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Adamussium colbecki is one of the most well-studied Antarctic molluscs. However, information on its growth rate is currently based on estimates from mark and recapture experiments and from growth-ring analyses. This paper provides the first estimates of the growth pattern of this scallop throughout a year, for individuals maintained under both natural field and laboratory conditions. Results show size-related differences in growth rate, both in the field and in aquaria, with scallops in Terra Nova Bay growing faster than those kept in aquaria. Growth performances were lower than those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Annual growth rates of Antarctic marine organisms are low compared to their relatives from warmer waters. Previous studies hypothesise that high food availability during austral spring–summer may enable Antarctic invertebrates to attain comparatively high short-term growth rates despite the low temperature. Neither a temperature-growth experiment with juvenile Adamussium colbecki (Smith 1902) nor the comparison of A. colbecki summer growth rates with an empirical scallop specific growth-to-temperature relationship could confirm this hypothesis. Hence, summer growth rates of young, immature A. colbecki are strongly affected by temperature, i.e. no uncoupling from temperature.  相似文献   

The escape swimming performance of the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki, was measured in animals acclimated for 6 weeks to –1, 0 or 2°C and tested at –1.5 to +1.5°C. Clap duration and swimming velocity were significantly related to temperature, but were not affected by acclimation, demonstrating no phenotypic plasticity. Comparisons of the mean swimming velocity of A. colbecki with the published data for temperate and tropical species showed little evidence for evolutionary compensation for temperature, with all data fitting to a single exponential relationship with a Q10 of 2.08 (0–20°C). The contraction kinetics of the isolated fast adductor muscle of A. colbecki were determined and the times to 50% peak tension and 50% relaxation had Q10s (0–4°C) of 3.6 and 4.7, respectively. The Q10 of the overall relationship for pooled time to peak twitch data for four scallop species was 2.05 (0–20°C). Field studies revealed low mobility and poor escape performance in wild A. colbecki. A combination of thermodynamic constraints, reduced food supply, and lower selective pressure probably explains the low levels of swimming performance seen in A. colbecki.  相似文献   

Odierna G  Aprea G  Barucca M  Canapa A  Capriglione T  Olmo E 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):341-349
Karyotype, location of the nucleolar organiser region (NOR) and heterochromatin presence and composition were studied in the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki Smith, 1902. The karyotype exhibits 2n = 38 chromosomes with 11 pairs of metacentrics, 5 of submetacentrics, one subtelocentric and two telocentrics. Ag–NOR, CMA3, DA/MM and NOR–FISH evidenced paracentromeric NORs on the short arm of 2nd pair chromosomes. Digestion with three restriction endonucleases followed by sequential staining with Giemsa, CMA3 and DAPI evidenced on all chromosomes centromeric heterochromatin positive for both DAPI and CMA3. In situ hybridisation analysis showed the presence of an AT-rich satellite DNA in the centromeric heterochromatin of several chromosomes. A mosaicism was detected in the germinal cell lines of one specimen, as in six of the 20 plates examined the set had 37 chromosomes with a missing pair of telocentrics and an unpaired metacentric. Comparison of the chromosome sets of all the pectinids studied to date and comparison with a phyletic tree obtained from molecular mitochondrial genes studies yielded good agreement between karyotype morphology and taxonomic classification.  相似文献   

A cadmium-binding protein was purified from the digestive gland of the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki, and biochemically characterized. Purification procedures included gel permeation and anion exchange chromatography, followed by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results demonstrate that the A. colbecki cadmium-binding protein has the general properties of metallothioneins: low molecular weight of about 10 kDa, spectroscopic features typical of cadmium thiolate clusters and high metal (cadmium) content. Analysis of amino acid composition reveals the absence of aromatic amino acids, histidine, methionine and arginine. Asparagine and glutamine are also absent. The A. colbecki metallothionein shows high levels of glycine (14%), aspartic acid (14%), glutamic acid (11%) and a low lysine content (4%); the A. colbecki metallothionein shows a lower cysteine content (12%) compared to other metallothioneins (17–30%) purified from both vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. The presence of a metallothionein in the digestive gland of A. colbecki suggests that in cold-ocean-adapted molluscs the heavy metal homeostasis mechanisms may have evolved similarly to those of organisms living in temperate marine environments, although the A. colbecki cadmium-binding protein shows a typical amino acidic composition that might reflect a peculiar physiological role. Accepted: 7 August 2000  相似文献   

