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Prevention of obesity and increase in longevity in obesity-prone rodents can be achieved by long-term moderate dietary restriction. In order to examine the likelihood that caloric restriction could have similar salutary effects in humans, rhesus monkeys, after reaching mature adult stature, were placed on a protocol to clamp or stabilize body weight by weekly caloric adjustment Further weight gain was prevented by this caloric titration procedure, and thus middle-age onset obesity, which is very common in this species, was prevented. The present study analyzed daily food intake for six weight-clamped monkeys and six ad libitum fed age-matched animals over a 3- year period, ages 18.5 to 21.5 years. After approximately 9 years of caloric restriction the daily calorie load to maintain stable adult body weight proved to be 40% less than the amount ingested by ad libitum fed animals. Calories per kg body weight did not differ significantly between the groups although the ad libitum fed animals were significantly fatter than the weight-clamped group. Prevention of obesity using this weight clamp protocol has also maintained lower insulin levels and higher glucose tolerance in the restricted animals.  相似文献   

The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is a small New World primate that has increasingly been used as a non-human model in the fields of sensory, motor, and cognitive neuroscience. However, little knowledge exists regarding behavioral methods in this species. Developing an understanding of the neural basis of perception and cognition in an animal model requires measurement of both brain activity and behavior. Here we describe an operant conditioning behavioral training method developed to allow controlled psychoacoustic measurements in marmosets. We demonstrate that marmosets can be trained to consistently perform a Go/No-Go auditory task in which a subject licks at a feeding tube when it detects a sound. Correct responses result in delivery of a food reward. Crucially, this operant conditioning task generates little body movement and is well suited for pairing behavior with single-unit electrophysiology. Successful implementation of an operant conditioning behavior opens the door to a wide range of new studies in the field of auditory neuroscience using the marmoset as a model system.  相似文献   

Amylin, also known as islet amyloid polypeptide, identified in 1987, is a naturally occurring hormone, released by the β cells of the pancreas and consists of 37 amino acids. Amylin seems to decrease food intake through both central and peripheral mechanisms and indirectly by slowing gastric emptying. The mean basal amylin concentration is higher in obese than in lean human subjects. The amylin response to oral glucose is also greater in obese subjects, whether or not they have impaired glucose tolerance. The elevated amylin levels in obesity may lead to down-regulation of amylin receptors and lessen the impact of postprandial amylin secretion on satiety and gastric emptying. Amylin administration may overcome resistance at target tissues, delay gastric emptying, and have potential for inducing weight loss in obese individuals.  相似文献   

Sibutramine (SIB), an inhibitor of serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake, has been shown in clinical trials to be associated with a dose-related decrease in bodyweight. This double-blind, placebo-controlled, Latin square crossover study examined whether the effect on bodyweight could be due in part to a reduction in daily food intake. Twelve non-dieting, women with obesity (body mass index of 30.5 to 41.9) received three treatments (0 [matching placebo], 10, or 30 mg SIB/day) for 14 days, with 14-day washout periods in between. On days 7 and 14, participants came to the laboratory to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner so that daily energy and macronutrient intakes and ratings of hunger and satiety could be measured. Significant reductions occurred in food intake (both grams and energy) over the 14-day study period. On day 7, SIB 30 reduced intake significantly by 1762 kJ (23% reduction from placebo), and on day 14, both SIB 10 and SIB 30 significantly reduced intake compared with placebo (SIB 10, 19% reduction [1490 kJ]; SIB 30,26% reduction [2079 HI). On day 7, the percentage of energy consumed from carbohydrate increased significantly with the 30-mg dose (56.7 %) compared with that of placebo (51.4%), with a reciprocal decrease in energy from fat (27.8% to 24%). The results show that SIB reduced energy intake in women with obesity who were not attempting to lose weight.  相似文献   

