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Calcium pump of the plasma membrane is localized in caveolae   总被引:36,自引:14,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1993,120(5):1147-1157
The Ca2+ pump in the plasma membrane plays a key role in the fine control of the cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration. In the present study, its subcellular localization was examined with immunocytochemical techniques using a specific antibody generated against the erythrocyte membrane Ca2+ pump ATPase. By immunofluorescence microscopy of cultured cells, the labeling with the antibody was seen as numerous small dots, often distributed in linear arrays or along cell edges. Immunogold EM of cryosections revealed that the dots correspond to caveolae, or smooth invaginations of the plasma membrane. The same technique applied to mouse tissues in vivo showed that the Ca2+ pump is similarly localized in caveolae of endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, cardiac muscle cells, epidermal keratinocytes and mesothelial cells. By quantitative analysis of the immunogold labeling, the Ca2+ pump in capillary endothelial cells and visceral smooth muscle cells was found to be concentrated 18-25-fold in the caveolar membrane compared with the noncaveolar portion of the plasma membrane. In renal tubular and small intestinal epithelial cells, which have been known to contain the Ca2+ pump but do not have many caveolae, most of the labeling was randomly distributed in the basolateral plasma membrane, although caveolae were also positively labeled. The results demonstrate that the caveolae in various cells has the plasmalemmal Ca2+ pump as a common constituent. In conjunction with our recent finding that an inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-like protein exists in the caveolae (Fujimoto, T., S. Nakade, A. Miyawaki, K. Mikoshiba, and K. Ogawa. 1992. J. Cell Biol. 119:1507-1513), it is inferred that the smooth plasmalemmal invagination is an apparatus specialized for Ca2+ intake and extrusion from the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Despite the preferential localization of CD4 to lipid rafts, the significance and role of these microdomains in HIV-1 entry is still controversial. The possibility that CD4, when localized to non-raft domains, might be able to support virus entry cannot be excluded. Because disintegration of rafts by extraction of cellular cholesterol with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin suffers from various adverse effects, we investigated molecular determinants controlling raft localization of the CD4 receptor. Extensive mutagenesis of the receptor showed that a raft-localizing marker, consisting of a short sequence of positively charged amino acid residues, RHRRR, was present in the membrane-proximal cytoplasmic domain of CD4. Substitution of the RHRRR sequence with alanine residues abolished raft localization of the CD4 mutant, RA5, as determined biochemically using solubilization in nonionic detergents and by confocal microscopy. The possible inhibitory effect of the introduced mutations on the adjacent CVRC palmitoylation site was ruled out because wild type (wt) CD4 and RA5, but not a palmitoylation-deficient mutant, were efficiently palmitoylated. Nonetheless, the RA5 mutant supported productive virus entry to levels equivalent to that of wild type (wt) CD4. Sucrose gradient analysis of Triton X-100 virus lysates showed that Gag and envelope gp120 proteins accumulated in low buoyant, high-density fractions. This pattern was changed after virus incubation with cells. Whereas Gag proteins localized to lipid rafts in cells expressing wt CD4 and RA5, gp120 accumulated in rafts in cells expressing wt CD4 but not RA5. We propose that raft localization of CD4 is not required for virus entry, however, post-binding fusion/entry steps may require lipid raft assembly.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase is involved in the fine-tuned regulation of intracellular Ca2+. In this study, the presence of Ca2+-ATPase in caveolae from kidney basolateral membranes was investigated. With the use of a discontinuous sucrose gradient, we show that Ca2+-ATPase is exclusively located and fully active in caveolin-containing microdomains. Treatment with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin--a cholesterol chelator--leads to a spreading of both caveolin and completely inactive Ca2+-ATPase toward high-density fractions. These data support the view that Ca2+ fluxes mediated by Ca2+-ATPase in kidney epithelial cells occur only in caveolae, being strictly dependent on the integrity of these microdomains.  相似文献   

Generally, plasma membrane (PM) proteins are cotranslationally inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and travel in vesicles via the Golgi apparatus to the PM. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the polytopic membrane protein Ist2p is encoded by an mRNA that is localized to the cortex of daughter cells. It has been suggested that IST2 mRNA localization leads to the accumulation of the protein at the PM of daughter cells. Since small- and medium-sized daughter cells only contain cortical, but not perinuclear ER, this implies the local translation of Ist2p specifically at the cortical ER. Here, we show that localization of constitutively expressed IST2 mRNA is required for delivery of Ist2p to the PM of daughter, but not mother cells and that it does not result in daughter-specific Ist2p accumulation. In contrast to a PM-located hexose transporter (Hxt1p) that follows the standard secretory pathway, the trafficking of Ist2p is independent of myosin-mediated vesicular transport. Furthermore, colocalization experiments in mutants of the secretory pathway demonstrate that trafficking of Ist2p does not require the classical secretory machinery. These data suggest the existence of a novel trafficking pathway connecting specialized domains of the ER with the PM.  相似文献   

