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P.P. Olea 《Bird Study》2013,60(1):110-115
Much is known about the breeding period of the threatened Lesser Kestrel, but little of the postfledging period. Here, I examine the postfledging dispersal of juvenile Lesser Kestrels, based on all ringing recoveries of Lesser Kestrels ringed as nestlings in Spain and recovered before September (migration) of the same year. Of 28 juveniles recovered, 19 (67.9%) dispersed and their median recovery distance was 210 km (range 41–578 km), with significantly northern directions. No difference was found in the dispersal distance between individuals ringed as nestlings in mid-north and mid-south Spain, nor was any correlation found between the recovery distance and ringing latitude. These findings for postfledging dispersal in juvenile Lesser Kestrels seem in accordance with predictions of a mental map hypothesis for homing, but they do not exclude food as a potential factor influencing such movements. However, these postfledging movements cannot be explained by the hypothesis of gathering information for identifying a future breeding site.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Movement patterns of juvenile birds are poorly understood, yet critically important ecological phenomena, especially for species with a prolonged juvenile period. We evaluated postfledging movements of juvenile common ravens (Corvus corax) in a western Mojave Desert landscape composed of a mosaic of natural and anthropogenic elements. Generally, ravens do not begin breeding until after their fourth year. We marked 2 annual cohorts of juvenile ravens and followed them from dispersal from their natal territory for up to 33 months. Movements of juvenile common ravens were similar for males and females. Conspecifics and confined livestock feeding operations represented important resources for juvenile ravens, and juveniles were rarely located in open desert. However, initial movements from the natal territory to the nearest communal point subsidy rather than the closest anthropogenic resource suggested juvenile dispersal was influenced by the combination of conspecifics and anthropogenic resources, rather than the distribution of those resources. Land managers concerned with growing raven populations should reduce access to concentrated anthropogenic resources such as landfills and dairies, which serve as important resources for juveniles. Because juvenile ravens rarely venture into open desert, reducing their numbers by lethal removal or other means is unlikely to lessen raven predation of desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii).  相似文献   

Species that alternate periods of solitary and social living may provide clues to the conditions that favor sociality. Social spiders probably originated from subsocial‐like ancestors, species in which siblings remain together for part of their life cycle but disperse prior to mating. Exploring the factors that lead to dispersal in subsocial species, but allow the development of large multigenerational colonies in social species, may provide insight into this transition. We studied the natal dispersal patterns of a subsocial spider, Anelosimus cf. jucundus, in Southeastern Arizona. In this population, spiders disperse from their natal nests in their penultimate and antepenultimate instars over a 3‐mo period. We tracked the natal dispersal of marked spiders at sites with clustered vs. isolated nests. We found that most spiders initially dispersed less than 5 m from their natal nests. Males and females, and spiders in patches with different densities of nests, dispersed similar distances. The fact that both sexes in a group dispersed, the lack of a sex difference in dispersal distance, and the relatively short distances dispersed are consistent with the hypothesis that natal dispersal results from resource competition within the natal nest, rather than inbreeding avoidance in competition for mates. Additionally, an increase in the average distance dispersed with time and with the number of spiders leaving a nest suggests that competition for nest sites in the vicinity of the natal nest may affect dispersal distances. The similar distances dispersed in patches with isolated vs. clustered nests, in contrast, suggest that competition among dispersers from different nests may not affect dispersal distances.  相似文献   

In a crowded environment the natal territory could serve as a haven for young and inexperienced offspring until a breeding vacancy emerges. Delayed dispersal and association with kin could then offer adaptive benefits through an individual fitness gain. Here we report that delayed dispersal is associated with a higher lifetime individual fitness in Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus) males. Sons bred more successfully and had more reproductive events in life when they delayed dispersal. The higher lifetime reproductive success when sons disperse later in life is sufficient to promote postponement of natal dispersal, suggesting that dispersal is delayed due to ecological constraints on access to high-quality habitats. We argue that the maintenance of this variation in the timing of dispersal and reproductive success can be reconciled with non-genetic mechanisms driving dispersal. Social dominance within broods reflecting environmental conditions during growth is such a mechanism.  相似文献   

Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) are group-living birds found across much of mainland Australia. Adults commonly remain in a breeding territory until death. Young of the year either remain on the natal (birth) site or are forced by their parents to disperse. Observational studies in south-eastern Australia suggest that most dispersing juveniles settle within 7 km of their natal territory. Therefore, despite potential for considerable gene flow (via flight), social organization predisposes magpies towards local population structuring. In this study, we measured genetic variation at both nuclear (allozyme) and mitochondrial loci and found evidence of substantial gene flow over very large distances (up to 1599 km). Thus, some juvenile magpies may disperse much greater distances than was previously thought. For mtDNA, geographic and genetic distance were strongly correlated, consistent with a pattern of isolation by distance. Therefore, although female gene flow is substantial it is apparently geographically restricted over large distances, in approximately a stepping-stone fashion. We conclude that a strong relationship between gene flow and geographic distance can develop even over large distances if populations have experienced no major historical disturbances to gene flow.  相似文献   

We studied the post-juvenile dispersal of 18 radiotagged juvenile Hazel Grouse Bonasa bonasia (14 males, four females) in an expanding population in the southeastern French Alps between 1998 and 2001. The mean dispersal distances between the capture sites of juveniles in September–October and the centre of the home range in the following spring was 4 km for males (range 0.1–24.9 km) and 2 km for females (range 0.2–5.6 km). The distances recorded for two long-dispersing males (15 and 24.9 km) are greater than those reported to date for Hazel Grouse. Using our radiotracking data, we interpret the pattern of range expansion that has been occurring since the 1950s around our study area. Barriers to dispersal included rocky ground and other alpine habitats above 2000 m and over 1 km wide, but Hazel Grouse did cross open agricultural land at lower elevation. Two patterns of dispersal movements were recognized in juveniles: erratic movements that led to settlement on or near the natal site, and direct movements to a new range relatively far from the natal area. We discuss the adaptive consequences of these different behaviour patterns.  相似文献   

Capsule Natal dispersal was rapid and distances were short. Winter ranging and breeding dispersal were limited. Few birds undertook large movements.

Aims To investigate the natal and breeding dispersal of Marsh Tits, including the timing of dispersal movements.

Methods Nestlings, juveniles and adults were ringed and searched for over 4500 ha during summer, autumn–winter, and spring over six years. Dispersal distances were measured as metric distances and multiples of territory widths. Ranging distances were compared with dispersal distances.

Results Median distances of natal dispersal were 2.6 territory widths for males (704.5 m) and 3.1 territory widths for females (1065.0 m). Median distances of breeding dispersal were 0.2 territory widths for males and females (58.6 and 53.1 m respectively). Most natal dispersal was completed soon after independence, with further movement in spring. Breeding dispersal was also detected during these periods. Median ranging distances were short, and some winter floaters were identified.

Conclusion Marsh Tits had short dispersal distances, with most dispersal activity occurring in June. Results suggested that dispersal behaviour was sensitive to habitat fragmentation, resulting in poor settling success outside of the natal wood. Habitat fragmentation may, therefore, be a contributory factor in the decline of the Marsh Tit population in Britain.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal, the permanent departure of an individual from its birth site, is sex biased in most mammals, with males dispersing at higher rates or over greater distances than do female conspecifics. Because dispersal movements may be energetically expensive, their occurrence should theoretically be influenced by energy availability. Moreover, the male bias typical of mammalian dispersal suggests that this behavior might be mediated by gonadal androgens. Using free-living Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) as subjects, we provisioned juveniles with extra food to evaluate energetic influences on male dispersal behavior. Provisioning increased body mass and body fat of juvenile males and caused them to disperse at younger ages, but did not affect blood glucose levels. Dispersing males were fatter than same-aged males that had not yet dispersed. Moreover, body fat of provisioned and unprovisioned males did not differ when evaluated relative to the week during which they dispersed, suggesting that there may be a fat threshold for dispersal. In a second experiment, we measured plasma concentrations of testosterone (T) in provisioned and unprovisioned, free-living juveniles to evaluate the hypothesis that male dispersal behavior is activated by concurrent high levels of T. We observed no increase in plasma T associated with dispersal by juvenile males, no sex differences in circulating T among juveniles, and no effects of food provisioning on juvenile T levels. In a third experiment with free-living S. beldingi, we concurrently altered early androgen exposure by treating females with T at birth and manipulated energy availability by food provisioning. Perinatal T-treatment increased the likelihood of dispersal among juvenile females. Provisioning increased body mass and body fat of juveniles and caused males and T-treated females to disperse at significantly younger ages than either their unprovisioned counterparts or the few provisioned control females that dispersed. These results suggest that early T exposure in this species determines the probability of dispersal, whereas the amount of energy an individual has stored as fat strongly influences the timing of dispersal. Early T exposure also appears to cause the timing of dispersal to respond to energy availability and body fat in a male-typical way, possibly by organizing masculine mass and fat thresholds for dispersal.  相似文献   

