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1. The effects of resource availability during ontogeny on subsequent feeding performance were investigated in larvae of the small-mouthed salamander ( Ambystoma texanum ).
2. Salamander larvae were reared individually in either high or low prey density treatments for 7 weeks prior to intermediate prey density foraging trials. Larvae from the low prey density treatment were on average 35% smaller in body size than individuals from the high prey density treatment.
3. Resource availability during development influenced larval feeding rates and altered the relationship between body size and three feeding performance measures (attack rates, capture success and feeding rates). Feeding rates in predation trials were also positively correlated with growth rate early in the larval period (until the end of week 5).
4. These results suggest that the environment to which developing organisms are exposed can have significant effects on subsequent behaviour, and that small-mouthed salamander larvae may show state-dependent changes in feeding behaviour in response to differences in long-term feeding history. Additionally, differences in feeding performance may influence the probability of survival to the adult stage for organisms that utilize ephemeral habitats.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of feeding behaviour was studied quantitatively in the tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum , to elucidate the relative importance of morphological and environmental changes on form and function. High-speed films of prey capture provided data for a frame-by-frame analysis of seven kinematic parameters of feeding behaviour. By comparing underwater feeding of larval and metamorphosed individuals, the effect of morphological changes occurring at metamorphosis on the feeding kinematic pattern was determined. By comparing metamorphosed animals feeding in the water and on land, changes in feeding kinematics associated with the environmental transition (and thus the differing physical properties of water and air) were determined. Both univariate and multivariate analyses failed to demonstrate any differences between larval and metamorphosed aquatic feedings for seven kinematic variables. However, when individuals feed on land, a radical shift in hyoid kinematics was observed. In addition, multivariate analysis showed that terrestrial feedings differed from aquatic feedings in having longer duration head movements. The lack of a kinematic difference between larval and metamorphosed individuals feeding in the water indicates that the morphological changes occurring at metamorphosis do not impose any obligatory kinematic consequences. Rather, metamorphosed Ambystoma tigrinum acquire the ability to modulate their kinematic pattern depending on the environment.  相似文献   

The ability of an individual to escape predators is an important component of fitness. Several adaptive explanations of body shape variation in amphibians hypothesize relationships between swimming performance and morphology, but these ideas have rarely been tested. Here we investigate bivariate and multivariate relationships between natural variation in morphology and performance. We used high-speed video to examine fast-starts associated with escape responses in small tiger salamander larvae (Ambystoma tigrinum). Our results indicate that performance is influenced by interactions among aspects of morphology, physiology, and behavior. Relationships between morphometric variables and velocity could be detected with multivariate, but not bivariate statistical analyses. In particular, relationships between morphology and velocity depend on tail beat frequency (potentially a measure of effort or vigor). Relationships between morphology and acceleration were detected with bivariate analyses, but multivariate analysis suggests that acceleration performance, too, depends on interactions between morphology and tail beat frequency. We found a positive relationship between tail area and propulsive performance, which supports adaptive interpretations of variation in larval tail shape within and between amphibian species.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic sequence of cranial bony structure from initial ossifications through metamorphosis in Ambystoma texanum is described on the basis of 128 cleared and stained specimens. For convenience of discussion nine stages are recognized on the basis of conspicuous events. Cranial bones ossify and are modified in a definite sequence, and comparisons of complete sequences among groups of salamanders may prove useful in classification and in better understanding of relationships.  相似文献   

Ten tetranucleotide microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from Indiana (USA) populations of the smallmouth salamander, Ambystoma texanum. As opposed to individually labelling primers that were not yet known to be polymorphic, we used fluorescent dUTP to assess genetic variability and found it to be very effective. Allelic diversity ranged from two to 18 alleles per locus and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.17 to 0.91 among roughly 25 individuals. One of the 10 markers also amplified and was polymorphic in the tiger salamander (A. tigrinum).  相似文献   

