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The fusion protein of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and human interleukin-2 (hIL-2) was produced in insect Trichoplusia ni larvae infected with recombinant baculovirus derived from the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV). This fusion protein was composed of a metal ion binding site (His)6 for rapid one-step purification using immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC), UV-optimized GFP (GFPuv), enterokinase cleavage site for recovering hIL-2 from purified fusion protein, and hIL-2 protein. The additional histidine residues on fusion protein enabled the efficient purification of fusion protein based on immobilized metal affinity chromatography. In addition to advantages of GFP as a fusion marker, GFP was able to be used as a selectable purification marker; we easily determined the correct purified fusion protein sample fraction by simply detecting GFP fluorescence.  相似文献   

Human interleukin-2 (hIL-2) production in Escherichia coli and insect cell/baculovirus expression systems can be inefficient. Here we investigated secreted production of hIL-2 fused with green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a versatile fusion partner in optimized stably transfected insect Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells. This nonlytic S2 insect cell expression system employs a plasmid vector and allows for secretion of functional human proteins. We report that, following stable transfection and induction, S2 cells secreted hIL-2 as a fusion protein (approximately 2.3 microg/mL yield), with a secretion efficiency of approximately 90%. Regression analysis indicated a single linear relationship existed between GFP fluorescence and hIL-2 mass in both whole cell and secreted medium samples, indicating that in vivo monitoring and quantification of target foreign protein expression and even secretion is possible using this system. The simple comparative measurement of GFP fluorescence also allowed monitoring of secretion efficiency during periods of high GFP/hIL-2 expression.  相似文献   

The effect of baculovirus infection on cell death in suspended cultures was characterized based on work by Wu et al. (1993) Biotech. Bioeng. 41: 104–110 and Wu et al. (1994) Biotechnol. Prog. 10: 55–59. The post infection time can be separated into a constant viability phase characterized by a time delay, td, and a rapid death phase, which is characterized by a specific death rate constant, k. Results indicated that the characteristic time delay decreased with increased multiplicity on infection (MOI). Further, there was only a weak correlation between specific death rate and MOI, for the range of MOI tested. Cell infection and death rates were consistent with a more evenly distributed infection process likely found in suspension cultures.  相似文献   

The presented green fluorescent protein and streptavidin core-based tripartite fusion system provides a simple and efficient way for the production of proteins fused to it in insect cells. This fusion protein forms a unique tag, which serves as a multipurpose device enabling easy optimization of production, one-step purification via streptavidin-biotin interaction, and visualization of the fusion protein during downstream processing and in applications. In the present study, we demonstrate the successful production, purification, and detection of a natural rubber latex allergen Hev b5 with this system. We also describe the production of another NRL allergen with the system, Hev b1, which formed large aggregates and gave small yields in purification. The aggregates were detected at early steps by microscopical inspection of the infected insect cells producing this protein. Therefore, this fusion system can also be utilized as a fast indicator of the solubility of the expressed fusion proteins and may therefore be extremely useful in high-throughput expression approaches.  相似文献   

Rho Kinase I (ROCK I) is a serine/threonine kinase that is involved in diverse cellular signaling. To further understand the physiological role of ROCK I and to identify and develop potent and selective inhibitors of ROCK I, we have overexpressed and purified a constitutively active dimeric human ROCK I (3-543) kinase domain using the Sf9-baculovirus expression system. In addition, using a limited proteolysis technique, we have identified a minimal functional subdomain of ROCK I that can be used in crystallization studies. The availability of multimilligram amounts of purified and well characterized functional human ROCK I kinase domains will be useful in screening and structural studies.  相似文献   

OATP2B1 is an important member of the organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATP) family and is implicated in the intestinal and hepatic disposition of endo- and xenobiotics. The purpose of this work was to produce a highly purified protein for use as a reference standard for quantification of OATP2B1 in human tissue and in vitro assay systems. Here, we report the successful expression, purification and characterization of OATP2B1 in a heterologous expression system. Protein expressed by the Sf9-baculovirus expression system is functionally active as demonstrated by saturable uptake kinetics with a K(m) of 5.9+/-0.76 microM for estrone-3-sulfate. OATP2B1 was extracted from Sf9-membranes with ABS-14-4 detergent and purified using a one-step FLAG-tag purification method. Yield of OATP2B1 from Sf9 cells was 1.1mg per liter of culture, for a final recovery of 1.8%. SDS-PAGE resolution and Western blot of purified protein displayed multiple banding of OATP2B1-specific protein, which was thoroughly investigated to confirm homogeneity of the sample. C-terminal FLAG-tag purification and immunoblot detection, together with N-terminal sequencing, confirmed the presence of only full-length protein. Treatment with endoglycosidases had little effect on the migration pattern in SDS-PAGE, suggesting that multiple banding was not due to different glycosylation states of the protein. Amino acid analysis further confirmed the homogeneity of the protein with a calculated extinction coefficient of 80,387 cm(-1) M(-1). Physical, biochemical and functional characterization show that purified human OATP2B1 is pure, homogeneous and appropriate for use as a standard to quantitate expression of OATP2B1 in in vitro systems and tissue samples.  相似文献   

