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This study was conducted to examine the phenomenon of task partitioning among associations of foundresses of the primitively eusocial wasp Belonogaster juncea juncea (F.). The time–activity budget for five main behavioral categories (foraging, building, feeding, inactivity, and reproduction) for each foundress belonging to trigynic associations was recorded using the instantaneous scanning technique. After ranking the individuals on the basis of agonistic encounters, data were submitted to a canonical discriminant analysis. The results show behavioral differences between individuals of each rank. The proportion of time allocated to foraging behavior is a good rank index. The females of the first rank spent less time on foraging behavior and significantly more time (13.6% of their time) on reproductive behavior than females of other ranks. The females of the second rank also spent less time on foraging behavior and showed a tendency toward building behavior. The females of the third rank spent significantly more time (77.28% of their time) on foraging behavior. The behavioral profile of each foundress was therefore determined by its rank on the dominance scale.  相似文献   

Keeping  M. G. 《Insectes Sociaux》1995,42(3):317-320
Summary The hypothesis thatBelonogaster petiolata (fam. Vespidae) is able to communicate alarm chemically, using odours released with the venom, was tested in bioassays involving presentation of artificial targets to a wasp colony, simultaneously with crushed venom apparatuses. The odour of venom did not lower the threshold of attack and visual stimuli alone (particularly a black, moving object) were sufficient to release attack. Venom odour on a previously stung target probably does not play a role in focusing further attacks on such a target. The results therefore support the null hypothesis that a venom-based alarm pheromone is absent in this species.  相似文献   

Females of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata can be classified into three behavioral groups: Sitters, Fighters, and Foragers. It has been speculated that both Sitters and Fighters may be hopeful queens and that the Foragers may have little or no opportunities for direct reproduction. Here we show that in 9 of 12 queen-removal experiments where such a behavioral differentiation could be discerned, the individual that became a queen (the potential queen) was a Sitter in 6 cases, a Fighter in 2 cases, and a Forager in only 1 case. Although potential queens spent significantly more time absent from the nest and showed significantly higher rates of dominance behavior compared to the mean values for nonqueens in their colonies, they were intermediate with respect to all behaviors and age when compared to the range of values for nonqueens in their colonies. Potential queens were not necessarily the highest-ranking individuals among the nonqueens. The pattern of queen succession in this species appears to be quite different from the temperate pattern, where an old and active forager of high dominance rank is the potential queen. Although somewhat similar to the tropical pattern of a relatively younger female that has performed relatively little foraging being the potential queen, it is perhaps more accurate to describe the potential queens of R. marginata as unspecialized intermediates.  相似文献   

Summary In the primitively eusocial tropical waspRopalidia marginata, five out of eleven colonies studied had an unmated female as their queen. In two colonies this was the case despite the presence of another mated individual in the colony. We found no detectable differences between colonies with unmated queens and those with mated queens. We argue that in species such asR. marginata, where intracolony relatedness is expected to be low and where sociality is likely to be maintained because several individuals have opportunities for direct reproduction in the future, individual selection is likely to override the good of the colony and lead to such phenomena as that of unmated queens.  相似文献   

  • 1 In a 16-month study in Bangalore, India, about 35% of the newly founded colonies of Ropalidia marginata were single foundress colonies and the remainder were multiple foundress colonies with two to twenty-two individuals.
  • 2 Larger colonies did not have a significantly higher per capita productivity, did not produce significantly heavier progeny and did not produce them significantly faster than smaller colonies did.
  • 3 Predation by the hornet Vespa tropica appeared to be independent of group size.
  • 4 Single foundress colonies failed more often but not often enough to make them have a lower average per capita productivity, compared to multiple foundress colonies.
  • 5 Some of the advantages of multiple foundress associations came from the greater predictability of their attaining the mean per capita productivity, the relatively lower rates of usurpation experienced by them compared to single foundress colonies, and the opportunities provided by queen turnovers for workers to become replacement queens and gain direct individual fitness.

