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In upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) digesters treating raw sewage at low temperatures, the sludge progressively lost methanogenic activity, indicating the possibility of methanogenic activity inhibition caused by wastewater constituents. To check this fact, batch and semi-continuous methanogenic toxicity assays were carried out with raw and centrifuged sewage. Permanent methanogenic toxicity on anaerobic sludge of approximately 50% was found when the sludge exposure to wastewater was renewed in a semi-continuous way. A stronger methanogenic inhibition of about 70-100% was observed when an active anaerobic sludge was exposed to mixed liquor from the UASB digester treating municipal wastewater. Suspended solids removal from sewage slightly reduced methanogenic toxicity. Effective concentration of municipal wastewater that caused a 50% reduction in methanogenic activity was estimated to be in the range of 150-200 mg CODl(-1). As methanogenic inhibition appeared to be related to remaining COD, higher methanogenic toxicity in digesters operating with low conversion efficiency will be expected.  相似文献   

Development of an improved reactor configuration of anaerobic filter was carried out for the elimination of clogging of filter media. The experiments over different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) indicated that the HRT of 12 h was the most appropriate one for the system studied while treating the municipal wastewater, which resulted 90% and 95% BOD and COD reduction, respectively. Reduction up to 95% in suspended solids concentration could be achieved without any pretreatment. The specific biogas yield obtained was 0.35 m(3) CH(4)/kgCODr with 70% of CH(4) content in the biogas generated from the system at the HRT of 12 h. Operational problems such as clogging of filter media were not observed throughout the period of study over 600 d.  相似文献   

In this study, the abilities of two anaerobic digestion processes used for sewage sludge stabilization were compared for their ability to reduce the quantities of three genes that encode resistance to tetracycline (tet(A), tet(O), and tet(X)) and one gene involved with integrons (intI1). A two-stage, thermophilic/mesophilic digestion process always resulted in significant decreases in the quantities of tet(X) and intI1, less frequently in decreases of tet(O), and no net decrease in tet(A). The thermophilic stage was primarily responsible for reducing the quantities of these genes, while the subsequent mesophilic stage sometimes caused a rebound in their quantities. In contrast, a conventional anaerobic digestion process rarely caused a significant decrease in the quantities of any of these genes, with significant increases occurring more frequently. Our results demonstrate that anaerobic thermophilic treatment was more efficient in reducing quantities of genes associated with the spread of antibiotic resistance compared to mesophilic digestion.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background  Nowadays, every strategy must be developed taking into account the global impact on the environment; if this aspect is forgotten, a change of environmental loads or their effect will be caused and no reduction will be attained. For instance, a wastewater treatment plant (WWIP), which is considereda priori as an ecological treatment system, gives rise to an environmental impact due to its energy consumption, use of chemical compounds, emissions to the atmosphere and sludge production, the post-treatment of which will also have diverse environmental effects. The goal of this study is to evaluate the potential environmental impact corresponding to a municipal WW1P and to identify the hot spots associated with the process. Methods  In this study, the Centre of Environmental Science (CML) of Leiden University methodology has been considered to quantify the potential environmental impact associated with the system under study. A comprehensive analysis of the WWTP was evaluated for the physico-chemical characterisation of the wastewaters as well as the inventory of all the inputs (energy, chemical compounds, ...) and outputs (emissions to air, water, soil and solid waste generation) associated with the global process. Regarding Life Cycle Inventory Assessment, SimaPro 5.0 was used and in particular CML factors (updated in 2002) were chosen for characterisation and normalisation stages. Results and Discussion  A comprehensive inventory of empirical data from water, sludge and gas flows during 2000 and 2001 was obtained. Two impact categories arise due to their significance: eutrophication and terrestrial ecotoxicity. Consequently, the aspects to be minimised in order to reduce the environmental impact of the system are the pollutant load at the watercourse discharge (mainly NH3, PO4 [3- and COD, even when all of them are below legal limits) and the emissions to soil (mainly Cr, Hg and Zn, even when they are present in low concentrations) when the sludge is used for agricultural application. Conclusions  As far as the environmental impact is concerned, differentiation between humid and dry season is not required as results are practically equal for both situations. Water discharge and sludge application to land have turned out to be the main contributors in the environmental performance of a WWTP. Regarding the former, the removal of nitrogen by means of a nitrification-denitrification system coupled to conventional biological aerobic treatment implies a high environmental impact reduction and, as for the latter, bearing in mind the proposed legislation, heavy metals as well as pathogens are supposed to be the key parameters to define the most adequate treatment strategies for the generated sludge. Recommendations and Outlook  This study can serve as a basis for future studies that can apply a similar policy to a great number of wastewater facilities. Besides, features such as different treatment systems and capacities can provide additional information with the final aim of including the environmental vector in the decision-making process when the operation of a WWTP is intended to be optimised. Moreover, sludge must also be a focus of attention due to the expected increase and its major contribution to the global environmental impact of a WWTP, which can determine other treatment alternatives.  相似文献   

