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The camphor-degrading microorganism, Pseudomonas putida strain ATCC 17453, is an aerobic, gram-negative soil bacterium that uses camphor as its sole carbon and energy source. The genes responsible for the catabolic degradation of camphor are encoded on the extra-chromosomal CAM plasmid. A monooxygenase, cytochrome P450cam, mediates hydroxylation of camphor to 5-exo-hydroxycamphor as the first and committed step in the camphor degradation pathway, requiring a dioxygen molecule (O2) from air. Under low O2 levels, P450cam catalyzes the production of borneol via an unusual reduction reaction. We have previously shown that borneol downregulates the expression of P450cam. To understand the function of P450cam and the consequences of down-regulation by borneol under low O2 conditions, we have studied chemotaxis of camphor induced and non-induced P. putida strain ATCC 17453. We have tested camphor, borneol, oxidized camphor metabolites and known bacterial attractants (d)-glucose, (d) - and (l)-glutamic acid for their elicitation chemotactic behavior. In addition, we have used 1-phenylimidazole, a P450cam inhibitor, to investigate if P450cam plays a role in the chemotactic ability of P. putida in the presence of camphor. We found that camphor, a chemoattractant, became toxic and chemorepellent when P450cam was inhibited. We have also evaluated the effect of borneol on chemotaxis and found that the bacteria chemotaxed away from camphor in the presence of borneol. This is the first report of the chemotactic behaviour of P. putida ATCC 17453 and the essential role of P450cam in this process.  相似文献   

BackgroundBisoprolol is an effective β1-adrenergic blocker, an inter-individual genetic variability was recorded in its response. This study aimed at investigating the association of CYP2D6*2A (rs1080985) and CYP2D6*10 (rs1065852) single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with Bisoprolol response in cardiac patients attending King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Patients and methodsIn the study, 107 patients were enrolled. Five mL of venous blood was collected from each patient and genotyping for CYP2D6*2A and CYP2D6*10 using Vivid® CYP2D6 Green Screening Kit (Life Technologies, USA). Response to Bisoprolol was evaluated through assessment of diastolic and systolic blood pressure and by measuring Bisoprolol plasma level using triple quad mass spectrometer (TQ-MS).ResultsAll patients were found to carry homozygous wild type CYP2D6*10 (GG) and none were carrying heterozygous (GA) or mutant homozygous (AA) genotype. CYP2D6*2A allele was detected in the homozygous wild type (GG) in 70 out of 107 patients, the heterozygous (GC) in 19 patients, and the homozygous mutant (CC) in 18 patients with minor allele frequency (MAF) of 25.7%. The plasma concentrations of Bisoprolol in CC carriers were significantly lower than those in GG & CC carriers by 25%, and 51%; respectively. Higher systolic and diastolic blood pressures were also observed in CC carriers than GG and CC carriers.ConclusionThere is a possible association of CYP2D6*2A genotype with plasma concentration of bisoprolol. This could provide a helpful tool to choose the optimum dose for bisoprolol, depending on the patient’s genotyping, in order to increase effectiveness and ameliorate its toxicity.  相似文献   

CYP2C enzymes epoxidize arachidonic acid (AA) to metabolites involved in the regulation of vascular and renal function. We tested the hypothesis that eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), a n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, may serve as an alternative substrate. Human CYP2C8 and CYP2C9, as well as rat CYP2C11 and CYP2C23, were co-expressed with NADPH-CYP reductase in a baculovirus/insect cell system. The recombinant enzymes showed high EPA and AA epoxygenase activities and the catalytic efficiencies were almost equal comparing the two substrates. The 17,18-double bond was the preferred site of EPA epoxidation by CYPs 2C8, 2C11, and 2C23. 17(R),18(S)-Epoxyeicosatetraenoic acid was produced with an optical purity of about 70% by CYPs 2C9, 2C11, and 2C23 whereas CYP2C8 showed the opposite enantioselectivity. These results demonstrate that EPA is an efficient substrate of CYP2C enzymes and suggest that n-3 PUFA-rich diets may shift the CYP2C-dependent generation of physiologically active eicosanoids from AA- to EPA-derived metabolites.  相似文献   

