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The mating system of the seaweed fly Coelopa frigida involves a vigorous premating struggle during which females attempt to dislodge mounted males by kicking and shaking from side to side. Additionally females can prevent engagement of genitalia by curling their abdomens downwards. Large males gain a mating advantage. Male size is partially determined by a chromosomal inversion polymorphism which is maintained by strong heterosis. Thus female mate choice on the basis of size will affect offspring fitness. We report the occurrence of premating struggles and mate choice for large males in five additional species of seaweed fly, namely, C. nebularum, C. vanduzeei, C. pilipes, Gluma musgravei and G. nitida. Four of these species appear to lack the inversion system, suggesting that mate choice for large males can be maintained in its absence and also evolved before its establishment. Gluma females had stronger preferences than Coelopa females and showed an additional response to mounting, namely, curling their abdomens upwards into the male. This may allow assessment of male size. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Sisodia S  Singh BN 《Genetica》2004,121(2):207-217
Mate choice based on body size is widespread and can have numerous consequences. We present data, which show the effect of male and female body size on sexual selection in Drosophila ananassae. The relationships between wing size, locomotor activity, mating latency, courtship pattern, fertility and mating success were studied. Mating latency was negatively correlated with wing length and with locomotor activity, while wing length and locomotor activity was positively correlated in males as well as in females. In female- and male-choice, we found that mate choice influenced size-assortative mating by: (1) large and small males preferring to mate with large females, (2) large males successfully competing for large females, leaving small males to mate with small females. Males increased their reproductive success by mating with large and more fecund females. In addition, in pairs of long/short winged flies, long winged flies courted and mated more successfully than short winged flies and they also have longer duration of copulation and more progeny than short winged flies. We found sterile mating in pairs of small winged males and females.  相似文献   

Mate sampling and the sexual conflict over mating in seaweed flies   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The order in which females encounter, or sample, males in apopulation may have important consequences for mate choice,with the information gathered about males influencing boththe preference function and degree of choosiness of females.Sexual selection may be affected as a result. Sampling of particularsubsets of males may be a crucial component of individual variation in mate preferences within populations. However, the sequencein which males are sampled may also be important in specieswithout traditional, active mate choice, such as when sexualselection involves sexual conflict over mating. This wouldoccur if the likelihood of a female mating with a male of acertain phenotype changes as a result of previous encounters.We examined the effects of encountering males differing inbody size, a sexually selected phenotype, in the seaweed flyCoelopa frigida. Sexual selection occurs in this species asa result of a sexual conflict over mating. We show that theoutcome of the sexual conflict is independent of the orderin which males are encountered by female seaweed flies, withthe overall mating advantage to large males being unaffected.In addition, we explored female preference functions and evaluatethe heterogeneity in female willingness to mate. We suggestthat consideration of mate sampling theory is valuable whenexamining mate choice in species in which sexual selectionis driven by sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Nephilid spiders are known for gigantic females and tiny males. Such extreme sexual dimorphism and male-biased sex ratios result in fierce male–male competition for mates. Intense sperm competition may be responsible for behaviors such as mate guarding, mate binding, opportunistic mating, genital mutilation, mating plugs and male castration (eunuchs). We studied the mating biology of two phylogenetically, behaviorally and morphologically distinct south-east Asian nephilid spider species ( Herennia multipuncta, Nephila pilipes ) in nature and in the laboratory. Specifically, we established the frequencies and effectiveness of plugging (a plug is part of the male copulatory organ), and tested for male and female copulatory organ reuse. Both in nature and in the laboratory, plug frequencies were higher in H. multipuncta (75–80% females plugged) compared with N. pilipes (45–47.4%), but the differences were not significant. Plugs were single and effective (no remating) in H. multipuncta but multiple and ineffective (remating possible) in N. pilipes . In Herennia , the males plugged when the female was aggressive and in Nephila plugging was more likely when mating with previously mated and larger females. Further differences in sexual biology are complete palpal removal and higher sexual aggressiveness in Herennia (sexual cannibalism recorded for the first time), and mate binding in Nephila . Thus, we propose the following evolutionary hypothesis: nephilid plugging was ancestrally successful and enabled males to monopolize females, but plugging became ineffective in the phylogenetically derived Nephila . If the evolution of nephilid sexual mechanisms is driven by sexual conflict, then the male mechanism to monopolize females prevailed in a part of the phylogeny, but the female resistance to evade monopolization ultimately won the arms race.  相似文献   

The weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus shows three kinds of same-sex mountings: males mount other unpaired males, males mount males already engaged in copulation and females mount other females. Four hypotheses were evaluated in order to explain same-sex matings by males: (i) female mimicry by inferior males, (ii) dominance of larger males which affects the behaviour of small males, (iii) sperm transfer in which smaller males gain some reproductive success by 'hitchhiking' their sperm with the sperm of larger males, and (iv) poor sex recognition. Data from mate choice and sperm competition experiments rejected the female mimicry, dominance and sperm transfer hypotheses and supported the poor sex recognition hypothesis. We tested three hypotheses in order to explain female mounting behaviour: (i) females mimic male behaviour in order to reduce sexual harassment by males, (ii) females mount other females in order to appear larger and thereby attract more and larger males for mating, and (iii) female mimicry of males. The results of our mate choice experiments suggested that the female mimicry of males hypothesis best explains the observed female mounting behaviour. This result is also consistent with the poor sex recognition hypothesis which is the most likely explanation for male and female intrasexual mating behaviour in many insect species.  相似文献   

The beaches of the North Atlantic and North Pacific are home to kelp flies of the Coelopa frigida/nebularum complex, which consists of one to three different species depending on whether the two nominal species are accepted and a cryptic species proposed by Remmert is counted. The morphological differences between two populations of C. frigida ( Fabricius, 1805 ) from the North Sea and the Baltic Region and two populations of C. nebularum Aldrich, 1929 from Alaska and Japan are described and discussed for small, medium, and large specimens. Crossing experiments are used to demonstrate that, under laboratory conditions, no isolation mechanisms between either population exist. Coelopa frigida and C. nebularum are therefore regarded as a single biological species, a conclusion that is congruent with the observation that the genetic distances based on Ef 1‐α and 16S rDNA indicate lower levels of differentiation within C. frigida/nebularum than between undisputed Coelopa species. The substantial morphological, breeding and genetic information on the C. frigida/nebularum species complex is then applied to six different species concepts popular in the modern systematic literature. According to the Biological, Hennigian and Recognition Species Concepts, only a single species would be recognized. The Evolutionary Species Concept is too vague to be applicable and under two variants of the Phylogenetic Species Concept, C. frigida and C. nebularum would constitute separate species. This result confirms that Phylogenetic Species Concepts lead to a higher species number than concepts based on reproductive isolation. Practical and theoretical problems with the various species concepts are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

When individuals receive different returns from their reproductive investment dependent on mate quality, they are expected to invest more when breeding with higher quality mates. A number of studies over the past decade have shown that females may alter their reproductive effort depending on the quality/attractiveness of their mate. However, to date, despite extensive work on parental investment, such a differential allocation has not been demonstrated in fish. Indeed, so far only two studies from any taxon have suggested that females alter the quality of individual offspring according to the quality/attractiveness of their mate. The banggai cardinal fish is an obligate paternal mouth brooder where females lay few large eggs. It has previously been shown that male size determines clutch weight irrespective of female size in this species. In this study, I investigated whether females perform more courtship displays towards larger males and whether females allocate their reproductive effort depending on the size of their mate by experimentally assigning females to either large or small males. I found that females displayed more towards larger males, thereby suggesting a female preference for larger males. Further, females produced heavier eggs and heavier clutches but not more eggs when paired with large males. My experiments show that females in this species adjust their offspring weight and, thus, presumably offspring quality according to the size of their mate.  相似文献   

When pairing with high quality females, a male increases its fitness through an increased number and/or quality of sired offsprings. In anurans, size has often been used as a measure of female quality. In the present study, we examined the effects of pairing with large females for small males in the common toad, Bufo bufo . For the first time in anurans, we show a fitness cost for males to maintain amplexus with a large female. Indeed, although we did not detect any effect of male size on male pairing success in a first breeding event in the presence of other competing males, when males that were successful in the first breeding event were tested for a second time, male pairing success strongly decreased when they had been first paired with a large female. However, the higher fecundity of large females (1.52-fold more than that of small females) may override this pairing cost, especially because high fertilization rate was not linked to male/female body size ratio. Indeed, we did not detect any difference in egg fertilization success between small males paired with large and small females. Our results suggest that predictable cues of female reproductive value exist in common toads, thus meeting a prerequisite of the occurrence of male mate choice. Male mate choice, probably underestimated in anurans, may be particularly important in species where the breeding season is short and the number of mating events for a male is limited. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 755–762.  相似文献   

