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《The Journal of cell biology》1987,105(6):2535-2541
Cellular migration is an essential component of invasive biological processes, many of which have been correlated with an increase in plasminogen activator production. Endothelial cell migration occurs in vivo during repair of vascular lesions and angiogenesis, and can be induced in vitro by wounding a confluent monolayer of cells. By combining the wounded monolayer model with a substrate overlay technique, we show that cells migrating from the edges of an experimental wound display an increase in urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) activity, and that this activity reverts to background levels upon cessation of movement, when the wound has closed. Our results demonstrate a direct temporal relationship between endothelial cell migration and uPA activity, and suggest that induction of uPA activity is a component of the migratory process.  相似文献   

Summary When grown in confrontation culture on a planar substratum, avian neural crest cells and somite cells display both homotypic and heterotypic contact inhibition of movement as judged by analysis of time-lapse video recordings of locomotory and contact behaviour, and by use of a nuclear overlap assay. It is therefore unlikely that migration of neural crest cells within the embryo, and within embryonic tissues, can be explained on the basis of a lack of contact inhibition. The results are discussed in the general context of cell invasiveness.  相似文献   

The prosencephalon, or embryonic forebrain, grows within a mesenchymal matrix of local paraxial mesoderm and of neural crest cells (NCC) derived from the posterior diencephalon and mesencephalon. Part of this NCC population forms the outer wall of capillaries within the prosencephalic leptomeninges and neuroepithelium itself. The surgical removal of NCC from the anterior head of chick embryos leads to massive cell death within the forebrain neuroepithelium during an interval that precedes its vascularization by at least 36 hours. During this critical period, a mesenchymal layer made up of intermingled mesodermal cells and NCC surround the neuroepithelium. This layer is not formed after anterior cephalic NCC ablation. The neuroepithelium then undergoes massive apoptosis. Cyclopia ensues after forebrain deterioration and absence of intervening frontonasal bud derivatives. The deleterious effect of ablation of the anterior NC cannot be interpreted as a deficit in vascularization because it takes place well before the time when blood vessels start to invade the neuroepithelium. Thus the mesenchymal layer itself exerts a trophic effect on the prosencephalic neuroepithelium. In an assay to rescue the operated phenotype, we found that the rhombencephalic but not the truncal NC can successfully replace the diencephalic and mesencephalic NC. Moreover, any region of the paraxial cephalic mesoderm can replace NCC in their dual function: in their early trophic effect and in providing pericytes to the forebrain meningeal blood vessels. The assumption of these roles by the cephalic neural crest may have been instrumental in the rostral expansion of the vertebrate forebrain over the course of evolution.  相似文献   

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a common human genetic disease involving various neural crest (NC)-derived cell types, in particular, Schwann cells and melanocytes. The gene responsible for NF1 encodes the protein neurofibromin, which contains a domain with amino acid sequence homology to the ras-guanosine triphosphatase activating protein, suggesting that neurofibromin may play a role in intracellular signaling pathways regulating cellular proliferation or differentiation, or both. To determine whether neurofibromin plays a role in NC cell development, we used antibodies raised against human neurofibromin fusion proteins in western blot and immunocytochemical studies of early avian embryos. These antibodies specifically recognized the 235 kD chicken neurofibromin protein, which was expressed in migrating trunk and cranial NC cells of early embryos (E1.5 to E2), as well as in endothelial and smooth muscle cells of blood vessels and in a subpopulation of non-NC-derived cells in the dermamyotome. At slightly later stages (E3 to E5), neurofibromin immunostaining was observed in various NC derivatives, including dorsal root ganglia and peripheral nerves, as well as non-NC-derived cell types, including heart, skeletal muscle, and kidney. At still later stages (E7 to E9), neurofibromin immunoreactivity was found in almost all tissues in vivo. To determine whether the levels of neurofibromin changed during melanocyte and Schwann cell development, tissue culture experiments were performed. Cultured NC cells were found to express neurofibromin at early time points in culture, but the levels of immunoreactivity decreased as the cells underwent pigmentation. Schwann cells, on the other hand, continued to express neurofibromin in culture. These data suggest, therefore, that neurofibromin may play a role in the development of both NC cells and a variety of non-NC-derived tissues. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The cephalic neural crest (NC) of vertebrate embryos yields a variety of cell types belonging to the neuronal, glial, melanocytic and mesectodermal lineages. Using clonal cultures of quail migrating cephalic NC cells, we demonstrated that neurons and glial cells of the peripheral nervous system can originate from the same progenitors as cartilage, one of the mesectodermal derivatives of the NC. Moreover, we obtained evidence that the migrating cephalic NC contains a few highly multipotent precursors that are common to neurons, glia, cartilage and pigment cells and which we interprete as representative of a stem cell population. In contrast, other NC cells, although provided with identical culture conditions, give rise to clones composed of only one or some of these cell types. These cells thus appear restricted in their developmental potentialities compared to multipotent cells. It is therefore proposed that, in vivo, the active proliferation of pluripotent NC cells during the migration process generates distinct subpopulations of cells that become progressively committed to different developmental fates.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (ConA) binds preferentially with -mannopyranosyl sugar residues on the plasma membrane. Embryonic cells are agglutinated in the presence of ConA while adult cells are not. When cultured neural crest cells are treated with various concentrations of this agglutinin throughout maturation, migration and differentiation are inhibited. The inhibition depends both on time and on concentration of ConA. Synthesis of both protein and DNA proceeds. These data indicate that the binding of the agglutinin on the embryonic membrane inhibits morphogenetic function.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator was produced by both human embryo fibroblasts (a permissive system) and hamster embryo fibroblasts (a nonpermissive system) after exposure to human cytomegalovirus. The level of this activator was measured by using plates coated with [125I]fibrin. The production of plasminogen activator was enhanced when the human cells were exposed to human cytomegalovirus previously irradiated with UV light (5,520 to 55,200 ergs/mm2).  相似文献   

