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The Rho GTPases are implicated in almost every fundamental cellular process. They act as molecular switches that cycle between an active GTP-bound and an inactive GDP-bound state. Their slow intrinsic GTPase activity is greatly enhanced by RhoGAPs (Rho GTPase-activating proteins), thus causing their inactivation. To date, more than 70 RhoGAPs have been identified in eukaryotes, ranging from yeast to human, and based on sequence homology of their RhoGAP domain, we have grouped them into subfamilies. In the present Review, we discuss their regulation, biological functions and implication in human diseases.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method for C-terminal sequencing of proteins has long been pursued because it would provide substantial information for identifying the covalent structure, including post-translational modifications. However, there are still significant impediments to both direct sequencing from C termini of proteins and specific isolation of C-terminal peptides from proteins. We describe here a highly successful, de novo C-terminal sequencing method of proteins by employing succinimidyloxycarbonylmethyl tris (2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl) phosphonium bromide and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Today, Fmoc SPPS is the method of choice for peptide synthesis. Very‐high‐quality Fmoc building blocks are available at low cost because of the economies of scale arising from current multiton production of therapeutic peptides by Fmoc SPPS. Many modified derivatives are commercially available as Fmoc building blocks, making synthetic access to a broad range of peptide derivatives straightforward. The number of synthetic peptides entering clinical trials has grown continuously over the last decade, and recent advances in the Fmoc SPPS technology are a response to the growing demand from medicinal chemistry and pharmacology. Improvements are being continually reported for peptide quality, synthesis time and novel synthetic targets. Topical peptide research has contributed to a continuous improvement and expansion of Fmoc SPPS applications. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Small GTPases of the Rho protein family are master regulators of the actin cytoskeleton and are targeted by potent virulence factors of several pathogenic bacteria. Their dysfunctional regulation can lead to severe human pathologies. Both host and bacterial factors can activate or inactivate Rho proteins by direct post‐translational modifications: such as deamidation and transglutamination for activation, or ADP‐ribosylation, glucosylation, adenylylation and phosphorylation for inactivation. We review and compare these unconventional ways in which both host cells and bacterial pathogens regulate Rho proteins.  相似文献   

We report structural alterations of histone H3 proteins induced by lysine‐4 (K4) monomethylation, dimethylation, and trimethylation identified by using synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy. Compared with unmethylated H3, monomethylation and dimethylation induced increases in α‐helix structures and decreases in β‐strand structures. In contrast, trimethylation decreased α‐helix content but increased β‐strand content. The structural differences among K4‐unmethylated/methylated H3 may allow epigenetic enzymes to discriminate the substrates both chemically and sterically.  相似文献   

Post‐translational modifications (PTMs) of α/β‐tubulin are believed to regulate interactions with microtubule‐binding proteins. A well‐characterized PTM involves in the removal and re‐ligation of the C‐terminal tyrosine on α‐tubulin, but the purpose of this tyrosination–detyrosination cycle remains elusive. Here, we examined the processive motility of mammalian dynein complexed with dynactin and BicD2 (DDB) on tyrosinated versus detyrosinated microtubules. Motility was decreased ~fourfold on detyrosinated microtubules, constituting the largest effect of a tubulin PTM on motor function observed to date. This preference is mediated by dynactin's microtubule‐binding p150 subunit rather than dynein itself. Interestingly, on a bipartite microtubule consisting of tyrosinated and detyrosinated segments, DDB molecules that initiated movement on tyrosinated tubulin continued moving into the segment composed of detyrosinated tubulin. This result indicates that the α‐tubulin tyrosine facilitates initial motor–tubulin encounters, but is not needed for subsequent motility. Our results reveal a strong effect of the C‐terminal α‐tubulin tyrosine on dynein–dynactin motility and suggest that the tubulin tyrosination cycle could modulate the initiation of dynein‐driven motility in cells.  相似文献   

A general synthetic strategy is described for the preparation of peptide-conjugates where the peptides contain the NH2 terminal, COOH terminal, or internal regions of the protein sequence. Glycoprotein D of herpes simplex virus type 1 is used as a representative protein. Ten-residue peptide fragments of the native sequence were synthesized using standard solid-phase methodology. Photoprobes stable to conditions of synthesis and HF cleavage were coupled directly to the protected-peptide resin during synthesis. This one-step procedure eliminates the potential modification of functional groups in the sequence of interest that can occur when using chemically labile bifunctional reagents. Since the photoprobe is inert until photolysis, the synthetic peptide-probe can be readily purified by high-performance liquid chromatography before cross-linking to the carrier molecule. The following photoprobe derivatives were investigated: thep-azidobenzoyl,p-nitrophenylalanyl, andp-benzoylbenzoyl groups. The benzophenone photoprobes were shown to give the highest incorporation of peptide-probe with the protein carrier over a wide range ofpH and solvent conditions. For solid-phase synthesis three benzophenone photoprobes can be used: benzoylbenzoic acid, benzoylbenzoylglycine, andN e-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)-N -t-butyloxycarbonyl-lysine.  相似文献   

