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Phosphorylation of calpain II (or its inhibitor) by the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (A-PK), cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (G-PK), and protein kinase C (PK-C) was analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Among these protein kinases, the catalytic subunit of A-PK exhibited the strongest phosphorylations of both calpain II and its inhibitor. Arachidonic acid and staurosporine effectively inhibited phosphorylation regardless the type of kinase tested. Despite its lack of effect on the phosphorylation of calpain II by the catalytic subunit of A-PK, sphingosine moderately enhanced the phosphorylation of calpain II by G-PK. Other agents, including phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol and 1, 2-dioleoyl-sn-glycerol, had no significant effect.  相似文献   

17 different proteinase inhibitors were screened for their effect on the erythrocyte invasion by the malaria parasite Plasmodium flaciparum. The effect was tested when the inhibitors were present in the culture medium and when they were trapped into erythrocyte ghosts. A very strong inhibition of invasion was observed in the presence of calpain inhibitors, with IC50 in the order of 10?7 M. Chymostatin, leupeptin, leupeptin, pepstatin A and bestatin also caused inhibition of the invasion, but with IC50 in the order of 10?5 M. The results suggest that participation of various proteinases in the process and point to the possibility of a calpain-mediated proteolytic event. This study may explain previous observations on the role of calcium in the invasion of the human erythrocyte by Plasmodium flaciparum.  相似文献   

Antibodies recognize protein targets with great affinity and specificity. However, posttranslational modifications and the presence of intrinsic disulfide‐bonds pose difficulties for their industrial use. The immunoglobulin fold is one of the most ubiquitous folds in nature and it is found in many proteins besides antibodies. An example of a protein family with an immunoglobulin‐like fold is the Cysteine Protease Inhibitors (ICP) family I42 of the MEROPs database for protease and protease inhibitors. Members of this protein family are thermostable and do not present internal disulfide bonds. Crystal structures of several ICPs indicate that they resemble the Ig‐like domain of the human T cell co‐receptor CD8α As ICPs present 2 flexible recognition loops that vary accordingly to their targeted protease, we hypothesize that members of this protein family would be ideal to design peptide aptamers that mimic protein‐protein interactions. Herein, we use an ICP variant from Entamoeba histolytica (EhICP1) to mimic the interaction between p53 and MDM2. We found that a 13 amino‐acid peptide derived from p53 can be introduced in 2 variable loops (DE, FG) but not the third (BC). Chimeric EhICP1‐p53 form a stable complex with MDM2 at a micromolar range. Crystal structure of the EhICP1‐p53(FG)‐loop variant in complex with MDM2 reveals a swapping subdomain between 2 chimeric molecules, however, the p53 peptide interacts with MDM2 as in previous crystal structures. The structural details of the EhICP1‐p53(FG) interaction with MDM2 resemble the interaction between an antibody and MDM2.  相似文献   

Prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) is a serine protease, unique for its ability to cleave various small oligopeptides shorter than 30 amino acids. POP is an important drug target since it is implicated in various neurological disorders. Although there is structural evidence that bacterial POPs undergo huge interdomain movements and acquire an “open” state in the substrate‐unbound form, hitherto, no crystal structure is available in the substrate‐unbound domain‐open form of eukaryotic POPs. Indeed, there is no difference between the substrate‐unbound/bound states of eukaryotic POPs. This raises unanswered questions about whether difference in the substrate access pathway exists between bacterial and eukaryotic POPs. Here, we have used normal mode analysis and molecular dynamics to unravel the mechanism of substrate entry in mammalian POPs, which has been debated until now. Motions observed using normal modes of porcine and bacterial POPs were analyzed and compared, augmented by molecular dynamics of these proteins. Identical to bacterial POPs, interdomain opening was found to be the possible pathway for the substrate‐gating in mammals as well. On the basis of our analyses and evidences, a mechanistic model of substrate entry in POPs has been proposed. Up‐down movement of N‐terminal hydrolase domain resulted in twisting motion of two domains, followed by the conformational changes of interdomain loop regions, which facilitate interdomain opening. Similar to bacterial POPs, an open form of porcine POP is also proposed with domain‐closing motion. This work has direct implications for the development of novel inhibitors of mammalian POPs to understand the etiology of various neurological diseases. Proteins 2014; 82:1428–1443. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two inhibitors of the calcium-dependent cysteine protease, calpain, have markedly different effects on the extent of hypertrophy induced by the alpha-adrenergic agonist, phenylephrine, of cultured neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. E64c, an inhibitor of calpain and other cysteine proteases, stimulated the hypertrophy by 59%. PD 150606, a specific calpain inhibitor, reduced the hypertrophy by 38%. Phenylephrine decreased the proteolysis of a calpain substrate by the cells 1–2 h after its addition but not at 24 h. PD 150606 inhibited proteolytic activity at all times, and the combination of phenylephrine and PD 150606 did not give greater inhibition. This suggests that cysteine proteases of the papain sub-family are involved with the hypertrophic response at two points, promoting hypertrophy at the first and limiting it at the second. Calpain appears to be the protease involved at the first point, and there may be another cysteine protease acting at the second site.  相似文献   