Some ingredients from herbal medicine can significantly affect the activity of CYP2D6, thus leading to serious interactions between herbs and drugs. Quercetin and hyperoside are active ingredients widely found in vegetables, fruits, and herbal medicines. Quercetin and hyperoside have many biological activities. In this work, the characteristic bindings of CYP2D6 with quercetin/hyperoside are revealed by multi-spectroscopy analysis, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics simulations. The fluorescence of CYP2D6 is statically quenched by quercetin and hyperoside. The binding constant (Ka) values of CYP2D6–quercetin/hyperoside range from 104 L mol−1, which indicates that these two flavonoids bind moderately to CYP2D6. Meanwhile, quercetin has a stronger quenching ability to CYP2D6 than that of hyperoside. The secondary structure of CYP2D6 is obviously changed by binding with quercetin/hyperoside. The docking results reveal that the quercetin/hyperoside enters the active site of CYP2D6 near heme and binds to CYP2D6 by hydrogen bonds and van der Waals forces. The molecular dynamics simulation results indicate that the binding of quercetin/hyperoside can stabilize the two complexes, enhance the flexibility of CYP2D6 backbone atoms, and make a more unfolded and looser structure of CYP2D6.  相似文献   

细胞色素P450 2D6缺陷型等位基因的家系分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用等位基因特民扩增法(ASA)为基础的基因分型法,对细胞色素P4502D6 (CYP2D6)缺陷型等位基因携带者的9个家庭共38个进行了基因分型,并与用右旋美沙芬为 探针的表型分型法进行对比,发现两种方法的结果是一致的,CYP2D6酶缺陷型等位基因呈常染色体隐性遗传。 Abstract:A genotyping method based on the principle of allele-specific amplification and a phenotyping procedure with dextromethorphan as a probe were employed in familial study of nine families with 38 members for the cytochrome P450 2D6(CYP2D6)deficient alleles——CYP2D6A,CYP2D6B,CYP2D6D and CYP2D6T.The results showed that the CYP2D6 deficient alleles were inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.  相似文献   

细胞色素P450 2D6酶缺陷等位基因的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细胞色素P450 2D6(CYP2D6)第1 795位胸腺嘧啶核苷缺失造成CYP2D6酶活性缺陷,该等位基因被称为CYP2D6T.对该等位基因的测定有助于准确预测CYP2D6表现型.利用等位基因特异扩增法的基本原理,建立了测定CYP2D6T的方法.经396例测定,证明比利用PCR扩增后再酶切的方法更为快捷、更少污染,为该项测定应用于临床奠定基础.  相似文献   

The CYP2D6 gene codes for a P450 monooxygenase which is involved in the biotransformation of a large number of commonly prescribed drugs. Adverse drug effects and therapeutic failure can be related to abnormal CYP2D6 activity. We investigated the allele and genotype frequencies of cytochrome P4502D6 in a Spanish population to predict the prevalence of ultra-rapid and poor metabolizer phenotypes in our population and to design a feasible CYP2D6 genotyping protocol. The study included 105 healthy unrelated Spanish Caucasian volunteers. CYP2D6 genotyping was performed by a combination of long-PCR, direct sequencing and allele-specific real-time PCR. The frequency of the wild-type CYP2D6*1 allele was 31%. The alleles coding for slightly (CYP2D6*2) or moderately (*9 and *10) reduced activity showed frequencies of 40.47, 2.38 and 1.90%, respectively. Frequencies of defective alleles *3, *4, *5 and *6 were 0.95, 13.8, 3.33 and 0.95%, respectively. The defective CYP2D6 alleles *7, *8, *12, *14, *15 and *21 were not found. Duplicated CYP2D6 alleles were detected at a frequency of 4.27%. Our protocol allows the identification of the four inactive CYP2D6 alleles (*3, *4, *5 and *6) and the detection of alleles with CYP2D6 *1, CYP2D6 *2 and CYP2D6*4 gene duplications. Testing for this reduced CYP2D6 allele set would facilitate its use in clinical practice by assisting in the development of individualized pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   

