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We report an improved fluorescence-detected circular dichroism (FDCD)-based analytical method that is useful for probing protein three-dimensional structures. The method uses a novel FDCD device with an ellipsoidal mirror that functions on a standard circular dichroism (CD) spectrometer and eliminates all artifacts. Our experiments demonstrated three important findings. First, the method is applicable to any proteins either by using intrinsic fluorescence derived from tryptophan residues or by introducing a fluorescent label onto nonfluorescent proteins. Second, by using intrinsic fluorescence, FDCD spectroscopy can detect a structural change in the tertiary structure of metmyoglobin due to stepwise denaturation on a change in pH. Such changes could not be detected by conventional CD spectroscopy. Third, based on the typical advantages of fluorescence-based analyses, FDCD measurements enable observation of only the target proteins in a solution even in the presence of other peptides. Using our ellipsoidal mirror FDCD device, we could observe structural changes of fluorescently labeled calmodulin on binding with Ca2+ and/or interacting with binding peptides. Because FDCD appears to reflect the protein’s local structure around the fluorophore, it may provide a useful means for “pinpoint analysis” of protein structures.  相似文献   

Strong contribution of the aromatic amino acid side chain chromophores to the far-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectra substantially distorts a relatively weak CD signal originating from beta sheet, the main type of immunoglobulin secondary structure. In this study we compared the secondary structure calculated from the far-UV CD spectra with the X-ray data for three antibody Fab fragments. Calculations were performed with three different algorithms, using two sets of reference proteins. Low standard deviations between all six estimates indicate stable mathematical solutions. Despite pronounced differences in the shape and amplitude of the CD spectra, we found a strong correlation between CD and X-ray data in the secondary structure for every protein studied. The number and average length of the secondary structure elements estimated from the CD spectra closely resemble those of the X-ray data. Agreement between spectroscopic and crystallographic results demonstrates that modern methods of secondary structure calculation are resilient to distortions of the far-UV CD spectra of immunoglobulins caused by aromatic side chain chromophores.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism spectra of proteins are extremely sensitive to secondary structure. Nevertheless, circular dichroism spectra should not be analyzed for protein secondary structure unless they are measured to at least 184 nm. Even if all the various types ofβ-turns are lumped together, there are at least 5 different types of secondary structure in a protein (α-helix, antiparallelβ-sheet, parallelβ-sheet,β-turn, and other structures not included in the first 4 categories). It is not possible to solve for these 5 parameters unless there are 5 equations. Singular value decomposition can be used to show that circular dichroism spectra of proteins measured to 200 nm contain only 2 pieces of information, while spectra measured to 190 nm contain about 4. Adding the constraint that the sum of secondary structures must equal 1 provides another piece of information, but even with this constraint, spectra measured to 190 nm simply do not analyze well for the 5 unknowns in secondary structure. Spectra measured to 184 nm do contain 5 pieces of information and we have used such spectra successfully to analyze a variety of proteins for their component secondary structures.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation of mouse monoclonal immunoglobulin G (isotype 1), as well as structural rearrangements resulting from adsorption on a hydrophobic Teflon surface, are studied by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Both heat-induced and adsorption-induced denaturation do not lead to complete unfolding into an extended polypeptide chain, but leave a significant part of the IgG molecule in a globular or corpuscular form. Heating dissolved IgG causes a decrease of the fractions of β-sheet and β-turn conformations, whereas those of random coil and, to a lesser extent, α-helix increase. Adsorption enhances the formation of α-helices and random coils, but the β-sheet content is strongly reduced. Heating adsorbed IgG results in a gradual break-down of the α-helix and β-turn contents, and a concomitant formation of β-sheet structures. Thus, the structural changes in IgG caused by heating and by adsorption, respectively, are very different. However, after heating, the structure of adsorbed IgG approaches the structure of thermally denatured IgG in solution.  相似文献   

The secondary and tertiary structures of bacteriophage cro protein were studied by circular dichroism. The pH dependence of this structure was investigated: cro protein is stable over pH 4.5-10.5. At these pH-values cro protein contains approximately 35% alpha-helix, approximately 20% antiparallel beta-structure and approximately 15% beta-turn, while the remaining part of the protein molecule is in the irregular state. The secondary and tertiary structures of the protein are modified abruptly at more acid and more alkaline pH-values. The curves characterizing the secondary and tertiary structures of the protein are symbatic. The effect of Gu-HCl on the secondary and tertiary structures of cro protein at 22 degrees C and pH 7.2 was studied also. The conformational transition occurs within 0.6-1.9 M Gu-HCl. The changes in the secondary and tertiary structures of the protein have a symbatic character. Thermal denaturation of cro protein was examined. A possible mechanism of the protein denaturation is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of spectral magnitude on the calculated secondary structures derived from circular dichroism (CD) spectra were examined for a number of the most commonly used algorithms and reference databases. Proteins with different secondary structures, ranging from mostly helical to mostly beta-sheet, but which were not components of existing reference databases, were used as test systems. These proteins had known crystal structures, so it was possible to ascertain the effects of magnitude on both the accuracy of determining the secondary structure and the goodness-of-fit of the calculated structures to the experimental data. It was found that most algorithms are highly sensitive to spectral magnitude, and that the goodness-of-fit parameter may be a useful tool in assessing the correct scaling of the data. This means that parameters that affect magnitude, including calibration of the instrument, the spectral cell pathlength, and the protein concentration, must be accurately determined to obtain correct secondary structural analyses of proteins from CD data using empirical methods.  相似文献   

