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Eleven representatives of the superorder Amphiesmenoptera (Trichoptera + Lepidoptera) were examined for sex chromatin status. Three species represent stenopsychoid, limnephiloid and leptoceroid branches of the Trichoptera; eight species belong to the primitive, so-called nonditrysian Lepidoptera and represent the infra-orders Zeugloptera, Dacnonypha, Exoporia, Incurvariina, Nepticulina and Tischeriina. The female-specific sex chromatin body was found in the interphase somatic nuclei of Tischeria ekebladella (Bjerkander 1795) (Lepidoptera, Tischeriina). The sex chromatin was absent in all investigated Trichoptera species as well as in all representatives of the nonditrysian Lepidoptera except Tischeria ekebladella . The sex chromosome mechanism of Limnephilus lunatus Curtis 1834 (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae) is Z/ZZ. The sex chromosome mechanism of Tischeria ekebladella (Lepidoptera, Tischeriina) is ZW/ZZ including the W chromosome as the largest element in the chromosome set. The data obtained support the hypothesis that the Z/ZZ sex chromosome system, the female heterogamety and the absence of the sex chromatin body in interphase nuclei are ancestral traits in the superorder Amphiesmenoptera. These ancestral characters are probably kept constant in all the Trichoptera and in the most primitive Lepidoptera. The W sex chromosome and the sex chromatin evolved later in the nonditrysian grade of the Lepidoptera. It is proposed that the sex chromatin is a synapomorphy of Tischeriina and Ditrysia.  相似文献   

Complex sex determination systems are a priori unstable and require specific selective forces for their maintenance. Analytical derivations suggest that sex antagonistic selection may play such a role, but this assumes absence of recombination between the sex-determining and sex-antagonistic genes. Using individual-based simulations and focusing on the sex chromosome and coloration polymorphisms of platy fishes as a case study, we show that the conditions for polymorphism maintenance induce female biases in primary sex ratios, so that sex ratio selection makes the system collapse toward male or female heterogamety as soon as recombinant genotypes appear. However, a polymorphism can still be maintained under scenarios comprising strong sexual selection against dull males, mild natural selection against bright females, and low recombination rates. Though such conditions are plausibly met in natural populations of fishes harboring such polymorphisms, quantitative empirical evaluations are required to properly test whether sex antagonistic selection is a causal agent or whether other selective processes are required (such as local mate competition favoring female-biased sex ratios).  相似文献   

Yoshido A  Marec F  Sahara K 《Chromosoma》2005,114(3):193-202
We have developed a simple method to resolve the sex chromosome constitution in females of Lepidoptera by using a combination of genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and fluorescence in situ hybridization with (TTAGG) n telomeric probe (telomere-FISH). In pachytene configurations of sex chromosomes, GISH differentiated W heterochromatin and telomere-FISH detected the chromosome ends. With this method we showed that Antheraea yamamai has a standard system with a fully differentiated W–Z sex chromosome pair. In Orgyia antiqua, we confirmed the presence of neo-W and neo-Z chromosomes, which most probably originated by fusion of the ancestral W and Z with an autosome pair. In contrast to earlier data, Orgyia thyellina females displayed a neo-ZW1W2 sex chromosome constitution. A neo-WZ1Z2 trivalent was found in females of Samia cynthia subsp. indet., originating from a population in Nagano, Japan. Whereas another subspecies collected in Sapporo, Japan, and determined as S. cynthia walkeri, showed a neo-W/neo-Z bivalent similar to O. antiqua, and the subspecies S. cynthia ricini showed a Z univalent (a Z/ZZ system). The combination of GISH and telomere-FISH enabled us to acquire not only reliable information about sex chromosome constitution but also an insight into sex chromosome evolution in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

F Marec  W Traut 《Génome》1994,37(3):426-435
Structure and pairing behavior of sex chromosomes in females of four T(W;Z) lines of the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella, were investigated using light and electron microscopic techniques and compared with the wild type. In light microscopic preparations of pachytene oocytes of wild-type females, the WZ bivalent stands out by its heterochromatic W chromosome strand. In T(W;Z) females, the part of the Z chromosome that was translated onto the W chromosome was demonstrated as a distal segment of the neo-W chromosome, displaying a characteristic non-W chromosomal chromomere-interchromomere pattern. This segment is homologously paired with the corresponding part of a complete Z chromosome. In contrast with the single ball of heterochromatic W chromatin in highly polyploid somatic nuclei of wild-type females, the translocation causes the formation of deformed or fragmented W chromatin bodies, probably owing to opposing tendencies of the Z and W chromosomal parts of the neo-W. In electron microscopic preparations of microspread nuclei, sex chromosome bivalents were identified by the remnants of electron-dense heterochromatin tangles decorating the W chromosome axis, by the different lengths of the Z and W chromosome axes, and by incomplete pairing. No heterochromatin tangles were attached to the translocated segment of the Z chromosome at one end of the neo-W chromosome. Because of the homologous pairing between the translocation and the structurally normal Z chromosome, pairing affinity of sex chromosomes in T(W;Z) females is significantly improved. Specific differences observed among T(W;Z)1-4 translocations are probably due to the different lengths of the translocated segments.  相似文献   



