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Effects of photoinhibition on the redox properties of Cyt b-559were studied with NH2OH treated PSII membranes, which are depletedof the water-oxidizing complex. The membranes contained threeredox forms (HP-, IP- and LP-forms) of Cyt b-559, with Em valuesof +435, +237 and +45 mV, respectively. A novel intermediate-potentialform of Cyt b-559 was generated during photoinhibition on thedonor side of PSII: photoinhibitory illumination (7,000 µEm–2 s–1) for 1 min induced a 30% decrease in thelevel of the HP-form, with concomitant generation of the intermediate-potential(IP-) form whose Em value was about +350mV. Prolonged illumination(10 min) resulted in complete loss of the HP-form and an apparentincrease in the level of the IPform. After further photoinhibitorytreatment (60 min), complete loss of the IP'-form was observedand levels of the IP- and LP-forms each increased to about 50%of the total amount of Cyt b-559. Kinetic analysis of thesedata led to the conclusion that the HP-form is converted tothe LP-form via two intermediate-potential forms (IP' and IP),and that IP'-form appears only at the early phase of photoinhibition. (Received March 30, 1994; Accepted February 27, 1995)  相似文献   

A protease with a tetrameric quaternary structure was extractedwith 1 M NaCl from spinach PS II membranes and purified by hydrophobic,anion-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography using onlybuffers of high ionic strength. Gel-filtration chromatographyresulted in elution of the protease in fractions that correspondedto molecular masses of 156 kDa and 39 kDa, and re-chromatographyof either peak gave both peaks again. This result indicatesthat the protease is represented by an equilibrium between a156-kDa tetramer and a 39-kDa monomer. SDS-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis of the protease fractions revealed a polypeptidewhose molecular mass was 39 kDa without prior reduction, butthe molecular mass increased to 41 kDa after prior reductionwith dithiothreitol. This finding suggests that the monomerpossesses an intramolecular disulfide linkage whose reductioncauses a configurational change that increases the effectivemolecular size. The protease had maximum activity at pH 7.0–9.0.The activity was diminished by the presence of 5 mM NaCl andwas almost completely inhibited by 50 mM NaCl. These observationssuggest that an environment of low ionic strength is a prerequisitefor the activity of this enzyme. The protease was inhibitedby dithiothreitol, a result that indicates that the 39-kDa formmaintained by the disulfide linkage is essential for activity.Studies with protease inhibitors suggested that this enzymeis not a serine-protease. 1Present address: Department of Biomolecular Science, Facultyof Science, Toho University, Miyama 2-2-1, Funabashi, 274 Japan (Received October 19, 1989; Accepted April 12, 1990)  相似文献   

The oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PS II) complex of red algae contains four extrinsic proteins of 12 kDa, 20 kDa, 33 kDa and cyt c-550, among which the 20 kDa protein is unique in that it is not found in other organisms. We cloned the gene for the 20-kDa protein from a red alga Cyanidium caldarium. The gene consists of a leader sequence which can be divided into two parts: one for transfer across the plastid envelope and the other for transfer into thylakoid lumen, indicating that the gene is encoded by the nuclear genome. The sequence of the mature 20-kDa protein has low but significant homology with the extrinsic 17-kDa (PsbQ) protein of PS II from green algae Volvox Carteri and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, as well as the PsbQ protein of higher plants and PsbQ-like protein from cyanobacteria. Cross-reconstitution experiments with combinations of the extrinsic proteins and PS IIs from the red alga Cy. caldarium and green alga Ch. reinhardtii showed that the extrinsic 20-kDa protein was functional in place of the green algal 17-kDa protein on binding to the green algal PS II and restoration of oxygen evolution. From these results, we conclude that the 20-kDa protein is the ancestral form of the extrinsic 17-kDa protein in green algal and higher plant PS IIs. This provides an important clue to the evolution of the oxygen-evolving complex from prokaryotic cyanobacteria to eukaryotic higher plants. The gene coding for the extrinsic 20-kDa protein was named psbQ' (prime).  相似文献   