The proline-rich N-terminal domain of gamma-zein has been reported in relevant processes, which include its ability to cross the cell membranes. Evidences indicate that synthetic hexapeptide (PPPVHL), naturally found in N-terminal portion of gamma-zein, can adopt the polyproline II (PPII) conformation in aqueous solution. The secondary structure of gamma-zein in maize protein bodies had been analyzed by solid state Fourier transform infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies. However, it was not possible to measure PPII content in physiological environment since the beta-sheet and PPII signals overlap in both solid state techniques. Here, the secondary structure of gamma-zein has been analyzed by circular dichroism in SDS aqueous solution with and without ditiothreitol (DTT), and in 60% of 2-propanol and water with DTT. The results show that gamma-zein has high helical content in all solutions. The PPII conformation was present at about 7% only in water/DTT solution.  相似文献   

Vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectra in the entire 2000-900 cm(-1) region have been recorded, for the first time, for films of carbohydrates prepared from aqueous solutions. Eight different carbohydrates, alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->4)-D-glucose, cyclomaltohexaose, alpha-D-glucopyranosyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside, beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)-D-glucose, beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->4)-D-glucose, D-glucose, and both enantiomers of 6-deoxygalactose and of allose, were investigated. The VCD spectra obtained for films are found to be identical to the corresponding spectra obtained for aqueous solutions of carbohydrates. These measurements demonstrate several advantages of significant importance. The strong infrared absorption of water has prevented, in the past, the pursuit for routine applications of VCD in determining the structures of carbohydrates in aqueous solutions. This limitation is not present for film studies because water solvent is removed in the process of preparing the films. Also, strong infrared absorption of water at 1650 cm(-1) requires the use of very short-pathlength (6 microm) cells for measurements on aqueous solutions. This requirement and concomitant inconveniences (such as laborious assembling of a demountable liquid cell or purchasing an expensive variable pathlength liquid cell) have been eliminated for film measurements. The removal of interfering water absorption in film studies resulted in higher light throughput and better signal-to-noise ratios for VCD measurements. Another point of significance is that the amount of carbohydrate sample required for VCD measurements on films is approximately one to two orders of magnitude smaller than that required for corresponding VCD measurements on aqueous solutions. Since carbohydrate samples can now be studied as films, VCD spectroscopy becomes much more broadly applicable for carbohydrates than previously believed. The present work, in combination with other film measurements in our laboratory, indicate that VCD studies on films can be used more generally, providing a convenient and powerful approach for probing structural information for biologically important compounds.  相似文献   

The application of linear and circular dichroism (LD and CD) in nucleic acid research id illustrated by recent results aimed at answering specific structural problem in the interaction of DNA with molecules of biological importance. We first consider the circumstances under which ligands, such as DAPI (4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), change their preferred binding mode in the minor groove to major groove binding or intercalation. As an extension of this problem we refer to the switch between groove binding and intercalation of structurally similar ligands such as ellipticines and trigonal ruthenium complexes. We also explore the use of LD and CD in the determination of the structure of the complex formed between the polynucleotide poly(dA) and the novel ‘peptide nucleic acid’, consisting of nucleic acid bases joined by a polyamide homomorphous with the deoxyribose-phosphate backbone of DNA. Finally, the structure and interaction of the recombination enzyme RecA with DNA is discussed, in particular the influence of the presence of the intercalators, groove binders or covalent DNA adducts.  相似文献   

Absorption, circular dichroism (CD), magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and emission spectra of rat liver and rat kidney cadmium-, zinc- and copper-containing metallothioneins (MT) are reported. The absorption, CD and MCD data of native rat kidney Cd,Cu-MT protein closely resemble data recorded for the rat liver Cd,Zn-MT. This suggests that the major features in all three spectra of the native Cd,Cu-MT are dominated by cadmium-related bands. The CD spectrum of the Cd,Cu-MT recorded at pH 2.7 has the same band envelope that is observed for a Cd,Cu-MT formed in vitro by titration of Cd,Zn-MT with Cu(I), suggesting that the copper occupies the zinc sites in Cd,Cu-MT formed both in vivo and, at low molar ratios, in vitro. Remetallalion of the metallothionein from low pH in the presence of both copper and cadmium results in considerably less cadmium bound to the protein than was present in the native sample. It is suggested that this is due to the effect of the distribution of the copper amongst all available binding sites, thus inhibiting cluster formation by the cadmium. Emission spectra are reported for the first time for a cadmium- and copper-containing metallothionein. An emission band at 610 nm is shown to be a sensitive indicator of Cu(I) binding to metallothionein. Both the native Cd,Cu-MT and a Cd,Cu-MT formed in vitro exhibit an excitation spectrum with a band in the copper-thiolate charge-transfer region.  相似文献   

