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Résumé Dans l'hypophyse du rat, la microscopie électronique permet de mettre en évidence à l'intérieur de tous les cordons épithéliaux de la pars distalis un réseau de cellules agranulaires: les cellules stellaires et folliculo-stellaires, satellites des cellules granuleuses hormonogènes. Les cellules de ce réseau se caractérisent à la fois par la multiplicité de leurs prolongements et par leur organisation autour de cavités pour la plupart submicroscopiques, «les follicules». Les cellules folliculo-stellaires correspondent à une partie des cellules chromophobes de la microscopie photonique.La fente hypophysaire, par de nombreux caractères, semble faire partie de ce système folliculo-stellaire, dont elle pourrait représenter une région privilégiée par sa situation, ses dimensions et son contenu.L'existence des cellules folliculo-stellaires dans un grand nombre d'espèces, leurs caractères cytologiques hautement différenciés, leurs relations étroites avec le milieu intérieur interstitiel et leurs modifications en fonction de l'âge et des conditions expérimentales permettent de penser qu'elles sont étroitement attachées à la fonction glandulaire.
The network of the folliculo-stellate cells and the follicles of the adenohypophysis in the rat (pars distalis)
Summary Electron microscopic investigation of the rat anterior pituitary reveals, throughout the whole pars distalis, a cellular network composed of agranular cells. These cells, the stellate and folliculo-stellate cells, are satellites of the granulated secretory cells.The cells of the network are characterized both by their multiple cytoplasmic processes and by their organization around cavities, most of them submicroscopic, the follicles. Those cells probably represent a large part of the chromophobe cells previously observed by light microscopy.On account of several characters, the pituitary cleft seems to be related to the réseau folliculo-stellaire and could be a peculiar part of this system because of its localization, size and contents.The réseau folliculo-stellaire is present in numerous species, showing a typical and differentiated cytology, and close relationships with the interstitial medium. Owing to its morphology and to modifications according to age and experimental conditions, this network seems to be a system intimately involved in the glandular function.
Je remercie Mr. le Professeur J. Racadot et toute l'équipe du Laboratoire pour l'aide apportée: Mme O. Racadot (clichés), Mme G. Porcile (tirages, manuscrit), Mlle B. Marie (technique), Mme A. Combrier (manuscrit). Ce travail a été effectué sous la direction de Mr. le Professeur L. Olivier que je remercie vivement pour ses conseils et pour son aide lors de la rédaction du manuscrit.  相似文献   

The secondary plant compound 2,5-Dihydroxymethyl-3,4-dihydroxypyrrolidine (DMDP), an analogue of -D-fructofuranose, is lethal to the larvae of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus F. when incorporated into artificial diets at levels greater than 0.03%. In the range 0.003% to 0.03% the compound reduces larval survival in a dose-dependent manner. The -D-glucosidase digestive enzyme demonstrated in homogenates of the alimentary tract of the larvae is strongly inhibited by the compound in a competitive manner.
Résumé La substance secondaire 2,5-dihydroxyméthyl-3,4-dihydroxypyrrolidine (DMDP), analogue du -fructofuranose, est létale pour les larves de C. maculatus lorsqu'elle est incorporée dans des régimes alimentaires à des taux supérieurs à 0.03%. Entre 0.003% et 0.03%, la substance réduit la survie larvaire proportionnellement à la dose. L'enzyme digestive -D-glucosidase observée dans les homogénats du tube digestif de la larve est fortement inhibée par la substance d'une façon compétitive.

