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T. Jürimäe  T. Hurbo 《HOMO》2009,60(3):225-238
The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship of handgrip strength with basic anthropometric variables, hand anthropometric variables, total body and hand composition, total body and hand bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) in prepubertal children aged between 8 and 11 years (n=64, 27 boys, 37 girls). Height and body mass were measured and body mass index (BMI kg/m2) was calculated. Biceps and triceps skinfolds, arm relaxed, arm flexed, forearm and wrist girths, acromiale-radiale, radiale-stylion-radiale and midstylion-dactylion length and humerus breadth were measured. Specific hand anthropometric variables according to Visnapuu and Jürimäe [2007. Handgrip strength and hand dimensions in young handball and basketball players. J. Strength Cond. Res. 21, 923-929] were used. Five fingers’ spans, fingers’ lengths and perimeters of the hand were measured. Total body and right-hand fat percentage, fat mass and lean mass (LBM) were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Right-hand BMC and BMD were analysed from the bone variables. Maximal handgrip strength of the right hand was measured with the hand dynamometer. Stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that the most important predictive value from the basic anthropometric variables was body height, explaining 76.1% (R2×100), 40.7% and 50.6% of the handgrip strength in boys, girls and total group, respectively. Measured skinfold thicknesses and breadths were not related to handgrip strength in any group. Forearm girths significantly predicted handgrip strength in boys (30.8%), girls (43.4%) and total group (43.4%). As a rule, handgrip strength was more dependent on the anthropometric and body composition variables in boys than girls. It was concluded that body height, forearm girth, midstylion-dactylion and acromiale-radiale length and hand LBM and BMC are the most limiting factors influencing handgrip strength in prepubertal children.  相似文献   

Objective: This study evaluated to what extent dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DXA) and two types of bioimpedance analysis (BIA) yield similar results for body fat mass (FM) in men and women with different levels of obesity and physical activity (PA). Methods and Procedures: The study population consisted of 37–81‐year‐old Finnish people (82 men and 86 women). FM% was estimated using DXA (GE Lunar Prodigy) and two BIA devices (InBody (720) and Tanita BC 418 MA). Subjects were divided into normal, overweight, and obese groups on the basis of clinical cutoff points of BMI, and into low PA (LPA) and high PA (HPA) groups. Agreement between the devices was calculated by using the Bland–Altman analysis. Results: Compared to DXA, both BIA devices provided on average 2–6% lower values for FM% in normal BMI men, in women in all BMI categories, and in both genders in both HPA and LPA groups. In obese men, the differences were smaller. The two BIA devices provided similar means for groups. Differences between the two BIA devices with increasing FM% were a result of the InBody (720) not including age in their algorithm for estimating body composition. Discussion: BIA methods provided systematically lower values for FM than DXA. However, the differences depend on gender and body weight status pointing out the importance of considering these when identifying people with excess FM.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This field-based investigation examined the congruence between skinfolds and bioelectrical impedance in assessing body composition in children. METHODS: Subjects were 162 female and 160 male children 10-15 years of age. Skinfold measures obtained at the triceps and medial calf and a leg-to-leg bioelectrical impedance system were used to determine percent fat using child-specific equations. Pearson product moment correlations were performed on the percent fat values obtained using skinfolds and bioelectric impedance for the entire data set. Separate correlations were also conducted on gender and age/gender subsets. Dependent t tests were used to compare the two techniques. RESULTS: Percent fat did not differ between skinfolds and bioelectrical impedance for the total subject pool. Bioelectrical impedance overestimated percent fat in girls by 2.6% and underestimated percent fat in boys by 1.7% (p < 0.01). Correlations between skinfolds and bioelectrical impedance ranged from r = 0.51 to r = 0.90. CONCLUSIONS: Leg-to-leg bioelectrical impedance may be a viable alternative field assessment technique that is comparable to skinfolds. The small differences in percent fat between the two techniques may have limited practical significance in school-based health-fitness settings.  相似文献   

