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Significant variations in four biological measures of water quality with stream order and river basin were demonstrated for streams of the Black and Osage river basins of Missouri. Water quality criteria specific for each order and basin were then developed.Benthic macroinvertebrates from springs and stream orders 3–8 in the two river basins were sampled quarterly for one year with riffle nets and artificial substrate samplers. A total of 548 samples were taken at 137 stations. The average annual macroinvertebrate density, index of diversity, number of taxa, and number of mayfly and stonefly taxa were determined for each station. These measures showed significant differences (p < 0.05) across stream order within and between the two river basins. Total taxa, total mayfly and stonefly taxa, and diversity were highest in orders 4 and 5 with decreased values in lower and higher stream orders. Maximum organism densities occurred in intermediate order streams. These differences were attributed to the succession of physical changes from headwaters to mouth within each river and to the unique geomorphology of each catchment basin.Water quality criteria based on three of the four measures described above (with 95% confidence limits) were established for each stream order in each river basin. Criteria for the Osage River basin were then used to identify three streams in the basin affected by environmental disturbances (stream impoundment, channelization and sewage discharge). The use of order- and basin-specific criteria assures that the biological differences between streams caused by environmental disturbance can be distinguished from the natural biological differences between streams of different orders and drainages.  相似文献   

1. The effects of riffles as barriers to movement of stream fish was investigated in a set of eight large outdoor artificial streams. Pools were 183 cm in diameter and 45 cm deep; riffles were 183 cm long and 43 cm wide. Rates of movement of three species of minnows (Cyprinidae) (Campostoma anomalum, Cyprinella venusta and Notropis boops) among pools were measured at four riffle current velocities (0, 15, 30 and 45 cm s–1), three thalweg depths (10, 50 and 100 mm), two riffle lengths (183 and 549 cm), and with and without the threat of predation. Visual observation and video cameras were used to quantify movement rate. 2. Mean movement rate (percentage of fish crossing a riffle each 30 min) was 18.1% at 0 cm s–1 and only 1.8 at 45 cm s–1. Movement rate was 7.2% with no predators present and 20.2% with caged predators in pools. Notropis boops had a lower rate of movement than C. venusta or C. anomalum across all trials. The mean group size (number of individuals crossing a riffle together) was 1.2 fish overall, indicating most movement was by individuals and not groups. Group size was significantly greater only with shallow riffles or under the threat of predation. 3. Overall biotic and abiotic factors in these artificial streams do influence movement rates and may affect movement among pools in natural streams.  相似文献   

Riffle beetle community structure is influenced by the preservation condition of stream riparian vegetation. Though, the width of riparian vegetation required to ensure conservation of stream insect communities is still controversial. Effects of alterations in riparian vegetation widths on stream insect community structure can be overcame by other environmental variables, like substrate type, hindering accurate assessments. We tested the effects of different riparian vegetation widths (>40, 30–15, 15–5 and <5 m) along with different substrate types (inorganic and organic) on riffle beetle community structure in southern Brazilian 4th‐ to 5th‐order streams. Riparian buffer widths and substrate types influenced riffle beetle community structure, but no interaction between them was observed. Reduced riparian vegetation widths downstream were associated with changes in riffle beetle dominant genera (Macrelmis predominated only in streams with narrowest riparian widths). Additionally, communities in organic substrates had lower equitability and different dominant genera (Hexacylloepus and Heterelmis) than inorganic ones. Our results showed that reductions in riparian vegetation were associated with water pollution and changes in riffle beetle community structure, suggesting that buffer strips narrower than 5 m are not adequate to maintain environmental integrity of southern Brazilian streams. These results have special importance for the conservation of stream insects in Brazil, as reductions up to less than 5 m in stream banks of small properties are allowed by the new Brazilian Forest Code, independently of stream order.  相似文献   

