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The concept of social capital has gained lots of attention as an important instrument to induce collective action on Common Pool Resources management. However, evidence demonstrated amply that social capital alone was not always enough to encourage collective action. There were other factors needed as a leverage to activate social capital but research regarding this issue is still limited. This research was intended to elucidate how to strengthen the role of social capital and the preconditions required to encourage community members to conduct collective action. The research was carried out using survey methods at the eastern coastal area of East Sinjai sub district, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The research results show that strong social capital, indicated by high value score of trust, norm and networking would not always engender collective action in natural resource management. In order to achieve collective action, social capital had to be activated to function optimally. This was done through the intervention of symbolic power which is inherent in role models to initiate and mobilize action in mangrove management. The process to convince people to perform collective action was a crucial one which had to be resolved and is known as common knowledge. External support from local governments could facilitate the emergence of symbolic power through provision of enabling conditions for leadership promotion.  相似文献   

"新冠"疫情暴发凸显基因工程技术对社会经济的重大影响,基因工程离我们的生活越来越近。"新冠"疫情下,为了让学生更好地完成"基因工程"课程的居家学习,我们采用了基础知识微课自学(Small Private Online Course,SPOC)+案例应用课堂剖析(Tencent Instant Messenger,QQ)+管理拓展课后互助(QQ群)+疑难问题实时解答(QQ群)的跨学科教学模式开展在线教学,通过问题引入、真实情景剖析、跨学科拓展完成了课程基本原理和主要方法的教学,使学生掌握了基因研究的基本方法、基因表达流程、基因技术应用及安全管理相关的知识。通过思考新型冠状病毒肆虐情境下如何防控,帮助学生明晰了学习目的,提高了跨学科学习的兴趣;通过新型冠状病毒核酸检测的真实情景问题和组织实施由目标设计过程、确定方法、学习课程知识,进而掌握不同学科知识应用技能的跨学科教学活动,提高了学生将基因操作技能与专业技能融合解决实际问题的能力。教学实践证明,基础自学+案例剖析+互助拓展+实时答疑的跨学科在线教学模式,可以顺利完成课程教学任务并获得与传统课堂教学等同的效果;分析案例识别问题→设计方案解析...  相似文献   


To succeed, undergraduate science students need to both acquire knowledge, and learn to apply it effectively. Here a novel 1st year undergraduate module (incorporating blended learning, applied bioinformatic skills and scientific posters) is described and its effectiveness evaluated (quantitatively and qualitatively). The aims were to engage students and teach applied skills through a process-oriented guided-inquiry learning (POGIL) based project, utilising common online tools. Given a nucleotide entry and utilising the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) platform students had to identify a specific human syndrome. Students then retrieved and summarised key scientific data, presenting it as a scientific poster. The module effectiveness was demonstrated by the students ability to acquire knowledge (content) and apply it (process), by finding and extracting data from online databases. Assessment included evaluation of the students ability to analyse, visualise and explain acquired data as a scientific poster. Module evaluation used qualitative students surveys and quantitative assessment (pre- and post- module, multiple-choice quiz, assessing content or process specific knowledge). The module led to a significant increase in students applied, process specific, knowledge and enhanced their learning experience. This module demonstrates a successful method for incorporating applied learning into an undergraduate module, developing multiple applied professional skills.  相似文献   

Abstract: In areas with dense landownership patterns, management of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) depends upon collective decision making of landowners and hunters. To resolve conflicts associated with this commons dilemma, wildlife management associations (WMAs) have become a popular mechanism for coordinating wildlife management decisions in private land states, especially in Texas, USA. Social capital, represented by metrics such as trust, reciprocity, and community involvement, has been identified as an important determinant of the success of collaborative institutional arrangements. To determine the influence of social capital on the effectiveness of WMAs, we address 2 research questions: 1) do WMAs exhibit elements of social capital, and 2) what landowner characteristics affect elements of social capital within WMAs? We used a mail survey questionnaire to determine the effect of various factors on the activities and management practices in 4 WMAs in 2 regions in Texas: the Lower Post Oak Savannah (LPOS) and the Central Post Oak Savannah (CPOS). The LPOS landowners were members of larger associations, had generally acquired their land more recently, held more frequent meetings, and tended to have longer association membership than CPOS landowners, yet they exhibited lower social capital. The CPOS landowners owned significantly larger properties, and were predominantly absentee wealthy males that considered relaxation and hunting more important land uses than property ownership for a place to live. The smaller group size of the CPOS associations may be the most important factor in building and maintaining social capital. Intra-association trust, a primary measure of social capital, was positively influenced by the longevity of property ownership, the number of association meetings, the percentage of males in the association, and other factors. Conversely, negative influences on trust included absentee ownership and the proportion of woodland habitat present in each WMA. We suggest that deer are a common-pool resource whose populations are dependent upon collective action by stakeholders. Social capital building within landowner associations could facilitate the sustainable harvest of quality deer and possibly lead to cooperative management of other common-pool natural resources.  相似文献   