The use of Pichia pastoris for protein production was simplified by creation of fusion proteins containing green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the product of interest. Human interleukin-2 (hIL-2) was used as a model product: GFP enabled clear identification of fusion protein expression and, more importantly, the quantification of hIL-2. Although GFP fusions for bioprocess monitoring have been demonstrated in other hosts, this is its first use in P. pastoris.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase is the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of dopamine and is tightly regulated. Previous studies have shown it to be covalently modified and potently inhibited by 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde (DOPAL), an endogenous neurotoxin via dopamine catabolism which is relevant to Parkinson's disease. In order to elucidate the mechanism of enzyme inhibition, a source of pure, active tyrosine hydroxylase was necessary. The cloning and novel purification of human recombinant TH from Escherichia coli is described here. This procedure led to the recovery of ~23 mg of pure, active and stable enzyme exhibiting a specific activity of ~17 nmol/min/mg. The enzyme produced with this procedure can be used to delineate the tyrosine hydroxylase inhibition by DOPAL and its relationship to Parkinson's disease. This procedure improves upon previous methods because the fusion protein gives rise to high expression and convenient affinity-capture, and the cleaved and highly purified hTH makes the product useful for a wider variety of applications.  相似文献   

Many eukaryotic proteins have been successfully expressed in insect cells infected with a recombinant baculovirus derived from the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV). There are, however, disadvantages with this cell-based system when carried out in suspension cultures at high bioreactor volume (e.g., limited oxygen transfer, susceptibility to contamination, high cost). These problems can be avoided by using whole larvae as the "reactors." There are, however, other problems encountered with larvae, one being their inaccessibility for product sampling. To combat this problem, we have investigated the expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter molecule in Trichoplusia ni insect larvae. A high production level of GFPuv (1.58 mg per larva, 26% of total protein) was obtained, enabling the rapid and non-invasive monitoring of GFP. Bright green light was emitted directly from the large opaque carcasses ( approximately 30mm) after illumination with UV light. Based on the green light intensity and a correlation between intensity and GFP mass, we determined the optimal harvest time (c.a. approximately 3 days post-infection). In parallel experiments, we expressed human interleukin-2 (IL-2) from another recombinant baculovirus with an almost identical expression profile. Since both GFP and IL-2 were rapidly degraded by protease activity during the fourth day post-infection (another disadvantage with larvae), we found an accurate determination of harvest time was critical. Correspondingly, our results demonstrated that GFP was an effective on-line marker for expression of heterologous protein in insect larvae. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 56: 239-247, 1997.  相似文献   

Recombinant human (rh) renin was expressed in Sf-9 insect cells. Baculovirus-infected Sf-9 cells produced active rh-renin in the late stage of cultivation. The rh-renin was purified after 5 d of culture by two steps of column chromatography. Approximately 0.61 mg of pure rh-renin was obtained from 200 ml of culture medium with a yield of 35.3%.  相似文献   

