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Timely removal of dying or pathogenic cells by phagocytes is essential to maintaining host homeostasis. Phagocytes execute the clearance process with high fidelity while sparing healthy neighboring cells, and this process is at least partially regulated by the balance of “eat‐me” and “don''t‐eat‐me” signals expressed on the surface of host cells. Upon contact, eat‐me signals activate “pro‐phagocytic” receptors expressed on the phagocyte membrane and signal to promote phagocytosis. Conversely, don''t‐eat‐me signals engage “anti‐phagocytic” receptors to suppress phagocytosis. We review the current knowledge of don''t‐eat‐me signaling in normal physiology and disease contexts where aberrant don''t‐eat‐me signaling contributes to pathology.  相似文献   

Source water utilized by four families of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) was assessed by comparing the H isotope composition ('D) of xylem sap and of soil water from four depths (0-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 1.2 m, and 2.1 m) across 1 year. Soil water 'D values varied with soil moisture content in the well-drained, sandy site and at each of the four soil depths. In September and November 1997 and May through November 1998, xylem sap 'D values closely matched the soil water 'D values of the upper soil horizons (0-20 and 0-40 cm) and, therefore, reflected significant water uptake from upper regions of the soil profile. In March 1998, xylem sap 'D values closely matched the soil water 'D values of the 1.2 m soil depth and, therefore, indicated that trees during this portion of the growing season were obtaining their water from deep in the soil profile. Analysis of source water use with a two-ended mixing model in the 3 months of collection that exhibited a range of soil water 'D values across the soil profile confirmed that trees utilized different sources of water depending upon season of the year. In September 1997 and November 1998, source water uptake was primarily from the upper soil profile while in March 1998, source water uptake was from deep in the soil profile. With few exceptions, we did not find striking differences in source water use between drought-hardy families and those that were locally adapted.  相似文献   

The discovery of numerous distal stem fragments of Eurax marhoumensis n. sp. brings new data on the formation of the stolons and the control of stereomic secretion. The presence of primary fixations in the dististele demonstrates the composite nature of stolonifcrous scgmcnts. The creeping zone is formed by gradual incorporation of the lower columnals of the mesistele into the stolon. Stereom growth rings observed on weathered facets or transverse sections are markers of the morphofunctional evolution of the columnals during different growth stages. The fixation organs are true stereomic outgrowths without axial canal or Segmentation; they grow from a single columnal and remain in connexion with it. The morphology of stolons results partly from the topography of the substrate and partly from control by stereomic secretion which influences the columnal thickness. The introduction of wedge-shaped columnals in curves of the stem and on the development of fixation devices. Epizoan attachment (bryozoans, corals, crinoids) induces different stereomic reaction depending on the growth stage of the crinoid column. The stereom of the host may proliferate as a sheet, abortive ossicles or shapeless stercomic masses which tend to limit the growth of the epizoans and incorporate them in the column stercom. □Crinoid, column, morphology, stereomic secretion, Devonian, Algeria. Le découverte de nombreux fragments pédonculaires distaux d'Eurax marhoumensis n. sp. apporte des données nouvelles sur le processus de la formation des stolons et sur le contrôle de la sécrétion stéréomique. L'existence de fixations primaires dans la dististéle démontre la nature composite des segments stoloniaux. Les zones rampantes se forment par incorporation progressive des columnales de la partie inférieure du pédoncule dans les stolons. Les cernes de croissance du stéréome observées sur les facettes altérées ou sur les sections constituent des témoins de leur évolution morphofonctionnelle au cours des différents stades de la croissance. Les organes de fixation correspondent à de véritables expansions stéréomiques dépourvues de canal axial et de segmentation; ils bourgeonnent àpartir d'une seule columnale avec laquelle ils rcstent en conncxion. La morphologie des stolons résultc en partie de la topographie du substratum et du contrôle de la sécrétion stéréomique qui se traduit par I'ajustement de l'epaisseur des columnales, l'introduction d'articles cunéiformes dans les courbures et le développement des organes de fixation. L'implantation d'épizoaires (Bryozoaires, Coraux, Crinoïdes) provoque des réactions stéréomiques différentes suivant le stade de croissance du pédoncule du Crinoïde. Le stéréome de I'hôte peut proliférer sous formc d'une lame, d'articles abortifs ou d'amas difformes qui tendent a limiter le développement de I'épizoaire et à l'incorporer dans le pédoncule. □Crinoïde, pédoncule, morphologie. Sécrétion stéréomique, Dévonien, Algérie.  相似文献   

