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We investigated the effect of multiple variables on the amplification success rate of microsatellite DNA extracted from faeces of wild Eurasian otters. The success rate was affected by (i) type of sample, with higher success rates in anal jelly samples than faeces, and (ii) temperature, with a negative effect of increased temperature at time of collection. To increase the effectiveness of microsatellite genotyping of otter faeces, we recommend collecting samples in cold months and early in the morning, preferably in a frozen state, and the collection of anal jelly samples, or the jelly part from faeces, whenever possible.  相似文献   

The translocation of individuals from onepopulation to another is a common technique inwildlife conservation. However, the outcome oftranslocation programs is not always properlyevaluated and the relative contribution ofreleased individuals to the resident populationoften remains unknown. We used mitochondrialDNA and autosomal genetic markers to evaluatethe success of a translocation program ofEurasian otters (Lutra lutra) in Sweden.The program is regarded as successful becauseof subsequent population growths. Norwegianotters used for the restocking program could begenetically differentiated from Swedish otters.The releases took place at two sites. In anarea south of the first site, where 47 otterswere released, no genetic contribution of theintroduced animals to the population could beobserved and the genetic diversity was lowerthan before the releases. At the second site,the release of seven otters led to a change ingenetic composition of the resident population.The results of this study suggest that thegrowth of the otter population after therestocking may not be as dependent on thereleases as initially suspected. The geneticeffects of the translocations appear to berestricted to areas in the immediate vicinityof the release sites.  相似文献   

We developed a new PCR/RFLP system targeted to amplify and cut a segment of the ZFX/ZFY gene in non-invasive otter (Lutra lutra) samples. This assay produced one sex-specific fragment in females (XX genotypes) and two fragments in males (XY genotypes), and is intrinsically more reliable than alternative systems (e.g., SRY genes) that are based on the amplification of a single Y-linked fragment. The new primer pair correctly identified the sex of 23 DNA extracted from sexed otter tissues. This procedure was used to sex unknown DNA extracted from otter scats. A multi-tube approach led to identify the sex of 72/91 (79%) samples, using a minimum of two PCR replicates. This procedure is currently used in non-invasive genetic monitoring of Italian otter populations.  相似文献   

In this study, we used genetic-based approaches to estimate population size and structure of Eurasian otter along the Drava River in Hungary, and compared these results to traditional survey-based methods. The relative spraint density of otter was estimated based on the number of fresh (Df) and total number (Dt) of spraints collected on standard routes over a 2-year period. Nine microsatellite loci were screened, generating 17 individual otter genotypes composed of 45 different alleles. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.53 to 0.89 and observed heterozygosity from 0.25 to 0.92. The mean density (Dg) estimated over six different sites was 0.17 individuals per km of shoreline. A close correlation was found between the number of genotypes and spraint counts along a standard route (fresh spraints: rP=0.85, P<0.01; total spraints rP=0.76, P<0.05). All genotypes found within the 50 km-long study area were closely related (Dm ranged between 0.08 and 0.21).  相似文献   

Diet composition of otters (Lutra lutra) was investigated in 2001 by spraints analysis (N=1323) on five rivers of southern Italy, with the aim of assessing the influence of fish availability, elevation and discharge on the consumption of food resources alternative to fish. Data were expressed as per cent frequency of occurrence (%FO) and per cent volume (%V). The study confirmed the great feeding adaptability of the otter that, in rivers partially interconnected and flowing on a small area, showed a strong fish eating habit in some rivers (Sinni and Mercure-Lao) and a diet mainly constituted by alternative resources in other ones (amphibians in the rivers Cogliandrino and Frido, crustaceans in the River Battendiero). Fish consumption for the five rivers was significantly correlated with fish biomass and with mean summer discharge, while it was inversely correlated with the mean altitude of the five rivers. The lack of a clear seasonality in the consumption of food sources alternative to fish together with the correlation between fish use and fish biomass for each river indicated fish availability as the main factor affecting otter relying to non-fish preys. Otter diet seemed influenced by the characteristics of river habitats (altitude, discharge and consequently fish biomass) more than by summer drought, typical of Mediterranean regions. The %FO and the %V allowed to drawn a similar picture of otter diet. Nonetheless the %V was useful for better illustrating diet variation among the different rivers and we argue that it could be useful in habitats where the otter feeds on preys with different proportions of indigestible remains.  相似文献   

