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The T antigen of JC virus (JCV) does not interact productively with the simian virus 40 (SV40) origin of replication. In contrast, the SV40 T antigen does drive replication from the JCV origin as well as from its own. The basis for this restricted interaction was investigated by analyzing the structure of the JCV replication origin. The replication activities of JCV-SV40 hybrid origin plasmids were tested in cells constitutively producing either the JCV or SV40 T antigen. Results indicated that a region of the JCV origin critical for interaction with the JCV T antigen was positioned to the late side of the central palindrome of the putative core origin. A mutational analysis of this region indicated that the sequence of the A + T-rich tract was primarily responsible for determining the efficiency with which JCV can initiate replication from its origin. The tandemly repeated pentameric sequence AGGGA located proximal to the A + T-rich tract in the JCV enhancer element was found to stimulate JCV, but not SV40, T antigen-mediated replication. The effect on replication of other elements within the JCV enhancer was also dependent on the T antigen employed for initiation. A plasmid containing the replication origin of prototype BK virus was unable to replicate in cells containing JCV T antigen, again indicating the inflexibility of the JCV T antigen in interacting with heterologous origins.  相似文献   

We cloned several unique forms of woodchuck hepatitis virus, a DNA virus closely related to hepatitis B virus, from a chronically infected woodchuck liver. Each of the three clones contained more than two genome equivalents of viral sequences with extensive rearrangements and no detectable cellular sequences. From the frequency by which they were isolated from a library of recombinant clones, we estimate that they are present in approximately one copy per cell. Of a total of 11 sites at which rearrangements were mapped in the clones, 10 occurred between segments of opposite polarity, and 1 occurred between segments of the same polarity. The possible significance of these findings to the persistence of virus production in infected cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The specific binding of HeLa cell factors to DNA sequences at the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent origin of DNA replication was detected by gel shift experiments and DNase I footprinting analysis. These cellular proteins protected at least five discrete regions of the DNA replication origin. The viral protein required for EBV plasmid replication, EBV nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA-1), binds to specific sequences within the origin region. The HeLa cell proteins competed with EBNA-1 for binding to EBV origin DNA in vitro, leading to the possibility that these cellular proteins regulate EBV DNA replication by displacing EBNA-1 at the origin sites.  相似文献   

Two antigenic systems of the woodchuck hepatitis virus have been identified. The relationship between viral antigens of the woodchuck hepatitis virus and the human hepatitis B virus was determined by using immunoprecipitation, hemagglutination, and immune electron microscopy techniques. Antigens found on the cores of the two viruses were cross-reactive. Lack of cross-reactivity between the surface antigens of the two viruses in immunodiffusion experiments suggested that the major antigenic determinants of the viral surfaces are different; however, results of passive hemagglutination tests indicated that there are common minor determinants. Nucleic acid homology, as measured by liquid hybridization, was found to be 3 to 5% of the viral genomes. The results of this study provide further evidence that woodchuck hepatitis virus is the second member of a new class of viruses represented by human hepatitis B virus. Since virus-infected woodchucks may acquire chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma, these antigens and their respective antibodies will be useful markers for following the course of virus infection in investigations of the oncogenic potential of this class of viruses. The nucleocapsid antigen described may be a class-specific antigen of these viruses and, thus, may be useful in discovering new members of the group.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence around the replication origin of polyoma virus DNA.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
E Soeda  K Miura  A Nakaso  G Kimura 《FEBS letters》1977,79(2):383-389

