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Photon capture by a rhodopsin pigment molecule induces 11-cis to all-trans isomerization of its retinaldehyde chromophore. To restore light sensitivity, the all-trans-retinaldehyde must be chemically re-isomerized by an enzyme pathway called the visual cycle. Rpe65, an abundant protein in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells and a homolog of beta-carotene dioxygenase, appears to play a role in this pathway. Rpe65-/- knockout mice massively accumulate all-trans-retinyl esters but lack 11-cis-retinoids and rhodopsin visual pigment in their retinas. Mutations in the human RPE65 gene cause a severe recessive blinding disease called Leber's congenital amaurosis. The function of Rpe65, however, is unknown. Here we show that Rpe65 specifically binds all-trans-retinyl palmitate but not 11-cis-retinyl palmitate by a spectral-shift assay, by co-elution during gel filtration, and by co-immunoprecipitation. Using a novel fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET) binding assay in liposomes, we demonstrate that Rpe65 extracts all-trans-retinyl esters from phospholipid membranes. Assays of isomerase activity reveal that Rpe65 strongly stimulates the enzymatic conversion of all-trans-retinyl palmitate to 11-cis-retinol in microsomes from bovine RPE cells. Moreover, we show that addition of Rpe65 to membranes from rpe65-/- mice, which possess no detectable isomerase activity, restores isomerase activity to wild-type levels. Rpe65 by itself, however, has no intrinsic isomerase activity. These observations suggest that Rpe65 presents retinyl esters as substrate to the isomerase for synthesis of visual chromophore. This proposed function explains the phenotype in mice and humans lacking Rpe65.  相似文献   

Absorption of a photon by a vertebrate opsin pigment induces 11-cis to all-trans isomerization of its retinaldehyde chromophore. Restoration of light sensitivity to the bleached opsin requires chemical re-isomerization of the chromophore via an enzyme pathway called the visual cycle. The retinoid isomerase in this pathway is Rpe65, a membrane-associated protein in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) with no predicted membrane-spanning segments. It has been suggested that Rpe65 is S-palmitoylated by lecithin:retinol acyl transferase (LRAT) on Cys(231), Cys(329), and Cys(330), and that this palmitoylation is required for isomerase activity and the association of Rpe65 with membranes. Here we show that the affinity of Rpe65 for membranes is similar in wild-type and lrat(-/-) mice. The isomerase activity of Rpe65 is also similar in both strains when all-trans-retinyl palmitate is used as substrate. With all-trans-retinol substrate, isomerase activity is present in wild-type but undetectable in RPE homogenates from lrat(-/-) mice. Substitution of Cys(231), Cys(329), and Cys(330) with Ser or Ala did not affect the affinity of Rpe65 for membranes. Further, these Cys residues are not palmitoylated in Rpe65 by mass spectrometric analysis. Global inhibition of protein palmitoylation by 2-bromopalmitate did not affect the solubility or isomerase activity of Rpe65. Finally, we show that soluble and membrane-associated Rpe65 possesses similar isomerase specific activities. These results indicate that LRAT is not required for isomerase activity beyond synthesis of retinyl-ester substrate, and that the association of Rpe65 with membranes is neither dependent upon LRAT nor the result of S-palmitoylation. The affinity of Rpe65 for membranes is probably an intrinsic feature of this protein.  相似文献   

Studies reported previously from this laboratory have demonstrated that membranes from the pigment epithelium of the vertebrate eye can transform free all-trans-retinol to 11-cis-retinol as well as 11-cis- and all trans-retinyl esters (Bernstein, P. S., Law, W. C., and Rando, R. R. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 1849-1853; Bernstein, P. S., Law, W. C., and Rando, R. R. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 16848-16857; Fulton, B. S., and Rando, R. R. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 7938-7945). The congeneric retinals are also formed under conditions where retinol redox activity is present. Here we report the successful solubilization of both the retinyl ester synthetase and isomerase activities from the pigment epithelium membranes of the bovine eye. The zwitterionic detergent Zwittergent 3-14(N-tetradecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate; cmc 0.012%) gave optimal solubilization of both activities. Three initial criteria for successful solubilization were used. First, high speed centrifugation (greater than 150,000 x g) left the activities in the supernatant. Second, the solubilized enzymatic activities were found in the included volume upon gel filtration. Finally, the solubilized activities were quantitatively passed through a 0.22-microns filter. Employing anion exchange and gel filtration chromatography results in a partial purification of the retinyl ester synthetase (approximately 189-fold). The solubilized retinoid isomerase is also partially purified (approximately 10-14-fold) following anion exchange chromatography. It is also shown that the membrane-bound and solubilized ester synthetase catalyzes the esterification of retinol using added lecithins as exogenous acyl donors. In addition, evidence is provided indicating that there is a positional selectivity for the acyl group transfer from the lecithin to retinol. The transfer occurs largely, if not entirely, from the 1-position of the lecithin.  相似文献   