Trunk neural crest cells and motor axons move in a segmental fashion through the rostral (anterior) half of each somitic sclerotome, avoiding the caudal (posterior) half. This metameric migration pattern is thought to be caused by molecular differences between the rostral and caudal portions of the somite. Here, we describe the distribution of T-cadherin (truncated-cadherin) during trunk neural crest cell migration. T-cadherin, a novel member of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules was selectively expressed in the caudal half of each sclerotome at all times examined. T-cadherin immunostaining appeared graded along the rostrocaudal axis, with increasing levels of reactivity in the caudal halves of progressively more mature (rostral) somites. The earliest T-cadherin expression was detected in a small population of cells in the caudal portion of the somite three segments rostral to last-formed somite. This initial T-cadherin expression was observed concomitant with the invasion of the first neural crest cells into the rostral portion of the same somite in stage 16 embryos. When neural crest cells were ablated surgically prior to their emigration from the neural tube, the pattern of T-cadherin immunoreactivity was unchanged compared to unoperated embryos, suggesting that the metameric T-cadherin distribution occurs independent of neural crest cell signals. This expression pattern is consistent with the possibility that T-cadherin plays a role in influencing the pattern of neural crest cell migration and in maintaining somite polarity.  相似文献   

A series of neural crest transplantations has been performed to (1) analyze whether avian premigratory cranial neural crest cells are pluripotential or restricted to specific developmental pathways and (2) examine the ability of trunk neural crest cells to develop in an environment usually occupied by cranial crest cells. Quail embryos, the cells of which have a unique nuclear marker, were used as donors and chick embryos as hosts. Hindbrain crest cells grafted in the place of diencephalic crest cells failed to form neurons in all but one case, in which a small ectopic ganglion was found. In the reciprocal transplants, neural crest cells emigrating from a segment of forebrain crest tissue grafted in the place of metencephalic crest cells produced trigeminal and ciliary ganglia which were completely normal. Thus, crest cells which normally never form ganglionic neurons will do so if placed in a suitable neurogenic environment. These results prove that premigratory avian cranial crest cells are not restricted to specific developmental pathways, but are initially pluripotential. Trunk crest cells grafted in the place of metencephalic crest cells form neuronal ganglia along the proximal trigeminal motor roots but do not form normal trigeminal ganglia. These root ganglia do not display normal peripheral projections, and placode cells, a normal component of the trigeminal ganglion, form ganglia in ectopic locations. Thus, while trunk crest cells respond to the metencephalic environment and form neurons, their response is different from that of cranial crest cells in the same location. Whether this is due to differences in developmental potential or in initial population size is not known.  相似文献   

Alterations in migrating neural crest cells induced by all-trans retinoic acid (RA) were studied morphologically and immunohistochemically in the cranial portion of 8-day-old mouse embryos which were derived from dams given 60, 40 or 0 mg kg of RA and killed 2 to 8 h later. Additionally, the embryos exposed to 4 mg/kg of actinomycin D (AD) on day 8 of gestation for 5 h were examined similarly. Light microscopy revealed that RA was cytotoxic and caused the appearance of pleomorphic nuclei, extra-large nucleoli and cytoplasmic budding which replaced lamellipodia and spike-like projections. Electron microscopy revealed pleomorphic nuclei containing nucleoli with major granular portions frequently surrounded with heterochromatin, monosomes, and phagosomes. A monosomal distribution pattern was different from that seen in the neural crest cells exposed to AD. The latter showed incomplete polyribosomal dispersion with fewer nucleolar components. Fewer neural crest cells with choline acetyltransferase-like immunoreactivity were detected in RA- and AD-exposed embryos than in the controls. These findings suggest that excess RA inhibits acetylcholine synthesis of the migrating neural crest cells, in a manner different from AD, and that it enhances phagocytosis. These phenomena modify the characteristics of neural crest cells resulting in craniofacial malformations.  相似文献   