The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR), a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked glycoprotein, plays a central role in the regulation of pericellular proteolysis and participates in events leading to cell activation. Here, we demonstrate that uPAR, on a human melanoma cell line, is localized in caveolae, flask-shaped microinvaginations of the plasma membrane found in a variety of cell types. Indirect immunofluorescence with anti-uPAR antibodies on the melanoma cells showed a punctated staining pattern that accumulated to stretches along sides of cell-cell contact and membrane ruffles. uPAR colocalized with caveolin, a characteristic protein in the coat of caveolae, as demonstrated by double staining with specific antibodies. Further, uPAR could be directly localized in caveolae by in vivo immunoelectron microscopy. Both uPAR and its ligand, uPA, were present in caveolae enriched low density Triton X-100 insoluble complexes, as shown by immunoblotting. From such complexes, caveolin could be coprecipitated with uPAR-specific antibodies suggesting a close spatial association between uPAR and caveolin that might have implications for the signal transduction mediated by uPAR. Further, functional studies indicated that the localization of uPAR and its ligand in caveolae enhances pericellular plasminogen activation, since treatment of the cells with drugs that interfere with the structural integrity of caveolae, such as nystatin, markedly reduced cell surface plasmin generation. Thus, caveolae promote efficient cell surface plasminogen activation by clustering uPAR, uPA, and possibly other protease receptors in one membrane compartment.  相似文献   

Recent reports suggest an important role for protein ubiquitination in synaptic plasticity. We cloned, from the rat brain, a novel gene that encoded an ubiquitin-specific protease (USP), and termed this protein synaptic ubiquitin-specific protease (synUSP, GenBankTM Accession no. AB073880). The homologous human gene was mapped to a locus on chromosome 1p36.12. The deduced synUSP protein consisted of 1036 amino acids, and possessed an ubiquitin-like domain at the C-terminus, Cys- and His-boxes, leucine zipper motifs, and six amino acid-repeats of L/ILCPHG. The protein possessed de-ubiquitinating activity toward a model substrate, as expected from its sequence. The protein of 125 kDa was present in the rat brain; in particular, it was enriched in the post-synaptic density and the dendritic lipid raft fractions. The immunostaining of cortical neurons confirmed the post-synaptic localization. The mRNA for synUSP was localized to dendrites, as well as somas, of neuronal cells. Thus, both the mRNA and the protein were localized in the post-synaptic compartments. These results suggest a regulatory mechanism for the ubiquitin-related system at the post-synaptic sites.  相似文献   

Here we report a novel small protein that is highly conserved across vertebrates. The protein, which we have named TRIQK, has no homology to any previously reported proteins or functional domains, but all vertebrate homologs of this protein share a characteristic triple repeat of the sequence QXXK/R, as well as a hydrophobic C-terminal region. The Xenopus triqk gene (xTriqk) was isolated in an expression screen on the basis of its ability to cause dramatic changes in cell size and nuclear size and morphology in developing embryos. The Xenopus and mouse triqk genes are broadly expressed throughout embryogenesis, and mtriqk is also generally expressed in mouse adult tissues. TRIQK proteins are localized to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Depletion of endogenous xTRIQK protein in Xenopus embryos causes no detectable morphological or functional changes in tadpoles.  相似文献   