Some factors influencing food intake and subjective responses to meals were assessed in 2 groups (n=40 and n=36) of healthy university students. Both groups were studied for 6 days and included both “structured” and “unstructured” times. A questionnaire was completed by all subjects at 3 h intervals while awake. The questionnaires asked the subjects to state the factors that led them to choose to eat or not to eat a meal in the previous 3 h. If they ate a meal, they were required to describe the type of meal eaten and their responses to it—their hunger before it, their enjoyment of the meal itself, and their degree of satisfaction afterwards. Subjects were also asked to describe the type of meal that they would like to have eaten (the desired meal) in the absence of any restraints due to time pressure, cost, and so on. In the first group, 3 “structured” (working) and 3 “unstructured” (rest) days were chosen. Consistant with our previous studies, structured days, as compared to unstructured days, were associated with smaller meals and less positive subjective responses to them. Also, the meals that were eaten were often smaller than those that were desired, or were even missed altogether, due to time pressure. Not only were the meals eaten on unstructured days larger and rated, to by the subjects more positively, but also there was an additional positive effect if the meal played a social role. In the second group, 6 days were chosen, during which there were structured and unstructured 3 h periods. Many of the findings (with regard to reasons for eating or not eating a meal, and the effect of meal size upon subjective responses to it, for example) were the same as in the first group. However, the effect of structured vs. unstructured 3 h periods was significantly less marked than the effect of structured vs. unstructured days that had been found in the first group, and effects due to social factors and time pressure were less reliably present. The results indicate that food intake is affected by whether the whole or only part of the day is “structured” or “unstructured.” These findings might be relevant to some problems faced by the workforce, in general, and by night workers, in particular.  相似文献   

Adult neurogenesis within the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the hippocampal dentate gyrus and the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricle (LV) has been most intensely studied within the brains of rodents such as mice and rats. However, little is known about the cell types and processes involved in adult neurogenesis within primates such as the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Moreover, substantial differences seem to exist between the neurogenic niche of the LV between rodents and humans. Here, we set out to use immunohistochemical and autogradiographic analysis to characterize the anatomy of the neurogenic niches and the expression of cell type-specific markers in those niches in the adult common marmoset brain. Moreover, we demonstrate significant differences in the activity of neurogenesis in the adult marmoset brain compared to the adult mouse brain. Finally, we provide evidence for ongoing proliferation of neuroblasts within both the SGZ and SVZ of the adult brain and further show that the age-dependent decline of neurogenesis in the hippocampus is associated with a decrease in neuroblast cells.  相似文献   

动机行为受生理需求相关神经环路的调控,包括管理摄食、能量代谢等内在动机行为的下丘脑黑皮质素(melanocortin, MC)系统和负责奖赏环路的中脑多巴胺(dopamine, DA)系统. MC系统中前阿黑皮素原(proopiomelanocortin,POMC)神经元与刺豚鼠相关蛋白(agouti-related protein,AgRP)神经元合成与分泌的递质及神经肽协同完成了对摄食等动机行为的调控,且DA系统通过调节奖赏环路参与摄食等动机行为的发生过程.此外,高强度的激活DA系统是成瘾性药物的共同特征,当DA系统激活与用药行为反复关联后,部分使用者进入药物成瘾状态,他们表现出强迫性的觅药动机.已有研究提示,药物成瘾的过程可能是药物导致动机行为调控中枢发生适应性改变的过程,这个变化反之促发了强迫性觅药行为的形成.本文将从下丘脑黑皮质素系统两种主要的神经元——POMC神经元和AgRP神经元——在对于摄食和用药相关的奖赏行为调控作用入手,分析它们与DA系统的相互作用模式,论述下丘脑黑皮质素系统的功能失调与药物成瘾的关系.  相似文献   

