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The transplantation of islets isolated from donor pancreas has renewed the interest in cell therapy for the treatment of diabetes. In addition, the capacity that stem cells have to differentiate into a wide variety of cell types makes their use ideal to generate beta-cells for transplantation therapies. Several studies have reported the generation of insulin-secreting cells from embryonic and adult stem cells that normalized blood glucose values when transplanted into diabetic animal models. Finally, although much work remains to be done, there is sufficient evidence to warrant continued efforts on stem cell research to cure diabetes.  相似文献   

Intestinal stem cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The intestinal tract has a rapid epithelial cell turnover, which continues throughout life. The process is regulated and maintained by a population of stem cells, which give rise to all the intestinal epithelial cell lineages. Studies in both the mouse and the human show that these cells are capable of forming clonal crypt populations. Stem cells remain hard to identify, however it is thought that they reside in a 'niche' towards the base of the crypt and their activity is regulated by the paracrine secretion of growth factors and cytokines from surrounding mesenchymal cells. Stem cell division is usually asymmetric with the formation of an identical daughter stem cell and committed progenitor cells. Progenitor cells retain the ability to divide until they terminally differentiate. Occasional symmetric division produces either 2 daughter cells with stem cell loss, or 2 stem cells and eventual clone dominance. This stochastic extinction of stem cell lines with eventual dominance of one cell line is called 'niche succession'. The discovery of plasticity, the ability of stem cells to engraft into, and in some cases replace the function of damaged host tissues has generated a large amount of scientific and clinical interest: however the concept remains controversial and is still a subject of hot debate. Studies are beginning to identify the complex molecular, genetic and cellular pathways underlying stem cell function such as Wnt signalling, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and Notch/Delta pathways. The derangement of these pathways within stem cells plays an integral part in the development of malignancy within the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

The intestinal epithelium is one of the most rapidly renewing tissues, which is fueled by stem cells at the base of the crypts. Strategies of genetic lineage tracing and organoids, which capture major features of original tissues, are powerful avenues for exploring the biology of intestinal stem cells in vivo and in vitro,respectively. The combination of intestinal organoideculturing system and genetic modification approaches provides an attractive platform to uncover the mechanism of colorectal cancer and genetic disorders in the human minigut. Here, we will provide a comprehensive overview of studies on intestinal epithelium and intestinal stem cells. We will also review the applications of organoids and genetic markers in intestinal research studies. Furthermore, we will discuss the advantages and drawbacks of organoids as disease models compared with mice models and cell lines.  相似文献   

Generating lineage-committed intestinal stem cells from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) could provide a tractable experimental system for understanding intestinal differentiation pathways and may ultimately provide cells for regenerating damaged intestinal tissue. We tested a two-step differentiation procedure in which ESCs were first cultured with activin A to favor formation of definitive endoderm, and then treated with fibroblast-conditioned medium with or without Wnt3A. The definitive endoderm expressed a number of genes associated with gut-tube development through mouse embryonic day 8.5 (Sox17, Foxa2, and Gata4 expressed and Id2 silent). The intestinal stem cell marker Lgr5 gene was also activated in the endodermal cells, whereas the Msi1, Ephb2, and Dcamkl1 intestinal stem cell markers were not. Exposure of the endoderm to fibroblast-conditioned medium with Wnt3A resulted in the activation of Id2, the remaining intestinal stem cell markers and the later gut markers Cdx2, Fabp2, and Muc2. Interestingly, genes associated with distal gut-associated mesoderm (Foxf2, Hlx, and Hoxd8) were also simulated by Wnt3A. The two-step differentiation protocol generated gut bodies with crypt-like structures that included regions of Lgr5-expressing proliferating cells and regions of cell differentiation. These gut bodies also had a smooth muscle component and some underwent peristaltic movement. The ability of the definitive endoderm to differentiate into intestinal epithelium was supported by the vivo engraftment of these cells into mouse colonic mucosa. These findings demonstrate that definitive endoderm derived from ESCs can carry out intestinal cell differentiation pathways and may provide cells to restore damaged intestinal tissue.  相似文献   

Currently, many gastrointestinal diseases are a major reason for the increased mortality rate of children and adults every year. Additionally, these patients may cope with the high cost of the parenteral nutrition (PN), which aids in the long-term survival of the patients. Other treatment options include surgical lengthening, which is not sufficient in many cases, and intestinal transplantation. However, intestinal transplantation is still accompanied by many challenges, including immune rejection and donor availability, which may limit the transplant’s success. The development of more safe and promising alternative treatments for intestinal diseases is still ongoing. Stem cell-based therapy (SCT) and tissue engineering (TE) appear to be the next promising choices for the regeneration of the damaged intestine. However, suitable stem cell source is required for the SCT and TE process. Thus, in this review we discuss how intestinal stem cells (ISCs) are a promising cell source for small intestine diseases. We will also discuss the different markers were used to identify ISCs. Moreover, we discuss the dominant Wnt signaling pathway in the ISC niche and its involvement in some intestinal diseases. Additionally, we discuss ISC culture and expansion, which are critical to providing enough cells for SCT and TE. Finally, we conclude and recommend that ISC isolation, culture and expansion should be considered when SCT is a treatment option for intestinal disorders. Therefore, we believe that ISCs should be considered a cell source for SCT for many gastrointestinal diseases and should be highlighted in future clinical applications.  相似文献   

