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Rhamnus alaternus and R. ludovici-salvatoris, two Mediterranean shrubs with different geographic distributions, have shown important differences in seedling recruitment capacity. The objectives of this work were to determine the ability of these species to germinate seeds under different temperature ranges, as well as the capacity of seedlings to emerge from different burial depths, in order to better understand their regeneration processes. Two different experiments were performed. In the first one, seed germination was studied in Petri dishes and in the dark at different temperature regimes: a) 5–15°C, b) 10–20°C and c) 15–25°C (12h/12h). In the second experiment, seedling emergence capacity from different burial depths (0.5, 2 and 5 cm) was tested. R. ludovici-salvatoris showed a significantly higher final germination rates, a lower dormancy period, and average time response at 10–20°C than at other temperature ranges, although differences were much greater when seeds were subjected to the 5–15°C temperature regime. By contrast, R. alaternus did not show significant differences between treatments (5–15°C and 10–20°C) in germination behavior. Seedling emergence of both species was lower and slower when seeds were buried at 5 cm. However, R. ludovici-salvatoris always showed a lower seedling emergence capacity than R. alaternus at any burial depth. The low ability of R. ludovici-salvatoris to germinate seeds and emerge between 5–15°C, even from shallow depths, is discussed in relation to its low regeneration capacity and declining geographic distribution.  相似文献   

S. U. Wallace 《Plant and Soil》1988,109(1):139-140
Bragg and Cobb soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seeds were germinated in sand at temperatures ranging from 25 to 40°C. Emergence decreased with increasing temperature above 37°C, with virtually no emergence at 40°C. Emergence of 12 other cultivars at 38°C ranged from 25 to 95%. Foster and Coker 338 were more sensitive to high temperature than the other cultivars.  相似文献   

The principal storage reserve of sugar beet seeds is starch, which is localised in the perisperm. Additional storage reserves include the seed proteins, albumins, globulins and glutclins, which are exclusively located in the embryo. Soluble sugars are also detectable in all the organs of the mature seed. The time-course of reserve mobilisation in the different organs of the sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris L. cv. Regina) seed during germination and early seedling growth is documented, with particular reference to changes in (a) activities of hydrolases: a-amylase, β-amylase, and α-glucosidases; (b) levels of carbohydrates and (c) proteins. Amylase activities increase substantially in both cotyledons, as well as the perisperm, whereas the increase in α-glucosidase activities is largely confined to the perisperm.  相似文献   

Soil temperature, texture, water content and sowing depth are effective factors on the estimation of emergence time. This research aimed to test the Beta model for its adequacy in predicting the time of emergence for sugar beet. The Beta growth model as a phenological model have been used for evaluating the time of seedling emergences under both controlled environments in laboratory and field conditions. An experiment was conducted both in the laboratory with five soil textures, three sowing depths, five soil water contents and ten constant soil temperatures, under field conditions on five sowing dates (20 February, 28 March, 19 April, 10 May, and 31 May) and three sowing depths. The results demonstrated that the Beta model can predict the time of emergence. Based on the root mean square error (RMSE), the time of emergence estimated by the Beta model was in high agreement with the time of emergence measured in the laboratory. Estimation accuracy was reduced slightly by the Beta model under field conditions. The accuracy of the Beta model was influenced by the sowing date under field conditions. So, on the first and second sowing dates (with low air temperature), the estimation of time of emergence by the model was lower and on the fourth and the fifth sowing date (with warmer air temperature), was more than the duration measured. Estimation accuracy was increased by the Beta model under field conditions using soil temperature. In conclusion, the Beta model can predict the time to emergence of sugar beet seedlings in different levels of soil texture and soil water content under field conditions, and with that, the proper planting date for sugar beet seeds to overcome weeds in different soil water content can be predicted.  相似文献   

