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In many organisms, selection acts on synonymous codons to improve translation. However, the precise basis of this selection remains unclear in the majority of species. Selection could be acting to maximize the speed of elongation, to minimize the costs of proofreading, or to maximize the accuracy of translation. Using several data sets, we find evidence that codon use in Escherichia coli is biased to reduce the costs of both missense and nonsense translational errors. Highly conserved sites and genes have higher codon bias than less conserved ones, and codon bias is positively correlated to gene length and production costs, both indicating selection against missense errors. Additionally, codon bias increases along the length of genes, indicating selection against nonsense errors. Doublet mutations or replacement substitutions do not explain our observations. The correlations remain when we control for expression level and for conflicting selection pressures at the start and end of genes. Considering each amino acid by itself confirms our results. We conclude that selection on synonymous codon use in E. coli is largely due to selection for translational accuracy, to reduce the costs of both missense and nonsense errors.  相似文献   

Recognition of the stop codon by the translation machinery is essential to terminating translation at the right position and to synthesizing a protein of the correct size. Under certain conditions, the stop codon can be recognized as a coding codon promoting translation, which then terminates at a later stop codon. This event, called stop codon readthrough, occurs either by error, due to a dedicated regulatory environment leading to generation of different protein isoforms, or through the action of a readthrough compound. This review focuses on the mechanisms of stop codon readthrough, the nucleotide and protein environments that facilitate or inhibit it, and the therapeutic interest of stop codon readthrough in the treatment of genetic diseases caused by nonsense mutations.  相似文献   

The arrangement of the stop codon and its 3′-flanking codon relative to the components of translation termination complexes of human 80S ribosomes was studied using mRNA analogs containing the stop signal UPuPuPu (Pu is A or G) and the photoreactive perfluoroarylazido group, which was linked to a stop-signal or 3′-flanking nucleotide (positions from +4 to +9 relative to the first nucleotide of the P-site codon). Upon mild UV irradiation, the analogs crosslinked to components of the model complexes, mimicking the state of the 80S ribosome at translation termination. Termination factors eRF1 and eRF3 did not change the relative arrangement of the stop signal and 18S rRNA. Crosslinking to eRF1 was observed for modified nucleotides in positions +5 to +9 (that for stop-codon nucleotide +4 was detected earlier). The eRF1 fragments crosslinked to the mRNA analogs were identified. Fragment 52–195, including the N domain and part of the M domain, crosslinked to the analogs carrying the reactive group at A or G in positions +5 to +9 or at the terminal phosphate of nucleotide +7. The site crosslinking to mRNA analogs containing modified G in positions +5 to +7 was assigned to eRF1 fragment 82–166 (beyond the NIKS motif). All but one analog (that with modified G in position +4) crosslinked to the C domain of eRF1 (fragment 330–422). The efficiency of crosslinking to the C domain was higher than to the N domain in most cases. It was assumed that the C domain of eRF1 bound in the A site is close to nucleotides +5 to +9, especially +7 and +8, and that eRF1 undergoes substantial conformational changes when binding to the ribosome.  相似文献   

E S Poole  C M Brown    W P Tate 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(1):151-158
A statistical analysis of > 2000 Escherichia coli genes suggested that the base following the translational stop codon might be an important feature of the signal for termination. The strengths of each of 12 possible 'four base stop signals' (UAAN, UGAN and UAGN) were tested in an in vivo termination assay that measured termination efficiency by its direct competition with frameshifting. Termination efficiencies varied significantly depending on both the stop codon and the fourth base, ranging from 80 (UAAU) to 7% (UGAC). For both the UAAN and UGAN series, the fourth base hierarchy was U > G > A approximately C. UAG stop codons, which are used rarely in E. coli, showed efficiencies comparable with UAAN and UGAN, but differed in that the hierarchy of the fourth base was G > U approximately A > C. The rate of release factor selection varied 30-fold at UGAN stop signals, and 10-fold for both the UAAN and UAGN series; it correlated well with the frequency with which the different UAAN and UGAN signals are found at natural termination sites. The results suggest that the identity of the base following the stop codon determines the efficiency of translational termination in E. coli. They also provide a rationale for the use of the strong UAAU signal in highly expressed genes and for the occurrence of the weaker UGAC signal at several recording sites.  相似文献   