M Korcok 《CMAJ》1998,159(9):1165-1166
Unlike Canada''s voluntary blood-collection system, the US system routinely makes use of donations from paid donors. Milan Korcok reports that this is starting to cause some concern, since infection levels tend to be higher among those who are paid for their blood.  相似文献   

In the Christian tradition, representing the divine has often been considered both an impossible and yet necessary endeavour rooted in the human need in certain moments of weakness to visualize God. In this article, based on research findings from fieldwork carried out with urban indigenous groups in La Paz, Bolivia, I suggest that the articulation of local and Catholic representational traditions and practices has produced an understanding of the religious image not so much as an object of detached contemplation or a reference to a religious symbol but rather as an energized element which physically shapes the relationship and exchange between the material and the spiritual world. I suggest that through a study of Andean religious images we may be able to produce an alternative ontological perspective on the relationship between the spiritual, material, and living worlds.


Dans la tradition chrétienne, la représentation du divin est souvent considérée comme une gageure impossible et pourtant nécessaire, motivée par la nécessité humaine de visualiser Dieu dans les moments de faiblesse. À partir des matériaux de terrain obtenus auprès de groupes autochtones urbains à La Paz, en Bolivie, l'auteur suggère ici que l'articulation des traditions et pratiques de représentation locales et catholiques a conduit à concevoir l'image religieuse moins comme un objet de contemplation détachée ou une référence à un symbole religieux que comme un élément chargé d'énergie, qui donne physiquement forme à la relation et aux échanges entre le monde matériel et le monde spirituel. L'article suggère qu'à travers l'étude des images religieuses andines, on pourrait élaborer un autre point de vue ontologique sur la relation entre les mondes spirituel, matériel et vivant.  相似文献   

The effects of Meloidogyne incognita or M. javanica at five initial inoculum levels of 20, 100, 200, 1,000, and 2,000 eggs and infective juveniles per seedling on ''Floradade,'' ''Nemarex,'' ''Patriot,'' and ''PI 129149-2(sib)-5'' tomatoes maintained at 25 or 32.5 C were studied. The number of egg masses on roots of the susceptible cultivar Floradade was similar for both species of root-knot nematodes at either 2.5 or 32.5 C soil temperatures. At 25 C, very low numbers of egg masses were produced by both species of root-knot nematodes on Nematex, Patriot, and Lycopersicon peruvianum PI 129149-2(sib)-5. At 32.5 C, the best inoculum level for assessing resistance in these tomato genotypes was 200 eggs and infective juveniles per seedling. With 28 days of incubation, this temperature and inoculum level produced quantitative differences in resistance for both species of Meloidogyne.  相似文献   

In this paper, paleontologists who, after the publication of “On the Origin of Species”, applied Darwin's research program on genealogy, are labeled Darwinians, not only evolutionists. A special attention is given to two paleontologists, Albert Gaudry and Gaston de Saporta. New data included in this article are Gaudry's notes written on his copy of “De l'origine des espèces” published in French in 1862. If one tries to grasp the impact of Darwin's work in the XIXth century, contrary to the common attitude, the defense of natural selection as the driven concept of evolution is not considered to be crucial. Later, Charles Depéret synthesized the growing knowledge of the second part of the XIXth century but did not appear to be more Darwinian than his forerunners. From Darwin's writings it is concluded that the reference to biological progress inherent to Gaudry's and Saporta's works does not radically exclude these authors from the Darwinian realm.  相似文献   

