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The diving and foraging behaviours of Adélie penguins, Pygoscelis adeliae, rearing chiks at Hukuro Cove, Lützow-Holm Bay, where the fast sea-ice remained throughout summer, were compared to those of penguins at Magnetic Island, Prydz Bay, where the fast sea-ice disappeared in early January. Parent penguins at Hukuro Cove made shallower (7.1–11.3 m) but longer (90–111 s) dives than those at Magnetic Island (22.9 m and 62 s). Dive duration correlated with dive depth at both colonies (r 2 = 0.001 ∼ 0.90), but the penguins atg Hukuro Cove made longer dives for a given depth. Parents at Hukuro Cove made shorter foraging trips (8.1–14.4 h) with proportionally longer walking/swimming (diving < 1 m) travel time (27–40% of trip duration) and returned with smaller meals (253–293 g) than those at Magnetic Island, which foraged on average for 57.2 h, spent 2% of time walking/swimming ( < 1 m) travel, and with meals averaging 525 g. Trip duration at both colonies correlated to the total time spent diving. Trip duration at Hukuro Cove, but not at Magnetic Island, increased as walking/swimming ( < 1 m) travel time increased. These differences in foraging behaviour between colonies probably reflected differences in sea-ice cover and the availability of foraging sites. Received: 3 November 1995/Accepted: 29 May 1996  相似文献   

Overall Adélie penguin population size in Pointe Géologie Archipelago increased between 1984 and 2003 at a rate of 1.77% per year, and averaged 33,726±5,867 pairs. As predicted by the optimum model proposed by Smith et al. (Bioscience 49:393–404, 1999). Adélie penguin population size increased when sea ice extent and concentration (SIE and SIC) decreased six years earlier, indicating that the conditions around reproduction or first years at sea, were determinant. The breeding success averaged 85.2±35.45% and was not related to environmental variables. Adult survival probability varied between years from 0.64 to 0.82. Southern oscillation index (SOI) had a strong negative effect on adult annual survival. Adult survival of Adélie penguins increased during warmer events, especially during winter and spring at the beginning of reproduction. Therefore, we speculate that the rapid decreases in 1988–1991 and 1996 of the breeding population size were related to a decrease in adult mortality. However, adult survival varied little, and could not explain the strong increasing population trend. The sea ice conditions during breeding or during the first year at sea appeared determinant and influenced the population dynamics through cohort effects, probably related to the availability of productive feeding habitats.  相似文献   

Summary Adélie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae appear to be little perturbed by man. We examined the incidence of nest desertion and duration of foraging trip in Adélie penguins when manipulated and fitted with devices of differing sizes. Birds with ca. 1 cm clipped from their tail feathers stayed at sea 50% longer than unmarked controls. The length of foraging trip and incidence of nest desertion increased with increasing device volume. Penguins fitted with devices did not reduce foraging trip length to that of unpackaged birds for at least 19 days. The susceptibility of Adélie penguins to disturbance should be carefully considered when activity patterns are being studied.  相似文献   

We examined the biological characteristics of euphausiids found in the stomachs of Adélie penguins in relation to sea-ice conditions in Lützow-Holm Bay over three seasons. Euphausiids, especially Euphausia superba, proved to be a staple food for Adélie penguins irrespective of the ice condition. Body length and maturity-stage compositions of euphausiids were different among seasons, probably reflecting sea-ice condition in summer. The mean body length decreased and maturity regressed during each season in E. superba, which was partly attributable to the selective feeding on large, mature female krill by Adélie penguins. The 1995/1996 year class of E. superba, which was spawned when the sea ice was most developed, was strong and conspicuous in the 1996/1997 and 1997/1998 seasons. This vigor indicates that sea ice provided females with good spawning conditions and larvae with good growth and survival rates.  相似文献   