Retinal pigment epithelium plasma membranes have been isolated by differential and density gradient centrifugation of glass-bead-bound, collagenase-treated cells. Electron microscopic evidence indicates that the glass-bead-bound cells were devoid of red blood cells, rod outer segments and other ocular cell contaminants. The plasma membranes were recovered in 4–6 μg/eye yields and purified 10-fold by 5′-nucleotidase and alkaline phosphodiesterase 1, and 6.5-fold by (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. Plasma membrane purity as measured by covalent labeling of the epithelial cell plasma membrane proteins with p-(diazonium) benzene[32S]sulfonic acid was 8–19-fold. In purified plasma membranes contamination by mitochondria was undetectable and lysosomal contamination reduced 100-fold, while endoplasmic reticulum was 2-fold enriched. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the plasma membrane proteins revealed 23–26 major bands by Coomassie blue staining and 12–16 major bands by radioactive labeling. The plasma membranes exhibited a 3-fold lower concentration of docosahexaenoic acid, a 3-fold higher cholesterol/phosphate ratio, and were 10-fold enriched in cholesterol per μg protein when compared to the whole cell fraction. Retinal epithelial plasma membranes contain an average of 1 mol cholesterol per mol of lipid phosphorus, a high palmitic acid concentration (39 mol%) and a low concentration of docosahexaenoic acid (2 mol%). The lipid profile of the retinal pigment epithelial plasma membranes indicates that they are typical of plasma membranes from many other cell types and that they appear to be less fluid than total rod outer segment membranes.  相似文献   

J I Perlman  J Piltz  G Korte  C Tsai 《Acta anatomica》1989,135(4):354-360
Endocytosis in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of rats was studied using horseradish peroxidase, microperoxidase and ferritin tracers. Tracer uptake was mediated by coated pits and coated vesicles. Coated pits formed at two discrete regions at the RPE plasma membrane: that portion of basal membrane directly opposing Bruch's membrane, and at the bases of the apical lamellae and villi. Two populations of coated vesicles were identified and distinguished by size, location and function. Large coated vesicles (91.8 +/- 14.7 nm in diameter) were located near the cell surface and incorporated tracer. Small coated vesicles (64.5 +/- 15.7 nm diameter) located more deeply within the cell were not tracer-labeled, and were often fused with the endoplasmic reticulum or the Golgi apparatus. Observations of the endocytic pathway in rat RPE cells are presented. Tracer was also found in organelles of the lysosomal system, e.g. the multivesicular body, but was not identified in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) plays numerous critical roles in maintaining vision and this is underscored by the prevalence of degenerative blinding diseases like age-related macular degeneration (AMD), in which visual impairment is caused by progressive loss of RPE cells. In contrast to mammals, zebrafish possess the ability to intrinsically regenerate a functional RPE layer after severe injury. The molecular underpinnings of this regenerative process remain largely unknown yet hold tremendous potential for developing treatment strategies to stimulate endogenous regeneration in the human eye. In this study, we demonstrate that the mTOR pathway is activated in RPE cells post-genetic ablation. Pharmacological and genetic inhibition of mTOR activity impaired RPE regeneration, while mTOR activation enhanced RPE recovery post-injury, demonstrating that mTOR activity is essential for RPE regeneration in zebrafish. RNA-seq of RPE isolated from mTOR-inhibited larvae identified a number of genes and pathways dependent on mTOR activity at early and late stages of regeneration; amongst these were components of the immune system, which is emerging as a key regulator of regenerative responses across various tissue and model systems. Our results identify crosstalk between macrophages/microglia and the RPE, wherein mTOR activity is required for recruitment of macrophages/microglia to the RPE injury site. Macrophages/microglia then reinforce mTOR activity in regenerating RPE cells. Interestingly, the function of macrophages/microglia in maintaining mTOR activity in the RPE appeared to be inflammation-independent. Taken together, these data identify mTOR activity as a key regulator of RPE regeneration and link the mTOR pathway to immune responses in facilitating RPE regeneration.  相似文献   

