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The micromeres (Mics) lineage functions as a morphogenetic signaling center in early embryos of sea urchins. The Mics lineage releases signals that regulate the specification of cell fates along the animal-vegetal and oral-aboral axes. We tested whether the Mics lineage might also be responsible for differentiation of the left-right (LR) axis by observing of the placement of the adult rudiment, which normally forms only on the left side of the larvae, after removal of the Mics lineage. When all of the Mics lineage were removed from embryos of the regular sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus between the 16- and 64-cell stages, the LR placement of the rudiment became randomized. However, the immediate retransplantation of the Mics rescued the normal LR placement of the rudiment, indicating that the Mics lineage releases a signal that specifies LR polarity. Additionally, we investigated whether the specification of LR polarity of whole embryos in the indirect-developing sea urchin H. pulcherrimus is affected by LiCl exposure, which disturbs the establishment of LR asymmetry in a direct-developing sea urchin. Larvae derived from normal animal caps combined with LiCl-exposed Mics descendants were defective in normal LR placement of the rudiment, suggesting that LiCl interferes with the Mics-derived signal. In contrast, embryos of two sand dollar species (Scaphechinus mirabilis and Astriclypeus manni) were resistant to alteration of LR placement of the rudiment by either removal of the Mics lineage or LiCl exposure. These results indicate that the Mics lineage is involved in specification of LR polarity in the regular sea urchin H. pulcherrimus, and suggest that LiCl impairs the normal LR patterning by affecting Mics-derived signaling.  相似文献   

Glycolipid patterns have been studied during the first six days of Xenopus embryo development. Glycolipid contents showed a sharp increase more evident after the third day of development. Glucosylceramide and sulphatide are not only the most represented species, but also those which exhibit a statistically significant percentage change during early development. Among gangliosides, GD3 is the most represented specie. Two polysialylated gangliosides with not yet established structures are also present.  相似文献   

The Lefty subfamily of TGFbeta signaling molecules has been implicated in early development in mouse, zebrafish, and chick. Here, we show that Xenopus lefty (Xlefty) is expressed both bilaterally in symmetric midline domains and unilaterally in left lateral plate mesoderm and anterior dorsal endoderm. To examine the roles of Xlefty in left-right development, we created a system for scoring gut asymmetry and examined the effects of unilateral Xlefty misexpression on gut development, heart development, and Xnr-1 and XPitx2 expression. In contrast to the unilateral effects of Vg1, Activin, Nodal, or BMPs, targeted expression of Xlefty in either the left or the right side of Xenopus embryos randomized the direction of heart looping, gut coiling, and left-right positioning of the gut and downregulated the asymmetric expression of Xnr-1 and XPitx2. It is currently thought that Lefty proteins act as feedback inhibitors of Nodal signaling. However, this would not explain the effects of right-sided Xlefty misexpression. Here, we show that Xlefty interacts with the signaling pathways of other members of the TGFbeta family during left-right development. Results from coexpression of Xlefty and Vg1 indicate that Xlefty can nullify the effects of Vg1 ectopic expression and that Xlefty is downstream of left-sided Vg1 signaling. Results from coexpression of Xlefty and XBMP4 indicate that XLefty and XBMP4 interact both synergistically and antagonistically in a context-dependent manner. We propose a model in which interactions of Xlefty with multiple members of the TGFbeta family enhance the differences between the right-sided BMP/ALK2/Smad pathway and the left-sided Vg1/anti-BMP/Nodal pathway, leading to left-right morphogenesis of the gut and heart.  相似文献   