The GM2-activator protein (GM2AP) is a small non-enzymatic cofactor assisting the enzyme beta-hexosaminidase A in the lysosomal degradation of ganglioside GM2. Mutations in the gene encoding this glycoprotein lead to a fatal neurological disorder, the AB variant of GM2-gangliosidoses. In this paper, we describe the overexpression of GM2AP in Sf21 cells using both the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) and a non-lytic, plasmid-based insect cell expression system (InsectSelect). For the BEVS, the cDNA encoding human GM2AP-preproprotein was cloned in the expression vector pAcMP3. The recombinant virus generated by cotransfection with linearized baculovirus DNA was used to infect Sf21 cells. For the non-lytic expression system, the cDNA of GM2AP was inserted into the vector pIZ/V5-His, which was used for the constitutive expression in stably transformed Sf21 cells. As it was shown by immunoblot analysis of the cell culture supernatant, in both expression systems the GM2AP precursor protein was efficiently secreted into the medium. Following expression in the BEVS, the GM2AP was purified by sequential chromatography on Ni-NTA-agarose and Con A-Sepharose, resulting in a yield of up to 9 mg purified protein from 1L of cell culture supernatant. Following expression in stably transformed insect cells, the secreted protein was first concentrated by cation-exchange and purified by metal-ion affinity chromatography, with a yield of 0.1 mg/L cell culture supernatant. The biological activity of the recombinant protein was demonstrated by its ability to stimulate the hexosaminidase A-catalyzed degradation of ganglioside GM2, and the homogeneity and glycosylation were assessed by ESI-TOF mass spectrometry. While the protein expression in the BEVS led to partly glycosylated and partly non-glycosylated protein, the stably transformed cells produced only glycosylated protein. In both expression systems, the glycosylation was found to be identical and corresponded to the structure (GlcNAc)(2)Fuc(Man)(3).  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) for monitoring a hexokinase (HXK)-GFP fusion protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for various events including expression, degradation, purification, and localization. The fusion, HXK-EK-GFP-6 x His, was constructed where the histidine tag (6 x His) would allow for convenient affinity purification, and the enterokinase (EK) cleavage site would be used for separation of HXK from GFP after affinity purification. Our results showed that both HXK and GFP remained active in the fusion and, more importantly, that there was a linear correlation between HXK activity and GFP fluorescence. Enterokinase cleavage studies revealed that both GFP fluorescence intensity and HXK activity remained unchanged after separation of the fusion proteins, which indicated that fusion of GFP did not cause structural alteration of HXK and thus did not affect the enzymatic activity of HXK. We also found that degradation of the fusion protein occurred, and that degradation was limited to HXK with GFP remaining intact in the fusion. Confocal microscopy studies showed that while GFP was distributed evenly in the yeast cytosol, HXK-GFP fusion followed the correct localization of HXK, which resulted in a di-localization of both cytosol and the nucleus. GFP proved to be a useful fusion partner that may lead to the possibility of integrating the bioprocesses by quantitatively following the entire process visually.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) was transformed with a redox-sensing green fluorescent protein (reduction-oxidation-sensitive green fluorescent protein [roGFP]), with expression targeted to either the cytoplasm or to the mitochondria. Both the mitochondrial and cytosolic forms are oxidation-reduction sensitive, as indicated by a change in the ratio of 510 nm light (green light) emitted following alternating illumination with 410 and 474 nm light. The 410/474 fluorescence ratio is related to the redox potential (in millivolts) of the organelle, cell, or tissue. Both forms of roGFP can be reduced with dithiothreitol and oxidized with hydrogen peroxide. The average resting redox potentials for roots are -318 mV for the cytoplasm and -362 mV for the mitochondria. The elongation zone of the Arabidopsis root has a more oxidized redox status than either the root cap or meristem. Mitochondria are much better than the cytoplasm, as a whole, at buffering changes in redox. The data show that roGFP is redox sensitive in plant cells and that this sensor makes it possible to monitor, in real time, dynamic changes in redox in vivo.  相似文献   

Interleukin-2 (IL-2) plays important roles in variety of immune functions. Recombinant IL-2 has become an important therapeutic protein for therapy of melanoma and renal cell carcinoma. Previously, it was proved that the therapeutic efficacy of rIL-2 expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was improved by prolonging its in vivo half-life through genetic fusion with albumin. In this study, a fusion protein composed of hIL-2 genetically fused to HSA was expressed as a secretory protein under AOX1 (alcohol oxidase 1) promoter in Pichia pastoris. An effective strategy was established to express rhIL-2-HSA fusion protein in 5L scale and the optimal purification procedure was investigated. The purity of rhIL-2-HSA in final product was about 95%. The purified rhIL-2-HSA fusion protein could be recognized by both anti-hIL-2 and anti-human serum albumin monoclonal antibody. Bioactivity analysis showed that the purified rhIL-2-HSA fusion protein displayed high level activity on proliferation in IL-2 dependent manner in CTLL2-cells. rhIL-2-HSA fusion protein also showed a extended half-life in plasma compared with IL-2 when tested in a BALB/c mouse model. This study provides an alternative strategy for large-scale production of bioactive rhIL-2-HSA fusion protein using P. pastoris as an expression host.  相似文献   

The causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a previously unidentified coronavirus, SARS-CoV. The nucleocapsid (N) protein of SARS-CoV is a major viral protein recognized by acute and early convalescent sera from SARS patients. To facilitate the studies on the function and structure of the N protein, this report describe the expression and purification of recombinant SARS-CoV N protein using the baculovirus  相似文献   