The secondary plant compound castanospermine is toxic to the larvae of the bruchid beetle Callosobruchus maculatus F. and the flour beetle Tribolium confusum J. & V. when incorporated into the diet. The larval alimentary tract -D-glucosidase and -D-glucosidase activities of C. maculatus were strongly inhibited by castanospermine in a non-competitive and competitive manner respectively. The larval alimentary tract -D-glucosidase activity of T. confusum was strongly inhibited in a competitive manner, but the -D-glucosidase activity was not markedly inhibited; however, the -D-galactosidase activity exhibited strong uncompetitive inhibition.
Résumé La castanospermine, substance secondaire végétale, incorporée à l'aliment est toxique pour les larves de Callosobruchus maculatus F. et de Tribolium confusum J. & V. Les activités -D-glucosidase et -D-glucosidase du tube digestif de C. maculatus ont été fortement inhibées par la castanospermine respectivement de façon non-compétitive et compétitive. L'activité -D-glucosidase du tube digestif de T. confusum était, fortement inhibée d'une façon compétitive, mais l'activité -D-glucosidase n'était pas nettement inhibée; cependant, l'activité -D-galactodase ne présentait pas une forte inhibition compétitive.

The association between the concentrations of hydroxamic acids, total phenols, and indole alkoloids in winter wheat cultivars with their antibiotic resistance to the grain aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) was studied. The antibiosis was measured under field conditions using the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm). The content of the studied allelochemicals was estimated in flag leaf at the anthesis growth stage. Highly significant negative correlations were found between the rm values and the concentrations of hydroxamic acids (r=–0.905) and total phenols (r=–0.946), but not with indole alkaloids (r=–0.380). The contribution of these allelochemicals to the resistance of winter wheat to S. avenae is discussed.
Résumé Les effets combinés de la concentration en substances allélochimiques des feuilles flétries et de la résistance antibiotique aux pucerons des grains ont été étudiés sur 4 cultivars de blé d'hiver, dont 2 modérément résistants: Saga et Grana et 2 sensibles: Emika et Liwilla. L'antibiose a été évaluée dans les conditions de la nature, aux stades d'épiaison et d'anthèse, en utilisant le taux intrinsèque de croissance rm. La quantification des substances allélochimiques a été effectuée par colorimétrie.Des corrélations négatives hautement significatives ont été trouvées entre les valeurs de Rm et la concentration en acides hydroxamiques (r=–0,905 pour 10 dl, P<0,01) et la teneur totale en phénols (r=–0,946, pour 10 dl, P<0,01). La teneur en alcaloïdes indols était elle aussi corrélée négativement, mais pas significativement avec rm (r=–0,380, pour 10 dl, P>0,1). La discussion porte sur la contribution de ces substances allélochimiques à la résistance du blé d'hiver à Sitobion avenae.

Adult reproductive performance is linked to the period of feeding done by the final instar larva after attainment of a larval critical weight (LCW). The highest weight attained by a final instar larva is referred to as the larval maximum weight (LMW) and is the onset of the pre-pupal period. The relationships between LCW, pupal weight (PW) and adult weight (AW) are described as functions of the LMW. In the leafroller Cnephasia jactatana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) LCW was dependent on larval size and was approximately 75% of the mean LMW. LCW was about 29 mg and 36 mg for male and female larvae of 1.18 mm and 1.20 mm head-capsule width, respectively. Over three successive generations of laboratory rearing, PW was approximately 30% and 25% lower than the LMW for males and females, respectively. AW was consistently about 50% and 40% lower than the PW for males and females, respectively. The decrease in weight from LMW to PW was named as the constant DP and found to be 0.3 for males and 0.25 for females. The total decrease from LMW to AW was the constant DA and was 0.6 for males and 0.5 for females. The duration of the latent feeding period was positively correlated to PW and AW. LCW may be used to derive quality indices that describe and predict pupal and adult performance.
Résumé Les performances reproductives sont liées à la période d'alimentation du dernier stade larvaire après l'obtention d'un poids critique (LCW). Le poids maximal atteint au dernier stade larvaire est défini comme le poids larvaire maximal (LMW), il correspond au début de la période prénymphale. Les relations entre poids de la chrysalide (PW) et poids de l'audulte AW) sont présentées comme des fonctions de LMW). Chez Cnephasia jactatana Walker (Lep. Tortricidae), LCW dépend de la taille de la chenille et correspond à environ 75% de la valeur moyenne de LMW. LCW est respectivement de 29 mg et 36 mg pour les chenilles mâles et femelles dont les capsules céphaliques ont 1,18 et 1,20 mm. Pour 3 générations successives, PW est environ 30% et 25% inférieur à LMW des mâles et des femelles. La régression du poids de LMW à PW est désignée comme la constante DP et vaut 0,3 pour les mâles et 0,25 pour les femelles. La régression de LMW à AW est désignée comme la régression DM et vaut 0,6 pour les mâles et 0,5 pour les femelles. La durée de la période d'alimentation latente est liée positivement à PW et AW. LCW peut être utilisé comme indice dérivé décrivant et prédisant les potentialités nymphales et imaginales.