Until recently, morphological differences between castes in independent-founding polistine wasps were considered absent. This paper investigates the extent of morphological and physiological differences between reproductive (foundress and gyne) and worker castes of Belonogaster petiolata, and tests the hypothesis that caste differentiation in this species occurs pre-imaginally.Foundresses were significantly larger than workers, to the extent that foundress/worker ratios were comparable with those between queens and workers in some swarm-founding Polistinae. Early emerging workers were small, but body size increased over the colony cycle such that late-season workers were similar in size to gynes. In proportion to body size, workers possessed broader heads while foundresses and gynes had broader thoraces and gasters. All queens, 98% of subordinate foundresses, and 95% of over-wintering gynes were inseminated. Workers were never inseminated and lacked mature ovaries in colonies with active queens. However, in the absence of the queen (and other foundresses), 11% of workers developed mature ovaries. Ovarian size and fat content of foundresses and gynes was significantly greater than that of workers. The differences in external morphology and reproductive physiology between castes support the hypothesis that differentiation occurs pre-imaginally. However, imaginal factors, in particular social dominance of the queen, maintain the reproductive subordinance of workers.  相似文献   

  • 1 When freshly eclosed females of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata (Lep.) are isolated, only about 50% of them build nests and lay eggs thereby suggesting a pre-imaginal biasing of caste.
  • 2 Wasps that lay eggs take a very variable amount of time after eclosion to start doing so.
  • 3 Females eclosing from nests where larvae are fed at a relatively higher rate are more likely to become egg-layers and are likely to take less time after eclosion to begin to lay eggs.
  • 4 Thus, both forms of pre-imaginal biasing of caste, namely, differences in egg laying capacity and differences in the time taken to attain reproductive maturity, appear to be influenced by larval nutrition.

Colonies ofBelonogaster petiolata in Gauteng (South Africa) produced reproductive offspring (gynes and males) in late January and early February of each nesting season; their appearance was associated with a decline in worker and brood numbers. Brood decline could commence in the presence of a dominant, reproductively active queen, and loss or removal of the queen was not followed directly by cessation of nest growth and brood care. An older worker usually took over the α-position in queenless colonies. Several factors appear to contribute to brood decline and, ultimately, termination of the colony cycle in this species. These include (1) cessation of the supply of solid food to colonies (and particularly their larvae) during the reproductive phase, (2) a decrease in the worker/larva ratio during the latter phase due to the progressive loss of workers, (3) increasing number of gynes and males, and (4) an adult priority over food reception from foragers.  相似文献   

In Cameroon, the social ropalidiine wasp Belonogaster juncea juncea mostly selects human constructions for nesting, but nests installed in the shelter of large boulders were also noted. Nests were founded throughout the year by one female (25.5%) or by associations of two to eight females. Among the 49 colonies studied from foundation, 24 produced at least one adult, and only 5 produced males among the eight that succeeded in producing sexual individuals. After the first dominant female disappeared (died or abandoned the nest, from 77 to 196 days after foundation) the remaining females fought among themselves, leading to a drastic decrease in the total number of brood. They completely abandoned 22 of 24 surviving nests, over a mean colony cycle lasting about 7 months. Hence the colony and nesting cycles were congruent, illustrating that determinate nesting corresponds to the majority of the cases in this species. In the other two nests, some females remained on the nest and began a new colonial cycle illustrating semi-independence between colony and nesting cycles. Up to four successive cycles were completed in this way in the same nest, thus illustrating the phenomenon of serial polygyny (intermediate between determinate and indeterminate nesting cycles). Serial polygyny in independent founding polistine wasps, previously documented only once, has implications for studies attempting to identify factors involved in regulating the colony and nesting cycles in tropical social wasps.  相似文献   

Mating structure and genetic relatedness among gynes (potential reproductive females) of the paper wasp Polistes snelleni were investigated using DNA microsatellite markers. All colonies had one foundress inseminated by a single male, and no sign of inbreeding was detected. The mean genetic relatedness among gynes was 0.734 ± 0.028 (SE), which is not significantly different from the expected value of 0.75 for full sisters.  相似文献   