Municipal wastewater treatment plants are recognized reservoirs of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Three municipal wastewater treatment plants differing on the dimensions and bio-treatment processes were compared for the loads of amoxicillin-, tetracycline-, and ciprofloxacin-resistant heterotrophic bacteria, enterobacteria, and enterococci in the raw inflow and in the treated effluents. The sewage received by each plant, in average, corresponded to 85,000 inhabitant equivalents (IE), including pretreated industrial effluents (≤30%) in plant activated sludge, 105,000 IE, including pretreated hospital effluents (≤15%) in plant trickling filter, and 2,000 IE, exclusively of domestic sewage, in plant submerged aerated filter. The presence of pretreated industrial effluents or of pretreated hospital sewage in the raw inflow did not imply significantly higher densities (per milliliter or per IE) of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the raw wastewater. Longer hydraulic residence periods (24 h) corresponded to higher bacterial removal rates than shorter periods (12 and 9 h), although such efficiency did not imply significant average decreases in the antibiotic resistance prevalence of the treated effluent. The bacterial loads in the treated effluent could be ranked according to the treatment efficiency, suggesting that the characteristics of the raw inflow may have less relevance on the quality of the treated wastewater than other aspects, such as the inflow volume, the type of biological treatment, or the hydraulic residence time.  相似文献   

An aggressive start-up strategy was used to initiate codigestion in two anaerobic, continuously mixed bench-top reactors at mesophilic (37 degrees C) and thermophilic (55 degrees C) conditions. The digesters were inoculated with mesophilic anaerobic sewage sludge and cattle manure and were fed a mixture of simulated municipal solid waste and biosolids in proportions that reflect U.S. production rates. The design organic loading rate was 3.1 kg volatile solids/m3/day and the retention time was 20 days. Ribosomal RNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were used to determine the methanogenic community structure in the inocula and the digesters. Chemical analyses were performed to evaluate digester performance. The aggressive start-up strategy was successful for the thermophilic reactor, despite the use of a mesophilic inoculum. After a short start-up period (20 days), stable performance was observed with high gas production rates (1.52 m3/m3/day), high levels of methane in the biogas (59%), and substantial volatile solids (54%) and cellulose (58%) removals. In contrast, the mesophilic digester did not respond favorably to the start-up method. The concentrations of volatile fatty acids increased dramatically and pH control was difficult. After several weeks of operation, the mesophilic digester became more stable, but propionate levels remained very high. Methanogenic population dynamics correlated well with performance measures. Large fluctuations were observed in methanogenic population levels during the start-up period as volatile fatty acids accumulated and were subsequently consumed. Methanosaeta species were the most abundant methanogens in the inoculum, but their levels decreased rapidly as acetate built up. The increase in acetate levels was paralleled by an increase in Methanosarcina species abundance (up to 11.6 and 4.8% of total ribosomal RNA consisted of Methanosarcina species ribosomal RNA in mesophilic and thermophilic digesters, respectively). Methanobacteriaceae were the most abundant hydrogenotrophic methanogens in both digesters, but their levels were higher in the thermophilic digester.  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂运行过程中一旦发生活性污泥生物泡沫,就会影响污泥沉降和处理厂运行效能,对出水水质、作业安全和公共健康带来一系列挑战。生物泡沫是自活性污泥法诞生以来长期困扰污水处理厂运行的难题。生物泡沫的形成需要气泡、表面活性物质和疏水物质等3点基本的要素,在其中主要富集了诺卡氏型丝状细菌(Nocardioformfilamentousbacteria)和微丝菌(Candidatus Microthrix parvicella)这两种类型微生物。多种环境和运行因素包括温度、溶解氧、pH、污泥龄、特别是营养物质种类和浓度等均会对这些丝状微生物的生长产生影响。抑制丝状细菌生长的常用控制策略包括选择器、生长动力学控制、投加化学药剂以及噬菌体等方法,通过降低两类丝状细菌在生化池中的浓度以期消除生物泡沫现象。本文总结了生物泡沫的类型、成因、表征生物泡沫程度的指标、影响生物泡沫的环境因素以及常用的调控策略的原理及优缺点等,尽可能全面地介绍活性污泥生物泡沫的研究现状,并探讨未来研究方向和控制策略,期望能够为今后研究活性污泥微生物和污水处理厂运行调控提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