Low soil temperatures and low water potentials reduce and delay the seed germination of canola (Brassica rapa L., B. napus L.) in western Canada. Germination is also very sensitive to the salinity effects of nitrogen fertiliser placed with the seed, especially when the seed bed is relatively dry. The effects of pre-hydration and re-drying treatment on canola (Brassica rapa L. cv. Tobin) seed germination and seedling emergence at 10°C subjected to either a water or salt stress were determined. Low water potentials, induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG 8000), low soil moisture, or high concentrations of salts, reduced both germination and seedling emergence, and increased the time to 50% germination and emergence of seeds at 10°C. At equal osmotic potentials, Na2SO4 was less inhibitory on low temperature germination than either NaCl or PEG, suggesting that the sulphate ion partially alleviated the inhibitory effects of low water potential. Solutions of NaCI produced more abnormal seedlings compared to Na2SO4, suggesting that NaCl was more toxic than Na2SO4 during seedling development. Pre-hydration and re-drying partially overcame the inhibitory effects of both low water potential and salts on seed germination and seedling emergence at 10°C. The seed treatment increased the germination rate in Petri dishes and seedling emergence from a sandy loam soil. Water potentials or soil water contents required to inhibit 50% germination or emergence at 10°C were lower for treated seeds compared to control seeds. Salt concentrations inhibiting 50% emergence were higher for treated seeds than control seeds. Neither treated nor control seeds produced seedlings which emerged if the soil water content was lower than 9% or when the soil was continuously irrigated with salt solutions of 100 mmol kg-1 of NaCl or 50 mmol kg-1 of Na2SO4. These results suggest that the pre-hydration and re-drying treatment did not lower the base water potentials at which seedling emergence could occur. Abnormal seedlings were observed in both treated and control seeds, particularly if the soil was watered with NaCl solutions; however, the seed treatment reduced the number of abnormal seedlings.  相似文献   

Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam. is a deciduous shrub with intricately branched stems in the Rhamnaceae family. It's a dominant and economically important species widely distributed in active sand dunes in the southern desert of Tunisia. To provide basic information for its conservation and reintroduction, we studied the influence of environmental factors on seed germination patterns. The germination responses of seeds were determined over a wide range of constant temperatures (10–50 °C), polyethylene glycol (PEG)-6000 solutions of different osmotic potentials (0 to − 1 MPa) and burial depths (1–10 cm). Temperatures between 15 and 45 °C seem to be favorable for the germination of this species. Germination was inhibited by either an increase or decrease in temperature from the most suitable temperature found (35 °C). The highest germination percentages (100%) were obtained under control conditions without PEG, and increasing moisture stress progressively inhibited seed germination, which was less than 5% at − 1 MPa. When tested for germination in distilled water, after PEG treatments, seeds germinated to the same extent as when fresh. When seeds buried deeply, there was a significant decrease in seedling emergence percentage and rate. Seedlings of Z. lotus emerged well at depths of 1–2 cm and could not emerge when sand burial depth was > 4 cm.  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of the percentage of plants emerging under laboratory cold-test conditions, inbred lines were divided into tolerant (T), semi-tolerant (I) and sensitive (S) to low temperatures. Tolerance to low temperature is, then, an inheritable and varietal plant characteristic.On average, local varieties showed the best emergence, followed by double crosses, single crosses and inbred lines in that order. Some tolerant hybrids and inbred lines had quite high emergence after 27 days at 6 °C. Thus the tolerant inbred lines Bc-130 E-5 and T-193/II had more emerged seeds (78 and 75% with embryo roots and 52 and 47% with stalk apices, respectively) with longer embryo roots and stalk apices than the sensitive inbred lines T-145/11 and W-8 at the end of this treatment.The two-year average emergence of 56 reciprocal single crosses and their parental inbred lines cold-tested at 6 °C and 8 °C indicates that the degree of tolerance to low temperatures is strongly dependent on the germination ability of the maternal parent of the cross, i. e. on maternal effect. The genetic mechanism of this inheritance is rather complex. The higher stand density of single crosses over inbred lines may be explained by complementary gene action in the seed embryo. The characteristics of the maternal parent were important in determining not only the percentage of germinated plants, but also the speed of germination and growth of the embryo root and stalk apex. With each parental inbred line the percentage emergence differed according to whether the line was used as the maternal or pollen parent in the crosses.  相似文献   

