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Summary We propose a new and integrated method for the evaluation of industrial enzymes. The application of this method to the enzyme penicillin G acylase fromKlyvera citrophila shows very interesting industrial propects. This acylase presents a much better stability agains heat, pH or organic cosovents as compared with the more popular enzyme fromEscherichia coli. In addition, this enzyme is very easy to immobilize through its amine groups and to stabilize through multipoint covalent attachment on activated pre-existing supports.  相似文献   

A simple and versatile procedure to clone penicillin acylase genes has been developed. It involves the construction of a plasmid library in a host presenting an amino acid auxotrophy. Recombinant clones carrying the acylase gene were selected on a minimal medium containing instead of the required amino acid its phenylacetyl derivative. Penicillin acylase genes from Escherichia coli ATCC 11105 and Kluyvera citrophila ATCC 21285 have been cloned in E. coli using this technique. The restriction map of the region containing the E. coli penicillin acylase gene was found to be similar to that described by H. Mayer et al. (in: Plasmids of Medical, Environmental and Commercial Importance (Timmis, K.M. and Paler, A., eds.), pp. 459–470, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1979). K. citrophila acylase gene was located within a 3.0 kb Hind III-PvuI fragment. Some differences were observed between the partial restriction maps of both genes. In addition, the production of those clones carrying the E. coli acylase was more sensitive to the growth temperature than that of the clones containing the K. citrophila gene. Bacteria harbouring plasmids containing the K. citrophila acylase sequence were able to produce about 30 fold more enzyme than the parental strain. A 60 000 dalton polypeptide corresponding to the K. citrophila acylase has been detected in a maxicell system. The industrial applications of the procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

The penicillin acylase (PAC) from Kluyvera citrophila ATCC21285 has been purified to homogeneity and found to be composed of two non-identical subunits of 23 and 62 kDa, in contrast with the previous findings [Shimizu et al., Agr. Biol. Chem. 39 (1975) 1655-1661]. The nucleotide (nt) sequence of the K. citrophila pac gene contained in the 3-kb PvuI-HindIII fragment of pKAP1 [García and Buesa, J. Biotechnol. 3 (1986) 187-195] has been determined, showing that it encodes a protein of 844 amino acid (aa) residues. The aa analysis of the N-terminal and C-terminal sequences of the purified subunits showed that they were derived from a common precursor protein of 93.5 kDa, from which a signal peptide of 26 aa, responsible for the periplasmic translocation of the protein, and an internal connecting polypeptide of 54 aa, have been removed in the maturation of the PAC. The comparison of the nt sequences of the pac genes from K. citrophila and Escherichia coli ATCC11105 [Schumacher et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 14 (1986) 5713-5727] revealed 80% homology, suggesting a common ancestral pac gene origin. The results reported here should allow investigation of the unusual mechanism of maturation of this prokaryotic protein, as well as manipulation, using DNA recombinant techniques, of the catalytic properties of this industrially important enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary Whole cells of Kluyvera citrophila were immobilized in polyacrylamide gel. The penicillin acylase activity of immobilized whole cells was 60%–70% of native cells. When the immobilized cells were continuously cultivated for 40 h in an aerated fermentor containing peptone medium and were treated with alkali in order to remove -lactamase activity, the immobilized cells produced ampicillin up to 4.4 times faster than noncultivated cells.Ampicillin production was investigated in a column system using these cultivated immobilized whole cells. The cultivated immobilized cells showed excellent performance in continuous ampicillin production.  相似文献   

Penicillin G acylase (PGA) from Kluyvera citrophila immobilized on Amberzyml was used for enantioselective hydrolysis of N-phenylacetylated-dl-tert-leucine (N-Phac-dl-Tle) to produce l-tert-leucine (l-Tle). The effects of various organic cosolvents on hydrolysis of N-Phac-dl-Tle have been investigated in aqueous-cosolvent medium. It was founded that the rate of PGA-catalyzed reaction was significantly affected by the presence of 2% (v/v) organic cosolvent concentration. The initial rate fell with increasing logP of the cosolvent, but for logP values less than −0.24 the rate was faster than in purely aqueous medium. Additionally, the relative rate increases with the increase of dielectric constant (ε) of organic cosolvents. The yields of l-Tle in all aqueous-cosolvent systems were above 95% with the enantiomeric excess (ee) of >99%.  相似文献   