Increasing neuropeptide Y (NPY) signaling in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) by recombinant adeno‐associated virus (rAAV)‐mediated overexpression of NPY in rats, results in hyperphagia and obesity in rats. To determine the importance of hyperphagia in the observed obesity phenotype, we pair‐fed a group of AAV‐NPY‐injected rats to AAV‐control‐injected rats and compared parameters of energy balance to ad libitum fed AAV‐NPY‐injected rats. For 3 weeks, AAV‐NPY‐injected rats, received the same amount of food as ad libitum‐fed rats injected with control rAAV They did not gain more body weight than these controls. When allowed access to food ad libitum, these AAV‐NPY‐injected rats increased food intake, which subsequently decreased when rats reached the same body weight as AAV‐NPY‐injected rats that were fed ad libitum for the entire study. These data indicate that overexpression of NPY in the PVN results in obesity by increasing food intake until a certain body weight is achieved.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that social models influence people’s eating behavior by providing a norm of appropriate food intake, but this hypothesis has not been directly tested. In three experiments, female participants were exposed to a low-intake model, a high-intake model, or no model (control condition). Experiments 1 and 2 used a remote-confederate manipulation and were conducted in the context of a cookie taste test. Experiment 3 used a live confederate and was conducted in the context of a task during which participants were given incidental access to food. Participants also rated the extent to which their food intake was influenced by a variety of factors (e.g., hunger, taste, how much others ate). In all three experiments, participants in the low-intake conditions ate less than did participants in the high-intake conditions, and also reported a lower perceived norm of appropriate intake. Furthermore, perceived norms of appropriate intake mediated the effects of the social model on participants’ food intake. Despite the observed effects of the social models, participants were much more likely to indicate that their food intake was influenced by taste and hunger than by the behavior of the social models. Thus, social models appear to influence food intake by providing a norm of appropriate eating behavior, but people may be unaware of the influence of a social model on their behavior.  相似文献   

Many studies have reported magnesium's role in nutrition as a vital factor involved in bone health. However, not enough studies have evaluated magnesium (Mg) intakes in young women. In this study, we evaluated Mg intake in healthy adults and its relation with bone quality. A total of 484 healthy young women in their early 20s were enrolled into the study. Anthropometric measurements, dietary intake survey using 3-day dietary records, and the bone quality of the calcaneus using quantitative ultrasounds were obtained and analyzed. Average age, height, and weight of the subjects were respectively 20.20?years, 161.37?cm, and 54.09?kg, respectively. Also, the average broadband ultrasound attenuation, speed of sound (SOS), stiffness index (SI), and calcaneus T scores were 114.32?dB/MHz, 1,568.45?m/s, 95.23, and 0.36?g/cm(2), respectively. The subject's average intake of energy was 1,543.19?kcal, and the average Mg intake was 185.87?mg/day. Mg intake per 1,000?kcal of consumed energy in our subjects was 119.85?mg. Subjects consumed 63.11% of the recommended intake for Mg. Food groups consumed with high Mg content in our subjects included cereals (38.62?mg), vegetables (36.97?mg), milk (16.82?mg), legumes (16.72?mg), and fish (16.50?mg). The level of Mg intake per 1,000?kcal showed significant correlation to the SOS in the calcaneus (r?=?0.110, p?相似文献   

Benzodiazepine receptor (BZR) agonists, used extensively for their anxiolytic effects, have been shown to increase food intake in many mammalian species. Little information, however, is available on the effects of BZR agonists on feeding behaviors of humans. Food intake was evaluated in a 60-minute free-feeding standardized test after the acute administration of the BZR agonist chlordiazepoxide (CDP, Librium; 5 mg or 20 mg) or placebo. Subjects were 12 individuals with the Prader Willi syndrome (PWS), a disorder characterized by extreme hyperphagia and morbid obesity, and 11 controls with obesity. PWS subjects showed the characteristic hyperphagia associated with the appetite disorder, consuming more than six times as many sandwiches as controls with obesity. Results revealed no significant effect of either dose of CDP on the food intake of either group. Serum assays revealed that dose-dependent, clinically effective levels of CDP and active metabolites were achieved. These results suggest that acute administration of the BZR agonist CDP, at the therapeutic levels used, may not increase food intake in populations with obesity. However, the chronic effects of CDP on appetite in human populations still need to be explored.  相似文献   

