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The Sfl2aI system of restriction-modification (RM) was revealed in the cells of Shigella flexneri encoded by pKMR114 plasmid belonging to the IncN incompatibility group. The genes for Sfl2aI RM system were cloned. The system was ascribed to the enzymes of the EcoRII specificity, as shown by in vivo and in vitro experiments. Restriction analysis of these genes' region and antigenic properties of the Sfl2aI endonuclease pointed to significant differences between this and EcoRII RM systems.  相似文献   

By random transposon Tn5 insertions, we previously identified six virulence-associated SalI fragments, B, D, F, G, H, and P, in the 230-kilobase plasmid pMYSH6000 of Shigella flexneri 2a. In this study, we analyzed the sites of 134 independent Tn5 insertions on four contiguous SalI fragments, B, P, H, and D, of pMYSH6000 and identified five virulence-associated regions; four were associated with inducing a positive Sereny test (Ser), invasion into epithelial cells (Inv), binding to Congo red (Pcr), and inhibition of bacterial growth (Igr), and one was associated with the Ser and Inv but not with the Pcr or Igr phenotypes. Hybridization studies revealed that these virulence-associated DNA regions were highly conserved among 15 other virulence plasmids of four species of Shigella and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli. These data indicate that at least seven separate genetic determinants on the virulence plasmid are required for full expression of the virulence phenotype of shigellae.  相似文献   

An avirulent, invasion plasmid insertion mutant of Shigella flexneri 5 (pHS1059) was restored to the virulence phenotype by transformation with a partial HindIII library of the wild-type invasion plasmid constructed in pBR322. Western immunoblot analysis of pHS1059 whole-cell lysates revealed that the synthesis of the invasion plasmid antigens VirG, IpaA, IpaB, IpaC, and IpaD was similar to that seen in the corresponding isogenic S. flexneri 5 virulent strain, M90T. IpaB and IpaC, however, were not present on the surface of pHS1059 as was found in M90T, suggesting that the transport or presentation of the IpaB and IpaC proteins onto the bacterial surface was defective in the mutant. pHS1059 was complemented by pWR266, which carried contiguous 1.2- and 4.1-kb HindIII fragments of the invasion plasmid. pHS1059(pWR266) cells were positive in the HeLa cell invasion assay as well as colony immunoblot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, using monoclonal antibodies to IpaB and IpaC. These studies established that the antigens were expressed on the surface of the transformed bacteria. In addition, water extraction of pHS1059 and pHS1059(pWR266) whole cells, which can be used to remove IpaB and IpaC antigens from the surface of wild-type M90T bacteria, yielded significant amounts of these antigens from pHS1059(pWR266) but not from pHS1059. Minicell and DNA sequence analysis indicated that several proteins were encoded by pWR266, comprising the spa loci, which were mapped to a region approximately 18 kb upstream of the ipaBCDAR gene cluster. Subcloning and deletion analysis revealed that more than one protein was involved in complementing the Spa- phenotype in pHS1059. One of these proteins, Spa47, showed striking homology to ORF4 of the Bacillus subtilis flaA locus and the fliI gene sequence of Salmonella typhimurium, both of which bear strong resemblance to the alpha and beta subunits of bacterial, mitochondrial, and chloroplast proton-translocating F0F1 ATPases.  相似文献   

The large virulence plasmid pMYSH6000 of Shigella flexneri contains a replicon and a plasmid maintenance stability determinant (Stb) on adjacent SalI fragments. The presence of a RepFIIA replicon on the SalI C fragment was confirmed, and the complete sequence of the adjacent SalI O fragment was determined. It shows homology to part of the transfer (tra) operon of the F plasmid. Stb stabilizes a partition-defective P1 miniplasmid in Escherichia coli. A 1.1-kb region containing a homolog of the F trbH gene was sufficient to confer stability. However, the trbH open reading frame could be interrupted without impairing stability. Deletion analysis implicated the involvement of two small open reading frames, STBORF1 and STBORF2, that fully overlap trbH in the opposite direction. These open reading frames are closely related to the vagC and vagD genes of the Salmonella dublin virulence plasmid and to open reading frame pairs in the F trbH region and in the chromosomes of Dichelobacter nodosus and Haemophilus influenzae. Stb appears to promote better-than-random distribution of plasmid copies and is a plasmid incompatibility determinant. The F homolog does not itself confer stability but exerts incompatibility against the activity of the Stb system. Stb is likely to encode either an active partition system or a postsegregational killing system. It shows little similarity to previously studied plasmid stability loci, but the genetic organization of STBORF1 and STBORF2 resembles that of postsegregational killing mechanisms.  相似文献   