Summary Some benthic foraminifers in Explorers Cove, Antarctica, occur both in the sediment and on hard objects such as rocks and invertebrates. The abundances of four of these foraminiferal species have been measured from sediment samples and from the upper valve of the pecten Adamussium colbecki. The two calcareous species, Cibicides refulgens and Rosalina globularis were more abundant on the pecten shells than the sediment: the agglutinated species, Trochammina ochracea and T. malovensis were more abundant in the sediment. A zone of low foraminiferal density was observed around the outer margin of each shell, but no evidence of an influence of pecten feeding currents on the foraminiferal distributions was found. The size of the pecten shell influenced the density of epizoic foraminifers colonizing it; large shells (area >43 cm2) supported much higher densities than smaller ones.  相似文献   

Regoli  F.  Nigro  M.  Bertoli  E.  Principato  G.  Orlando  E. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,355(1-3):139-144
Since a general pathway of toxicity induced bypollutants is the enhancement of reactive oxygenspecies, biochemical responses associated withvariations in the antioxidant cellular system havebeen often proposed as biomarkers ofpollutant-mediated toxicity associated with oxidativestress. Antarctic organisms live in an extremeenvironment characterized by low water temperature,high level of dissolved oxygen, presence of ice andstrong seasonal changes in light intensity andavailability of food, conditions which could influenceboth the formation of reactive oxygen species and themechanisms for their removal. In this respect andconsidering the utility of this as a key species formonitoring marine Antarctic environment it was ofinterest to investigate the antioxidant defense systemof the scallop Adamussium colbecki.The parameters examined in the digestive gland of thescallop were the concentration of glutathione and theactivity of several glutathione dependent andantioxidant enzymes (glyoxalase I and II, glutathioneS-transferases, glutathione peroxidases, glutathionereductase, catalase, superoxide dismutase). Very highlevels of catalase suggest a possible adaptation toAntarctic extreme conditions, while the highactivities of glutathione S-transferases are moreprobably related to the feeding behavior of Pectinids.Enzymes from Adamussium colbecki generallyappeared to be active at low temperatures but, with afew exceptions, their activities increased with risingtemperature. Exposure of A. colbecki tosublethal concentrations of Cu or Hg resulted in asignificant reduction in the levels of totalglutathione and in the activity of catalase andglutathione S-transferases. Antioxidant responses ofA. colbecki could represent a useful tool inassessing the biological impact of environmentalpollutants in the Antarctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

 The scallop Adamussium colbecki can be profitably used for monitoring Antarctic coastal environments but its utility would be increased if chemical analyses of pollutants were integrated with data on their biological effects. Since oxidative stress is a common pathway of toxicity induced by xenobiotics, a preliminary biochemical characterization was carried out on the antioxidant system of this species and baseline data collected for future assessment of the anthropogenic impact in this remote area. The digestive gland and gills were investigated for levels of glutathione and the activity of several glutathione-dependent and antioxidant enzymes: gluthathione reductase, EC; glyoxalase I, EC; glyoxalase II, EC; gluthathione S-transferases, EC; Se-dependent, EC and Se-independent, EC gluta-thione peroxidases; catalase, EC; and super-oxide dismutase, EC The same enzymatic activities were measured for comparison in the Mediterranean molluscs Mytilus galloprovincialis and Pecten jacobaeus. Very high levels of glutathione S-transferases were found in the digestive gland of both species of scallop compared to mussels, suggesting the importance of different feeding behaviour among these molluscs. However, catalase activity, much higher in Adamussium colbecki than in the Mediterranean molluscs, may represent a biochemical adaptation to the Antarctic marine environment with high levels of dissolved oxygen. Enzymes from the Antarctic species appeared to be generally more active at low temperatures but, with a few exceptions, their activities increased at higher temperatures. Received: 20 March 1996/Accepted: 29 May 1996  相似文献   