Summary Proximate control of colony dynamics was studied in the primitively eusocial halictine beeLasioglossum (Dialictus) zephyrum using allozyme markers. The results indicate that workers produce on average 15% of the male brood (range=0–50%) in small laboratory colonies made up of unrelated, single-generation, uninseminated females. This proportion is not influenced by colony size, but is influenced by the relative size of the queen. Large queens are more successful in dominating their workers than are small queens, the queen being defined as the female that is the mother of most of the brood produced in the colony. Older and larger females tend to become queens. Thus, while small differences in age (up to 4 days) influence which female becomes a queen, her ability to control her workers is primarily influenced by her relative size. The proportion of reproduction that is co-opted by the queen is negatively correlated with colony reproductivity (the number of males/day/female). Colony reproductivity is also negatively correlated with the standard deviation in size among females.  相似文献   

In the primitively eusocial wasp, Ropalidia marginata,individual females are known to drift from one newly founded nest to another. In the laboratory, young (<6- to 8-day-old) alien wasps are accepted onto unrelated colonies, while older (>6- to 8-day-old) wasps are not. Here we have investigated the factors that could influence the acceptance of foreign conspecifics onto unrelated nests. Individually marked wasps of different ages, isolated immediately after eclosion from the natal nest and from each other, were introduced onto unrelated recipient nests. Considered separately, both age and ovarian condition seemed to influence the probability of acceptance as well as the levels of aggression and tolerance received by the introduced wasps. However, partial correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis indicated that only age had a direct influence and that the ovarian condition acts only through age, a variable with which it is highly correlated. The observed acceptance of young aliens and rejection of old aliens are less likely to be due to the perception of older wasps as a reproductive threat rather than some age-related factor, other than ovarian condition, for example, the relative ease with which younger wasps can be molded into desired roles.  相似文献   

Asymmetries in genetic relatedness created by haplodiploidy have been considered to be crucially important for the evolution of worker behaviour in Hymenoptera. Multiple mating by the queens destroys this asymmetry and should make kin selection less powerful. The number of males that social insect queens mate with is thus of considerable theoretical interest especially in primitively eusocial species. The results presented here provide evidence for multiple mating by foundresses of the primitively eusocial waspRopalidia marginata (Lep.)  相似文献   

The Dufour's gland of the paper wasp, Polistes fuscatus,is a source of the cues used by dominant females to recognize the eggs laid by subordinates or nonnestmates on pre (worker)-emergence nests. When dominant wasps were presented with an egg covered with either (1) the Dufour's gland extract of a subordinate cofoundress, (2) the extract of an egg from the same subordinate, or (3) the solvent alone, the dominant female destroyed and replaced the eggs covered with the Dufour's extract significantly more frequently than the other eggs. Eggs with the extract of a nonnestmate's Dufour's gland were also eaten significantly more frequently than those with the solvent. Given similar choices, subordinates did not destroy any eggs. The Dufour's gland appears to have little or no role in communicating dominance directly among aggressively interacting cofoundresses.  相似文献   

Alarm pheromones are used in many social insects to elicit an alarm response of nestmates towards disturbances. This chemical alarm channel is especially used by species nesting in closed environments. Polistes gallicus paper wasps typically found their nests on open substrates where visual and vibrational stimuli could be more important than the chemical one to alarm the colony. We investigated, through field bioassays, if, also in this species, workers venom is still the source of alarm pheromones. Our results show that venom volatiles are able to increase the colony defence reaction stimulating more individuals to attack and sting the object of disturbance. Therefore our results suggest the hypothesis that chemical alarm is independent of nesting habit (concealed vs exposed) within the Polistes genus.  相似文献   

Summary First descendants' founding ability was tested inP. dominulus colonies by experimentally removing the original nests and queens 21–24 days after the first emergence. Foundation tests were carried out after three different periods had elapsed after the removal and the results were analyzed with regards to the effects of participation in social tasks, duration of stay within the colony and seasonal factors. 1.Immediately after the removal, the foundations that occurred were performed almost entirely by workers, regardless of the duration of their stay within the colony. The number of foundations depended on the season in which the females had emerged. 2.Two months and four months after the removal, foundations were made by only a small number of females (workers and non-workers). These females, which were therefore able to found a nest the year they were born, were mostly among the very first-born individuals in the colonies. 3.The following year after hibernation: females (workers and non-workers) which had stayed for only a short time within the colony (1–15 days) had the highest survival rates. The foundation rates among the surviving females depended only on seasonal factors, since the foundation rates were higher among the non-workers which had emerged later in the season. The results throw some light on the first descendants' nest-founding potential in colonies developing under natural conditions, where many workers in fact stay for only a short time at the nest.  相似文献   