Summary The improvement of rate of seedling emergence and early seedling growth of maize (Zea mays L.) under cool conditions has been an objective of breeding programs in cool regions for many years. To study inheritance of emergence time, and to determine if differences in emergence time were due to differences in seedling growth, F1, F2 and backcross generations of a diallel cross of two rapidly emerging lines from CIMMYT Pool 5, 5-113 and 5-154, and two elite Corn Belt Dent lines, A619 and A632, were grown in controlled environment rooms at low temperatures.The lines from Pool 5 emerged significantly faster than A619 and A632 over a range of low temperature conditions. This difference occurred both when the lines themselves were tested and when the lines were tested as male and female parents in crosses. The Pool 5 lines converted a higher proportion of their original seed to new root and shoot tissue than did A619 and A632, indicating that they had a faster seedling growth rate. Primarily this was due to a faster loss of seed reserve, rather than a more efficient conversion process.A significant difference occurred between A619 and A632 for emergence time, but this was not due to a difference in seedling growth rate.Reciprocal differences occurred only in the F1 generation in crosses involving A619, and then marked effects could be attributed to the male parent. Reciprocal differences tended to disappear in the F2. This suggested that the genotype of the embryo and endosperm was of much greater importance than the genotype of the maternal parent in determining differences of time to emergence and seedling growth.Mid-parent heterosis occurred for time to emergence and seed loss, a measure of mean rate of utilization of seed reserve, in all crosses. High parent heterosis occurred in several crosses for these traits. High parent heterosis occurred in all crosses for efficiency of utilization of seed reserve.A generation means analysis indicated that both additive and dominance effects were present for rate of seedling growth in crosses between A632 and the Pool 5 lines.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - In the presented work attempts have been made to explore effectiveness of the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) seeds priming process in relation to seed quality...  相似文献   

Soil moisture and temperature, sowing depth and penetration resistance affect the time and percentage of seedling emergence, which are crucial for the simulation of drought‐limited crop production. The aim of this research was to measure the effect of soil water potential on germination and emergence, shoot and root elongation rates (SER and RER) of two different seed/crop types. Sugar beet and durum wheat seeds were sown into two soils (clay and loam), submitted to five matric potentials (?0.01, ?0.1, ?0.2, ?0.4 and ?0.8 MPa) and incubated at constant temperature (25°C) and humidity. Cumulative count analysis was used to estimate parameters of the distribution of germination or emergence times for each box of beet or wheat seeds and to derive estimates for base potentials (ψb), hydrothermal times (H) and numbers of viable units. In a second experiment, NaCl solution was used to mimic the soil matric potentials to estimate potential RER and SER. Germination of sugar beet was slightly more sensitive to matric potential than durum wheat (ψb of ?1.13 and ?1.23 MPa, respectively). H(g) was longer for sugar beet than for durum wheat (67 vs 47 MPa °Cd). For emergence ψb was similar for both seed types and soils but hydrothermal times (H(e)) were 40 MPa °Cd higher for sugar beet than for wheat. Emergence was about 20 MPa °Cd earlier in loam than in clay. SER measured in soils were similar for both crops and for durum wheat it agreed with those determined in NaCl solution. RER and SER fell with decreasing osmotic potential to approximately 20% of their maximum values (1.03 mm h?1 and 0.57 mm h?1, respectively). Seedling viability decreased with decreasing matric potential and more in clay than in loam soil and more for sugar beet than durum wheat. Seed and soil aggregate size are discussed with respect to the effects of water diffusion and soil–seed contact on germination and emergence modelling.  相似文献   

Iprodione seed treatment at 100 g a.i./kg seed had little effect on final emergence in peat-based compost at 60% moisture content (wet weight basis) but caused up to 1.5 days' delay in the time to 50% of the final emergence (t50). The effect was independent of initial seed viability, the conditions and duration of seed storage after treatment and germination temperature. Raising the compost moisture content to 70% resulted in a 9% reduction in final emergence and a 3 day increase in t50. Iprodione had a greater effect in a filter paper test, reducing final emergence by up to 24% and increasing t50; the effects were again independent of initial seed viability and storage conditions.  相似文献   

