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The association of a candidate gene with disease can be efficiently evaluated by a case-control study in which allele frequencies are compared for diseased cases and unaffected controls. However, when the distribution of genotypes in the population deviates from Hardy-Weinberg proportions, the frequency of genotypes--rather than alleles--should be compared by the Armitage test for trend. We present formulas for power and sample size for studies that use Armitage's trend test. The formulas make no assumptions about Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, but do assume random ascertainment of cases and controls, all of whom are independent of one another. We demonstrate the accuracy of the formulas by simulations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The association of a candidate gene with disease can be evaluated by a case-control study in which the genotype distribution is compared for diseased cases and unaffected controls. Usually, the data are analyzed with Armitage's test using the asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic. Since this test does not generally guarantee a type I error rate less than or equal to the significance level alpha, tests based on exact null distributions have been investigated. METHODS: An algorithm to generate the exact null distribution for both Armitage's test statistic and a recently proposed modification of the Baumgartner-Weiss-Schindler statistic is presented. I have compared the tests in a simulation study. RESULTS: The asymptotic Armitage test is slightly anticonservative whereas the exact tests control the type I error rate. The exact Armitage test is very conservative, but the exact test based on the modification of the Baumgartner-Weiss-Schindler statistic has a type I error rate close to alpha. The exact Armitage test is the least powerful test; the difference in power between the other two tests is often small and the comparison does not show a clear winner. CONCLUSION: Simulation results indicate that an exact test based on the modification of the Baumgartner-Weiss-Schindler statistic is preferable for the analysis of case-control studies of genetic markers.  相似文献   

Zhou H  Wei LJ  Xu X  Xu X 《Human heredity》2008,65(3):166-174
In the search to detect genetic associations between complex traits and DNA variants, a practice is to select a subset of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (tag SNPs) in a gene or chromosomal region of interest. This allows study of untyped polymorphisms in this region through the phenomenon of linkage disequilibrium (LD). However, it is crucial in the analysis to utilize such multiple SNP markers efficiently. In this study, we present a robust testing approach (T(C)) that combines single marker association test statistics or p values. This combination is based on the summation of single test statistics or p values, giving greater weight to those with lower p values. We compared the powers of T(C) in identifying common trait loci, using tag SNPs within the same haplotype block that the trait loci reside, with competing published tests, in case-control settings. These competing tests included the Bonferroni procedure (T(B)), the simple permutation procedure (T(P)), the permutation procedure proposed by Hoh et al. (T(P-H)) and its revised version using 'deflated' statistics (T(P-H_def)), the traditional chi(2) procedure (T(CHI)), the regression procedure (Hotelling T(2) test) (T(R)) and the haplotype-based test (T(H)). Results of these comparisons show that our proposed combining procedure (T(C)) is preferred in all scenarios examined. We also apply this new test to a data set from a previously reported association study on airway responsiveness to methacholine.  相似文献   



Infectious disease of livestock continues to be a cause of substantial economic loss and has adverse welfare consequences in both the developing and developed world. New solutions to control disease are needed and research focused on the genetic loci determining variation in immune-related traits has the potential to deliver solutions. However, identifying selectable markers and the causal genes involved in disease resistance and vaccine response is not straightforward. The aims of this study were to locate regions of the bovine genome that control the immune response post immunisation. 195 F2 and backcross Holstein Charolais cattle were immunised with a 40-mer peptide derived from foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). T cell and antibody (IgG1 and IgG2) responses were measured at several time points post immunisation. All experimental animals (F0, F1 and F2, n = 982) were genotyped with 165 microsatellite markers for the genome scan.


Considerable variability in the immune responses across time was observed and sire, dam and age had significant effects on responses at specific time points. There were significant correlations within traits across time, and between IgG1 and IgG2 traits, also some weak correlations were detected between T cell and IgG2 responses. The whole genome scan detected 77 quantitative trait loci (QTL), on 22 chromosomes, including clusters of QTL on BTA 4, 5, 6, 20, 23 and 25. Two QTL reached 5% genome wide significance (on BTA 6 and 24) and one on BTA 20 reached 1% genome wide significance.


