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Dunn DS  Tait BD  Kulski JK 《Immunogenetics》2005,56(10):765-768
There are five polymorphic Alu insertion (POALIN) loci within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I region that have been strongly associated with HLA class I alleles, such as HLA-A1, HLA-A2 and HLA-B57. In order to assess the variability and frequency of POALIN distribution within two common HLA-B haplotypes, we detected the presence of the MHC class I POALIN by PCR in a panel of 15 individuals with HLA-B57 and 47 homozygous individuals with 7.1 AH (HLA-B7, -Cw7, -A3) obtained from the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, and also from four families (25 individuals) containing the HLA-B57 allele. Only two of the 47 HLA-B7 genotypes had a detectable POALIN, whereas all of the HLA-B57 genotypes had at least one or more POALINs present, confirming that certain MHC class I haplotypes are relatively POALIN-free and others are POALIN-enriched. Six distinct HLA-B57 haplotypes, based on differences at the HLA-A locus and three of five POALIN loci, were identified that appear to have evolved by different mechanisms, including either by shuffling different combinations of conserved alpha and beta blocks or by recombination events involving two or more previously generated HLA-B57 haplotypes.  相似文献   

The physical alignment of the entire region of the pig major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has been almost completed. In swine, the MHC is called the SLA (swine leukocyte antigen) and most of its class I region has been sequenced. Over one hundred genes have been characterised, including the classical class I and class I-related genes, as well as the class II gene families. These results in swine provide new evidence for the striking conservation during the evolution of a general MHC framework, and are consistent with the location of the class I genes on segments referred to as permissive places within the MHC class I region. Recent results confirm the involvement of the SLA region in numerous quantitative traits.  相似文献   

Psoriasis is a common inflammatory skin disease characterized by thickened scaly red plaques. Previously we have performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on psoriasis with 1,359 cases and 1,400 controls, which were genotyped for 447,249 SNPs. The most significant finding was for SNP rs12191877, which is in tight linkage disequilibrium with HLA-Cw*0602, the consensus risk allele for psoriasis. However, it is not known whether there are other psoriasis loci within the MHC in addition to HLA-C. In the present study, we searched for additional susceptibility loci within the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region through in-depth analyses of the GWAS data; then, we followed up our findings in an independent Han Chinese 1,139 psoriasis cases and 1,132 controls. Using the phased CEPH dataset as a reference, we imputed the HLA-Cw*0602 in all samples with high accuracy. The association of the imputed HLA-Cw*0602 dosage with disease was much stronger than that of the most significantly associated SNP, rs12191877. Adjusting for HLA-Cw*0602, there were two remaining association signals: one demonstrated by rs2073048 (p=2×10−6, OR=0.66), located within c6orf10, a potential downstream effecter of TNF-alpha, and one indicated by rs13437088 (p=9×10−6, OR=1.3), located 30 kb centromeric of HLA-B and 16 kb telomeric of MICA. When HLA-Cw*0602, rs2073048, and rs13437088 were all included in a logistic regression model, each of them was significantly associated with disease (p=3×10−47, 6×10−8, and 3×10−7, respectively). Both putative loci were also significantly associated in the Han Chinese samples after controlling for the imputed HLA-Cw*0602. A detailed analysis of HLA-B in both populations demonstrated that HLA-B*57 was associated with an increased risk of psoriasis and HLA-B*40 a decreased risk, independently of HLA-Cw*0602 and the C6orf10 locus, suggesting the potential pathogenic involvement of HLA-B. These results demonstrate that there are at least two additional loci within the MHC conferring risk of psoriasis.  相似文献   