Anaerobic high-solids single-stage stratified bed digesters have been found to be simple and flexible design candidates for small-scale reactors located in medium- to low-technology environments. In the present study, wheat straw was used as the starter material for the stratified bed. Upon green mass feeding, the anaerobically stabilised straw bed functioned both as a biofilm support and as a particulate filter. It enabled a direct onset of 7 kg VSm(-3) batch loads, added twice a week, and permitted a low but consistent bed permeability during feeding at an average superficial flow velocity of 1 m d(-1) to be achieved. Fed-batch tests with sugar beet tops in pilot- and laboratory-scale setups at an average loading rate of 2 kg VSm(-3) d(-1) resulted in average biogas production rates of 1.2-1.4 m3 m(-3) d(-1) and methane yields of 0.31-0.36 m3 kg(-1) VS(added). At the end of the laboratory-scale feeding trial, the 200 day old straw bed had compacted to 50% of its initial volume, without any negative effects on performance being detectable.  相似文献   

High strength slaughterhouse wastewater was treated in four 42 l anaerobic sequencing batch reactors (ASBRs) operated at 30 degrees C, 25 degrees C and 20 degrees C. The wastewater contained between 30% and 53% of its chemical oxygen demand (COD) as suspended solids (SS). The ASBRs could easily support volumetric organic loading rates (OLRs) of 4.93, 2.94 and 2.75 kg/m3/d (biomass OLRs of 0.44, 0.42 and 0.14 g/g volatile SS (VSS)/d) at 30 degrees C, 25 degrees C, and 20 degrees C, respectively. At all operating temperatures, the total COD (TCOD) and soluble COD (SCOD) were reduced by over 92%, while average SS removal varied between 80% and 96%. Over the experimental period, 90.8%, 88.7% and 84.2% of the COD removed was transformed into methane at 30 degrees C, 25 degrees C and 20 degrees C, respectively. The decrease in the conversion of the COD removed into methane as operating temperature was lowered, may be partly explained by a lower degradation of influent SS as temperature was reduced. The reactors showed a high average methanogenic activity of 0.37, 0.34 and 0.12 g CH4-COD/gVSS/d (22.4, 12.7 and 11.8 l/d) at 30 degrees C, 25 degrees C and 20 degrees C, respectively. The average methane content in the biogas increased from 74.7% to 78.2% as temperature was lowered from 30 degrees C to 20 degrees C.  相似文献   

The impact of increasing organic load on anaerobic digestion foaming was studied at both full and bench scale. Organic loadings of 1.25, 2.5 and 5 kg VS m−3 were applied to bench-scale digesters. Foaming was monitored at a full scale digester operated in a comparable organic loading range over 15 months. The bench scale batch studies identified 2.5 kg VS m−3 as a critical threshold for foam initiation while 5 kg VS m−3 resulted in persistent foaming. Investigation of a full scale foaming event corroborated the laboratory observation that foaming may be initiated at a loading rate of ?2.5 kg VS m−3. Experimental findings on foam composition and differences in the quality characteristics between foaming and non-foaming sludges indicated that foam initiation derived from the combined effect of the liquid and gas phases inside a digester and that the solids/biomass ultimately stabilized foaming.  相似文献   