Cell calcium is accumulated in intracellular stores by sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPases functionally interacting with the membrane lipid environment. Cold adaptations of membrane lipids in Antarctic Sea organisms suggest possible adaptive effects also on sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPases. We investigated the SR Ca2+ ATPase of an Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki, by characterising the enzyme activity and studying temperature effects. Ca2+ ATPase, assayed by following ATP hydrolysis, was thapsigargin- and vanadate-sensitive, showed maximum activity under 2 μM Ca2+, 200 mM KCl and pH 7.2, and had a K M for ATP of 22 ± 7 μM. Temperature effects showed an Arrhenius inversion between −1.8 and 0°C, indicating cold adaptation, an Arrhenius break at 10°C, and a collapse above 20°C. A. colbecki accumulates high amounts of cadmium in the digestive gland; heavy metal effects on sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPases were therefore tested, finding an IC50 = 0.9 μM for Hg2+ and 3 μM for Cd2+. Finally, SDS-PAGE analysis showed a main band at about 100 kDa, which was identified as sarco-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase after trypsin digestion, and accounted for 60% total protein. Accepted: 10 December 1998  相似文献   

We report on an accumulation of mummified southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) from Inexpressible Island on the Victoria Land Coast (VLC), western Ross Sea, Antarctica. This accumulation is unusual, as elephant seals typically breed and molt on sub‐Antarctic islands further north and do not currently occupy the VLC. Prior ancient DNA analyses revealed that these seals were part of a large, Antarctic breeding population that crashed ~1,000 yr ago. Radiocarbon dates for Inexpressible Island mummies range from 380 to 3,270 yr before present, too old to have been created by Scott's Northern Party in 1912 and varying too widely in age to represent a catastrophic death assemblage. Skeletal measurements reveal that most Inexpressible Island mummies are adult or subadult males. The presence of male elephant seals on Inexpressible Island until several hundred years ago suggests that, at a minimum, it served as a haul‐out site for the large Antarctic population and may have hosted a breeding colony. The conditions that allowed this Antarctic population to use the Ross Sea, the factors spurring its decline, and the implications for the adaptability and sensitivity of the species to environmental change all merit further study.  相似文献   

Canapa A  Barucca M  Cerioni PN  Olmo E 《Gene》2000,247(1-2):175-180
The DNA of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki was found to contain a highly repeated sequence identifiable upon restriction with endonuclease BglII. The monomeric unit - denominated pACS (about 170bp long) - was cloned. Southern blot hybridization yielded a ladder-like banding pattern, indicating that the repeated elements are tandemly arranged in the genome and therefore represent a sequence of satellite DNA.Sequence analysis of five different clones revealed the presence of various subfamilies, some of which showed a high degree of divergence. In each clone, regions homologous to the mammalian CENP-B box were observed. A region homologous to the CDEIII centromeric sequence of yeast was also found in one of the clones. These observations suggest a relationship of the pACS family to the centromeric area in A. colbecki.  相似文献   

Geochemical processes in the Lake Fryxell Basin (Victoria Land,Antarctica)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Major ion, nutrient, transition metal, and cadmium concentrations are presented for nine meltwater streams flowing into Lake Fryxell, a permanently stratified lake with an anoxic hypolimnion in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. For the major ions, stream compositions are considered in terms of dissolution of marine-derived salts and chemical weathering of local rocks. Although Lake Fryxell has undergone significant evaporative concentration, only calcite, of the simple salts, is predicted to precipitate. Geochemical budgets indicate, however, that large quantities of K, Mg, and SO4 have also been removed from the lake. Reverse weathering may be an important sink for K and Mg, although magnesium removal with calcium carbonate phases is also likely. Assuming constancy of composition over recent geologic time, all of the salts in the Fryxell water column could have been delivered under present flows in about three thousand years (chloride age).Comparison of nutrient concentrations in these meltwater streams with other flowing waters in the world reveals that the Fryxell streams are strikingly deficient in NO3-N but not PO4-P. The apparent nitrogen deficiency in Lake Fryxell itself can be attributed to the low annual stream loadings of this nutrient.Stream concentrations and loadings are also presented for Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Cd. Dissolved metal concentrations correlate roughly with average crustal abundances, suggesting that chemical weathering is the major source for these elements. Vertical metal profiles within Lake Fryxell itself appear to be governed by the formation of insoluble sulfide phases, or, in the case of Mn, by MnHPO4. However, dissolved nickel levels in sulfide-bearing waters are much higher than can be explained in terms of metal-sulfide equilibria, and we suspect that significant organic complexing of this metal is occurring in the deeper waters.  相似文献   