There is a well-acknowledged communication or knowledge gap between scientists and decision-makers. Many scientists who take on the challenge of narrowing this gap operate on the understanding that their role is to communicate their findings in a one-way flow of information: from science to decision-makers. However, to be effective scientists must engage in an ongoing social learning process with decision-makers, and regard themselves as facilitators, and also as one among many stakeholders who have valid and important ecological knowledge. The developing world poses some particular challenges in this regard, specifically in terms of the large number of local level subsistence resources users who are important de facto decision-makers. We examine four natural resource management case studies from South Africa that differ in spatial scale and complexity, ranging from a single village to a whole biome. We distil seven lessons to help guide development of social learning processes and organizations in similar situations relating to natural resource planning and management. The lessons pertain to: maintaining 'key individuals' within social learning processes; the role of researchers; the formulation of research questions that social learning processes require adaptive long-term funding and capacity support; that local resource users are key decision-makers in developing countries; some perspectives on knowledge; and the need to measure research success.  相似文献   

Research on personality as a useful construct to understand people's behavior in conflict situations was traced over more than fifty years, and an attempt was made to add neurobiological parameters to psycho-socio-cultural approaches. As a starting point, scientists in exile have been called to mind who had been expelled from Nazi Germany for their Jewish origins. Among them were Adorno and Frenkel-Brunswik whose extensive studies on the authoritarian personality structure were quoted. In their work, personality was defined as a more or less enduring organisation of forces within the individual helping to determine responses in various situations, which is responsible for consistency in behavior. As a next step, Cloninger's psychobiology of personality traits was presented. In his personality concept, four temperamental traits (novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward dependency and persistence) and three character dimensions are included. Temperamental traits are heritable, developmentally stable, emotionally based, uninfluenced by social learning, and linked to specific brain biological features. The temperaments have a certain neuroendocrinological feature which can be determined. Character dimensions develop in a stagelike process from infancy to adulthood and are influenced by temperament, social learning, genetic factors, and random life events. Personality is still considered a useful theoretical approach to conflict management research and practice. A neurobiological point of view seems to be a useful supplementation in addition to traditional psycho-socio-cultural approaches. Measuring biological compounds can supply the conflict manager with an additional tool of knowledge enhancing the ability to understand and anticipate conflict behavior.  相似文献   

Children have learning and problem-solving powers at least equal to those of adults. But children are in general disempowered and treated as inferior to adults. The availability of home computers from around 1980, and of internet and e-mail facilities from around 1990, created a window of freedom for those children who were allowed unmonitored access to computers, e-mail and the internet. Children who learned computer skills while they were still children became more proficient at these skills than adults who only began to acquire the same skills as adults. For a period of time, scientists well advanced in such fields as physics and aeronautics had to rely upon adolescents to fill their programming needs. In addition, during the early days of home-computing, around 1980, computer-territory was still relatively rough and virgin. The internet was unknown, computer games were unknown, and anyone who entered computer territory had to learn programming in order to derive any benefits from this territory. By the late 1990's, commercial interests had gained a strong foothold in computer territory, and any child or adult with zero skills could enter this territory as a consumer and derive information and entertainment from this territory, without acquiring the kinds of skills necessary to exercise any degree of control over the computer-based landscape. Still, computer science remains a new frontier, in that any person who has the skills to act on this frontier may achieve success, regardless of that person's age, social status, et cetera. The two greatest barriers to success are limitations on access to computers and the internet, and English-language knowledge. The latter barrier is falling. Inasmuch as ability to navigate and alter the landscape of computer territory is a source of great power, and inasmuch as children acquire such skills more quickly than adults, may we consider a new empowerment of children to be in the offing? Or will adults co-opt the instruments of power, and will children remain as pets and slaves of adults for the indefinite future?  相似文献   

