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This article reports a new record of the greater noctule Nyctalus lasiopterus (Schreber, 1780) in the Late Pleistocene of Europe. A fragment of a left mandible from this species was collected in Layer O (around 55 ka) from the Abric Romaní rock shelter, providing evidence of the presence of the greater noctule in north-eastern Spain during the latest Late Pleistocene. The relevance of this new record, which is geographically not reported up to now in the area, is discussed in terms of environmental changes.  相似文献   

The discovery of new material in Late Pleistocene levels at Bolomor Cave (Valencia, Spain) raises some questions about the presence of the most ancient record of Hemitragus cedrensis in the peninsula, and its dispersal out of Provence. The morphology and dimensions of some lower teeth confirm the identification of H. aff. cedrensis. Moreover, it presents strong similarities, both morphological and metrical, with the specimens from Caune de l’Arago and bau de l’Aubesier (end of OIS 7 to OIS 5e) rather than with the population from the eponymous locality. The data suggest a dispersal event out of Provence towards the Iberian Peninsula during the Eemian. This dispersal was not stopped by natural barriers such as large rivers, or mountains. The results presented here confirm the biochronological interest of the genus Hemitragus for the Late Pleistocene in Mediterranean Europe.  相似文献   

For a long time, the highly aberrant crinoid Scoliocrinus was known only from the Lower Givetian Eifel area (western Rhenish Massif) as a single oblique calyx with only two out of five radials having an arm facet. Several almost complete crowns of a new species in the Middle Givetian Finnentrop area (eastern Rhenish Massif) have two fan-like arms (in the A and E rays), and a horizontal large anal tube. The probable mode of life of Scoliocrinus is analysed by (a) functional morphology mainly of the arms, (b) criteria of minimised faecal recycling, (c) biostratinomic association with two new species of another aberrant, but four-armed new crinoid genus thus suggesting original syntopy with Scoliocrinus. It is concluded that the construction of Scoliocrinus is probably an adaptation to prevailing unidirectional (tidal?) currents in biostromal reef biotopes. This is supported by rather similar crinoid occurrences in a Lower Givetian biostromal reef-related region in the western Rhenish Massif, with the genotype of Scoliocrinus and a newly assigned third species of Scoliocrinus (arm and probable part of the calyx), as well as four-armed species. The new forms are described as Scoliocrinus ubaghsi nov. sp., Scoliocrinus gerolsteinensis nov. sp., Trapezocrinus scheeri nov. gen., nov. sp., and Trapezocrinus hilperti nov. gen., nov. sp.  相似文献   

This paper reports a new species of ancient badger – Meles iberica n. sp. – discovered at the Fonelas P-1 Plio-Pleistocene site (Cuenca de Guadix, Granada, Spain). The anatomical features of its fossils, which identify it as a new species of Meles, include: the great robustness and small size of the specimens found, orbits nearly closed by well-developed zygomatic processes of the frontal bone, very small and rounded infraorbital foramens that open above the fourth upper premolar metacone, upper carnassial teeth with a concave linguodistal outline, the reduction of the talon of the first upper molar, a very deep masseteric fossa, whose anterior margin reaches the mesial limit of the second lower molar, an extensive horizontal platform at the base of this fossa, and a very long and narrow angular apophysis. This species is the most ancient of the genus recorded for the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

A new species of Deinsdorfia is defined using new material coming from the karstic fissure infilling of Almenara-Casablanca 4 (Castelló, Spain), which shows important differences with the rest of the previously known species of the genus. The definition of a new species is supported by the characters found in extra material coming from the localities of Valdeganga, in the Albacete Province (Spain). The stratigraphical occurrence of this genus of pigmented-toothed shrews reinforces the idea of the Iberian Peninsula as a sink area during the Pliocene, where some Central-European soricids expanded their distribution. Most of those migrations or distributional expansions coincide with moments of climatic changes in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Fossil teeth and bones of aardvarks are relatively common at Langebaanweg, an Early Pliocene site in western Cape Province, South Africa. The remains are compatible in size and most details of morphology to extant Orycteropus afer, and are the earliest fossils attributed to this species. Other Late Miocene to Early Pliocene localities in Africa have yielded smaller species of aardvarks, suggesting that the extant lineage evolved in southern Africa. Morphologically the genus Orycteropus has been remarkably conservative since at least the Early Miocene but it witnessed an overall increase in size through the Neogene. The species O. afer has been morphometrically stable since the Early Pliocene. These observations indicate that the evolutionary process in aardvarks is extremely bradytelic. To cite this article: M. Pickford, C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