Gossypium hirsutum, G. herbaceum, G. arboreum, G. barbadense, wild Gossypium spp., Hibiscus spp, and other Malvaceae were tested in the greenhouse to identify germplasm resistant to Rotylenchulus reniformis (Rr). Host resistance was based on Rr egg production per gram of root compared with known G. hirsutum susceptible ''Deltapine 16'' as check. G. longicalyx and Sida rhombifolia were nonhosts. High levels of resistance were found in G. stocksii, G. somalense, and G. barbadense ''Texas 110.'' Other cotton lines with potential value in breeding for Rr resistance were G. herbaceum P.I. 408775; G. arboreum P.I. 41895, P.I, 417891, CB 3839; and G. hirsutum 893. All these supported less than 20% of the egg production on the check. Seventy-three percent of the Hibiscus spp. tested were resistant. Female development and egg production reflected host resistance; healthy females and large egg masses were observed on susceptible plants, and degenerated females and small egg masses on resistant plants. Females penetrating nonhost G. longicalyx never matured to kidney shape.  相似文献   

α-Amylase from Saccharomycopsis fibuligera R-64 was successfully purified by butyl Toyopearl hydrophobic interaction chromatography, followed by Sephadex G-25 size exclusion and DEAE Toyopearl anion exchange chromatography. The enzyme has a molecular mass of 54 kDa, as judged by SDS PAGE analysis. Upon tryptic digestion, two major fragments with relative molecular masses of 39 kDa and 10 kDa, which resemble the A/B and C-terminal domains in the homologous Taka-amylase, were obtained and were successfully separated with the Sephadex G-50 size exclusion column. The 39-kDa fragment demonstrated a similar amylolytic activity to that of the undigested enzyme. However, it was found that the K m value of the 39-kDa fragment was about two-times higher than that of the undigested enzyme. Moreover, thermostability studies showed a lower half-life time for the 39-kDa fragment. These findings suggest that the 39-kDa fragment is the catalytic domain, while the 10-kDa fragment is the C-terminal one, which plays a role in thermostability and starch binding. Although the undigested enzyme is able to act on raw starches at room temperature, with maize starches as the best substrate, neither the undigested enzyme nor the fragments adsorb the tested raw starches. These results propose Saccharomycopsis fibuligera α-amylase as a raw starch-digesting but not adsorbing amylase, with a similar domain organization to that of Taka-amylase A.  相似文献   

D Jones 《CMAJ》1998,159(2):169-172
Vancouver''s Downtown Eastside, the city''s skid row, is in a state of emergency. Some 7000 injection drug users, about 40% of whom are HIV positive, mingle with prostitutes and the city''s street people. The doctors who care for them say it is a potent and dangerous mix.  相似文献   

Niko Tinbergen's (Zeit. Tier. 20, 1963, 410) paper ‘On aims and methods of ethology’ is appropriately remembered as the paper in which Tinbergen characterized ethology as ‘the biological study of behavior’ and went on to explain that to study behavior biologically is to ask four distinct questions about it: (1) How is it caused physiologically? (2) What is its survival value? (3) How has it evolved? and (4) How does it develop in the individual? Here, we consider Tinbergen's paper in its historical context by looking at it from three different perspectives: (1) a comparison of Tinbergen's formulation of ‘ethology's four questions’ with similar, but different formulations of biology's basic problems offered by Julian Huxley, Konrad Lorenz, and Ernst Mayr; (2) a survey of the roles that the four questions played in Tinbergen's own work over the course of his career; and (3) a consideration of the two explicit goals of Tinbergen's (Zeit. Tier., 20, 1963, 410) paper, namely (a.) to honor Tinbergen's friend and colleague Konrad Lorenz (as part of a Festschrift for Lorenz on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday) and (b.) to provide a sketch of ethology's scope and an evaluation of the ways the field needed to develop in the future. We suggest that just as the work of Tinbergen's Oxford research team revealed how the behavior of gulls reflected compromises worked out in the face of the diverse selective pressures of particular environments, we can identify certain conflicts that arose for Tinbergen in trying to write something that his friend Lorenz would like while also assessing ethology's current state and future prospects. That said, however, Tinbergen's enduring concern was to do all he could to ensure that ethology thrive as a field and develop a scientific understanding of animal (and human) behavior. For this to happen, he insisted, the four questions of ethology needed to be pursued in a balanced, comprehensive, and integrated fashion.  相似文献   