Dispersal of offspring from their natal site has a critical influence on individual fitness. Although the consequences of dispersal have received much theoretical attention, the determinants of dispersal remain poorly understood for many animals. To address this issue, we marked and released size‐manipulated hatchling lizards (Amphibolurus muricatus; Agamidae) over a 3‐mo period in the field to evaluate the effects of body size and the time of hatching on dispersal distance. Our mark–recapture data indicated that body size and offspring sex had little effect on distances travelled by individuals. However, the timing of hatching had a strong impact; individuals that hatched early in the season dispersed further than did those hatching late. This pattern may allow early‐hatched juveniles to disperse and secure high‐quality habitats before the arrival of later‐hatched conspecific competitors.  相似文献   

Parasitoid sex ratios can be greatly influenced by mating and dispersal behaviour. Many sex ratio models assume that mating is strictly local (only mated females disperse from the natal patch) and that a single male is sufficient to inseminate all females in a brood. Bethylids (aculeate parasitoids) have been used to test predictions of these models, but less attention has been paid to testing their underlying assumptions. We investigated the timing of eclosion, mating and dispersal in mixed-sex and single-sex broods of the bethylid wasp Goniozus nephantidis. In mixed-sex broods, almost all females mate before dispersal and a single male is sufficient to inseminate virtually all females, even when brood sizes are large. Males disperse from both mixed-sex and all-male broods, but males in all-male broods disperse more slowly. Virgin females disperse from all-female broods, which are common. Virgin females can produce a brood, mate with their own sons and subsequently produce mixed-sex broods, but their success rate is very low. Virgin females could potentially circumvent sex allocation constraints by superparasitizing mixed-sex broods, but when presented with hosts bearing mixed-sex broods they destroy all members of the initial brood before ovipositing. Because of the high prevalence of single-sex broods and dispersal of both sexes, the mating structure of G. nephantidis is unlikely to conform to the assumption of strict local mating.  相似文献   

The lifetime movements of an individual determine the gene flow and invasion potential of the species. However, sex dependence of dispersal and selective pressures driving dispersal have gained much more attention than dispersal at different life and age stages. Natal dispersal is more common than dispersal between breeding attempts, but breeding dispersal may be promoted by resource availability and competition. Here, we utilize mark–recapture data on the nest‐box population of Siberian flying squirrels to analyze lifetime dispersal patterns. Natal dispersal means the distance between the natal nest and the nest used the following year, whereas breeding movements refer to the nest site changes between breeding attempts. The movement distances observed here were comparable to distances reported earlier from radio‐telemetry studies. Breeding movements did not contribute to lifetime dispersal distance and were not related to variation in food abundance or habitat patch size. Breeding movements of males were negatively, albeit not strongly, related to male population size. In females, breeding movement activity was low and was not related to previous breeding success or to competition between females for territories. Natal philopatry was linked to apparent death of a mother; that is, we did not find evidence for mothers bequeathing territories for offspring, like observed in some other rodent species. Our results give an example of a species in which breeding movements are not driven by environmental variability or nest site quality. Different evolutionary forces often operate in natal and breeding movements, and our study supports the view that juveniles are responsible for redistributing individuals within and between populations. This emphasizes the importance of knowledge on natal dispersal, if we want to understand consequences of movement ecology of the species at the population level.  相似文献   

The assumption that mortality risk increases with dispersal distance has rarely been tested. We compared patterns of natal dispersal in the American marten (Martes americana) between a large regenerating forest landscape and an uncut landscape that was dominated by more mature forest to test whether mortality risk increased with dispersal distance, and whether variation in mortality risk influenced dispersal distance. Mortality risk increased with dispersal distance in both landscape treatments, but the distance-dependent increase in mortality in the regenerating landscape was twice that in the uncut landscape. Differences in body condition, supported by other data on foraging efficiency, suggested that juveniles from the regenerating landscape were less able to cope with the energetic demands of dispersal compared with juveniles from older forests. Juveniles travelled shorter distances in the regenerating versus uncut landscape. These results implied that dispersal was costly in terms of juvenile survival and that mean dispersal distance was shaped, in part, by mortality risk.  相似文献   