Teng CY  Wu TY 《Biotechnology letters》2007,29(7):1019-1024
The advantages of using traceable fluorescent protein (enhanced green fluorescent protein; EGFP) and a secretory alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) have been used to generate a reporter gene: the secretory fluorescent protein (SEFP). Sf21 cells, infected with the recombinant baculovirus containing the SEFP gene, revealed both traceable fluorescence and easily detectable alkaline phosphatase activity in the culture medium. The distribution of SEFP within the cells revealed that it was excluded from the nucleus, implying that the accumulation of SEFP in a secretory pathway, similar to that of the secretion signal-tagged FPs. Furthermore, the time- and dose-dependent release from the blockage of brefeldin A (BFA) confirmed that the secretion of SEFP was mediated by the secretion pathway and excluded leakage from viral infection. This SEFP reporter gene with traceable fluorescence and alkaline phosphatase activity may become a useful tool for studies on secretory protein production.  相似文献   

A cytochrome c-enhanced green fluorescent protein chimera (cyt-c.EGFP) was used to monitor the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria in Bcl-2-negative and Bcl-2-positive MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells. A comparison was made with the intracellular distribution of endogenous cytochrome c based on Western blotting of cell fractions and immunocytochemistry. The release of endogenous cytochrome c from mitochondria into the cytoplasm was detected in Bcl-2-negative cells treated with the kinase inhibitor staurosporine or the calcium-ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin. No release of endogenous cytochrome c was evident in Bcl-2-positive cells, consistent with earlier evidence that Bcl-2 overexpression inhibits cytochrome c release from mitochondria. Cyt-c.EGFP appeared to be localized to the mitochondria in Bcl-2-negative cells and to be released into the cytoplasm following treatment with either staurosporine or thapsigargin. However, in Bcl-2-positive cells the pattern of distribution of cytochrome c-EGFP was inconsistent with that of endogenous cytochrome c, due to accumulation of both cyt-c.EGFP and free EGFP in the cytoplasm of both treated and untreated cells. In summary, cyt-c.EGFP may be useful for monitoring cytochrome c release in living cells that do not express high levels of Bcl-2 but is an unreliable marker of cytochrome c release in cells that overexpress Bcl-2.  相似文献   

To enable large-scale antibody production, the creation of a stable, high producer cell line is essential. This process often takes longer than 6 months using standard limited dilution techniques and is very labor intensive. The use of a tri-cistronic vector expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) and both antibody chains, separated by a GT2A peptide sequence, allows expression of all proteins under a single promotor in equimolar ratios. By combining the advantages of 2A peptide cleavage and single cell sorting, a chimeric antibody-antigen fusion protein that contained the variable domains of mouse IgG with a porcine IgA constant domain fused to the FedF antigen could be produced in CHO-K1 cells. After transfection, a strong correlation was found between antibody production and GFP expression (r = 0.69) using image analysis of formed monolayer patches. This enables the rapid selection of GFP-positive clones using automated image analysis for the selection of high producer clones. This vector design allowed the rapid selection of high producer clones within a time-frame of 4 weeks after transfection. The highest producing clone had a specific antibody productivity of 2.32 pg/cell/day. Concentrations of 34 mg/L were obtained using shake-flask batch culture. The produced recombinant antibody showed stable expression, binding and minimal degradation. In the future, this antibody will be assessed for its effectiveness as an oral vaccine antigen.  相似文献   

Aims: To develop an efficient and facile expression system supply of high purity and stable activity of rFip-fve for oral administration, medicinal study and applications. Methods and Results: A recombinant virus that contained the chimera gene, encoding a bombyxin signal peptide sequence fused to a Fip-fve-6His sequence, was constructed. The rFip-fve was purified from the supernatant of the infected Sf21 cells using a nickel-chelated affinity column, and was verified by Western blot and MALDI-MS (matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry) analyses. Results showed that a glycosylated mature rFip-fve was produced and secreted into the infected cell supernatant. The immunomodulatory activity of rFip-fve was evaluated by measuring the amount of interleukin-2 released from murine splenocytes. Conclusions: A reliable scheme to express and purify active rFip-fve in a baculovirus/insect cell system for medicinal applications and genetic study is a feasible means of solving potential problems related to the production and activity of rFip-fve protein. Significance and Impact of the Study: The rFip-fve expressed in insect cells was processed and modified in a manner more similar to that of its native counterpart than that in bacterial cells. Therefore, the potential applications of rFip-fve that is generated in Sf21 cells can be more effectively evaluated that produced in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

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