Thirteen physical and chemical characteristics of five softwater streams in Rhode Island, U.S.A. were examined biweekly to monthly for seventeen months. One first-order, two second-order and two third-order streams were included in the study. The mean annual temperature ranged from 9.4 °C in the spring-fed headwater stream to 14 °C in an open, third-order stream, with seasonal fluctuations of 14.5 ° to 28.0 °C. The heavily shaded first-order stream generally received less than 30% incident light at its surface throughout the year. By contrast, the other streams either were unshaded or were associated with distinct periodicity of incident light quantity due to seasonality of the tree canopy. The mean annual current velocity ranged from 22 to 100 cm s–1 among the streams, pH ranged from 3.7 to 6.4, and specific conductance was generally less than 50 µS cm–1. The first-order stream was associated with lowest mean annual temperature, current velocity, light penetration and nitrate, as well as relatively high and constant silica concentrations. Temperature was negatively correlated with current speed in second- and third-order streams, and temperature was also negatively correlated with light in shaded streams. There was a general pattern in all streams for decreasing pH following precipitation events. Concentrations of total phophorus, nitrate-nitrogen, ammonium-nitrogen and silica were among the lowest reported for lotic systems.  相似文献   

Amphidromous stream fauna represent three phyla that have a tropical distribution among oceanic islands, with a few continental representatives. This lifecycle involves marine larval development, with postlarval migration, growth and reproduction as adults occurring in freshwater streams. Many tropical archipelagoes are on the brink of heavy commercial development, threatening freshwater resources in tropical regions. Because of this threat and the isolated nature of tropical islands, quantitative studies are needed to better understand this unique lifecycle. In this paper, we present the use of two modifications of the original Breder trap to study the migration dynamics of tropical amphidromous fish and shrimp postlarvae. The first modification was used in a cemented and channelized stream. The second modification was used in two streams with natural substrates of large, embedded and immovable boulders and basalt outcrops. Quantitative trapping was standardized by time and numbers of traps used, to give results presented as postlarvae trap–1 h–1. The number of traps used in the natural streams was based on channel width at the trapping location (i.e., equal number of traps per meter), thus providing equivalent trapping effort between streams of different sizes and flow magnitude. Both trap designs were useful for quantitative monitoring of postlarvae over several months and years, among different streams, and were equally practical for assessing diel and species-specific migration dynamics. Postlarval recruitment of Hawaiian amphidromous species showed temporal variation between months and years within the same stream, significant differences between two streams of different flow magnitude, and distinct diel patterns in diurnal and nocturnal fish and shrimp migration, respectively. A direct correlation between stream flow and total fish postlarval migration was documented.  相似文献   

D. T. Crisp 《Hydrobiologia》1989,178(2):155-163
Colour-coded artificial trout eggs were used in investigations of washout depth in a natural stream and of drift distance relative to water velocity in an experimental channel and in a section of natural stream.Washout depth was studied in a spawning riffle of a stream whose bankful discharge is 5.6 m3 s–1. During an experiment when spates never exceeded 6.5 m3 s–1 egg washout was severe at 5 cm depth within the gravel, variable at 10 cm and negligible at 15 cm. During another experiment when a spate of 9.0 m3 s–1 (return period 10–20 years) occurred, washout was severe at 5 and 10 cm depth and variable at 15 cm. There was also evidence that some eggs were moved short distances downstream within the gravel without being washed out.Within experimental channels, drift distance could be predicted from multiple regressions relating logarithms of water velocity, percentage of eggs settled and distance from point of release. At a water velocity of 100 cm s–1 at 0.6 depth, 50% of eggs would settle within 8 m of the point of release. At water velocities of 75 to 100 cm s–1 drifting eggs would, on average, travel at c. 60% of water velocity and make 1 to 2 bed contacts m–1 of travel.A similar multiple regression can be applied to data from a natural stream channel. It predicts much larger drift distances (50% settled in 42 m at 100 cm s –1 ). However, in the natural channel, settlement appears aggregated and the validity of the concept of permanent settlement is in doubt.  相似文献   

