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Immature CD4- CD8+ murine thymocytes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mature thymocytes are usually defined and separated from other less mature thymocytes on the basis of their mutually exclusive expression of either CD4 or CD8. However, such murine "single positives" include a subpopulation of immature cells with properties resembling CD4- CD8- thymocytes or CD4+ CD8+ cortical blasts. Most of these immature single positives are CD4- CD8+, some expressing relatively low levels of CD8. They are large, dividing cortisone-sensitive cells found in the outer cortex. They express high levels of the heat-stable antigen (recognized by the monoclonals M1/69, B2A2, and J11d) but they are MEL-14-. The absence of detectable surface CD3, the absence of alpha-chain messenger RNA, and the predominance of the truncated form of the beta-chain messenger RNA all indicate that they do not express the T-cell antigen-receptor complex. Strategies for eliminating such immature cells from preparations of mature thymocytes are given, and their developmental significance is discussed.  相似文献   

TCR-mediated stimulation induces activation and proliferation of mature T cells. When accompanied by signals through the costimulatory receptor CD28, TCR signals also result in the recruitment of cholesterol- and glycosphingolipid-rich membrane microdomains (lipid rafts), which are known to contain several molecules important for T cell signaling. Interestingly, immature CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes respond to TCR/CD28 costimulation not by proliferating, but by dying. In this study, we report that, although CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes polarize their actin cytoskeleton, they fail to recruit lipid rafts to the site of TCR/CD28 costimulation. We show that coupling of lipid raft mobilization to cytoskeletal reorganization can be mediated by phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and discuss the relevance of these findings to the interpretation of TCR signals by immature vs mature T cells.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of cytokines for the growth of CD4-8-thymocytes (double negative thymocytes) (DNT) in vitro and found that IL-1-induced IL-2-dependent proliferation of only the IL-2R-positive DNT subpopulation. The presence of IL-1 during the first 18 h of culture was sufficient for an optimal response and suggested that IL-1 induced DNT differentiation. We could indeed show by RNA dot blot analysis that IL-1 stimulated de novo expression of the p55 chain of the IL-2R thus initiating high affinity IL-2 binding and a proliferative response. Because macrophages and epithelial cells in the thymus produce IL-1 we propose that IL-1 is involved in early events during maturation of immature thymocytes.  相似文献   

The elicitation of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) requires an early-acting Thy-1+ cell that produces an Ag-specific, non-MHC-restricted factor that initiates DTH by sensitizing the local tissue for release of the vasoactive amine serotonin. We characterized the phenotype of this DTH-initiating cell by treating cells from sensitized mice with different antibodies and then either with rabbit C or anti-Ig panning or bead separation to deplete various subpopulations. We then transferred these cells i.v. into naive recipients that were challenged to elicit DTH. Our findings indicate that the early DTH-initiating cell is Thy-1+, Lyt-1+, CD4-, CD8- and CD3-, whereas the classical, late DTH effector T cell is Thy-1+, Lyt-1+, CD4+, CD8-, and CD3+. We hypothesize that DTH-initiating cells are primitive T cells with Ag receptors that can bind Ag without MHC-restriction. This hypothesis was supported by the finding that two different antibodies, that both bind T cell-derived Ag-binding molecules, eliminated the DTH-initiating, cell but did not affect the late component, MHC-restricted CD4+, CD3+ T cell. Additional experiments with antibodies against restricted determinants of the T-200 glycoprotein family (CD45R) showed that the early but not the late cell is positive for B220, which is usually present on B cells, and on some activated T cells. Also, the DTH-initiating cell is Il-2R-, but Il-3R+; whereas the late component DTH T cell is IL-2R+ and IL-3-. Our findings suggest that DTH-initiating cells may be Ag-specific lymphoid precursor cells that arise before final differentiation along the pathway leading to mature T or B cells. Our results indicate that antigen-specific Thy-1+, CD3-, CD4-, CD8- cells function in vivo to initiate DTH reactions.  相似文献   