We describe the acetylcholinesterase polymorphisms of two bivalve molluscs, Adamussium colbecki and Pecten jacobaeus. The research was aimed to point out differences in the expression of pesticide-resistant acetylcholinesterase forms in organisms living in different ecosystems such as the Ross Sea (Antarctica) and the Mediterranean Sea. In A. colbecki, distinct acetylcholinesterase molecular forms were purified and characterized from spontaneously soluble, low-salt-soluble and low-salt-Triton extracts from adductor muscle and gills. They consist of two non-amphiphilic acetylcholinesterases (G(2), G(4)) and an amphiphilic-phosphatidylinositol-membrane-anchored form (G(2)); a further amphiphilic-low-salt-soluble G(2) acetylcholinesterase was found only in adductor muscle. In the corresponding tissues of P. jacobaeus, we found a non-amphiphilic G(4) and an amphiphilic G(2) acetylcholinesterase; amphiphilic-low-salt-soluble acetylcholinesterases (G(2)) are completely lacking. Such results are related with differences in cell membrane lipid compositions. In both scallops, all non-amphiphilic AChEs are resistant to used pesticides. Differently, the adductor muscle amphiphilic forms are resistant to carbamate eserine and organophosphate diisopropylfluorophosphate, but sensitive to organophoshate azamethiphos. In the gills of P. jacobaeus, amphiphilic G(2) forms are sensitive to all three pesticides, while the corresponding forms of A. colbecki are sensitive to eserine and diisopropylfluorophosphate, but resistant to azamethiphos. Results indicate that organophosphate and/or carbamate resistant AChE forms are present in species living in far different and far away environments. The possibility that these AChE forms could have ensued from a common origin and have been spread globally by migration is discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 253 hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacterial isolates were achieved from eight Antarctic surface seawater samples enriched on diesel oil at 4°C. Isolates were screened by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis prior to 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Sequences were compared to those in available databases using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool network service to determine their approximate phylogenetic affiliations. The majority of the isolates were affiliated to the Actinobacteria (75.9%) and the Gamma-Proteobacteria (22.9%). The Alpha- and Beta-Proteobacteria represented 0.8 and 0.4% of total isolates, respectively. The Actinobacteria were predominantly allocated to the genera Arthrobacter, Cryobacterium and Rhodococcus. The Gamma-Proteobacteria were mainly found to be related to the genus Pseudomonas. Conversely, the Alpha- and Beta-Proteobacterial isolates shared the highest degree of sequence identity with unclassified bacteria. Differences in the distribution of the detected phylotypes were observed among the analyzed samples. Isolates representing each phylotype were selected for further characterization, including phenotypic assays and screening for the growth ability in the presence of individual hydrocarburic substrates as the sole supplied carbon and energy source. Isolates possessed different patterns of substrate utilization. Aliphatic hydrocarbons supported the growth of a higher number of isolates than aromatics. Results confirm the ability of our Antarctic marine bacteria to utilize hydrocarbons at low temperature and therefore suggesting that isolates with different substrate specificities can act in nature as a consortium in the utilization of complex hydrocarburic mixtures.  相似文献   