Data on foraging trip durations and meal sizes were collected by means of an automated monitoring system from breeding Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) at Béchervaise Island over eight breeding seasons, commencing in 1991-92. Significant interannual differences in duration of foraging trips, meal sizes and diet composition were observed. These parameters were correlated with breeding success and fledging masses, and provide useful indicators of food availability during the breeding season. Chicks were particularly vulnerable to a decreased availability of food during the first 3 weeks after hatching.  相似文献   

Foraging sites, diet, and diving behavior of chick-rearing Adélie penguins, Pygoscelis adeliae, in fast sea-ice areas were investigated during two consecutive seasons with contrasting sea-ice conditions. During 1995/1996, fast sea ice covered the foraging range of penguins during the whole breeding season. In contrast, during 1996/1997, sea ice covered the area in December 1996, but gradually thinned and finally broke up, so that open sea appeared along the coast during February 1997. Foraging sites were concentrated in a small area in 1995/1996 and spread over a wider area in 1996/1997 as more small open-water areas were available. In both seasons, parents traveled to more distant foraging sites as the season progressed and, consequently, the foraging-trip duration increased. In both years, Euphausia superba and Pagothenia borchgrevinki dominated the diet in the early part of the season, while later in the season penguins fed mainly on E. superba in 1995/1996 and Pagothenia borchgrevinki and E. crystallorophias in 1996/1997. In 1995/1996, penguins tended to dive deeper—albeit for a relatively shorter duration—when feeding mainly on krill compared to when feeding on fish. In 1996/1997, there was no difference in the dive depth and duration between krill- and fish-eating trips. Our results suggest that prey distribution changes annually and seasonally, probably according to sea-ice conditions, and that consequently penguins modify their foraging sites, diving patterns, and diet according to these changes.  相似文献   

The breeding performance and population trends of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) was studied at Esperanza/Hope Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, by comparing an area with low levels of human disturbance (LLD) and an area with high levels of human disturbance (HLD), close to an Argentine research station. From 1995/1996 to 2004/2005 (except for 1999/2000 and 2003/2004), the following population parameters were measured in both areas: (1) the number of breeding pairs, (2) the number of chicks in creches and (3) the number of chicks produced by breeding pairs. Counts were made for 26 breeding groups situated in the LLD area and 63 breeding groups located in the HLD area. The number of chicks per breeding pair was obtaobtained by following 100 marked nests in each area. All parameters were measured as described in the CCAMLR Monitoring Program protocols. The magnitude and direction (increasing or decreasing) of the changes in breeding population size and the number of chicks creched were similar in both areas. Overall, the number of breeding pairs decreased from 4,744 to 2,968 (37.4%) in the LLD area, and from 8,744 to 5,378 (38.6%) in the HLD area. The number of chicks fledged increased from 3,808 to 4,065 (6.7%) in the LLD area, and decreased from 6,991 to 6,712 (4%) in the HLD area. Breeding success (chicks fledged per marked nest) did not differ significantly between areas for most of the seasons compared. In 1996/1997, breeding success was significantly higher in the HLD area. Our data suggest that environmental influences currently exert greater effects than human disturbance on the penguin population at Esperanza Bay.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide data on the morphology of the gastrointestinal tract of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae). It was found to consist of a long oesophagus, a two-chambered stomach, a small intestine measuring only 5.22body length, two rudimentary caeca and a short colon, typical of carnivorous birds. The stomach comprised a glandular proventriculus and a muscular gizzard that frequently contained grit. An acidic pH was recorded in both chambers. Ultrastructural studies of the small intestinal mucosal membrane revealed epithelial cells with elongated, irregular microvilli and high affinity for toluidine blue, absorptive intestinal epithelial cells and goblet cells. Numerous large lymphocyte-like cells were observed close to the brush border of the epithelium, and empty spaces on the epithelial surface reflected normal cell loss in the small intestine. The rudimentary caeca and colon provide relatively little volume and time for symbiotic bacteria to aid the digestion of crustacean chitin.  相似文献   

