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Epitope tagging is a valuable tool for quick detection, isolation, and analysis of protein-protein interaction, without prior knowledge of the target protein. The FLAG epitope tag, one of the most widely used tags, is an eight amino acid peptide that can be detected by anti-FLAG monoclonal antibody. In the present study, we have examined the detection sensitivity of a protein fused to three tandem FLAG epitopes by Western blot analysis, immunoprecipitation, and immunohistochemical analysis using anti-FLAG® M2 antibody. We find that the triple FLAG epitope significantly enhances the sensitivity of detection of fusion protein expressed in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

HCVisthemajorcauseofposttransfusionnonA,nonBhepatitis[1].About50%oftheinfectionswilldevelopintochronichepatitisandamongthemabout20%willresultinlivercirrhosisandhepatocellularcarcinoma[2].BecausethetiterofHCVparticleinpatient’sbloodisextremelylow,andthereisno…  相似文献   

Suppression of proliferation of cells which contain stable or stabilized mRNA coded for a protein to be produced, a partial mimic of cell differentiation, was examined for enhancing protein production by cultured mammalian cells. Hybridoma 2E3 cells which were adapted to be interleukin-6 sensitively growth-suppressed accumulated the mRNA of IgG1 which is reported stable, and IgG1 production rate increased as a result when their growth was suppressed with interleukin-6. A myeloma cell line was similarly adapted; the obtained myeloma cells can be used as host cells for enhancing production of exogenous proteins by suppressing growth with interleukin-6. Temperature-sensitively growth-suppressible mutants of mouse mammary carcinoma FM3A were transfected with cDNA of IgM 1 chain and cultured at nonpermissive temperature to enhance production of 1. Addition of various growth-suppressive reagents to culture medium was studied for finding methods suitable for suppressing growth while maintaining high cell viability. Caffeine yielded the best results among these reagents. Deprivation of various growth-supporting components in culture medium was also tested; simultaneous deprivation of insulin and transferrin viably suppressed growth of hybridoma 2E3 cells, resulting in enhanced antibody productivity.Abbreviations IL6 recombinant human interleukin-6 - TGF- recombinant human TGF-1 - X63.653-P3X63 Ag8.653 myeloma  相似文献   

Glycosylation has profound effects on the quality of recombinant proteins produced in mammalian cells. The biosynthetic pathways of N-linked glycans on glycoproteins involves a relatively small number of enzymes and nucleotide sugars. Many of these glycoconjugate enzymes can utilize multiple N-glycans as substrates, thus generating a large number of glycan intermediates, and making the biosynthetic pathway resemble a network with diverging and converging paths. The N-glycans on secreted glycoprotein molecules include not only terminal glycans, but also pathway intermediates. To better assess the glycan distribution and the potential route of their synthesis, we created GlycoVis, a visualization program that displays the distribution and the potential reaction paths leading to each N-glycan on the reaction network. The substrate specificities of the enzymes involved were organized into a relationship matrix. With the input of glycan distribution data, the program outputs a reaction pathway map which labels the relative abundance levels of different glycans with different colors. The program also traces all possible reaction paths leading to each glycan and identifies each pathway on the map. Glycoform distribution of Chinese Hamster Ovary cell-derived tissue plasminogen activator (TPA), and human and mouse IgG were used as illustrations for the application of GlycoVis. In addition, the intracellular and secreted IgG from an NS0 producer cell line were isolated, and their glycoform profiles were displayed using GlycoVis for comparison. This visualization tool facilitates the analysis of potential reaction paths utilized under different physiological or culture conditions, and may provide insight on the potential targets for metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

Secreted mammalian proteins require the development of robust protein over‐expression systems for crystallographic and biophysical studies of protein function. Due to complex disulfide bonds and distinct glycosylation patterns preventing folding and expression in prokaryotic expression hosts, many secreted proteins necessitate production in more complex eukaryotic expression systems. Here, we elaborate on the methods used to obtain high yields of purified secreted proteins from transiently or stably transfected mammalian cell lines. Among the issues discussed are the selection of appropriate expression vectors, choice of signal sequences for protein secretion, availability of fusion tags for enhancing protein stability and purification, choice of cell line, and the large‐scale growth of cells in a variety of formats.  相似文献   

Media preparation for perfusion cell culture processes contributes significantly to operational costs and the footprint of continuous operations for therapeutic protein manufacturing. In this study, definitions are given for the use of a perfusion equivalent nutrient feed stream which, when used in combination with basal perfusion medium, supplements the culture with targeted compounds and increases the medium depth. Definitions to compare medium and feed depth are given in this article. Using a concentrated nutrient feed, a 1.8-fold medium consumption (MC) decrease and a 1.67-fold increase in volumetric productivity (PR) were achieved compared to the initial condition. Later, this strategy was used to push cell densities above 100 × 106 cells/ml while using a perfusion rate below 2 RV/day. In this example, MC was also decreased 1.8-fold compared to the initial condition, but due to the higher cell density, PR was increased 3.1-fold and to an average PR value of 1.36 g L−1 day−1 during a short stable phase, and versus 0.46 g L−1 day−1 in the initial condition. Overall, the performance improvements were aligned with the given definitions. This multiple feeding strategy can be applied to gain some flexibility during process development and also in a manufacturing set-up to enable better control on nutrient addition.  相似文献   

