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近来,豆科植物茎瘤固氮研究取得很大进展,这种双重固氮能力在农业上具有很大应用潜力。茎瘤固氮植物主要有三个属,即田菁属、合萌属和假含羞草属。本文论述它们的生长特性、茎瘤的形成、固氮及在农业上的应用。  相似文献   

利用转座子Tn5随机插入突变法,从毛萼田菁茎瘤菌中筛选得到两株吸氢活性缺陷突变株R-49和R-309,其固氮酶活性也大大降低,约为野生型固氮酶活性的6-8%。以带有Bradyrhizobium japonicum的5.9kb的hup基因的质粒PHR11为探针与A.coulinodamsORS571和B.japonicum122DES(Hup)的总DNA进行分子杂交,放射自显影表明,A.coulin  相似文献   

利用转座子Tn5随机插入突变法,从毛萼田菁茎瘤菌(Azorhizobiumcaulinodans)中筛选得到两株吸氢活性缺陷突变株(Hup-)R-49和R-309,其固氮酶活性也大大降低,约为野生型固氮酶活性的6%~8%。以带有Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum的5.9kb的hup基因的质粒pHR11为探针与A.caulinodansORS571和B.japonicum122DES(Hup+)的总DNA进行分子杂交,放射自显影表明,A.coulinodans基因组含有与B.japonicum的hup基因同源的DNA片段,将携带B.japonicumhup基因的嵌合质粒pHR11与A.caulinodansHup-突变株进行体内遗传互补,接合转移子吸氢酶活性可以恢复至野生型的60%,同时固氮酶的活性亦有所提高。  相似文献   

在个体瘤发育的不同阶段和植株生长的不同时期,以及在不同的光照条件下,分别测定茎瘤的固氨活性和豆血红蛋白含量。结果表明,毛萼田菁茎瘤的固氨活性和豆血红蛋白含量呈正相关,豆血红蛋白在茎瘤的共生固氮中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

通过设置保留茎瘤和去除茎瘤处理 ,研究长喙田菁 (Sesbaniarostrata)在铅锌尾矿、客土和纯土环境中的生长发育情况。结果表明 :保留茎瘤使长喙田菁的株高、地上部生物量、地下部生物量、全株生物量和叶绿素含量分别比去除茎瘤处理提高了 2 4 %~ 4 8%、2 7 4 %~ 6 7 9%、2 8 5 %~ 99 3%、2 7 6 %~ 72 3%和 17 0 %~ 2 3 4 %,这种作用在纯尾矿处理组最为显著 ,客土处理组次之 ,即环境愈恶劣 ,茎瘤这种作用愈显著 ,证明了茎瘤对长喙田菁适应铅锌尾矿环境有积极的贡献。  相似文献   

 通过设置保留茎瘤和去除茎瘤处理,研究长喙田菁(Sesbania rostrata)在铅锌尾矿、客土和纯土环境中的生长发育情况。结果表明:保留茎瘤使长喙田菁的株高、地上部生物量、地下部生物量、全株生物量和叶绿素含量分别比去除茎瘤处理提高了2.4%~4.8%、27.4%~67.9%、28.5%~99.3%、27.6%~72.3%和17.0%~23.4%,这种作用在纯尾矿处理组最为显著,客土处理组次之,即环境愈恶劣,茎瘤这种作用愈显著,证明了茎瘤对长喙田菁适应铅锌尾矿环境有积极的贡献。  相似文献   

The large plasmids of strain 7653R were digested with restriction enzyme EcoRI. Their DNA fragments were cloned into the expression vector pMP220 to construct a lacZ fusion pool, which were transferred into the recipient strain 7653R Tri-transconjugants were selected onto plates containing X-gal and seed extract Five blue colonies were assayed of their β-galactosidase activity after incubation with or without seed extract. A positive induced strain HN18 was obtained. Hybridization of nodDABC probe on the re…  相似文献   