The Adélie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, an important component of the Antarctic marine ecosystem, is closely associated with sea ice. Using data collected by Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions since the 1960s, we examined trends in breeding populations of this species around Lützow-Holm Bay. Ten colonies ranging in size from 10 to 2,500 individuals were counted along the Soya Coast. Populations fluctuated synchronously, and overall increased at most colonies, except for two: one located deep inside the bay and another where human disturbance was substantial. Populations tended to increase during, or after, periods of sparse sea ice in summer, a condition that occurred once every decade. An increase in population size also occurred 5 years after a winter of extensive sea ice and after a winter of especially reduced sea ice.  相似文献   

We investigated alloparental interactions and conditions which could facilitate or prevent the expression of alloparental behaviours in Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae), a long-lived seabird which nests in high-density colonies around Antarctica. Observation sessions were carried out during the crèche stage on 48 identified pairs and 50 identified chicks in a 217-nest subcolony. As the season progressed, young were fed less often by their own parents because these were increasingly absent from the breeding site and less responsive to their offspring’s solicitations. As a consequence, young and particularly those with a low body mass, coming from a two-chick brood, opted for gradually soliciting more from other adults to obtain food, preferentially those nesting in their direct vicinity. Unsuccessful breeders represented a low and constant part of the adult population and were not specifically solicited by unrelated young. Despite the increasing chick demand, only 4.1% (3 out of 73) of alloparental solicitations resulted in feeding, which is negligible compared to parental feeding. To investigate factors that could trigger the appearance of alloparental care, we carried out comparisons with king (Aptenodytes patagonicus) and emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) which represent the closest species for which data on alloparental behaviour were available. Our results show different trends to those observed in these species and three factors may explain the low occurrence of alloparental behaviour in Adélie penguins: (1) the low and constant proportion of unsuccessful breeders, (2) the absence of chick selectivity towards unsuccessful breeders, and (3) the late period of chick accessibility for potential alloparents.  相似文献   

Adélie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae in Enderby Land, Antarctica feed mainly on Euphausia superba during the chick rearing season in shelf areas where fast sea-ice remains: indicating that E. superba is abundant under the fast sea-ice in these areas. The shelf areas in Enderby Land, therefore, are unique since the previous studies of Adélie penguin diet in Ross Sea, Adélie Land and Prydz Bay show that E. crystallorophias is the most abundant krill species in shelf areas in general.  相似文献   

The use of data-loggers has permitted to explore the biology of free-ranging animals. However, this method has also been reported to reduce reproductive success while the reasons of this deleterious effect remain poorly documented. In this study, we aimed to identify critical periods of the breeding cycle of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) when the reproductive success may decrease because of instrumentation. For this purpose, we monitored 40 pairs, where one parent was instrumented before egg laying and 30 pairs without devices (controls). These pairs were followed at least during the incubation period but the majority was monitored during the entire breeding season. Reproductive success was affected in pairs where males were instrumented. This was not due to extra chick mortality during chick rearing but to a significantly lower hatching success. Moreover, the use of artificial eggs recording incubation temperatures and egg rotation indicated that in instrumented incubating males, eggs spent as much time at optimal incubation temperatures as control eggs but were rotated at a higher frequency. In Adélie penguins, males initiate incubation and it has been established that the early stage of incubation is one of the most critical periods for embryonic development. The low hatching rate observed in instrumented males was associated with a higher egg rotation rate, perhaps as a stress response to the presence of the instrument. Even though the causal effects remain unclear, instrumentation severely affected hatching success. For these reasons, we recommend equipping birds after the early incubation.  相似文献   