Further evidence is provided that the environment of sugar-beet seedlings, or growth substances applied to seedlings, continues to influence growth when the plants are later in other environments. Sugar-beet seeds were germinated at 20 °C in 8, 16 or 24 h photoperiods of constant light intensity, i.e. with different amounts of total radiation. When the seedlings had two leaves (15–18 days old) they were transferred to large pots in the glasshouse. Some seedlings were treated with (2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride) either sprayed on the leaves or applied to the soil, at different times. The treatments affected areas of individual leaves throughout the growing period; plants raised in 24 h photoperiod had the largest leaves, and those in 8 h photoperiod the smallest. Consequently, 24 h plants had most dry matter and 8 h plants least. Plants given most radiation produced leaves fastest and CCC applied early increased the rate, but as the leaves were smaller, except late in 1967, and died sooner, the leaf area duration was less and so yields were less. CCC applied later did not affect leaf production. There was no interaction between amount of radiation and CCC treatment. Twenty-four hour plants had the greatest net assimilation rate (E) early. CCC decreased E early, but increased it later and more when sprayed on the leaves than when applied to the soil. Some factor, possibly pot size, eventually restricted growth and probably diminished the effect of the treatments applied to the seedlings.  相似文献   

Excessive water in the substratum inhibited germination of monogerm sugar beet seed but it was not lethal, and other crop seeds tested were not as sensitive as beet. The inhibition was not evident in a pure oxygen atmosphere and was lessened when the fruit cap was removed. Although bacterial populations on fruits absorbed appreciable quantities of oxygen, differences between populations in optimum and excessive water were insufficient to account for the inhibition. Anatomical observations revealed the presence of a pore through the sclerified fruit wall at the point of attachment to the mother plant. Evidence indicated that the pore was the route for oxygen and water uptake to the seed, and theoretical calculations of gas flux suggested that oxygen supply would be insufficient to sustain germination when the pore was filled with water.  相似文献   

Sugar-beet seeds were germinated (1) in a growth cabinet at 20°C lit continuously by fluorescent tubes (L), (2) in a cabinet at 20°C lit by fluorescent tubes for 16 h/day (S), (3) in a cage with glass roof and open sides with natural illumination (N), or (4) in the open ground (D). The seedlings from the cabinets and cage were transplanted to the field when they had two true leaves. Samples were taken on six occasions during growth, and leaf areas and dry weights determined. There were no differences between treatments in total number of leaves produced or leaf area duration. Leaf area per plant increased fastest on L plants at first, but from mid-June until end of July drilled plants had the largest leaf surface. From August onwards S plants had the largest area. Although treatment had little effect on growth of the tops, roots grew fastest throughout the season on the plants raised in growth cabinets and the final mean root dry weight of L and S plants was 39% greater than of N and D plants. Throughout the season L and S plants had a larger root:top ratio than plants raised in the cage or drilled directly in the field. The larger roots of plants raised in the cabinets evidently provided a larger sink for carbohydrate and increased the mean photosynthetic efficiency of the leaves over the whole season by 11 % and increased yield of roots by 6 tons/acre.  相似文献   

GUS activities were evaluated in eight replicates of each of eight sugar beet hairy root clones, which had been derived from a single seed. Statistical analysis by the Tukey test demonstrated that 19/28 and 16/28 inter-clone comparisons were significantly different when normalised for protein concentration and DNA content respectively. Possible causes of this variation and its implications for the genetic manipulation of plant growth and development are discussed.  相似文献   

沙埋对六种沙生植物种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
研究了沙埋对科尔沁沙地6种优势植物的种子萌发和幼苗出土的影响.进行0.2、4、6、8、10和12cm等7个深度沙埋处理.结果表明,在不同沙埋处理时,沙蓬萌发差异显著。而差不嘎蒿2锄埋深与其他埋深的发芽差异显著,其他4种植物0cm埋深与其他埋深的发芽差异显著;沙埋对所有植物幼苗出土均有显著影响,埋深增加,出苗率减小;繁殖体大的物种与繁殖体小的物种相比,能从更深沙层中出苗,幼苗出土最大深度排序为苦参>东北木蓼≥沙蓬>山竹子>雾冰藜>差不嘎蒿.  相似文献   