An overview of the palaeoneuroanatomy (brain and spinal cord) of the sauropod dinosaur Brachiosaurus is given. Although having a flexed brain configuration, Brachiosaurus presents on the whole a rather moderately derived neuroanatomical pattern. As other sauropods, Brachiosaurus shows an enlargement of the spinal cord in the sacral area. New Encephalization Quotients are calculated and found to be about 0.62 or 0.79 (depending on the body volume taken into consideration) when Hurlburt's formula is used. This suggests that Brachiosaurus, although it may not have been as a low encephalized taxon (by reptilian standards) as previously believed, did have an undersized relative brain volume.  相似文献   

A Middle Cambrian edrioasteroid belonging to the genus Cambraster is described from the Middle Cambrian Murero biota (Cadenas Ibéricas, NE Spain). Up to now, this genus was known only from Australia and France. This represents the first record of the class Edrioasteroidea in the Cambrian of Spain. Moreover, preliminary results on the diversity and biostratigraphic position of Cincta, Eocrinoidea and Edrioasteroidea from this area are reported.  相似文献   

The right dentary of a new hadrosauroid dinosaur, Penelopognathus weishampeli, has been discovered in the Bayan Gobi Formation (Albian, Lower Cretaceous) of Inner Mongolia (P.R. China). This new taxon is characterised by its elongated, straight dental ramus, whose lateral side is pierced by about 20 irregularly distributed foramina. Its dentary teeth appear more primitive than those of Probactrosaurus, but more advanced than those of Altirhinus, both also from the Lower Cretaceous of the Gobi area. Non-hadrosaurid Hadrosauroidea were already well diversified in eastern Asia by Early Cretaceous time, suggesting an Asian origin for the hadrosauroid clade. To cite this article: P. Godefroit et al., C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

Remains of a large-bodied species of endemic nesomyid rodent, Macrotarsomys petteri Goodman and Soarimalala, 2005, were identified from subfossil deposits recovered from Andrahomana Cave in extreme southeastern Madagascar. This recently described extant species was previously only known from a single specimen collected at a site about 450 km northwest of Andrahomana and with distinctly different forest habitat than currently found in the vicinity of the cave. Radiocarbon dating of remains of M. petteri from the cave site indicates that it persisted in the region subsequent to human settlement. Previous reports of a large member of Macrotarsomys from other Quaternary sites in southern Madagascar are almost certainly of M. petteri. It is proposed that this species once had a broad distribution across the southern portion of the island during a more mesic period and subsequent aridification of the region has led to its local extirpation across most of its former range. To cite this article: S.M. Goodman et al., C. R. Palevol 5 (2006).  相似文献   

The site of Mansourah (Constantine, Algeria) had yielded to the early authors, and more recently to the late G. Laplace, a lithic industry associated with a fauna of large Mammals, which looks contemporaneous with that of Aïn Hanech, although it is well-distinct ecologically, and might even be slightly older. The lithic assemblage is completely devoid of any bifacial artefact or cleaver and can only be referred to the Oldowan. Thus, the Mansourah site documents a very early human occupation of North Africa, and perhaps one of the earliest. To cite this article: Y. Chaid-Saoudi et al., C. R. Palevol 5 (2006).  相似文献   

A mandible fragment of a medium-sized creodont mammal representing a new species of Apterodon, A. intermedius has been discovered in a open cast mine near Leipzig (Germany), dated Late Ruppelian (MP22). For the first time an Apterodon species is well dated in Europe. The dental wear of molars is investigated under SEM. It looks like those described extant carnivores known as preferential flesh eaters. The new specimen together other mammal species questions possible migration ways from Africa to Europe, between the upper Eocene and lower Oligocene.  相似文献   

New anthracotheriid remains, discovered by the H-GSP in well-dated localities from the Potwar plateau in the North of Pakistan, between 10.4 and 8.6 Ma, are described and attributed to Merycopotamus medioximus nov. sp. This new species displays an intermediate morphology between the older M. pusillus and the more recent M. dissimilis. These results permit to emend the Merycopotamus diagnosis. To cite this article: F. Lihoreau et al., C. R. Palevol 3 (2004).