The effects of DCMU on the oxidizing side of PS II were studiedwith Triton-solubilized PS II membranes depleted of functionalMn. 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) non-competitivelyinhibited the diphenylcarbazide-supported (DPC-supported) photoreductionof silicomolybdate (SiMo) at concentrations more than ten timeshigher than that required for inhibition of the DPC-supportedphotoreduction of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP). The maximumfluorescence intensity was also reduced by DCMU at a similarconcentration to that required for the inhibition of the SiMophotoreduction. These findings suggest two inhibitory sitesof action of DCMU in PS II: one on the reducing side and oneon the oxidizing side of PS II. The inhibition constant forDCMU in the DPC-supported SiMo-photoreduction was 10 µMin every examination. The extent of inhibition was attenuatedby modifications of the PS II oxidizing side by the presenceof functional Mn, by photoinhibition and by chemical modificationsof histidine residues and acidic amino acid residues. Our resultssuggest that DCMU binds to the PS II oxidizing side near Z,D and the high-affinity Mn-binding sites. 1 Present Address and address for all communications: NoriakiTamura (Dr.), Plant Physiology Laboratory Fukuoka Women's University,Kasumigaoka 1-1, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 813 Japan. FAX 092-661-2415.  相似文献   

Analyses were made of the effects of extraction of the 17,24 kilodalton extrinsic proteins from spinach versus wheat photosystem II (PSII) membranes on Ca abundance and O(2) evolution capacity determined in the absence and presence of either Cl(-) or Ca(2+). Extraction of these proteins from spinach PSII routinely diminished steady state O(2) evolution by about 70% when assayed in the presence of sufficient Cl(-). Additionally, O(2) evolution of 17,24 kilodalton-less spinach PSII membranes showed about 2-fold more enhancement by Ca(2+) than by Cl(-) during assay. When the same extraction and assay procedures were applied to wheat PSII membranes, we observed, in contrast to 17,24 kilodalton-less spinach PSII, only about 50% inhibition of O(2) evolution and about 2-fold greater enhancement by Cl(-) than by Ca(2+). Irrespective of differences in the magnitude of enhancement of O(2) evolution by Ca(2+)versus Cl(-) in spinach versus wheat, the K(m) values for Cl(-) (about 1.7 millimolar) and Ca(2+) (about 1.5 millimolar) were similar for both type preparations. The abundance of Ca specifically associated with fully functional PSII (about 2 and about 3 Ca/200 chlorophyll for spinach and wheat, respectively) was diminished to about 1 per 200 chlorophyll upon 17.24 kilodalton protein depletion. Further treatment of wheat 17,24 kilodalton-less PSII in darkness with 2 molar NaCl/1 millimolar ethyleneglycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid/20 micromolar A23187(2) made O(2) evolution highly dependent on Ca(2+) addition, much like the 17,24 kilodalton-less spinach PSII. Analyses of this Ca(2+) effect on O(2) evolution revealed both high (K(m) about 65 micromolar) and low (K(m) about 1.5 millimolar) affinity Ca(2+) sites in wheat 17,24 kilodalton-less PSII. The results suggest that during 17,24 kilodalton extraction by NaCl, spinach PSII is more susceptible than wheat PSII to loss of high affinity Ca and irreversible inhibition of O(2) evolution.  相似文献   

The accumulation of the extrinsic 30-kDa protein of PS II inthylakoid membranes was studied in relation to the assemblyof PS II antenna Chl-proteins CP43/47 and light-harvesting Chia/b-protein (LHC) in greening cells of Euglena. We showed previouslythat the 30-kDa protein accumulates in the membrane later thanthe reaction center-binding Dl protein (Mizobuchi and Yamamoto1989). In the present study, the rate of accumulation of theapoproteins of LHC and CP43/47 was shown to be similar to thatof the Dl protein. By contrast, we found by non-denaturing lithiumdodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis that, atthe early stages of greening, newly assembled antenna Chi a-bindingproteins CP43 and CP47 were more susceptible to detergent thanwere the other Chl-protein complexes. Prolonged illuminationwas required for the stabilization of CP43 and CP47, and thetime course of the light-dependent formation of stable CP43/47paralleled that of the accumulation of the extrinsic 30-kDaprotein. These results are discussed in terms of the relationshipbetween the stabilization of CP43/47 and the accumulation ofthe 30-kDa protein in the thylakoid membrane and the roles ofthese two processes in the assembly of the oxygen-evolving systemin Euglena are examined. (Received February 18, 1991; Accepted June 17, 1991)  相似文献   

The photosystem II core complex purified from digitonin extractsof spinach chloroplasts was resolved into two chlorophyll-proteincomplexes by digitonin polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis aftertreatment with 1 M potassium thiocyanate. One of the chlorophyll-proteincomplexes resolved consisted of 47, 32, 30 and 9 kDa polypeptidesand the other was complementally composed of only the 43 kDapolypeptide. The former complex was highly active in the photoreductionof 2, 6-dichlorophenol indophenol by 1,5-diphenylcarbazide andretained all of the components responsible for the electrontransport from the secondary electron donor (Z) to the primaryelectron acceptor (QA). EPR signal IIfast and IIslow were alsopreserved in this complex although their hyperfine structureswere largely modified. The complex was estimated to contain1.8 molecules of plastoquinone A as well as 1.5, 3.7 and 3.9molecules of cytochrome b559, pheophytin and ß-carotene,respectively, per QA. These results indicate that potassiumthiocyanate specifically removes the 43 kDa polypeptide fromthe PS II core complex leaving the electron transport systemin an almost intact state. (Received June 17, 1987; Accepted October 23, 1987)  相似文献   