It is unclear which growth factors, if any, are involved in the growth and differentiation of immature T cells in the thymus. Because IL-1 has been previously implicated in thymocyte proliferation, we examined the effects of IL-1 on precursor thymocytes, the CD4-CD8- or double-negative (DN) cells. We show that IL-1 (together with Con A) is a growth factor for DN, TCR- alpha beta-cells in vitro. After 5 days of culture in IL-1 and Con A, a number of phenotypic changes were observed and two subsets of DN cells were distinguished. One subset expressed full length TCR-alpha and -beta mRNA and surface alpha beta TCR, the other expressed low levels of full length TCR-gamma together with high levels of full length TCR-delta mRNA. Thus, DN cells are induced by IL-1 and Con A to proliferate and express TCR without parallel acquisition of CD4 or CD8 markers. These data suggest that IL-1 drives early steps of intrathymic T cell differentiation.  相似文献   

CD45R is a high molecular weight (p205/220) form of a series of transmembrane glycoproteins, collectively known as CD45 and present in some form on all lymphoid cells. We have proposed that CD45R+ thymocytes, a minority (15 to 30%) of total thymocytes, represent the generative thymic lineage whereas CD45 p180+ thymocytes are destined for intrathymic death. To test this hypothesis, we prepared human thymus fractions enriched for the expression of CD45R by exhaustive depletion of CD45 p180+ cells, as well as progenitor CD3-4-8- "multinegative" thymocytes which are predominantly CD45R+. Northern analysis of RNA extracted from CD45 p180- and multinegative thymus fractions demonstrated that these populations are enriched for cells able to synthesize mRNA encoding IL-2 and IL-2R after mitogenic stimulation, as compared to unfractionated thymus, consistent with the properties expected for generative thymocytes. Postulating that the CD45R glycoprotein might represent an important signal delivery molecule, we analyzed the ability of mAb specific for CD45 epitopes to synergize with suboptimal amounts of PHA and PMA in the stimulation of IL-2 mRNA production by multinegative thymocytes. We found that CD45R-specific mAb synergizes strongly with PHA/PMA to stimulate IL-2 and IL-2R mRNA expression. In contrast, mAb to CD45 common determinants were unable to synergize. Multinegative thymocytes depleted of all CD45 p180+ cells were compared to total multinegative cells and found to synthesize fourfold greater levels of IL-2 mRNA after stimulation with anti-CD45R mAb. This CD45 p180- multinegative subset is enriched for cells expressing a high density of CD45R, and for CD45- thymus cells, suggesting a possible enrichment for nonlymphoid cells which may play a role in the stimulation process. Our results suggest that the extended amino acid insert of CD45R plays a fundamental role in transmembrane signalling, and that CD45R may be a primary signal transducer for developing thymic progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Activation of CD 4-, CD 8- thymocytes with IL 4 vs IL 1 + IL 2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thymocytes from C57BL/6 mice were highly purified to obtain the CD 4-, CD 8- subpopulation which constitutes only 5% of all thymocytes. Substantial proliferation was induced in vitro with either IL-1 + IL-2 or with IL-4 in the presence of PMA. IL-1 and IL-2 synergized in inducing proliferation of these purified CD 4-, CD 8- thymocytes whereas neither synergized with IL-4. In order to determine whether stimulation with IL-1 + IL-2 acted via IL-4 or vice versa, cultures were treated reciprocally with affinity-purified anti-IL-2 or anti-IL-4 antibodies. Cultures with IL-4 were inhibited by anti-IL-4 but were unaffected by anti-IL-2. The CD 4-, CD 8- thymocytes cultured with IL-1 + IL-2 + anti-IL-2 were inhibited to baseline IL-1 stimulation. At low concentrations of IL-1 (1 U/ml) and IL-2 (100 U/ml), anti-IL-4 had no effect, whereas at higher levels of IL-1 (2 U/ml IL-1), and 100 or 200 U/ml IL-2, anti-IL-4 significantly reduced DNA synthesis. This result suggests that at higher concentrations the combination of IL-1 + IL-2 can induce cells to produce IL-4 which then contributes to overall proliferation. When CD 4-, CD 8- thymocytes were cultured with the low doses of IL-1 + IL-2 for 72 h, 62% expressed cell surface T3 complex (vs 11% at initiation) and 27% were F23.1+ (vs 5% at initiation). In contrast, culture with IL-4 led to no increase in numbers of T3+ cells and none were F23.1+; however, there was coexpression of Thy1 and 6B2 on 20% of cells at the end of culture (vs 4% at initiation). Thus, IL-1 + IL-2 causes expansion of a CD 4-, CD 8- thymocyte population expressing the alpha, beta-T cell receptor, whereas IL-4 induces cells to express a phenotype present in small numbers in the periphery of normal mice and in larger numbers in mice bearing the lpr gene.  相似文献   