Une nouvelle espèce d'Anthracotheriidae, Merycopotamus medioximus nov. sp. du Miocène récent du plateau du Potwar, Pakistan. Des restes d'Anthracotheriidae, découverts par le H-GSP dans des localités bien datées du plateau du Potwar, au Nord du Pakistan, entre 10,4 et 8,6 Ma, sont décrits et attribués à Merycopotamus medioximus nov. sp. Cette nouvelle espèce possède une morphologie intermédiaire entre M. pusillus, espèce plus ancienne, et M. dissimilis, plus récente. Ces résultats permettent en outre d'émender la diagnose du genre Merycopotamus. Pour citer cet article : F. Lihoreau et al., C. R. Palevol 3 (2004).  相似文献   

This study presents the first data describing the communities of insects and arachnida colonizing 4 aerial compartments of Populus nigra. In terms of temporal variation and total abundance, the analyses show that the communities are structurally and functionally different. It also appears that the taxonomic richness of the communities, and partly their temporal distribution, change according to the gradient of the energy and defense resources under the effect of seasonal variations. The highest species richness recorded on the leaves compartment is due to the amplitude of histo-physiological modifications observed throughout the growing season. To cite this article: Z.-E. Djazouli et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

A new species of Hyaenidae, Hyaenictitherium minimum, is described in the carnivore fauna of the Late Miocene layers of Toros-Menalla (Chad). Its size is similar to that of a jackal and it had probably a similar ecological niche. It is found in several fossil-bearing localities of this area. The genus Hyaenictitherium is known from the early Late Miocene in Eurasia from China to Spain; the Chadian material is, perhaps with some specimens from Sahabi and Lothagam, the earliest occurrence of the genus in Africa. It results certainly from Eurasian migration, which will have to be taken into account for the analysis of the bulk of the fauna. To cite this article: L. de Bonis et al., C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

This research deals with the History of the human peopling of Far East Asia during the Late Upper Pleistocene. It brings some new answers to the question of modern human migrations in the Far East. This study is based on morphometric analysis of 45 fossil crania. The results of the multivariate analyses, combined with the recognition of geographic patterns of variation, separate the fossils into three morphological classes. These three clusters enable us to propose a likely scenario for the human peopling of the Far East from about 67 000 years ago. To cite this article: F. Demeter et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

The occurrence of Alexandrium taylori and Alexandrium peruvianum is reported for the first time in Malaysia waters. The Malaysian A. taylori isolates were pyriform in shape with a transdiameter range of 36–40 μm and a cell length range of 33–37 μm. The first apical plate (1′) was pentagonal with two distinctive anterior margins. No direct connection between 1′ and the apical pore complex was observed. The posterior sulcal plate (S.p.) was large, elongated and oblique to the right with anterior projections. The ventral pore (vp) was relatively large and situated at a confluence point of 1′, the second apical (2′) and the fourth apical (4′) plates. Cells of A. peruvianum were slightly anteriorly and posteriorly compressed. S.p. had an irregular pentagonal shape, with the anterior margin divided into 2 portions. 1′ was boomerang-shaped with a large and truncated ventral pore in the middle right margin. The anterior right margin of 1′ was straight. The sixth precingular plate (6″) was wider than long. The anterior sulcal plate (S.a.) was triangular and lacked a left portion extension. In laboratory cultures, both A. taylori and A. peruvianum produced paralytic shellfish toxins, with GTX4 and GTX6 as the predominant toxin, respectively. This is the first report of PSP toxins production for both species as well as the occurrences in Malaysia waters.  相似文献   

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