光合放氧是植物光系统II(PSII)的重要功能之一。PSII的放氧反应主要是由PSII氧化侧的 4个锰原子组成的锰簇催化的。在类囊体膜的囊腔侧还结合有若干个外周蛋白 ,对放氧反应起着重要作用。文章总结了植物光系统II外周蛋白的结构和功能研究方面的最新进展  相似文献   

Three extrinsic proteins involved in oxygen evolution reversiblydissociated from Photo-system II (PS II) membranes at acidicpHs showing distinctly different pH dependencies. The pHs forhalf dissociation of 17, 23 and 33 kDa extrinsic proteins weredetermined to be 5.0, 4.1 and 3.6, respectively. The half dissociationpHs of 17 and 23 kDa proteins were much lower than their respectiveisoelectric points, while that for 33 kDa protein was closeto its isoelectric point. It was suggested that protonationof the negatively charged binding domain on membrane proteinscauses dissociation of the former two extrinsic proteins, whereasprotonation of the extrinsic protein itself is responsible forthe dissociation of 33 kDa protein. Based on these, featuresof low pH-induced dissociation of extrinsic proteins and Mnfrom PS II were discussed. (Received September 25, 1990; Accepted February 13, 1991)  相似文献   

Voltage was investigated as a factor in the fusion of virions. Virions, pseudotyped with a class II, SFV E1 or VEEV E, or a class III protein, VSV G, were prepared with GFP within the core and a fluorescent lipid. This allowed both hemifusion and fusion to be monitored. Voltage clamping the target cell showed that fusion is promoted by a negative potential and hindered by a positive potential. Hemifusion occurred independent of polarity. Lipid dye movement, in the absence of content mixing, ceased before complete transfer for positive potentials, indicating that reversion of hemifused membranes into two distinct membranes is responsible for voltage dependence and inhibition of fusion. Content mixing quickly followed lipid dye transfer for a negative potential, providing a direct demonstration that hemifusion induced by class II and class III viral proteins is a functional intermediate of fusion. In the hemifused state, virions that fused exhibited slower lipid transfer than did nonfusing virions. All viruses with class II or III fusion proteins may utilize voltage to achieve infection.  相似文献   

Membranes prepared from HEp-2 cells infected with herpes simplex virus and free from soluble proteins, virus, ribosomes, and other cellular constituents were solubilized and subjected to electrophoresis on acrylamide gels. The electropherograms showed the following. (i) The synthesis of host proteins and glycoproteins ceases after infection. However, the spectrum of host proteins in membranes remains unaltered. (ii) Between 4 and 22 hr postinfection, at least four glycoproteins are synthesized and bound to the smooth cytoplasmic membranes. On electrophoresis, these glycoproteins form two major and two minor bands in the gel and migrate with proteins ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 daltons in molecular weight. (iii) The same glycoproteins are present in all membranes fractionated by density and in partially purified virus. The implications of the data are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) is the key antenna complex for plant photosynthesis. We present coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of monomeric and trimeric LHCII in a realistic thylakoid membrane environment based on the Martini force field. The coarse-grained protein model has been optimized with respect to atomistic reference simulations. Our simulations provide detailed insights in the thylakoid lipid fingerprint of LHCII which compares well with experimental data from membrane protein purification. Comparing the monomer and trimeric LHCII reveals a stabilizing effect of trimerization on the chromophores as well as the protein. Moreover, the average chromophore distance shortens in the trimer leading to stronger excitonic couplings. When changing the native thylakoid environment to a model membrane the protein flexibility remains constant, whereas the chromophore flexibility is reduced. Overall, the presented LHCII model lays the foundation to investigate the μs dynamics of this key antenna protein of plants.  相似文献   

Highlights? We have developed a way of getting rid of proteins quickly (i.e., minutes not days) ? This approach provides new insights into the function of the coat protein AP-1  相似文献   

The effectiveness of two major UV technologies against a highly prevalent species of Mycobacterium avium complex was investigated. Our study indicates that M. avium is much more resistant to UV irradiation than most waterborne pathogens and that it is one of the rare microorganisms that are highly resistant to both chemical and UV disinfection in water.  相似文献   