Kennedy PL  Ward JM 《Oecologia》2003,134(2):284-291
Food availability is thought to strongly influence the leaving phase of natal dispersal in animals with condition-dependent dispersal. We conducted a food supplementation experiment to determine the influence of extra food on the onset of dispersal and early dispersal movement patterns of 42 radio-tagged northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis atricapillus) from 28 broods in north-central New Mexico during 1992 and 1993. We randomly assigned half of the broods each year as treatments and the other half as controls. Treatment broods were given supplemental food from hatching (late April) until mid-October. Control broods received the same visitation rate but no food. Birds were located approximately every 2 days from fledging until mid-October in 1992 and 1993. Timing of fledging and independence were not affected by the treatment. However, extra food significantly influenced post-fledging movements of juvenile goshawks. During the late fledgling-dependency period (>65 days of age until independence) control birds were located in the natal area (<2 km from nest tree) more frequently than supplemented birds. This pattern reversed after independence (approximately 82 days of age) when supplemented birds were located more frequently in the natal area than controls. After independence the control birds were never located in the natal area and by the end of September in both years the controls had all left the study area (study area boundaries were approximately 25 km from nest tree). Supplemented birds were never located outside of the study area for the duration of the experiment. We conclude that the control birds dispersed out of the study area and the supplemented birds remained. Since the experimentally fed juveniles remained near a known food source and the controls did not, our study demonstrates that food availability influences at least the first 4 months of post-fledging movement patterns in this population. These results also suggest individuals base dispersal decisions on knowledge of their environment at a local scale, which can influence juvenile recruitment.  相似文献   

Dispersal behaviour in territorial species is typically assumed to be independent of parental behaviour except for the possible role of parental eviction from the natal territory. Great tits defend exclusive territories at the onset of breeding but after fledging undertake substantial excursions with dependent offspring, sometimes covering distances equivalent to ten or more breeding territories and even moving across open spaces into neighbouring woodlots. We show that postfledging family movements are significantly associated with subsequent dispersal directions of recruits by comparing observed angles of movement with a simulated distribution taking into account the patchy nature of the landscape. However, the extent of family movements did not predict dispersal distances. Our findings provide an explanation for previously observed similarities in dispersal direction between siblings in the same study population, as well as for effects of nest site location on dispersal. More generally we show the existence of a novel mechanism for parents to influence dispersal and fine-scale kinship structure among their offspring.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Dispersal events can affect the distribution, abundance, population structure, and gene flow of animal populations, but little is known about long‐distance movements due to the difficulty of tracking individuals across space. We documented the natal and breeding dispersal of shrubland birds among 13 study sites in a 1000 km2 area in southeastern Ohio. In addition, we radio‐marked and tracked 37 adult males of one shrubland specialist, the Yellow‐breasted Chat (Icteria virens). We banded 1925 juveniles and 2112 adults of nine shrubland species from 2002 to 2005. Of these, 33 (1.7%) juveniles were encountered in subsequent years (2003–2006) as adults (natal dispersal) and 442 (20.9%) birds initially banded as breeding adults were re‐encountered in subsequent years (breeding dispersal). Apparent survival of juvenile shrubland birds on their natal patches was 0.024 (95% CI 0.016–0.036). After accounting for the probability of detection, we found that 21% of birds banded as juveniles and recaptured as adults returned to their natal patches, whereas 78% of adult birds showed fidelity to the patch where they were originally captured. Moreover, natal dispersers tended to move farther than breeding dispersers (corrected natal median = 1.7 km ± 0.37; corrected breeding median = 0.23 km ± 0.10). We used our estimates of natal dispersal and annual apparent survival to estimate true survival at 0.11 (95% CI 0.07–0.18) for juveniles in their first year. However, this estimate was only applicable for birds dispersing within 7 km of their natal patches. Interpatch movements of radio‐marked Yellow‐breasted Chats were not uncommon, with 13 of 37 males located in more than one habitat patch. Overall, we observed low natal philopatry, but high adult site fidelity for shrubland birds in our study area. Considering the frequency of short‐distance movements observed (median = 531 m, range = 88–1045 m), clustering of patches within 1 km might facilitate use of shrubland habitat.  相似文献   