The origin of bidirectional DNA replication in polyoma virus.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleotide locations of RNA-p-DNA covalent linkages in polyoma virus (PyV) replicating DNA were mapped in the region containing the genetically required origin of DNA replication (ori). These linkages mark the initiation sites for RNA-primed DNA synthesis. A clear transition was identified between the presence of these linkages (discontinuous DNA synthesis) and their absence (continuous DNA synthesis) on each strand of ori. This demonstrated that PyV DNA replication, like simian virus 40 (SV40), is semi-discontinuous, and thus revealed the location of the origin of bidirectional DNA replication (OBR). The transition site on the template encoding PyV late mRNA occurred at the junction of ori-core and T-antigen binding site A. This was essentially the same site as previously observed in SV40 (Hay and DePamphilis, 1982). However, in contrast to SV40, the transition site on the template encoding PyV early mRNA was displaced towards the late gene side of ori. This resulted in a 16 nucleotide gap within ori in which no RNA-p-DNA linkages were observed on either strand. A model for the initiation of PyV DNA replication is presented.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent origin of DNA replication (oriP) is composed of two elements that contain binding sites for the sole viral gene product required for latent cycle replication, EBNA-1. One of these elements, region I, functions as an EBNA-1-dependent enhancer for RNA polymerase II-transcribed genes, may play a role in plasmid segregation, and is required for origin function in B cells latently infected with EBV. The second element, region II, contains or is very near the site of initiation of DNA replication. A genetic approach was taken to determine the contribution of the EBNA-1 binding sites in oriP to origin function. Although region I is required for the transient replication of plasmids bearing region II in EBV-infected B cells, a plasmid lacking region I but containing region II, was observed to replicate transiently in both D98/Raji and HeLa cells expressing EBNA-1. Thus, binding of EBNA-1 to region I is not absolutely required for the molecular events that lead to initiation of DNA replication at region II. Site-directed mutagenesis of the four EBNA-1-binding sites in region II, individually and in various combinations, demonstrated that only two EBNA-1-binding sites are required for region II function. The results obtained with these mutants, together with the analysis of the replicative ability of plasmids containing insertions between EBNA-1-binding sites, suggested that the spatial relationship of the two sites is critical. Mutants that contain only two EBNA-1-binding sites separated by 26 to 31 bp in region II were not maintained as plasmids over many cell generations and were greatly reduced in their ability to replicate transiently in D98/Raji cells. The EBNA-1-induced bending or untwisting of the DNA in EBNA-1-binding sites 1 and 4 in region II did not, however, demonstrate this spatial constraint. It may be concluded from these results that specific protein-protein interactions between EBNA-1 and/or between EBNA-1 and a cellular protein(s) are required for origin function.  相似文献   

The origin of DNA replication of porcine circovirus (PCV) was mapped to a 111-bp fragment. On top of a hairpin, a nonanucleotide (TAGTATTAC) homologous to nonanucleotides of other viruses was identified. Mutation of this element abolishes replication. PCV may be related to a virus family characterized by single-stranded circular DNA genomes, rolling-circle replication, and homology of their rep proteins.  相似文献   

DNA replication origin of polyoma virus: early proximal boundary.   总被引:24,自引:15,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
We constructed a series of deleted polyoma genomes by Bal 31 nuclease digestion from the unique Bg/I site at nucleotide 86 on the "early" side of the origin of DNA replication. The ability of the cloned deleted genomes to replicate was tested after transfection into mouse 3T6 fibroblasts or into the polyomatransformed C127 (COP5) mouse cell line (Tyndall et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 9:6231-6251, 1981). Deletions up to nucleotide 64-had no effect on the amount of replicated DNA accumulated, but larger deletions, extending up to nucleotide 42, decreased this amount 7- to 10-fold. By nucleotide 38, the quantity of detected DNA was down 100-fold, and by nucleotide 20, no replication could be detected. The minimum origin segment does not contain any known high-affinity, large tumor antigen binding site.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 large T antigen untwists DNA at the origin of DNA replication.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Simian virus 40 large tumor antigen (SV40 T antigen) untwists DNA at the SV40 replication origin. In the presence of ATP, T antigen shifted the average linking number of an SV40 origin-containing plasmid topoisomer distribution. The loss of up to two helical turns was detected. The reaction required the presence of the 64-base pair core origin of replication containing T antigen DNA binding site II; binding site I had no effect on the untwisting reaction. The presence of human single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) slightly reduced the degree of untwisting in the presence of ATP. ATP hydrolysis was not required since untwisting occurred in the presence of nonhydrolyzable analogs of ATP. However, in the presence of a nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP, the requirement for the SV40 origin sequence was lost. The origin requirement for DNA untwisting was also lost in the absence of dithiothreitol. The origin-specific untwisting activity of T antigen is distinct from its DNA helicase activity, since helicase activity does not require the SV40 origin but does require ATP hydrolysis. The lack of a requirement for SSB or ATP hydrolysis and the reduction in the pitch of the DNA helix by just a few turns at the replication origin distinguishes this reaction from the T antigen-mediated DNA unwinding reaction, which results in the formation of a highly underwound DNA molecule. Untwisting occurred without a lag after the start of the reaction, whereas unwound DNA was first detected after a lag of 10 min. It is proposed that the formation of a multimeric T antigen complex containing untwisted DNA at the SV40 origin is a prerequisite for the initiation of DNA unwinding and replication.  相似文献   