Penicillin G acylase (PGA) is used for the commercial production of semi-synthetic penicillins. It hydrolyses the amide bond in penicillin producing 6-aminopenicillanic acid and phenylacetate. 6-Aminopenicillanic acid, having the beta-lactam nucleus, is the parent compound for all semi-synthetic penicillins. Penicillin G acylase from Kluyvera citrophila was purified and chemically modified to identify the role of arginine in catalysis. Modification with 20 mM phenylglyoxal and 50 mM 2,3-butanedione resulted in 82% and 78% inactivation, respectively. Inactivation was prevented by protection with benzylpenicillin or phenylacetate at 50 mM. The reaction followed psuedo-first order kinetics and the inactivation kinetics (V(max), K(m), and k(cat)) of native and modified enzyme indicates the essentiality of arginyl residue in catalysis.  相似文献   

The DNA fragment encoding Kluyvera citrophila penicillin G acylase (KcPGA) was amplified and cloned into the vector pET28b to obtain a C-terminus His-tagged fusion expression plasmid. The fusion protein KcPGA was successfully overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The optimal induction concentration of isopropylthio-beta-D-galactoside (IPTG) was found to be 5 microM. The fusion protein was purified in a single step by Ni-IDA affinity chromatograph to a specific activity of 35.3U/mg protein with a final yield of 89% representing a 23-fold purification. The data presented here suggest that the purified fusion protein is stable with respect to pH and temperature. The optimal pH and temperature of recombinant KcPGA are 8.5 and 55 degrees C, respectively. The Km and Vmax are 17.6 microM and 23.8 U/mg, respectively. Therefore, the high yield and high specific activity of recombinant KcPGA produced in E. coli, together with other kinetic parameters, represent an excellent basis for further development of recombinant KcPGA as an immobilized biocatalyst for industrial applications.  相似文献   

Penicillin acylases are industrially important enzymes for the production of 6‐APA, which is used extensively in the synthesis of secondary antibiotics. The enzyme translates into an inactive single chain precursor that subsequently gets processed by the removal of a spacer peptide connecting the chains of the mature active heterodimer. We have cloned the penicillin G acylase from Kluyvera citrophila (KcPGA) and prepared two mutants by site‐directed mutagenesis. Replacement of N‐terminal serine of the β‐subunit with cysteine (Serβ1Cys) resulted in a fully processed but inactive enzyme. The second mutant in which this serine is replaced by glycine (Serβ1Gly) remained in the unprocessed and inactive form. The crystals of both mutants belonged to space group P1 with four molecules in the asymmetric unit. The three‐dimensional structures of these mutants were refined at resolutions 2.8 and 2.5 Å, respectively. Comparison of these structures with similar structures of Escherichia coli PGA (EcPGA) revealed various conformational changes that lead to autocatalytic processing and consequent removal of the spacer peptide. The large displacements of residues such as Arg168 and Arg477 toward the N‐terminal cleavage site of the spacer peptide or the conformational changes of Arg145 and Phe146 near the active site in these structures suggested probable steps in the processing dynamics. A comparison between the structures of the processed Serβ1Cys mutant and that of the processed form of EcPGA showed conformational differences in residues Argα145, Pheα146, and Pheβ24 at the substrate binding pocket. Three conformational transitions of Argα145 and Pheα146 residues were seen when processed and unprocessed forms of KcPGA were compared with the substrate bound structure of EcPGA. Structure mediation in activity difference between KcPGA and EcPGA toward acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) is elucidated.  相似文献   

A simple, highly sensitive, and rapid assay for high-throughput screening of penicillin G acylase-producing bacteria is presented. The method is based on the specific release of fluorescent 7-amino-4-methyl-coumarin through cleavage of phenylacetyl-4-methyl-coumaryl-7-amide by penicillin G acylase. The present method is suitable for screening pure enzymes as well as various penicillin G acylases like those from Escherichia coli, Proteus rettgeri, and Kluyvera citrophila in cell extracts. In addition, the new substrate was used for rapid assay of amidase activity in nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

Penicillin G (2%, w/v in phosphate buffer, pH 8) was hydrolysed in a flow-through, miniature electro-membrane reactor with the penicillin G acylase immobilized in 5% (w/v) polyacrylamide (diam. 10 mm, thickness 2.6 mm, enzyme activity 24 U ml–1). The conversion of penicillin G increased from 0.15 to almost 0.5 when the electric current applied to the reactor was changed from –600 to +600 A/m2 with a substrate residency of 1 h. Symbols and abbreviations c j p & concentration of component j in product stream (M) c j s & concentration of component j in substrate stream (M) c s o & substrate concentration at reactor inlet (M) C j p=c j p/c S 0 & scaled concentration of component j in product stream C j s=c j s/c S 0 & scaled concentration of component j in substrate stream i & electric current density (A/m2) j & reaction component, j P, Q or S P & main reaction product (6-aminopenicillanic acid) PGA & penicillin G acylase Q & side reaction product (phenylacetic acid) S & substrate (penicillin G) Y s=C P s+C P p & substrate conversion & mean residence time of substrate and product streams in reactor (h) =C Q s+C Q p+C S s+C S s & check-sum of scaled concentrations =C P p/(C P s+C P p) & separation factor of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (0 1)  相似文献   