Shan L  Thara VK  Martin GB  Zhou JM  Tang X 《The Plant cell》2000,12(12):2323-2337
The avrPto gene of Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato triggers race-specific resistance in tomato plants carrying Pto, a resistance gene encoding a protein kinase. When introduced into P. s. tabaci, avrPto triggers resistance in tobacco W38 plants that carry the corresponding R gene. The AvrPto protein is believed to be secreted into host cells through the bacterial type III secretion pathway, where it activates disease resistance in tomato by interacting with Pto. We report here the identification of two distinct regions in AvrPto that determine the recognition specificity of this protein in tomato and tobacco. Point mutations in the central region disrupted the avirulence activity in tomato but not in tobacco. Conversely, point mutations in the C-terminal region abolished the avirulence in tobacco but not in tomato. We further report that AvrPto was localized to the plasma membrane of plant cells. Disrupting the membrane association by mutating a putative myristoylation motif of AvrPto abolished the avirulence activity in both tomato and tobacco. These findings demonstrate that AvrPto is recognized differently by the R genes in tomato and tobacco and that the recognition of AvrPto probably is associated with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Yuan T  Hong S  Yao Y  Liao K 《Cell research》2007,17(9):772-782
Caveolae and non-caveolar lipid rafts are two types of membrane lipid microdomains that play important roles in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in adipocytes. In order to ascertain their specific functions in this process, caveolae were ablated by caveolin-1 RNA interference. In Cav-1 RNAi adipocytes, neither insulin-stimulated glucose uptake nor Glut-4 (glucose transporter 4) translocation to membrane lipid microdomains was affected by the ablation of caveolae. With a modified sucrose density gradient, caveolae and non-caveolar lipid rafts could be separated. In the wild-type 3T3- L l adipocytes, Glut-4 was found to be translocated into both caveolae and non-caveolar lipid rafts. However, in Cav1 RNAi adipocytes, Glut-4 was localized predominantly in non-caveolar lipid rafts. After the removal of insulin, caveolaelocalized Glut-4 was internalized faster than non-caveolar lipid raft-associated Glut-4. The internalization of Glut-4 from plasma membrane was significantly decreased in Cav-1 RNAi adipocytes. These results suggest that insulin-stimulated Glut-4 translocation and glucose uptake are caveolae-independent events. Caveolae play a role in the internalization of Glut-4 from plasma membrane after the removal of insulin.  相似文献   

Here we describe the association of the synaptosomal plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) from pig cerebellum with cholesterol/sphingomyelin-rich membrane domains (rafts). The PMCA4 was localized exclusively in rafts prepared by flotation in Nycodenz density gradients of ice-cold Brij 96 extracts. This was corroborated by its colocalization with the raft markers cholesterol, ganglioside GM1, and PrP(C). The remaining PMCA isoforms were found in the detergent-soluble fractions, with the majority of the membrane proteins. Activity assays confirmed the bimodal distribution of the PMCA isoforms in the density gradient, with a lower activity for PMCA4 and greater stimulation by calmodulin than for the other isoforms. By providing an ordered membrane microenvironment, lipid rafts may contribute to the interaction of PMCA4 with proteins involved in Ca2+ signaling at discrete functional positions on the synaptic nerve terminals.  相似文献   

The spatial targeting of receptors to discrete domains within the plasma membrane allows their preferential coupling to specific effectors, which is essential for rapid and accurate discrimination of signals. Efficiency of signaling is further increased by protein and lipid segregation within the plasma membrane. We have previously demonstrated the importance of raft-mediated signaling in the regulation of smooth and skeletal muscle cell contraction. Since G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are key components in the regulation of smooth muscle contraction-relaxation cycles, it is important to determine whether GPCR signaling is mediated by lipid rafts and raft-associated molecules. Neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R) is expressed in central and peripheral nervous system as well as in endothelial and smooth muscle cells and involved in mediation of pain, inflammation, exocrine secretion, and smooth muscle contraction. The NK1 receptor was transiently expressed in HEK293 and HepG2 cell lines and its localization in membrane microdomains investigated using biochemical methods and immunofluorescent labeling. We show that the NK1 receptor, similar to the earlier described beta(2)-adrenergic receptor and G proteins, localizes to lipid rafts and caveolae. Protein kinase C (PKC) is one of the downstream effectors of the NK1 activation. Its active form translocates from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane. Upon stimulation of the NK1 receptor with Substance P, the activated PKC relocated to lipid rafts. Using cholesterol extraction and replenishment assays we show that activation of NK1 receptor is dependent on the microarchitecture of the plasma membrane: NK1R-mediated signaling was abolished after cholesterol depletion of the receptor-expressing cells with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin. Our results demonstrate that reorganization of the plasma membrane has an effect on the activation of the raft-associated NK1R and the down-stream events such as recruitment of protein kinases.  相似文献   

