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A previously reported postulate concerning the evolution of quinolizidine alkaloids and the detailed consideration of the chemical composition led to a revised dendrogram showing proposed phylogenetic relations within the subfamily Papilionoideae in general and the tribe Genisteae in particular.  相似文献   

Indole alkaloids can be characterized by skeletal specialization (S), determined upon consideration of their relative position on a biogenetic map and the number of their naturally occurring substitutional derivatives, as well as by oxidation level (O). The mean (S) and (O) for contained alkaloids of a given plant taxon are taken to represent evolutionary advancement parameters, respectively EAs and EAo.A correlation of these EAs/EAo values for tribes of the Apocynaceae-Plumerioideae reveals a chemical gradient, given by gradually increasing EAs and EAo values, to link Carisseae-Alstonieae-Rauvolfieae-Tabernaemontaneae.  相似文献   

The seeds of Camoensia brevicalyx have yielded five quinolizidine/indolizidine alkaloids. The known alkaloids camoensine and camoensidine and the n  相似文献   

Basic unsubstituted skeleta within biogenetic groups can be codified according to their position along biosynthetic pathways aligned in order of probability of occurrence. Correlation of the codified structural type with the taxa in which they are found is effected through frequency indices associated with the relative number of derivatives of the skeleton in the taxon and the relative number of subunits of the taxon which contain derivatives thereof. The benzyltetrahydroisoquinolines, a biogenetically related group of compounds, serves as example of the applicability of the method, which is part of an integrated system of expression of biochemical data in biological systematics.  相似文献   

Alkaloid extracts of Petteria ramentacea (leaves, fruits, stem) contained cytisine, N-methylcytisine, anagyrine as major alkaloids, and lupanine, 5,6-dehydrolupanine and rhombifoline as minor constituents. Aphids (Aphis cytisorum) feeding on this plant accumulated cytisine in a concentration of 21 mmol/kg fresh weight (0.4 %).  相似文献   

Iridoid evolution is postulated to involve a gradual increase in the state of oxidation. From this, it appears that the iridoid-containing dicotyledons bifurcated at a primitive stage near the Ericales into the Cornales, with an extension to a Dipsacales branch and a Gentianiflorae branch, and into the Lamiiflorae.  相似文献   

In the sequence of superorders Rutiflorae-Santaliflorae-Araliiflorae-Asteriflorae an increase in the mean oxidation state for each series of Cn-polyacetylenes and an extension in the range of the carbon atoms of these polyacetylenes in the direction of smaller numbers are observed. These trends of polyacetylene evolution also seem to be operative at lower hierarchic levels in the family Asteraceae.  相似文献   

Evidence from feeding experiments with lysine-[2-14C] and from metabolism experiments published previously suggest the operation of a gridlike conversion of quinolizidine alkaloids in Leguminosae. Using these results and the taxonomical distribution of alkaloids a metabolic grid was devised to explain the conversion of lysine into lupin alkaloids and their interconversions.  相似文献   

The alkaloids of the monotypic genus Robynsiophyton have been studied for the first time. Most of the quinolizidine alkaloids and esters of quinolizidine alkaloids found in the genus Pearsonia are also the major compounds in Robynsiophyton. These include lupanine, 3β-hydroxylupanine, lebeckianine, lupanine-13-angelate, cajanifoline, cryptanthine, sessilifoline and pearsonine. The results support the idea of a close affinity between Robynsiophyton, Pearsonia and Rothia. Except for the apparent absence of tigliate esters in Pearsonia, differences between the genera seem quantitative only.  相似文献   

