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The aim of the present study was to examine whether the workload, expressed in oxygen uptake and heart rate, during dance class and rehearsal prepared the dancer for performance. Previous research on the demands of class and performance has been affected by equipment limitations and could only provide limited insight into the physiological demands placed on the dancer. The present study noted that dance performance had significantly greater mean oxygen uptake and heart rate than noted in both class and rehearsal (p < 0.05). Further analysis noted that, during class and rehearsal, heart rates were rarely within the aerobic training zone (60-90%HRmax, where HRmax is the maximum heart rate). Dance performance placed a greater demand on the aerobic and anaerobic glycolytic energy systems than seen during class and rehearsal, which placed a greater emphasis on the adenosine triphosphate-creatine phosphate system. Practical implications suggest the need to supplement training within dance companies to overcome this deficit in training demand.  相似文献   

Release of large amounts of citric acid from specialized root clusters (proteoid roots) of phosphorus (P)-deficient white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) is an efficient strategy for chemical mobilization of sparingly available P sources in the rhizosphere. The present study demonstrates that increased accumulation and exudation of citric acid and a concomitant release of protons were predominantly restricted to mature root clusters in the later stages of P deficiency. Inhibition of citrate exudation by exogenous application of anion-channel blockers such as ethacrynic- and anthracene-9-carboxylic acids may indicate involvement of an anion channel. Phosphorus-deficiency-induced accumulation and subsequent exudation of citric acid seem to be a consequence of both increased biosynthesis and reduced metabolization of citric acid in the proteoid root tissue, indicated by increased in-vitro activity and enzyme protein levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (EC, and reduced activity of aconitase (EC and root respiration. Similar to citric acid, acid phosphatase, which is secreted by roots and involved in the mobilization of the organic soil P fraction, was released predominantly from proteoid roots of P-deficient plants. Also 33Pi uptake per unit root fresh-weight was increased by approximately 50% in juvenile and mature proteoid root clusters compared to apical segments of non-proteoid roots. Kinetic studies revealed a K m of 30.7 μM for Pi uptake of non-proteoid root apices in P-sufficient plants, versus K m values of 8.5–8.6 μM for non-proteoid and juvenile proteoid roots under P-deficient conditions, suggesting the induction of a high-affinity Pi-uptake system. Obviously, P-deficiency-induced adaptations of white lupin, involved in P acquisition and mobilization of sparingly available P sources, are predominantly confined to proteoid roots, and moreover to distinct stages during proteoid root development. Received: 10 September 1998 / Accepted: 22 December 1998  相似文献   

The supranivean hibernaculum of Hippodamia convergens allows exposure of this species to fluctuating temperatures and humidities. Correspondingly, H. convergens is resistant to desiccation, maintains cold-hardiness independent of temperature, and responds to warm acclimation with a reduced respiration rate. Beneath the snow, Coleomegilla maculata is maintained at a constant temperature and high humidity. Warm acclimation in this species results in a loss of cold-hardiness and an increase in respiration rate. This response suggests a transition from an energy-conserving metabolic state associated with overwintering to one of energy expenditure as the beetles prepare for summer feeding and reproduction.  相似文献   

Neuronal activity has been shown to be attenuated in cardiorespiratory and locomotor centers of the brain in response to a single bout of exercise in trained (TR) vs. untrained (UN) animals, but the mechanisms remain obscure. Based on this finding, dendritic branching patterns of seven brain areas associated with cardiorespiratory and locomotor activity were examined in TR and UN animals. Twenty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats were kept in individual cages and divided into TR and UN. TR were provided with a running wheel and exercised spontaneously. After 85 or 120 days, exercise training indexes were obtained, including maximal oxygen consumption, percent body fat, resting heart rate, and heart weight-to-body weight ratios. The brain was removed and processed according to a modified Golgi-Cox procedure. Impregnated neurons from seven brain areas were examined in coronal sections: the periaqueductal gray, posterior hypothalamic area, nucleus of the tractus solitarius, rostral ventrolateral medulla, cuneiform nucleus, nucleus cuneatus, and cerebral cortex. Neurons were traced using a camera lucida technique and analyzed using the Sholl analysis of dendritic branching. t-tests were conducted to compare the mean number of intersections per neuron by grouping inner rings and outer rings and also comparing the total number of intersections per animal. There were significant differences between groups in the posterior hypothalamic area, periaqueductal gray, cuneiform nucleus, and nucleus of the tractus solitarius in the inner rings, outer rings, and the total number of intersections per animal. Our results show that dendritic fields of neurons in important cardiorespiratory and locomotor centers of the brain are attenuated in TR animals.  相似文献   