The European otter (Lutra lutra) is a focus for conservation efforts throughout Europe due to a population decline in recent decades and because of its importance as a biological indicator of the health of rivers and waterways. The aim of this study was to aid the conservation of this species by adding genetic information from samples originating in the United Kingdom (UK), to help build up a picture of the phylogeographic structure of the European otter throughout Europe. This was done by a comparison of 299 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA control region. Four haplotypes were identified in the UK, one of which has not been found outside the west of the UK in the wild, and one of which was unique. Populations in the UK, and in particular the west were shown to have a higher haplotype diversity than previously found for the European otter in Europe (= 0.7338 for the 58 UK otters sampled in this study) and an overall nucleotide diversity of π = 0.003. The western UK population was shown to have a high level of genetic distinctiveness. We discuss possible contributory population processes, the importance of the western UK population for the future conservation of the species and comment on future conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Sulkava RT  Sulkava PO  Sulkava PE 《Oecologia》2007,153(3):579-588
Long-term studies were carried out in central Finland between 1985 and 2003 to examine the temporal and spatial variation in the density of otter populations. Snow tracking was used to estimate the total population and the number of litters in the study area. In total 52 otters, including 16 cubs in 11 litters, lived in the study area (1,650 km2) in 2002–2003. The otter population clearly increased during the study period. The increase in density of the otter population was sigmoid, indicating that the population had reached the local carrying capacity. The density of the population was 0.12 individuals per river ha in 1985 and 0.29 individuals per river ha in 2002. The number of cubs per litter decreased when the density of the population increased. Density-dependent offspring production, together with the auto-correlation function of growth rate, indicates intraspecific competition in otter populations. Otters in a few river systems produced most of the cubs, creating several small source populations in the entire study area. Otters in secondary (sink) habitats had a low reproduction rate. Most otters lived in river systems with large lake surfaces. The number or area of lakes within the river system correlated positively with the total number of otters, litters and cubs in the river system. The six river systems (out of 16) with the largest water area of lakes produced 81.2% of all cubs born in the study area. However, the population growth rate per river hectare or per river kilometre was equal in all kinds of river systems. Thus, among local otter populations in central Finland, a source–sink system between different habitats seems to be prevalent.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of free-ranging primates have been seriously impeded by difficulties of sampling tissues, including the undesirability of bleeding habituated animals, of transporting frozen samples to the laboratory, and of the inherent inadequacies of accessible variation including allozymes, mtDNA RFLP patterns and DNA fingerprints. We have developed methods of non-invasive DNA sampling and DNA-level genotyping which, when combined with a hierarchical analysis of mtDNA sequences and hypervariable nDNA simple sequence repeat (microsatellite) loci size length polymorphisms, facilitate the resolution of most questions at the individual, social group (community), population, and species (phylogenetic) levels. This approach, based on DNA amplified from shed hair, represents an important new tool for the acquisition of genetic information and will facilitate the study and management of both captive and free-ranging chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Our hierarchical analysis of population genetics of chimpanzees has revealed high historical levels of gene flow and large effective population sizes, as well as substantial divergence between the West African subspecies and chimpanzees from central and East Africa. At the community level, closer relatedness among philopatric males than among females supports the view that kin selection has been an evolutionary force shaping male-male cooperation in this species. Results from our study of the now relatively isolated Gombe community suggest that habitat fragmentation affects population genetic structure and possibly population viability.  相似文献   

一种从大熊猫粪便中提取DNA的改进方法   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
本研究描述一个改进的方法,使从大熊猫粪便中提取DNA用于PCR扩增变得更加容易。在粪便DNA的提取过程中采用一个新的预处理方法,将粪便用预冷的丙酮洗2~3次,除去粪便中含有的大量PCR抑制物,然后用蛋白酶K裂解、酚氯仿抽提,能提取到纯度很高的DNA供PCR扩增。本实验PCR扩增了大熊猫脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)基因和线粒体细胞色素6基因片段,并进行测序分析,证实了提取的可靠性。对比本方法和未经丙酮预处理的方法提取的DNA进行PCR扩增,前者的扩增结果明显优于后者。  相似文献   

To establish longevity of faecal DNA samples under varying summer field conditions, we collected 53 faeces from captive brown bears (Ursus arctos) on a restricted vegetation diet. Each faeces was divided, and one half was placed on a warm, dry field site while the other half was placed on a cool, wet field site on Moscow Mountain, Idaho, USA. Temperature, relative humidity, and dew point data were collected on each site, and faeces were sampled for DNA extraction at <1, 3, 6, 14, 30, 45, and 60 days. Faecal DNA sample viability was assessed by attempting PCR amplification of a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) locus (∼150 bp) and a nuclear DNA (nDNA) microsatellite locus (180–200 bp). Time in the field, temperature, and dew point impacted mtDNA and nDNA amplification success with the greatest drop in success rates occurring between 1 and 3 days. In addition, genotyping errors significantly increased over time at both field sites. Based on these results, we recommend collecting samples at frequent transect intervals and focusing sampling efforts during drier portions of the year when possible.  相似文献   