During its thirty first years, from 1906 to 1937, the Annales de Paléontologie included, at the instigation of Marcellin Boule, many articles apparently anonymous, devolved to the d'Orbigny's types of the Prodrome. In these articles, not easy to cite because the most part not signed and for some even not titled, are rediscribed and illustrated the species established by d'Orbigny in 1850 and 1852 in his Prodrome de Paléontologie stratigraphique universelle, but then briefly characterized and not figured. It is in fact a collective work, widely remained unfinished but which however totalizes 510 text pages and 139 photographic plates, in the course of which the authors, Armand Thévenin, Ferdinand Canu and Jean Cottreau, redefined more than one thousand species (molluscs, brachiopods, echinoderms, bryozoans, madreporaria and porifers) disposed from the Lower Silurian to the Neocomian, according to the stratigraphic levels then established by d'Orbigny. This redefinition of the d'Orbigny's types of the Prodrome makes up a comprehensive work, the interest of which being possibly evaluated by the numerous quotations referring to it in the former and also recent publications on invertebrate paleontology, this in spite of the questionable choice of some of the type specimens then proposed.  相似文献   

Official government census takers tick the religion box titled ‘none’ when they fill out the forms for most Orang Asli. Yet at weddings and other festivities, the Hma' Btsisi', an indigenous Mon‐Khmer speaking people of Peninsular Malaysia, perform a religious dance and song cycle called the main jo'oh. Today, in Malaysia, the main jo'oh is a government centrepiece for Orang Asli culture. Btsisi' are frequently asked to perform the main jo'oh for the Malaysian public and for tourists. The main jo'oh is displayed as a curious, albeit beautiful and exotic performance by a heathen people who have ‘no’ religion. But this paper points out that the dance is far from being solely an exotic relic. I argue that the meanings embodied in the dance performance form the foundation of Btsisi' beliefs; in other words, their religion. I conclude by discussing the main jo'oh in the modern Btsisi' and national context. In particular, I demonstrate that the main jo'oh is a way for the Btsisi' to identify and distinguish themselves from other Orang Asli communities as well as from the majority Malay population.  相似文献   

CELLS infected with attenuated type 1 poliovirus (LSc) at 39° C synthesize only 20% of the viral proteins produced at 35° C. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of viral peptides shows that only four peptides (with molecular weights of 230,000, 212,000, 196,000 and 160,000) are produced at the restrictive temperature1. It was suggested that the last three are cleavage products of the 230,000 molecular weight peptide. Furthermore, since smaller peptides were never observed it was suggested that proteolysis might eliminate them from infected cells at 39° C. Nonsense and deletion mutations cause degradation of incomplete peptides of β-galactosidase2 and the lac repressor3. We have studied whether there is significant proteolysis of the peptides of attenuated poliovirus in vivo at 39° C. There is extensive degradation of viral peptides at the restrictive temperature and essentially no degradation at the permissive temperature. The peptides of wild type virulent virus are not degraded at either 35° C or 39° C.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll fluorescence serves as a proxy photosynthesis measure under different climatic conditions. The objective of the study was to predict PSII quantum yield using greenhouse microclimate data to monitor plant conditions under various climates. Multilayer leaf model was applied to model fluorescence emission from actinic light-adapted (F') leaves, maximum fluorescence from light-adapted (Fm') leaves, PSII-operating efficiency (Fq'/Fm'), and electron transport rate (ETR). A linear function was used to approximate F' from several measurements under constant and variable light conditions. Model performance was evaluated by comparing the differences between the root mean square error (RMSE) and mean square error (MSE) of observed and predicted values. The model exhibited predictive success for Fq'/Fm' and ETR under different temperature and light conditions with lower RMSE and MSE. However, prediction of F' and Fm' was poor due to a weak relationship under constant (R2 = 0.48) and variable (R2 = 0.35) light.  相似文献   