Precise estimations of molecular rates are fundamental to our understanding of the processes of evolution. In principle, mutation and evolutionary rates for neutral regions of the same species are expected to be equal. However, a number of recent studies have shown that mutation rates estimated from pedigree material are much faster than evolutionary rates measured over longer time periods. To resolve this apparent contradiction, we have examined the hypervariable region (HVR I) of the mitochondrial genome using families of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) from the Antarctic. We sequenced 344 bps of the HVR I from penguins comprising 508 families with 915 chicks, together with both their parents. All of the 62 germline heteroplasmies that we detected in mothers were also detected in their offspring, consistent with maternal inheritance. These data give an estimated mutation rate (micro) of 0.55 mutations/site/Myrs (HPD 95% confidence interval of 0.29-0.88 mutations/site/Myrs) after accounting for the persistence of these heteroplasmies and the sensitivity of current detection methods. In comparison, the rate of evolution (k) of the same HVR I region, determined using DNA sequences from 162 known age sub-fossil bones spanning a 37,000-year period, was 0.86 substitutions/site/Myrs (HPD 95% confidence interval of 0.53 and 1.17). Importantly, the latter rate is not statistically different from our estimate of the mutation rate. These results are in contrast to the view that molecular rates are time dependent.  相似文献   

The diving behavior of Adélie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae was investigated using time–depth recorders during the incubation period in the fast sea-ice area of Lützow-Holm Bay, Antarctica. Dive profiles and activity/time allocation suggested that penguins were obligated to walk on the fast-ice for 90–100 km until a polynya, which they used as an access to the pack-ice zone. Dive depth did not differ between males and females, though males’ dive duration was longer than that of females. Dive depth was slightly shallower and dive duration was shorter during the incubation than during the chick-rearing phase. Birds dove throughout the day, although less frequently around midnight, and there was no clear diel change in dive depth. This daily dive pattern during incubation period was similar to that previously observed during the chick-rearing period in a fast sea-ice area, but differed from that observed in sea-ice-free area. Variations in diving behavior resulted from different environmental conditions, such as foraging area with different sea-ice condition, as well as from different life history strategies.  相似文献   

Summary Heart rates and activity were monitored over 24 h in unrestrained, incubating Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) exposed to natural conditions in the colony. Heart rate (HR in bpm) increased linearly with wind speed (w; range 0–19 m/s): HR = 85.8+1.35 w, but was unrelated (P>0.05) to temperature (-2.5°–6°C), humidity (37%–100%) cloud cover (0–8/8) and estimated solar radiation (0–12). Wind-induced heat loss was apparently compensated to a large degree by increased metabolic activity. Activity (A) measured as frequency of standing per hour, decreased linearly with temperature (t) and wind speed (w): A = 1.651–0.033w–0.090t. After correcting for meteorological influences, heart rate and bird activity showed no diurnal periodicity. When incubating, metabolism and activity of Adélie penguins appear to be mainly governed by climatic variations.  相似文献   

The antioxidant defences in aerobic organisms represent the detoxification pathway against toxicity of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These highly reactive molecules are normally produced during the 4-electrons reduction of molecular oxygen to water coupled with oxidative phosphorylation, and during the activity of several enzymatic systems which produce ROS as intermediates. However, the endogenous generation of oxyradicals may be influenced by different environmental and biological factors, and the basal efficiency of antioxidant systems generally reflects the normal prooxidant pressure to which organisms are exposed. If the antioxidant capacity is exceeded (i.e. as a consequence of enhanced intracellular formation of ROS), a pathological condition, generally termed oxidative stress, may arise. In this preliminary work, susceptibility to oxidative stress has been compared in plasma of Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae), emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri), south polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki) and snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea). Within the framework of the Italian Research Program in Antarctica, blood samples were collected during the austral summer 1998-1999 and the Total Oxyradical Scavenging Capacity (TOSC) analysed. The TOSC assay, measuring the capability of biological samples to neutralise different oxyradicals, has been recently standardised to provide a quantifiable value of biological resistance to toxicity of ROS. Penguins exhibited higher scavenging capacity towards peroxyl radicals than south polar skua and snow petrel. The greater resistance to toxicity of oxyradicals might suggest that penguins are naturally exposed to a higher basal prooxidant pressure in comparison to other analysed Antarctic birds.  相似文献   