The secondary structure parameters of plant seed globulins (11S from Brassica napus L, 11S from Helianthus annuus L, IIS from Vicia faba, 7S from Phaseolus vulgaris L) have been determined from their circular dichroism spectra by the method of Provencher and Glöckner. According to this method, the proteins contain 40–50% β-sheet structure and only about 10% helical structure. We conclude, therefore, that the plant seed globulins belong to the class of β-sheet proteins. Their overall secondary structure is homologous. It is shown that the method of Provencher and Glöckner provides reasonable secondary structure parameters for proteins which are rich in β-sheet structure even if the spectral range utilized for analysis is restricted to 210–240 nm.  相似文献   

The small positive elliplicity near 239 nm in the CD spectrum of RNase has been investigated as a function of pH. Theoretical calculations using CD parameters representing buried or exposed tyrosine residues have been carried out. A comparison of the theoretical calculations with experimental data suggests that the changes in the band's intensity, as a function of pH, arise mainly from electronic transitions associated with the tyrosine residues. The buried tyrosine residues are the major contributors to the ellipticity in this region at neutral pH. At higher pH contributions from exposed residurs are also observed.  相似文献   

Determination of the absolute configuration of the 1-carboxyethyl substituent on a monosaccharide by circular dichroism measurements was found to be a sensitive and simple method. It relies on comparison of the spectrum of a 1-carboxyethyl substituted sugar or sugar derivative with the spectra of (R)- and (S)-lactic acid in the region 200-260 nm in which the (R)- and (S)-configuration give negative and positive deltaepsilon, respectively. The oligo- or poly-saccharide containing a 1-carboxyethyl substituted sugar is hydrolyzed to monomers and the 1-carboxyethyl substituted sugar isolated by chromatography. The CD spectrum obtained for the 1-carboxyethyl substituted sugar in water solution at pH 2 is then compared with spectra of (R)- and (S)-lactic acid. The sign for the absorption and a maximum of comparable intensity and appearance around 210 nm, identify the stereochemistry.  相似文献   

Protein classification and characterization often rely on the information contained in the protein secondary structure. Protein class assignment is usually based on X-ray diffraction measurements, which need the protein in a crystallized form, or on NMR spectra, to obtain the structure of a protein in solution. Simple spectroscopic techniques, such as circular dichroism (CD) and infrared (IR) spectroscopies, are also known to be related to protein secondary structure, but they have seldom been used for protein classification. To see the potential of CD, IR, and combined CD/IR measurements for protein classification, unsupervised pattern recognition methods, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis, are proposed first to check for natural grouping tendencies of proteins according to their measured spectra. Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA), a supervised pattern recognition method, is used afterwards to test the possibility to model explicitly each protein class and to test these models in class assignment of unknown proteins. Determination of the protein secondary structure, understood as the prediction of the abundance of the different secondary structure motifs in the biomolecule, was carried out with the local regression method interval Partial Least Squares (iPLS). CD, IR, and CD/IR measurements were correlated to the fraction of the motif to be predicted, determined from X-ray measurements. iPLS builds models extracting the spectral information most correlated to a specific secondary motif and avoids the use of irrelevant spectral regions. Spectral intervals chosen by iPLS models provide structural information which can be used to confirm previous biochemical assignments or identify new motif-related spectral features. The predictive ability of the models built with the selected spectral regions has a quality similar to previous classical approaches.  相似文献   

As more peptide secondary structures deduced by infrared spectroscopy (IR) have been reported in the literature, there have been overlaps in assignments of elements of secondary structure to carbonyl vibrational frequencies. We have investigated this phenomenon with regards to the use of IR for monitoring membrane-induced structural changes using conformationally diverse peptides. These IR studies, complemented by circular dichroism (CD) experiments, revealed that peptide–solvent interactions can mask membrane-induced conformational changes monitored by IR. A structural transition from random coil to α-helix upon the binding of mastoparan X to a membrane was clearly observed by CD but obscured in the amide I region of the IR spectrum. In addition, unlike the buried helical peptides gramicidin D and P16 in micelles, the amide II peak for mastoparan X was absent, likely due to H–D exchange. This suggests information on the peptide's membrane-bound solvent accessibility could be obtained from this region of the spectrum.  相似文献   