利用GFP标记的田菁茎瘤固氮根瘤菌(Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS 571)侵染露白24h的小麦种子,分别在侵染后0、6、12、24、48、72和96h采样,利用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测小麦体内6条与促生作用相关miRNAs(miR156、miR159、miR160、miR167、miR168和miR403)的表达模式,检测其中3条miRNAs(miR159、miR167和miR168)的靶基因表达模式;以接菌8d的小麦样品做切片,利用激光共聚焦显微镜检测小麦叶部田菁茎瘤固氮根瘤菌的分布,并测定小麦的生理指标。结果显示:(1)田菁茎瘤固氮根瘤菌侵染小麦后能够在叶片边缘部位定殖。(2)小麦叶片中与促生作用相关的6条miRNAs出现了不同程度变化,在12~24h到达其峰值,随后逐渐下降,其中miR159在峰值时的表达量为初始表达量的2.88倍。(3)3条miRNAs的靶基因表达模式与相应miRNA表达模式相对应,但并不严格。(4)生理指标测定结果显示,接种田菁茎瘤固氮根瘤菌对小麦叶片产生明显的促生作用,其中叶鲜重在96h的变化与对照差异极显著。研究表明,接种的田菁茎瘤固氮根瘤菌能够到达小麦叶组织,对小麦叶片的生长产生明显的促生作用,其中miRNAs在促生过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

探讨茎瘤对长喙田菁(Sesbania rostrata)在铅锌矿尾矿、客土和纯土环境中结瘤、固氮和积累重金属的影响。结果表明:保留茎瘤使长喙田菁全株植物氮含量和单株植物氮积累量分别比去除茎瘤处理提高了12.4%~34.0%和43.3%~131.4%,且环境愈恶劣,这种作用愈为显著。同时,保留茎瘤处理显著抑制了长喙田菁根瘤的生长,同样表现出环境愈恶劣,抑制作用愈显著的趋势。因此,在尾矿环境胁迫下,长喙田菁更趋向于选择茎瘤作为固氮途径。由此可见,茎瘤对生长在铅锌尾矿环境中的长喙田菁获得氮素及支持其生长有着特别  相似文献   

【目的】为探究盐生植物田菁及其根际功能微生物改良盐碱地的效果,本研究从黄河三角洲盐碱区田菁根际土壤中分离促生菌,并明确其耐盐促生效果。【方法】采用选择培养方法从田菁根际土壤中分离固氮菌、解磷菌以及解钾菌,并进行16S rRNA分子生物学鉴定。之后对菌株的耐盐及促生特性进行测定,筛选性状优良菌株进行玉米促生作用研究。【结果】共分离得到105株根际促生菌,其中N102兼具多种促生特性且耐盐性达15%。田菁种子发芽试验表明,N102可显著提高田菁发芽率(47%,P<0.05)、芽长(48.5%,P<0.05)和根长(60%,P<0.05);玉米盆栽试验结果表明,N102对盐胁迫下玉米的株高、根长、叶绿素含量、地上部干重以及根干重具有显著的促进作用。经系统发育分析,N102与Enterobacter soli ATCC BAA-2102 (NR117547)序列相似度为99.30%,鉴定属于Enterobacter属。【结论】菌株N102具有多种植物促生耐盐特性,具有开发成有效促进盐碱地作物生长的微生物肥的良好前景。  相似文献   

【目的】考察茎瘤固氮根瘤菌中趋化基因簇上游的受体蛋白Tlp1编码基因的突变表型,初步探究其功能机理。【方法】利用同源重组和三亲本接合转移的方法构建突变株,在TY培养基中测定生长情况,半固体平板法观察趋化圈,刚果红固体培养基观察胞外多糖和次生代谢产物的分泌,乙炔还原法测定菌株的固氮酶活性。【结果】与野生型菌株相比,tlp1突变株的生长速率没有影响。在以甘油为碳源的L3半固体平板上突变株的趋化圈变小,其回补菌株能部分回补趋化能力。突变株的胞外多糖分泌与野生型没有区别,但其次生代谢产物黑色素出现的时间比野生型稍早。在固氮酶活性测定中,发现突变株酶活性明显比野生型降低,回补菌株能够部分回补。【结论】茎瘤固氮根瘤菌Tlp1蛋白对甘油表现出一定的趋化能力,并且影响细菌的次生代谢产物和固氮能力。  相似文献   