Physiological parameters and activity were recorded monthly on 19 men wintering at a polar base. A comparison was made between those in their first Antarctic winter (Group A, n = 13) and those in their second consecutive Antarctic winter (Group B, n = 6). Group A were more active (p less than 0.001) and spent more time outside (p less than 0.001) during the summer months than during the darker and colder winter period. Combined data showed no correlation between total activity and meteorological conditions, but a clear (p less than 0.001) negative correlation with time spent outside and wind speed. In the first part of the year group A became fitter (as shown by a lower heart rate at a VO2 1.51 min-1), increased basal oxygen uptake under standard conditions and put on body and fat mass. These changes were not demonstrated in group B living and working under identical conditions. Lean body mass of both groups rose throughout the year (A, p less than 0.001; B, p less than 0.05). These data suggested that the changes in physiological parameters in group A were in response to the life style and activity of a polar base, rather than to the Antarctic climate per se.  相似文献   

Cotula coronopifolia is a wild annual Asteraceae that grows in periodically-flooded prone environments and seems highly tolerant to periodic flooding. Seedlings of about 15 cm were collected directly from the edge of Soliman sabkha (N-E Tunisia, semi-arid stage) and grown under greenhouse conditions. Two treatments were considered: drainage and flooding. After 56 days of treatment, flooded plants showed a pronounced growth increase. This performance was essentially associated with significant increment in biomass production of both shoots and roots (about 220% of the control). The appropriate response to flooding was also characterized by the ability of the species to maintain its water status under such conditions. Neither water content nor water potential showed a significant variation as compared to those of non-flooded plants. However, transpiration rate decreased slightly but significantly in flooded plants (from 0.86 to 0.64 mmol H2O m-2 s-1). Na+ and K+ concentrations were practically maintained under waterlogging conditions, except a significant increase of Na+ content in roots of flooded plants (157% of the control). These responses were concomitant with maintenance of photosynthetic rate. However, the contents of chlorophylls a and b increased to 167% and 295%, respectively. It seems that the enhancement in these photosynthetic pigments together with a significant improvement in water use efficiency (from 4.66 to 6.07 mmol CO2 mol-1 H2O) allowed to the species to compensate the decrease in photosynthetic rate. At the anatomical level, this species responded to flooding by a significant development of its root aerenchyma (+63%) and an increase in the lignification of its stem xylem tissues (+37%). Based on the presented data, the plant fitness under flooding conditions was a result of dynamic readjustment of several morphological, physiological, and anatomical adaptive traits. Flood requirement together with salt tolerance are responsible for the predominance of C. coronopifolia in a large area in its natural biotope where most plants cannot tolerate interactive effects of flooding and salinity.  相似文献   

Drought is a major restrictive factor for declining grain yield in lentil globally. Present investigation was conducted by taking microsperma (HUL-57) and macrosperma (IPL-406) genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) as information regarding physiological and biochemical basis of differences in drought resistance in macrosperma (bold-seeded) and microsperma (small-seeded) are not well understood. Pot grown plants were exposed to drought stress at specific phenophase viz. mid-vegetative, flower initiation and pod formation stage by withholding irrigation till the plants experienced one cycle of permanent wilting (PWP). Genotypes exhibited substantial differences for most of the measured traits under drought irrespective of the phenophase of stress imposed. Under drought HUL-57 had lower CMI, higher CSI, lower values of Δ13C, maintained higher SLN, accumulated more N and efficiently remobilized accumulated N to developing seeds. Higher chlorophyll content, increased accumulation of osmotically active solutes viz. soluble sugars and proline under drought stress was evident in HUL-57. Drought induced H2O2 accumulation and lipid peroxidation in both genotypes, but increments were of lesser magnitudes in HUL-57. Drought stress of pod formation stage followed by flower initiation stage was most damaging than the stress imposed at mid-vegetative stage in both genotypes. HUL-57 showed a better drought resistance capacity than IPL-406. Drought indices viz. DSI, STI and MP are proposed as criterion to identify and breed lentil genotypes for drought conditions.  相似文献   

Summary FifteenRana pipiens were trained on a treadmill thrice weekly for 6.5 weeks to assess the effects of training on an animal that supports activity primarily through anaerobiosis. Endurance for activity increased 35% in these frogs as a result of training (P=0.006, Fig. 1). This increased performance was not due to enhanced anaerobiosis. Total lactate produced during exercise did not differ significantly for the trained or untrained animals in either gastrocnemius muscle (2.77±0.21 and 2.82±0.13 mg/g, respectively) or whole body (1.32±0.10 and 1.47±0.06 mg/g, respectively). Glycogen depletion also did not differ between the two groups (Fig. 2c). The primary response to training appeared to involve augmentation of aerobic metabolism, a response similar to that reported for mammals. Gastrocnemius muscles of trained frogs underwent a 38% increase over those of untrained individuals in the maximum activity of citrate synthase (14.5±1.0 and 10.5±0.9 moles/(g wet wt·min);P=0.008). This enzyme was also positively correlated with the level of maximum performance for all animals tested (r=0.61,P<0.01) and with the degree of improvement in the trained animals (r=0.72,P<0.05). In addition to an increased aerobic capacity, the trained animals demonstrated a greater removal of lactate from the muscle 15 min after fatigue (Fig. 2b).  相似文献   