The mating preferences of female seaweed flies Coelopa frigida were determined by observing their acceptance or rejection of males of known size. The inversion karyotype of both males and females was also determined. Females exhibited a preference to mate with large males, and evidence is presented that a genetic correlation exists between the female preference and the preferred trait. Females carrying the inversion karyotype associated with large male size showed a strong preference for large males; females carrying the inversion associated with small male size also exhibited a preference for large males, but it was significantly less strong. This finding suggests that a Fisherian process may be operating.  相似文献   

1. In sexually reproducing organisms, the energetic costs of spermatogenesis can be considerable, and can limit the reproductive potential of the males. In species where males mate more than once during the reproductive season, the costs of sperm production are generally predicted to result in a decrease of ejaculate size and quality with successive fertilizations. 2. In this study we examined the variation in ejaculate size among successive fertilizations in a long‐lived freshwater crayfish species, Austropotamobius italicus. 3. Sexually active adult males of various sizes were allowed to mate repeatedly with different females on consecutive days. Trials for a given male ended when he copulated but did not release any sperm or refused to mate. 4. Males fertilized between 0 and 4 females, and most (42.5%) fertilized a single female. The overall number of females fertilized by a given male decreased with increasing male body size. Ejaculate size decreased markedly with consecutive fertilizations in a similar fashion among both large and small males, while simultaneously increasing with female body size. The total ejaculate size over successive fertilizations decreased with increasing male size. 5. Our study indicates that either sperm production or release involves non‐trivial costs in freshwater crayfish, and suggests that large/old males may face greater difficulties in gamete release than small/young ones, as shown by the lower number of females fertilized by large compared with small males, which may reflect the ongoing senescence of their reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Larger male Caribbean fruit flies are more likely to be chosen as mates and defeat rivals in territorial contests. Yet males are smaller than females. Adaptive explanations for relatively small male size include (1) acceleration of male development to maximize female encounter rates, (2) selection for greater female size to increase fecundity, and (3) selection for body sizes most suitable for sexually dimorphic degrees of mobility, speed, and distance flight. None of these unambiguously accounts for the degree of sexual dimorphism. Male development is not accelerated relative to that of females. On average, males remain inside fruit longer than females and those males with extended development periods are smaller than more rapidly developing individuals. There is no evidence that female enlargement alone, presumably for greater fecundity, has generated the degree of dimorphism in the Caribbean fruit fly or other fruit flies. The relationship between dimorphism and mean female body size in 27 species of Tephritidae is the opposite of what would be predicted if differences in dimorphism were due to differences in unilateral female enlargement. Larger size in a species or in one sex of a species may be an adaptation for extensive flight. In general, among 32 species of fruit flies, as body size increases, wing shape becomes progressively more suited for distance flight. However, there are important exceptions to this correlation. Both sexual selection and nonadaptive allometries may contribute to the range of dimorphisms within the family.  相似文献   

Female and male mate choice in relation to adult size were examined for the solitary and gregarious parasitoids, Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson) and Cotesia flavipes Cameron, respectively. In addition, male precopulatory behaviors were observed for evidence of male competition or a large-male advantage in mate acquisition. Male parasitoids are not known to offer female mates direct benefits, but females that mate high quality males may obtain indirect benefits, such as offspring that are more successful in obtaining mates. Female choice experiments for C. marginiventris found that large males approached females first more frequently than small males, and that females mated large males significantly more often than small males. Male choice experiments for C. marginiventris did not demonstrate a male preference for female size. In contrast, female choice experiments with C. flavipes found that females mated equally with large or small males, while male choice experiments showed that males attempted copulation and mated more frequently with smaller females. Male competition was not observed in the gregarious species C. flavipes, but competition in this gregarious parasitoid could be moderated by dispersal.  相似文献   