Supernumerary sex chromosome aneuploidies (sSCA) are characterized by the presence of one or more additional sex chromosomes in an individual’s karyotype; they affect around 1 in 400 individuals. Although there is high variability, each sSCA subtype has a characteristic set of cognitive and physical phenotypes. Here, we investigated the differences in the morphometry of the human corpus callosum (CC) between sex-matched controls 46,XY (N =99), 46,XX (N =93), and six unique sSCA karyotypes: 47,XYY (N =29), 47,XXY (N =58), 48,XXYY (N =20), 47,XXX (N =30), 48,XXXY (N =5), and 49,XXXXY (N =6).


We investigated CC morphometry using local and global area, local curvature of the CC boundary, and between-landmark distance analysis (BLDA). We hypothesized that CC morphometry would vary differentially along a proposed spectrum of Y:X chromosome ratio with supernumerary Y karyotypes having the largest CC areas and supernumerary X karyotypes having significantly smaller CC areas. To investigate this, we defined an sSCA spectrum based on a descending Y:X karyotype ratio: 47,XYY, 46,XY, 48,XXYY, 47,XXY, 48,XXXY, 49,XXXXY, 46,XX, 47,XXX. We similarly explored the effects of both X and Y chromosome numbers within sex. Results of shape-based metrics were analyzed using permutation tests consisting of 5,000 iterations.


Several subregional areas, local curvature, and BLDs differed between groups.Moderate associations were found between area and curvature in relation to the spectrum and X and Y chromosome counts. BLD was strongly associated with X chromosome count in both male and female groups.


Our results suggest that X- and Y-linked genes have differential effects on CC morphometry. To our knowledge, this is the first study to compare CC morphometry across these extremely rare groups.

Meiotic sex chromosome inactivation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
X chromosome inactivation is most commonly studied in the context of female mammalian development, where it performs an essential role in dosage compensation. However, another form of X-inactivation takes place in the male, during spermatogenesis, as germ cells enter meiosis. This second form of X-inactivation, called meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) has emerged as a novel paradigm for studying the epigenetic regulation of gene expression. New studies have revealed that MSCI is a special example of a more general mechanism called meiotic silencing of unsynapsed chromatin (MSUC), which silences chromosomes that fail to pair with their homologous partners and, in doing so, may protect against aneuploidy in subsequent generations. Furthermore, failure in MSCI is emerging as an important etiological factor in meiotic sterility.  相似文献   

An XXY sex chromosome anomaly in the mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Endo  T Watanabe  T Fujita 《Génome》1991,34(1):41-43
A cryptorchid male mouse with 41,XXY chromosome constitution was found in 300 male offspring that were born to our XO mice breeding colony. This individual had small testes with no sign of spermatogenesis at autopsy at 10 months of age.  相似文献   

When the adult sex ratio differs between years in local populations, but still is predictable between adjacent years, it has been proposed that the best strategy would be to bias the offspring sex ratio in favour of the rare sex. We tested this hypothesis using a data set of great reed warbler offspring, sexed by molecular techniques, that were collected over 11 breeding seasons at two adjacent reed marshes. Three important assumptions for this hypothesis are fulfilled in the studied great reed warbler population. First, a substantial proportion of great reed warblers are living in small local populations where sex ratio distortions would be sufficiently large and common. Second, breeding adults and their offspring return to breed in the local population to a high degree. Third, females have a possibility to assess the breeding sex ratio before laying their eggs. At our study site, the breeding sex ratio was positively correlated between successive years. However, contrary to our prediction, female great reed warblers seemed not to adjust their offspring sex ratio in relation to the local breeding sex ratio.  相似文献   