The drought stress tolerance of two Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena landraces, one hybrid (adgxtbr) and Atlantic (S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) has been evaluated. Photosynthesis in the Andigena landraces during prolonged drought was maintained significantly longer than in the Tuberosum (Atlantic) line. Among the Andigena landraces, 'Sullu' (SUL) was more drought resistant than 'Negra Ojosa' (NOJ). Microarray analysis and metabolite data from leaf samples taken at the point of maximum stress suggested higher mitochondrial metabolic activity in SUL than in NOJ. A greater induction of chloroplast-localized antioxidant and chaperone genes in SUL compared with NOJ was evident. ABA-responsive TFs were more induced in NOJ compared with SUL, including WRKY1, mediating a response in SA signalling that may give rise to increased ROS. NOJ may be experiencing higher ROS levels than SUL. Metabolite profiles of NOJ were characterized by compounds indicative of stress, for example, proline, trehalose, and GABA, which accumulated to a higher degree than in SUL. The differences between the Andigena lines were not explained by protective roles of compatible solutes; hexoses and complex sugars were similar in both landraces. Instead, lower levels of ROS accumulation, greater mitochondrial activity and active chloroplast defences contributed to a lower stress load in SUL than in NOJ during drought.  相似文献   

Anabaena spiroides has the ability to maintain intense biomass production for extensive periods in the epilimnion of a small eutrophic lake characterized by conditions shown to cause photooxidative death in a number of other phytoplankton. By the enhancement of carotenoid synthesis chlorophyll a was protected from photooxidation and prevented from catalyzing other photooxidative reactions within the cells. By temporally separating CO(2) and N(2) fixation, maximum utilization of photosynthetically active radiation was achieved. Because CO(2) fixation was more sensitive than N(2) fixation to a high oxygen concentration, the former was maximized during morning hours, before the afternoon buildup of dissolved oxygen. The diurnal partitioning of carbon and N(2) fixation has two additional advantages; possible competition for reductant-generating compounds is minimized, and adequate endogenous pools of carbon skeletons are assured to accept newly fixed ammonia. Hence, Anabaena, far from undergoing photooxidative death, appears to utilize a physiological strategy which allows optimization of radiant energy use for reductive processes and dominance of surface waters and shading of deeper phytoplankton during summer blooms.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Both the small riparian skink Sphenomorphus quoyii and its completely terrestrial relative Ctenotus robustus respond to forced submergence with instantaneous bradycardia.
  • 2.2. The strength of the bradycardia was affected by water temperature and fear. Dives into hot (30°C) water produced weak and erratic bradycardia compared to dives into cold (19.5°C) water. For S. quoyii the strongest bradycardia occurred when submergence took place in water at a lower temperature than the pre-dive body temperature.
  • 3.3. Upon emergence both species of skink exhibited elevated heart rates and breathing rates while heating from 19.5 to 30°C, compared to heating at rest. The increased heart and breathing rates probably act to replenish depleted oxygen stores and remove any lactate. Increased heart and ventilation rates are not indicators of physiological thermoregulation in this case.
  • 4.4. Both lizard species exhibited higher heart rates and ventilation frequencies during heating than cooling.
  • 5.5. Compared to its terrestrial relative, S. quoyii does not appear to possess any major thermoregulatory, ventilatory or cardiovascular adaptations to diving. However, very small reptiles may be generally preadapted to use the water to avoid predators.

Three entosymbiotic graffillid rhabdocoels (Paravortex scrobiculariae, P. cardii and Graffilla buccinicola) from marine bivalve and gastropod molluscs show several physiological adaptations to their life-style which are intimately related to the nutritional physiology and ecology of their respective hosts.All three species feed on their hosts' partially digested food plus the cellular debris released at the end of the hosts' own digestive cycle. G. buccinicola supplements this diet by actively removing intact cells from the host's digestive epithelium. Host enzymes, ingested with the food, are utilized for digestion within the flatworms' gut; there is concomitant reduction in the types and amounts of endogenous enzymes and the gastrodermal gland cells characteristically found in free-living species are absent.Food reserves in the three species consist mainly of glycogen, following the pattern seen in other entosymbiotic flatworms (Turbellaria, Digenea, Cestoda); in P. scrobiculariae this primary adaptation, believed to be linked in all entosymbiotes to the ready availability of food and to high fecundity, probably has a secondary function, in relation to anaerobic respiration, of the type found in cestodes.Other adaptive features, closely correlated with host ecology, are the occurrence of a physiologically active haemoglobin in the brain and pharynx of P. scrobiculariae and, in this species and P. cardii, the differential occurrence and distribution of dehydrogenase systems concerned with aerobic respiration (Krebs cycle), the pentose phosphate shunt and anaerobic respiration (glycolysis). P. scrobiculariae and P. cardii are viviparous and the normal provision of yolk for embryonic nutrition is supplemented by direct passage of materials to the later larvae from the parental gut, thus facilitating extended development of the larva until its birth as an immature miniature adult.  相似文献   