Blackfly larvae typically occur in fast-flowing riffle sections of rivers, with different blackfly species showing preferences for different hydraulic conditions. Very little quantitative data exist on hydraulic conditions linked to the blackfly species occurring in South African streams. Stones-in-current biotopes (i.e. fast riffle flows over cobbles) were sampled from four sites in three small clear streams in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces of South Africa. Mean water column velocities at each sampled stone were measured using a mini current meter, while flow velocities closer to the boundary layer where blackfly larvae occurred were estimated using indirect techniques (standard hemispheres and aerating tablets). Standard hemispheres were also used to calculate more complex hydraulic parameters such as Froude and Reynolds numbers. Four species of Simuliid were sampled in sufficient numbers to show trends in flow velocity preferences. Simulium impukane and S. rutherfoordi both occurred at their highest densities at velocities of 0.3m s?1, while S. merops preferred velocities of 0.7m s?1. Simulium nigritarse SL attained the highest densities of all the blackfly species sampled, and its relative abundances were greatest at velocities of 0.8–0.9m s?1. Within the streams surveyed, all blackfly species occurred in subcritical-turbulent flows — based on a classification using Froude and Reynolds numbers — although two of the species were also found in high densities in supercritical flows where these existed at the sites. Local hydraulics within the stones-in-current biotope are complex, but in the absence of fine-scale equipment for measuring micro-velocities, standard hemispheres are a useful, cost-effective technique for the initial quantification of hydraulic parameters in small, clear streams. Such an approach facilitates further understanding of links between hydraulics and aquatic invertebrates in South African streams.  相似文献   

We studied the hypothesis that diatom immigration abilities are related to their fitness for colonizing stream substrates. Diatom abundances on artificial substrates exposed for 24 h (the measure of immigration rate) and abundances of stream plankton were determined in six habitats. Diatom immigration varied among habitats from 50–2500 cells·cm?2·d?1. Immigration rates decreased 10-fold with increases in current from 10 to 30 cm·s?1 but changed little during a 40-d summer period. Immigration abilities of diatom taxa were characterized as ratios of either their abundances or relative abundances in immigration assemblages versus in the plankton. Immigration abilities varied over 100-fold among different species. Immigration of some species could be characterized as slower than others in different streams; however, variation in immigration abilities of other species among streams indicated that environment also affected immigration. Diurnal variation in abundance and species composition of the immigration pool (stream plankton) can be important in assessing immigration abilities. Immigration ability may affect benthic diatom fitness. Monoraphid diatoms had a lower probability of immigrating from the plankton than araphid diatoms.  相似文献   

We estimated the secondary production of Rhyacophila minora, Ameletus sp., and Isonychia bicolor in three acidic streams and one circumneutral stream in Randolph County, West Virginia. Quantitative benthic samples were collected monthly from these second-order streams from November 1990 to October 1991. Mean pH values in the acidic streams were 4.5, 4.8, and 4.8, and mean pH in the circumneutral stream was 6.7. Production estimates for Rhyacophia minora in the acidic streams were 49.6, 19.2, and 15.8 mg m–2 y–1. Production of R. minora in the circumneutral stream was 1.0 mg m–2 y–1. Ameletus sp. production estimates for the acidic streams were 144.8, 176.8, and 208.3 mg m–2 y–1. Ameletus sp. production in the circumneutral stream was 7.4 mg m–2 y–1. Secondary production of I. bicolor in the circumneutral stream was 116.6 mg m–2 y–1. No Isonychia were collected from the acidic streams. The higher production of R. minora and Ameletus sp. in the acidic streams may be associated with differences in macroinvertebrate community structure.  相似文献   

Nitrate depletion in the riparian zone of a small woodland stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Field enrichments with nitrate in two spring-fed drainage lines within the riparian zone of a small woodland stream near Toronto, Ontario showed an absence of nitrate depletion. Laboratory experiments with riparian substrates overlain with nitrate enriched solutions revealed a loss of only 5–8% of the nitrate during 48 h incubation at 12°C. However, 22–24% of the initial nitrate was depleted between 24 and 48 h when a second set of substrate cores was incubated at 20°C. Short-term (3 h) incubations of fresh substrates amended with acetylene were used to estimate in situ denitrification potentials which varied from 0.05–3.19 g N g–1 d–1 for organic and sandy sediments. Denitrification potentials were highly correlated with initial nitrate content of substrate samples implying that low nitrate levels in ground water and riparian substrates may be an important factor in controlling denitrification rates. The efficiency of nitrate removal in spring-fed drainage lines is also limited by short water residence times of < 1 h within the riparian zone. These data suggest that routes of ground water movement and substrate characteristics are important in determining nitrate depletion within stream riparian areas.  相似文献   