Intraspecific aggression represents a major source of mortality for many animals and is often experienced alongside the threat of predation. The presence of predators can strongly influence ecological systems both directly by consuming prey and indirectly by altering prey behavior or habitat use. As such, the threat of attack by higher level predators may strongly influence agonistic interactions among conspecifics via nonconsumptive (e.g., behaviorally mediated) predator effects. We sought to investigate these interactions experimentally using larval salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) as prey and dragonfly nymphs (Anax junius) as predators. Specifically, we quantified salamander behavioral responses to perceived predation risk (PPR) from dragonfly nymphs and determined the degree to which PPR influenced intraspecific aggression (i.e., intraspecific biting and cannibalism) among prey. This included examining the effects of predator exposure on the magnitude of intraspecific biting (i.e., extent of tail damage) and the resulting change in performance (i.e., burst swim speed). Salamander larvae responded to PPR by reducing activity and feeding, but did not increase refuge use. Predator exposure did not significantly influence overall survival; however, the pattern of survival differed among treatments. Larvae exposed to PPR experienced less tail damage from conspecifics, and maximum burst swim speed declined as tail damage became more extensive. Thus, escape ability was more strongly compromised by intraspecific aggression occurring in the absence of predation risk. We conclude that multitrophic indirect effects may importantly modulate intraspecific aggression and should be considered when evaluating the effects of intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Most previous research on metamorphosis of the musculoskeletal system in vertebrates has focused on the transformation of the skeleton. In this paper we focus on the transformation of the muscles of the head during metamorphosis in tiger salamanders ( Ambystoma tigrinum ) in order (1) to provide new data on changes in myology during ontogeny, and (2) to aid in interpreting previous data on the metamorphosis of function in the head of salamanders.
The physiological cross-sectional area of nine head muscles was calculated by measuring fibre angles, fibre lengths, and muscle mass in two samples of tiger salamanders obtained just before and just after metamorphosis. The major mouth-opening muscles (rectus cervicis and depressor mandibulae) exhibit a significant decrease in estimated maximum tetanic tension (MTT) across metamorphosis of about 36%. The jaw-closing muscles (adductor mandibulae internus and externus) and the head-lifting muscles (epaxials) also decrease in MTT but not significantly. The muscles associated with tongue projection during feeding on land (the subarcualis rectus I, geniohyoideus, interhyoideus and intermandibularis) all show a slight increase in MTT at metamorphosis.
Metamorphic transformation of feeding behaviour in Ambystoma tigrinum involves changes in performance, the design of skeletal elements, changes in muscle force-generating capability, and changes in hydrodynamic design from unidirectional flow in larvae to bidirectional flow during aquatic feeding after metamorphosis. Although muscle activity patterns during aquatic feeding do not change across metamorphosis, tongue-based terrestrial feeding involves a suite of novel muscle activity patterns, morphological characters acquired at metamorphosis, and a metamorphic increase in the masses of muscles important in tongue projection.  相似文献   