Many cytokines (including IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, and TNF-alpha) have been shown to induce thymocyte proliferation in the presence of PHA. In this report, we demonstrate that certain cytokine combinations induce thymocyte proliferation in the absence of artificial comitogens. IL-1 alpha, IL-6, and TNF-alpha enhanced the proliferation of whole unseparated thymocytes in the presence of IL-2, whereas none of them induced thymocyte proliferation alone. In contrast, of these three enhancing cytokines, only IL-6 enhanced IL-4-induced proliferation. We also separated thymocytes into four groups based on their expression of CD4 and CD8, and investigated their responses to various cytokines. The results indicate that each cytokine combination affects different thymocyte subsets; thus, IL-1 alpha enhanced the proliferation of CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) thymocytes more efficiently than IL-6 in the presence of IL-2, whereas IL-6 enhanced the responses of CD4+CD8- and CD4-CD8+ single positive (SP) thymocytes to IL-2 or IL-4 better than IL-1 alpha. TNF-alpha enhanced the proliferation of both DN and both SP subsets in the presence of IL-2 and/or IL-7. None of these combinations induced the proliferation of CD4+CD8+ double positive thymocytes. Finally, DN were separated into CD3+ and CD3- populations and their responsiveness was investigated, because recent reports strongly suggest that CD3+ DN thymocytes are a mature subset of different lineage rather than precursors of SP thymocytes. CD3+ DN proliferated in response to IL-7, TNF-alpha + IL-2, and IL-1 + IL-2. CD3- DN did not respond to IL-7 or to IL-1 + IL-2, but did respond to TNF-alpha + IL-2. Finally, we detected TNF-alpha production by a cloned line of thymic macrophages, as well as by DN adult thymocytes. These results suggest that cytokines alone are capable of potent growth stimuli for thymocytes, and indicate that different combinations of these molecules act selectively on thymocytes at different developmental stages.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of IL-1 on the activation of CD8+/CD4- class I-restricted helper cell-independent cytolytic T cell (HITc) clones known to produce IL-2 and proliferate in vitro after Ag stimulation with a Friend retrovirus-induced leukemia (FBL). The functional role of IL-1 in Ag-specific proliferation and IL-2 secretion was assessed by stimulating the T cell clones with FBL either in the presence or absence of macrophages (M phi), rIL-1, or rIL-2. Resting cloned HITc cells, purified from residual accessory cells, failed to proliferate in response to FBL alone, but proliferated in response to FBL plus M phi, rIL-1 or rIL-2. Stimulation with FBL alone in the absence of M phi or IL-1 was sufficient for induction of IL-2R expression, and rendered cells responsive to IL-2, but M phi or IL-1 were also required to induce production of IL-2. The activity of IL-1 was further examined by measuring the binding of [125I]rIL-1 alpha, which demonstrated that resting cloned HITc cells expressed IL-1R that increased in number after activation with Ag. This expression of IL-1R and requirement for IL-1 by CD8+ HITc was surprising because previous studies examining T cell populations after mitogen stimulation have not detected IL-1R on the CD8+ population. Therefore, the role of IL-1 in the activation of CD8+ CTL that do not secrete IL-2 after activation was assessed. By contrast to HITc, CD8+ CTL required exogenous IL-2 to proliferate in vitro and did not express IL-1R. These data demonstrate that the subset of CD8+ T cells responsible for IL-2 production express IL-1R and that triggering this receptor with IL-1 after Ag stimulation results in the production of IL-2 and subsequent proliferation.  相似文献   