The large virulence plasmid pMYSH6000 of Shigella flexneri contains a determinant that is highly effective in stabilizing otherwise unstable plasmids in Escherichia coli. Expression of two small contiguous genes, mvpA and mvpT (formerly termed STBORF1 and STBORF2), was shown to be sufficient for stability. Mutations in mvpT abolished plasmid stability, and plasmids expressing only mvpT killed the cells unless mvpA was supplied from a separate plasmid or from the host chromosome. When replication of a plasmid carrying the minimal mvp region was blocked, growth of the culture stopped after a short lag and virtually all of the surviving cells retained the plasmid. Thus, the mvp system stabilizes by a highly efficient postsegregational killing (PSK) mechanism, with mvpT encoding a cell toxin and mvpA encoding an antidote. The regions that surround the mvp genes in their original context have an inhibitory effect that attenuates plasmid stabilization and PSK. The region encompassing the mvp genes also appears to contain an additional element that can aid propagation of a pSC101-based plasmid under conditions where replication initiation is marginal. However, this appears to be a relatively nonspecific effect of DNA insertion into the plasmid vector.  相似文献   

P1par family members promote the active segregation of a variety of plasmids and plasmid prophages in gram-negative bacteria. Each has genes for ParA and ParB proteins, followed by a parS partition site. The large virulence plasmid pWR100 of Shigella flexneri contains a new P1par family member: pWR100par. Although typical parA and parB genes are present, the putative pWR100parS site is atypical in sequence and organization. However, pWR100parS promoted accurate plasmid partition in Escherichia coli when the pWR100 Par proteins were supplied. Unique BoxB hexamer motifs within parS define species specificities among previously described family members. Although substantially different from P1parS from the P1 plasmid prophage of E. coli, pWR100parS has the same BoxB sequence. As predicted, the species specificity of the two types proved identical. They also shared partition-mediated incompatibility, consistent with the proposed mechanistic link between incompatibility and species specificity. Among several informative sequence differences between pWR100parS and P1parS is the presence of a 21-bp insert at the center of the pWR100parS site. Deletion of this insert left much of the parS activity intact. Tolerance of central inserts with integral numbers of helical DNA turns reflects the critical topology of these sites, which are bent by binding the host IHF protein.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against the surface antigens of Shigella flexneri 1b and S. dysenteriae 1 were prepared. The specificities of the antibodies were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and quantitative agglutination using microtiter plate. Monoclonal antibodies against S. flexneri 1b, designated Sf2B2 and Sf2G4, belonged to IgG2a and IgG1 subclass, respectively. The former was specific for S. flexneri 1b, whereas the latter was reactive not only to S. flexneri 1b, but also weakly to 3a and 4b. Monoclonal antibody against S. dysenteriae 1, Sd5E1 (IgM), reacted with S. dysenteriae 1, 3, 6, 7, and S. boydii 2.  相似文献   

The gene library of S. sonnei plasmid pSS120 was constructed with the use of plasmid pSL5 as vector. The complete restriction of the vector DNA and the partial restriction of the DNA of plasmid pSS120 were carried out by means of the enzyme EcoRI. The restricted DNA was ligated and packed in vitro into the capsid of phage lambda. The titer of negative colonies obtained after packing was 0.8 X 10(3) clones per 1 microgram of S. sonnei DNA. The total number of detected clones was 250. On the basis of the results, obtained in the analysis of the inserts of the DNA of plasmid pSS120 into the DNA of recombinant clones, the theoretical volume of the library, equal to 92 clones, was calculated. The collection of clones thus obtained will be used for checking the presence of the determinants of invasiveness and phase I antigen, localized in the DNA of plasmid pSS120.  相似文献   

Invasion and intercellular spread are hallmarks of Shigella pathogenicity. Invasion of the eukaryotic cell cytosol requires a type III secretion system (Mxi-Spa) and its cognate set of secreted Ipa invasins. Once intracellular, the IcsA protein directs a form of actin-based motility that helps to drive intracellular bacterial movement, formation of cellular protrusions and cell-to-cell spread. Work in our laboratory has focused on identifying additional factors required for this intercellular form of dissemination. In this study, we sought to identify novel contributions of the type III secretion pathway to post-invasion-specific processes, distinct from its previously characterized roles in invasion. Studies of post-invasion Ipa and Mxi-Spa functions are complicated by an absolute requirement for these virulence proteins in invasion. To circumvent this problem, we developed a system called TIER (for test of intracellular expression requirements), whereby specific ipa, mxi or spa loci are transiently expressed before infection of tissue culture cell monolayers (thus supporting invasion), but then repressed after invasion in the intracellular environment. Such invasive type III secretion mutants (called TIER mutants) were severely restricted in their ability to spread intercellularly and form plaques in confluent tissue culture cell monolayers. Intercellular spread defects were associated with the repression of most type III pathway components examined, including structural (MxiM and Spa33), secreted effector (IpaB, IpaC and IpaD) and regulatory elements (VirF and VirB). A kinetic analysis of bacterial growth in L2 cell monolayers showed that each of the TIER mutants was defective with respect to long-term intracellular proliferation and viability. Examination of TIER mutant-infected monolayers by electron microscopy revealed that the type III pathway was required for a late step in intercellular spread - bacterial escape from protrusion-derived, double-membrane-bound vacuoles. The TIER mutants were eventually degraded in a process involving vacuolar acidification. Based on these findings, we propose that Ipa secretion via Mxi-Spa is required in the protrusion vacuole for double-membrane lysis.  相似文献   

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