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The meiotic spindles of animal eggs move to extremely asymmetric positions, close to the cell cortex. A recent paper has identified a motor complex that may move the meiotic spindle toward the cortex in Caenorhabditis elegans eggs.  相似文献   

Munro E 《Current biology : CB》2007,17(16):R639-R641
To divide asymmetrically, a cell must position the mitotic spindle relative to localized cell fate determinants. Recent work in the early ascidian embryo reveals the function of a single factor that coordinates this act to control cleavage pattern and cell fate determination.  相似文献   

The position of the mitotic spindle controls the plane of cell cleavage and determines whether polarized cells divide symmetrically or asymmetrically. In animals, an evolutionarily conserved pathway of LIN-5 (homologues: Mud and NuMA), GPR-1/2 (homologues: Pins, LGN, AGS-3) and Gα mediates spindle positioning, and acts downstream of the conserved PAR-3-PAR-6-aPKC polarity complex. However, molecular interactions between polarity proteins and LIN-5-GPR-Gα remain to be identified. Here we describe a quantitative mass spectrometry approach for in vivo identification of protein kinase substrates. Applying this strategy to Caenorhabditis elegans embryos, we found that depletion of the polarity kinase PKC-3 results in markedly decreased levels of phosphorylation of a cluster of four LIN-5 serine residues. These residues are directly phosphorylated by PKC-3 in vitro. Phospho-LIN-5 co-localizes with PKC-3 at the anterior cell cortex and temporally coincides with a switch from anterior- to posterior-directed spindle movements in the one-cell embryo. LIN-5 mutations that prevent phosphorylation increase the extent of anterior-directed spindle movements, whereas phosphomimetic mutations decrease spindle migration. Our results indicate that anterior-located PKC-3 inhibits cortical microtubule pulling forces through direct phosphorylation of LIN-5. This molecular interaction between polarity and spindle-positioning proteins may be used broadly in cell cleavage plane determination.  相似文献   

Cell division requires the assembly of a microtubule-based spindle which captures and segregates sister chromatids. But how is this spindle broken down once chromosome segregation is complete? New evidence implicates a highly conserved AAA-ATPase in spindle disassembly at the end of mitosis.  相似文献   

When a spindle is positioned asymmetrically in a dividing cell, the resulting daughter cells are unequal in size. Asymmetric spindle positioning is driven by regulated forces that can pull or push a spindle. The physical and molecular mechanisms that can position spindles asymmetrically have been studied in several systems, and some themes have begun to emerge from recent research. Recent work in budding yeast has presented a model for how cytoskeletal motors and cortical capture molecules can function in orienting and positioning a spindle. The temporal regulation of microtubule-based pulling forces that move a spindle has been examined in one animal system. Although the spindle positioning force generators have not been identified in most animal systems, the forces have been found to be regulated by both PAR polarity proteins and G-protein signaling pathways in more than one animal system.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spindle positioning during an asymmetric cell division is of fundamental importance to ensure correct size of daughter cells and segregation of determinants. In the C. elegans embryo, the first spindle is asymmetrically positioned, and this asymmetry is controlled redundantly by two heterotrimeric Galpha subunits, GOA-1 and GPA-16. The Galpha subunits act downstream of the PAR polarity proteins, which control the relative pulling forces acting on the poles. How these heterotrimeric G proteins are regulated and how they control spindle position is still unknown. RESULTS: Here we show that the Galpha subunits are regulated by a receptor-independent mechanism. RNAi depletion of gpr-1 and gpr-2, homologs of mammalian AGS3 and Drosophila PINS (receptor-independent G protein regulators), results in a phenotype identical to that of embryos depleted of both GPA-16 and GOA-1; the first cleavage is symmetric, but polarity is not affected. The loss of spindle asymmetry after RNAi of gpr-1 and gpr-2 appears to be the result of weakened pulling forces acting on the poles. The GPR protein(s) localize around the cortex of one-cell embryos and are enriched at the posterior. Thus, asymmetric G protein regulation could explain the posterior displacement of the spindle. Posterior enrichment is abolished in the absence of the PAR polarity proteins PAR-2 or PAR-3. In addition, LIN-5, a coiled-coil protein also required for spindle positioning, binds to and is required for cortical association of the GPR protein(s). Finally, we show that the GPR domain of GPR-1 and GPR-2 behaves as a GDP dissociation inhibitor for GOA-1, and its activity is thus similar to that of mammalian AGS3. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that GPR-1 and/or GPR-2 control an asymmetry in forces exerted on the spindle poles by asymmetrically modulating the activity of the heterotrimeric G protein in response to a signal from the PAR proteins.  相似文献   

