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Life in the colonies: learning the alien ways of colonial organisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Who needs to go to outer space to study alien beings when the oceans of our own planet abound with bizarre and unknown creatures? Many of them belong to sessile clonal and colonial groups, including sponges, hydroids, corals, octocorals, ascidians, bryozoans, and some polychaetes. Their life histories, in many ways unlike our own, are a challenge for biologists. Studying their ecology, behavior, and taxonomy means trying to “think like a colony” to understand the factors important in their lives. Until the 1980s, most marine ecologists ignored these difficult modular organisms. Plant ecologists showed them ways to deal with the two levels of asexually produced modules and genetic individuals, leading to a surge in research on the ecology of clonal and colonial marine invertebrates. Bryozoans make excellent model colonial animals. Their life histories range from ephemeral to perennial. Aspects of their lives such as growth, reproduction, partial mortality due to predation or fouling, and the behavior of both autozooids and polymorphs can be studied at the level of the colony, as well as that of the individual module, in living colonies and over time.  相似文献   

The relative importance of colony size ratio of interacting species was studied in Tomioka Bay, Japan. Six encrusting colonial species belonging to the following three different taxonomic groups were tested: Ascidia (three species), Bryozoa (two) and Porifera (one). Colonies of these organisms were grown in the community of sessile organisms developed on plastic panels. Logistic regression analysis was carried out to determine the effect of size ratio on the competitive outcome of interacting colonies. The results between all possible combinations among these six species did not show a significant size effect in competitive outcome (i.e. a larger colony size did not always prove important in the success of a competitive interaction with smaller colonies of other species). On the contrary, competitive success depends on the types of species interacting. Certain species such asDidemnum moseleyi (ascidian) andHaliclona sp. (sponge), in spite of being smaller in colony size, won in competitive interactions with larger colonies of other species such asDiplosoma mitsukurii (ascidian) andWatersipora subovoidea (bryozoan). These results contradict the one reported earlier: that the larger the colony size, the more chance the colony will have to win in competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Despite the universality of branching patterns in marine modular colonial organisms, there is neither a clear explanation about the growth of their branching forms nor an understanding of how these organisms conserve their shape during development. This study develops a model of branching and colony growth using parameters and variables related to actual modular structures (e.g., branches) in Caribbean gorgonian corals (Cnidaria). Gorgonians exhibiting treelike networks branch subapically, creating hierarchical mother-daughter relationships among branches. We modeled both the intrinsic subapical branching along with an ecological-physiological limit to growth or maximum number of mother branches (k). Shape is preserved by maintaining a constant ratio (c) between the total number of branches and the mother branches. The size frequency distribution of mother branches follows a scaling power law suggesting self-organized criticality. Differences in branching among species with the same k values are determined by r (branching rate) and c. Species with rr/2 or c>r>0). Ecological/physiological constraints limit growth without altering colony form or the interaction between r and c. The model described the branching dynamics giving the form to colonies and how colony growth declines over time without altering the branching pattern. This model provides a theoretical basis to study branching as a simple function of the number of branches independently of ordering- and bifurcation-based schemes.  相似文献   

Pseudocyclic (P) integration was very important in the evolution of modular organisms. Its wide distribution was possible because of their morphogenesis, ontogeny, and systemic specifics. P-transformations are often related to changes around the boundaries of subsystems and structures, with a relatively low integrity of modular biosystems.  相似文献   

Marine organisms have been reported to be a rich source of biologically active compounds, but when compared with plants, their use is much more restrict in popular medicine. Among marine animals, sponges and ascidians are two of the most prominent sources of new compounds with cytotoxic potential. In this study, we tested 40 extracts of marine sponges and ascidians from southeastern Brazilian coast aiming to evaluate their anti-proliferative effects on cultured cells. The extracts of Amorphinopsis sp., Arenosclera brasilensis, Cystodytes dellechiajei, Cliona aff. celata, Didemnum sp., Hadromerida and Scopalina ruetzleri showed an IC50≤30 μg/mL and produce strong effects on microtubules organization and on the cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

The control of the epidemic process is based on the knowledge of the mechanisms of self-regulation, developed in the process of evolution, in the relationship of the host and parasite populations under the changing conditions of the social and natural environment. The problem of the global and regional liquidation of infections controllable by means of immunoprophylactic measures is considered.  相似文献   