We inserted a single base pair into the center of a 27-base-pair palindrome within the replication origin of simian virus 40. The mutation did not directly alter the symmetry of the palindrome or the protein-binding sequences within the palindrome. DNA binding studies showed that subunits of the simian virus 40 A protein (T antigen) bound to each of the four recognition pentanucleotides in the origin palindrome but did so with reduced affinity in comparison with wild-type origins. The mutant origin cloned in a plasmid DNA failed to replicate in COS cells. Thus, precise spatial interactions among subunits of A protein are necessary for stable origin binding and are crucial for subsequent steps in the initiation of DNA replication. Furthermore, any possible functional interactions of the simian virus 40 A protein with cellular DNA would require a great fidelity of protein binding arrangements to initiate cellular DNA replication.  相似文献   

The surface antigens of human hepatitis B (HBsAg), ground squirrel hepatitis (GSHsAg), and woodchuck hepatitis (WHsAg) viruses were compared serologically, and their major polypeptides were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and tryptic peptide mapping. Results showed that both GSHsAg and WHsAg are antigenically cross-reactive, that their major pairs of polypeptides have identical mobilities on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels, and that the major polypeptides of GSHsAg and WHsAg migrate faster in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis than do the corresponding bands of HBsAg. The peptide maps of the major (P-22) surface antigen polypeptides of GSHsAg and WHsAg showed that they shared over half of their spots. Peptide mapping of HBsAg subtypes indicated a close relationship between the major polypeptides (P-24) of adw and adr and a more distal relationship to ayw. Only about 25% of the spots shared by the combined HBsAg subtypes were also found in the peptide maps of GSHsAg and WHsAg, indicating at least some structural homology among the major polypeptides of the human and animal virus surface antigen particles. This is also reflected in the serological cross-reactivity among HBsAg, GSHsAg, and WHsAg. Further, the detection of ground squirrel and woodchuck antigens by Ausria II radioimmunoassay, combined with peptide mapping data indicating the common origin of these viruses, suggests that the common a determinant is shared by each and is restricted to approximately 25% of the sequences in their major polypeptides.  相似文献   

A number of naturally occurring hepatitis B virus mutants that cannot synthesize the virus precore protein have been identified. Such mutants have been associated with more severe forms of hepatitis, including fulminant hepatitis. The most common mutation observed is a substitution of G to A in the distal precore gene that converts a codon specifying Trp (TGG) to a termination codon (TAG). Using oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, we have produced the same point mutation in the precore gene of an infectious clone of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV). Transfection of mutant WHV DNA into the livers of adult woodchucks resulted in replication of the mutant in three of three susceptible animals. Levels of virus replication and transient elevations in liver enzymes in serum were similar to those of adult animals infected with wild-type WHV. Virions, found to possess mutant precore genes by polymerase chain reaction amplification and DNA sequencing, were recovered from the serum of one of the animals and inoculated subcutaneously into neonatal woodchucks. They produced infection in all five animals studied. The level of virus replication in neonatal animals infected with this mutant virus was comparable to that found in neonatal woodchucks infected with wild-type WHV, but none of five woodchucks infected with the precore mutant virus as neonates became chronic virus carriers. It was concluded that the precore gene of the WHV genome is not essential for virus replication in the natural host but may be important for chronic infection.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have shown that Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands, Poly I:C and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), are able to activate non-parenchymal liver cells and trigger the production of interferon (IFN) to inhibit hepatitis B virus replication in vivo and in vitro . However, little is known about TLR-mediated cellular responses in primary hepatocytes. By the model of woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) infected primary woodchuck hepatocytes (PWHs), Poly I:C and LPS stimulation resulted in upregulation of cellular antiviral genes and relevant TLRs mRNA expression respectively. LPS stimulation led to a pronounced reduction of WHV replicative intermediates without a significant IFN induction. Poly I:C transfection resulted in the production of IFN and a highly increased expression of antiviral genes in PWHs and slight inhibitory effect on WHV replication. LPS could activate nuclear factor kappa B, MAPK and PI-3k/Akt pathways in PWHs. Further, inhibitors of MAPK-ERK and PI-3k/Akt pathways, but not that of IFN signalling pathway, were able to block the antiviral effect of LPS. These results indicate that IFN- independent pathways which activated by LPS are able to downregulate hepadnaviral replication in hepatocytes.  相似文献   

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