An aphid rate of increase index was used as a comparative measure of antibiotic resistance to Aphis fabae Scopoli (Homoptera: Aphididae) in five faba bean cultivars. The index was measured over a range of bioassays in laboratory and field, with seedlings and older plants, with three different previous aphid hosts and with two different aphid clones. Antixenotic resistance was measured by recording host selection and acceptance of the same cultivars by alate aphids. Cultivars which were antibiotically resistant were also antixenotically resistant. Antibiotic, but not antixenotic resistance, was less effective in the field than in the laboratory. The resistance of cv. Herra was influenced by previous aphid host, aphid clone and plant age but the resistance of Line 14 was more stable. Honeydew production was measured; aphids on resistant cultivars produced less honeydew of lower amino acid concentration than those on susceptible cultivars.
Résumé L'importance des composantes antibiotique et antixénotique de la résistance de la fève à A. fabae a été évaluée dans différentes conditions au champ et au laboratoire.Un indice de performance du puceron sur des cultivars témoins très voisins du taux intrinsèque d'accroissement naturel a été utilisé pour les mesures comparant la résistance antibiotique. La lignée 14 et le cv. Herra ont été les plus résistants des 5 cultivars examinés. La résistance antibiotique de 14 par comparaison avec les cultivars sensibles n'a pas été modifiée par l'âge de la plante, le clone de puceron ou les cultivars qu'avaient eu précédemment les pucerons dans des expériences de laboiratoire. La résistance de Herra était moins stable. Les différences entre résistances antibiotiques des cultivars était plus faible en champ où aucune différence significative dans les taux de multiplication des pucerons n'a été observée.L'antixénose a été évaluée au laboratoire en mesurant les taux d'installation des ailés sur les cultivars et les taux d'acceptation des ailés quand ils avaient été placés sur les cultivars. La résistance antixénotique a refleté la résistance antibiotique. L'antixénose reste efficace quand aucun cultivar sensible alternatif était disponible. Des observations sur des infestations précoces de pucerons sur parcelles ont laissé penser que l'antixénose était effective aux mêmes niveaux au champ et au laboratoire.Les pucerons s'alimentant sur des cultivars résistants ont produit moins de miellat avec une plus faible concentration en acides aminés.Ces résultats font penser que les efforts dans la sélection pour la résistance à A. fabae devraient être orientés vers l'antixénose pour laquelle un screening rapide en laboratoire pourrait être efficace.