Protein release factors act like tRNA analogues in decoding translational stop signals. Statistical analysis of the sequences at translational stop sites and functional studies with particular signals indicate this mimicry involves an increase in the length of the signal in the mRNA. The base following the stop codon (+4 base) is of particular interest because it has a strong influence on the competitiveness of the stop signal at recoding sites, suggesting it might form part of the release factor recognition element. Site-directed crosslinking from the +4 base showed that it is in close proximity to the Escherichia coli release factor-2 in a termination complex, a prerequisite for the +4 base being part of the recognition element. Fingerprinting analysis indicates that crosslinking to the release factor occurred from both +1 and +4 positions of the stop signal in the same RNA molecule. This provides more evidence that the +4 base may be an integral part of the decoding signature in the mRNA during the termination phase of protein biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Interleukin 15 (IL-15) has shown remarkable biological properties of promoting NK- and T-cell activation and proliferation, as well as enhancing antitumor immunity of CD8(+) T cells in preclinical models. Here, we report the development of an E. coli cell line to express recombinant human Interleukin-15 (rhIL-15) for clinical manufacturing. Human IL-15 cDNA sequence was inserted into a pET28b plasmid and expressed in several E. coli BL21 strains. Through product quality comparisons among several E. coli strains, including E. coli BL21(DE3), BL21(DE3)pLysS, BLR(DE3)pLysS, and BL21-AI, E. coli BL21-AI was selected for clinical manufacturing. Expression optimization was carried out at shake flask and 20-L fermenter scales, and the product was expressed as inclusion bodies that were solubilized, refolded, and purified to yield active rhIL-15. Stop codons of the expression construct were further investigated after 15-20% of the purified rhIL-15 showed an extraneous peak corresponding to an extra tryptophan residue based on peptide mapping and mass spectrometry analysis. It was determined that the presence of an extra tryptophan was due to a stop codon wobble effect, which could be eliminated by replacing TGA (opal) stop codon with TAA (ochre). As a novel strategy, a simple method of demonstrating lack of tRNA suppressors in the production host cells was developed to validate the cells in this study. The E. coli BL21-AI cells containing the rhIL-15 coding sequence with a triplet stop codon TAATAATGA were banked for further clinical manufacturing.  相似文献   

The initiation and elongation stages of translation are directed by codon-anticodon interactions. In contrast, a release factor protein mediates stop codon recognition prior to polypeptide chain release. Previous studies have identified specific regions of eukaryotic release factor one (eRF1) that are important for decoding each stop codon. The cavity model for eukaryotic stop codon recognition suggests that three binding pockets/cavities located on the surface of eRF1's domain one are key elements in stop codon recognition. Thus, the model predicts that amino acid changes in or near these cavities should influence termination in a stop codon-dependent manner. Previous studies have suggested that the TASNIKS and YCF motifs within eRF1 domain one play important roles in stop codon recognition. These motifs are highly conserved in standard code organisms that use UAA, UAG, and UGA as stop codons, but are more divergent in variant code organisms that have reassigned a subset of stop codons to sense codons. In the current study, we separately introduced TASNIKS and YCF motifs from six variant code organisms into eRF1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to determine their effect on stop codon recognition in vivo. We also examined the consequences of additional changes at residues located between the TASNIKS and YCF motifs. Overall, our results indicate that changes near cavities two and three frequently mediated significant effects on stop codon selectivity. In particular, changes in the YCF motif, rather than the TASNIKS motif, correlated most consistently with variant code stop codon selectivity.  相似文献   