Research on health care behaviour in sub-Saharan Africa usually considers the mother as the reference in the household when a child is sick. The study of health care management within the family is a key issue for understanding therapeutic rationales. This study was conducted in the region of Fatick in Senegal among 902 children with malaria-related fever. The data were taken from a retrospective quantitative survey conducted in all compounds of the DSS (Demographic Surveillance Site) of Niakhar. The results show that child care-taking is fundamentally a collective process: in 70.9% of out-of-home resorts, the treatment decision was collective. The health care process of 68.1% of morbid episodes involved several individuals. The involvement of the mother, the father and other relatives in the collective management of health care followed different logics. Each care-giver had a specific and complementary function depending on gender norms, intergenerational relations and characteristics of the family unit. Family management of illness aims at optimizing financial and human resources given the economic, logistical and social constraints on health care. Nevertheless, collective management also favoured home-based care, prevented good treatment compliance and delayed the resort to health facilities. These results suggest that health education campaigns should focus on an early involvement of fathers in health care-giving and also on the strengthening of the autonomy of mothers. Mothers' empowerment should give women more autonomy in their child's treatment choice. Lastly, there is a need to develop community health facilities and establish shared funding at the community level.  相似文献   

As a part of growing up, immature orangutans must acquire vast repertoires of skills and knowledge, a process that takes several years of observational social learning and subsequent practice. Adult female and male orangutans show behavioral differences including sex-specific foraging patterns and male-biased dispersal. We investigated how these differing life trajectories affect social interest and emerging ecological knowledge in immatures. We analyzed 15 years of detailed observational data on social learning, associations, and diet repertoires of 50 immatures (16 females and 34 males), from 2 orangutan populations. Specific to the feeding context, we found sex differences in the development of social interest: Throughout the dependency period, immature females direct most of their social attention at their mothers, whereas immature males show an increasing attentional preference for individuals other than their mothers. When attending to non-mother individuals, males show a significant bias toward immigrant individuals and a trend for a bias toward adult males. In contrast, females preferentially attend to neighboring residents. Accordingly, by the end of the dependency period, immature females show a larger dietary overlap with their mothers than do immature males. These results suggest that immature orangutans show attentional biases through which they learn from individuals with the most relevant ecological knowledge. Diversifying their skills and knowledge likely helps males when they move to a new area. In sum, our findings underline the importance of fine-grained social inputs for the acquisition of ecological knowledge and skills in orangutans and likely in other apes as well.

To understand the development and evolution of cognition of our closest relatives, we need to investigate their learning behavior during every-day life. This study finds that wild orangutan males and females differ in their social learning strategies and subsequent learning outcomes from an early age, underlining the general importance of, and the effects of sex on, social learning in non-human great apes.  相似文献   

If social learning is more efficient than independent individual exploration, animals should learn vital cultural skills exclusively, and routine skills faster, through social learning, provided they actually use social learning preferentially. Animals with opportunities for social learning indeed do so. Moreover, more frequent opportunities for social learning should boost an individual's repertoire of learned skills. This prediction is confirmed by comparisons among wild great ape populations and by social deprivation and enculturation experiments. These findings shaped the cultural intelligence hypothesis, which complements the traditional benefit hypotheses for the evolution of intelligence by specifying the conditions in which these benefits can be reaped. The evolutionary version of the hypothesis argues that species with frequent opportunities for social learning should more readily respond to selection for a greater number of learned skills. Because improved social learning also improves asocial learning, the hypothesis predicts a positive interspecific correlation between social-learning performance and individual learning ability. Variation among primates supports this prediction. The hypothesis also predicts that more heavily cultural species should be more intelligent. Preliminary tests involving birds and mammals support this prediction too. The cultural intelligence hypothesis can also account for the unusual cognitive abilities of humans, as well as our unique mechanisms of skill transfer.  相似文献   



The implementation of new medical knowledge into general practice is a complex process. Blended learning may offer an effective and efficient educational intervention to reduce the knowledge-to-practice gap. The aim of this study was to compare knowledge acquisition about dementia management between a blended learning approach using online modules in addition to quality circles (QCs) and QCs alone.


In this cluster-randomised trial with QCs as clusters and general practitioners (GPs) as participants, 389 GPs from 26 QCs in the western part of Germany were invited to participate. Data on the GPs' knowledge were obtained at three points in time by means of a questionnaire survey. Primary outcome was the knowledge gain before and after the interventions. A subgroup analysis of the users of the online modules was performed.


166 GPs were available for analysis and filled out a knowledge test at least two times. A significant increase of knowledge was found in both groups that indicated positive learning effects of both approaches. However, there was no significant difference between the groups. A subgroup analysis of the GPs who self-reported that they had actually used the online modules showed that they had a significant increase in their knowledge scores.