Summary The pars tuberalis of the hypophysis in the monkey Macaca irus encompasses the hypophysial stem up to the median eminence. Histologically, it consists of several layers of chromophobic cells. A few PAS1-positive cells also stainable with Alcian blue (pH 3.0) can be observed among the unstained elements. Using the indirect immunofluorescence antibody technique, scattered immunoreactive cells were revealed with the anti-oLH antibody; these cells did not react with the anti-hFSH antibody. In contrast, the immunoreactions to anti-hGH, anti-hPRL, anti-ACTH, anti-MSH, anti-LPH and anti-endorphin sera were completely negative. Single cells reacting with the anti-hTSH serum were observed at the inferior end of the hypophysial stalk (zona tuberalis), i.e., beyond the pars tuberalis proper. These results are compared with data reported in the literature.
Résumé La pars tuberalis de l'hypophyse du Singe Macacus irus entoure la tige infundibulaire jusqu'à l'éminence médiane. En techniques histologiques, elle apparaît constituée de plusieurs assises cellulaires d'aspect chromophobe. On y observe quelques cellules PAS-positives réagissant simultanément avec le bleu Alcian (pH3.0). En technique d'immunofluorescence indirecte, des cellules dispersées sont mises en évidence uniquement avec un anticorps anti-oLH; ces cellules ne réagissent pas avec un anticorps anti-hFSH. L'utilisation d'anticorps anti-hGH, anti-hPRL, anti-ACTH, anti-MSH, anti-LPH et antiendorphines ne permet pas de révéler des cellules immunoréactives. Quelques cellules réagissant avec un anticorps anti-hTSH s'observent à la base de la tige hypophysaire (zona tuberalis), c'est-à-dire au-delà de la pars tuberalis proprement dite. Ces résultats sont confrontés à ceux rapportés dans la littérature.

Abbreviations used in this Article PAS periodic acid Schiff - oLH ovine luteinizing hormone - hFSH human follicle stimulating hormone - hGH human growth hormone - hPRL human prolactin - ACTH corticotropin - MSH melanotropin - LPH lipotropin - hTSH human thyrotropin - BSA and HSA bovine and human serum albumin  相似文献   

Summary Few clinical responses have occurred in preliminary studies using the cytokines tumor necrosis factor (TNF) or interferon (IFN) in cancer patients. This may be related to the observation that many malignant cell lines are resistant to lysis by these cytokinesin vitro. Resistance to lysis by TNF or IFN in many cells is controlled by a protein-synthesis-dependent mechanism, such that when protein synthesis is inhibited cells become sensitive to lysis by these cytokines. Because there is some evidence that TNF and IFN act through different lytic mechanisms and are opposed by different resistance mechanisms, we treated a panel of eight cell lines, five derived from human cervical carcinomas (ME-180, MS751, SiHa, HT-3, and C-33A) and three derived from ovarian carcinomas (Caov-3, SK-OV-3, and NIH: OVCAR-3) with both TNF and IFN to determine whether such combination treatment might maximizein vitro cell lysis. Our results showed that pretreatment with IFN followed by exposure to TNF in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors increased lysis of seven of the eight cell lines above that seen with either TNF or IFN and inhibitors of protein synthesis. Only the cell line C-33A was resistant to lysis by TNF and IFN, when exposed to these agents both alone and in combination with protein synthesis inhibitors. Clinically, combining the cytokines TNF and IFN with protein synthesis inhibitors may maximize thein vivo lytic effects of these cytokines.Supported by American Cancer Society Career Development Award 90-221  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine in six cowpea cultivars the modalities of resistance to the cowpea aphid. The resistance modality in IT82D-812 is mainly due to antixenosis, even though reproduction was minimal on this cultivar. Both antixenosis and antibiosis were found to operate in ICV 12, with antibiosis operating in the area of high nymphal mortality and low reproduction. It is suggested that when studying the modality of resistance among crop cultivars, studies of both antixenosis and antibiosis be made in order to determine where the resistance modality lies.
Résumé Les expériences avaient pour but de découvrir les causes de la résistance de 6 cultivars de niébé à A. craccivora. La résistance du cultivar IT82D-812 est due principalement à une antixénose, bien que la reproduction du puceron ait été minimale sur ce cultivar. Antixénose et antibiose interviennent toutes deux chez le cultivar ICV 12, l'antibiose provoquant une trés forte mortalité larvaire et une reproduction faible. On en déduit que l'étude des modalités de résistance de différents cultivars, doit comprendre l'examen de l'antixénose et de l'antibiose, de façon à déterminer où se situent les causes de la résistance.