Sexual selection arising through female mate choice typically favours males with larger, brighter and louder signals. A critical challenge in sexual selection research is to determine the degree to which this pattern results from direct mate choice, where females select individual males based on variation in signalling traits, or indirect mate choice, where male competition governs access to reproductively active females. We investigated female mate choice in a lekking Lake Malawi cichlid fish, Hemitilapia oxyrhynchus, in which males build and aggressively defend sand 'bowers'. Similar to previous studies, we found that male reproductive success was positively associated with bower height and centrality on the lek. However, this pattern resulted from males holding these territories encountering more females, and thus their greater success was due to indirect mate choice. Following initial male courtship, an increase in the relative mating success of some males was observed, but this relative increase was unrelated to bower size or position. Crucially, experimentally manipulating bowers to resemble those of a co-occurring species had no appreciable effect on direct choice by females or male spawning success. Together, these results suggest indirect mate choice is the dominant force determining male-mating success in this species, and that bowers are not signals used in direct mate choice by females. We propose that, in this species, bowers have a primary function in intraspecific male competition, with the most competitive males maintaining larger and more central bowers that are favoured by sexual selection due to higher female encounter rates.  相似文献   

Although females are the choosier sex in most species, male mate choice is expected to occur under certain conditions. Theoretically, males should prefer larger females as mates in species where female fecundity increases with body size. However, any fecundity‐related benefits accruing to a male that has mated with a large female may be offset by an associated fitness cost of shared paternity if large females are more likely to be multiply mated than smaller females in nature. We tested the above hypothesis and assumption using the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) by behaviourally testing for male mate choice in the laboratory and by ascertaining (with the use of microsatellite DNA genotyping) patterns of male paternity in wild‐caught females. We observed significant positive relationships between female body length and fecundity (brood size) and between body length and level of multiple paternity in the broods of females collected in the Quaré River, Trinidad. In laboratory tests, a preference for the larger of two simultaneously‐presented virgin females was clearly expressed only when males were exposed to the full range of natural stimuli from the females, but not when they were limited to visual stimuli alone. However, as suggested by our multiple paternity data, males that choose to mate with large females may incur a larger potential cost of sperm competition and shared paternity compared with males that mate with smaller females on average. Our results thus suggest that male guppies originating from the Quaré River possess mating preferences for relatively large females, but that such preferences are expressed only when males can accurately assess the mating status of encountered females that differ in body size.  相似文献   

In some species of insects males transfer a gift to females during courtship or copulation. In the dance flies these nuptial gifts vary from nutritious prey items to inedible tokens such as a leaf, stone, or silk balloon. Nuptial gifts in dance flies are presumed to increase male mating success. We examined the strength and form of sexual selection on male Rhamphomyia sulcata, an empidid in which males provide females with a nutritious prey item as a nuptial gift. We found that whereas large males carried large gifts, neither large males nor gifts were targets of sexual selection. Indeed, correlational selection analysis and nonparametric examination of the fitness surfaces revealed that small males carrying small gifts were the most successful. Males may be more maneuverable or flight efficient with small gifts, or small males with large gifts may be unable to carry both a large gift and a female in the paired descent flight. These results suggest carrying constraints may be an important factor in determining selection on nuptial gift size. The largest target of sexual selection was old males. Old males were also paired with the largest and most fecund females, highlighting the role mate quality can further contribute to selection on males. Correlational selection analysis also revealed selection for an increase in covariance between male wing length and body size, and for an increase in slope between these traits. Males who deviate away from the optimal phenotypic relationship for two tightly related morphological traits, such as tibia and wing length, may have overall reduced performance. These findings highlight the role correlational sexual selection can play in optimizing nonsexual male morphology and scaling relationships. This study questions the role of the nuptial gift in dance flies as a resource for females.  相似文献   

Male mate choice has evolved in many species in which female fecundity increases with body size. In these species, males are thought to have been selected to favour mating with large females over smaller ones, thereby potentially increasing their reproductive success. While male mate choice is known to occur, it is less well studied than female mate choice and little is known about variation in mating preference among individual males. Here, we presented individual male eastern mosquitofish ( Gambusia holbrooki ) with paired females that differed in body size, and we quantified their mate preference on two consecutive days, allowing us to assess repeatability of preferences expressed. When males were allowed to view paired stimulus females, but not to acquire chemical or tactile cues from them, they exhibited a strong preference for large females over smaller ones. However, individual males were not consistent in the strength of their preference and repeatability was not significant. When individual males were allowed to fully interact with pairs of females, the males again exhibited a preference for large females over smaller ones, as revealed by a greater number of attempted copulations with large females than with smaller ones. In the latter social context, individual male preference was significantly repeatable. These results indicate that male eastern mosquitofish from our Florida study population possess, on average, a mating preference for larger females and that this preference is repeatable when males socially interact freely with females. The significant repeatability for mating preference, based on female body size, obtained for male mosquitofish in the current study is consistent with the presence of additive genetic variation for such preferences in our study population and thus with the opportunity for the further evolution of large body size in female mosquitofish through male mate choice.  相似文献   