Protein production of mammalian cells has been promoted by applying a small constant potential to the surface of an electrode on which cells are cultured. Human carcinoma line of MKN45 cells were cultured on the surface of a platinum-coated plastic plate electrode. Low d.c. voltage of constant potential was applied to the electrode during 4-day culture to modulate the production of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). The amounts of both secreted and membrane-bound CEA were dependent on the applied potential during culture. Secreted CEA was more than twice in amount in the potential range from 0.2 V to 0.6 V vs. Ag/Agcl as compared with that of normal culture. In the potential range, CEA was also increased in membrane-bound form. The potential-controlled cell culture may have an enhanced effect on protein production.  相似文献   

甲型流感病毒M2蛋白是一种具有离子通道功能的跨膜蛋白,其氨基酸序列非常保守,可用于流感通用疫苗的研究。为了构建可调控的稳定表达甲型流感病毒M2蛋白的哺乳动物细胞系,首先应用PCR方法从含有流感病毒PR8株第七节段全长基因的质粒中扩增得到M2基因。将该片段亚克隆到真核表达载体pcDNA5/FRT/TO上,用BamHⅠ和NotⅠ双酶切鉴定正确后将重组质粒与表达Flp重组酶的pOG44质粒共转染Flp-In T-REx-293细胞,使目的基因整合到宿主细胞染色体。筛选具有Hygromycin B抗性的细胞株。在该细胞的培养基中加入四环素以诱导目的基因表达,48 h后通过间接免疫荧光方法检测到M2蛋白的表达。共得到16株高表达M2蛋白的重组细胞株,这些细胞株在传10代后仍能稳定表达目的蛋白。未加四环素诱导的细胞没有检测到M2蛋白,说明四环素调控系统严格控制着目的基因的表达。今后,该细胞系可用于流感病毒M2蛋白的功能研究、流感候选疫苗的免疫学评价以及流感病毒减毒活疫苗的研制。  相似文献   


The “bispecifics” market improved over the past decade due to the development of many technological platforms including bispecific T cell engagers (BiTEs). The approval of blinatumomab, the most advanced bispecific T-cell engager (BiTE) in clinical trials, can be a significant milestone in the development of bispecific antibodies. Both Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and E. coli strain are considered as the most widely used hosts for the large-scale production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. Since both of the economic and qualitative aspects of protein production are important in industry, selection of a suitable protein expression system is very critical. The BsAb gene was cloned into the expression vectors FC550A-1, pcDNA3.1 (+), and PET22b and 6?×?His-tagged BsAb then purified on a Ni-NTA chromatography column. Both SDS–PAGE and Western blotting analysis of the purified protein demonstrated that blinatumomab was successfully expressed as a 55?kDa in both expression systems. The antigen-binding properties of blinatumomab were compared in the mammalian system versus Escherichia coli. The results showed that the purified antibody from a mammalian expression system has better binding activity than the one from E. coli host.  相似文献   

The advent of the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction phasing method has significantly accelerated crystal structure determination and has become the norm in protein crystallography. This method allows researchers to take advantage of the anomalous signal from diverse atoms, but the dominant method for derivative preparation is selenomethionine substitution. Several generally applicable, high-efficiency labeling protocols have been developed for use in the bacterial, yeast, and baculovirus/insect cell expression systems but not for mammalian tissue culture. As a large number of proteins of biomedical importance can only be produced in yields sufficient for X-ray diffraction experiments in mammalian expression systems, it becomes all the more important to develop such protocols. We therefore evaluated several variables that play roles in determining incorporation levels and report here a simple protocol for selenomethionine modification of proteins in mammalian cells routinely yielding >90% labeling efficiency.  相似文献   

The Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line has great commercial importance in the production of recombinant human proteins, especially those for therapeutic use. Much attention has been paid to CHO cell population physiology in order to define factors affecting product fidelity and yield. Such studies have revealed that recombinant proteins, including human interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), can be heterogeneous both in glycosylation and in proteolytic processing. The type of heterogeneity observed depends on the growth physiology of the cell population, although the relationship between them is complex. In this article we report results of a cytological study of the CHO320 line which expresses recombinant human IFN-gamma. When grown in suspension culture, this cell line exhibited three types of heterogeneity: (1) heterogeneity of the production of IFN-gamma within the cell population, (2) heterogeneity of the number of nuclei and mitotic spindles in dividing cells, and (3) heterogeneity of cellular environment. The last of these arises from cell aggregates which form in suspension culture: Some cells are exposed to the culture medium; others are fully enclosed within the mass with little or no direct access to the medium. Thus, live cells producing IFN-gamma are heterogeneous in their environment, with variable access to O(2) and nutrients. Within the aggregates, it appears that live cells proliferate on a dead cell mass. The layer of live cells can be several cells deep. Specific cell-cell attachments are observed between the living cells in these aggregates. Two proteins, known to be required for the formation of certain types of intercellular junctions, spectrin and vinculin, have been localized to the regions of cell-cell contact. The aggregation of the cells appears to be an active process requiring protein synthesis. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) is becoming increasingly used for protein production as yields increase and costs decrease. CFPS optimization efforts have focused primarily on energy supply and small molecule metabolism, though little is known about the protein synthesis machinery or what limits protein synthesis rates. Here, quantitative polysome profile analysis was used to characterize cell-free translation, thereby elucidating many kinetic parameters. The ribosome concentration in Escherichia coli-based CFPS reactions was 1.6 +/- 0.1 microM, with 72 +/- 4% actively translating at maximal protein synthesis rate. A translation elongation rate of 1.5 +/- 0.2 amino acids per second per ribosome and an initiation rate of 8.2 x 10(-9) +/- 0.3 x 10(-9) M/s, which correlates to, on average, one initiation every 60 +/- 9 s per mRNA, were determined. The measured CFPS initiation and elongation rates are an order of magnitude lower than the in vivo rates and further analysis identified elongation as the major limitation. Adding purified elongation factors (EFs) to CFPS reactions increased the ribosome elongation rate and protein synthesis rates and yields, as well as the translation initiation rate, indicating a possible coupling between initiation and elongation. Further examination of translation initiation in the cell-free system showed that the first initiation on an mRNA is slower than subsequent initiations. Our results demonstrate that polysome analysis is a valid tool to characterize cell-free translation and to identify limiting steps, that dilution of translation factors is a limitation of CFPS, and that CFPS is a useful platform for making novel observations about translation.  相似文献   

A single chain Fv fragment (scFv) is a fusion of the variable regions of heavy (VH) and light (VL) chains of immunoglobulins. They are important elements of chimeric antigen receptors for cancer therapy. We sought to produce a panel of 16 extracellular protein domains of tumor markers for use in scFv yeast library screenings. A series of vectors comprising various combinations of expression elements was made, but expression was unpredictable and more than half of the protein domains could not be produced using any of the constructs. Here we describe a novel fusion expression system based on mouse TEM7 (tumor endothelial marker 7), which could facilitate protein expression. With this approach we could produce all but one of the tumor marker domains that could not otherwise be expressed. In addition, we demonstrated that the tumor associated antigen hFZD10 produced as a fusion protein with mTEM7 could be used to enrich scFv antibodies from a yeast display library. Collectively our study demonstrates the potential of specific fusion proteins based on mTEM7 in enabling mammalian cell production of tumor targeting protein domains for therapeutic development.  相似文献   

Summary Low concentrations ofcycloheximide, sufficient to block net protein synthesis in growing normal and cancer cells, had no effect on protein turnover, i.e. either the incorporation of labeled amino acids from media lacking other amino acids essential for growth, or the loss to the medium of amino acids from prelabeled cells. At the concentrations that blocked growth, the rate of amino acid incorporation from complete medium was reduced to the “quo;turnover level,” i.e. the rate of incorporation seen in amino acid-deficient media. Protein turnover was inhibited only at higher concentrations of the inhibitor. Qualitatively similar results have been obtained with puromycin, anisomycin, emetin and tylocerebrine.  相似文献   

The importance of mammalian cell cultures for biotechnological production processes is steadily increasing, despite the high demands of these organisms on their culture conditions. Efforts towards a more efficient bioprocess generally concentrate on maximizing the culture's life time, the cell number, and the product concentration. Here recombinant BHK 21 c13 cells are used to produce rh-AT III, an anticoagulant of high therapeutic value. The influence of the process mode (batch, repeated batch, continuous perfusion) and the process temperature (30°C vs. 37°C) on the above mentioned parameters is investigated. It is possible to increase the length of the culture from 140 h (batch) to more than 500 h (continuous perfusion culture), while concomitantly increasing the cell density from 0.72 106/ml (batch) to 2.27 106/ml (repeated batch) and 2.87 106/ml (continuous perfusion culture). The accumulation of toxic metabolites, such as lactate, can be curtailed by reducing the bioreactor temperature from 37°C to 30°C during the later part of the exponential growth phase. Fast and reliable product monitoring became essential during process optimization. Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) in uncoated fused silica capillaries was studied for that purpose and compared to the standard ELISA. Under optimized conditions an AT III quantification could be done within 2 min with CZE. The detection limit was 5 g/ml. A relative standard deviation of less than 0.9% was calculated. The detection limit could be lowered by one order of magnitude by using a two dimensional system, where an liquid chromatographic (LC) system is coupled to the CZE. Concomitantly the resolution is improved. The two-dimensional analysis required 5 min. Membrane adsorbers (MA) were used as stationary phase in the LC-system, to allow the application of high flow rates (5–10 ml/min). The correlation between the LC-CZE analysis and the standard AT III-ELISA was excellent, with r2: 0.965. Using the assay for at line product monitoring, it is shown, that the process temperature is of no consequence for the productivity whereas the process mode strongly influences this parameter.  相似文献   

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