CD4+CD8+ thymocytes are either positively selected and subsequently mature to CD4 single positive (SP) or CD8 SP T cells, or they die by apoptosis due to neglect or negative selection. This clonal selection is essential for establishing a functional self-restricted T cell repertoire. Intracellular signals through the three known mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathways have been shown to selectively guide positive or negative selection. Whereas the c-Jun N-terminal kinase and p38 MAP kinase regulate negative selection of thymocytes, the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway is required for positive selection and T cell lineage commitment. In this paper, we show that the MAP/ERK kinase (MEK)-ERK pathway is also involved in negative selection. Thymocytes from newborn TCR transgenic mice were cultured with TCR/CD3epsilon-specific Abs or TCR-specific agonist peptides to induce negative selection. In the presence of the MEK-specific pharmacological inhibitors PD98059 or UO126, cell recovery was enhanced and deletion of DP thymocytes was drastically reduced. Furthermore, development of CD4 SP T cells was blocked, but differentiation of mature CD8 SP T cells proceeded in the presence of agonist peptides when MEK activity was blocked. Thus, our data indicate that the outcome between positively and negatively selecting signals is critically dependent on MEK activity.  相似文献   

It has been reported that in human neutrophils, external ATP activates plasma membrane purinergic P2X7 receptors (P2X7R) to elicit Ca2+ entry, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), processing and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, shedding of adhesion molecules and uptake of large molecules. However, the expression of P2X7R at the plasma membrane of neutrophils has also been questioned since these putative responses are not always reproduced. In this work, we used electrophysiological recordings to measure functional responses associated with the activation of membrane receptors, spectrofluorometric measurements of ROS production and ethidium bromide uptake to asses coupling of P2X7R activation to downstream effectors, immune-labelling of P2X7R using a fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated antibody to detect the receptors at the plasma membrane, RT-PCR to determine mRNA expression of P2X7R and Western blot to determine protein expression in neutrophils and HL-60 cells. None of these assays reported the presence of P2X7R in the plasma membrane of neutrophils and non-differentiated or differentiated HL-60 cells—a model cell for human neutrophils. We concluded that P2X7R are not present at plasma membrane of human neutrophils and that the putative physiological responses triggered by external ATP should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The V beta 8-specific mAb F23.1 and KJ16 were used as fluorescent stains to test for TCR expression on the surface of subpopulations of early, CD4-CD8- (L3T4-Ly-2-) thymocytes from adult CBA mice. A surprisingly high proportion (27%) of Ly-2-L3T4- thymocytes were strongly F23.1 and KJ16 positive. No positive cells were detected among Ly-2-L3T4- thymocytes from V beta 8-negative SJL mice. In contrast to the adult thymus, Ly-2-L3T4- cells from embryonic CBA thymus lacked F23.1-positive cells. Subsets of adult CBA Ly-2-L3T4- thymocytes were separated to determine which expressed V beta 8. The major subset, Ly-1 low B2A2-M1/69+Thy-1+Pgp-1-, representing a phenotype similar to embryonic Ly-2-L3T4- thymocytes and the phenotype commonly isolated from adult thymocytes as Ly-1 "dull," lacked cells strongly positive for F23.1. In contrast, a series of subsets of adult CBA Ly-2-L3T4- thymocytes which were B2A2-M1/69- and Pgp-1+ all included strongly F23.1-positive cells. A minor subset, negative for most markers except Pgp-1 and presumed on the basis of this phenotype and some reconstitution studies to include the earliest intrathymic precursors, contained 28% F23.1-positive cells. However, no F.23.1-positive cells were detected in equivalent "prethymic" populations from bone marrow or from athymic mouse spleen. The subsets of Ly-2-L3T4- thymocytes which were Ly-1 high, B2A2-M1/69-, and Pgp-1+ all contained about 70% F23.1-positive cells, indicating a V beta 8 usage much higher than the mature T cell average. These results indicate that a series of distinct developmental events have occurred within these CD4-CD8- thymocytes previously considered as a single group of early precursor cells, and that some aspects of repertoire selection may be occurring amongst thymocytes which lack CD4 or CD8.  相似文献   