Asymmetric cell division is a conserved mechanism for partitioning information during mitosis. Over the past several years, significant progress has been made in our understanding of how cells establish polarity during asymmetric cell division and how determinants, in the form of localized proteins and mRNAs, are segregated. In particular, genetic studies in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans have linked cell polarity, G protein signaling and regulation of the cytoskeleton to coordination of mitotic spindle orientation and localization of determinants. Also, several new studies have furthered our understanding of how asymmetrically localized cell fate determinants, such as the Numb, a negative regulator Notch signaling, functions in biasing cell fates in the developing nervous system in Drosophila. In vertebrates, analysis of dividing neural progenitor cells by in vivo imaging has raised questions about the role of asymmetric cell divisions during neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Many stem cells divide asymmetrically to balance self-renewal and differentiation. In Drosophila testes, two stem cell populations, germline stem cells (GSCs) and somatic cyst stem cells (CySCs), cohere and regulate one another. Here, we report that CySCs divide asymmetrically through repositioning the mitotic spindle around anaphase. CySC spindle repositioning requires functional centrosomes, Dynein and the actin-membrane linker Moesin. Anaphase spindle repositioning is required to achieve high-fidelity asymmetric divisions in CySCs, thus maintaining both GSC and CySC numbers. We propose that dynamic spindle repositioning allows CySCs to divide asymmetrically while accommodating the structure of the GSCs they encapsulate.  相似文献   

Three Caulobacter crescentus heat-shock proteins were shown to be immunologically related to the Escherichia coli heat-shock proteins GroEL, Lon and DnaK. A fourth heat-shock protein was detected with antibody to the C. crescentus RNA polymerase. This 37,000 Mr heat-shock protein might be related to the E. coli 32,000 Mr heat-shock sigma subunit. The synthesis of the major C. crescentus RNA polymerase sigma factor was not induced by heat shock. The E. coli GroEL protein and the related protein from C. crescentus were also induced by treatment with hydrogen peroxide. Like some of the proteins in the heat-shock protein families of Drosophila and yeast, the four heat-shock proteins in C. crescentus were found to be regulated developmentally under normal conditions. All four proteins were synthesized in the predivisional cell, but the progeny showed cell type-specific bias in the level of enhanced synthesis after heat shock. The 92,000 Mr Lon homolog and the 37,000 Mr RNA polymerase subunit were preferentially synthesized in the stalked cell, whereas the synthesis of the 62,000 Mr GroEL homolog was enhanced in the progeny swarmer cell. Furthermore, the four heat-shock proteins synthesized in the predivisional cell were partitioned in a specific manner upon cell division. The stalked cell, which initiates chromosome replication immediately upon division, received the Lon homolog, the DnaK homolog and the 37,000 Mr RNA polymerase subunit. The GroEL homolog, however, was distributed equally to both the stalked cell and the swarmer cell. These results provide access to the functions of C. crescentus heat-shock proteins under both normal and stress conditions. They also allow an investigation of the regulatory signals that modulate the asymmetric distribution of proteins and their subsequent cell type-specific expression in the initial stages of a developmental program.  相似文献   