Shi L  Yao YF  Shi L  Tao YF  Yu L  Huang XQ  Lin KQ  Yi W  Sun H  Yang ZQ  Chu JY 《遗传》2011,33(2):138-146
近年来研究发现:位于HLAⅠ类基因区域的Alu插入是研究不同群体HLAⅠ类基因区域祖先单倍型和HLAⅠ类基因多样性产生、进化和重组的理想工具。文章对中国壮族和裕固族群体HLAⅠ类基因区域5个Alu插入多态性(AluMICB、AluTF、AluHJ、AluHG和AluHF)进行研究,结合HLA基因分型数据,分析壮族、裕固族、哈尼族、布朗族和傣族5个民族群体中Alu插入与HLA-A等位基因的关系。研究结果显示:(1)壮族和裕固族人群中5个Alu插入频率范围分别为1.5%~35.8%和9.2~34.8%,AluMICB、AluTF和AluHF插入频率在这两个群体中有统计学差异(P<0.05);(2)在5个研究的群体中,AluHG插入与HLA-A*02的不同亚型关联;AluHJ插入与HLA-A*2402在5个群体中都关联,但AluHJ与HLA-A*1101和HLA-A*2407只在布朗族中关联。表明不同群体HLAⅠ类基因区域内Alu插入具有各自的特征,且Alu插入与不同的HLA-A等位基因相关联。这种Alu插入及其与HLA-A的关联特征可作为研究群体中HLAⅠ类基因和单倍型系谱变化的重要遗传标记。  相似文献   

Although the human peptide-loading complex (PLC) is required for optimal major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I) antigen presentation, its composition is still incompletely understood. The ratio of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) and MHC I to tapasin, which is responsible for MHC I recruitment and peptide binding optimization, is particularly critical for modeling of the PLC. Here, we characterized the stoichiometry of the human PLC using both biophysical and biochemical approaches. By means of single-molecule pulldown (SiMPull), we determined a TAP/tapasin ratio of 1:2, consistent with previous studies of insect-cell microsomes, rat-human chimeric cells, and HeLa cells expressing truncated TAP subunits. We also report that the tapasin/MHC I ratio varies, with the PLC population comprising both 2:1 and 2:2 complexes, based on mutational and co-precipitation studies. The MHC I-saturated PLC may be particularly prevalent among peptide-selective alleles, such as HLA-C4. Additionally, MHC I association with the PLC increases when its peptide supply is reduced by inhibiting the proteasome or by blocking TAP-mediated peptide transport using viral inhibitors. Taken together, our results indicate that the composition of the human PLC varies under normal conditions and dynamically adapts to alterations in peptide supply that may arise during viral infection. These findings improve our understanding of the quality control of MHC I peptide loading and may aid the structural and functional modeling of the human PLC.  相似文献   