Various neurotransmitter-related biochemical features of the separated pigment epithelium and neural retina of the cow have been examined. The pigment epithelium contains high affinity binding sites for several pharmacological agents thought to attach to neurotransmitter receptor sites with a high degree of specificity. Thus, serotonergic, adrenergic and opiate receptors appear to be present in the pigment epithelium. Serotonin has also been detected in this region.Several neuropeptides were found in the pigment epithelium. Relatively large amounts of neurotensin and met-enkephalin were present, but substance P was not detected.  相似文献   

In bovine retinal pigment epithelium membranes we have found three hydrolases which were active against trans-retinyl palmitate. This was possible by assaying different subcellular fractions as a function of pH in the range 3-9. Detection of these activities has been favored by the use in the enzyme assay of Triton X-100, which has an activating effect up to a concentration of 0.03% at a detergent-protein ratio of about 1.5-3.0. Apparent kinetic parameters for the retinyl ester hydrolases have been determined after a study of the optimization of assay conditions. Vmax values for hydrolases acting at pH 4.5, 6.0, and 7.0 were, respectively, 156, 55, and 70 nmol/h/mg. To identify the subcellular site for these hydrolytic activities, assays of marker enzymes from various organelles in each subcellular preparation were carried out, demonstrating the lysosomal origin of the pH 4.5 retinyl ester hydrolase and the microsomal origin of the pH 6.0 retinyl ester hydrolase and suggesting that the pH 7.0 retinyl ester hydrolase originates from the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

The glucose transport across the bovine retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) was studied in a modified Ussing chamber. Unidirectional fluxes were recorded with radioactive tracers L-[14C]-glucose (LG) and 3-O-methyl-D-[3H]-glucose (MDG). There was no significant difference between the unidirectional MDG fluxes (retina to choroid, and choroid to retina directions) with or without ouabain. The effects of two glucose transporter inhibitors, phloretin and cytochalasin B, on the glucose fluxes from choroid to retina cells were also investigated. The MDG flux was found to be inhibited by 45.5% by phloretin (10(-4) M) and 87.4% by cytochalasin B (10(-4) M). These inhibitory characteristics resembled the facilitated diffusion mode of glucose transport. The glucose transporter protein in the plasma membrane of RPE was located by means of photolabeling [3H]-cytochalasin B. The labeled plasma membrane enriched fraction was analysed by SDS-PAGE. The glucose transporter of bovine RPE was found to have a molecular weight range of 46-53 kDa. The molecular weight range of this transporter protein agreed with those of facilitated glucose transporters in other tissues indicating a molecular similarity between them. The results indicated that the glucose transport across the RPE is via passive facilitated diffusion.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylations have essential regulatory roles in visual signaling. Previously, we found that phosphorylation of several proteins in the retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is involved in anti-apoptotic signaling under oxidative stress conditions, including light exposure. In this study, we used a phosphoprotein enrichment strategy to evaluate the light-induced phosphoproteome of primary bovine RPE cells. Phosphoprotein-enriched extracts from bovine RPE cells exposed to light or dark conditions for 1h were separated by 2D SDS-PAGE. Serine and tyrosine phosphorylations were visualized by 2D phospho Western blotting and specific phosphorylation sites were analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry. Light induced a marked increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of beta crystallin A3 and A4. The most abundant light-induced up-regulated phosphoproteins were crystallins of 15-25 kDa, including beta crystallin S and zeta crystallin. Phosphorylation of beta crystallin suggests an anti-apoptotic chaperone function of crystallins in the RPE. Other chaperones, cytoskeletal proteins, and proteins involved in energy balance were expressed at higher levels in the dark. A detailed analysis of RPE phosphoproteins provides a molecular basis for understanding of light-induced signal transduction and anti-apoptosis mechanisms. Our data indicates that phosphorylation of crystallins likely represents an important mechanism for RPE shielding from physiological and pathophysiological light-induced oxidative injury.  相似文献   