The 5-hydroxytryptamine 3 (5-HT(3)) receptor is a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel with potential molecular isoforms arising from different subunit combinations and/or different post-translational modifications of the individual subunits. Since N-glycosylation of the 5-HT3A subunit impacts cell surface trafficking, the presence of N-glycosylation of the human (h) 5-HT3B subunit and the influence upon cell membrane expression was investigated. Following transient expression of the h5-HT3B subunit by human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293 cells) stably expressing the h5-HT3A subunit, the N-glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin reduced the size of the predominant h5-HT3B-immunoreactive protein (~ 55 kDa reduced to ~ 40 kDa). Disruption of each consensus N-glycosylation sequences in the h5-HT3B subunit (N31S, N75S, N117S, N147S and N182S) resulted in a reduced molecular weight (by ~ 2-4 kDa) of each mutant when expressed by HEK293 cells stably expressing the h5-HT3A subunit. Immunocytochemical studies demonstrated that disruption of each of the N-glycosylation sequences (individually or combined) reduced the expression of the mutant h5-HT3B subunit protein in the cell membrane when co-expressed with the h5-HT3A subunit. The present study has identified utilised N-glycosylation sites of the h5-HT3B subunit and demonstrated that they promote subunit expression in the cell membrane; a prerequisite for 5-HT(3) receptor function.  相似文献   

A large number of post‐translational modifications (PTMs) in proteins are buried in the unassigned mass spectrometric (MS) spectra in shot‐gun proteomics datasets. Because the modified peptide fragments are low in abundance relative to the corresponding non‐modified versions, it is critical to develop tools that allow facile evaluation of assignment of PTMs based on the MS/MS spectra. Such tools will preferably have the ability to allow comparison of fragment ion spectra and retention time between the modified and unmodified peptide pairs or group. Herein, MMS2plot, an R package for visualizing peptide‐spectrum matches (PSMs) for multiple peptides, is described. MMS2plot features a batch mode and generates the output images in vector graphics file format that facilitate evaluation and publication of the PSM assignment. MMS2plot is expected to play an important role in PTM discovery from large‐scale proteomics datasets generated by liquid chromatography‐MS/MS. The MMS2plot package is freely available at https://github.com/lileir/MMS2plot under the GPL‐3 license.  相似文献   

Protein glycosylation, or the attachment of sugar moieties (glycans) to proteins, is important for protein stability, activity, and immunogenicity. However, understanding the roles and regulations of site‐specific glycosylation events remains a significant challenge due to several technological limitations. These limitations include a lack of available tools for biochemical characterization of enzymes involved in glycosylation. A particular challenge is the synthesis of oligosaccharyltransferases (OSTs), which catalyze the attachment of glycans to specific amino acid residues in target proteins. The difficulty arises from the fact that canonical OSTs are large (>70 kDa) and possess multiple transmembrane helices, making them difficult to overexpress in living cells. Here, we address this challenge by establishing a bacterial cell‐free protein synthesis platform that enables rapid production of a variety of OSTs in their active conformations. Specifically, by using lipid nanodiscs as cellular membrane mimics, we obtained yields of up to 420 μg/ml for the single‐subunit OST enzyme, “Protein glycosylation B” (PglB) from Campylobacter jejuni, as well as for three additional PglB homologs from Campylobacter coli, Campylobacter lari, and Desulfovibrio gigas. Importantly, all of these enzymes catalyzed N‐glycosylation reactions in vitro with no purification or processing needed. Furthermore, we demonstrate the ability of cell‐free synthesized OSTs to glycosylate multiple target proteins with varying N‐glycosylation acceptor sequons. We anticipate that this broadly applicable production method will advance glycoengineering efforts by enabling preparative expression of membrane‐embedded OSTs from all kingdoms of life.