This study aims to clarify age-related changes of body composition structure in terms of the percentages of body fat and muscle (muscle mass/weight×100) in preschool children by using BMI. The subjects were 533 preschool children, comprising 260 boys and 273 girls. Regression analysis for BMI was performed and a regression polynomial of a proper order was determined. After examining the validity of the order in a regression polynomial for %Fat and muscle percentages for BMI, a regression polynomial evaluation chart was made up. After judging the degree of fat or muscle accumulation from BMI and the fat or muscle percentages for each age group of the boys and girls, a frequency distribution map of excessive development and underdevelopment of fat and muscle was drawn up and its age-related changes were examined. As a result, a complementary relationship was confirmed to exist between BMI and %Fat in preschool children. In contrast, an opposite relationship was found for BMI and muscle percentages. These results suggest that BMI can be used as an index of muscle percentages as well as %Fat. As a final result, the distribution composition map of fat and muscle percentages for BMI does not show changes with age from infancy in preschool boys as a whole, but it does show such changes in girls. It is inferred that preschool girls show, due to early maturity, earlier changes (fat decrease) toward an integrated child's body than do boys.  相似文献   

The human body composition is assessed to determine percent body fat (PBF), fat mass (FM), and lean body mass or fat free mass (FFM). The topological distribution of body fat has been the subject of many studies in the world and India. To the best of our knowledge the present paper is the first report on the body composition in terms of PBF and FM, and their relationship with anthropometric measures in Muslim females in India. The present study examines anthropometric measurements and their relationship with the body composition among Muslim females of West Bengal, India. A cross-sectional study of 100 female, Muslim students of Howrah and Kolkata was undertaken to compare the relationships of biceps and triceps skinfold, waist, hip and upper arm circumference, waist hip ratio and conicity index with their body composition variables (PBF and FM). All anthropometric measures displayed significant (p < 0.05) correlation with body composition measures. The triceps skinfold, however, demonstrated a significant correlation with PBF (r = 0.90) and FM (r = 0.93). The greatest amount of variation of PBF (81.3 %) and FM (89.2 %) was explained by the triceps skinfold. In addition, a considerable amount of variation of PBF (72.8 %) and FM (86.0 %) was explained by the mid upper arm circumference. In conclusion, the present study displays a tendency of regional adiposity in the upper arm, triceps skinfold and mid upper arm circumference are much more strongly associated with body fat.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate whether variables routinely assessed while testing athletes can also predict movement performance. The relation between jumping performance and standard strength, anthropometric, and body composition variables was examined in elite junior basketball players. The 33 males were tested for maximal vertical jump, as well as for maximal isometric voluntary force and rate of force development of hip and knee extensors. Standard anthropometric and body composition measures (body height, lean body mass, as well as the percentage of fat and muscle tissue) were also taken. Except for maximal isometric forces (0.38 and 0.52 N.kg(-1) for hip and knee extensors, respectively), all correlation coefficients between the selected variables and jump height were insignificant. As a consequence, the corresponding multiple correlation coefficient, R = 0.71, also suggested a moderate predictability of jumping performance by the standard strength tests and anthropometric and body composition variables. The results obtained dispute the use of the examined tests in sport performance assessment, and also question applying the tests for other purposes such as evaluation of training procedures or selection of young athletes. Therefore, the results are in line with the concept that a reliable performance assessment in homogeneous groups of athletes requires predominantly movement-specific testing.  相似文献   

This comparative study, conducted on 28 boys and girls of widely varying fatness, was designed to validate a new whole-body composition method [total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC)], based on bioelectrical properties of the human body. A significant correlation [r = 0.911; standard error of the estimate (SEE) = 5.3 kg] was demonstrated between the transformed TOBEC scores (TOBEC0.5 X Ht) and lean body mass (LBM) determined by hydrodensitometry and corrected for individual variations in hydration (LBMd + W). TOBEC determinations also correlated well with 1) total body water determined by deuterium oxide dilution (r = 0.877; SEE = 4.5 liters), 2) total body potassium determined by means of a 4 pi whole-body counter (r = 0.860; SEE = 430.7 meq), 3) LBM derived from skinfold thicknesses (r = 0.850; SEE = 5.8 kg). The residuals of the regression between LBMd + W and TOBEC scores did not show any significant correlation with either the potassium or the water content of the LBM. The results indicate that TOBEC is a simple, rapid, reliable, and noninvasive technique for delineating changes in body composition that occur in children during growth.  相似文献   