The present study compares the effect of three storage media (silica, RNAlater®, ethanol) and time to extraction (1 week, 1 month and 3 months) on mitochondrial and nuclear marker amplification success in faecal DNA extracts from a sympatric community of small to medium‐sized Central African forest ungulates (genera Cephalophus, Tragelaphus, Hyemoschus). The effect of storage type and time on nuclear DNA concentrations, genotyping errors and percentage recovery of consensus genotypes was also examined. Regardless of storage method, mitochondrial and nuclear amplification success was high in DNA extracted within the first week after collection. Over longer storage periods, RNAlater yielded better amplification success rates in the mitochondrial assay. However, samples stored on silica showed (i) highest nuclear DNA concentrations, (ii) best microsatellite genotyping success, (iii) lowest genotyping errors, and (iv) greatest percentage recovery of the consensus genotype. The quantity of nuclear DNA was generally a good predictor of microsatellite performance with 83% amplification success or greater achieved with sample DNA concentrations of ≥ 50 pg/µL. If faecal DNA samples are to be used for nuclear microsatellite analyses, we recommend silica as the best storage method. However, for maximum mitochondrial amplification success, RNAlater appears to be the best storage medium. In contrast, ethanol appeared inferior to the other two methods examined here and should not be used to store tropical ungulate faeces. Regardless of storage method, samples should be extracted as soon as possible after collection to ensure optimal recovery of DNA.  相似文献   

The Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) population present in the Cantabrian Mountains has suffered a dramatic decline in recent centuries and is now threatened with extinction. This situation has led to the development and implementation of a species recovery plan. To accomplish this plan, we need to improve our knowledge about the ecology, demography and genetics of this population. This paper presents the genetic analysis of the Cantabrian brown bear population using non-invasive samples (faeces and hairs) collected between 2004 and 2006. It was necessary to optimize a set of 18 microsatellite loci and a sex marker (several new multiplex reactions were developed) to obtain a suitable probability of identity among genotypes to work with this small, deeply structured population. Genotyping of 48 individuals was carried out using a two-step PCR protocol to increase the quality of the multilocus genotypes. Validation of genotypes was performed using a multi-tube approach combined with different software programmes to measure their error rate and reliability. Diversity in the Cantabrian population was low (H e = 0.51) and the population was markedly subdivided into two subpopulations (western and eastern) without current gene flow between them. The level of divergence between the two subpopulations (F st = 0.41) and the extremely low diversity in the eastern group (H e = 0.25) indicate that this has had an extremely low effective population size and had been isolated from the main group during the last century. Connectivity between the two subpopulations will be of prime importance for the long-term survival of this species in the Cantabrian Mountains.  相似文献   

In this study a simple electrophoresis approach has been proposed for assessing DNA damage per chromosome in vitro. Novel procedures of gel casting, sample loading, electrophoresis and quantification of damage have been suggested. Sets of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomes subjected to DNA damage by Bleomycin, Co60--radiation alone and in combination with Hoechst were studied in detail. Statistical analyses showed that damage induced by Bleomycin bore linear positive correlation with %GA (r=0.97) and %GT (r=0.61) contents of chromosomes. Samples pre-treated with Hoechst showed much less damage by Co60--irradiation as compared to samples not treated with Hoechst but exposed to Co60--irradiation. The `protective effect of Hoechst' bore linear positive correlation (r=0.8) with %TAT content of chromosomes.  相似文献   

The relationship of five species of Petunia and ten cultivars of the cultivated petunia, Petunia x hybrida, were investigated using DNA-amplification fingerprinting (DAF). Reproducible banding profiles were obtained from P. parodii and P. axillaris DNA from different seed sources. In contrast, other petunias such as P. inflata, P. violacea and P. integrifolia produced variable fingerprints when different plants were examined. However, representative profiles of the variable Petunia taxa were obtained by bulking the leaf tissue from ten different individual plants. Each of ten octamer primers revealed polymorphic loci between taxa. Among a total of 201 bands produced, 146 (73%) loci were polymorphic and distinguished all species and cultivars. Phenetic and cluster analysis using DAF markers separated P. axillaris from P. parodii and distinguished between the violet-flowered species, P. inflata, P. violacea, and P. integrifolia. P. parodii grouped together with the monophyletic set of the ten cultivars of P. x hybrida examined, indicating that it had made a major contribution to the development of these cultivars. Cultivars were distributed within the dendograms by flower color. The results demonstrated the utility of DAF in establishing relationships among closely related species and cultivars of Petunia.  相似文献   