The conformational dynamics of cytochrome P450 enzymes are critical to their catalytic activity. In this study, the correlated motion between residues in a 200 ns molecular dynamics trajectory of the thermophilic CYP119 was analyzed to parse out conformational relationships. Residues that are structurally related, for example residues within a helix, generally have highly correlated motion. In addition, clusters of non-adjacent residues that show correlated motion (“hot spots”) are seen in various regions, including at the base of the F and G helices that make up the most dynamic region of the enzyme. A modified k-means algorithm that clusters residues based on their correlated motion indicates that functionally related residues are in the same cluster (e.g., the catalytic threonines and the heme). Tightly coupled clusters form a solvent-exposed “shell” around the enzyme, whereas less coupling between clusters is seen in regions that are critical to ligand interactions, redox partner interactions, and catalysis. Most notably, we find that residues in the active site move independently from the rest of the enzyme, effectively insulating the catalytic machinery from other regions of the protein.  相似文献   

Teicoplanin is a glycopeptide antibiotic with activity against Gram-positive bacteria and remains one of the last lines of clinical defense against certain bacterial infections. We have cloned, expressed, and purified the cytochrome P450 OxyE (CYP165D3) from the teicoplanin biosynthetic gene cluster of Actinoplanes teichomyceticus, which is responsible for the phenolic coupling of the aromatic side chains of the first and third peptide residues in the teicoplanin peptide. The crystal structure of OxyE has been determined to 2.5 Å resolution, revealing the probable binding surface for the carrier protein substrate and an extension of the active site into a pocket located above the β-1 sheet. The binding of potential substrates to OxyE shows that peptidyl carrier protein-bound linear peptides bind to OxyE, albeit with low affinity in the absence of a phenolic cross-link that should normally be installed by another Oxy protein in the teicoplanin biosynthetic pathway. This result indicates that the carrier protein alone is not sufficient for tight substrate binding to OxyE and that the Oxy proteins sense the structure of the bound peptide in addition to the presence of the carrier protein, a feature distinct from other carrier protein/P450 systems.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of the mutual substitution of amino acid residues at positions 216 and 219 between rat CYP2D1 and CYP2D2 on their microsomal contents and enzymatic functions using a yeast cell expression system and 5-methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine (5-MeO-DIPT) as a substrate. CYP2D1 has amino acid residues, leucine and valine, at positions of 216 and 219, respectively, whereas CYP2D2 has phenylalanine and aspartic acid at the same positions. In reduced carbon monoxide-difference spectroscopic analysis, the substitution of Asp-219 of CYP2D2 by valine markedly increased a peak at 450 nm and concomitantly decreased a peak at 420 nm, while the replacement of Phe-216 of CYP2D2 with leucine gave no observable change. The double substitution of Phe-216 and Asp-219 by leucine and valine, respectively, yielded a typical CYP spectrum. The substitution of Val-219 of CYP2D1 by aspartic acid decreased the CYP content to one-half, whereas the replacement of Leu-216 with phenylalanine did not have any effect. The double substitution of Leu-216 and Val-219 of CYP2D1 by phenylalanine and aspartic acid, respectively, diminished the CYP content by 90%. CYP2D1 catalyzed both 5-MeO-DIPT N-deisopropylation and O-demethylation at relatively low levels, while CYP2D2 catalyzed 5-MeO-DIPT O-demethylation efficiently. The substitution of the amino acid at position 216 substantially increased 5-MeO-DIPT oxidation activities of the two CYP2D enzymes. The replacement of the amino acid at position 219 increased the 5-MeO-DIPT O- and N-dealkylation activities of CYP2D1, whereas it decreased the 5-MeO-DIPT O-demethylation activity of CYP2D2. These results indicate that amino acid residues at positions 216 and 219 have important roles in the enzymatic functions of rat CYP2D1 and CYP2D2.  相似文献   

CYP1A2 and CYP2E1 are two of the main cytochrome P450 isoforms involved in the metabolism of commonly used drugs and xenobiotic compounds considered to be responsible for or possible participants in the development of several human diseases. Individual susceptibility to developing these pathologies relies, among other factors, on genetic polymorphism which depends on ethnic differences, as the frequency of mutant genotypes varies in different human populations. Thus the aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of CYP1A2 5'-flanking region and CYP2E1 Rsa I/Pst I polymorphisms in Mexicans by PCR-RFLP methods. The DNA of 159 subjects was analysed and mutant allele frequencies of 30% for CYP2E1 Rsa I/Pst I sites and 43% for CYP1A2 5'-flanking region were found. These frequencies are higher than those previously reported for other human populations.  相似文献   