Drosophila has long been an excellent model organism for studying stem cell biology. Notably, studies of Drosophila's germline stem cells have been instrumental in developing the stem cell niche concept. The recent discovery of somatic stem cells in adult Drosophila, particularly the intestinal stem cells (ISCs) of the midgut, has established Drosophila as an exciting model to study stem cell-mediated adult tissue homeostasis and regeneration. Here, we review the major signaling pathways that regulate the self-renewal, proliferation and differentiation of Drosophila ISCs, discussing how this regulation maintains midgut homeostasis and mediates regeneration of the intestinal epithelium after injury.  相似文献   

Intestinal stem cells (ISCs) are responsible for renewal of the epithelium both during normal homeostasis and following injury. As such, they have significant therapeutic potential. However, whether ISCs can survive tissue storage is unknown. We hypothesize that, although the majority of epithelial cells might die, ISCs would remain viable for at least 24 h at 4 °C. To explore this hypothesis, jejuna of C57Bl6/J or Lgr5-LacZ mice were removed and either processed immediately or placed in phosphate-buffered saline at 4 °C. Delayed isolation of epithelium was performed after 24, 30, or 48 h storage. At the light microscope level, despite extensive apoptosis of villus epithelial cells, small intestinal crypts remained morphologically intact for 30 h and ISCs were identifiable via Lgr5-LacZ positivity. Electron microscopy showed that ISCs retained high integrity for 24 h. When assessed by flow cytometry, ISCs were more resistant to degeneration than the rest of the epithelium, including neighboring Paneth cells, with higher viability across all time points. Cultured isolated crypts showed no loss of capacity to form complex enteroids after 24 h tissue storage, with efficiencies after 7 days of culture remaining above 80 %. By 30 h storage, efficiencies declined but budding capability was retained. We conclude that, with delay in isolation, ISCs remain viable and retain their proliferative capacity. In contrast, the remainder of the epithelium, including the Paneth cells, exhibits degeneration and programmed cell death. If these findings are recapitulated in human tissue, storage at 4 °C might offer a valuable temporal window for the harvesting of crypts or ISCs for therapeutic application.  相似文献   

During a meal, ingested nutrients accumulate in the stomach, with a significant portion passing on to the small intestine. The gastrointestinal presence of ingested nutrients initiates a range of physiological responses that serve to facilitate the overall digestive process. Thus peptides and transmitters are released, and various neural elements are activated that coordinate gastrointestinal secretion and motility and can eventually lead to meal termination or satiety. Among the range of gastrointestinal peptides released by ingested nutrients is the brain/gut peptide CCK. CCK plays a variety of roles in coordinating gastrointestinal activity and has been demonstrated to be an important mediator for the control of meal size.  相似文献   

Myofibroblasts. II. Intestinal subepithelial myofibroblasts   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Intestinalsubepithelial myofibroblasts (ISEMF) and the interstitial cells ofCajal are the two types of myofibroblasts identified in the intestine.Intestinal myofibroblasts are activated and proliferate in response tovarious growth factors, particularly the platelet-derived growth factor(PDGF) family, which includes PDGF-BB and stem cell factor (SCF),through expression of PDGF receptors and the SCF receptorc-kit. ISEMF have been shown to playimportant roles in the organogenesis of the intestine, and growthfactors and cytokines secreted by these cells promote epithelial restitution and proliferation, i.e., wound repair. Their role in thefibrosis of Crohn's disease and collagenous colitis is beinginvestigated. Through cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and COX-2 activation, ISEMF augment intestinal ion secretion in response to certain secretagogues. By forming a subepithelial barrier toNa+ diffusion, they create ahypertonic compartment that may account for the ability of the gut totransport fluid against an adverse osmotic gradient. Through theparacrine secretion of prostaglandins and growth factors (e.g.,transforming growth factor-), ISEMF may play a role incolonic tumorigenesis and metastasis. COX-2 in polyp ISEMF may be atarget for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), whichwould account for the regression of the neoplasms infamilial adenomatous polyposis and the preventive effect of NSAIDs inthe development of sporadic colon neoplasms. More investigation isneeded to clarify the functions of these pleiotropic cells.