We sequenced the mitochondrial (mt) DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene to examine comparative phylogeographic patterns for the springtail Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni and the mite Stereotydeus mollis throughout their ranges in southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Our aim was to extend previous genetic work to encompass a large ice-free area in the Dry Valleys. In particular, we sought to determine if this new region harboured high levels of genetic diversity and if patterns of genetic structure were congruent across taxa. Phylogenetic and nested clade analyses for G. hodgsoni and S. mollis showed similar patterns of population sub-structuring among locations and highlighted several potential refugia that may have existed during glacial maxima. We identified greater levels of genetic divergence in S. mollis and suggest that there is a nucleotide substitution (mutation) rate difference between S. mollis and G. hodgsoni, and/or that S. mollis has had a longer association with the Antarctic landscape.  相似文献   

Benthic algal mats and phytoplankton of Lake Gondwana (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) were investigated. Biomass, chlorophyll content and floristic analyses were carried out on algal mats. The mats are composed of two layers different in colour, floristic composition and chlorophyll content. The algal flora of the mats amount to 34 taxa (19 Cyanophyta, 7 Bacillariophyta, 8 Chlorophyta). The phytoplankton community is species-poor (only 5 taxa). Crytophyta account for about 98% of total algal density.  相似文献   

The importance of epibiosis in Antarctic benthic communities is highlighted here considering the specific diversity of sponges living on shells of the scallop Adamussium colbecki and on spines of the cidaroid urchin Ctenocidaris perrieri. Scallops are from three different areas along the Victoria Land [Tethys Bay (TB), New Harbour (NH), Dunlop Island (DI)], while cidaroid urchins are from NH but not present in the two other stations. Homaxinella balfourensis is the commonest species both on the scallops and cidaroid urchins. Other common species on scallops are Myxilla (Myxilla) asigmata, Lissodendoryx (Ectyodoryx) nobilis and Iophon unicorne at NH, Iophon unicorne at DI, and Iophon radiatum, Haliclona sp. 1, Iophon unicorne and Lissodendoryx (Ectyodoryx) nobilis at TB. The highest number of sponge species we found on a single scallop was ten and the sample was collected at NH. On the spines of C. perrieri, Isodictya erinacea, Iophon unicorne and Haliclona (Rhizoniera) dancoi are present too. A. colbecki and C. perrieri, generally living on soft bottoms, represent important substrata for several sponge species. In this way, sponges may increase their dispersal exploiting valves and spines as stepping stones.  相似文献   

The glacier-fed ephemeral streams of southern Victoria Land (ca. 78° S, 64° E) are colonised by an epilithon dominated by cyanobacterial mats and films. Biomass levels are often high (> 15 µg Chl a · cm–2). The mat structure, pigment and photosynthetic characteristics of these communities have been investigated on site. The mats in high light environments have a layered structure with high levels of light shielding accessory pigments in the upper layers and elevated chlorophyll a and phycocyanin concentrations in the lower layers. Photosynthetic rates per unit area (0.4–3.5 µg C · cm– 2 · hr–1) fall within the range reported for temperate communities. P vs I curves were used to separate high, intermediate and low light communities. Ik values for high light communities were at or lower than PAR recorded at midnight in the polar midsummer (ca 100 µ E m–2 · s–1). We did not detect photoinhibitory responses at the midday light intensities. In situ continuous nutrient enrichment experiments failed to demonstrate N or P limitation to pigment content or photosynthetic rates. We suggest that the growth of these communities is controlled by factors other than light and nutrients.  相似文献   

The terrestrial ecosystems of Victoria Land, Antarctica are characteristically simple in terms of biological diversity and ecological functioning. Nematodes are the most commonly encountered and abundant metazoans of Victoria Land soils, yet little is known of their diversity and distribution. Herein we present a summary of the geographic distribution, habitats and ecology of the terrestrial nematodes of Victoria Land from published and unpublished sources. All Victoria Land nematodes are endemic to Antarctica, and many are common and widely distributed at landscape scales. However, at smaller spatial scales, populations can have patchy distributions, with the presence or absence of each species strongly influenced by specific habitat requirements. As the frequency of nematode introductions to Antarctica increases, and soil habitats are altered in response to climate change, our current understanding of the environmental parameters associated with the biogeography of Antarctic nematofauna will be crucial to monitoring and possibly mitigating changes to these unique soil ecosystems.  相似文献   

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