Two 5 L anaerobic reactors were used to monitor the mesophilic anaerobic digestion of source sorted organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (SS-OFMSW) focusing the attention on the response of alkalinity ratios. Intermediate/partial alkalinity (IA/PA) ratio can be used as a simple and cheaper alternative to VFAs analysis when digester's stability needs to be assessed in full-scale plants treating these organic wastes. However, lab-scale studies in order to establish a specific limit value of IA/PA referred to SS-OFMSW had not been conducted. In this study, a reference reactor (R1) was operated at low organic loading rates (OLR) and high hydraulic retention times (HRT) during 165 days. Besides, severe disturbances were applied to a second reactor (R2) during 281 days by means of increasing both HRT and OLR in order to assess the digester response under continuous overload conditions. The obtained results show that an IA/PA ratio of below 0.3 is recommended to maintain total VFAs between 2.5 and 3.5 kg m−3 and achieve a stable reactor performance treating SS-OFMSW in a range of total alkalinity (TA) between 13 and 15 kg CaCO3 m−3. These results provide a starting point to develop further works in full-scale digesters, in order to improve the monitoring and process control of full-scale anaerobic reactors treating SS-OFMSW.  相似文献   

Anaerobic degradation performance of a laboratory-scale packed-bed reactor (PBR) was compared with two fluidized-bed biofilm reactors (FBRs) on molasses and whey feeds. The reactors were operated under constant pH (7) and temperature (35 degrees C) conditions and were well mixed with high recirculation rates. The measured variables were chemical oxygen demand (COD), individual organic acids, gas composition, and gas rates. As carrier, sand of 0.3-0.5 mm diameter was used in the FBR, and porous clay spheres of 6 mm diameter were used in the PBR. Startup of the PBR was achieved with 1-5 day residence times. Start-up of the FBR was only successful if liquid residence times were held low at 2-3 h. COD degradations of 86% with molasses (90% was biodegradable) were reached in both the FBR and PBR at 6 h residence time and loadings of 10 g COD/L day. At higher loadings the FBR gave the best performance; even at 40-45 g COD/L day, with 6 h residence times, 70% COD was degraded. The PBR could not be operated above 20 g COD/L day without clogging. A comparison of the reaction rates show that the PBR and FBR per formed similarly at low concentrations in the reactors up to 1 g COD/L, while above 3 g COD/L the rates were 17.4 g COD/L day for the PBR and 38.4 g COD/L day for the FBR. This difference is probably due to diffusion limitations and a less active biomass content of the PBR compared with the fluidized bed.The results of dynamic step change experiments, in which residence times and feed concentrations were changed hanged at constant loading, demonstrated the rapid response of the reactors. Thus, the response times for an increase in gas rate or an increase in organic acids due to an increase in feed concentration were less than 1 day and could be explained by substrate limitation. Other slower responses were observed in which the reactor culture adapted over periods of 5-10 days; these were apparently growth related. An increase in loading of over 100% always resulted in large increases inorganic acids, especially acetic and propionic, as well as large increases in the CO(2) gas content. In general, the CO(2) content of the gas was very low, due to the large amount of dissolved CO(2) that exited with the liquid phase at low residence times. The performance of the FBR with whey was comparable to its performance with molasses, and switching of molasses to whey feed resulted in immediate good performance without adaptation.  相似文献   