Effects of creatine supplementation on performance and training adaptations   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Creatine has become a popular nutritional supplement among athletes. Recent research has also suggested that there may be a number of potential therapeutic uses of creatine. This paper reviews the available research that has examined the potential ergogenic value of creatine supplementation on exercise performance and training adaptations. Review of the literature indicates that over 500 research studies have evaluated the effects of creatine supplementation on muscle physiology and/or exercise capacity in healthy, trained, and various diseased populations. Short-term creatine supplementation (e.g. 20 g/day for 5–7 days) has typically been reported to increase total creatine content by 10–30% and phosphocreatine stores by 10–40%. Of the approximately 300 studies that have evaluated the potential ergogenic value of creatine supplementation, about 70% of these studies report statistically significant results while remaining studies generally report non-significant gains in performance. No study reports a statistically significant ergolytic effect. For example, short-term creatine supplementation has been reported to improve maximal power/strength (5–15%), work performed during sets of maximal effort muscle contractions (5–15%), single-effort sprint performance (1–5%), and work performed during repetitive sprint performance (5–15%). Moreover, creatine supplementation during training has been reported to promote significantly greater gains in strength, fat free mass, and performance primarily of high intensity exercise tasks. Although not all studies report significant results, the preponderance of scientific evidence indicates that creatine supplementation appears to be a generally effective nutritional ergogenic aid for a variety of exercise tasks in a number of athletic and clinical populations.  相似文献   

Locomotor muscle fatigue, defined as an exercise-induced reduction in maximal voluntary force, occurs during prolonged exercise, but its effects on cardiorespiratory responses and exercise performance are unknown. In this investigation, a significant reduction in locomotor muscle force (-18%, P < 0.05) was isolated from the metabolic stress usually associated with fatiguing exercise using a 100-drop-jumps protocol consisting of one jump every 20 s from a 40-cm-high platform. The effect of this treatment on time to exhaustion during high-intensity constant-power cycling was measured in study 1 (n = 10). In study 2 (n = 14), test duration (871 +/- 280 s) was matched between fatigue and control condition (rest). In study 1, locomotor muscle fatigue caused a significant curtailment in time to exhaustion (636 +/- 278 s) compared with control (750 +/- 281 s) (P = 0.003) and increased cardiac output. Breathing frequency was significantly higher in the fatigue condition in both studies despite similar oxygen consumption and blood lactate accumulation. In study 2, high-intensity cycling did not induce further fatigue to eccentrically-fatigued locomotor muscles. In both studies, there was a significant increase in heart rate in the fatigue condition, and perceived exertion was significantly increased in study 2 compared with control. These results suggest that locomotor muscle fatigue has a significant influence on cardiorespiratory responses and exercise performance during high-intensity cycling independently from metabolic stress. These effects seem to be mediated by the increased central motor command and perception of effort required to exercise with weaker locomotor muscles.  相似文献   

Intertidal macroalgae endure light, desiccation, and temperature variation associated with sub‐merged and emerged conditions on a daily basis. Physiological stresses exist over the course of the entire tidal cycle, and physiological differences in response to these stresses likely contribute to spatial separation of species along the shore. For example, marine species that have a high stress tolerance can live higher on the shore and are able to recover when the tide returns, whereas species with a lower stress tolerance may be relegated to living lower on the shore or in tidepools, where low tide stresses are buffered. In this study, we monitored the physiological responses of the tidepool coralline Calliarthron tuberculosum (Postels and Ruprecht) E.Y. Dawson and the nontidepool coralline Corallina vancouveriensis Yendo during simulated tidal conditions to identify differences in physiology that might underlie differences in habitat. During high tide, Corallina was more photosynthetically active than Calliarthron as light levels increased. During low tide, Corallina continued to out‐perform Calliarthron when submerged in warming tidepools, but photosynthesis abruptly halted for both species when emerged in air. Surprisingly, pigment composition did not differ, suggesting that light harvesting does not account for this difference. Additionally, Corallina was more effective at resisting desiccation by retaining water in its branches. When the tide returned, only Corallina recovered from combined temperature and desiccation stresses associated with emergence. This study broadens our understanding of intertidal algal physiology and provides a new perspective on the physiological and morphological underpinnings of habitat partitioning.  相似文献   

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