The percentages of the -chain variant Hb G-Philadelphia (Hb G) or 2 68 AsnLys2 were evaluated in 84 adult and 18 newborn heterozygotes. These included members of three families who were studied in more detail by nucleic acid hybridization techniques. The adult heterozygotes fell in two categories, one with a higher proportion of Hb G [46.5±1.0% (SD), N=21] and another with lower values (33.9±3.4%, N=63). Among the newborn heterozygotes, two babies fell in the category with the higher proportion of Hb G while 16 babies gave values between 25 and 34%. Studies of -chain gene organization on the parents of one neonate with a Hb G level of 27% at birth and 37% at 8 months excluded the presence of chromosomes with triplicated -chain genes which could lead to the 0G/ genotype. Rather, these studies on five Hb G heterozygotes from three families confirmed the linkage between Hb G and a specific type of -thalassemia-2 associated with the presence of a 16-kbp Bgl II fragment which most probably carries the G locus since it has been found in 19 Hb G heterozygotes studied to date. The presence of an -thal-2 heterozygosity and three -chain genes (0G/) was confirmed among Hb G heterozygotes with lower proportions of this variant. It is likely that the even lower values found in some newborn could arise through defective assembly of G- dimers. The presence of an -thal-2 homozygosity and two active -chain genes, one on each chromosome (0G/0), was confirmed among heterozygotes with the higher proportion of Hb G. One of each of these categories was present in each of the three families investigated. This type of variability in the number of active -chain genes due to a heterozygosity or a homozygosity for -thalassemia-2 explains the trimodality of Hb S percentages among heterozygotes and the atypical hematological or biosynthetic features among patients with -thalassemia and sickle-cell syndromes.This research was supported by USPHS Research Grants HLB-05168 and HLB-15158 and by designated research funds of the Veterans Administration. This is Contribution No. 0693 of the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta.  相似文献   

Three sets of experiments have been conducted in order to evaluate the role of natural selection at the -Gpdh locus in Drosophila melanogaster. (1) The evolution of the F-allele frequency has been followed for many generations in 13 experimental populations having different genetic backgrounds. (2) Egg-to-adult viability has been measured in synthetic populations derived from one locality (Brouilly) and the results have been compared with those of a previous experiment involving a different local population (Tostes). (3) The effects of sodium octanoate on egg-to-adult viability have been measured on the genotypes FF, FS, SF, and SS. The results demonstrate that selection operates on a small block of genes which includes the -Gpdh locus.ERA 406 CNRS: Analyse et mécanismes de maintien du polymorphisme.  相似文献   

An efficient method of reduction of 3-azido-3-deoxythymidine and its 5-protected derivatives to 3-aminothymidine derivatives on a palladium catalyst using ammonium formate as a source of hydrogen was suggested.__________Translated from Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2005, pp. 147–150.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Seregin, Chudinov, Yurkevich, Shvets.  相似文献   

Methylaspartase (EC was purified 20fold in 35% yield from Fusobacterium varium, an obligate anaerobe. The purification steps included heat treatment, fractional precipitation with ammonium sulfate and ethanol, gel filtration, and ion exchange chromatography on DEAESepharose. The enzyme is dimeric, consisting of two identical 46 kDa subunits, and requires Mg2+ (Km = 0.27 ± 0.01 mM) and K+ (Km = 3.3 ± 0.8 mM) for maximum activity. Methylaspartasecatalyzed addition of ammonia to mesaconate yielded two diastereomeric amino acids, identified by HPLC as (2S,3S)3methylaspartate (major product) and (2S,3R)3methylaspartate (minor product). Optimal activity for the deamination of (2S,3S)3methylaspartate (Km = 0.51 ± 0.04 mM) was observed at pH 9.7. The Nterminal protein sequence (30 residues) of the F. varium enzyme is 83% identical to the corresponding sequence of the clostridial enzyme.  相似文献   