A proportion of the variance in the T cell and antibody response post immunisation with an FDMV peptide has a genetic component. Even though the antigen was relatively simple, the humoral and cell mediated responses were clearly under complex genetic control, with the majority of QTL located outside the MHC locus. The results suggest that there may be specific genes or loci that impact on variation in both the primary and secondary immune responses, whereas other loci may be specifically important for early or later phases of the immune response. Future fine mapping of the QTL clusters identified has the potential to reveal the causal variations underlying the variation in immune response observed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to quantify the effects that errors in genotyping have on power and the sample size necessary to maintain constant asymptotic Type I and Type II error rates (SSN) for case-control genetic association studies between a disease phenotype and a di-allelic marker locus, for example a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) locus. We consider the effects of three published models of genotyping errors on the chi-square test for independence in the 2 x 3 table. After specifying genotype frequencies for the marker locus conditional on disease status and error model in both a genetic model-based and a genetic model-free framework, we compute the asymptotic power to detect association through specification of the test's non-centrality parameter. This parameter determines the functional dependence of SSN on the genotyping error rates. Additionally, we study the dependence of SSN on linkage disequilibrium (LD), marker allele frequencies, and genotyping error rates for a dominant disease model. Increased genotyping error rate requires a larger SSN. Every 1% increase in sum of genotyping error rates requires that both case and control SSN be increased by 2-8%, with the extent of increase dependent upon the error model. For the dominant disease model, SSN is a nonlinear function of LD and genotyping error rate, with greater SSN for lower LD and higher genotyping error rate. The combination of lower LD and higher genotyping error rates requires a larger SSN than the sum of the SSN for the lower LD and for the higher genotyping error rate.  相似文献   

Kim W  Gordon D  Sebat J  Ye KQ  Finch SJ 《PloS one》2008,3(10):e3475
Recent studies suggest that copy number polymorphisms (CNPs) may play an important role in disease susceptibility and onset. Currently, the detection of CNPs mainly depends on microarray technology. For case-control studies, conventionally, subjects are assigned to a specific CNP category based on the continuous quantitative measure produced by microarray experiments, and cases and controls are then compared using a chi-square test of independence. The purpose of this work is to specify the likelihood ratio test statistic (LRTS) for case-control sampling design based on the underlying continuous quantitative measurement, and to assess its power and relative efficiency (as compared to the chi-square test of independence on CNP counts). The sample size and power formulas of both methods are given. For the latter, the CNPs are classified using the Bayesian classification rule. The LRTS is more powerful than this chi-square test for the alternatives considered, especially alternatives in which the at-risk CNP categories have low frequencies. An example of the application of the LRTS is given for a comparison of CNP distributions in individuals of Caucasian or Taiwanese ethnicity, where the LRTS appears to be more powerful than the chi-square test, possibly due to misclassification of the most common CNP category into a less common category.  相似文献   

Tian X  Joo J  Zheng G  Lin JP 《BMC genetics》2005,6(Z1):S107
We studied a trend test for genetic association between disease and the number of risk alleles using case-control data. When the data are sampled from families, this trend test can be adjusted to take into account the correlations among family members in complex pedigrees. However, the test depends on the scores based on the underlying genetic model and thus it may have substantial loss of power when the model is misspecified. Since the mode of inheritance will be unknown for complex diseases, we have developed two robust trend tests for case-control studies using family data. These robust tests have relatively good power for a class of possible genetic models. The trend tests and robust trend tests were applied to a dataset of Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism.  相似文献   

In recent years, the number of studies using a cluster-randomized design has grown dramatically. In addition, the cluster-randomized crossover design has been touted as a methodological advance that can increase efficiency of cluster-randomized studies in certain situations. While the cluster-randomized crossover trial has become a popular tool, standards of design, analysis, reporting and implementation have not been established for this emergent design. We address one particular aspect of cluster-randomized and cluster-randomized crossover trial design: estimating statistical power. We present a general framework for estimating power via simulation in cluster-randomized studies with or without one or more crossover periods. We have implemented this framework in the clusterPower software package for R, freely available online from the Comprehensive R Archive Network. Our simulation framework is easy to implement and users may customize the methods used for data analysis. We give four examples of using the software in practice. The clusterPower package could play an important role in the design of future cluster-randomized and cluster-randomized crossover studies. This work is the first to establish a universal method for calculating power for both cluster-randomized and cluster-randomized clinical trials. More research is needed to develop standardized and recommended methodology for cluster-randomized crossover studies.  相似文献   