A 24-amino acid peptide, Humanin (HN), is a novel peptide that protects neuronal cells in vitro and in vivo from Alzheimer's disease-related toxicities. We have shown before that the structures of HN and a 1000-fold more active analog, HNG, with a Ser14Gly mutation are largely disordered. During additional mutational analysis, a shorter 17-amino acid form, AGA-(C8R)HNG17, was accidentally discovered to have a 100-fold higher activity than HNG. Here we have characterized the structural properties of the AGA-(C8R)HNG17 analog by circular dichroism (CD) and sedimentation equilibrium analysis. First, the structure in water was characterized, since these peptides have been dissolved in water prior to biological analysis. The AGA-(C8R)HNG17 peptide exhibited extensive beta-sheet structure in water, completely different from the aqueous HN and HNG structures. The beta-sheet structure was converted to a disordered structure upon dilution into phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at low peptide concentration (e.g., below 0.2mg/ml), which was similar to the structure of HN and HNG, observed under similar conditions. Sedimentation equilibrium analysis showed that the AGA-(C8R)HNG17 analog was essentially monomeric in PBS, while HNG showed extensive aggregation. Such aggregation of HNG was observed when the peptide was added to the serum-containing cell culture media. Thus, the mutations introduced into the AGA-(C8R)HNG17 analog generated a peptide different from the parent HNG and HN peptides in the self-association properties and hence the solubility, which most likely contributed to the increased biological activity of the AGA-(C8R)HNG17 analog.  相似文献   

The tetramerization of melittin, a 26-amino acid peptide from Apis mellifera bee venom, has been studied as a model for protein folding. Melittin converts from a monomeric random coil to an alpha-helical tetramer as the pH is raised from 4.0 to 9.5, as ionic strength is increased, as temperature is raised or lowered from about 37 degrees C, or as phosphate is added. The thermodynamics of this tetramerization (termed "folding") are explored using circular dichroism. The melittin tetramer has two pKa values of 7.5 and 8.5 corresponding to protonation of the N-terminus and Lys 23, respectively. pKa values calculated with the program DelPhi (Gilson, M.K., Sharp, K.A., & Honig, B.H., 1987, J. Comp. Chem. 9, 327-335; Gilson, M.K. & Honig, B.H., 1988a, Proteins 3, 32-52; Gilson, M.K. & Honig, B.H., 1988b, Proteins 4, 7-18) agree with experimental titration data. Greater electrostatic repulsion of these protonated groups destabilizes the tetramer by 3.6 kcal/mol at pH 4.0 compared to pH 9.5. Increasing the concentration of NaCl in the solution from 0 to 0.5 M stabilizes the tetramer by 5-6 kcal/mol at pH 4.0. The effect of NaCl is modeled with a ligand-binding approach. The melittin tetramer is found to have a temperature of maximum stability ranging from 35.5 to 43 degrees C depending on the pH, unfolding above and below that temperature. delta Cp0 for folding ranges from -0.085 to -0.102 cal g-1 K-1, comparable to that of other small globular proteins (Privalov, P.L., 1979, Adv. Protein Chem. 33, 167-241). delta H0 and delta S0 are found to decrease with temperature, presumably due to the hydrophobic effect (Kauzmann, W., 1959, Adv. Protein Chem. 14, 1-63). Phosphate is found to perturb the equilibrium substantially with a maximal effect at 150 mM, stabilizing the tetramer at pH 7.4 and 25 degrees C by 4.6 kcal/mol. The enthalpy change due to addition of phosphate (-7.5 kcal/mol at 25 degrees C) can be accounted for by simple dielectric screening. Both circular dichroism and crystallographic results suggest that phosphate may bind Lys 23 at the ends of the elongated tetramer. These detailed measurements give insight into the relative importance of various forces for the stability of melittin in the folded form and may provide an experimental standard for future tests of computational energetics on this simple protein system.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature-induced changes in secondary and tertiary structures of plasmid DNA (pDNA) and on the retention behaviour of open circular (oc) and supercoiled (sc) isoforms in histidine-agarose chromatography was investigated by Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Chromatographic experiments performed with three plasmids (2.7, 6.1 and 7.4 kbp) and with a decreasing ammonium sulphate gradient (2.3--2.0 M) showed that the retention of sc pDNA increased as temperature decreased from 24 to 5 °C. Such behaviour was attributed to the temperature-induced removal of negative superhelical turns in sc pDNA which is accompanied by a decrease in the number of dissociated base pairs responsible for interaction with the histidine ligands. CD spectroscopy showed that temperature has an important effect on plasmid secondary structure if adenine-rich inserts are present in the plasmid structure. Chromatographic experiments also suggested that base composition could also be responsible for the induction of specific interactions with histidine ligands.  相似文献   

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