Summary Thirteen enzymes (MDH, SDH, LAP, PGM, PX, IDH, GPI, 6PGD, APH, GOT, GDH, ME and SOD) of 3 cultivated beet (B. vulgaris L.) gene pools, comprising 12 accessions of fodder beet, 11 of old multigerm sugar beet and 10 of modern monogerm sugar beet, were investigated using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis. Eleven accessions of primitive or wild B. vulgaris were also included for the comparison of isozymes. Variation in isozyme phenotypes was investigated to detect diversity in the three cultivated forms of beet. Phenotypic variation was observed in all except ME and SOD, which were monomorphic. A high degree of phenotypic polymorphism (Pj) was found in GDH, PGM, IDH, APH and MDH. Differences in phenotypic polymorphism in MDH, GPI and PX were recognized between fodder beet and both sugar beet groups. Average polymorphism for 13 enzymes in both sugar beets was significantly higher than that in fodder beet. For 13 enzymes, the existence of high isozyme diversity in both sugar beet gene pools was revealed. Allele frequencies in 13 alleles of five enzyme-coding loci, Lap, Px-1, Aph-1, Got-2 and Gdh-2, were investigated. New alleles, Px-1 1 and Got-2 1, were found in fodder beet accessions. No significant differences of average allele frequencies of five loci between fodder beet and both sugar beets were recognized. Several unique alleles and different isozyme phenotypes were observed in the accessions of B. vulgaris ssp. macrocarpa and ssp. adanensis. Future utilization of cultivated beet gene pools for sugar beet breeding is discussed from the viewpoint of genetic resources.  相似文献   

Seeds of various fat-hen populations (Chenopodium album L.), mostly originating from sugar beet fields, were subjected to treatments with the following herbicides: metamitron, acetochlor, dimethenamid-P and S-metolachlor. Herbicides were applied either incorporated into a sandy Loam soil (2005-2007) and/or on filter paper in Petri dishes (2006-2007). Results between experiments were highly contrasting. Soil applications of metamitron, acetochlor and S-metolachlor were stimulating germination in the 2005 experiments, whereas in the 2006-2007 experiments effects were ranging from slightly stimulating to highly inhibitory.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对棉花种子萌发和幼苗生长的伤害   总被引:47,自引:3,他引:47  
采用盐化土壤盆栽方法,选择耐盐性较强品种枝棉3号和耐盐性较弱品种泗棉2号,研究了盐分对棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L.)种子萌发、出苗和幼苗生长的伤害。结果表明,在-0.55和-1.10MPa盐分胁迫下,对棉花伤害起决定性作用的因子是Na^+。200mmol/L NaCl胁迫下,枝棉3号种子萌发时电导率上升幅度和子叶CAT下降幅度均显著小于泗棉2号。100和200mmol/L Na  相似文献   

Chen  Hua  Maun  M.A. 《Plant Ecology》1999,140(1):53-60
A greenhouse study was conducted to determine the effects of sand burial on seed germination and seedling emergence of Cirsium pitcheri, a threatened species along Lake Huron sand dunes. In October 1996, seeds of C. pitcheri were sorted into three groups (small, medium and large) and artificially buried at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 cm depths in plastic pots filled with unsterilized sand from Lake Huron sand dunes. These pots were placed outside in sand boxes for natural stratification. In early February, the pots were brought into the greenhouse for germination of seeds. Data showed that percent seed germination and emergence of seedlings were not related to seed size. However, both variables were negatively correlated with depth. Seedling emergence occurred from a maximum depth of 6 cm with most seedlings emerging from 2 cm depth. Only one seedling emerged from 8 cm depth. Seedlings from large seeds produced longer roots than those of small seeds. Larger root system would probably enhance seedling establishment.  相似文献   

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