Synopsis A population of central stonerollers, Campostoma anomalum, in Harker's Run, Butler County, Ohio U.S.A., was examined during autumn, 1980, to determine the species' movements, density, and home range size. During the study period, 170 fish were marked by fin clips and released into the specific pool or riffle where they were captured within the 187 m study section. Eighty percent of the recaptured, marked fish (20) were recaptured in their initial capture area (specific pool or riffle). No fish moved more than 135 m from its original capture area. Density estimates of C. anomalum for each pool and riffle within the study section ranged from 0.10–3.91 fish m−2 (mean = 1.25 fish m−2). Home range size was estimated to be 35.2 ± 14.1 m (mean ± 95% CI) of stream length. Campostoma anomalum in Harker's Run occurred at densities similar to those reported for the species in other streams, and their home ranges in this system were of similar size to those of other small, stream-dwelling fishes.  相似文献   

The macrozoobenthos colonization process on artificial substrata in lotic environments was evaluated. Two seasonal periods, autumn–winter and spring–summer, of a relatively undisturbed fluvial system, the Estero Nonguén (VIII Region, Chile), have been studied. Five stations, two in riffles and three on sandy bottoms, extending from a head water stream to 5 km down river, were sampled. For all stations and for each season the results were as follows: (a) 32% of the total number of taxa found in this study colonized the artificial substrata on the first day of exposure, (b) the taxa that colonized sandy bottoms were typical for riffle, (c) the colonization process showed the same abundance, specific and cumulative richness and diversity patterns over time, and (d) equilibrium was reached approximately 2 weeks after initial exposure. This suggests that “Estero Nonguén” stream presents a nearly pristine condition and can be considered as a reference site to carry out biodiversity and ecosystem functionality studies, and giving information on time recovery for sectors previously disturbed. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Dobretsov  Sergey  Wahl  Martin 《Hydrobiologia》2001,464(1-3):27-35
We adapted the chloroform fumigation method to determine microbial nitrogen (N) and microbial incorporation of 15N on three common substrates [leaves, wood and fine benthic organic matter (FBOM)] in three forest streams. We compared microbial N and 15N content of samples collected during a 6-week 15N–NH4 tracer addition in each stream. The 15N was added during late autumn to Upper Ball Creek, a second-order stream at the Coweeta Hydrologic Lab, North Carolina, U.S.A.; during spring to Walker Branch, a first-order stream on DOE's Oak Ridge National Environmental Research Park, Tennessee; and during summer to Bear Brook, a first-order stream in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire. FBOM was the largest component of organic matter and N standing stock in all streams. Microbial N represented the highest proportion of total N in leaves and least in FBOM in Walker Branch and Bear Brook. In Upper Ball Creek, the proportion of microbial N was higher in FBOM than in used biofilm or on leaves. Standing stock of microbial N on leaves and in FBOM ranged from 37 mg N m–2 in Bear Brook to 301 mg N m–2 in Walker Branch. Percent of detrital N in living microbial cells was directly related to total microbial biomass (fungal and bacterial biomass) determined from microscopic counts. 15N values for microbes were generally higher than for bulk detritus, which would result in higher 15N values for animals preferentially consuming or assimilating microbial cells. The proportion of 15N taken up by detritus during the 15N experiments that remained in microbial cells by the end of the experiments was highest for wood biofilm in Upper Ball Creek (69%), leaves in Walker Branch (65%) and FBOM in Upper Ball Creek (31%). Lower retention proportions (<1–25%) were observed for other substrates. Our results suggest that microbial cells associated with leaves and wood biofilm were most active in 15N–NH4 immobilization, whereas microbial cells associated with FBOM immobilized little 15N from stream water.  相似文献   

Benthic algal biomass and productivity in high subarctic streams,Alaska   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Year-round measurements of the standing crop of epilithic algae (as chlorophyll a concentration) in two streams — one second and one fourth order (map scale 1:63 360) — in interior Alaska (64°–65° N) were only about one tenth that reported from streams of temperate North America. Cell densities in these streams, however, were similar to those in comparable temperate streams. Year-round domination of the benthic flora by very tiny diatoms (Achnanthes spp.) may explain the apparent disparity between low chlorophyll a content and nearly average cell densities. Chlorophyll a standing crop in a more alkaline groundwater-fed stream, however, was higher and within the range of similarly sized temperate streams. Maximum chlorophyll a standing crop varied positively with alkalinity in 5 clear-water streams where standing crop was measured on natural or artificial substrates. Seasonal mean concentrations of sestonic chlorophyll a (used as estimates of benthic algal chlorophyll a standing crop) varied directly and significantly with alkalinity among ten clear-water streams; and, with total phosphorus among 8 of 10 clear-water and 5 brown-water streams studied. During the summer, when there is little darkness, gross primary productivity (as estimated by the diurnal dissolved-oxygen method) was similar to that of northern temperate streams. Gross primary productivity was also seen to vary directly with alkalinity in 5 clear-water streams of this region.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  相似文献   