Day-14 fetal CD4-, CD8- thymocytes showed a greater proliferative response to PMA + IL-4 than did adult double-negative thymocytes. In contrast, adult double-negative thymocytes were more responsive to PMA + IL-1 + IL-2 or to IL-1 + IL-2 alone. The adult double-negative thymocytes showed significantly greater proliferation than fetal thymocytes after stimulation via anti-CD3 or anti-Thy-1 in the presence or absence of interleukins (IL-1 + IL-2 or IL-4). Adult CD4-, CD8- thymocytes also exhibited greater calcium mobilization following anti-CD3 stimulation IL-2-dependent activation with anti-Thy-1 or IL-1 + IL-2 in the absence of PMA resulted in marked expansion of CD 3+, F23.1+, CD4-, CD8- thymocytes, a population absent in fetal thymocytes but constituting 4% of pre-cultured CD4-, CD8- adult thymocytes. IL-4 + PMA failed to expand this CD 3+ population. It is hypothesized that before expression of functional TCR, T cell development may be more dependent on activation pathways not using IL-2; after TCR expression, IL-2-dependent pathways, including Thy-1-mediated stimulation, become functional.  相似文献   

The heat-stable antigen (HSA), recognized by the monoclonal antibodies M1/69, B2A2, and J11d, is low or absent on the surface of most murine peripheral T cells but present on all but 3% of thymocytes. The CD4-CD8+ and CD4+CD8- or "single positive" thymic populations may be divided into further subgroups based on surface HSA expression. One group, CD4-CD8+ and expressing very high levels of HSA (HSA++), is an immature, T cell antigen receptor (TcR) negative, outer cortical blast cell. However, a further subdivision of CD4-CD8+ and CD4+CD8- single positives may be made, into those negative to low for HSA (HSA-) and those expressing moderate amounts of HSA (HSA+). The proportion of HSA- single positives is low in the thymus of young mice, whereas the proportion of HSA+ single positives is similar to that of the adult. Both the HSA- and the HSA+ subsets of single positive thymocytes from adult mice are CD3+ and express the normal peripheral T cell incidence of V beta 8 determinants on the TcR. On stimulation with concanavalin A in limit-dilution culture both HSA- and HSA+ subsets of single positive thymocytes give a high frequency of proliferating clones, and the clones from both HSA- and HSA+ subsets of CD4-CD8+ thymocytes are cytotoxic. Thus both HSA- and HSA+ single positive thymocytes are functionally mature. The HSA- subsets of single positive thymocytes differ from the HSA+ subsets in being slightly larger in size, in expressing higher levels of MEL-14, in binding more peanut agglutinin, and in including a proportion of cells expressing high levels of the Pgp-1 glycoprotein. It is suggested that HSA- CD4-CD8+ and HSA- CD4+CD8- thymocytes are more mature than their HSA+ counterparts, and might represent a previously activated or "memory" thymic subpopulation.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity within the CD4-, CD8- thymocyte population was explored by flow microfluorometry on thymocytes from 6-wk-old female C57BL/6 mice. Double negative cells were obtained by twice killing thymocytes with anti-CD4 and anti-CD8 antibodies. The resultant population lacked CD4, CD8, and Ig on cell surfaces; it contained cells bearing Ly-24 (27%), Ly-6C (6%), and Ly-5 (B220) detected by 6B2 (6%). These markers are the same as those characteristic of lpr/lpr T cells; they also are found on bone marrow cells. In order to investigate the maturational pathway of CD4-, CD8- thymocytes, such cells were cultured in vitro for 6 days with phorbol myristate acetate + calcium ionophore. There was a marked increase in cells bearing Ly-24 with time; by 6 days essentially all bore Ly-24. A lesser increase (to 15%) in 6B2 + Thy-1 positive cells was observed. Small numbers of cells bearing CD4 and/or CD8 also were found after 6 days in vitro. In additional studies, CD4-, CD8- cells were first sorted with respect to Ly-24 and then cultured with phorbol myristate acetate + calcium ionophore. Ly-24+ cells proliferated vigorously and formed clusters whereas Ly-24- cells did not. The former gave rise to large numbers of CD4+, CD8+ cells; the latter exhibited little differentiation. These studies demonstrate substantial heterogeneity within the CD4-, CD8- thymocyte population. Use of the markers Ly-24, Ly6C, and 6B2 allows a subdivision of such progenitor thymocytes. Different stages of maturation as well as possible lineages of cells may be investigated by combining such hemopoietic cell surface markers with in vitro culture.  相似文献   