Objective: To develop accurate and reliable equations from simple anthropometric parameters that would predict percentage of total body fat (%BF), total abdominal fat (TAF), subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue (SCAT), and intra‐abdominal adipose tissue (IAAT) with a fair degree of accuracy. Methods and Procedures: Anthropometry, %BF by dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DXA) in 171 healthy subjects (95 men and 76 women) and TAF, IAAT, and SCAT by single slice magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at L3–4 intervertebral level in 100 healthy subjects were measured. Mean age and BMI were 32.2 years and 22.9 kg/m2, respectively. Multiple regression analysis was used on the training data set (70%) to develop equations, by taking anthropometric and demographic variables as potential predictors. Predicted equations were applied on validation data set (30%). Results: Multiple regression analysis revealed the best equation for predicting %BF to be: %BF = 42.42 + 0.003 × age (years) + 7.04 × gender (M = 1, F = 2) + 0.42 × triceps skinfold (mm) + 0.29 × waist circumference (cm) ? 0.22 × weight (kg) ? 0.42 × height (cm) (R 2 = 86.4%). The most precise predictive equation for estimating IAAT was: IAAT (mm2) = ?238.7 + 16.9 × age (years) + 934.18 × gender (M = 1, F = 2) + 578.09 × BMI (kg/m2) ? 441.06 × hip circumference (cm) + 434.2 × waist circumference (cm) (R 2 = 52.1%). SCAT was best predicted by: SCAT (mm2) = ?49,376.4 ? 17.15 × age (years) + 1,016.5 × gender (M = 1, F = 2) +783.3 × BMI (kg/m2) + 466 × hip circumference (cm) (R 2 = 67.1). Discussion: We present predictive equations to quantify body fat and abdominal adipose tissue sub‐compartments in healthy Asian Indians. These equations could be used for clinical and research purposes.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study of 183 female Bathudis, a tribal population of the Keonjhar District, Orissa, India, was undertaken to investigate age variations in anthropometric and body composition characteristics and nutritional status. The subjects were categorized into three age groups: < or =30 years, 31-50 years, >50 years. Height, weight, circumferences and skinfolds data were collected. Body mass index (BMI) and several body composition variables and indices were derived using standard equations. The results revealed that there existed significant negative age variations for most of the anthropometric and body composition variables and indices. Correlation studies of age with these variables and indices revealed significant negative correlations. Linear regression analyses revealed that for all variables, age had a significant negative impact. Studies on the nutritional status of these women revealed that with increasing age, there was an increase in the frequency of undernutrition. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that among Bathudi women, age was significantly negatively related with anthropometric and body composition variables and indices. Moreover, with increasing age, the level of undernutrition increased.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a new body composition phantom and its use for quality control and cross-calibration of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) instruments for measurements of body composition. We imaged the variable composition phantom (Lunar, Madison, WI) on eight different DXA devices. Deviations of up to 7% fat were observed when we compared the percent fat values measured by the different devices with the nominal values provided by the manufacturer. Absolute precision error of percent fat measurements for the phantom ranged from 0.6 to 0.8%. The phantom's percent fat values were also compared with whole body composition measurements from 130 female and male volunteers. The phantom detected differences in percent fat values that were similar to those found by comparing in vivo measurements with values from different DXA scanner models from the same manufacturer. When comparing different models of scanners from different manufacturers, such as the Hologic QDR-4500 and the Lunar DPX-IQ, the phantom showed a different relationship than was seen for patients. Therefore, corrections or comparisons based on the phantom data alone would be incorrect. In conclusion, the Lunar variable composition phantom is capable of accurately measuring the fat calibration of DXA devices and may be suitable for cross-sectional cross-calibration between scanners from the same manufacturer; however, for comparison of DXA scanners from different manufacturers, in vivo cross-calibration is still the only accurate method. The phantom may be used in longitudinal quality control to verify an instrument's temporal stability.  相似文献   