Qiu W  Lee ML 《Bioinformation》2006,1(7):251-252
Calculation of the appropriate sample size in planning microarray studies is important because sample collection can be expensive and time-consuming. Sample-size calculation is also a challenging issue for microarray studies because the number of genes is far larger than the number of samples so that traditional methods of sample-size calculation cannot be directly applied. To help investigators answer the question of how many samples are needed in their microarray studies, we developed a user-friendly web-based calculator, SPCalc, for calculating sample size and power for a variety of commonly used experimental designs, including completely randomized treatmentcontrol design, matched-pairs design, multiple-treatment design having an isolated treatment effect, and randomized block design. AVAILABILITY: The web-based calculator SPCalc is publicly available at http://www.biostat.harvard.edu /people/faculty/mltlee/webfront-r.html.  相似文献   

Shieh G 《Biometrics》2000,56(4):1192-1196
A direct extension of the approach described in Self, Mauritsen, and Ohara (1992, Biometrics 48, 31-39) for power and sample size calculations in generalized linear models is presented. The major feature of the proposed approach is that the modification accommodates both a finite and an infinite number of covariate configurations. Furthermore, for the approximation of the noncentrality of the noncentral chi-square distribution for the likelihood ratio statistic, a simplification is provided that not only reduces substantial computation but also maintains the accuracy. Simulation studies are conducted to assess the accuracy for various model configurations and covariate distributions.  相似文献   

The paper considers the problem of determining the number of matched sets in 1 : M matched case-control studies with a categorical exposure having k + 1 categories, k > or = 1. The basic interest lies in constructing a test statistic to test whether the exposure is associated with the disease. Estimates of the k odds ratios for 1 : M matched case-control studies with dichotomous exposure and for 1 : 1 matched case-control studies with exposure at several levels are presented in Breslow and Day (1980), but results holding in full generality were not available so far. We propose a score test for testing the hypothesis of no association between disease and the polychotomous exposure. We exploit the power function of this test statistic to calculate the required number of matched sets to detect specific departures from the null hypothesis of no association. We also consider the situation when there is a natural ordering among the levels of the exposure variable. For ordinal exposure variables, we propose a test for detecting trend in disease risk with increasing levels of the exposure variable. Our methods are illustrated with two datasets, one is a real dataset on colorectal cancer in rats and the other a simulated dataset for studying disease-gene association.  相似文献   

Sample size for individually matched case-control studies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
R A Parker  D J Bregman 《Biometrics》1986,42(4):919-926
The standard formulas used to calculate sample size for an individually matched case-control study assume a constant probability of exposure throughout the pool of possible controls. We propose new formulas that allow for heterogeneity in the probability of exposure among controls in different matched sets. Since matching factors are suspected of being confounders, they are expected to divide the total population into subgroups with different proportions exposed. Thus, the assumption of homogeneity of exposure among controls, made by the currently used formulas, is inconsistent with the assumptions used to design a matched study. The proposed formulas avoid this inconsistency. We present an example to illustrate how heterogeneity can affect the required sample size.  相似文献   

The central theme in case-control genetic association studies is to efficiently identify genetic markers associated with trait status. Powerful statistical methods are critical to accomplishing this goal. A popular method is the omnibus Pearson's chi-square test applied to genotype counts. To achieve increased power, tests based on an assumed trait model have been proposed. However, they are not robust to model misspecification. Much research has been carried out on enhancing robustness of such model-based tests. An analysis framework that tests the equality of allele frequency while allowing for different deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) between cases and controls is proposed. The proposed method does not require specification of trait models nor HWE. It involves only 1 degree of freedom. The likelihood ratio statistic, score statistic, and Wald statistic associated with this framework are introduced. Their performance is evaluated by extensive computer simulation in comparison with existing methods.  相似文献   

The influence of study design on the ability to detect the effects of landscape pattern on gene flow is one of the most pressing methodological gaps in landscape genetic research. To investigate the effect of study design on landscape genetics inference, we used a spatially‐explicit, individual‐based program to simulate gene flow in a spatially continuous population inhabiting a landscape with gradual spatial changes in resistance to movement. We simulated a wide range of combinations of number of loci, number of alleles per locus and number of individuals sampled from the population. We assessed how these three aspects of study design influenced the statistical power to successfully identify the generating process among competing hypotheses of isolation‐by‐distance, isolation‐by‐barrier, and isolation‐by‐landscape resistance using a causal modelling approach with partial Mantel tests. We modelled the statistical power to identify the generating process as a response surface for equilibrium and non‐equilibrium conditions after introduction of isolation‐by‐landscape resistance. All three variables (loci, alleles and sampled individuals) affect the power of causal modelling, but to different degrees. Stronger partial Mantel r correlations between landscape distances and genetic distances were found when more loci were used and when loci were more variable, which makes comparisons of effect size between studies difficult. Number of individuals did not affect the accuracy through mean equilibrium partial Mantel r, but larger samples decreased the uncertainty (increasing the precision) of equilibrium partial Mantel r estimates. We conclude that amplifying more (and more variable) loci is likely to increase the power of landscape genetic inferences more than increasing number of individuals.  相似文献   