The effects of a synthetic serine protease inhibitor, FOY-305, and its derivatives, ONO-3403 and FO-349, on the proliferation of mouse NIH3T3 cells were investigated. At concentrations between 10 and 100 g/ml, three protease inhibitors induced a moderate suppression of cell growth. However, only ONO-3403 showed severe cytotoxicity at concentrations higher than 200 g/ml. Results of TUNEL staining and DNA fragmentation analysis indicated that ONO-3403 induced apoptosis at the high concentrations. Biochemical analysis has shown that ONO-3403 directly enhanced the amidolytic activity of purified -calpain at a concentration higher than 100 g/ml while FOY-305 and FO-349 showed less effects. When the cell extract was incubated in the presence of ONO-3403, specific degradation of a few proteins including protein kinase C was observed. Similar degradation was also observed by addition of -calpain to the extract. These results imply that ONO-3403 is a specific stimulator of calpain. It seems reasonable to conclude that increase in calpain activity results in apoptosis.This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

Co‐expression of protease inhibitors like the tomato cystatin SlCYS8 is useful to increase recombinant protein production in plants, but key proteases involved in protein proteolysis are still unknown. Here, we performed activity‐based protein profiling to identify proteases that are inhibited by SlCYS8 in agroinfiltrated Nicotiana benthamiana. We discovered that SlCYS8 selectively suppresses papain‐like cysteine protease (PLCP) activity in both apoplastic fluids and total leaf extracts, while not affecting vacuolar‐processing enzyme and serine hydrolase activity. A robust concentration‐dependent inhibition of PLCPs occurred in vitro when purified SlCYS8 was added to leaf extracts, indicating direct cystatin–PLCP interactions. Activity‐based proteomics revealed that nine different Cathepsin‐L/‐F‐like PLCPs are strongly inhibited by SlCYS8 in leaves. By contrast, the activity of five other Cathepsin‐B/‐H‐like PLCPs, as well as 87 Ser hydrolases, was unaffected by SlCYS8. SlCYS8 expression prevented protein degradation by inhibiting intermediate and mature isoforms of granulin‐containing proteases from the Resistant‐to‐Desiccation‐21 (RD21) PLCP subfamily. Our data underline the key role of endogenous PLCPs on recombinant protein degradation and reveal candidate proteases for depletion strategies.  相似文献   

The proteasome plays essential roles in nearly all biological processes in plant defense and development, yet simple methods for displaying proteasome activities in extracts and living tissues are not available to plant science. Here, we introduce an easy and robust method to simultaneously display the activities of all three catalytic proteasome subunits in plant extracts or living plant tissues. The method is based on a membrane‐permeable, small‐molecule fluorescent probe that irreversibly reacts with the catalytic site of the proteasome catalytic subunits in an activity‐dependent manner. Activities can be quantified from fluorescent protein gels and used to study proteasome activities in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrate that proteasome catalytic subunits can be selectively inhibited by aldehyde‐based inhibitors, including the notorious caspase‐3 inhibitor DEVD. Furthermore, we show that the proteasome activity, but not its abundance, is significantly increased in Arabidopsis upon treatment with benzothiadiazole (BTH). This upregulation of proteasome activity depends on NPR1, and occurs mostly in the cytoplasm. The simplicity, robustness and versatility of this method will make this method widely applicable in plant science.  相似文献   