The synthesis of new bitropone derivatives, namely, 3,3'‐biphenyl‐2,2'‐bitropone and 7,7’‐biphenyl‐2,2'‐bitropone, are reported. Isolation of enantiomers arising from restricted rotation around the C‐C bond connecting the tropone moieties was attempted by means of chiral high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). No separation was obtained for 7,7’‐biphenyl‐2,2'‐bitropone. For 3,3'‐biphenyl‐2,2'‐bitropone, difficulties were encountered because of the low separation factor of the peaks and the presence of a rapid racemization process. However, quantitative chiroptical data on the antipodes were obtained by linking a circular dichroism (CD) spectrometer and a UV–vis spectrophotometric detector in series to the HPLC instrument. The analysis of the CD and UV–vis spectra in terms of absolute conformations was done with the help of theoretical calculations performed at the Density Functional Theory (DFT) level. The most stable conformations of the 3,3'‐biphenyl‐2,2'‐bitropone in its ground state were obtained. Starting from these minimum energy conformations, it was possible to compute theoretical CD and UV absorption spectra that fit well with the experimental ones. From this comparison the absolute configuration to the antipodes was assigned. Finally, the effect of the presence of the two lateral phenyl substituents on the structure of the bitropone and hence on the CD spectrum is discussed. Chirality 25:648–655, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to examine under differing temperatures (12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32 C) the penetration anti development of Meloidogyne hapla in resistant lines ''298'' and ''Nev. Syn XX'', and susceptible ''Lahontan'' and ''Ranger'' hardy-type alfalfas. The results indicated that resistance to M. hapla was similar to that previously described for M. incognita in nonhardy alfalfa. Although initial penetration in resistant seedlings was similar to that of susceptible seedlings, nematode larvae failed to establish and develop in root tissues and nematode numbers subsequently declined. In susceptible seedlings, nematode development proceeded rapidly, and egg production began after 5 weeks. Temperature had little influence on the nematode development except to slow the response at the lower temperatures. Other studies were conducted to verify a previously reported immune (no penetration) reaction to M. hapla by the ''Vernal'' selection ''M-4''. When compared to the resistant (penetration without nematode development) Vernal selection ''M-9'' under differing temperatures (20, 24, 28, and 32 C), each selection was equally penetrated by M. hapla but at a lower level than in susceptible Ranger cuttings. Generally, no root galling was observed in either M-4 or M-9; however, very slight galling was found 35 days after inoculation on about 50% of these cuttings when grown at 32 C.  相似文献   

A novel male-sterile maize mutant male sterility 39 (ms39) was obtained from offspring of the commercial hybrid Chuandan No. 9 that had been carried into outer space. A previous study demonstrated that ms39 is controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene, located on the long arm of chromosome 3. Here, we used 1073 mutant individuals derived from the (ms39?×?Mo17) F2 population and sequentially developed new primers to identify markers supporting the fine mapping of ms39. A 365-kb region on chromosome 3 flanked by markers L8 and M30 at a genetic distance of 0.18 and 0.47 cM, respectively, was identified. According to the reference sequence of ZmB73_Ref-Gen_v4, 12 candidate genes were identified within the 365-kb mapping region. Based on cloning and sequence BLAST analysis of the 12 candidate genes, a four-base-pair deletion was found within the exon of Zm00001d043909, which encoded callose synthase12. This four-base-pair deletion resulted in a frameshift mutation in ms39, leading to the earlier termination of the coding protein, and ultimately caused abnormal performance of the callose synthase. Additionally, cytological observation was conducted on a sister cross population (ms39/ms39?×?ms39/Ms39). These observations showed that the tapetum cells of the ms39 mutant appeared abnormal from the dyad stage, and aborted microspores were observed during pollen development. These results lay the foundation for the cloning of ms39 and exploration of the molecular mechanism underlying aborted pollen development in ms39 maize.  相似文献   

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