beta-Catenin, as an important effector of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway and as a regulator of cell adhesion, has been demonstrated to be involved in multiple developmental processes and tumorigenesis. beta-Catenin expression was found mainly on the Sertoli cell membrane starting from embryonic day 15.5 in the developing testes. However, its potential role in Sertoli cells during testis formation has not been examined. To determine the function of beta-catenin in Sertoli cells during testis formation, we either deleted beta-catenin or expressed a constitutively active form of beta-catenin in Sertoli cells. We found that deletion caused no detectable abnormalities. However, stabilization caused severe phenotypes, including testicular cord disruption, germ cell depletion and inhibition of Müllerian duct regression. beta-Catenin stabilization caused changes in Sertoli cell identity and misregulation of inter-Sertoli cell contacts. As Wt1 conditional knockout in Sertoli cells causes similar phenotypes to our stabilized beta-catenin mutants, we then investigated the relationship of Wt1 and beta-catenin in Sertoli cells and found Wt1 inhibits beta-catenin signaling in these cells during testis development. Wt1 deletion resulted in upregulation of beta-catenin expression in Sertoli cells both in vitro and in vivo. Our study indicates that Sertoli cell expression of beta-catenin is dispensable for testis development. However, the suppression of beta-catenin signaling in these cells is essential for proper testis formation and Wt1 is a negative regulator of beta-catenin signaling during this developmental process.  相似文献   

Mammalian nephrons form as a result of a complex morphogenesis and patterning of a simple epithelial precursor, the renal vesicle. Renal vesicles are established from a mesenchymal progenitor population in response to inductive signals. Several lines of evidence support the sequential roles of two Wnt family members, Wnt9b and Wnt4, in renal vesicle induction. Using genetic approaches to specifically manipulate the activity of beta-catenin within the mesenchymal progenitor pool in mice, we investigated the potential role of the canonical Wnt pathway in these inductive events. Progenitor-cell-specific removal of beta-catenin activity completely blocked both the formation of renal vesicles and the expected molecular signature of an earlier inductive response. By contrast, activation of stabilized beta-catenin in the same cell population causes ectopic expression of mesenchymal induction markers in vitro and functionally replaces the requirement for Wnt9b and Wnt4 in their inductive roles in vivo. Thus, canonical Wnt signaling is both necessary and sufficient for initiating and maintaining inductive pathways mediated by Wnt9b and Wnt4. However, the failure of induced mesenchyme with high levels of beta-catenin activity to form epithelial structures suggests that modulating canonical signaling may be crucial for the cellular transition to the renal vesicle.  相似文献   

Defects of the ventral body wall are prevalent birth anomalies marked by deficiencies in body wall closure, hypoplasia of the abdominal musculature and multiple malformations across a gamut of organs. However, the mechanisms underlying ventral body wall defects remain elusive. Here, we investigated the role of Wnt signaling in ventral body wall development by inactivating Wls or β-catenin in murine abdominal ectoderm. The loss of Wls in the ventral epithelium, which blocks the secretion of Wnt proteins, resulted in dysgenesis of ventral musculature and genito-urinary tract during embryonic development. Molecular analyses revealed that the dermis and myogenic differentiation in the underlying mesenchymal progenitor cells was perturbed by the loss of ectodermal Wls. The activity of the Wnt-Pitx2 axis was impaired in the ventral mesenchyme of the mutant body wall, which partially accounted for the defects in ventral musculature formation. In contrast, epithelial depletion of β-catenin or Wnt5a did not resemble the body wall defects in the ectodermal Wls mutant. These findings indicate that ectodermal Wnt signaling instructs the underlying mesodermal specification and abdominal musculature formation during ventral body wall development, adding evidence to the theory that ectoderm-mesenchyme signaling is a potential unifying mechanism for the origin of ventral body wall defects.  相似文献   

We previously reported that the cell surface proteoglycan syndecan-2 can induce dendritic spine formation in hippocampal neurons. We demonstrate here that the EphB2 receptor tyrosine kinase phosphorylates syndecan-2 and that this phosphorylation event is crucial for syndecan-2 clustering and spine formation. Syndecan-2 is tyrosine phosphorylated and forms a complex with EphB2 in mouse brain. Dominant-negative inhibition of endogenous EphB receptor activities blocks clustering of endogenous syndecan-2 and normal spine formation in cultured hippocampal neurons. This is the first evidence that Eph receptors play a physiological role in dendritic spine morphogenesis. Our observations suggest that spine morphogenesis is triggered by the activation of Eph receptors, which causes tyrosine phosphorylation of target molecules, such as syndecan-2, in presumptive spines.  相似文献   