京津冀区域市政污水厂活性污泥种群结构的多样性及差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【背景】活性污泥中微生物的种群结构影响着污水生物处理的高效性及稳定性,是有效保证污水处理效果的关键。【目的】研究活性污泥中细菌的群落结构组成及多样性,并分析相应菌群的主要功能,旨在更好地发挥细菌的净化作用、保持污水处理过程的稳定及提高污水的处理效率。【方法】以京津冀区域内典型市政污水厂活性污泥为研究对象,通过IlluminaMiSeq高通量测序及实时定量PCR技术,对5个污水厂活性污泥的微生物种群结构特征进行了详细解析,研究不同工艺参数下活性污泥中优势种群及脱氮菌群丰度的差异。【结果】5个污水厂活性污泥种群结构具有一定差异,其中Hengshui (HS)厂污泥的群落结构受温度的影响最大,而Shahe (SH)、Daoxianghu (DXH)、Nangong(NG)厂活性污泥群落结构则受总氮、总磷与氨氮的共同影响,氨氮对SH厂活性污泥种群结构影响最大。DXH、NG和HS厂污泥中优势菌均为Anaerolineaceae,而SH和Hejian (HJ)厂的优势菌则为Saprospiraceae与Lactobacillus。活性污泥中反硝化菌丰度最高的为HJ厂,丰度最低的为HS厂,反硝化功能基因nirS比nirK分布更为广泛。【结论】对于不同污水厂,影响其活性污泥群落结构组成的环境因素也是不同的,并且特殊的进水水质也会对污泥菌群组成和生物多样性产生影响。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional CFD model incorporating the rheological properties of sludge was developed and applied to quantify mixing in a full-scale anaerobic digester. The results of the model were found to be in good agreement with experimental tracer response curve. In order to predict the dynamics of mixing, a new parameter, UI (uniformity index) was defined. The visual patterns of tracer mixing in simulation were well reflected in the dynamic variation in the value of UI. The developed model and methods were applied to determine the required time for complete mixing in a full-scale digester at different solid concentrations. This information on mixing time is considered to be useful in optimizing the feeding cycles for better digester performance.  相似文献   

Anaerobic bioreactors supplemented with membrane technology have become quite popular, owing to their favorable energy recovery characteristics. In this study, a lab-scale anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) was assessed in experimental treatments of pre-settled dilute municipal wastewater obtained from a full-scaled wastewater treatment plant. The MBR system was operated in continuous flow mode for 440 days. To evaluate the performance of the AnMBR under various loading rates, the hydraulic retention time (HRT) was reduced in a stepwise manner (from 2 to 0.5 days). Afterward, the mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) were reduced from 7,000 to 3,000 mg/L in increments of 1,000 mg/L, resulting in a decrease in solids retention time (SRT) at a constant HRT of 1.0 day. The soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) concentration in the feed varied between 38 and 131 mg/L, whereas the average permeate SCOD ranged between 18 and 37 mg/L, reflecting excellent effluent quality. The AnMBR performance in terms of COD removal proved stable, despite variations in influent characteristics and HRT and SRT changes. The concentration of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) was reduced with decreases in HRT from 42 to 22 mg VS/mg of MLSS, thereby indicating that the increased biomass concentration biodegraded the EPS at lower HRTs. AnMBR is, therefore, demonstrably a feasible option for the treatment of dilute wastewater with separate stage nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is the performance evaluation of a fluidized bed reactor in the anaerobic treatment of a wastewater deriving from the washing operations of the wine industry. The results are in agreement with the ones obtained using a mixture of municipal and food processing wastewaters containing high organic contents. A comparison with other liquid wastes shows that no subtrate inhibition phenomenon occurs with the above substrates. A saturation kinetic model is also presented for describing the dependence of the COD removal rate on the organic loading rate.  相似文献   

Attached biofilm reactors provide the means for implementing energy-efficient anaerobic wastewater treatment at full scale. Progress has been made in the development of fixed, expanded and fluidized bed anaerobic processes by addressing fundamental reactor design issues. Several new biofilm reactor concepts have evolved from recent studies.  相似文献   

Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) contain high density and diversity of viruses which can significantly impact microbial communities in aquatic systems. While previous studies have investigated viruses in WWTP samples that have been specifically concentrated for viruses and filtered to exclude bacteria, little is known about viral communities associated with bacterial communities throughout wastewater treatment systems. Additionally, differences in viral composition between attached and suspended growth wastewater treatment bioprocesses are not well characterized. Here, shotgun metagenomics was used to analyse wastewater and biomass from transects through two full-scale WWTPs for viral composition and associations with bacterial hosts. One WWTP used a suspended growth activated sludge bioreactor and the other used a biofilm reactor (trickling filter). Myoviridae, Podoviridae and Siphoviridae were the dominant viral families throughout both WWTPs, which are all from the order Caudovirales. Beta diversity analysis of viral sequences showed that samples clustered significantly both by plant and by specific sampling location. For each WWTP, the overall bacterial community structure was significantly different than community structure of bacterial taxa associated with viral sequences. These findings highlight viral community composition in transects through different WWTPs and provide context for dsDNA viral sequences in bacterial communities from these systems.  相似文献   

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