The immobilization of penicillin G acylase on chitosan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Phenylacetic acid, as inhibitory product, was formed from a hydrolysis of penicillin G by immobilized penicillin acylase. In this article, electrodialysis was applied to remove phenylacetic acid continuously from the reaction mixture and to enhance an efficiency of the reaction. When 268 and 537 mM of penicillin G solution were used as the substrate, the concentration of phenylacetic acid in the reaction mixture could be maintained at less than 81 and 126 mM, respectively, and eventually, 86% and 88% of phenylacetic acid produced were removed from the reaction mixture at the end of the hydrolysis, respectively. Times required to reach 96% and 94.8% conversion from 268 and 537 mM of initial penicillin G could be reduced to 65% and 64% respectively, by means of electrodialysis; while 3.0% and 4.3% of initial penicillin G of 268 and 537 mM were permeated out of the reaction chamber during the hydrolysis, respectively. However, a loss of penicillin G by permeation could be reduced from 4.3% to 3.4% by a repeated addition of penicillin G.  相似文献   

青霉素G酰化酶是近几十年来β内酰胺类抗生素领域应用最广、开发最成功的酶之一。伴随着β-内酰胺类抗生素由化学合成法变更为酶法在中国的大规模产业化,得到了充分的开发与应用,取得了成功。青霉素G酰化酶不但用于水解制备6-APA、7-ADCA,更重要的是用于氨苄西林、头孢氨苄、阿莫西林、头孢拉定、头孢克洛等抗生素的制备。本文综述了近15年青霉素G酰化酶在我国研究与应用的历史沿革、基因与蛋白质结构、工业应用表达体系、工业评价标准与进化研究,还对各种突变株在具体医药工业领域的开发应用进行了综述,旨在梳理青霉素G酰化酶结构与性能的进化趋势以及在医药工业领域取得的巨大成就,同时也为相关人员在此领域进行深耕提供参考。  相似文献   

Penicillin acylase was purified fromKluyvera citrophila and immobilized on glutaraldehyde derivatives of silanized controlled-pore ceramics. The behaviour of the enzyme attached to TiO2, Al2O3 and SiO2 in the hydrolytic reaction are compared with that of the native enzyme as well as of the enzyme bound to CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B. The enzyme immobilized on TiO2 shows an efficiency of about 95% on the basis of protein bound. The penicillin acylase attached to SiO2, unlike the enzyme immobilized on TiO2, Al2O3 and Sepharose looses activity markedly in every cycle of use.  相似文献   

Zhao J  Wang Y  Luo G  Zhu S 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(2):529-535
In this study, macro-mesoporous silica spheres were prepared with a micro-device and used as the support for the immobilization of penicillin G acylase (PGA). To measure the enzymatic activity, the silica spheres with immobilized PGA were placed into a packed-bed reactor, in which the hydrolysis of penicillin G was carried out. The influences of the residence time, the initial concentration of the substrate, the accumulation of the target product 6-aminopenicillanic acid, and the enzyme loading amount on the performance of the immobilized PGA were investigated. The introduction of macropores increased the enzyme loading amount and decreased the internal mass transfer resistance, and the results showed that the enzyme loading amount reached 895 mg/g (dry support), and the apparent enzymatic activity achieved up to 1033 U/g (dry support). In addition, the immobilized PGA was found to have great stability.  相似文献   