Quinolizidine alkaloids from the curare adjuvant Clathrotropis glaucophylla   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bark of Clathrotropis glaucophylla (Fabaceae) is used as admixture of curare arrow poison by the Yanomami; Amerindians in Venezuela. A new quinolizidine alkaloid (QA), (-)-13alpha-hydroxy-15alpha-(1-hydroxyethyl)-anagyrine [(-)-clathrotropine], was isolated from the alkaloid extract of C. glaucophylla bark, together with eleven known QAs: (-)-anagyrine, (-)-thermopsine, (-)-baptifoline, (-)-epibaptifoline, (-)-rhombifoline, (-)-tinctorine, (-)-cytisine, (-)-N-methylcytisine, (-)-lupanine, (-)-6alpha-hydroxylupanine and (+)-5,6-dehydrolupanine. The isolation and structure elucidation were performed with the aid of chromatographic (TLC, HPLC and CC) and spectroscopic (UV and 1D/2D NMR) methods, and mass spectrometry. To our knowledge, this is the first time quinolizidine alkaloids have been isolated from an arrow poison ingredient. It is also the first report on Clathrotropis species being used for preparation of arrow poison.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry has been used to analyse the alkaloids present in the aerial parts of Genista tenera. Anagyrine, cytisine, N-formylcytisine, N-methylcytisine and lupanine were the major compounds, the last two alkaloids being known for their hypoglycaemic activity. Dehydrocytisine, 5,6-dehydrolupanine, rhombifoline, aphylline and thermopsine were the minor alkaloids. The characterisation of the constituents was based on comparison of their Kovats retention indexes and electron impact-mass spectrometric data recorded on-line with those of reference compounds and literature data.  相似文献   

Alkaloid profiles of extracts of fourteen papilionaceous species in the tribes Thermopsideae and Genisteae (sensu Polhill) have been determined. Altogether, eighteen quinolizidine alkaloids, representative of four structural groups, and one dipiperidine alkaloid were identified among the legumes studied. The chemotaxonomic implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

Total DNA was extracted from 67 species (30 genera) of the subfamily Papilionoideae (family Leguminosae). The rbcL gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced directly. RbcL sequences were evaluated with character-state (maximum parsimony; PAUP) and distance methods (neighbour-joining; MEGA). Morphology-based classifications of tribes and subtribes are mostly congruent with rbcL phylogeny. Differences occur for members of the genus Sophora and for intratribal relationships within the Genista/Cytisus complex: Sophora appears in two clades; one clade with S. japonica at the base of the Papilionoideae and a second more advanced group (with S. davidii, S. jaubertii, and S.flavescens) which represents a sister clade of the Thermopsideae. The Cytisus complex includes the genera Cytisus, Chamaecytisus, Calicotome and Spartocytisus but not Cytisophyllum which appears as a distinct member of the Genista complex. Chamaespartium sagittale is very close to Genista supporting the view that it does not represent an independent genus but should be treated as Genista sagittalis. Close to Genista are Teline and Spartium, whereas Argyrolobium, Retama, Cytisophyllum, Ulex, Petteria, Adenocarpus, Chamaespartium tridentatum and Laburnum can be considered as “outliers” of the Genista-group sensu stricto. RbcL phylogeny is compared with profiles of alkaloids and other natural products. First results indicate that secondary metabolite profiles, if compared with morphology or rbcL sequences, are of limited value as a taxonomic marker.  相似文献   

Five species of the leguminosae produced radioactive lupine alkaloids after feeding with dl-lysine-[2-14C]. Saturated alkaloids and compounds with a pyridone ring were radioactive. The specific radioactivity of the isolated compounds provides evidence that conversion of lysine into the saturated alkaloids, and by further oxidation to compounds both with a pyridone ring and without a d ring.  相似文献   

黄花棘豆的喹诺里西定生物碱   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
豆科棘豆属有毒植物含多种有毒生物碱,有关棘豆属中生物碱成分的研究,早在1929年Couch由兰伯氏棘豆(Oxytropis lambertii DC.)中分离到一种多羟基化的含氮有机化合物,这是最早报道由棘豆属植物中分离出的生物碱成分,由于当时条件限制未能确定其结构。1982年美国农业部西部研究中心的植物化学家Molyneux从绢毛棘豆(Oxytropis sericea)中分离到苦马豆碱(swainsonine)等吲哚里西定生物碱(indolizidinealkaloids);1989年沈阳药学院于荣敏等由小花棘豆(Oxytropis glabra DC.)中分离出多种喹诺里西定生物碱。喹诺里西定生物碱具有多种生理活性,对试验动物中枢神经系统产生抑制,呼吸抑制或兴奋,致幻、流产和致畸等作用。本文报道由黄花棘豆(Oxytropis ochrocephala Bunge)中测得4种喹诺里西定生物碱。  相似文献   