Bateman’s principles of sexual selection predict that the sex with “cheaper” gametes may maximize reproductive efforts by mating multiply and so display greater positive covariance between reproductive and mating success. We conducted a semi-controlled breeding experiment to genetically quantify sexual selection in adult Ambystoma texanum, a sexually monomorphic salamander with simple courtship behaviors. We used four polymorphic microsatellite loci to genotype 57 adults enclosed in a breeding wetland and compared their multilocus profiles to that of 862 embryos collected from the enclosure. The molecular data were used to assign parentage, investigate the mating system, and measure sexual selection intensity. Parentage analyses indicated 36% of dams and 93% of sires were genetically sampled via their gametes but physically unsampled, suggesting that a large number of breeders over-wintered within the enclosure and/or some females released into the enclosure were already inseminated. We used the genetic data to generate estimates of individual reproductive and mating success and we interpret these in light of salamander behavior and sexual selection theory. The incidence of multiple mating in females (86%) was considerably higher than in males (32%) and the standardized variance in mating success was significantly greater in females. The correlations between reproductive and mating success were significant and of similar magnitude between the sexes, indicating that both sexes increased reproductive success through increased mating success. This pattern may be a function of differential opportunities for mating success between the sexes. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Natural selection requires genetically based phenotypic variation to facilitate its action and cause adaptive evolution. It has become increasingly recognized that morphological development can become canalized likely as a result of selection. However, it is largely unknown how selection may influence canalization over ontogeny and differing environments. Changes in environments or colonization of a novel one is expected to result in adaptive divergence from the ancestral population when selection favors a new phenotypic optimum. In turn, a novel environment may also expose variation previously hidden from natural selection. We tested for changes in phenotypic variation over ontogeny and environments among ecomorphs of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) from two Icelandic lakes. Populations represented varying degrees of ecological specialization, with one lake population possessing highly specialized ecomorphs exhibiting a large degree of phenotypic divergence, whereas the other displayed more subtle divergence with more ecological overlap. Here we show that ecomorphs hypothesized to be the most specialized in each lake possess significant reductions in shape variation over ontogeny regardless of environmental treatment suggesting canalized development. However, environments did change the amount of shape variation expressed in these ecomorphs, with novel environments slowing the rate at which variation was reduced over ontogeny. Thus, environmental conditions may play an important role in determining the type and amount of genetically based phenotypic variation exposed to natural selection.  相似文献   

The feeding responses of three species of newt larvae were compared under circumneutral and sublethal acid conditions. Under acid conditions (pH 4.5) feeding behaviour was suppressed in palmate newts, Triturus helveticus, and smooth newts. T. vulgaris , but not in crested newts, T. cristatus. At low pH, approach and orientation towards food occurred in T. helveticus and T. vulgaris , but snapping was inhibited; T. cristatus snapped and consumed food immediately it was offered under the same conditions. These differences are not consistent with the apparent greater tolerance of T helveticus for acidified ponds. The observations suggest that the chemosensory system of T. helveticus and T. vulgaris may be impaired at low pH.  相似文献   

Complex life cycles (CLCs) contain larval and adult phases that are morphologically and ecologically distinct. Simple life cycles (SLCs) have evolved from CLCs repeatedly in a wide variety of lineages but the processes that may underlie the transition have rarely been identified or investigated experimentally. We examined the influence of larval growth rate on the facultative expression of alternative life cycles (metamorphosis or maturation as gill-bearing adults [= paedomorphosis]) in the salamander Ambystoma talpoideum. We manipulated growth rates by altering the amount of food individuals received throughout larval development. The expression of alternative life cycles in A. talpoideum is influenced by growth via food levels, but the same growth rates at different points in the larval period elicit different responses. Individuals were more likely to metamorphose (i.e. express a CLC) when food levels and growth rates were high later in development and more likely to mature without metamorphosing (SLC) when growth rates were comparatively low during the same point in development. Growth rates at particular points in development, rather than overall larval growth rate, may be an important proximate factor in salamander life-cycle evolution.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 639–646.  相似文献   

Summary An ultrastructural study was performed to determine the ability of presumptive lateral line tissue in A. maculatum embryos to migrate and differentiate in the absence of all sensory innervation. In experimental animals, all presumptive neural tissue was surgically removed at Harrison's stage 24, leaving only the posterior portion of the post-auditory placode. At later stages, completely differentiated aneural lateral line organs were found in the midbody region of the larvae. These were morphologically similar to those of control larvae. No signs of atrophy or degeneration of the neurqmasts were seen even after several weeks of nerve-free conditions.The use of the electron microscope of the College of Osteopathic Medicine is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks are due I.M. Korr and G.S.L. Appeltauer for comments and R. Meyers and R. Herbold for technical assistance  相似文献   