In microbiological studies in streams, pebble samples have until now been taken out of the water following the conventional method. However, this allows the loss of microorganisms as a result of the removal of overlying water. In the present study, to minimize the loss of microorganisms, we have developed a new sampling method, called the submerged method, for collecting microorganisms living on pebbles in streams. The abundance of microorganisms on natural pebbles and artificial clay tiles, both of which had biofilms developing on their surfaces, was measured using both the conventional and submerged methods and the results from the two methods were compared. The cell densities of bacteria (0.10–14.00 × 108 cells cm–2), heterotrophic nanoflagellates (0.36–50.30 × 104 cells cm–2), and ciliates (0.071–88.27 × 102 cells cm–2) measured by the submerged method tended to be higher than those obtained by the conventional method, although there were only a few cases in which a significant difference existed between microbial abundances determined by the two methods. Also supported by microscopic observation, these results suggest the presence of planktonic and/or weakly attached microorganisms on substrate materials in streams. Significant correlations between the concentration of chlorophyll a and the cell densities of heterotrophic microorganisms and significant correlations among heterotrophic microorganisms suggest the presence of active microbial food webs in streams.  相似文献   

Interactions between press and pulse disturbances can significantly impact benthic macroinvertebrate (crayfish) populations. Press disturbances such as land-use change can make crayfish more vulnerable to the detrimental effects of pulse disturbances, by changing the habitats available to crayfish. The impact of a pulse disturbance, a major flood (1 in 28 years return period), on crayfish (Paranephrops planifrons) was significantly greater in pasture than native forest streams. Population densities of crayfish in three forest and three pasture streams had been measured seasonally for 2 years prior to the flood and many crayfish had been marked with individually identifiable tags. Low numbers of marked crayfish were recaptured after the flood in the forest streams, but no marked crayfish were identified in any pasture stream. Crayfish densities in one pasture stream declined from an average of 5 m–2 prior to the flood to <1 m–2 soon after the flood and it took 3 years for the population to show evidence of recovery. Macrophytes and cobbles, the dominant habitats of crayfish in pasture streams, did not appear to provide stable refugia during the flood. Habitat stability was linked to the riparian zone in forest streams where undercut banks, tree roots, and pools were important habitats for crayfish. Frequent pulse disturbance could affect population persistence of refugia-dependent species when the pressure of land-use change affects the stability of habitats, but this may only be evident over long time scales.  相似文献   

  • 1 The spatial and temporal distributions of the most abundant bdelloid rotifer, Embata laticeps (Murray), inhabiting the sediment surface and the hyporheic interstitial of a gravel stream were investigated between October 1991 and October 1992. Three temporal peaks of population density occurred during the year at the sediment surface differing in their riming from the density peaks detected within the bed sediments.
  • 2 The depth distributions of E. laticeps in pool and riffle areas differed significantly. Higher abundances were found between 10 and 20 cm depth in the pool and between 20 and 30 cm in the riffle area. In these two sites a significant effect of surface discharge (estimated 1 week before sampling) on rotifer densities was found. Discharge greater than 0.424 m3s?1 significantly reduced the densities in the riffle, while only at values greater than 1.660m3s?1 were abundances influenced in the pool area.
  • 3 The percentages of egg-bearing females were higher within the bed sediment than in the surface layer, and in the pool area than in the riffle. Thus, overall mean values of population increase were higher in the pool habitat (x?= 0.015 ± SE 0.029 day?1) than in the riffle and at the sediment surface (x?= 0.004 ± 0.025 and 0.005 ± 0.026 day?1, respectively). In addition, population growth fluctuated more strongly at the sediment surface than within the hyporheic intersiritial. Comparison of the observed values of population increase with a randomization test, where observed densities were randomly permuted, revealed no significant differences between those observed and values from a random model. Thus, a clear trend in population growth of E. laticeps over time could not be demonstrated in this gravel stream.