The suppression of stop codons (termed translational readthrough) can be caused by a decreased accuracy of translation elongation or a reduced efficiency of translation termination. In previous studies, the inability to determine the extent to which each of these distinct processes contributes to a readthrough phenotype has limited our ability to evaluate how defects in the translational machinery influence the overall termination process. Here, we describe the combined use of misincorporation and readthrough reporter systems to determine which of these mechanisms contributes to translational readthrough in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The misincorporation reporter system was generated by introducing a series of near-cognate mutations into functionally important residues in the firefly luciferase gene. These constructs allowed us to monitor the incidence of elongation errors by monitoring the level of firefly luciferase activity from a mutant allele inactivated by a single missense mutation. In this system, an increase in luciferase activity should reflect an increased level of misincorporation of the wild-type amino acid that provides an estimate of the overall fidelity of translation elongation. Surprisingly, we found that growth in the presence of paromomycin stimulated luciferase activity for only a small subset of the mutant proteins examined. This suggests that the ability of this aminoglycoside to induce elongation errors is limited to a subset of near-cognate mismatches. We also found that a similar bias in near-cognate misreading could be induced by the expression of a mutant form of ribosomal protein (r-protein) S9B or by depletion of r-protein L12. We used this misincorporation reporter in conjunction with a readthrough reporter system to show that alterations at different regions of the ribosome influence elongation fidelity and termination efficiency to different extents.  相似文献   

真核基因起始与终止密码子旁侧序列的特征对于确定cDNA开放阅读框架 (ORF)和预测基因组序列中的编码区 (CDS)非常重要。基于高质量RefSeq数据库 ,在较大数据规模下统计分析了起始密码子旁侧序列所具有的“Kozak规则” ,发现不同物种之间存在差别。同时分析了不同终止密码子旁侧序列的统计学特征 ,给出了相应的正则表达式。由于发现多种基因中存在同相位起始、终止密码子串联使用的情况 ,亦对此进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Details of the mechanism for ribosome synthesis have been incorporated in the single-cell Escherichia coli model, which enable us to predict the amount of protein synthesizing machinery under different environmental conditions. The predictions agree quite well with available experimental data. The model predicts that ribosomal protein limitations are important when the translational apparatus is in high demand. Ribosomal RNA synthesis is induced by an increase in translational activity, which, in turn, stimulates ribosomal protein synthesis. However, as the demand increases still more, the ribosomal protein mRNA must compete with the plasmid mRNA for ribosomes, and the efficiency of translation of ribosomal proteins is reduced. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The nucleotide context surrounding stop codons significantly affects the efficiency of translation termination. In eukaryotes, various 3′ contexts that are unfavorable for translation termination have been described; however, the exact molecular mechanism that mediates their effects remains unknown. In this study, we used a reconstituted mammalian translation system to examine the efficiency of stop codons in different contexts, including several previously described weak 3′ stop codon contexts. We developed an approach to estimate the level of stop codon readthrough in the absence of eukaryotic release factors (eRFs). In this system, the stop codon is recognized by the suppressor or near-cognate tRNAs. We observed that in the absence of eRFs, readthrough occurs in a 3′ nucleotide context-dependent manner, and the main factors determining readthrough efficiency were the type of stop codon and the sequence of the 3′ nucleotides. Moreover, the efficiency of translation termination in weak 3′ contexts was almost equal to that in the tested standard context. Therefore, the ability of eRFs to recognize stop codons and induce peptide release is not affected by mRNA context. We propose that ribosomes or other participants of the elongation cycle can independently recognize certain contexts and increase the readthrough of stop codons. Thus, the efficiency of translation termination is regulated by the 3′ nucleotide context following the stop codon and depends on the concentrations of eRFs and suppressor/near-cognate tRNAs.  相似文献   

The high-resolution NMR structure of the N-domain of human eRF1, responsible for stop codon recognition, has been determined in solution. The overall fold of the protein is the same as that found in the crystal structure. However, the structures of several loops, including those participating in stop codon decoding, are different. Analysis of the NMR relaxation data reveals that most of the regions with the highest structural discrepancy between the solution and solid states undergo internal motions on the ps-ns and ms time scales. The NMR data show that the N-domain of human eRF1 exists in two conformational states. The distribution of the residues having the largest chemical shift differences between the two forms indicates that helices α2 and α3, with the NIKS loop between them, can switch their orientation relative to the β-core of the protein. Such structural plasticity may be essential for stop codon recognition by human eRF1.  相似文献   