Polyethism was quantified in post-emergence colonies of the primitively eusocial wasp,Polistes instabilis, and compared to polyethism in a sympatric advanced eusocial wasp,Polybia occidentalis. Like P.occidentalis, P. instabilis foragers collected food (nectar and prey) and nest materials (wood pulp and water).P. instabilis foragers showed some evidence of specialization with respect to which materials they gathered, but most foragers, divided their effort among food and nest materials, a pattern that is rarely seen inP. occidentalis. In colonies of both species, more foragers collected nectar than any other material; in contrast, most water foraging was performed by one or two workers. Upon returning to the nest,P. instabilis foragers gave up part or all of most nectar, prey, and pulp loads to nestmates, while water was rarely partitioned. Prey loads were most likely to be given up entirely.P. instabilis workers show evidence of conflict over the handling of materials at the nest. The frequency with which workers took portions of nectar loads from forgers was positively correlated with their frequency of aggressive dominant behavior, and with their frequency of taking other foraged materials. Compared to polyethism inP. occidentalis P. instabilis showed less individual specialization on foraging tasks and less partitioning of foraged materials with nestmates, suggesting that these characteristics of polyethism have been modified during the evolution of advanced insect societies.  相似文献   

Ropalidia marginata is a primitively eusocial, polistine wasp widely distributed in peninsular India. In spite of its primitively eusocial status, queens of R. marginata are surprisingly docile and behaviourally non-dominant (except during the first week or so of their careers as queens). Yet they successfully maintain reproductive monopoly throughout their careers, probably through the use of pheromones. Workers exhibit dominance-subordinate interactions but these behaviours are not involved in regulating reproductive competition among the workers because workers with high dominance ranks are not necessarily the ones who replace lost queens. We have speculated and provided correlational evidence before that dominance-subordinate interactions among the workers have been co-opted in this species for the workers to regulate each other's foraging. Here, we provide experimental evidence in support of the speculation, by reducing demand for food and showing that this results in a significant decrease in the frequency of dominance-subordinate interactions among the workers.  相似文献   

Female Spalangia cameroni produced more offspring from younger house fly pupae, both when given a choice of host ages and when not given a choice. Host age did not affect offspring survivorship. Offspring were larger when they had developed on younger hosts and the effect was independent of offspring sex. Having previously parasitized old hosts versus young hosts did not reduce a female's production of offspring in subsequent hosts. Females distinguished between young and old hosts both in the light and in the dark. Females did not distinguish between host ages prior to physical contact with the host but could distinguish by the time they first began exploring a host by tapping it with their antennae; thus, they could distinguish before drilling into a host.  相似文献   

The communicative meaning of an oscillation (lateral vibration) performed by foundresses of social wasps (Polistes fuscatus) was investigated by sampling larval saliva from 12 postworker, single-foundress colonies and by viewing videotapes of 17 multiple-foundress (139.3 h) and 16 single-foundress (32 h) preworker colonies. Foundresses spent significantly more time inspecting cells before performing a lateral vibration (LV) than after and commonly became inactive after performing an LV. The proportion of departures temporally proximate to LVs was significantly greater in single- than in multiple-foundress colonies. Departures and LVs were significantly temporally associated in single-foundress colonies. Single foundresses were significantly more likely to perform an LV prior to departing on longer than shorter trips. In multiple-foundress colonies there was a significant temporal relationship between LVs and departures that left the nest unattended. Larvae secreted significantly less saliva, a nutritious substance provided to adults, immediately after an LV than in the absence of an LV. Contextual evidence and results of sampling larval saliva indicate that LVs by foundresses signal larvae to withhold or reduce their secretion of saliva.  相似文献   

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