A series of Fmoc‐Phe(4‐aza‐C60)‐OH of fullerene amino acid derived peptides have been prepared by solid phase peptide synthesis, in which the terminal amino acid, Phe(4‐aza‐C60)‐OH, is derived from the dipolar addition to C60 of the Fmoc‐Nα‐protected azido amino acids derived from phenylalanine: Fmoc‐Phe(4‐aza‐C60)‐Lys3‐OH ( 1 ), Fmoc‐Phe(4‐aza‐C60)‐Pro‐Hyp‐Lys‐OH ( 2 ), and Fmoc‐Phe(4‐aza‐C60)‐Hyp‐Hyp‐Lys‐OH ( 3 ). The inhibition constant of our fullerene aspartic protease PRIs utilized FRET‐based assay to evaluate the enzyme kinetics of HIV‐1 PR at various concentrations of inhibitors. Simulation of the docking of the peptide Fmoc‐Phe‐Pro‐Hyp‐Lys‐OH overestimated the inhibition, while the amino acid PRIs were well estimated. The experimental results show that C60‐based amino acids are a good base structure in the design of protease inhibitors and that their inhibition can be improved upon by the addition of designer peptide sequences. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A central mechanistic paradigm of cysteine proteases is that the His–Cys catalytic diad forms an ion‐pair NH(+)/S(?) already in the catalytically active free enzyme. Most molecular modeling studies of cysteine proteases refer to this paradigm as their starting point. Nevertheless, several recent kinetics and X‐ray crystallography studies of viral and bacterial cysteine proteases depart from the ion‐pair mechanism, suggesting general base catalysis. We challenge the postulate of the ion‐pair formation in free papain. Applying our QM/SCRF(VS) molecular modeling approach, we analyzed all protonation states of the catalytic diad in free papain and its SMe derivative, comparing the predicted and experimental pKa data. We conclude that the His–Cys catalytic diad in free papain is fully protonated, NH(+)/SH. The experimental pKa = 8.62 of His159 imidazole in free papain, obtained by NMR‐controlled titration and originally interpreted as the NH(+)/S(?) ? N/S(?) equilibrium, is now assigned to the NH(+)/SH ? N/SH equilibrium. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sarcopenia, the age‐related loss of muscle mass, is a highly‐debilitating consequence of aging. In this investigation, we show sarcopenia is greatly reduced by muscle‐specific overexpression of calpastatin, the endogenous inhibitor of calcium‐dependent proteases (calpains). Further, we show that calpain cleavage of specific structural and regulatory proteins in myofibrils is prevented by covalent modification of calpain by nitric oxide (NO) through S‐nitrosylation. We find that calpain in adult, non‐sarcopenic muscles is S‐nitrosylated but that aging leads to loss of S‐nitrosylation, suggesting that reduced S‐nitrosylation during aging leads to increased calpain‐mediated proteolysis of myofibrils. Further, our data show that muscle aging is accompanied by loss of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), the primary source of muscle NO, and that expression of a muscle‐specific nNOS transgene restores calpain S‐nitrosylation in aging muscle and prevents sarcopenia. Together, the findings show that in vivo reduction of calpain S‐nitrosylation in muscle may be an important component of sarcopenia, indicating that modulation of NO can provide a therapeutic strategy to slow muscle loss during old age.  相似文献   

Upon apoptosis induction, the proapoptotic protein Bax is translocated from the cytosol to mitochondria, where it promotes release of cytochrome c, a caspase‐activating protein. However, the molecular mechanisms by which Bax triggers cytochrome c release are unknown. Here we report that before the initiation of apoptotic execution by etoposide or staurosporin, an active calpain activity cleaves Bax at its N‐terminus, generating a potent proapoptotic 18‐kDa fragment (Bax/p18). Both the calpain‐mediated Bax cleavage activity and the Bax/p18 fragment were found in the mitochondrial membrane‐enriched fraction. Cleavage of Bax was followed by release of mitochondrial cytochrome c, activation of caspase‐3, cleavage of poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase, and fragmentation of DNA. Unlike the full‐length Bax, Bax/p18 did not interact with the antiapoptotic Bcl‐2 protein in the mitochondrial fraction of drug‐treated cells. Pretreatment with a specific calpain inhibitor calpeptin inhibited etoposide‐induced calpain activation, Bax cleavage, cytochrome c release, and caspase‐3 activation. In contrast, transfection of a cloned Bax/p18 cDNA into multiple human cancer cell lines targeted Bax/p18 to mitochondria, which was accompanied by release of cytochrome c and induction of caspase‐3‐mediated apoptosis that was not blocked by overexpression of Bcl‐2 protein. Therefore, Bax/p18 has a cytochrome c–releasing activity that promotes cell death independent of Bcl‐2. Finally, Bcl‐2 overexpression inhibited etoposide‐induced calpain activation, Bax cleavage, cytochrome c release, and apoptosis. Our results suggest that the mitochondrial calpain plays an essential role in apoptotic commitment by cleaving Bax and generating the Bax/p18 fragment, which in turn mediates cytochrome c release and initiates the apoptotic execution. J. Cell. Biochem. 80:53–72, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Aberrant regulation of programmed cell death (PCD) has been tied to an array of human pathologies ranging from cancers to autoimmune disorders to diverse forms of neurodegeneration. Pharmacologic modulation of PCD signalling is therefore of central interest to a number of clinical and biomedical applications. A key component of PCD signalling involves the modulation of pro‐ and anti‐apoptotic Bcl‐2 family members. Among these, Bax translocation represents a critical regulatory phase in PCD. In the present study, we have employed a high‐content high‐throughput screen to identify small molecules which inhibit the cellular process of Bax re‐distribution to the mitochondria following commitment of the cell to die. Screening of 6246 Generally Recognized As Safe compounds from four chemical libraries post‐induction of cisplatin‐mediated PCD resulted in the identification of 18 compounds which significantly reduced levels of Bax translocation. Further examination revealed protective effects via reduction of executioner caspase activity and enhanced mitochondrial function. Consistent with their effects on Bax translocation, these compounds exhibited significant rescue against in vitro and in vivo cisplatin‐induced apoptosis. Altogether, our findings identify a new set of clinically useful small molecules PCD inhibitors and highlight the role which cAMP plays in regulating Bax‐mediated PCD.  相似文献   