IL-7 maintains the T cell precursor potential of CD3-CD4-CD8- thymocytes.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We and other investigators have reported that IL-4 (in the presence of PMA) or IL-7 (used alone) induce proliferation of both adult and fetal (gestation day 15) CD4-CD8- thymocytes. These results suggested that these cytokines may be growth factors for pre-T cells. However, we recently observed that among adult CD4-CD8- thymocytes, only the CD3+ subset proliferates in response to IL-7, whereas IL-4 + PMA induces proliferative responses in both CD3- and CD3+ subsets. Thus, we concluded that IL-7 used alone is not a potent growth stimulus for adult thymic CD3-CD4-CD8- triple negative (TN) T cell precursors. Interestingly, the viability of adult TN thymocytes in culture was improved by IL-7 for up to 1 wk, in spite of the inability of IL-7 to induce significant [3H]TdR incorporation in these cells. After culture in IL-7 for 4 days, the viable cells remained CD4-CD8-, but 25 to 35% expressed CD3 whereas the rest remained CD3-. In contrast, most of the cells cultured with IL-4 + PMA for 4 days remained TN. To investigate whether adult TN thymocytes that survive in vitro in the presence of IL-4 + PMA or IL-7 retain T cell progenitor potential, we tested whether they could reconstitute lymphoid cell-depleted (2-deoxyguanosine-treated) fetal thymus organ cultures. Our results demonstrate that TN cells cultured in IL-7 retain T cell progenitor potential.  相似文献   

CD4-, CD8- thymocytes were purified from thymi obtained from normal C57BL/6 mice. By flow cytometry analysis, 5 to 10% of these double negative (DN) thymocytes were found to express NK1.1 on their surface. The NK1.1+ DN thymocytes were demonstrated, by two-color fluorescence, to be CD3lo, CD5hi, CD44hi, J11d-, B220-, MEL 14-, IL2R- with 60% expressing TCR-V beta 8 as determined by the mAb F23.1. In contrast, splenic and peripheral blood NK cells were NK1.1+, CD3-, CD5-, TCR-V beta 8- with 40 to 60% being MEL 14+. Unlike peripheral NK cells, fresh DN thymocytes enriched for NK1.1+ cells were unable to kill YAC-1, the classical murine NK cell target. However, these cells were able to mediate anti-CD3 redirected lysis even when they were assayed immediately after purification, i.e., with no culture or stimulation. These data demonstrate that adult murine thymocytes contain NK1.1+ cells which are distinct, both by function and phenotype, from peripheral NK cells. These data also raise the issue of a possible NK/T bipotential progenitor cell.  相似文献   

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