During asymmetric cell division, the mitotic spindle and polarized myosin can both determine the position of the cytokinetic furrow. However, how cells coordinate signals from the spindle and myosin to ensure that cleavage occurs through the spindle midzone is unknown. Here, we identify a novel pathway that is essential to inhibit myosin and coordinate furrow and spindle positions during asymmetric division. In Caenorhabditis elegans one-cell embryos, myosin localizes at the anterior cortex whereas the mitotic spindle localizes toward the posterior. We find that PAR-4/LKB1 impinges on myosin via two pathways, an anillin-dependent pathway that also responds to the cullin CUL-5 and an anillin-independent pathway involving the kinase PIG-1/MELK. In the absence of both PIG-1/MELK and the anillin ANI-1, myosin accumulates at the anterior cortex and induces a strong displacement of the furrow toward the anterior, which can lead to DNA segregation defects. Regulation of asymmetrically localized myosin is thus critical to ensure that furrow and spindle midzone positions coincide throughout cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The kinetics of spindle and chromosomes during bovine oocyte meiosis from meiosis I to meiosis III is described. The results of this study showed that (1) oocytes began to extrude the first polar body (Pb1) at the early anaphase I stage and the Pb1 totally separated from the mother cell only when oocytes reach the MII stage; (2) the morphology of the spindle changed from barrel-shaped at the metaphase stage to cylinder-shaped at early anaphase, and then to a thin, long triangle-shaped cone at late anaphase and telophase stages; (3) chromosome morphology went from an individual visible stage at metaphase to a less defined chromatin state during anaphase and telophase stages, and then back to visible individual chromosomes at the next metaphase; (4) chromatin that connected with the floor of the cone became the polar bodies and expelled, and almost all of the microtubules (MTs) and microfilaments (MFs) composing the spindles moved towards and contributed to the polar bodies; and (5) the size of the metaphase I (MI) spindle was larger than the metaphase II (MII) and metaphase III (MIII) spindles. The MII spindle, however, is more barrel-shaped than the MI spindle. This study suggests that spindle MTs and MFs during bovine oocyte meiosis are asymmetrically divided into the polar bodies.  相似文献   

Gardner MK  Odde DJ 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(24):R1021-R1023
A new study shows that an antagonistic force model can explain a number of complex mitotic spindle movements in the first mitosis of the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo by simply assuming that cortical force generators become increasingly persistent in their interaction with microtubules during mitosis.  相似文献   

Di Y  Xia SH  Tong CQ 《生理科学进展》2006,37(3):263-265
AGS3蛋白是影响受体到G蛋白的信号转导或直接影响非受体依赖型G蛋白激活的蛋白质之一。AGS3蛋白在脑、睾丸、肝脏、肾脏、心脏、胰腺及PC-12细胞中普遍分布。它不仅具有不依赖受体的Gβγ信号转导激活物的作用,也能作为二磷酸乌苷(GDP)的解离抑制剂,并负向调节G蛋白偶联受体对G蛋白的激活。AGSl、AGS2、AGS4是AGS家族的其它几个成员,能选择性激活不同类型的G蛋白。LGN和PINS蛋白是AGS3的同系物。AGS3蛋白与信号转导的关系是目前研究的热点之一。  相似文献   

The polarity of sensory bristles on the thorax of Drosophila is linked to the orientation of the asymmetric cell divisions that partition cell fate determinants in this lineage. The orientation of these divisions is under the control of the Frizzled pathway that generates planar polarity in a number of cell types.  相似文献   

Asymmetric cell division is an important and conserved strategy in the generation of cellular diversity during animal development. Many of our insights into the underlying mechanisms of asymmetric cell division have been gained from Drosophila, including the establishment of polarity, orientation of mitotic spindles and segregation of cell fate determinants. Recent studies are also beginning to reveal the connection between the misregulation of asymmetric cell division and cancer. What we are learning from Drosophila as a model system has implication both for stem cell biology and also cancer research.  相似文献   

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