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Recent progress in neutron protein crystallography such as the use of the Laue technique and improved neutron optics and detector technologies have dramatically improved the speed and precision with which neutron protein structures can now be determined. These studies are providing unique and complementary insights on hydrogen and hydration in protein crystal structures that are not available from X-ray structures alone. Parallel improvements in modern molecular biology now allow fully (per)deuterated protein samples to be produced for neutron scattering that essentially eradicate the large-and ultimately limiting-hydrogen incoherent scattering background that has hampered such studies in the past. High quality neutron data can now be collected to near atomic resolution (approximately 2.0 A) for proteins of up to approximately 50 kDa molecular weight using crystals of volume approximately 0.1 mm3 on the Laue diffractometer at ILL. The ability to flash-cool and collect high resolution neutron data from protein crystals at cryogenic temperature (15 K) has opened the way for kinetic crystallography on freeze trapped systems. Current instrument developments now promise to reduce crystal volume requirements by a further order of magnitude, making neutron protein crystallography a more accessible and routine technique.  相似文献   

Although there have been no startling advances in phasing methods during the past year, steady progress has been made in what remains a formidable problem. Some theoretical advances based on maximum entropy look exciting, but are as yet untested; certain virus structures appear to be accessible to ab initio structure determination, and it may be possible to measure triplets of phases directly. Histogram-matching techniques coupled with the use of Sayre's equation and solvent flattening seem capable of producing good phases from an initially poor model.  相似文献   

The production of three-dimensional crystallographic structural information of macromolecules can now be thought of as a pipeline which is being streamlined at every stage from protein cloning, expression and purification, through crystallisation to data collection and structure solution. Synchrotron X-ray beamlines are a key section of this pipeline as it is at these that the X-ray diffraction data that ultimately leads to the elucidation of macromolecular structures are collected. The burgeoning number of macromolecular crystallography (MX) beamlines available worldwide may be enhanced significantly with the automation of both their operation and of the experiments carried out on them. This paper reviews the current situation and provides a glimpse of how a MX beamline may look in the not too distant future.  相似文献   

The advantages and disadvantages of being polyploid   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Polyploids - organisms that have multiple sets of chromosomes - are common in certain plant and animal taxa, and can be surprisingly stable. The evidence that has emerged from genome analyses also indicates that many other eukaryotic genomes have a polyploid ancestry, suggesting that both humans and most other eukaryotes have either benefited from or endured polyploidy. Studies of polyploids soon after their formation have revealed genetic and epigenetic interactions between redundant genes. These interactions can be related to the phenotypes and evolutionary fates of polyploids. Here, I consider the advantages and challenges of polyploidy, and its evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Introduced species, those dispersed outside their natural ranges by humans, now cause almost all biological invasions, i.e., entry of organisms into habitats with negative effects on organisms already there. Knowing whether introduction tends to give organisms specific ecological advantages or disadvantages in their new habitats could help understand and control invasions. Even if no specific species traits are associated with introduction, introduced species might out-compete native ones just because the pool of introduced species is very large (“global competition hypothesis”). Especially in the case of intentional introduction, high initial propagule pressure might further increase the chance of establishment, and repeated introductions from different source populations might increase the fitness of introduced species through hybridization. Intentional introduction screens species for usefulness to humans and so might select for rapid growth and reproduction or carry species to suitable habitats, all which could promote invasiveness. However, trade offs between growth and tolerance might make introduced species vulnerable to extreme climatic events and cause some invasions to be transient (“reckless invader hypothesis”). Unintentional introduction may screen for species associated with human-disturbed habitats, and human disturbance of their new habitats may make these species more invasive. Introduction and natural long-distance dispersal both imply that species have neither undergone adaptation in their new habitats nor been adapted to by other species there. These two characteristics are the basis for many well-known hypotheses about invasion, including the “biotic resistance”, “enemy release”, “evolution of increased competitive ability” and “novel weapon” hypotheses, each of which has been shown to help explain some invasions. To the extent that biotic resistance depends upon local adaption by native species, altering selection pressures could reduce resistance and promote invasion (“local adaptation hypothesis”), and restoring natural regimes could reverse this effect.  相似文献   

Recent technical developments, achievements and prospects of high-pressure (HP) macromolecular crystallography (MX) are reviewed. Technical difficulties associated with this technique have been essentially solved by combining synchrotron radiation of ultra-short wavelength, large-aperture diamond anvil cells and new sample-mounting techniques. The quality of diffraction data collected at HP can now meet standards of conventional MX. The exploitation of the potential of the combination of X-ray diffraction and high-pressure perturbation is progressing well. The ability of pressure to shift the population distribution of conformers in solution, which is exploited in particular by NMR, can also be used in the crystalline state with specific advantages. HPMX has indeed bright prospects, in particular to elucidate the structure of higher-energy conformers that are often of high biological significance. Furthermore, HPMX may be of interest for conventional crystallographic studies, as pressure is a fairly general tool to improve order in pre-existing crystals with minimal perturbation of the native structure.  相似文献   