Asymptotic distribution for epistatic tests in case-control studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu T  Thalamuthu A  Liu JJ  Chen C  Wang Z  Wu R 《Genomics》2011,98(2):145-151
We propose a statistical model for dissecting a multilocus genotypic value into its main (additive and dominant) effects and epistatic effects between different loci in a case-control association study. The model can discern four different kinds of epistasis, additive × additive, additive × dominant, dominant × additive, and dominant × dominant interactions. To test each kind of epistasis, a χ2 test statistic was computed for a two by two contingency table derived from combined genotypes in both case and control groups. We derived an analytical approach for estimating the asymptotic distribution of the χ2 test statistic for epistatic tests under the null hypothesis, with the result being consistent with that from Monte Carlo simulations. The new model was used to analyze a case-control data set for candidate gene studies of stroke, leading to the identification of several significant interactions between causal SNPs on this disease.  相似文献   

K F Hirji 《Biometrics》1991,47(2):487-496
A recently developed algorithm for generating the distribution of sufficient statistics for conditional logistic models can be put to a twofold use. First, it provides an avenue for performing inference for matched case-control studies that does not rely on the assumption of a large sample size. Second, joint distributions generated by this algorithm can be used to make comparisons of various inferential procedures that are free from Monte Carlo sampling errors. In this paper, these two features of the algorithm are utilized to compare small-sample properties of the exact, mid-P value, and score tests for a conditional logistic model with two unmatched binary covariates. Both uniparametric and multiparametric tests, performed at a nominal significance level of .05, were studied. It was found that the actual significance levels of the mid-P test tend to be closer to the nominal level when compared with those of the other two tests.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A website that plots power and sample size calculations over a range of up to eight parameters (including diagnostic misclassification error parameters) for two commonly used statistical tests of genetic association, the linear trend test and the genotypic test of association. AVAILABILITY: This method is made available via the website http://linkage.rockefeller.edu/pawe3d/ CONTACT: pawe3d@linkage.rockefeller.edu.  相似文献   

False discovery rate, sensitivity and sample size for microarray studies   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
MOTIVATION: In microarray data studies most researchers are keenly aware of the potentially high rate of false positives and the need to control it. One key statistical shift is the move away from the well-known P-value to false discovery rate (FDR). Less discussion perhaps has been spent on the sensitivity or the associated false negative rate (FNR). The purpose of this paper is to explain in simple ways why the shift from P-value to FDR for statistical assessment of microarray data is necessary, to elucidate the determining factors of FDR and, for a two-sample comparative study, to discuss its control via sample size at the design stage. RESULTS: We use a mixture model, involving differentially expressed (DE) and non-DE genes, that captures the most common problem of finding DE genes. Factors determining FDR are (1) the proportion of truly differentially expressed genes, (2) the distribution of the true differences, (3) measurement variability and (4) sample size. Many current small microarray studies are plagued with large FDR, but controlling FDR alone can lead to unacceptably large FNR. In evaluating a design of a microarray study, sensitivity or FNR curves should be computed routinely together with FDR curves. Under certain assumptions, the FDR and FNR curves coincide, thus simplifying the choice of sample size for controlling the FDR and FNR jointly.  相似文献   

闫路娜  张德兴 《动物学报》2004,50(2):279-290
我们以中国飞蝗种群的微卫星遗传分析数据为例 ,评估了取样对种群遗传多样性指标的影响 ,结果显示 :样本大小与所观测到的每位点等位基因数、平均等位基因数及基因丰富度指数均呈显著正相关 ,而与期望杂合度无显著相关 ;微卫星位点多态性的高低直接影响所观测到的种群基因丰富度及其检测所需的样本量 ;对大多数种群遗传和分子生态学研究而言 ,30 - 5 0个个体是微卫星DNA分析所需要的最小样本量。基因丰富度经过稀疏法或多次随机抽样法校正后 ,可适用于瓶颈效应等种群历史数量变动的检测。另外 ,在研究中 ,还应避免采集时间的不同及样本的性比构成所可能造成的对种群遗传结构的影响  相似文献   

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