Co‐occurrence of closely related species can cause behavioral interference in mating and increase hybridization risk. Theoretically, this could lead to the evolution of more species‐specific mate preferences and sexual signaling traits. Alternatively, females can learn to reject heterospecific males, to avoid male sexual interference from closely related species. Such learned mate discrimination could also affect conspecific mate preferences if females generalize from between species differences to prefer more species‐specific mating signals. Female damselflies of the banded demoiselle (Calopteryx splendens) learn to reject heterospecific males of the beautiful demoiselle (C. virgo) through direct premating interactions. These two species co‐occur in a geographic mosaic of sympatric and microallopatric populations. Whereas C. virgo males have fully melanized wings, male C. splendens wings are partly melanized. We show that C. splendens females in sympatry with C. virgo prefer smaller male wing patches in conspecific males after learning to reject heterospecific males. In contrast, allopatric C. splendens females with experimentally induced experience with C. virgo males did not discriminate against larger male wing patches. Wing patch size might indicate conspecific male quality in allopatry. Co‐occurrence with C. virgo therefore causes females to prefer conspecific male traits that are more species specific, contributing to population divergence and geographic variation in female mate preferences.  相似文献   

Relationships between measures of body size, asymmetry, courtship effort, and mating success were investigated in the housefly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). A previous study indicated that both male and female flies with low fluctuating asymmetry enjoyed enhanced mating success. The aim of our investigations was to determine whether the greater success of symmetrical males is due to variation in male mating effort or to female choice and whether males exhibited mate choice. However, our study found directional rather than fluctuating asymmetry with both male and female flies having, on average, longer left wings than right. Also, asymmetry was not related to mating success in either sex. Rather, both males and females appeared to exhibit choice on the basis of the size of potential mates, with males preferring females with long bodies and females preferring heavy males. Possible benefits from choice of large mates are discussed. The initial mating strikes (in which the male leaps onto the back of the female) did not appear to be targeted according to female morphology, and their frequency did not vary according to male morphology. This indicates that mate choice by both sexes according to size probably occurs during the later stages of courtship, when the flies are in intimate contact. Possible reasons for the absence of choice according to asymmetry are discussed.  相似文献   

The body sizes of individuals of the choosing and chosen sexes in a mate choice may affect sequential mating of females. We examined the effects of the body sizes of females and their mates on attributes of female first mating, and the effects of body sizes of females and their previous and potential future mates on female remating in the adzuki bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis. Large- and small-sized adults were derived from larvae reared under conditions of low and high density in a bean, respectively. The speed of first mating of large females was not affected by the size of courting males, whereas small females initiated mating more rapidly when courted by small males. The remating probability of large females was not affected by first male size, whereas small females that mated first with smaller males were more likely to remate. These data suggest that pre- and post-copulatory female choices for male size depend on the female’s size, and the small females might be more willing to copulate with smaller males but prefer larger males to sire their offspring after copulation. A possible explanation for this preference is that small females may suffer greater harm from copulating with larger males.  相似文献   

Conflict between the sexes has traditionally been studied in terms of costs of mating to females and female resistance. However, courting can also be costly to males, especially when females are larger and aggressively resist copulation attempts. We examined male display intensity towards females in the Cape dwarf chameleon, Bradypodion pumilum, in which females are larger than males and very aggressive. We assessed whether aggressive female rejection imposes potential costs on males and whether males vary their display behaviour with intensity of female rejection, female size or relative size differences. Males persisted in courtship after initial female rejection in 84% of trials, and were bitten in 28% of trials. Attempted mounts were positively associated with males being bitten. Males reduced courtship with increased intensity of female rejection. Male courtship behaviour also varied with female size: males were more likely to court and approach smaller females, consistent with the hypothesis that larger females can inflict more damage. These results suggest that, in addition to assessing female willingness to mate, male dwarf chameleons may use courtship displays to assess potential costs of persistence, including costs associated with aggressive female rejection, weighed against potential reproductive pay-offs associated with forced copulation.  相似文献   

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