We assessed structural elements of the retina in individuals with Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) and in mouse models of FRDA, as well as functions of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in FRDA using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We analyzed the retina of the FRDA mouse models YG22R and YG8R containing a human FRATAXIN (FXN) transgene by histology. We complemented this work with post-mortem evaluation of eyes from FRDA patients. Finally, we derived RPE cells from patient FRDA-iPSCs to assess oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and phagocytosis. We showed that whilst the YG22R and YG8R mouse models display elements of retinal degeneration, they do not recapitulate the loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) found in the human disease. Further, RPE cells differentiated from human FRDA-iPSCs showed normal OXPHOS and we did not observe functional impairment of the RPE in Humans.  相似文献   

Summary Previous experiments indicate that the apical membrane of the frog retinal pigment epithelium contains electrogenic NaK pumps. In the pressent experiments net potassium and rubidium transport across the epithelium was measured as a function of extracellular potassium (rubidium) concentration, [K] o ([Rb] o ). The net rate of retina-to-choroid42K(86Rb) transport increased monotonically as [K] o ([Rb] o ), increased from approximately 0.2 to 5mm on both sides of the tissue or on the apical (neural retinal) side of the tissue. No further increase was observed when [K] o ([Rb] o ) was elevated to 10mm. Net sodium transport was also stimulated by elevating [K] o . The net K transport was completely inhibited by 10–4 m ouabain in the solution bathing the apical membrane. Ouabain inhibited the unidirectional K flux in the direction of net flux but had not effect on the back-flux in the choroid-to-retina direction. The magnitude of the ouabain-inhibitable42K(86Rb) flux increased with [K] o ([Rb] o ). These results show that the apical membrane NaK pumps play an important role in the net active transport of potassium (rubidium) across the epithelium. The [K] o changes that modulate potassium transport coincide with the light-induced [K] o changes that occur in the extracellular space separating the photoreceptors and the apical membrane of the pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

Previous experiments indicate that the apical membrane of the frog retinal pigment epithelium contains electrogenic Na:K pumps. In the present experiments net potassium and rubidium transport across the epithelium was measured as a function of extracellular potassium (rubidium) concentration, [K]0 ( [Rb]0). The net rate of retina-to-choroid 42K(86Rb) transport increased monotonically as [K]0 ( [Rb]0) increased from approximately 0.2 to 5 mM on both sides of the tissue or on the apical (neural retinal) side of the tissue. No further increase was observed when [K]0 ( [Rb]0) was elevated to 10 mM. Net sodium transport was also stimulated by elevating [K]0. The net K transport was completely inhibited by 10-4 M ouabain in the solution bathing the apical membrane. Ouabain inhibited the unidirectional K flux in the direction of net flux but had no effect on the back-flux in the choroid-to-retina direction. The magnitude of the ouabain-inhibitable 42K(86Rb) flux increased with [K]0 ( [Rb]0). These results show that the apical membrane Na:K pumps play an important role in the net active transport of potassium (rubidium) across the epithelium. The [K]0 changes that modulate potassium transport coincide with the light-induced [K]0 changes that occur in the extracellular space separating the photoreceptors and the apical membrane of the pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

Intracellular microelectrode techniques were used to characterize the electrical responses of the bovine retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)-choroid to epinephrine (EP) and several other catecholamines that are putative paracrine signals between the neural retina and the RPE. Nanomolar amounts of EP or norepinephrine (NEP), added to the apical bath, caused a series of conductance and voltage changes, first at the basolateral or choroid-facing membrane and then at the apical or retina-facing membrane. The relative potency of several adrenergic agonists and antagonists indicates that EP modulation of RPE transport begins with the activation of apical alpha-1-adrenergic receptors. The membrane-permeable calcium (Ca2+) buffer, amyl-BAPTA (1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N',N' tetraacetic acid) inhibited the EP-induced voltage and conductance changes by approximately 50-80%, implicating [Ca2+]i as a second messenger. This conclusion is supported by experiments using the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, which mimics the effects of EP. The basolateral membrane voltage response to EP was blocked by lowering cell Cl, by the presence of DIDS (4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid) in the basal bath, and by current clamping VB to the Cl equilibrium potential. In the latter experiments the EP-induced conductance changes were unaltered, indicating that EP increases basolateral membrane Cl conductance independent of voltage. The EP-induced change in basolateral Cl conductance was followed by a secondary decrease in apical membrane K conductance (approximately 50%) as measured by delta [K]o-induced diffusion potentials. Decreasing apical K from 5 to 2 mM in the presence of EP mimicked the effect of light on RPE apical and basolateral membrane voltage. These results indicate that EP may be an important paracrine signal that provides exquisite control of RPE physiology.  相似文献   

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