The structural constituents of the large eukaryotic ribosomal subunit are 3 ribosomal RNAs, namely the 25S, 5.8S and 5S rRNA and about 46 ribosomal proteins (r-proteins). They assemble and mature in a highly dynamic process that involves more than 150 proteins and 70 small RNAs. Ribosome biogenesis starts in the nucleolus, continues in the nucleoplasm and is completed after nucleo-cytoplasmic translocation of the subunits in the cytoplasm. In this work we created 26 yeast strains, each of which conditionally expresses one of the large ribosomal subunit (LSU) proteins. In vivo depletion of the analysed LSU r-proteins was lethal and led to destabilisation and degradation of the LSU and/or its precursors. Detailed steady state and metabolic pulse labelling analyses of rRNA precursors in these mutant strains showed that LSU r-proteins can be grouped according to their requirement for efficient progression of different steps of large ribosomal subunit maturation. Comparative analyses of the observed phenotypes and the nature of r-protein – rRNA interactions as predicted by current atomic LSU structure models led us to discuss working hypotheses on i) how individual r-proteins control the productive processing of the major 5′ end of 5.8S rRNA precursors by exonucleases Rat1p and Xrn1p, and ii) the nature of structural characteristics of nascent LSUs that are required for cytoplasmic accumulation of nascent subunits but are nonessential for most of the nuclear LSU pre-rRNA processing events.  相似文献   

The permeability to protein molecules of the outer limitingmembranes and the thylakoid membranes in hypotonically shockedprotoplasts of the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcussp. was studied by examining the effects of NaBr-washing andpronase E-digestion on phycobiliproteins and a 35 kDa proteinwhich are associated with the outer and inner surface of thethylakoid membranes, respectively, and by measuring photooxidationof added cytochrome c. All the results obtained indicate thatthe shocked protoplasts are in essence a homogenous right side-outthylakoid membrane preparation; the outer limiting membranesare leaky to protein molecules, whereas the thylakoid membranesare still impermeable to proteins. The thylakoid membranes becamepermeable to proteins when the protoplasts were mechanicallydisrupted. Following on from these findings, the membrane topology of subunitpolypeptides of the photosystem I reaction center complex wasstudied. Proteolytic digestion of shocked protoplasts with trypsinand pronase E indicated that four of the five subunit polypeptidesof the PS I reaction center complex are exposed at the stromalsurface of thylakoid membranes; two subunits of 14 and 13 kDawere selectively digested by trypsin, whereas two chlorophyll-bindingsubunits of 62 and 60 kDa were preferentially attacked by pronaseE. However, a 10 kDa subunit appears to be strongly resistantto the proteases. Experiments with mechanically disrupted protoplastsfailed to provide evidence for a uniform transmembrane organizationof the PS I subunits. (Received March 31, 1986; Accepted August 18, 1986)  相似文献   

When pea plants (Pisum sativum L. cv Feltham First) are subjected to freezing conditions (−18°C) followed by a thaw to 18°C, there is a significant inhibition of water-splitting capacity judged by the rate of light-induced reduction of 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol using isolated thylakoid membrane fragments enriched in photosystem II (PSII). The freeze-thaw-induced inhibition of water-splitting activity has been correlated with the loss of the 17- and 23-kilodalton extrinsic protein of PSII and with a weakening of the binding of the 33-kilodalton protein. There was no apparent loss of bound manganese. Addition of 10 millimolar CaCl2, however, allowed a full recovery of the water-splitting activity of these modified PSII-enriched particles. The freeze-thaw-induced changes in the organization and functional capacity of PSII was found to increase its susceptibility to photoinhibition in agreement with the concepts presented in the accompanying paper, that oxidative damage can occur within the PSII reaction center as a consequence of extending the lifetime of P680+.  相似文献   

Summary Among the various bivalent metal ions tested, only copper(II) was found to bind to thiostrepton (M rr 1650) in a stoichiometric ratio of 4:1. The binding of four copper ions to a thiostrepton molecule resulted in (a) irreversible loss in biological activity and (b) a change in the ultraviolet absorption spectrum of the antibiotic. Potentiometric titration of thiostrepton in the presence of copper(II) revealed dissociation of the antibiotic with a loss of 11 protons/molecule. Based on the preferential ability of copper(II) to bind to thiostrepton in the presence of some copper-complexing compounds containing similar ligand groups to the antibiotic, the possible co-ordinating atoms of the thiostrepton molecule involved in binding to the metal ion are discussed.  相似文献   

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