We examined fine-scale genetic variation among breeding aggregations of the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) to quantify dispersal, interpopulation connectivity and population genetic structure. Spotted salamanders rely on temporary ponds or wetlands for aggregate breeding. Adequate breeding sites are relatively isolated from one another and field studies suggest considerable adult site fidelity; therefore, we expected to find population structure and differentiation at small spatial scales. We used microsatellites to estimate population structure and dispersal among 29 breeding aggregations in Tompkins County, New York, USA, an area encompassing 1272 km(2). Bayesian and frequency-based analyses revealed fine-scale genetic structure with two genetically defined demes: the North deme included seven breeding ponds, and the South deme included 13 ponds. Nine ponds showed evidence of admixture between these two genetic pools. Bayesian assignment tests for detection of interpopulation dispersal indicate that immigration among ponds is common within demes, and that certain populations serve as sources of immigrants to neighbouring ponds. Likewise, spatial genetic correlation analyses showed that populations < or = 4.8 km distant from each other show significant genetic correlation that is not evident at higher scales. Within-population levels of relatedness are consistently larger than expected if mating were completely random across ponds, and in the case of a few ponds, within-population processes such as inbreeding or reproductive skew contribute significantly to differentiation from neighbouring ponds. Our data underscore the importance of these within-population processes as a source of genetic diversity across the landscape, despite considerable population connectivity. Our data further suggest that spotted salamander breeding groups behave as metapopulations, with population clusters as functional units, but sufficient migration among demes to allow for potential rescue and recolonization. Amphibian habitats are becoming increasingly fragmented and a clear understanding of dispersal and patterns of population connectivity for taxa with different ecologies and life histories is crucial for their conservation.  相似文献   

Individual life histories are strongly influenced by early environmental conditions and experiences. They shape morphology as well as behaviour and can promote adaptive divergence and phenotypic plasticity with regard to different habitat types. The fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) in the Kottenforst forest in Bonn, Germany, exhibits two genetically distinct ecotypes occurring in two larval habitats, either ponds or streams. In this study, we investigated whether both ecotypes differ in risk-taking behaviour, measured as the behavioural response during a shelter-emergence test and a shelter-seeking test, and whether larval habitat type and size impact these behaviours. Our results revealed an influence of size as well as habitat type. Larger larvae of both habitats appear to be more risk-prone, as they spent more time outside the starting shelter in the shelter-emergence test. Irrespective of size, pond larvae sought shelter more often in the shelter-seeking test and are thus considered to be less risk-prone. These results indicate that larvae conform to a given niche by adjusting their behaviour. Future studies are needed to disentangle the role of genetic adaptation or phenotypic plasticity and to investigate long-term consequences of the larval habitat for the adult phenotype. Thereby, efforts should be made to create a concise set of multiple tests assessing behavioural patterns.  相似文献   

A primary goal of molecular ecology is to understand the influence of abiotic factors on the spatial distribution of genetic variation. Features including altitudinal clines, topography and landscape characteristics affect the proportion of suitable habitat, influence dispersal patterns, and ultimately structure genetic differentiation among populations. We studied the effects of altitude and topography on genetic variation of long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum), a geographically widespread amphibian species throughout northwestern North America. We focused on 10 low altitude sites (< 1200 m) and 11 high-altitude sites in northwestern Montana and determined multilocus genotypes for 549 individuals using seven microsatellite loci. We tested four hypotheses: (1) gene flow is limited between high- and low-altitude sites; and, (2) gene flow is limited among high-altitude sites due to harsh habitat and extreme topographical relief between sites; (3) low-altitude sites exhibit higher among-site gene flow due to frequent flooding events and low altitudinal relief; and (4) there is a negative correlation between altitude and genetic variation. Overall F(ST) values were moderate (0.08611; P < 0.001). Pairwise F(ST) estimates between high and low populations and a population graphing method supported the hypothesis that low-altitude and high-altitude sites, taken together, are genetically differentiated from each other. Also as predicted, gene flow is more prominent among low-altitude sites than high-altitude sites; low-altitude sites had a significantly lower F(ST) (0.03995; P < 0.001) than high altitude sites (F(ST) = 0.10271; P < 0.001). Use of Bayesian analysis of population structure (BAPS) resulted in delineation of 10 genetic groups, two among low-altitude populations and eight among high-altitude populations. In addition, within high altitude populations, basin-level genetic structuring was apparent. A nonequilibrium algorithm for detecting current migration rates supported these population distinctions. Finally, we also found a significant negative correlation between genetic diversity and altitude. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that topography and altitudinal gradients shape the spatial distribution of genetic variation in a species with a broad geographical range and diverse life history. Our study sheds light on which key factors limit dispersal and ultimately species' distributions.  相似文献   