Species-specific vocalizations fall into two broad categories: those that emerge during maturation, independent of experience, and those that depend on early life interactions with conspecifics. Human language and the communication systems of a small number of other species, including songbirds, fall into this latter class of vocal learning. Self-monitoring has been assumed to play an important role in the vocal learning of speech and studies demonstrate that perception of your own voice is crucial for both the development and lifelong maintenance of vocalizations in humans and songbirds. Experimental modifications of auditory feedback can also change vocalizations in both humans and songbirds. However, with the exception of large manipulations of timing, no study to date has ever directly examined the use of auditory feedback in speech production under the age of 4. Here we use a real-time formant perturbation task to compare the response of toddlers, children, and adults to altered feedback. Children and adults reacted to this manipulation by changing their vowels in a direction opposite to the perturbation. Surprisingly, toddlers' speech didn't change in response to altered feedback, suggesting that long-held assumptions regarding the role of self-perception in articulatory development need to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

In continuation of a previous study a case of self-regulating polarity is investigated, in which a metabolite neither enters nor leaves the cell, being produced in one part of it and consumed in another. Such a cell possesses a larger degree of autonomy and independence of external conditions than the previously discussed one. Application to cellular locomotion is indicated.  相似文献   

Colonial radiolaria (Protozoa: Spumellarida) were a conspicuous feature in surface waters of the Sargasso Sea during the April (1985) Biowatt cruise. The abundance of colonies at the sea surface at one station was estimated to be 23 colonies · m−2.Bioluminescence by colonial radiolaria, representing at least six taxa, was readily evoked by mechanical stimuli and measured by fast spectroscopy and photon-counting techniques. Light emission was deep blue in color (peak emissions between 443 and 456 nm) and spectral distributions were broad (average half bandwidth of 80 nm). Single flashes were 1–2 s in duration at ≈23 °C, with species-dependent kinetics which were not attributed to differences in colony morphology, since colonies similar in appearance could belong to different species (even families) and display different flash kinetics. Although the presence of dinoflagellate symbionts was confirmed by the presence of dinoflagellate marker pigments in the colonies, luminescence in the radiolaria examined most likely did not originate from symbiotic dinoflagellates because of (1) differences in the emission spectra, (2) unresponsiveness to low pH stimulation, (3) differences in flash kinetics and photon emission of light emission, and (4) lack of light inhibition.The quantal content of single flashes averaged 1 × 109 photons flash−1, and colonies were capable of prolonged light emission. The mean value of bioluminescence potential based on measurements of total mechanically stimulated bioluminescence was 1.2 × 1011 photons · colony−1. It is estimated that colonial radiolaria are capable of producing ≈2.8 × 1012 photons · m−2 of sea surface. However, this represented only 0.5% of in situ measured bioluminescence potential.  相似文献   

Developmental insights into the origin of complex colonial hydrozoans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Colonial hydrozoans represent some of the most diverse and complexbody plans within the Metazoa. Complex hydrozoans colonies aremore physiologically and structurally integrated than theirsimple colonial relatives. Colonial integration is commonlyassociated with the regulation of the general structural planof the colony, the division of labor, and the physiologicalintegration of the colony. In the hydrozoan Hydractinia, thesefeatures are manifested through evolutionary innovations involvingthe spatial regulation of polyps within the colony, the developmentof polyp polymorphs, and the acquisition of a stolonal mat.These innovations all involve evolutionary changes in the regulationof polyp and colony-wide patterning systems. In Hydractinia,the ParaHox gene, Cnox-2, is expressed in a spatially restrictedmanner along the axes of stolons and polyps, suggesting thatchanges in the regulation of this gene may be in part responsiblefor the evolutionary innovations important for colonial complexity.  相似文献   

What mechanisms underlie aging? One theory, the wear-and-tear model, attributes aging to progressive deterioration in the molecular and cellular machinery which eventually lead to death through the disruption of physiological homeostasis. The second suggests that life span is genetically programmed, and aging may be derived from intrinsic processes which enforce a non-random, terminal time interval for the survivability of the organism. We are studying an organism that demonstrates both properties: the colonial ascidian, Botryllus schlosseri. Botryllus is a member of the Tunicata, the sister group to the vertebrates, and has a number of life history traits which make it an excellent model for studies on aging. First, Botryllus has a colonial life history, and grows by a process of asexual reproduction during which entire bodies, including all somatic and germline lineages, regenerate every week, resulting in a colony of genetically identical individuals. Second, previous studies of lifespan in genetically distinct Botryllus lineages suggest that a direct, heritable basis underlying mortality exists that is unlinked to reproductive effort and other life history traits. Here we will review recent efforts to take advantage of the unique life history traits of B. schlosseri and develop it into a robust model for aging research.  相似文献   