Amadoriases, also known as fructosyl amine oxidases (FAOX), are enzymes that catalyze the de‐glycosylation of fructosyl amino acids. As such, they are excellent candidates for the development of enzyme‐based diagnostic and therapeutic tools against age‐ and diabetes‐induced protein glycation. However, mostly because of the lack of a complete structural characterization of the different members of the family, the molecular bases of their substrate specificity have yet to be fully understood. The high resolution crystal structures of the free and the substrate‐bound form of Amadoriase I shown herein allow for the identification of key structural features that account for the diverse substrate specificity shown by this class of enzymes. This is of particular importance in the context of the rather limited and partially incomplete structural information that has so far been available in the literature on the members of the FAOX family. Moreover, using molecular dynamics simulations, we describe the tunnel conformation and the free energy profile experienced by the ligand in going from bulk water to the catalytic cavity, showing the presence of four gating helices/loops, followed by an “L‐shaped” narrow cavity. In summary, the tridimensional architecture of Amadoriase I presented herein provides a reference structural framework for the design of novel enzymes for diabetes monitoring and protein deglycation. Proteins 2016; 84:744–758. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The calpains are a conserved family of cysteine proteases that includes several isoforms of which µ–calpain and m-calpain are the most widely distributed in mammalian cells. Calpains have been implicated in normal physiological processes as well as cellular abnormalities such as neurodegenerative disorders, cataract, and cancer. Therefore, calpain inhibitors are of interest as potential therapeutic agents. We have synthesized four new sulfonamide-based peptidomimetic compounds 25 as inhibitors of μ-calpain that incorporate (E)-1-(phenyl)-2-phenyldiazene and (E)-1-(phenyl)-2-phenylethene functionalities as the N-terminal capping groups of the inhibitors. Compound 5 with Ki value of 9 nM versus μ-calpain was the most potent member of the group. The compounds were predicted to be more lipophilic compared to MDL28170 based on CLogP estimation. They displayed moderate to good antiproliferative activity versus melanoma cell lines (A-375 and B-16F1) and PC-3 prostate cancer cells in vitro. Additionally, one member of the group (compound 3) inhibited DU-145 cell invasion by 80% at 2 μM concentration in the Matrigel cell invasion assay.  相似文献   

We describe the application of ligand based virtual screening technologies towards the discovery of novel plasmepsin (PM) inhibitors, a family of malarial parasitic aspartyl proteases. Pharmacophore queries were used to screen vendor libraries in search of active and selective compounds. The virtual hits were biologically assessed for activity and selectivity using whole cell Plasmodium falciparum parasites and on target in PM II, PM IV and the closely related human homologue, Cathepsin D assays. Here we report the virtual screening highlights, structures of the hits and their demonstrated biological activity.  相似文献   

In order to identify potential calpain and cathepsin inhibitors we prepared 12 dihydroxychalcone analogues and tested their ability to inhibit μ-calpain, m-calpain, cathepsins B and L. In the calpain inhibition test, compound 10 exhibited the most active inhibitory activity against m-calpain with an IC50 value of 25.25 ± 0.901 μM. With respect to inhibition of cathepsins B and L, compound 13 exhibited the most potent inhibitory activity on cathepsin L and moderate inhibitory activity on cathepsin B with IC50 values of 2.80 ± 0.100 and 11.47 ± 0.087 μM, respectively. Our results suggest the possibility of developing dual calpain and cathepsin inhibitors by properly modulating structures and/or combining the essential aspects of the functional group effective for specific calpain and cathepsin inhibition.  相似文献   

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