Numerous epithelial cell types produce and secrete plasminogen activators (PAs) and/or PA inhibitors (PAIs). When epithelial cells were grown on polycarbonate filters and their apical and basolateral secretion products analyzed, PA activity accumulated in a highly polarized fashion; depending upon the cell line, the compartment of PA accumulation was either apical (MDCK I cells and HBL-100 cells) or basolateral (LLC-PK1, CaCo-2, and HeLa cells). By contrast, PAI-1 was recovered in roughly equal amounts in both compartments. Basolateral accumulation of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), but not its apical targeting, required an acidic compartment and the integrity of the cytoskeleton. Polarity of uPA accumulation did not result from removal of the free enzyme from the opposite compartment through its binding to the cell surface. Transfection with wild-type or mutated murine uPA demonstrated that neither the "growth factor" domain nor the kringle domain is required for the appropriate sorting of the protein. We propose that polarized secretion of PAs is one mechanism whereby cells spatially control extracellular proteolysis.  相似文献   

组织型纤溶酶原激活剂的纯化制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了用于大规模生产组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(tPA)的重组动物细胞及其培养工艺。从重组tPA的大规模、快速纯化的角度考虑,对tPA的纯化制备方法进行了简要评述。  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between differentiation, transformation, and uPA production in a system of rat thyroid cells in vitro. The fully differentiated FRTL5 cells did not produce detectable amounts of uPA, even after stimulation with phorbol esters, potent inducers of uPA expression. All the other cell lines (i.e., FRT, cells which have lost the characteristics of the differentiated thyroid cells; 1-5 G and FRA, transformed cells derived from rat thyroid tumors) produced uPA, the 1-5 G line being the highest producer. Also the FRTL line became positive for uPA production after viral transformation (clone KM4). The lack of uPA expression in FRTL5 cells was not due to the presence of inhibitors and these cells did not produce an inactive molecule, as shown by immunoprecipitation with anti-uPA antibody. However, in FRTL5 cells Northern analysis showed the presence of a small amount of uPA-specific mRNA that increased appreciably after phorbol ester stimulation. In conclusion, in our system uPA expression was a property of undifferentiated and transformed cells; in fully differentiated cells uPA expression was switched off by a still unclear mechanism.  相似文献   

Chimeric mice, generated by aggregating preimplantation embryos, have been instrumental in the study of the development of coat color patterns in mammals. This approach, however, does not allow for direct experimental manipulation of the neural crest cells, which are the precursors of melanoblasts. We have devised a system that allows assessment of the developmental potential and migration of neural crest cells in vivo following their experimental manipulation in vitro. Cultured C57Bl/6 neural crest cells were microinjected in utero into neurulating Balb/c or W embryos and shown to contribute efficiently to pigmentation in the host animal. The resulting neural crest chimeras showed, however, different coat pigmentation patterns depending on the genotype of the host embryo. Whereas Balb/c neural crest chimeras showed very limited donor cell pigment contribution, restricted largely to the head, W mutant chimeras displayed extensive pigmentation throughout, often exceeding 50% of the coat. In contrast to Balb/c chimeras, where the donor melanoblasts appeared to have migrated primarily in the characteristic dorsoventral direction, in W mutants the injected cells appeared to migrate in the longitudinal as well as the dorsoventral direction, as if the cells were spreading through an empty space. This is consistent with the absence of a functional endogenous melanoblast population in W mutants, in contrast to Balb/c mice, which contain a full complement of melanocytes. Our results suggest that the W mutation disturbs migration and/or proliferation of endogenous melanoblasts. In order to obtain information on clonal size and extent of intermingling of donor cells, two genetically marked neural crest cell populations were mixed and coinjected into W embryos. In half of the tricolored chimeras, no co-localization of donor crest cells was observed, while, in the other half, a fine intermingling of donor-derived colors had occurred. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that pigmented areas in the chimeras can be derived from extensive proliferation of a few donor clones, which were able to colonize large territories in the host embryo. We have also analyzed the development of pigmentation in neural crest cultures in vitro, and found that neural tubes explanted from embryos carrying wt or weak W alleles produced pigmented melanocytes while more severe W genotypes were associated with deficient pigment formation in vitro.  相似文献   

Chemotactic cell migration is triggered by extracellular concentration gradients of molecules segregated by target fields. Neural crest cells (NCCs), paradigmatic as an accurately moving cell population, undergo wide dispersion along multiple pathways, invading with precision defined sites of the embryo to differentiate into many derivatives. This report addresses the involvement of NT-3 in early colonization by cephalic NCCs invading the optic vesicle region. The results of in vitro and in vivo approaches showed that NCCs migrate directionally up an NT-3 concentration gradient. We also demonstrated the expression of NT-3 in the ocular region as well as their functional TrkB, TrkC and p75 receptors on cephalic NCCs. On whole-mount embryo, a perturbed distribution of NCCs colonizing the optic vesicle target field was shown after morpholino cancelation of cephalic NT-3 or TrkC receptor on NCCs, as well as in situ blocking of TrkC receptor of mesencephalic NCCs by specific antibody released from inserted microbeads. The present results strongly suggest that, among other complementary cell guidance factor(s), the chemotactic response of NCCs toward the ocular region NT-3 gradient is essential for spatiotemporal cell orientation, amplifying the functional scope of this neurotrophic factor as a molecular guide for the embryo cells, besides its well-known canonical functions.  相似文献   

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