Li W  Tang Y  Liu H  Cheng J  Zhu W  Jiang H 《Proteins》2008,71(2):938-949
Cytochrome P450 (P450) 2J2 catalyzes epoxidation of arachidonic acid to eicosatrienoic acids, which are related to a variety of diseases such as coronary artery disease, hypertension, and carcinogenesis. Recent experimental data also suggest that P450 2J2 could be a novel biomarker and a potential target for cancer therapy. However, the active site topology and substrate specificity of this enzyme remain unclear. In this study, a three-dimensional model of human P450 2J2 was first constructed on the basis of the crystal structure of human P450 2C9 in complex with a substrate using homology modeling method, and refined by molecular dynamics simulation. Flexible docking approaches were then employed to dock four ligands into the active site of P450 2J2 in order to probe the ligand-binding modes. By analyzing the results, active site architecture and certain key residues responsible for substrate specificity were identified on the enzyme, which might be very helpful for understanding the enzyme's biological role and providing insights for designing novel inhibitors of P450 2J2.  相似文献   


Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is an inherited autosomal recessive disorder related to deficient cortisol synthesis. The deficiency of steroid 21-hydroxylase (cytochrome P450 21A2), an enzyme involved in cortisol synthesis, is responsible for ~95% of cases of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. This metabolic disease exhibits three clinical forms: salt-wasting, simple virilizing, and non-classical form, which are divided according to the degree of severity. In the present study, structural and mutational analyses were performed in order to identify the structural impact of mutations on cytochrome P450 21A2 and correlate them with patient clinical severity. The following mutations were selected: arginine-356 to tryptophan (R356W), proline-30 to leucine (P30L), isoleucine-172 to asparagine (I172N), valine-281 to leucine (V281L), and the null mutation glutamine-318 (Q318X). Our computational approach mapped the location of residues on P450 and identified their implications on enzyme electrostatic potential mapping to progesterone and heme binding pockets. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we analyzed the structural stability of ligand binding and protein structure, as well as possible conformational changes at the catalytic pocket that leads to impairment of enzymatic activity. Our study sheds light on the impact structural mutations have over steroid 21-hydroxylase structure-function in the cell.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Drugs and carcinogens are substrates of a group of metabolic enzymes including cytochrome p450 enzymes and gluthatione S-transferases. Many of the genes encoding these enzymes exhibit functional polymorphisms that contribute individual cancer susceptibility and drug response. Molecular studies based on these polymorphic enzymes also explain the aetiology of cancer and therapeutic management in clinics. We analysed the cytochrome p4501A1 (CYP1A1) and 2D6 (CYP2D6) variant genotype and allele frequencies by PCR-RFLP in Turkish individuals (n=140). The frequency of the CYP1A1*2A mutant allele was found to be 15.4%, and the CYP2D6*3 and *4 mutant allele (poor metabolizer) frequencies were 2.5% and 13.9%, respectively. This study presents the first results of CYP1A1 and CYP2D6 mutant allele distributions in the Turkish population and these data provide an understanding of epidemiological studies that correlate therapeutic approaches and aetiology of several types of malignancy in Turkish patients.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism of cytochrome P450 2E1 in the Turkish population.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CYP 2E1 is involved in metabolic activation of carcinogenic N-nitrosamines, benzene, urethane and other low molecular weight compounds. CYP2E1 gene is present in the population in various polymorphic forms. We detected the RFLP of the human CYP2E1 gene with the restriction endonuclease PstI, RsaI and DraI in a group of 153 Turkish individuals. According to the results of the PstI/RsaI analysis, 96.07% of the subjects were of the c1/c1 genotype, and 3.93% were of the c1/c2 genotype. In the DraI RFLP analysis, 84.30% DD genotype, 15.03% CD genotype and 0.66% CC genotype were determined. The data obtained may be useful in epidemiological studies of the influence of CYP2E1 polymorphism on carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Meilleur F  Contzen J  Myles DA  Jung C 《Biochemistry》2004,43(27):8744-8753
Perdeuterated and hydrogenated cytochrome P450cam (P450cam), from Pseudomonas putida, has been characterized concerning thermal stability and structural dynamics. For the first time, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to characterize a perdeuterated protein. The secondary structure compositions were determined from the fitted amide I' spectral region, giving band populations at 10 degrees C for the perdeuterated protein of 22% between 1605 and 1624 cm(-1) (beta-sheets), 47% between 1633 and 1650 cm(-1) (alpha-helix (29%) plus unordered/3(10)-helix (18%)), and 28% between 1657 and 1677 cm(-1) (turns) and for the hydrogenated protein of 22% between 1610 and 1635 cm(-1) (beta-sheets), 52% between 1640 and 1658 cm(-1) (alpha-helix (41%) plus unordered/3(10)-helix (11%)), and 24% between 1665 and 1680 cm(-1) (turns).Thermal unfolding experiments revealed that perdeuterated P450cam was less stable than the hydrogenated protein. The midpoint transition temperatures were 60.8 and 64.4 degrees C for the perdeuterated and hydrogenated P450cam, respectively. Step-scan time-resolved FTIR was applied to the P450cam-CO complex to study the ligand-rebinding process after flash photolysis. Rebinding of the ligand occurred with the same kinetics and rate constants k(on), 8.9 x 10(4) and 8.3 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) for the perdeuterated and hydrogenated P450cam, respectively.Perdeuterated P450cam was expressed for a neutron crystallographic study to determine the specific hydration states and hydrogen-bonding networks at the active site. The analyses presented here show that perdeuterated P450cam is structurally similar to its hydrogenated counterpart, despite its reduced thermal stability, suggesting that information obtained from the neutron structure will be representative of the normal hydrogenated P450cam.  相似文献   