为了获取茎瘤固氮根瘤菌(Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571)的分泌蛋白,以便更深入地了解该菌的共生固氮作用,本研究采用SignalP、TMHMM、PSORTb、TargetP、LipoP、TatP和SecretomeP软件对该菌全部4717个蛋白序列进行分析预测。结果共识别了653个分泌蛋白,其中具有分泌型信号肽的蛋白54个,具有RR-motif型信号肽的蛋白1个,具有脂蛋白信号肽的蛋白2个和非经典分泌蛋白596个。该菌含信号肽分泌蛋白仅占全部蛋白的1.2%,低于其它固氮菌。在分泌蛋白中识别了核酸内切酶和核糖核酸酶等6个核酸酶。它们可能参与宿主植物遗传物质的降解,干扰宿主遗传代谢,进一步在宿主植物侵染过程中起到重要作用。此外还识别了超氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶等4个抗氧化酶。它们可能参与活性氧的清除以保护固氮酶,是该菌固氮过程的重要参与者。  相似文献   

茎瘤固氮根瘤基ORS571菌株在离体培养条件下,能利用色氨酸合成吲哚乙酸(IAA)。随着菌龄的老化,合成的IAA量也增加。除IAA外,该菌株还产生类GA物质。本研究未检出细胞分裂素(Cytokinin)类物质。  相似文献   

Hydrogenase-negative (Hup-) mutants of Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 were isolated by means of Tn5 mutagenesis. The colony test used for screening for Hup- strains was based on the absence of reduction of triphenyltetrazolium chloride with hydrogen. Suspensions from cultures of the mutant strains grown under derepressing conditions did not use hydrogen with methylene blue or oxygen as the hydrogen acceptor. The mutants were shown to carry single Tn5 insertions at different locations in the A. caulinodans genome. Molar growth yields (corrected for poly--hydroxybutyrate formation) in chemostat cultures of the mutants were similar to those of the wild type. Molar growth yields of the mutants were not increased by passing additional hydrogen through chemostat cultures, which is in agreement with the hydrogenase-negative phenotype of the mutants. H2/N2 ratios (mol H2 formed per mol N2 fixed) were calculated from the hydrogen content of the effluent gas and the N-content of the bacterial dry weight. Low H2/N2 ratios (between 1.2 and 1.9) were found in both energy-limited (oxygen or succinate) cultures and in cultures limited by the supply of an anabolic substrate (Mg2+). ATP/2e values (mol ATP used at the transport of 2e to nitrogen or H+) were calculated from the H2/N2 ratios and the molar growth yields of nitrogen-fixing and ammonia-assimilating cultures. ATP/2e values were between 7 and 11. It was concluded that the calculated ATP/2e values comprise not only 4 mol ATP used at the transport of 2e through nitrogenase but also energy equivalents needed for reversed electron flow from NADH to the low-potential hydrogen donor used by nitrogenase.  相似文献   

The symbiosis of Azorhizobium caulinodans and an annul legume Sesbania rostrata was recently found to be tolerant to cadmium pollution by an unknown mechanism. In this study, A. caulinodans ORS571 and ZY-20 showed much stronger tolerance to cadmium than a mutant ORS571-X15 and a common Rhizobium sp., with minimum inhibitory concentration values as high as 4 and 5 mM (versus 1 and 0.1 mM) on yeast extract mannitol agar medium, respectively. Although Cd uptake by all three strains of A. caulinodans were mostly from absorption rather than binding (both loosely or tightly) on cell surface, in resistant strains a higher portion of extractable Cd was bound on the cell surface vs. absorbed (about 1:2.5 ratio) compared to the sensitive mutant (about 1:35.1 ratio). These results suggest that certain level of metal exclusion by a permeability barrier was involved in the mechanism of resistance to Cd by A. caulinodans ORS571 and ZY-20. Over the 12-h period of cultivation in yeast extract mannitol agar medium with Cd addition, the Cd concentrations in the outer membrane and periplasm and spheroplast were the highest at the first 3 h, and declined steadily over time. The fact that Cd concentrations in spheroplast of all three strains were many folds higher than those in outer membrane and periplasm, suggests that extracellular sequestration was not the only mechanism of Cd tolerance in A. caulinodans. The decline of Cd concentrations was significantly faster and started earlier in strains ORS571 and ZY-20 than in ORS571-X15. This suggests a second, probably more substantial, mechanism involves active transport of the metal from the cell, e.g., some efflux system for maintaining homeostasis under cadmium stress.  相似文献   