Translational efficiency in Escherichia coli is known to be strongly influenced by the secondary structure around the ribosome‐binding site and the initiation codon in the translational‐initiation region of the mRNA. Several quantitative studies have reported that translational efficiency is attributable to effects on ribosome accessibility predominantly caused by the secondary structure surrounding the ribosome‐binding site. However, the influence of mRNA secondary structure around regions downstream of the initiation codon on translational efficiency after ribosome‐binding step has not been quantitatively studied. Here, we quantitatively analyzed the relationship between secondary structure of mRNA surrounding the region downstream of the initiation codon, referred to as the downstream region (DR), and protein expression levels. Modified hairpin structures containing the initiation codon were constructed by site‐directed mutagenesis, and their effects on expression were analyzed in vivo. The minimal folding free energy (ΔG) of a local hairpin structure was found to be linearly correlated with the relative expression level over a range of fourfold change. These results demonstrate that expression level can be quantitatively controlled by changing the stability of the secondary structure surrounding the DR. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 611–616 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

改善大肠杆菌胞内氨基酰tRNA池提高外源基因表达水平   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
大肠杆菌是研究和高效表达异源蛋白的常用宿主细胞。由于大肠杆菌和真核生物及大部分古细菌在同义密码子上的使用有很大的差异,来源于真核或古细菌的外源基因在大肠杆菌中表达时,常常由于其带有稀有密码子而带来翻译方面的问题,如产生移码突变和表达量下降等,从而改变异源蛋白的表达质量和表达水平。在研究常见嗜热菌tRNA结构和组成的基础上,以古细菌α淀粉酶基因为例,采用增加有argU、ileY和leuWtRNA基因的大肠杆菌DE3为表达宿主,改善了胞内氨基酰tRNA池的大肠杆菌表达异源蛋白,表达量提高约9倍。  相似文献   

Stop codon readthrough (SCR) is the process of continuation of translation beyond the stop codon, generating protein isoforms with C-terminal extensions. SCR has been observed in viruses, fungi, and multicellular organisms, including mammals. However, SCR is largely unexplored in plants. In this study, we have analyzed ribosome profiling datasets to identify mRNAs that exhibit SCR in Arabidopsis thaliana. Analyses of the ribosome density, ribosome coverage, and three-nucleotide periodicity of the ribosome profiling reads in the mRNA region downstream of the stop codon provided strong evidence for SCR in mRNAs of 144 genes. We show that SCR generated putative evolutionarily conserved nuclear localization signals, transmembrane helices, and intrinsically disordered regions in the C-terminal extensions of several of these proteins. Furthermore, gene ontology functional enrichment analysis revealed that these 144 genes belong to three major functional groups—translation, photosynthesis, and abiotic stress tolerance. Using a luminescence-based readthrough assay, we experimentally demonstrated SCR in representative mRNAs belonging to each of these functional classes. Finally, using microscopy, we show that the SCR product of one gene that contains a nuclear localization signal at the C-terminal extension, CURT1B, localizes to the nucleus as predicted. Based on these observations, we propose that SCR plays an important role in plant physiology by regulating protein localization and function.  相似文献   

Dinucleotide frequencies are useful for characterizing consensus elements as a minimum unit of nucleotide sequence because the neighborhood relations of nucleotide sequences are reflected in dinucleotides. Using a consensus score based on dinucleotide frequencies and intra-species codon usage heterogeneity, denoted by the Z1 parameter, we report the relationship between nucleotide conservation at the translation initiation sites of genes in the Escherichia coli K-12 genome (W3110) and codon usage in its downstream genes. Significant positive correlations were obtained in three regions centered at -13, -4, and +7, which correspond to the Shine-Dalgarno element, the A + T element immediately upstream of the translation initiation site, and the downstream box, respectively.  相似文献   

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