In recent years, significant progress in high pressure macromolecular crystallography has been observed. It can be attributed both to the developments in experimental techniques, as well as to recognition of importance of high pressure protein studies in biochemistry and biophysics. The number of protein structures determined at pressure up to 1 GPa is growing. The unique advantages of this method can greatly improve the investigation of higher energy conformers of functional significance and our understanding of functionally important conformers, protein folding processes and the structural base of conformational diseases.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Individual research groups now analyze thousands of samples per year at synchrotron macromolecular crystallography (MX) resources. The efficient management of experimental data is thus essential if the best possible experiments are to be performed and the best possible data used in downstream processes in structure determination pipelines. Information System for Protein crystallography Beamlines (ISPyB), a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) with an underlying data model allowing for the integration of analyses down-stream of the data collection experiment was developed to facilitate such data management. RESULTS: ISPyB is now a multisite, generic LIMS for synchrotron-based MX experiments. Its initial functionality has been enhanced to include improved sample tracking and reporting of experimental protocols, the direct ranking of the diffraction characteristics of individual samples and the archiving of raw data and results from ancillary experiments and post-experiment data processing protocols. This latter feature paves the way for ISPyB to play a central role in future macromolecular structure solution pipelines and validates the application of the approach used in ISPyB to other experimental techniques, such as biological solution Small Angle X-ray Scattering and spectroscopy, which have similar sample tracking and data handling requirements.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood methods are well known to macromolecular crystallographers as the methods of choice for isomorphous phasing and structure refinement. Recently, the use of maximum likelihood and Bayesian statistics has extended to the areas of molecular replacement and density modification, placing these methods on a stronger statistical foundation and making them more accurate and effective.  相似文献   

The Canadian light source is a 2.9 GeV national synchrotron radiation facility located on the University of Saskatchewan campus in Saskatoon. The small-gap in-vacuum undulator illuminated beamline, 08ID-1, together with the bending magnet beamline, 08B1-1, constitute the Canadian Macromolecular Crystallography Facility (CMCF). The CMCF provides service to more than 50 Principal Investigators in Canada and the United States. Up to 25% of the beam time is devoted to commercial users and the general user program is guaranteed up to 55% of the useful beam time through a peer-review process. CMCF staff provides "Mail-In" crystallography service to users with the highest scored proposals. Both beamlines are equipped with very robust end-stations including on-axis visualization systems, Rayonix 300 CCD series detectors and Stanford-type robotic sample auto-mounters. MxDC, an in-house developed beamline control system, is integrated with a data processing module, AutoProcess, allowing full automation of data collection and data processing with minimal human intervention. Sample management and remote monitoring of experiments is enabled through interaction with a Laboratory Information Management System developed at the facility.  相似文献   

中国米草生态工程的功与过   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
米草生态工程在我国已经走过40年的发展历程,成为中国海岸线一道绿色长城.米草生态工程曾经发挥了显著的生态效益和经济效益,如保滩护堤、促淤造陆、改良盐土、净化水质等,同时也出现了一些负面作用,如绞杀土著物种、侵占航道、危害贝类养殖等.米草的种群爆发可能是因为富营养化、温室效应以及一些可能的人为因素.对待米草,应该科学分析与对待,在种群爆发地区进行科学防治的同时,还应充分发挥其生态与经济效益.  相似文献   

Electron crystallography has the potential of yielding structural information equivalent to x-ray diffraction. The major difficulty has been preparing specimens with the required structural order and size for diffraction and imaging in the electron microscope. 2D crystallization on phospholipid monolayers is capable of fulfilling both of these requirements. Crystals can form as a result of specific interactions with a protein's ligand or an analog, suitably linked to a lipid tail; or on a surface of complementary head-group charge. With such choices, the availability of a suitable lipid is limited only by synthetic chemistry. Ultimately, it is the quality and regularity of the protein-protein interactions that determine the crystalline order, as it is with any protein crystal. In the case of streptavidin, the monolayer crystal diffracts beyond 2.5 Å. A 3 Å projection map reconstructed from electron diffraction amplitudes and phases from images shows density which can be interpreted as β-sheets and clusters of side chains. It remains to be shown that the monolayer crystals are flat and diffract as well at high tilt angle as untilted. Technological issues such as charging must be resolved. With parallel advances in data collection and processing, electron crystallography of monolayer macromolecular crystals will eventually take its place beside x-ray crystallography and NMR as a routine and efficient structural technique.  相似文献   

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