The -amylase gene (amy) from Streptomyces griseus IMRU 3570 and the -galactosidase gene (lac) from S. lividans were subcloned into Brevibacterium lactofermentum or B. lactofermentum/Escherichia coli shuttle vectors. The amy gene was not expressed in B. lactofermentum from its own promoter but was efficiently expressed when the promoter of the kanamycin resistance gene (kan) was inserted upstream of the promoterless amylase gene. The lac gene from S. lividans was subcloned without its native promoter and was expressed when placed downstream of pBL1 promoters P2 or P3. The -amylase was secreted extracellularly by removal of the same 28-amino acid leader peptide as in S. lividans. The amy and lac genes provide useful markers for selection of transformants and will facilitate the study of protein secretion in B. lactofermentum. Correspondence to: J. F. Martín  相似文献   

The state of the environment of the Loosdrecht lakes   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
The Loosdrecht lakes are a system of shallow, interconnected, peat lakes in the centre of The Netherlands. The main environmental functions of the Loosdrecht lakes are nature and recreation. From the point of view of the Dutch policy, a Specific Environmental Quality (Bijzondere Milieukwaliteit) should be set for these lakes.The most serious environmental problem of the area is eutrophication. The Loosdrecht lakes have, by increasing external phosphorus loading, changed, from clear lakes with few macrophytes, followed by a period of abundant characean growth, to turbid lakes dominated by cyanobacteria and detrital matter. Eutrophication was counteracted by use of sewerage systems and dephosporization of the supply water. The resultant decrease in external phosphorus loading did not result in a decrease of turbidity by suspended particles.The eutrophication of the lake ecosystems was described as a series of phases. One of those phases, the status around 1940, has been used as an ecological reference system.By means of a graphical presentation technique, the so-called AMOEBE-approach, the state of the environment of the Loosdrecht lakes has been visualized. Thirty-two ecological parameters, including both biotic and abiotic factors, have been selected and quantified. Concrete target values for these parameters have been derived from historical reports and from Lake Western Loenderveen, located close to the Loosdrecht lakes, but less eutrophic.The general conclusion is that the state of the environment of the Loosdrecht lakes is far from what is required with respect to a Specific Environmental Quality, as many of the selected parameters, like water transparency, total phosphorus, mineral nitrogen, cyanobacteria, bream, pike, macrophytes, birds and otter, deviate by over an order of magnitude from their desired levels.  相似文献   

Résumé La métamorphose des insectes est régie par un équilibre hormonal complexe dans lequel l'hormone juvénile (HJ) joue un rôle important. Au dernier stade larvaire, la teneur en HJ est particulièrement faible dans le corps de l'insecte. Si un régulateur de croissance d'insectes (RCI)-un mimétique de l'HJ-est appliqué à ce moment-là, la mue nymphale est pertubée provoquant des déformations morphogénétiques caractéristiques. La teneur en HJ est également très faible dans les ufs fraîchement pondus. Les traitements aux RCI peuvent par conséquent perturber le développement embryonnaire de certaines espèces et produire ainsi un effet ovicide. Depuis quelques années deux RCI-le fenoxycarb et le CGA 45 128-ont été testés pour leur activité morphogénétique sur le dernier stade larvaire de quelques ravageurs tels qu'Adoxophyes orana F.v.R., ainsi que pour leur activité ovicide sur les ufs frais de Cydia pomonella L. et Grapholita funebrana Tr. Après quelques années d'expérimentation et de commercialisation des RCI dans les vergers européens, il s'avère que l'utilisation de ces produits peu toxiques, sélectifs et peu nocifs pour la faune utile, constitue une amélioration considérable pour l'aménagement de la lutte intégrée.
Insect growth regulators (IGR), mimics of juvenile hormone, as morphological and ovicidal means of control against orchard tortricids
Summary Metamorphosis is regulated by a complex hormonal balance in which juvenile hormone (JH) plays an important part. At the last larval instar the content of JH is particularly low in the insect body. If an insect growth regulator (IGR) — a mimic of JH-is applied at this time, the pupal moult may be disturbed with the characteristic morphogenetical deformations. The JH content is also very low in freshly laid eggs. Therefore IGR treatments may disturb the embryonic development of some species and produce an ovicidal activity. During a few years two IGR-fenoxycarb and CGA 45128-were evaluated for their morphogenetical effect on the last larval instar of Adoxophyes orana F.v.R. and their ovicidal effect on freshly laid eggs of Cydia pomonella L. and Grapholita funebrana Tr. After a few years of experimentation with both compounds and of commercialisation of fenoxycarb in European orchards, IGR confirmed to present a considerable improvement in integrated pest management due to selectivity, and low mammal toxicity.