Animals harbour diverse communities of symbiotic bacteria, which differ dramatically among host individuals. This heterogeneity poses an immunological challenge: distinguishing between mutualistic and pathogenic members of diverse and host‐specific microbial communities. We propose that Major Histocompatibility class II (MHC) genotypes contribute to recognition and regulation of gut microbes, and thus, MHC polymorphism contributes to microbial variation among hosts. Here, we show that MHC IIb polymorphism is associated with among‐individual variation in gut microbiota within a single wild vertebrate population of a small fish, the threespine stickleback. We sampled stickleback from Cedar Lake, on Vancouver Island, and used next‐generation sequencing to genotype the sticklebacks’ gut microbiota (16S sequencing) and their MHC class IIb exon 2 sequences. The presence of certain MHC motifs was associated with altered relative abundance (increase or decrease) of some microbial Families. The effect sizes are modest and entail a minority of microbial taxa, but these results represent the first indication that MHC genotype may affect gut microbiota composition in natural populations (MHC‐microbe associations have also been found in a few studies of lab mice). Surprisingly, these MHC effects were frequently sex‐dependent. Finally, hosts with more diverse MHC motifs had less diverse gut microbiota. One implication is that MHC might influence the efficacy of therapeutic strategies to treat dysbiosis‐associated disease, including the outcome of microbial transplants between healthy and diseased patients. We also speculate that macroparasite‐driven selection on MHC has the potential to indirectly alter the host gut microbiota, and vice versa.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The critical role of Major Histocompatibility Complex (Mhc) genes in disease resistance and their highly polymorphic nature make them exceptional candidates for studies investigating genetic effects on survival, mate choice and conservation. Species that harbor many Mhc loci and high allelic diversity are particularly intriguing as they are potentially under strong selection and studies of such species provide valuable information as to the mechanisms maintaining Mhc diversity. However comprehensive genotyping of complex multilocus systems has been a major challenge to date with the result that little is known about the consequences of this complexity in terms of fitness effects and disease resistance. RESULTS: In this study, we genotyped the Mhc class I exon 3 of the great tit (Parus major) from two nest-box breeding populations near Oxford, UK that have been monitored for decades. Characterization of Mhc class I exon 3 was adopted and bidirectional sequencing was carried using the 454 sequencing platform. Full analysis of sequences through a stepwise variant validation procedure allowed reliable typing of more than 800 great tits based on 214,357 reads; from duplicates we estimated the repeatability of typing as 0.94. A total of 862 alleles were detected, and the presence of at least 16 functional loci was shown - the highest number characterized in a wild bird species. Finally, the functional alleles were grouped into 17 supertypes based on their antigen binding affinities. CONCLUSIONS: We found extreme complexity at the Mhc class I of the great tit both in terms of allelic diversity and gene number. The presence of many functional loci was shown, together with a pseudogene family and putatively non-functional alleles; there was clear evidence that functional alleles were under strong balancing selection. This study is the first step towards an in-depth analysis of this gene complex in this species, which will help understanding how parasite-mediated and sexual selection shape and maintain host genetic variation in nature. We believe that study systems like ours can make important contributions to the field of evolutionary biology and emphasize the necessity of integrating long-term field-based studies with detailed genetic analysis to unravel complex evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

The associations of polymorphic Alu insertions (POALINs) with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes enable us to better identify origins and evolution of MHC class I region haplotypes in different populations. For further studying origins and evolution of MHC class I region haplotypes in Han and Jinuo populations in Yunnan Province, we investigated frequencies of five POALINs, their associations with HLA-A and -B, the three-loci POALINs haplotype frequencies and HLA/POALIN four-loci haplotype frequencies within the alpha block of MHC class I region. We found that a strong positive association between AluHG and HLA-A*02 is in Jinuo, but not in Yunnan Han. These results suggest that MHC class I region haplotypes of the two studied populations might derive from different progenitor haplotypes and MHC I-POALINs are informative genetic markers for investigating origins and evolution of MHC class I region haplotypes in different populations.  相似文献   

Class II Major Histocompatibility (MHC) molecules are cell surface heterodimeric glycoproteins that play a central role in the immune response by presenting peptide antigens for surveillance by T cells. Due to the inherent instability of the class II MHC heterodimer, and its dependence on bound peptide for proper assembly, the production of electrophoretically pure samples of class II MHC proteins in complex with specific peptides has been problematic. A soluble form of the murine class II MHC molecule, I-Ad, with a leucine zipper tail added to each chain to enhance dimer assembly and secretion, has been produced in Drosophila melanogaster SC2 cells. To facilitate peptide loading, a high affinity ovalbumin peptide was covalently engineered to be attached by a six-residue linker to the amino terminus of the I-Adbeta chain. This modified I-Ad molecule was purified using preparative IEF and one fraction, after removal of the leucine zipper tails, produced crystals suitable for X-ray crystallographic analysis. The protein engineering and purification methods described here should be of general value for the expression of I-A and other class II MHC-peptide complexes.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules are ligands for T-cell receptors of CD8+ T cells and inhibitory receptors of natural killer cells. Assembly of the heavy chain, light chain, and peptide components of MHC class I molecules occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Specific assembly factors and generic ER chaperones, collectively called the MHC class I peptide loading complex (PLC), are required for MHC class I assembly. Calreticulin has an important role within the PLC and induces MHC class I cell surface expression, but the interactions and mechanisms involved are incompletely understood. We show that interactions with the thiol oxidoreductase ERp57 and substrate glycans are important for the recruitment of calreticulin into the PLC and for its functional activities in MHC class I assembly. The glycan and ERp57 binding sites of calreticulin contribute directly or indirectly to complexes between calreticulin and the MHC class I assembly factor tapasin and are important for maintaining steady-state levels of both tapasin and MHC class I heavy chains. A number of destabilizing conditions and mutations induce generic polypeptide binding sites on calreticulin and contribute to calreticulin-mediated suppression of misfolded protein aggregation in vitro. We show that generic polypeptide binding sites per se are insufficient for stable recruitment of calreticulin to PLC substrates in cells. However, such binding sites could contribute to substrate stabilization in a step that follows the glycan and ERp57-dependent recruitment of calreticulin to the PLC.  相似文献   