A primary goal of conservation genetics is the discovery, delimitation and protection of phylogenetic lineages within sensitive or endangered taxa. Given the importance of lineage protection, a combination of phylogeography, historical geology and molecular clock analyses can provide an important historical context for overall species conservation. We present the results of a range-wide survey of genetic variation in the California tiger salamander, Ambystoma californiense, as well as a summary of the past several million years of inundation and isolation of the Great Central Valley and surrounding uplands that constitute its limited range. A combination of population genetic and phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA variation among 696 samples from 84 populations revealed six well-supported genetic units that are geographically discrete and characterized by nonoverlapping haplotype distributions. Populations from Santa Barbara and Sonoma Counties are particularly well differentiated and geographically isolated from all others. The remaining units in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, Central Coast Range, Central Valley and Bay Area are separated by geological features, ecological zone boundaries, or both. The geological history of the California landscape is consistent with molecular clock evidence suggesting that the Santa Barbara unit has been isolated for at least 0.74-0.92 Myr, and the Sonoma clade is equally ancient. Our work places patterns of genetic differentiation into both temporal- and landscape-level contexts, providing important insights into the conservation genetics of the California tiger salamander.  相似文献   

Cytonuclear discordance in contact zones between related lineages is common, with mitochondrial clines often being displaced from clines in nuclear allele frequency. Proposed explanations for such a pattern include adaptive introgression of mtDNA or a neutral wake of mtDNA being left behind following hybrid zone movement. However, studies investigating these hypotheses are rare. Our previous survey of genetic variation in the long‐toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) highlighted a potential case of cytonuclear discordance between two lineages in western Canada. Here, we use additional markers and samples to clarify the extent of this discordance. We simultaneously assess the feeding performance of individuals in a common environment to test for an association between mitotype and individual performance. The genetic results confirm a general pattern of cytonuclear discordance in the focal region. However, we also observed more limited introgression of a diagnostic nuclear marker. Intriguingly, although there were differences in individual performance associated with the transition between mitotypes, these differences were not fully explained by mitotype. Instead, the lowest performance was observed in individuals demonstrating the greatest mismatch between mtDNA and all nuclear markers, suggesting the potential for cytonuclear incompatibilities to be acting. These results highlight the complexity of understanding the causes and consequences of mtDNA introgression and cytonuclear discordance in contact zones.  相似文献   

The main nitrogenous excretory products were determined for third instar Cueta sp. and Furgella intermedia larvae during periods of food abundance and for F. intermedia during starvation periods. Biochemical analysis indicated that allantoin was the main nitrogenous excretory product, with smaller quantities of ammonia, urea and uric acid. Respectively 9 and 13amino acids of low concentrations (0.005-0.329g/l) were detected by high pressure liquid chromatography in the excreta of Cueta sp. and F. intermedia larvae. The volume of urine produced and concentrations of the nitrogenous excretory products of fed Cueta sp. and fed F. intermedia larvae did not differ. F. intermedia excreted smaller volumes of urine and smaller quantities of nitrogenous excretory products during starvation than during periods of food abundance. Feeding conditions rather than the pitbuilding or non-pitbuilding lifestyles seem to be the major influence on the excretory products of these antlion larvae.  相似文献   

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