Wild Phaseolus vulgaris L. accessions containing arcelin codominant alleles 1 through 5 were reconfirmed and characterized for resistance to the Mexican bean weevil, Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Accession G 02771 (arcelin 5) had the highest level of antibiosis resistance, followed by G 12952 (arcelin 4), G 12882 (arcelin 1) and G 12866 (arcelin 2). Arcelin 3 accessions conferred the lowest levels of resistance. As the presence of arcelin is inherited as a single dominant gene, a backcross breeding program has been used to transfer resistance to the Mexican bean weevil from wild beans to bean cultivars using serological techniques to detect the presence of arcelin and replicated insect feeding tests to measure resistance levels. Progeny containing arcelin 1 showed resistance equal or superior to that of the resistant check. Arcelin 2-deerived lines had intermediate levels of resistance while no resistant progenies were obtained from crosses with arcelin 3 and 4 sources. Results are discussed in relation to the deployment of arcelin alleles in bean cultivars.
Valeurs comparées de 5 types d'arcéline dans l'obtention de lignées de Phaseolus vulgaris résistantes à Zabrotes subfasciatus
Résumé La résistance à Zabrotes subfasciatus est associée à la présence d'arcéline, une nouvelle protéine des graines, découverte chez quelques populations de Phaseolus vulgaris. 5 types d'arcéline, hérités comme allèles codominants ont été décrits dans la littérature. Nous avons reprécisé les différentes populations contenant différents types d'arcéline et caractérisé leurs résistances à Z. subfasciatus. La population G 02771, correspondant à l'arcéline 5, présente la résistance la plus élevée par antibiose, suivie de G 12952 (arcéline 4), G 12882 (arcéline 1) et G 12866 (arcéline 2). Les populations contenant l'arcéline 3 présentent le moins de résistance à Z. subfasciatus.Un programme de croisements en retour associé à des tests sérologiques pour déceler la présence d'arcéline chez les descendants jeunes et des expériences répétées d'alimentation par les insectes vec BC2F3 a été réalisé pour transférer la résistance de populations naturelles à des cultivars de haricots. Les lignées, provenant de croisements avec des populations sauvages avec de l'arcéline 1, ont été fortement résistantes à Z. subfasciatus. Les lignées contenant de l'arcéline 2 ont été considérées comme ayant une résistance intermédiaire. Les lignées avec arcélines 3 et 4 étaient sensibles. Les raisons de l'échec du transfert de la résistance élevée des parents contenant de l'arcéline 4, sont inconnues. On a constaté que la concentration de l'arcéline dans les lignées contenant cet allèle était très faible, tandis que la concentration en arcéline 1 restait remarquablement élevée. Les recherches sont poursuivies pour déterminer les raisons de l'absence de transfert de l'arcéline 4 chez les descendants contenant cet allèle. Quoi qu'il en soit, les caractéristiques agronomiques et les qualités des lignées résistantes (codées RAZ) ont été évaluées en vue d'une diffusion pour les programmes nationaux de recherche des pays de basses altitudes intertropicaux ou Zabrotes subfasciatus fait des dégâts importants.