For their efficient assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules require the specific assembly factors transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) and tapasin, as well as generic ER folding factors, including the oxidoreductases ERp57 and protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), and the chaperone calreticulin. TAP transports peptides from the cytosol into the ER. Tapasin promotes the assembly of MHC class I molecules with peptides. The formation of disulfide‐linked conjugates of tapasin with ERp57 is suggested to be crucial for tapasin function. Important functional roles are also suggested for the tapasin transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, sites of tapasin interaction with TAP. We show that interactions of tapasin with both TAP and ERp57 are correlated with strong MHC class I recruitment and assembly enhancement. The presence of the transmembrane/cytosolic regions of tapasin is critical for efficient tapasin–MHC class I binding in interferon‐γ‐treated cells, and contributes to an ERp57‐independent mode of MHC class I assembly enhancement. A second ERp57‐dependent mode of tapasin function correlates with enhanced MHC class I binding to tapasin and calreticulin. We also show that PDI binds to TAP in a tapasin‐independent manner, but forms disulfide‐linked conjugates with soluble tapasin. Thus, full‐length tapasin is important for enhancing recruitment of MHC class I molecules and increasing specificity of tapasin–ERp57 conjugation. Furthermore, tapasin or the TAP/tapasin complex has an intrinsic ability to recruit MHC class I molecules and promote assembly, but also uses generic folding factors to enhance MHC class I recruitment and assembly.  相似文献   

P. W. Hedrick 《Genetics》1992,132(2):575-581
The cause of the high genetic variability in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is not entirely clear. Recently, two reports suggest that female mice prefer to mate with males different from them at the MHC. A model of female choice appropriate for those observations is developed here. Female choice can in fact reduce the observed proportions of homozygotes, maintain genetic polymorphism, influence mating-type frequencies and generate gametic disequilibrium.  相似文献   

The analysis of the genetic variability associated to Alu sequences was hampered by the absence of genome-wide methodologies able to efficiently detect new polymorphisms/mutations among these repetitive elements. Here we describe two Alu insertion profiling (AIP) methods based on the hybridization of Alu-flanking genomic fragments on tiling microarrays. Protocols are designed to preferentially detect active Alu subfamilies. We tested AIP methods by analyzing chromosomes 1 and 6 in two genomic samples. In genomic regions covered by array-features, with a sensitivity of 2% (AIP1) -4% (AIP2) and 5% (AIP1) -8% (AIP2) for the old J and S Alu lineages respectively, we obtained a sensitivity of 67% (AIP1) -90% (AIP2) for the young Ya subfamily. Among the loci showing sample-to-sample differences, 5 (AIP1) -8 (AIP2) were associated to known Alu polymorphisms. Moreover, we were able to confirm by PCR and DNA sequencing 4 new intragenic Alu elements, polymorphic in 10 additional individuals.  相似文献   