The existence of fertile A. azarae females with a chromosome sex pair indistinguishable from that of males was reported more than 35 years ago. These heterogametic females were initially thought to occur due to an extreme process of dosage compensation in which X inactivation was restricted to Xp and complemented by a deletion of Xq (Xx females). Later on, a C-banding analysis of A. mollis variant females showed that these specimens were in fact XY* sex reversed and not Xx females. The finding of positive testing for Zfy and Sry multiple-copy genes in Akodon males and heterogametic females confirmed the XY* assumption. At the present time, XY* sex reversed females have been found to exist in nine Akodon species. Akodon heterogametic females produce X and Y* oocytes, which upon sperm fertilization give rise to viable XX (female), XY* (female), and XY (male) embryos, and to non-viable Y*Y zygotes. Heterozygous females exhibit a better reproductive performance than XX females in order to compensate the Y*Y zygote wastage. XY* sex reversed females are assumed to occur due to a deficient Sry expression resulting in the development of ovaries instead of testes. Moreover, the appearance of Y* elements is a highly recurrent event. It is proposed that homozygosity for an autosomal or pseudoautosomal recessive mutation (s-) inhibits Sry expression giving rise to XY* embryos with ovary development. Location of the Y* chromosome in the female germ cell lineage produces an ovary-specific imprinting of the Sry* gene maintaining its defective expression through generations independently from the presence or absence of s- homozygosity. By escaping the ovary-specific methylation some Y* chromosomes turn back to normal Ys producing Y oocytes capable of generating normal male embryos when fertilized by an X sperm. Fluctuations in the rate of variant females in field populations and in laboratory colonies of Akodon depend on the balance between the appearance of new variant females (s-/s-, XY* specimens) and the extinction of sex reversed specimens due to imprinting escape.  相似文献   

The identity of the chromosomes involved in the multiple sex system of Alouatta caraya (Aca) and the possible distribution of this system among other Ceboidea were investigated by chromosome painting of mitotic cells from five species and by analysis of meiosis at pachytene in two species. The identity of the autosome #7 (X2) involved in the multiple system of Aca and its breakage points were demonstrated by both meiosis and chromosome painting. These features are identical to those described by Consigliere et al. [1996] in Alouatta seniculus sara (Assa) and Alouatta seniculus arctoidea (Asar). This multiple system was absent in the other four Ceboidea species studied here. However, data from the literature strongly suggest the presence of this multiple in other members of this genus. The presence of this multiple system among several species and subspecies that show high levels of chromosome rearrangements may suggest a special selective value of this multiple. The meiotic features of the sex systems of Aca and Cebus apella paraguayanus (Cap) are strikingly different at pachytene, as the latter system is similar to the sex pair of man and other primates. The relatively large genetic distances between species presently showing this multiple system suggest that its origin is not recent. Other members of the same genus should be investigated at meiosis and by chromosome painting in order to know the extent and distribution of this complex sex-chromosome system.  相似文献   

Cyclical parthenogenesis presents an interesting challenge for the study of sex allocation, as individuals’ allocation decisions involve both the choice between sexual and asexual reproduction, and the choice between sons and daughters. Male production is therefore expected to depend on ecological and evolutionary drivers of overall investment in sex, and those influencing male reproductive value during sexual periods. We manipulated experimental populations, and made repeated observations of natural populations over their growing season, to disentangle effects of population density and the timing of sex from effects of adult sex ratio on sex allocation in cyclically parthenogenetic Daphnia magna. Male production increased with population density, the major ecological driver of sexual reproduction; however, this response was dampened when the population sex ratio was more male‐biased. Thus, in line with sex ratio theory, we show that D. magna adjust offspring sex allocation in response to the current population sex ratio.  相似文献   

In Lepidoptera, females that produce only female progeny have been found in wild populations of at least 12 species. In some species, recoveries, where abnormal females return to normal females, have been observed. A mathematical model of the population dynamics with recovery was developed to identify the conditions for realizing the persistence of abnormal females. Analysis indicated normal and abnormal females coexist and reach an equilibrium state at certain recovery rate values. The equilibrium values of normal and abnormal females were determined. When a population was in equilibrium it was shown that the ratio of normal to abnormal females and the sex ratio after reproduction are always functions of the recovery rate and the proportion of female offspring from an abnormal female to that from a normal female. Using the simulation it was found that, even when a population fluctuates under variable environmental conditions, the two ratios mentioned above reach equilibrium. Equilibrium relationships were applied to published data, and it was concluded that recovery from abnormal to normal females explains the persistence of abnormal females in some species of Lepidoptera. The model developed in this paper can also be used for analysing the persistence of abnormal females of other insect species.  相似文献   

Chubykin VL 《Genetika》2003,39(8):1046-1052
Based on a particular formation of the chromocenter and trivalents in triploid Drosophila females, as well as on asynapsis in pericentromeric regions (which is a result of trivalent competition), an explanation for the increased frequency of crossing over and nonrandom segregation of the X chromosomes and autosomes in the first meiotic division is suggested. It is proposed that a delay in pairing of the pericentromeric heterochromatic chromosome regions combined into a single chromocenter leads to the following: (1) formation of the heteroduplex structures (X structures) takes more time and, consequently, their number and the frequency of crossing over in the paired chromosome regions increases; (2) in nonhomologous chromosomes, the chromocentral connections, which normally degrade in prometaphase, are retained to fulfill a function of coorientation during the first meiotic division.  相似文献   

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