The role of WNT signaling and its interactions with other morphogenetic pathways were investigated during lung development. Previously, we showed that targeted disruption of Wnt5a results in over-branching of the epithelium and thickening of the interstitium in embryonic lungs. In this study, we generated and characterized transgenic mice with lung-specific over-expression of Wnt5a from the SpC promoter. Over-expression of Wnt5a interfered with normal epithelial-mesenchymal interactions resulting in reduced epithelial branching and dilated distal airways. During early lung development, over-expression of Wnt5a in the epithelium resulted in increased Fgf10 in the mesenchyme and decreased Shh in the epithelium. Both levels and distribution of SHH receptor, Ptc were reduced in SpC-Wnt5a transgenic lungs and were reciprocally correlated to changes of Fgf10 in the mesenchyme, suggesting that SHH signaling is decreased by over-expression of Wnt5a. Cultured mesenchyme-free epithelial explants from SpC-Wnt5a transgenic lungs responded abnormally to recombinant FGF10 supplied uniformly in the Matrigel with dilated branch tips that mimic the in vivo phenotype. In contrast, chemotaxis of transgenic epithelial explants towards a directional FGF10 source was inhibited. These suggest that over-expression of Wnt5a disrupts epithelial-response to FGF10. In conclusion, Wnt5a regulates SHH and FGF10 signaling during lung development.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that development of embryonic central nervous system precursors is tightly regulated by extrinsic cues located in the local environment. Here, we asked whether neurotrophin-mediated signaling through Trk tyrosine kinase receptors is important for embryonic cortical precursor cell development. These studies demonstrate that inhibition of TrkB (Ntrk2) and/or TrkC (Ntrk3) signaling using dominant-negative Trk receptors, or genetic knockdown of TrkB using shRNA, caused a decrease in embryonic precursor cell proliferation both in culture and in vivo. Inhibition of TrkB/C also caused a delay in the generation of neurons, but not astrocytes, and ultimately perturbed the postnatal localization of cortical neurons in vivo. Conversely, overexpression of BDNF in cortical precursors in vivo promoted proliferation and enhanced neurogenesis. Together, these results indicate that neurotrophin-mediated Trk signaling plays an essential, cell-autonomous role in regulating the proliferation and differentiation of embryonic cortical precursors and thus controls cortical development at earlier stages than previously thought.  相似文献   

Hedgehog (Hh) signaling is proposed to have different roles on differentiation of hypaxial myoblasts of amniotes. Within the somitic environment, Hh signals restrict hypaxial development and promote epaxial muscle formation. On the other hand, in the limb bud, Hh signaling represses hypaxial myoblast differentiation. This poses the question of whether differences in response to Hh signaling are due to variations in local environment or are intrinsic differences between pre- and post-migratory hypaxial myoblasts. We have approached this question by examining the role of Hh signaling on myoblast development in Xenopus laevis, which, due to its unique mode of hypaxial muscle development, allows us to examine myoblast development in vivo in the absence of the limb environment. Cyclopamine and sonic hedgehog (shh) mRNA overexpression were used to inhibit or activate the Hh pathway, respectively. We find that hypaxial myoblasts respond similarly to Hh manipulations regardless of their location, and that this response is the same for epaxial myoblasts. Overexpression of shh mRNA causes a premature differentiation of the dermomyotome, subsequently inhibiting all further growth of the epaxial and hypaxial myotome. Cyclopamine treatment has the opposite effect, causing an increase in dermomyotome and a shift in myoblast fate from epaxial to hypaxial, eventually leading to an excess of hypaxial body wall muscle. Cyclopamine treatment before stage 20 can rescue the effects of shh overexpression, indicating that early Hh signaling plays an essential role in maintaining the balance between epaxial and hypaxial muscle mass. After stage 20, the premature differentiation of the dermomyotome caused by shh overexpression cannot be rescued by cyclopamine, and no further embryonic muscle growth occurs.  相似文献   