Summary We studied diel periodicity in activity of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) during the austral summer solstice and one month later by counting, hourly, numbers of birds leaving colonies to forage, numbers arriving back after foraging, numbers in a colony and numbers resting outside the colonies. During the solstice large numbers of birds were arriving at and departing from the colony at all times of the day although there was a tendency for more birds to be at sea when light intensity was highest at mid-day. Generally, birds not brooding chicks did not rest on land. A month later, when visibility was poor at mid-night, the percentage of birds at sea was highly positively correlated with light intensity. Birds returning from foraging in the evening fed chicks immediately and then either rested in the colonies or on snow patches between the colonies and the sea until the following morning.  相似文献   

Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) males and females, nesting in Antarctica, alternate attendance at the nest with absences of many days to forage at sea. We investigated the importance of tactile input from egg and chicks on prolactin levels by observing nest attendance patterns and obtaining blood samples (1) during the first nest exchange of the incubation stage, (2) from birds whose incubation period was artificially increased or decreased by about 10 days, and (3) from birds whose nests had failed. Prolactin levels in females after 8 to 11 days of absence from the breeding colony did not differ from those in incubating males and did not change after females resumed incubation. Moving eggs between nests resulted in nests in which chicks hatched after about 26, 36 (normal), or 46 days. Duration of incubation did not affect prolactin levels in the parents measured during incubation, at the pip stage, hatch stage, or early brood stage. Adults first left their chicks unguarded on about the same calendar date, regardless of chick age. However, chicks from long incubation nests averaged 8 days younger when they were left unguarded than chicks from control or short-incubation nests. In females, there was no effect of nest failure on prolactin levels. In males, prolactin levels were slightly lower after nest failure than in males tending nests. Testosterone was significantly higher in males after nest failure than in males still tending nests. Prolactin is elevated in Adélie penguins as part of the program of cyclical hormonal changes that accompany the lengthy reproductive season and is relatively independent of tactile input. Sustained prolactin secretion is probably required for the maintenance of parental behavior in offshore feeding species that must be absent from the nest for many days at a time.  相似文献   

Observations of nesting Adélie Penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) were made at Ardley Island during spring 1990 when snow cover was unusually thick at some subcolony sites. Adélie Penguins at these sites had to delay egg laying until the snow melted. Maximum length of fasting periods comprising pre-breeding and incubation was 50 days. Long fasting seemed to have no detrimental effect on breeding. Furthermore, there was no relationship between penguin arrival mass and duration of fast. Even birds with small mass had sufficient reserves to undergo long fasting periods.In spring 1990, when we started with a monitoring study for CEMP (CCAMLR 1990) at Ardley Island, there were still high quantities of snow at the subcolony sites. Adélie Penguins at Ardley Island inhabit both small rocky outcrops and flat, stony hillocks (storm bars). The latter had a distinctly thicker snow cover at this time so that the pebbles necessary for nest building were unattainable. Consequently, we observed the behaviour of the penguins in this situation, recorded the laying dates and lengths of fasting periods.  相似文献   

Measures of breeding success are traditionally derived using the proportion of total nests that successfully reach strategic stages across a breeding season, such as pair formation, egg laying or fledging chicks. The use of logistic regression has recently become a popular tool in avian literature for identifying influential factors that predict nest and/or individual breeding success. In this study, we use logistic regression models to assess the importance of a range of factors affecting male Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding success during the 2002–2003 austral summer, when the presence of icebergs and extensive sea-ice meant overall breeding success of Adélie penguins was low (16/51 focal males had chicks reach fledging point). Logistic regression models for the early breeding season showed that good/average nest quality and central/middle nest location within the sub-colony were the best predictors of successful pair formation. Later, during incubation, the most successful males were those that not only returned earlier but were also heavier upon arrival and built nests of at least average quality. During the final stage when chicks had begun to fledge, the combined parameters of heavier male weight, early arrival time and good nest quality were the best predictors of breeding success. The logistic regression approach used here showed that the predictive ability of these parameters varied as the season progressed. However, most importantly, our logistic models fit the data well across all breeding stages.  相似文献   

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