Addition of ammonium to N2 fixing cultures of Azotobacter vinelandii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Clostridium pasteurianum rapidly reduced the intracellular levels of guanosine 5-diphosphate 3-diphosphate (ppGpp) by 70–90%. This change might reflect a regulatory role of ppGpp in nitrogen metabolism.Abbreviations ppGpp guanosine 5-diphosphate 3-diphosphate  相似文献   

APS-kinase (ATP: adenylylsulphate 3-phosphotransferase, EC has been purified from the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardii, strain CW 15 by means of chromatofocussing and affinity chromatography. The isolated protein showed an apparent molecular mass of 44,000 upon sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The transfer of phosphate groups from ATP onto APS required a pH of 6.8, the presence of Mg2+ ions and a reducing thiol. Its catalytical activity was destroyed by sulphhydryl group inhibitors (phenyl-mercuri compounds, dithiopyridine) and alkylating reagents.The purified enzyme attained a V max of 360 pkat under optimal reaction conditions declining to v limit of 260 pkat in the presence of excess substrate APS. This sensitivity towards changes in substrate concentrations was parallelled by a high affinity and specificity: apparent K m APS: 2 · 10-6 mol · l-1, and K m ATP: 7 · 10-6 mol · l-1. The enzyme was found specific for ATP, d-ATP and CTP, while UTP, ITP and GTP showed marginal activity. The Hill coefficients suggested 4 binding sites for APS and 1 for ATP. Excessive APS resulted in a negative slope indicating 3 inhibiting sites of the substrate.Abbreviations APS Adenosine 5-phosphosulphate - dATP 2-deoxyadenosine 5-triphosphate - p-CMB p-chloromercuribenzoate - DTE dithioerythritol - DTT dithiothreitol - -MSH -mercaptoethanol - PAPS 3-phosphoadenosine 5-phosphosulphate - PAP 3-phosphoadenosine 5-phosphate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate This work is part of a dissertation submitted by H. G. J., Bochum 1982  相似文献   

A. D. Parry  S. J. Neill  R. Horgan 《Planta》1988,173(3):397-404
Using 13C-labelled internal standards and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/multiple-ion monitoring the levels of xanthoxin (Xan) and 2-trans-xanthoxin (t-Xan) have been determined in stressed and non-stressed leaves of wildtype tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv. Ailsa Craig), and the wilty mutants, notabilis (not), flacca (flc) and sitiens (sit). Levels of Xan were very low in all tissues. Ratios of t-Xan: Xan ranged from 10:1 to <500:1. In the wild-type and flc, t-Xan levels increased following stress. The results from feeding experiments using [13C]Xan and t-Xan demonstrated that whilst wild-type and not plants readily converted Xan into abscisic acid (ABA), flc and sit plants converted only a small amount of applied Xan into ABA. In all plants t-Xan was not converted into ABA. These results indicate that the flc and sit mutants are impaired in ABA biosynthesis because they are unable to convert Xan into ABA, whereas the not mutant is blocked at a metabolic step prior to Xan. Another possible ABA precursor, ABA-1,4-trans-diol (ABA-t-diol) was found to occur in wild-type and mutant tissue. All four tissues could convert [2H]ABA-t-diol to ABA. Incubation of stressed leaves in the presence of 18O2 provided evidence consistent with Xan and ABA originating via oxidative cleavage of a xanthophyll such as violaxanthin.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - ABA-t-diol abscisic acid-1,4-trans-diol - DDC sodium diethyldithiocarbamate - FW fresh weight - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - i.d. internal diameter - MIM multiple-ion monitoring - PA phaseic acid - Xan xanthoxin - flc flacca - not notabilis - sit sitiens  相似文献   

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