在白马雪山,滇金丝猴栖息在3500米—4200米的冷杉林中,以长在冷杉树上的树挂地衣——松萝,当地人称“树胡子”为主要食物,这在非人灵长类中是非常罕见的。  相似文献   

Accumulated data suggests a positive effect of silicon on bone health; however, limited research exists on the silicon content of foods. To further the understanding of the relationship between dietary silicon intake and bone health, a food composition database of commonly consumed foods in Korea is required. For quantitative data on the intake levels of silicon, we analyzed the silicon content of 365 food items commonly consumed in Korea using inductively coupled plasma—atomic emission spectrometry following microwave-assisted digestion. To investigate the dietary silicon intake status and to examine the potential role of dietary silicon intake in the bone status of men, a total of 400 healthy Korean adult males aged 19–25 were observed for their diet intake and calcaneus bone density using the 24-h recall method and quantitative ultrasound, respectively. Clinical markers reflecting bone metabolism such as serum total alkaline phosphatase, N-mid osteocalcin, and type 1 collagen C-terminal telopeptide concentrations were also analyzed. Silicon intake of the subjects was estimated as 37.5 ± 22.2 mg/day. Major food sources of dietary silicon in the Korean male were cereal and cereal products (25.6 % of total silicon intake), vegetables (22.7 %), beverages and liquors (21.2 %), and milk and milk products (7.0 %). Silicon intake correlated positively with age, weight, energy intake, protein intake, calcium intake, and alcohol intake. After adjusted for age, weight, energy intake, protein intake, calcium intake, alcohol intake, smoking cigarettes, and regular exercise status, daily total silicon intake had no correlation with calcaneus bone density and the bone metabolism markers, but silicon intake from vegetables had a positive correlation with serum total alkaline phosphatase activity, a bone formation maker. These findings show the possible positive relationship between dietary silicon intake from vegetables and the bone formation of young adult males. Further investigation in a larger (Korean) population and correcting for additional nutritional confounders is required to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic systems which regulate appetite may be permanently modified during early development. We have previously reported hyperphagia and increased adiposity in the adult offspring of rodents fed an obesogenic diet prior to and throughout pregnancy and lactation. We now report that offspring of obese (OffOb) rats display an amplified and prolonged neonatal leptin surge, which is accompanied by elevated leptin mRNA expression in their abdominal white adipose tissue. At postnatal Day 30, before the onset of hyperphagia in these animals, serum leptin is normal, but leptin-induced appetite suppression and phosphorylation of STAT3 in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) are attenuated; the level of AgRP-immunoreactivity in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVH), which derives from neurones in the ARC and is developmentally dependent on leptin, is also diminished. We hypothesise that prolonged release of abnormally high levels of leptin by neonatal OffOb rats leads to leptin resistance and permanently affects hypothalamic functions involving the ARC and PVH. Such effects may underlie the developmental programming of hyperphagia and obesity in these rats.  相似文献   

The common marmoset is a new world monkey, which has become a valuable experimental animal for biomedical research. This study developed cDNA libraries for the common marmoset from five different tissues. A total of 290 426 high-quality EST sequences were obtained, where 251 587 sequences (86.5%) had homology (1E−100) with the Refseqs of six different primate species, including human and marmoset. In parallel, 270 673 sequences (93.2%) were aligned to the human genome. When 247 090 sequences were assembled into 17 232 contigs, most of the sequences (218 857 or 15 089 contigs) were located in exonic regions, indicating that these genes are expressed in human and marmoset. The other 5578 sequences (or 808 contigs) mapping to the human genome were not located in exonic regions, suggesting that they are not expressed in human. Furthermore, a different set of 118 potential coding sequences were not similar to any Refseqs in any species, and, thus, may represent unknown genes. The cDNA libraries developed in this study are available through RIKEN Bio Resource Center. A Web server for the marmoset cDNAs is available at http://marmoset.nig.ac.jp/index.html, where each marmoset EST sequence has been annotated by reference to the human genome. These new libraries will be a useful genetic resource to facilitate research in the common marmoset.  相似文献   

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