R. Gelman  A. Watson  E. Yunis    R. M. Williams 《Genetics》1990,125(1):167-174
In this study of murine survival, 422 F1 hybrids between DBA/2J (D2) female mice and C57BL/10 (B10) background H-2 congenic male mice (11 strains), 88 F1 hybrids between B10 female mice and B10 background H-2 congenic male mice (3 strains), and 532 control mice from the 11 parental B10 background H-2 congenic mice were bred over a period of 2 yr. Toward the end of the breeding period there was documentation of Sendai infection in the mouse rooms. All analyses were done separately for the two sexes. Although it did not appear that an unusually high number of mice died during the time the colony was infected with Sendai, there was a highly significant tendency for mice who were younger at the time of the Sendai infection to have shorter survival than mice who were older at that time point. The effect of birth date on survival was approximately as significant as the effect of strain on survival. Hence all analyses of genetic effects on survival were either done within subsets of mice born in the same quarter of a particular year or else included date of birth variables in survival models. Of the 18 possible comparisons of pairs of strains which overlapped in birth dates and differed only in the D end of H-2, five were associated with highly significant survival differences. Of the 11 pairs of strains which overlapped in birth date and differed only in the K end of H-2, none was associated with significant survival differences.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


A simple strategy for designing a cancer immunotherapeutic system involves modification of tumor cells from tumor-bearing animals in vivo in such a way that the host can evoke a specific immune response against them. We have expressed allogeneic class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on tumor cells, through ex vivo DNA-mediated gene transfer. These molecules are potent immuno-modulators for the stimulation of strong immune reactions against certain malignancies. In order to achieve efficient gene delivery to tumor cells in vivo we have compared the efficiencies of gene transfer into mammalian tumor cells by the biolistic particle delivery system and cationic liposomes. In this report, we have demonstrated that cationic liposomes prepared by DC-chol and DOPE gives the best efficiency of transfection for tumor cells in vivo. We also showed that a strong anti-H-2Kb allo-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response could be generated following in vivo immunization of AKR/J mouse spleens with the H-2Kb gene and DC-chol cationic liposomes. The direct immunization of mouse spleens to induce cell-mediated immunity against exogenous antigens may allow alternative treatment strategies for cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Antigen presentation to cytotoxic T lymphocytes via major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I) molecules depends on the heterodimeric transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP). For efficient antigen supply to MHC I molecules in the ER, TAP assembles a macromolecular peptide-loading complex (PLC) by recruiting tapasin. In evolution, TAP appeared together with effector cells of adaptive immunity at the transition from jawless to jawed vertebrates and diversified further within the jawed vertebrates. Here, we compared TAP function and interaction with tapasin of a range of species within two classes of jawed vertebrates. We found that avian and mammalian TAP1 and TAP2 form heterodimeric complexes across taxa. Moreover, the extra N-terminal domain TMD0 of mammalian TAP1 and TAP2 as well as avian TAP2 recruits tapasin. Strikingly, however, only TAP1 and TAP2 from the same taxon can form a functional heterodimeric translocation complex. These data demonstrate that the dimerization interface between TAP1 and TAP2 and the tapasin docking sites for PLC assembly are conserved in evolution, whereas elements of antigen translocation diverged later in evolution and are thus taxon specific.  相似文献   

The pattern of polymorphisms at major histocompatibility complex loci was studied by computer simulations and by DNA sequence analysis. Two types of selection, overdominance plus short-term selection and maternal–fetal incompatibility, were simulated for a gene family with intra- and interlocus gene conversion. Both types of selection were found to be consistent with the observed patterns of polymorphisms. It was also found that the more interlocus conversion occurs, the higher the divergence becomes at both nonsynonymous and synonymous sites. The ratio of nonsynonymous-to-synonymous divergence among alleles decreases as the interlocus conversion rate increases. These results agree with the interpretation that the rate of interlocus conversion is lower in human genes than in genes of other nonprimate mammals. This is because, in the latter, synonymous divergence at the ARS (antigen recognition site) is often higher than that at the non-ARS, whereas in the former, this is not so. Also, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions at the ARS tends to be higher in human genes than in other mammalian genes. The main difference between overdominance plus short-term selection and maternal–fetal interaction is that the number of alleles and heterozygosity per locus are higher in the latter than in the former under the presumed selection intensities. However, the average divergence among alleles tends to be lower in the latter than in the former under similar conditions. Received: 30 September 1997 / Accepted: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

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