A revised version of an earlier phylogenetic model for the eukaryotes is presented. It is postulated that mitosis, phagotrophy, the mitochondrion, the flagellum, sexual reproduction, and the chloroplast are so complex that it is improbable that they evolved de novo more than once. It is assumed that their distribution among existing organisms is a reflection of their order of appearance in evolutionary history. Their distribution suggests that the nucleate organisms evolved through the sequence: amoeba, amoeboflagellate, sexual amoeboflagellate, and that the chloroplast first appeared in sexual flagellates. Sequence data indicate that the sexual amoeboflagellates gave rise to a line of holozoic protozoans that culminated in the metazoans. An amoeba-metazoan line can be envisaged as representing the mainstream of eukaryote evolution. Sequence data indicate that the sexual flagellates bearing mastigonemes, the eumycetes, and the metaphytes diverged from such a line, and in that order. Cytological and biochemical data strongly suggest that the rhodophytes and metaphytes derive from a common algal ancestor, that this ancestor would have arisen from a sexual, biflagellate, holozoic protozoan lacking mastigonemes, and that it would have been closely related to the most recent monocellular ancestor of the metazoans. Sequence data indicate that the chloroplast derives from an ancestral blue-green bacterium that was originally an endosymbiont within a phagotrophic protozoan. Thus the metaphytes may be secondary in a series of organisms able to produce chlorophyll a. There is evidence that subsequently a fully developed chloroplast able to produce chlorophylls a and b was transferred by a further symbiosis to a holozoic euglenoid protozoan; the chloroplast of the euglenophytes is so similar to that of the chlorophytes, but the morphologies of these algae are so different, it was postulated that euglenophytes arose through symbiosis between a euglenid and a chlorophyte. It is proposed here that the distribution of phylogenetic features among organisms bearing mastigonemes indicates that the euglenophytes gave rise to dinophytes, cryptophytes, and all other organisms bearing mastigonemes. Thus the algae bearing mastigonemes may be tertiary in a series of organisms able to produce chlorophyll a. It is postulated that the production of chlorophyll b in algae, and the stacking of thylakoids first appeared in a line from rhodophytes to chlorophytes, and that replacement of chlorophyll b by chlorophyll c2 occurred in a line from euglenophytes to dinophytes. To account for the presence of biliproteins in rhodophytes and cryptophytes, it is proposed that the putative transfer of the chloroplast from chlorophytes to euglenophytes occurred before a loss of biliproteins in the metaphyte line, and that the primordial euglenophytes, dinophytes, and cryptophytes were able to produce biliproteins; subsequently, biliprotein production was abandoned in all algae except rhodophytes and cryptophytes. The interrelationships of the chytrids, eumycetes, and oomycetes remain obscure. However, the model is consistent with the hypothesis that the chytrids represent ancestors to the eumycetes, and that the eumycete line and the oomycete-hyphochytrid group of fungi arose independently. The distribution of phagotrophy, biflagellate form, and sexuality suggests that the paired form of flagella first appeared in asexual amoeboflagellates, and became stabilised in sexual amoeboflagellates. The overall model is in accord with sequence evidence that the genomes of the nucleus, mitochondrion, and chloroplast derive from different genetic sources in ancestral prokaryotes, and is consistent with the hypothesis that the mitochondrion and chloroplast were acquired through endosymbioses initiated by phagotrophic inclusion of an aerobic bacterium, and a blue-green bacterium, respectively. Avenues for phylogenetic and sequence investigation for testing the model are suggested.  相似文献   


The biochemical system responsible for the bioluminescent flashing in a number of coelenterates has been isolated and partially characterized. The system involves a molecule termed a “photoprotein,” which emits a brief (1 second) flash of light when reacted with calcium. A chelating agent such as EDTA must be used at all times to maintain the activity intact. The activity of reacted photoprotein is not restored if the calcium is removed by EDTA.  相似文献   

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