Enzymatic synthesis of cephalothin from 7-aminocephalosporanic acid (7-ACA) and amide derivatives of 2-thienylacetic acid (2-TA) using penicillin G acylase (pen G acylase) was studied. Two amide derivatives of 2-TA namely 2-thienylacetamide (2-TAA) and 2-thienylacetohydroxamic acid (2-TAH) were used in this study. The main reason for choosing amide but not the methyl ester derivative of 2-TA for the enzymatic synthesis was to increase their solubilities in water. The solubility of 2-TA methyl ester (2-TAM), 2-TAA, and 2-TAH in aqueous solution is 8 +/- 0.05 mM, 87 +/- 0.75 mM and 120 +/- 1.65 mM, respectively. Enzymatic conversion of 2-TAH to cephalothin yielded side products but they were not found in the conversion of 2-TAA to cephalothin. The side products were derived from reactions between hydroxyamine and 7-ACA. The effects of pH, temperature, initial substrate concentrations and reaction time on the conversion of 2-TAA and 7-ACA to cephalothin were examined. The optimum reaction condition was determined at pH 6.5 and 10 approximately 15 degrees C. The best conversion yield of 72% was obtained when the initial concentration of 2-TAA and 7-ACA was at 0.4 M and 0.1 M, respectively. Furthermore, a one-step method was developed to purify cephalothin from the enzymatic reaction mixture with the purity of 91% and the recovery yield of 96%.  相似文献   

The penicillin G acylase (PGA) and cephalosporin acylase (CA) families, which are members of the N-terminal (Ntn) hydrolases, are valuable for the production of backbone chemicals like 6-aminopenicillanic acid and 7-aminocephalosporanic acid (7-ACA), which can be used to synthesize semi-synthetic penicillins and cephalosporins, respectively. Regardless of the low sequence similarity between PGA and CA, the structural homologies at their active-sites are very high. However, despite this structural conservation, they catalyze very different substrates. PGA reacts with the hydrophobic aromatic side-chain (the phenylacetyl moiety) of penicillin G (PG), whereas CA targets the hydrophilic linear side-chain (the glutaryl moiety) of glutaryl-7-ACA (GL-7-ACA). These different substrate specificities are likely to be due to differences in the side-chains of the active-site residues. In this study, mutagenesis of active-site residues binding the side-chain moiety of PG changed the substrate specificity of PGA to that of CA. This mutant PGA may constitute an alternative source of engineered enzymes for the industrial production of 7-ACA.  相似文献   

The folding and solution conformation of penicillin G acylase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The solution conformation properties of penicillin G acylase (EC have been characterised by near- and far-ultraviolet circular dichroism, steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and differential sedimentation velocity. The enzyme (86 kDa) was found to be spherical and stable unfolding over a narrow range of urea concentrations in an apparently cooperative fashion with a mid-point of 4.5 M urea. Separation of its constituent alpha and beta peptides (23.8 kDa and 62.2 kDa, respectively) was accompanied by loss of enzyme activity and unfolding, the kinetics of unfolding being highly dependent upon urea concentration. Urea gradient gel electrophoresis showed that the separated beta peptide aggregates over a wide range of urea concentrations but that the alpha peptide refolds reversibly to a compact state. Physical studies showed that the refolded alpha peptide has a compact but asymmetric structure with more alpha helix than the native enzyme, but is more sensitive to denaturant. The latter is suggested to be due to a hydrophobic patch detected by 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid binding and which is normally covered by the beta peptide in the native enzyme. The results of these investigations indicate that the alpha peptide constitutes a folding domain and suggest that it plays a key role in folding of the precursor for penicillin acylase.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the immobilization of penicillin G acylase (PA) on Amberlite XAD7 modified by transamidation with 1,2-ethylenediamine and activated with glutaraldehyde. Reduction with sodium borohydride of the Schiff's bases formed between the amino groups of the protein and glutaraldehyde results in a dramatic improvement of the operational stability of the immobilized enzyme without affecting the catalytic activity. The enzyme kept in presence of the substrate, penicillin G, displays an increased stability with respect to that stored in pure phosphate buffer solution. The inactivation kinetics of the immobilized preparations of PA, determined in a continuous fixed bed reactor, as well as a discontinuous batch reactor, are reported.  相似文献   

We have developed a strategy for immobilization-stabilization of penicillin G acylase (PGA) from Kluyvera citrophila by controlled multipoint covalent attachment to agarose-aldehyde gels. This enzyme is composed by two dissimilar subunits noncovalently bound. Thus, in this article we establish clear correlations between enzyme stabilization and the multipoint immobilization and/or between enzyme stabilization and the involvement of the two subunits in the attachment of them to the support. We have demonstrated that important thermal stabilizations of derivatives were only obtained through a very intense enzyme-support multipoint attachment involving the whole enzyme molecule. In this way, we have prepared derivatives preserving more than 90% of catalytic activity and being more than 1000-fold more stable than soluble and one-point attached enzyme. In addition, the involvement of the two subunits in the covalent attachment to the support has proved to be essential to develop interesting strategies for reactivation of inactivated enzyme molecules [e.g., by refolding of immobilized PGA after previous unfolding with urea and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)]. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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