The presence of alkaloids in six species of Brongniartia and three species of Harpalyce is reported. This survey revealed remarkable qualitative differences in the alkaloid profiles of these two genera. B. discolor, B. lupinoides, B. sousae and B. intermedia showed a typical -pyridone pattern, with cytisine, anagyrine and baptifoline as major alkaloids. In leaves of the first three species ormosanine-type alkaloids occurred additionally. B. flava and B. vazquezii are devoid of -pyridones, but accumulate lupanine, hydroxylated lupanines and ester alkaloids. All three species of Harpalyce were similar in accumulating -pyridones, but H. formosa differed from H. brasiliana and H. pringlei in the presence of epilupinine. In general the alkaloid profiles of Brongniartia and Harpalyce show similarities to those of the Australian genera Hovea, Lamprolobium, Plagiocarpus and Templetonia and support therefore the actual concept of the enlarged tribe Brongniartieae.  相似文献   

In a leaf survey of 54 specimens of 11 Old World Lupinus species three classes of flavonoids were detected: flavones (in 82%), flavonols (in 36%) and flavone C-glycosides (in 55%). The rough-seeded species were clearly distinguished from the smooth-seeded taxa by the presence of a novel 2′-hydroxyflavone, luteolin and flavone C-glycosides as major leaf constituents and by the absence of flavonols. Within the smooth-seeded species, there are three flavonoid patterns: (a) flavonols only, L. albus; (b) flavones and flavonols, L. luteus, L. hispanicus and L. angustifolius; and (c) flavones only, L. micranthus. L. angustifolius further differed in uniquely producing diosmetin as a major leaf constituent. These divisions coincide exactly with previous groupings based on alkaloidal and morphological data. Amongst the 12 samples of L. angustifolius three chemical races were distinguished and a number of diosmetin glucoside malate esters detected. The flower flavonoid aglycone patterns of the nine Old World species surveyed differed markedly from the corresponding leaf profiles by the presence of flavones: luteolin and apigenin in eight and chrysoeriol in seven species as major constituents, while flavone C-glycosides were found only in trace amount in three species. In a leaf flavonoid survey of 13 representative New World Lupinus taxa, glycoflavones were major leaf components, a variety of methylated flavones were identified and flavonols were absent. The presence of the novel 2′-hydroxyflavone in five New World species may indicate some evolutionary link with the rough seeded taxa of the Old World.  相似文献   

Quinolizidine alkaloids were surveyed in 22 plant samples, representing nineOrmosia species and up to five different plant parts per species, using combined gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. The detected alkaloids were classified into 40 structural types. There was a remarkable degree of dissimilarity of alkaloid-type profiles between any two plant samples, including those obtained from the same species and even from a single tree. The similarity of alkaloid-type profiles among the studied samples varied between 0% and 79% (Jaccard similarity coefficient). Of chemotaxonomic interest was the finding of acosmine inO. isthmensis, which previously had been reported only from the related genusAcosmium. Furthermore, the alkaloid-type profile ofO. panamensis seeds was distinct from that of all other samples, supporting the hypothesis that this species is only distantly related to the other Latin AmericanOrmosia species.  相似文献   

A taxonomic procedure, applicable to biogenetic groups (BG) of secondary metabolities, involves initially the determination of the relative probability of occurrence (RPO) with respect to skeleton and substitution for each compound of the BG. The means of the RPO-values of the constituents represent the evolutionary advancement parameters (EAP) of the species. Consideration of the EAPs and of the chemical composition leads to the classification of species along chemical lines. This procedure, which is independent of morphological evidence, applied to isoflavonoids, suggests the sequence of structural changes which accompany the evolution of this BG in nature, and, used as an auxiliary criterion to the conventional morphological classification, provides the basis for understanding of the evolutionary development in the Lotoideae.  相似文献   

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