In this work, we report the cloning and sequencing of the Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 hydrogenase gene cluster. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of 20 open reading frames hupTUVhypFhupSLCDFGHJK hypABhupRhypCDEhupE. The physical and genetic organization of A. caulinodans ORS571 hydrogenase system suggests a close relatedness to that of Rhodobacter capsulatus. In contrast to the latter species, a gene homologous to Rhizobium leguminosarum hupE was identified downstream of the hyp operon. A hupSL mutation drastically reduced the high levels of hydrogenase activity induced by the A. caulinodans ORS571 wild-type strain in symbiosis with Sesbania rostrata plants. However, no significant effects on dry weight and nitrogen content of S. rostrata plants inoculated with the hupSL mutant were observed in plant growth experiments.  相似文献   

Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571, a bacterium capable of nodulating roots and stems of the tropical legume Sesbania rostrata, has been shown to have no nodD-like gene located immediately upstream from its common nodABC locus. A clone carrying a functional nodD gene of strain ORS571 has now been isolated from a pLAFR1 gene library by screening for naringenin-induced expression of the common nod genes in an Agrobacterium background. Tn5 mutagenesis of the cloned insert DNA delimited the inducing activity to a +/- 0.8-kilobase-pair fragment. One of the Tn5 insertions in the activator locus was homogenotized in the ORS571 genome. This resulted in a mutant strain (ORS571-3) that was unable to induce common nod gene expression in the presence of host plant exudate or the flavanone naringenin and that had lost the capacity to nodulate the roots and stems of S. rostrata. Complementation of both mutant phenotypes was achieved upon introduction of the cloned nodD gene. Sequencing of the nodD locus indicated the presence of a single, 942-base-pair-long open reading frame (ORFD) with significant homology to the nodD gene of (brady)rhizobia. The level of homology, however, is the lowest thus far reported for this kind of gene. ORFD most likely initiates translation with a TTG start codon. Upstream from ORFD, a divergently oriented nod box-like sequence is present, the function of which remains to be determined.  相似文献   

We have studied intercellular colonization of wheat roots by Azorhizobium caulinodans and other diazotrophic bacteria, using strains marked with the lacZ reporter gene to facilitate their detection and identification. A. caulinodans was observed by light and electron microscopy to enter the roots of wheat at high frequency at the points of emergence of lateral roots (lateral root cracks). After lateral root crack colonization, bacteria moved into intercellular spaces within the cortical cell layer of roots. The flavonoid naringenin at 10 and 100 mmol m–3 significantly stimulated root colonization. The roles of the structural nodABC genes and the regulatory nodD gene were also studied; lateral root crack colonization of wheat was shown to be Nod factor- and NodD-independent. Similar frequencies of lateral root crack colonization were observed following inoculation of wheat with Azospirillum brasilense. Colonization by A. brasilense was stimulated by naringenin and also by other flavonoid molecules.  相似文献   

孙雨  解志红  刘卫  郭洪恩 《微生物学报》2019,59(10):2000-2012
[目的]环二鸟苷酸c-di-GMP是细菌中广泛存在的第二信使,能够调控多种细胞功能。c-di-GMP的合成与水解分别由含有GGDEF结构域和EAL结构域的蛋白催化。本研究针对茎瘤固氮根瘤菌ORS571的GGDEF和EAL结构域相关蛋白进行基因组学分析,并对三个同时含有GGDEF和EAL结构域的蛋白(AZC_3085、AZC_3226和AZC_4658)进行功能研究。[方法]利用SMART数据库对含有GGDEF和EAL结构域的蛋白进行结构域预测。利用CLUSTALW程序对蛋白序列进行比较分析。通过同源重组的方法构建突变株,并对突变株的细胞运动能力、胞外多糖合成、生物膜形成及与豆科宿主的结瘤等表型进行测定。[结果]茎瘤固氮根瘤菌ORS571中一共存在37个GGDEF和EAL结构域蛋白。突变株△4658的运动能力较野生型有下降,但是其胞外多糖合成能力、生物膜形成能力和竞争性结瘤能力较野生型有提高。此外,实验结果表明突变株△4658的胞内c-di-GMP水平高于野生型。突变株△3085和△3226的各种表型与野生型相比没有明显差异。[结论]茎瘤固氮根瘤菌ORS571编码如此大数量的GGDEF和EAL结构域蛋白,表明c-di-GMP可能在其信号转导过程中起到非常重要的作用。同时具有GGDEF和EAL结构域的蛋白AZC_4658对茎瘤固氮根瘤菌ORS571的运动能力、胞外多糖合成、生物膜形成及与宿主的结瘤起到一定的调节作用。  相似文献   

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