Zinovyeva AY  Yamamoto Y  Sawa H  Forrester WC 《Genetics》2008,179(3):1357-1371
Members of the Wnt family of secreted glycoproteins regulate many developmental processes, including cell migration. We and others have previously shown that the Wnts egl-20, cwn-1, and cwn-2 are required for cell migration and axon guidance. However, the roles in cell migration of all of the Caenorhabditis elegans Wnt genes and their candidate receptors have not been explored fully. We have extended our analysis to include all C. elegans Wnts and six candidate Wnt receptors: four Frizzleds, the sole Ryk family receptor LIN-18, and the Ror receptor tyrosine kinase CAM-1. We show that three of the Wnts, CWN-1, CWN-2, and EGL-20, play major roles in directing cell migrations and that all five Wnts direct specific cell migrations either by acting redundantly or by antagonizing each other's function. We report that all four Frizzleds function to direct Q-descendant cell migrations, but only a subset of the putative Wnt receptors function in directing migrations of other cells. Finally, we find striking differences between the phenotypes of the Wnt quintuple and Frizzled quadruple mutants.  相似文献   

Mice with a targeted mutation of the foxj1 gene demonstrate either D- or L-looping of the embryonic cardiac tube. Foxj1 is expressed in ventral cells of the embryonic node prior to asymmetric, left-right expression of other genes. Despite an absence of 9+2 cilia in foxj1(-/-) mice, 9+0 cilia are present in the node of foxj1(-/-) embryos. In foxj1(-/-) embryos, the patterns of expression of the TGF-beta family member nodal and the homeobox family member pitx2 are randomized. No expression of the TGF-beta family member lefty-2 is observed in any foxj1(-/-) early somite stage embryos. Foxj1 thus acts early in left-right axis patterning and regulates asymmetric gene expression. This regulation does not appear to be the result of a direct interaction between Foxj1 and the genes examined.  相似文献   

The establishment of left-right asymmetries in the vertebrate embryo is carried out by complex genetic interactions that impart left- or right-sided information to the developing organs and structures. The origin of LR information is still unclear, but recent advances have provided new insights as to how it is relayed to the embryo node, and thereafter to the lateral plate mesoderm. In both steps, signaling by members of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily plays critical roles in amplifying and spreading LR cues, which are reviewed here.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate proteoglycans expressed on the Xenopus animal cap ectoderm have been implicated in transmitting left-right information to heart and gut primordia. We report here that syndecan-2 functions in the ectoderm to mediate cardiac and visceral situs, upstream of known asymmetrically expressed genes but independently of its ability to mediate fibronectin fibrillogenesis. Left-right development is dependent on a distinct subset of glycosaminoglycan attachment sites on syndecan-2. A novel in vivo approach with enterokinase demonstrates that syndecan-2 functions in left-right patterning during early gastrulation. We describe a cell-nonautonomous role for ectodermal syndecan-2 in transmitting left-right information to migrating mesoderm. The results further suggest that this function may be related to the transduction of Vg1-related signals.  相似文献   

The leukocyte-specific beta(2) integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) (alpha(L)/beta(2)) mediates activation-dependent adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1. In leukocytes, LFA-1 requires activation by intracellular messengers to bind ICAM-1. We observed malfunctioning of LFA-1 activation in leukemic T cells and K562-transfected cells. This defective inside-out integrin activation is only restricted to beta(2) integrins, since beta(1) integrins expressed in K562 readily respond to activation signals, such as phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. To unravel these differences in inside-out signaling between beta(1) and beta(2) integrins, we searched for amino acids in the beta(2) cytoplasmic domain that are critical in the activation of LFA-1. We provide evidence that substitution of a single amino acid (L732R) in the beta(2) cytoplasmic DLRE motif, creating the DRRE motif, is sufficient to completely restore PMA responsiveness of LFA-1 expressed in K562. In addition, an intact TTT motif in the C-terminal domain is necessary for the acquired PMA responsiveness. We observed that restoration of the PMA response altered neither LFA-1 affinity nor the phosphorylation status of LFA-1. In contrast, strong differences were observed in the capacity of LFA-1 to form clusters, which indicates that inside-out activation of LFA-1 strongly depends on cytoskeletal induced receptor reorganization that was induced by activation of the Ca(2+)-dependent protease calpain.  相似文献   

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