Long‐distance dispersal is a fundamental process in ecology and evolution but the factors that influence these movements remain poorly understood in most species. We used stable hydrogen isotopes to quantify the rate and direction of long‐distance immigration in a breeding population of American redstarts and to test whether the settlement decisions that result in long‐distance dispersal are driven by habitat saturation or by the phenology of breeding‐season resources. Our results provide evidence that both natal dispersal and breeding dispersal were influenced by the timing of breeding‐season phenology, with both age classes more likely to disperse north in years when the onset of breeding‐season phenology occurs earlier than normal. Yearlings were also more likely to disperse north following winters with poor habitat quality on their non‐breeding grounds, demonstrating that carry‐over effects from the non‐breeding season influence natal dispersal in this species. Collectively, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that American redstarts use the phenology of breeding season resources as a cue to select breeding sites. Our results suggest that long‐distance dispersal may allow individuals to rapidly respond to advancing phenology caused by global climate change, though their ability to do so may be constrained by long‐term decline in habitat quality predicted for their tropical non‐breeding grounds.  相似文献   

The distances that individuals disperse, from their natal site to the site of first breeding and between breeding sites, have important consequences for the dynamics and genetic structure of a population. Nearly all previous studies on dispersal have the problem that, because the study area encompassed only a part of the population, emigration may have been confounded with mortality. As a result long-distance dispersers may have been overlooked and dispersal data biased towards short distances. By studying a virtually closed population of Seychelles warblers Acrocephalus sechellensis we obtained almost unbiased results on several aspects of dispersal. As in the majority of other avian species, natal dispersal distance was female biased in the Seychelles warbler. Female offspring also forayed further from the natal territory in search of breeding vacancies than male offspring. The sex bias in natal dispersal distance did, however, depend on local breeding density. In males, dispersal distance decreased as the number of territories bordering the natal territory increased, while in females, dispersal distance did not vary with local density. Dispersal by breeders was rare and, unlike in most species, distances did not differ between the sexes. We argue that our results favour the idea that the sex bias in natal dispersal distance in the Seychelles warbler is due to inbreeding avoidance and not resource competition or intrasexual competition for mates.  相似文献   

We analyzed more than 1,600 dispersal events from two populations of a North American cooperatively breeding woodpecker species to determine what factors influence natal dispersal distance and whether distance traveled affects reproduction later in life. We found significant heritability of natal dispersal distance, in both males and females, indicating substantial additive genetic variance for this behavioral trait. Natal dispersal distance additionally was affected by social and ecological factors: individuals dispersing in their first year of life moved longer distances than those staying on their natal site as helpers for a prolonged time prior to dispersal, and increasing territory isolation led to longer dispersal distances. Successful dispersers incurred fitness costs, with lifetime fledgling production (in both sexes) and lifetime production of recruits to the breeding population (in females only) decreasing with increasing natal dispersal distance. We conclude that natal dispersal distance has a genetic basis but is modulated by environmental and social factors and that natal dispersal distance in this species is (currently) under selection.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the causes of natal dispersal in four Spanish areas where 35 breeding groups of the polygynous great bustard Otis tarda were monitored intensively. A total of 392 juveniles were radio-tracked between 1991 and 2006 by ground and via aeroplane to avoid potential biases derived from the non-detection of long-distance dispersers. 2. We explored 10 explanatory variables that were related to individual phenotypic features, habitat and conspecific traits in terms of group size and breeding performance, and spatial distribution of available breeding groups. Probability of group change and natal dispersal distances were investigated separately through multifactorial analyses. 3. Natal dispersal occurred in 47.8% of the birds and median natal dispersal distance of dispersers was 18.1 km (range 4.97-178.42 km). Sex largely determined the dispersal probability, with 75.6% of males being dispersers and 80.0% of females being philopatric, in contrast to the general pattern of female-biased dispersal found in most avian species. 4. Both the frequency of natal dispersal and dispersal distances were affected by the spatial distribution of breeding groups. More isolated groups showed a higher proportion of philopatric individuals, the effect being more evident in males than in females. This implies a reduction in gene flow in fragmented populations, as most genetic exchange is achieved through male dispersal. Additionally, dispersers hatched in more isolated groups tended to exhibit longer dispersal distances, which increases the associated energetic costs and mortality risks. 5. The dispersal decision was influenced by the number of conspecifics in the natal group. The individual probability of natal dispersal was related inversely to the size of the natal group, which supports the balanced dispersal model and the conspecific attraction hypothesis. 6. Overall, our results provide a good example of phenotypic plasticity and reinforce the current view that dispersal is an evolutionary complex trait conditioned by the interaction of individual, social and environmental causes that vary between individuals and populations.  相似文献   

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