au-mutant seedlings. Phytochrome itself could set the degree of response to Pfr during neighbour detection.  相似文献   

Strain SRB15T+, a streptomycin-resistant, oligosporogenous mutant of Bacillus subtilis, contains two mutations, fun and strR. These mutations were mapped by PBS-1 mediated transduction and by transformation to two different sites in the cysA-linked region of the B. subtilis chromosome. The fun mutation mapped very close to rpsLl, a classic strA mutation, whereas strR mapped to a site distal to rpsE. The effects of these mutations on growth, sporulation, and streptomycin resistance in vivo and in vitro were determined. The fun mutation gave a different phenotype than did the rpsLl mutation and caused altered migration of a ribosomal protein which was identified as S12, the protein encoded by rpsL. It therefore appears that fun is an allele of the rpsL gene.  相似文献   

小麦耐盐突变体的RAPD分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以冀麦24和其耐盐的一代8901-17为材料,用RAPD技术对其进行比较分析研究。在的用的215个引物中有51个扩增出多态性,既有量的差异又有质的差异,初步断定此51个引物扩增出的多态性与突变有关,为进一步用BSA方法细筛出与耐盐突变体紧密连锁的RAPD分子标记下打下基础,同时,还分析了影响RAPD扩增结果的因素。  相似文献   

The role of light reactions in anthocyanin synthesis was studied in both attached and detached corollas of Petunia hybrida (cv. Hit Parade Rosa), the latter grown in vitro in media containing 150 m M sucrose and 50 μ M gibberellic acid (GA). Light was essential for the synthesis of anthocyanin in detached corollas, whereas in intact corollas its effect was only to enhance anthocyanin synthesis. Continuous white light at a fluence rate of at least 20 μmol m−2 s−1 was needed for anthocyanin synthesis in detached corollas. Blue light was more effective than red or green, and far-red was ineffective. Pigmentation of detached corollas exposed to light was inhibited by the photosynthetic inhibitor 3-(4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU). The chloroplast uncoupler NH4Cl did not affect anthocyanin synthesis, which was, however, inhibited by the blocking of ATP synthesis in both the chloroplast and the mitochondria by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). Sucrose uptake in vitro was inhibited by DCMU and by darkness, and was promoted equally by blue and red light. The activity of phenylalanine ammonialyase (EC was inhibited in detached corollas grown in the dark or in the light in the presence of DCMU. The activity of chalcone isomerase (EC was not affected by light. These findings suggest that at least two different light reactions are involved in the regulation of anthocyanin synthesis in petunia corollas, namely the high irradiance reaction (HIR) and photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant ofBacillus subtilis, uvssp-42-1, producing UV-sensitive spores was studied genetically. By treatment of the cells with DNA prepared from auvr strain two types,uvs-42 (Hcr) andssp-1 (Hcr+), of transformants producing UV-resistant spores were obtained. Only strains having both types of mutations together produced UV-sensitive spores.  相似文献   

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