Turmeric and ginger are used as spices and in alternative systems of medicine. They are rich in polysaccharides, polyphenols, and alkaloids. A simple and rapid method for isolating good quality DNA with fairly good yields from mature rhizome tissues of turmeric and ginger has been perfected. Isolated DNA was amenable to restriction digestion and PCR amplification.  相似文献   

Over the last 50 years, Spanish Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations have been in decline. In order to bolster these populations, rivers were stocked with fish of northern European origin during the period 1974–1996, probably also introducing the furunculosis-inducing pathogen, Aeromonas salmonicida. Here we assess the relative importance of processes influencing mitochondrial (mt)DNA variability in these populations from 1948 to 2002. Genetic material collected over this period from four rivers in northern Spain (Cantabria) was used to detect variability at the mtDNA ND1 gene. Before stocking, a single haplotype was found at high frequency (0.980). Following stocking, haplotype diversity (h) increased in all rivers (mean h before stocking was 0.041, and 0.245 afterwards). These increases were due principally to the dramatic increase in frequency of a previously very low frequency haplotype, reported at higher frequencies in northern European populations proximate to those used to stock Cantabrian rivers. Genetic structuring increased after stocking: among-river differentiation was low before stocking (1950s/1960s Φ ST = –0.00296–0.00284), increasing considerably at the height of stocking (1980s Φ ST = 0.18932) and decreasing post-stocking (1990s/2002 Φ ST = 0.04934–0.03852). Gene flow from stocked fish therefore seems to have had a substantial role in increasing mtDNA variability. Additionally, we found significant differentiation between individuals that had probably died from infectious disease and apparently healthy, angled fish, suggesting a possible role for pathogen-driven selection of mtDNA variation. Our results suggest that stocking with non-native fish may increase genetic diversity in the short term, but may not reverse population declines.  相似文献   

Summary Another satellite DNA repeat (type IV) in the genome of Cucumis sativus (cucumber) was found and investigated with respect to DNA sequence, methylation, and evolution. This satellite shows a repeat length of 360 bp and a GC-content of 47%. The repeats of type IV are highly conserved among each other. Evidence for CG and CNG methylation is presented. By comparison to the previously described satellites (type I/II and type III) from cucumber, it is evident that this repeat is created by an insertion of a 180 bp DNA sequence similar to type I–III into another DNA sequence (or vice versa), and subsequent amplification forming a new satellite repeat. The different satellites of the type I/II, type III, and the 180 bp insert of type IV show a sequence homology of 60%–70%, indicating that the complex satellite DNA of cucumber is originated from a common progenitor by mutation, additional insertion, and amplification events. Copies of a sequence similar to a part of type IV are present in the genome of the related species Cucumis melo (melon).  相似文献   

Previously, sequencing of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from non-invasively collected faecal material (scat) has been used to help manage hybridization in the wild red wolf (Canis rufus) population. This method is limited by the maternal inheritance of mtDNA and the inability to obtain individual identification. Here, we optimize the use of nuclear DNA microsatellite markers on red wolf scat DNA to distinguish between individuals and detect hybrids. We develop a data filtering method in which scat genotypes are compared to known blood genotypes to reduce the number of PCR amplifications needed. We apply our data filtering method and the more conservative maximum likelihood ratio method (MLR) of Miller et al. (2002 Genetics 160:357–366) to a scat dataset previously screened for hybrids by sequencing of mtDNA. Using seven microsatellite loci, we obtained genotypes for 105 scats, which were matched to 17 individuals. The PCR amplification success rate was 50% and genotyping error rates ranged from 6.6% to 52.1% per locus. Our data filtering method produced comparable results to the MLR method, and decreased the time and cost of analysis by 25%. Analysis of this dataset using our data filtering method verified that no hybrid individuals were present in the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina in 2000. Our results demonstrate that nuclear DNA microsatellite analysis of red wolf scats provides an efficient and accurate approach to screen for new individuals and hybrids.  相似文献   

Lee K  Kim K 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(20):1739-1742
A simple and quick colorimetric method for confirming DNA amplification in polymerase chain reactions (PCR) is described and has been applied to the amplification of Giardia lamblia DNA. This method detects the release of pyrophosphate based on the competition between 1,10-phenanthroline and pyrophosphate complexing with ferrous ion. When 1,10-phenanthroline complexed with Fe2+ is added to the finished PCR solution, depending on whether or not the DNA was amplified, the mixture is, respectively, either bleached or red. The color changed optimally for 20–30 min at 60–80 °C, and the result could be determined by detecting an absorbancy change at 510 nm or a color change discernible to the naked eye. The extent of change in absorbance was proportional to the amount of pyrophosphate produced.  相似文献   

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