Low birth weight has been associated with impaired insulin sensitivity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiovascular disease in later life. GH therapy is known to increase fasting and postprandial insulin levels. For this reason concern has been expressed regarding the possible detrimental effects of GH therapy in children born small for gestational age (SGA). To assess the effects of GH therapy on body composition, carbohydrate metabolism and final height in short SGA children, 165 prepubertal short children born SGA were enrolled in either a multicentre, double-blind, randomized, dose-response GH trial (n = 75) or in a GH controlled trial (n = 90). The inclusion criteria were: (1) birth length standard deviation score (SDS) below -2; (2) age 3-8 years; (3) height SDS below -2. The children's mean (SD) age was 7.3 (2.1) years (GH dose-response trial) and 6.0 (1.5) years (GH controlled trial), birth length SDS was -3.6 and height SDS was -3.0 (0.7). In the GH dose-response trial, children were randomly assigned to either 1 mg GH/m(2) per day (group A, n = 41) or 2 mg GH/m(2) per day (group B, n = 38) ( approximately 0.033 or 0.067 mg/kg per day, respectively). In the GH controlled trial, children were randomly assigned to 1 mg GH/m(2) per day (n = 60) or served as controls (n = 30). Subjects underwent standard oral glucose tolerance tests and measurement of body mass index, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and serum lipids at baseline and after 1 and 6 years of GH therapy and again 6 months after discontinuation of GH. Body composition was measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry at baseline and again after 3 years in the GH controlled trial. Mean (SD) final height SDS was not significantly different between the two GH dosage groups: -1.2 (0.7) in group A and -0.8 (0.7) in group B. At the start of GH therapy, 8% of children had impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Systolic blood pressure was significantly higher in comparison with healthy peers. GH therapy induced considerably higher fasting and glucose-stimulated insulin levels after 1 and 6 years, regardless of GH dosage. After 6 years, 4% of children had IGT. Six months after discontinuation of GH, glucose levels remained normal, whereas fasting and glucose-stimulated insulin returned to levels comparable to those of healthy peers. None of the children developed diabetes. During 6 years of GH therapy both systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly and remained so after discontinuation of GH therapy. At baseline all children had reduced bone mineral content and lean body mass. Fat mass was not significantly lower than normal. Treatment with 1 mg GH/m(2) per day resulted in a significant increase in (and normalization of) bone mineral content and lean body mass in comparison with untreated short SGA controls. Fat mass decreased during the first year of GH but returned to values comparable to those at baseline in the following 2 years of GH therapy. We found that long-term, continuous GH therapy in short children born SGA leads to a normalization of height during childhood and to a normal final height in most children, regardless of GH dosage. Only very short or relatively older children may need a dosage of 2 mg GH/m(2) per day. Long-term GH therapy had no adverse effects on glucose levels and serum lipids and had a positive effect on blood pressure, even with GH dosages of up to 2 mg/m(2) per day. However, as has been reported in other patient groups, GH induced higher fasting and glucose-stimulated insulin levels, indicating insulin resistance. After discontinuation of GH serum insulin levels returned to normal age-reference levels. Short SGA children have a reduction in bone mineral content and lean body mass when compared with healthy controls, which significantly improved (normalized) with GH therapy at a dose of 1 mg/m(2) per day.  相似文献   