A genetic Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) detector undergoes a post‐translational modification (PTM)‐induced conformational change that results in increased FRET. To test if the PTM‐dependent FRET change can be quantified by flow cytometry, we purified and immobilized a genetic detector on microbeads and used flow cytometry to measure its FRET efficiency before and after Erk‐2–mediated phosphorylation. The fluorescence ratio R between the acceptor and donor fluorescence, which was obtained by fitting a straight line through the data points in linear space, increases following phosphorylation, thus demonstrating that flow cytometry is capable of detecting a PTM‐dependent FRET response. Furthermore, when Erk‐2 and a genetic detector are coexpressed in bacteria, the measured R value changes with the substrate sequence with near single residue resolution. Similarly, the cells coexpressing the glycosylating enzyme O‐GlcNAc transferase (OGT) and a genetic detector specific for OGT exhibit a PTM‐induced change in FRET efficiency. Therefore, the combination of flow cytometry and a genetic detector may be useful to characterize the substrate specificity of a PTM enzyme and identify the sequences that are preferentially targeted for PTM in vivo. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

The class III human liver alcohol dehydrogenase, identical to glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase, separates electrophoretically into a major anodic form (1) of known structure, and at least one minor, also anodic but a slightly faster migrating form (2). The primary structure of the minor form isolated by ion-exchange chromatography has now been determined. Results reveal an amino acid sequence identical to that of the major form, suggesting that the two derive from the same translation product, with the minor form modified chemically in a manner not detectable by sequence analysis. This pattern resembles that for the classical alcohol dehydrogenase (class I). Hence, the 1/2 multiplicity does not add further primary forms to the complex alcohol dehydrogenase system but shows the presence of modified forms also in class III.  相似文献   

We describe a mass spectrometric method for distinguishing between free and modified forms of the C‐terminal carboxyl group of peptides and proteins, in combination with chemical approaches for the isolation of C‐terminal peptides and site‐specific derivatization of the C‐terminal carboxyl group. This method could most advantageously be exploited to discriminate between peptides having C‐terminal carboxyl groups in the free (COOH) and amide (CONH2) forms by increasing their mass difference from 1 to 14 Da by selectively converting the free carboxyl group into methylamide (CONHCH3). This method has been proven to be applicable to peptides containing aspartic and glutamic acids, because all the carboxyl groups except the C‐terminal one are inert to derivatization, according to oxazolone chemistry. The efficiency of the method is illustrated by a comparison of the peaks of processed peptides obtained from a mixture of adrenomedullin, calcitonin, and BSA. Among these components of the mixture, only the C‐terminal peptide of BSA exhibited the mass shift of 13 Da upon treatment, eventually unambiguously validating the C‐terminal amide structures of adrenomedullin and calcitonin. The possibility of extending this method for the analysis of C‐terminal PTMs is also discussed.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosyltransferases (ARTs) are a family of enzymes that catalyze the covalent transfer of an ADP-ribose moiety, derived from NAD, to an amino acid of an acceptor protein, thereby altering its function. To date, little information is available on the protein target specificity of different ART family members. ART2 is a T-cell-specific transferase, attached to the cell surface by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor, and also found in serum. Here we investigated the role of ART2 localization in serum or on the cell surface, or solubilized with detergents or enzymes, on its target protein specificity. We found that detergent solubilization of cell membranes, or release of ART2 by phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C treatment, altered the ability of ART2 to ADP-ribosylate high or low molecular weight histone proteins. Similarly, soluble recombinant ART2 (lacking the GPI anchor) showed a different histone specificity than did cell-bound ART2. When soluble ART2 was incubated with serum proteins in the presence of [32P]-labeled NAD, several serum proteins were ADP-ribosylated in a thiol-specific manner. Mass spectrometry of labeled proteins identified albumin and transferrin as ADP-ribosylated proteins in serum. Collectively, these studies reveal that the membrane or solution environment of ART2 plays a pivotal role in determining its substrate specificity.  相似文献   

MassMatrix is a program that matches tandem mass spectra with theoretical peptide sequences derived from a protein database. The program uses a mass accuracy sensitive probabilistic score model to rank peptide matches. The MS/MS search software was evaluated by use of a high mass accuracy dataset and its results compared with those from MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA. For the high mass accuracy data, MassMatrix provided better sensitivity than MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA for a given specificity and the percentage of false positives was 2%. More importantly all manually validated true positives corresponded to a unique peptide/spectrum match. The presence of decoy sequence and additional variable PTMs did not significantly affect the results from the high mass accuracy search. MassMatrix performs well when compared with MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA with regard to search time. MassMatrix was also run on a distributed memory clusters and achieved search speeds of ~100 000 spectra per hour when searching against a complete human database with eight variable modifications. The algorithm is available for public searches at http://www.massmatrix.net.  相似文献   

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