SNAP-25, syntaxin, and synaptobrevin are SNARE proteins that mediate fusion of synaptic vesicles with the plasma membrane. Membrane attachment of syntaxin and synaptobrevin is achieved through a C-terminal hydrophobic tail, whereas SNAP-25 association with membranes appears to depend upon palmitoylation of cysteine residues located in the center of the molecule. This process requires an intact secretory pathway and is inhibited by brefeldin A. Here we show that the minimal plasma membrane-targeting domain of SNAP-25 maps to residues 85-120. This sequence is both necessary and sufficient to target a heterologous protein to the plasma membrane. Palmitoylation of this domain is sensitive to brefeldin A, suggesting that it uses the same membrane-targeting mechanism as the full-length protein. As expected, the palmitoylated cysteine cluster is present within this domain, but surprisingly, membrane anchoring requires an additional five-amino acid sequence that is highly conserved among SNAP-25 family members. Significantly, the membrane-targeting module coincides with the protease-sensitive stretch (residues 83-120) that connects the two alpha-helices that SNAP-25 contributes to the four-helix bundle of the synaptic SNARE complex. Our results demonstrate that residues 85-120 of SNAP-25 represent a protein module that is physically and functionally separable from the SNARE complex-forming domains.  相似文献   

In addition to DNA damage, exposure to irradiation involves the plasma membrane in the early phases of gamma-ray-induced cell death. The involvement of raft microdomains following gamma-radiation derives essentially from the role of ceramide as a critical component leading to apoptosis. It is demonstrated here that gamma-irradiation of a radiosensitive human head and neck squamous carcinoma cell line (SCC61) results in the triggering of raft coalescence to larger membrane platforms associated with the externalization of an acid sphingomyelinase (A-SMase), leading to ceramide release in raft, 30 min postirradiation. For the first time, we show that this structural rearrangement is defective in the radioresistant SQ20B cells and associated with the lack of A-SMase activation and translocation, a result which could explain in part their resistance to apoptosis following ionizing radiation. Moreover, we show that SQ20B are protected against radiation injury through a fivefold upper level of endogenous glutathione compared to SCC61. Overcoming the endogenous antioxidant defenses of SQ20B through either H(2)O(2) treatment or GSH depletion triggers A-SMase activation and translocation, raft coalescence, and apoptosis. On the contrary, ROS scavengers abolished these events in radiosensitive SCC61 cells. Translation of this concept to tumor biology suggests that manipulation of rafts through redox equilibrium may provide opportunities for radiosensitization of tumor cells.  相似文献   

Proprotein convertase 7 (PC7) is a member of the subtilisin-like proprotein convertase family, which is involved in the endoproteolysis of a variety of precursor proteins. Under steady state conditions, PC7 is mainly localized in the trans-Golgi network, but a small fraction is found at the cell surface. So far, no sorting signals for membrane trafficking have been identified in PC7. In this study, we have examined the internalization of PC7 from the plasma membrane. Our results show that internalization of PC7 is mediated by clathrin-coated vesicles. After inhibition of clathrin-mediated endocytosis using hypertonic conditions or the small molecule inhibitor, Pitstop 2, PC7 accumulated at the plasma membrane. Furthermore, PC7 was present in isolated clathrin-coated vesicles. To determine the internalization motif, constructs were generated in which parts of the N and C terminus of the cytoplasmic tail of PC7 were deleted, and chimeric proteins were constructed consisting of the luminal and transmembrane domains of Tac (CD25) and parts of the cytoplasmic domain of PC7. Antibody uptake experiments as well as surface biotinylation experiments demonstrated that the region between Ala(713) and Cys(726) in the cytoplasmic domain of PC7 is essential and sufficient for the internalization of PC7 but not for trans-Golgi network localization. Individual amino acids in this region were substituted with alanine, which identified Pro, Leu, and Cys as the essential amino acids. In conclusion, internalization of PC7 depends on a short transferable sequence in the cytoplasmic tail, which contains the three crucial amino acids PLC.  相似文献   