A blended learning approach was not superior to a QCs approach for improving knowledge about dementia management. However, a subgroup of GPs who were motivated to actually use the online modules had a gain in knowledge.

Trial registration

Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN36550981.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore adaptive learning networks as a contemporary means by which new resource management knowledge can develop through social learning forums. The paper draws upon recent discussions within two disparate literatures on indigenous knowledge and network theory and is grounded in fieldwork with two Anishinaabe First Nations in northwestern Ontario. The paper has three objectives. First, problematize the principle of representation as a basic way of including the knowledge of indigenous peoples within natural resource and environmental management. Second, utilize network theory as a way to weave together adaptive learning by individuals into a cross-cultural social learning process. Finally, propose an adaptive natural resources and environmental framework that brings together, through a social learning process, the different ways individuals, indigenous peoples and resource managers, perceive environmental change.  相似文献   

Networking during the early stages of the Levantine Neolithic appears to have been encouraged by increasing demands for exotics, i.e. non-local commodities. The actual exchange of merchandise stimulated also transmission of knowledge, i.e. innovations. Together these were instrumental in affecting the social fabric of society. It appears that specific geographic settings as well as large-scale communal edifices played a pivotal role in sustaining and promoting Neolithic networking.  相似文献   

To systematically investigate whether the inclusion of a bioethical discussion improves the learning and retention of biological content, students in two sections of an introductory zoology class were taught the biology behind emergency contraception and RU-486. Students in one section of the course participated in a bioethical discussion, whereas students in the other section participated in a content-only discussion. Pre- and postsurveys, response paragraphs, and a final exam were collected and used to examine the learning and retention of content knowledge. Results suggested that students who participated in a bioethical discussion of emergency contraception and RU-486 learned and retained information better than students who received content-only instruction. Interestingly, students who participated in the bioethical discussion also appeared to be more confident in their answers. The results of this study may inform the teaching practices and goals of science educators who would like to incorporate a discussion of bioethical issues into their curriculum but often feel that content coverage is paramount.  相似文献   

In Aotearoa New Zealand Māori land is often owned by communities and managed by trusts. Under communal ownership, trust managers are expected to provide for their communities in culturally responsive ways, using alternative land-related paradigms. In the context of Māori trust rural land management, geographic information systems (GIS) are seen as a beneficial resource to plan and support important decisions that have community-wide implications. For example, it is much easier to demonstrate visually the putative outcomes of spatial change to large numbers of people with the help of a GIS than it is to verbalise the effects of change. This paper reports on one aspect of such an application to a Māori trust-owned South Island farm, where a GIS-based multi-criteria analysis of terrain and proximity was conducted using also local botanical knowledge input to indicate optimal areas of growth for traditional medicinal plants. The analysis yielded very useful results, with positive feedback received from the local community. As well as the need to verify the approach empirically, there are plans underway to apply GIS in this way to other similarly-managed farms in Aotearoa New Zealand. However, in order to build a more comprehensive decision support resource for farm management, further plant species need to be modelled, and informed by a wider data set that includes detailed soil data.  相似文献   



Given the current emphasis on networks as vehicles for innovation and change in health service delivery, the ability to conceptualise and measure organisational enablers for the social construction of knowledge merits attention. This study aimed to develop a composite tool to measure the organisational context for evidence-based practice (EBP) in healthcare.


A structured search of the major healthcare and management databases for measurement tools from four domains: research utilisation (RU), research activity (RA), knowledge management (KM), and organisational learning (OL). Included studies were reports of the development or use of measurement tools that included organisational factors. Tools were appraised for face and content validity, plus development and testing methods. Measurement tool items were extracted, merged across the four domains, and categorised within a constructed framework describing the absorptive and receptive capacities of organisations.


Thirty measurement tools were identified and appraised. Eighteen tools from the four domains were selected for item extraction and analysis. The constructed framework consists of seven categories relating to three core organisational attributes of vision, leadership, and a learning culture, and four stages of knowledge need, acquisition of new knowledge, knowledge sharing, and knowledge use. Measurement tools from RA or RU domains had more items relating to the categories of leadership, and acquisition of new knowledge; while tools from KM or learning organisation domains had more items relating to vision, learning culture, knowledge need, and knowledge sharing. There was equal emphasis on knowledge use in the different domains.