This essay will address areas of liver stem/progenitor cell studies in which consensus has emerged and in which controversy still prevails over consensus, but it will also highlight important themes that inevitably should be a focus of liver stem/progenitor cell investigations in coming years. Thus concepts regarding cell plasticity, the existence of a physiological/anatomic stem cell niche, and whether intrahepatic liver stem/progenitor cells comprise true stem cells or progenitor cells (or both) will be approached in some detail.  相似文献   

Two corticosteroid receptors have been cloned; they are the glucocorticoid receptor and the mineralocorticoid receptor. These receptors are members of the steroid/thyroid/retinoid receptor family of nuclear transactivating factors, which are characterized by two highly conserved zinc fingers in the central DNA binding domain, a COOH-terminal domain that encompasses the ligand binding site, and a variable NH(2)-terminal domain. In addition to these cloned receptors, other corticosteroid receptors have recently been identified in intestine. Steroid binding studies have identified two novel putative corticosteroid receptors in intestinal epithelia, and molecular cloning studies have detected two low-affinity receptors in small intestine that are activated by corticosteroids and induce CYP3A gene expression. This article focuses on the identification of these novel corticosteroid receptors and the potential role they may play in intestinal physiology.  相似文献   



The maintenance of the intestinal epithelium is of great importance for the survival of the organism. A possible nervous control of epithelial cell renewal was studied in rats and mice.


Mucosal afferent nerves were stimulated by exposing the intestinal mucosa to capsaicin (1.6 mM), which stimulates intestinal external axons. Epithelial cell renewal was investigated in the jejunum by measuring intestinal thymidine kinase (TK) activity, intestinal 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA, and the number of crypt cells labeled with BrdU. The influence of the external gut innervation was minimized by severing the periarterial nerves.

Principal Findings

Luminal capsaicin increased all the studied variables, an effect nervously mediated to judge from inhibitory effects on TK activity or 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA by exposing the mucosa to lidocaine (a local anesthetic) or by giving four different neurotransmitter receptor antagonists i.v. (muscarinic, nicotinic, neurokinin1 (NK1) or calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) receptors). After degeneration of the intestinal external nerves capsaicin did not increase TK activity, suggesting the involvement of an axon reflex. Intra-arterial infusion of Substance P (SP) or CGRP increased intestinal TK activity, a response abolished by muscarinic receptor blockade. Immunohistochemistry suggested presence of M3 and M5 muscarinic receptors on the intestinal stem/progenitor cells. We propose that the stem/progenitor cells are controlled by cholinergic nerves, which, in turn, are influenced by mucosal afferent neuron(s) releasing acetylcholine and/or SP and/or CGRP. In mice lacking the capsaicin receptor, thymidine incorporation into DNA and number of crypt cells labeled with BrdU was lower than in wild type animals suggesting that nerves are important also in the absence of luminal capsaicin, a conclusion also supported by the observation that atropine lowered thymidine incorporation into DNA by 60% in control rat segments.


Enteric nerves are of importance in maintaining the intestinal epithelial barrier.  相似文献   

Edgar BA 《The EMBO journal》2012,31(11):2441-2443
To maintain tissue homeostasis, stem cells must balance self-renewal with differentiation. In some stem cell lineages this process is 'hard-wired' by the asymmetric partitioning of determinants at division, such that one stem cell daughter always remains pluripotent and other differentiates. But in a dynamic tissue like the intestinal epithelium, which might need to repair itself following an infection or expand to digest the fall harvest, this balancing act requires more flexibility. Recent studies of intestinal stem cell (ISC) lineages in the fruit fly and mouse provide new insights into how this plasticity is achieved. The mechanisms in these two homologous but rather different organs have remarkable similarities, and so are likely relevant to how stem cell pools are controlled in organs other than the intestine.  相似文献   

Intestinal capillaries. II. Structural effects ofEDTA and histamine   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Perfusion of the fenestrated capillaries of the intestinal mucosa of the rat with 0.05–0.1 M EDTA removes the diaphragms of the endothelial cells and detaches these cells from one another and from the basement membrane. The latter, even when completely denuded, retains effectively particles of 340 A (average) diameter. Perfusion with histamine (1 µg/ml) results in partial removal of fenestral diaphragms, occasional detachment of the endothelium from the basement membrane, and focal separation of endothelial intercellular junctions.  相似文献   

The alterations of mast cell counts induced in the gut of swiss albino mice by infection with Ancylostoma caninum larvae have been studied, both in single and multiple infections. It was found that mast cell rise was greater in females than males. In singly infected animals, mast cell increase was influenced by the infective dose of inoculated larvae. In case of repeatedly infected mice, mast cell counts were decreased because of their earlier degranulation.  相似文献   

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