Integrins are a large family of integral membrane proteins that function in signal transduction in animal systems. These proteins are conserved in vertebrates, invertebrates, and fungi. Evidence from previous research suggests that integrin-like proteins may be present in plants as well, and that these proteins may function in signal transduction during gravitropism. In past studies, researchers have used monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to localize beta 1 integrin-like proteins in plants. However, there is a disparity between data collected from these studies, especially since molecular weights obtained from these investigations range from 55-120 kDa for integrin-like proteins. To date, a complete investigation which employs all three basic immunolabeling procedures, immunoblotting, immunofluorescence microscopy, and immunogold labeling, in addition to extensive fractionation and exhaustive controls, has been lacking. In this paper, we demonstrate that use of a polyclonal antibody against the cytoplasmic domain of avian beta 1-integrin can produce potential artifacts in immunolocalization studies. However, these problems can be eliminated through use of starchless mutants or proper specimen preparation prior to electrophoresis. We also show that this antibody, when applied within the described parameters and with careful controls, identifies a large (100 kDa) integrin-like protein that is localized to plasma membrane fractions in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositides have a pivotal role as precursors to important second messengers and as bona fide signaling and scaffold targeting molecules. Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases (PtdIns 4-kinases or PI4Ks) are at the apex of the phosphoinsitide cascade. Sequence analysis revealed that mammalian cells contain two type II PtdIns 4-kinase isoforms, now termed PI4KIIalpha and PI4KIIbeta. PI4KIIalpha was cloned first. It is tightly membrane-associated and behaves as an integral membrane protein. In this study, we cloned PI4KIIbeta and compared the two isoforms by monitoring the distribution of endogenous and overexpressed proteins, their modes of association with membranes, their response to growth factor stimulation or Rac-GTP activation, and their kinetic properties. We find that the two kinases have different properties. PI4KIIbeta is primarily cytosolic, and it associates peripherally with plasma membranes, endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi. In contrast, PI4KIIalpha is primarily Golgi-associated. Platelet-derived growth factor promotes PI4KIIbeta recruitment to membrane ruffles. This effect is potentially mediated through Rac; overexpression of the constitutively active RacV12 induces membrane ruffling, increases PI4KIIbeta translocation to the plasma membrane, and stimulates its activity. The dominant-negative RacN17 blocks plasma membrane association and inhibits activity. RacV12 does not boost the catalytic activity of PI4KIIalpha further, probably because it is constitutively membrane-bound and already activated. Membrane recruitment is an important mechanism for PI4KIIbeta activation, because microsome-bound PI4KIIbeta is 16 times more active than cytosolic PI4KIIbeta. Membrane-associated PI4KIIbeta is as active as membrane-associated PI4KIIalpha and has essentially identical kinetic properties. We conclude that PI4KIIalpha and PI4KIIbeta may have partially overlapping, but not identical, functions. PI4KIIbeta is activated strongly by membrane association to stimulate phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate synthesis at the plasma membrane. These findings provide new insight into how phosphoinositide cascades are propagated in cells.  相似文献   

Summary Primary aldehyde fixation in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ followed by alkaline Pb2+ staining leads to electron microscopical visualization of lead precipitates in the yeastKluyveromyces marxianus. These lead precipitates are found in vacuoles, cytoplasm, and on the outside of the plasma membrane in the periplasmic and inner cell wall regions.X-ray microanalysis shows that the precipitates contain high amounts of Pb and P. The amount of precipitated material appeared to correlate with the cellular polyphosphate content. When Ca2+ and Mg2+ are omitted from the primary fixative no peripheral Pb/P deposits are observed. In a subsequent washing step a small amount of long chain polyphosphate is liberated. It is concluded that this method leads to visualization of cellular polyphosphate, including a fraction localized outside the plasma membrane ofKluyveromyces marxianus.  相似文献   

Our in vitro studies support a functional link between the induction of cathepsin B gene expression and the catabolic restructuring associated with myotube formation during myogenesis in vivo. We have tested two predictions that are basic to this hypothesis: (1) that active cathepsin B is localized to plasma membrane caveolae of fusing myoblasts; and (2) that active cathepsin B is secreted from fusing myoblasts at physiological pH. During differentiation, L6 rat myoblasts demonstrated a fusion-related increase in activity associated with the 25/26-kDa, fully processed, active form of cathepsin B. Immunocytochemical studies demonstrated a redistribution of lysosomal cathepsin B protein toward the membrane of fusing myoblasts, and a colocalization of cathepsin B with caveolin-3, the muscle-specific structural protein of membrane caveolae. Sucrose density fractionation and Western blot analysis demonstrated that an active form of cathepsin B localizes to caveolar fractions along with caveolin-3, annexin-VII, beta-dystroglycan and dystrophin. Finally, 'real-time' activity assays and Western blot analysis demonstrated that active cathepsin B is secreted from fusing myoblasts at physiological pH. Collectively, these studies support an association of active cathepsin B with plasma membrane caveolae and the secretion of active cathepsin B from differentiating myoblasts during myoblast fusion.  相似文献   

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