If the translation of evidence into knowledge is viewed as socially mediated, tools to measure the organisational context of EBP in healthcare could be enhanced by consideration of related concepts from the organisational and management sciences. Comparison of measurement tools across domains suggests that there is scope within EBP for supplementing the current emphasis on human and technical resources to support information uptake and use by individuals. Consideration of measurement tools from the fields of KM and OL shows more content related to social mechanisms to facilitate knowledge recognition, translation, and transfer between individuals and groups.  相似文献   

The complex interrelationships among individuals within social environments can exert selection pressures on social skills: those behaviours and cognitive processes that allow animals to manipulate and out-reproduce others. Social complexity can also have a developmental effect on social skills by providing individuals with opportunities to hone their skills by dealing with the challenges posed in within-group interactions. We examined how social skills develop in captive, adult male brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) that were exposed to differing levels of 'social complexity' across a 2-year experiment. After each year, subjects housed in groups with dynamic social structure (where many individuals entered and exited the groups during the year) outcompeted birds who had been housed in static groups. Exposure to dynamic structure subsequently led to substantial changes to the social networks of the home conditions during the breeding season. Static groups were characterized by a predictable relationship between singing and reproductive success that was stable across years. In dynamic conditions, however, males showed significant variability in their dominance status, their courting and even in their mating success. Reproductive success of males varied dramatically across years and was responsive to social learning in adulthood, and socially dynamic environments 'trained' individuals to be better competitors, even at an age when the development of many traits important for breeding (like song quality) had ended.  相似文献   

Collective decision making often benefits both the individuals and the group in a variety of contexts. However, for the group to be successful, individuals should be able to strike a balance between their level of competence and their influence on the collective decisions. The hormone oxytocin has been shown to promote trust, conformism and attention to social cues. We wondered if this hormone may increase participants’ (unwarranted) reliance on their partners’ opinion, resulting in a reduction in collective benefit by disturbing the balance between influence and competence. To test this hypothesis we employed a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled design in which male dyads self-administered intranasal oxytocin or placebo and then performed a visual search task together. Compared to placebo, collective benefit did not decrease under oxytocin. Using an exploratory time dependent analysis, we observed increase in collective benefit over time under oxytocin. Moreover, trial-by-trial analysis showed that under oxytocin the more competent member of each dyad was less likely to change his mind during disagreements, while the less competent member showed a greater willingness to change his mind and conform to the opinion of his more reliable partner. This role-dependent effect may be mediated by enhanced monitoring of own and other’s performance level under oxytocin. Such enhanced social learning could improve the balance between influence and competence and lead to efficient and beneficial collaboration.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of three different instructional materials for learning how to identify fish at the species level in a blended classroom and out-of-classroom scenario. A sample of 195 first-year students of biology or geoecology at the University of Tuebingen participated in a course on identification of European freshwater fish species at a public aquarium. Prior to studying the species in the aquarium's fish tanks, students prepared themselves in a classroom nearby with one of three different learning materials: (1) preserved specimens and paper-based dichotomous identification keys; (2) digital videos; or (3) digital videos with preserved specimens and paper-based dichotomous identification keys. Students' acquisition of knowledge and their motivation were measured twice, once after preparing in the classroom and once after visiting the aquarium. Results showed that students who had prepared themselves with digital videos identified significantly more species correctly but were less motivated than those students who had learnt only with preserved specimens and dichotomous identification keys. When both instructional methods were combined students performed well in the post-tests and were motivated to learn, suggesting that the combination of both instructional approaches encourages motivation without any outcome losses.  相似文献   

Accounting for age-dependent patterns of knowledge transmission is critical for understanding cultural evolution in age-structured populations. Cultural evolution theory predicts which social learning biases we expect people to use, but much less often when—during a person's life cycle— different social learning biases will be used. By measuring knowledge and skill variation among age cohorts, it is possible to infer how people socially acquire different types of knowledge at different ages. We use this strategy among the Jenu Kuruba, a tribal community in South India. We document the accumulation of local knowledge required for collecting wild honey among 71 children and 125 adults from five communities. Combining quantitative measurements of knowledge with measures of four honey-collecting skills and self-reported data on learning age, we infer patterns of social learning across the lifecycle. We find that (1) most knowledge related to honey collecting is acquired by the early 20s, and later social learning mainly functions to update information; (2) the eldest cohort has the highest average explicit knowledge, although the most knowledgeable or skilled individuals do not always belong to the most elderly cohort; (3) length of learning can be affected by age-dependent trade-offs of costs and benefits to learners; and (4) children tend to learn from parents, but individuals use other demonstrators later in life. These results have implications for current models of cultural evolution.  相似文献   

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