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is a nondestructive technique that can potentially measure specific components of whole-body composition in free-living and lab-raised animals. Our aim was to test the ability of DXA to measure the composition of a common arvicoline rodent, the northern red-backed vole (Clethrionomys rutilus). We used a DXA apparatus to obtain measurements of fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM),bone mineral content, bone mineral density, and fat-free mass(FFM) in carcasses of free-living and lab-raised voles. We then used chemical carcass analysis to derive predictive algorithms for actual values of FM, total body water, total protein, total mineral, LM, and FFM. Unexplained error in the equations for all voles grouped collectively ranged from R(2) = 0.82 to R(2) = 0.98. The DXA FM measurement had the highest coefficient of variation, and it was higher for free-living voles than for lab-raised voles. However, FM can be determined by difference with excellent precision by using the FFM equation (R(2) = 0.98). We also derived corrective terms for passive integrated transponder-tagged animals. Thus, DXA is a nonlethal, nondestructive tool capable of precisely and accurately measuring many specific parameters of whole-body composition in small free-living and lab-raised rodents.  相似文献   

The variability that exists within the populations of individual countries and the variability that exists between the populations of different countries are both of interest in practical application. For these reasons, a comparison is made in this work between certain anthropometric variables of our sample of Croatian population and anthropometric variables that are available for other human populations in the world of the same or a similar age. The total sample was 1,372 subjects aged from 23 to 59 years old. For the purpose of comparison, data were taken from the study "International Data on Anthropometry" which provides an overview of anthropometric variables for many world populations, as well as data from Rudan's research that was carried out on Croatian population in the late seventies of the last century. Mean value, standard deviation and coefficient of variation have been calculated for every measured parameter. A comparison between the two research samples of Croatian population fairly displays up going trend, for body mass and other bodily dimensions, formed in three decades of difference. Mean value for body height in Rudan's sample is 161.0 cm, and for Bubas's sample in this research was 170.6 cm, both values state for Croatian population but with difference of more than 30 years. Human biologists use term "secular trend" to describe alterations in the measurable characteristics of a population of humans that occur over a century. Accordingly, in adult age, the rate of gain, concerning body height, is 10 to 30 mm per decade. The changes in body proportions during recent decades are less marked than those in body size, but the relationships between stature and weight within one national group have changed significantly.  相似文献   

The potential of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) as an anti-obesity molecule for humans is still a matter for debate. Thus, a great deal of scientific work is focussed on the research of new effective molecules without deleterious effects on health. The aim of the present work was to analyse the effects of jacaranda seed oil, rich in a conjugated linolenic acid (CLNA), jacaric acid (cis-8,trans-10,cis-12), on body fat, serum parameters and liver composition in rats, and to compare these effects with those oftrans-10,cis-12 CLA. Twenty-six male Wistar rats were divided into three groups fed with high-fat diets, supplemented or not (control group) with 0.5%trans-10,cis-12 CLA (CLA group) or 0.5% jacaric acid (CLNA group) for 7 weeks. No statistical differences in food intake or in final body weight were found. Whereas CLA reduced adipose tissue size, CLNA did not. Both CLA and CLNA significantly reduced non-HDL-cholesterol. In spite of a lack of significant changes in glucose and insulin levels, HOMA-IR index was significantly increased, as well as did non-esterified fatty acid levels in CLNA-fed rats. No changes in liver composition were observed. In conclusion, under our experimental conditions, jacaric acid, unlike CLA, does not show a body-fat lowering effect. Even though it leads to a healthy lipoprotein profile, it impairs insulin function. Consequently, it cannot be proposed as an anti-obesity molecule.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study of 226 male Bathudis, a tribal population of Keonjhar District, Orissa, India, was undertaken to investigate age variations in anthropometric and body composition characteristics and the frequency of underweight. The subjects were categorized into three age groups: Group I: < 30 years, Group 11: 30-49 years, Group III: 2 50 years. Height, weight, circumferences and skinfolds data were collected. Body mass index (BMI) and several body composition variables and indices were derived using standard equations. Results revealed that there existed significant negative age variations for most of the anthropometric and body composition variables and indices. Correlation studies of age with these variables and indices revealed significant negative correlations. Linear regression analyses revealed that for all these variables, age had a significant negative impact. It was also observed that with increasing age, there was an increase in the frequency of underweight individuals. In conclusion, this study showed that among Bathudi men, age was significantly negatively related with anthropometric and body composition variables and indices. Furthermore, with increasing age, the frequency of underweight individuals increased.  相似文献   

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