CYP119, the first thermophilic P450 enzyme, reacts much more slowly than CYP101 (P450cam) with aryldiazenes to give σ-bonded aryl-iron complexes. The CYP119 complexes are stable anaerobically at 80 °C but are readily oxidized by O2 to give the N-arylprotoporphyrin IX regioisomers. The aryl shift can also be initiated in the absence of O2 by K3Fe(CN)6. In contrast, the corresponding CYP101 complexes are insensitive to O2 but decompose at temperatures above 50 °C owing to denaturation of the protein. The rate of the CYP119 aryl shift is decreased by electron-withdrawing substituents, with ρ=−1.50 for both the O2- and K3Fe(CN)6-dependent reactions. A similar dependence (ρ=−0.90) is observed for the K3Fe(CN)6-dependent CYP101 shift. The enthalpies and entropies of activation suggest that the CYP119 and CYP101 K3Fe(CN)6-mediated reactions are similar, but the CYP119 O2-dependent reaction proceeds via a different transition state. In all cases, the rate-determining step is oxidation of the aryl-iron complex. The temperature dependence of the O2- and K3Fe(CN)6-dependent CYP119 shifts provides evidence for temperature-dependent equilibration of two active site conformations. The oxygen sensitivity of the CYP119 aryl-iron complexes, and the temperature dependence of their rearragement, reflect the unique active site properties of this thermophilic P450 enzyme. Received: 12 August 1999 / Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyl IUPAC# 101-PCB 101 (chlorination pattern-2,2',4',5,5') is a common, persistent non-coplanar PCB congener found in the ambient environment but information related to its metabolism in humans is lacking. Previous studies indicate PCB 101 is rapidly metabolized in mammals through CYP 2B and 3A family enzymes. Recently, PCB metabolism through a 2A family isoform in hamsters was also reported. To specifically identify the human CYP 450 isoforms responsible for PCB 101 metabolism, we compared human microsome metabolism to metabolism using several specific recombinant human CYP isoforms. These data characterized selective and extensive metabolism by human CYP 2A6. The product formed was the 4-hydroxy-PCB 101 metabolite (4-hydroxy-2,2',4',5,5') and was the only major metabolite observed in the recombinant and human microsome investigation. This is important information for predicting human specific toxicokinetics of PCBs.  相似文献   

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