Abstract. Our study was conducted to determine whether small invertebrates of the shredder and collector feeding guilds would preferentially colonize fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) from fast-decaying species of leaves in central Florida streams. Bags of FPOM (0.2–1 mm) generated from maple, elm, sweetgum, and water oak leaves, as well as artificial Sty-rofoam, were suspended at two sites in Poley Creek, a 1st-order sand-bottomed stream. Three replicate bags of each type were collected from each site after 7, 14, and 28 d, and bacteria and invertebrates present were counted. Bacteria colonized maple and elm in significantly higher numbers than sweetgum, oak and Styrofoam. The amphipod Gammarus tigrinis accounted for 97% of all shredders in FPOM bags, and 63% of total invertebrates. Deposit-feeding chi-ronomids comprised 87% of collectors and 28% of total invertebrates. No other taxon comprised >2% of total invertebrates. Large numbers of invertebrates colonized in the first 7 d, but densities did not increase after Day 7. Both shredders and total invertebrates occurred in significantly greater densities on maple and elm than on sweetgum and oak. Amounts of FPOM remaining in bags after 28 d were significantly smaller for maple and elm (P<.05), suggesting that shredders were eating the FPOM. Collectors occurred in similar densities in all natural FPOM bags. Only a few individuals of either functional feeding group colonized Styrofoam bags, suggesting that FPOM was being colonized for its nutritional value rather than as a refuge from predation.  相似文献   

Since terrestrial invertebrates are often consumed by stream fishes, land-use practices that influence the input of terrestrial invertebrates to streams are predicted to have consequences for fish production. We studied the effect of riparian land-use regime on terrestrial invertebrate inputs by estimating the biomass, abundance and taxonomic richness of terrestrial invertebrate drift from 15 streams draining catchments with three different riparian land-use regimes and vegetation types: intensive grazing — exotic pasture grasses (4 streams), extensive grazing — native tussock grasses (6 streams), reserve — native forest (5 streams). Terrestrial invertebrate drift was sampled from replicated stream reaches enclosed by two 1 mm mesh drift nets that spanned the entire channel. The mean biomass of terrestrial invertebrates that entered tussock grassland (12 mg ash-free dry mass m–2 d–1) and forest streams (6 mg AFDM m–2 d–1) was not significantly different (p > 0.05). However, biomass estimated for tussock grassland and forest streams was significantly higher than biomass that entered pasture streams (1 mg AFDM m–2 d–1). Mean abundance and richness of drifting terrestrial invertebrates was not significantly different among land-use types. Winged insects contributed more biomass than wingless invertebrates to both pasture and tussock grassland streams. Winged and wingless invertebrates contributed equally to biomass entering forest streams. Land use was a useful variable explaining landscape-level patterns of terrestrial invertebrate input for New Zealand streams. Evidence from this study suggests that riparian land-use regime will have important influences on the availability of terrestrial invertebrates to stream fishes.  相似文献   

Ethanol production in a continuous fermentation/membrane pervaporation system   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The productivity of ethanol fermentation processes, predominantly based on batch operation in the U.S. fuel ethanol industry, could be improved by adoption of continuous processing technology. In this study, a conventional yeast fermentation was coupled to a flat-plate membrane pervaporation unit to recover continuously an enriched ethanol stream from the fermentation broth. The process employed a concentrated dextrose feed stream controlled by the flow rate of permeate from the pervaporation unit via liquid-level control in the fermentor. The pervaporation module contained 0.1 m2 commercially available polydimethylsiloxane membrane and consistently produced a permeate of 20%–23% (w/w) ethanol while maintaining a level of 4%–6% ethanol in a stirred-tank fermentor. The system exhibited excellent operational stability. During continuous operation with cell densities of 15–23 g/l, ethanol productivities of 4.9–7.8 gl–1 h–1 were achieved utilizing feed streams of 269–619 g/l glucose. Pervaporation flux and ethanol selectivities were 0.31–0.79 lm–2 h–1 and 1.8–6.5 respectively.  相似文献   

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