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Early analysis into the role of genetics on cardiovascular regulation has been accomplished by comparing blood pressure and heart rate in homozygous twins during unstressed, resting physiological conditions. However, many variables, including cognitive and environmental factors, contribute to the regulation of cardiovascular hemodynamics. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the hemodynamic response of identical twins to an orthostatic stress, ranging from supine rest to presyncope. Heart rate, arterial blood pressure, middle cerebral artery blood velocity, an index of cerebrovascular resistance, cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, and end-tidal carbon dioxide were measured in 16 healthy monozygotic twin pairs. Five minutes of supine resting baseline data were collected, followed by 5 min of 60 degrees head-up tilt. After 5 min of head-up tilt, lower body negative pressure was applied in increments of 10 mmHg every 3 min until the onset of presyncope, at which time the subject was returned to the supine position for a 5-min recovery period. The data indicate that cardiovascular regulation under orthostatic stress demonstrates a significant degree of variance between identical twins, despite similar orthostatic tolerance. As the level of stress increases, so does the difference in the cardiovascular response within a twin pair. The elevated variance with increasing stress may be due to an increase in the role of environmental factors, as the influential role of genetics nears a functional limit. Therefore, although orthostatic tolerance times were very similar between identical twins, the mechanism involved in sustaining cardiovascular function during increasing stress was different.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that women have blunted sympathetic neural responses to orthostatic stress compared with men, which may be elicited under hypovolemic conditions. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and hemodynamics were measured in eight healthy young women and seven men in supine position and during 6 min of 60 degrees head-up tilt (HUT) under normovolemic and hypovolemic conditions (randomly), with approximately 4-wk interval. Acute hypovolemia was produced by diuretic (furosemide) administration approximately 2 h before testing. Orthostatic tolerance was determined by progressive lower body negative pressure to presyncope. We found that furosemide produced an approximately 13% reduction in plasma volume, causing a similar increase in supine MSNA in men and women (mean +/- SD of 5 +/- 7 vs. 6 +/- 5 bursts/min; P = 0.895). MSNA increased during HUT and was greater in the hypovolemic than in the normovolemic condition (32 +/- 6 bursts/min in normovolemia vs. 44 +/- 15 bursts/min in hypovolemia in men, P = 0.055; 35 +/- 9 vs. 45 +/- 8 bursts/min in women, P < 0.001); these responses were not different between the genders (gender effect: P = 0.832 and 0.814 in normovolemia and hypovolemia, respectively). Total peripheral resistance increased proportionately with increases in MSNA during HUT; these responses were similar between the genders. However, systolic blood pressure was lower, whereas diastolic blood pressure was similar in women compared with men during HUT, which was associated with a smaller stroke volume or stroke index. Orthostatic tolerance was lower in women, especially under hypovolemic conditions. These results indicate that men and women have comparable sympathetic neural responses during orthostatic stress under normovolemic and hypovolemic conditions. The lower orthostatic tolerance in women is predominantly because of a smaller stroke volume, presumably due to less cardiac filling during orthostasis, especially under hypovolemic conditions, which may overwhelm the vasomotor reserve available for vasoconstriction or precipitate neurally mediated sympathetic withdrawal and syncope.  相似文献   

Variations in cardiovascular responses to orthostatic stress were investigated in terms of physiological polymorphism. Variations of physiological measurements are subdivided into individual differences and measurement errors. However, individual differences are often considered to be an error in statistical analysis due to its limitations in experimental design. In order to discuss about the relative contribution of individual difference in cardiovascular responses to postural changes, percent contribution (PC) was estimated using the Taguchi method. Six healthy male adults (age range: 21-27) were subjected to orthostatic stress by inducing a postural inclination of 60 degrees head-up-tilting to the horizontal, and the responses were measured thrice in each subject on different days. The respective changes of heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV) in the period from the resting supine to the head-up-tilt position were significantly increased (p < 0.01) and decreased (p < 0.01) without affecting the mean blood pressure (MBP). The PC of individual difference in HR showed a significantly higher ratio of individual difference during the head-up-tilt (71.4-76.2%) compared with supine rest (0.0-50.4%). While the main variations of HR during supine rest were not the individual differences between the subjects, the day-to-day differences within the subject were significant. The PC of individual differences in MBP and SV constantly displayed a significant difference between the subjects. These results suggest that the strategy for maintaining stable cardiovascular regulation may be different even in normal subjects. In the perspective of physiological parameters, PC monitoring may serve as an empirical approach to evaluate physiological polymorphism.  相似文献   

Temperature and trace metals are common environmental stressors, and their importance is increasing due to global climate change and anthropogenic pollution. Oxidative damage and antioxidant properties have been studied in liver and gills of the European bullhead (Cottus gobio) subjected to cadmium (CdCl(2) at nominal concentrations of 0.01 and 1mg/L) for 4 days at either 15°C or 21°C. First, exposure to 1mg Cd/L induced a high mortality rate (67%) in fish held at 21°C. Regarding the antioxidant enzymes, exposure to 0.01 mg Cd/L significantly increased the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and decreased the activity of glutathione reductase (GR) in liver, independently of heat stress. In gills, exposure to 21°C resulted in a significantly increased activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), whereas the activity of glutathione S-transferase (GST) was significantly reduced as compared to fish exposed to 15°C. Furthermore, regardless of Cd stress, exposure to elevated temperature resulted in a significant decrease of lipid peroxidation (LPO) level in liver and in a significant increase in the activity of chymotrypsin-like 20S proteasome in both studied tissues of C. gobio. Overall, the present results indicated that elevated temperature and cadmium exposure independently influenced the antioxidant defense system in bullhead with clear tissue-specific and stress-specific antioxidant responses. Further, elevated temperature affected the hepatic lipid peroxidation and the activity of 20S proteasome in both tissues.  相似文献   

In anesthetized rats, a reverse linear correlation of arterial pressure (AP) shifts was found within the range of initial AP over 95 mm Hg under the head-up tilts at 30 and 45 degrees. Within the range beneath 95 mm Hg this correlation was transformed into the direct one. Under 60 degrees tilt such correlation only occurred within the range beneath 95 mm Hg. The direction and degree of the arterial system responsiveness seems to depend on the tilt value as well as on the range of the initial AP.  相似文献   

Head-up tilt (HUT) induces a reduction in preload, which is thought to be restored through sympathetic venoconstriction, reducing unstressed volume (V(u)) and venous compliance (VeC). In this study, we assessed venous inflow and outflow responses and their reproducibility and determined the relation with autonomic function during HUT. Eight healthy non-pregnant women were subjected to 20 degrees head-down tilt to 60 degrees HUT at 20 degrees intervals. At each rotational step, we randomly assessed forearm pressure-volume (P-V) curves (venous occlusion plethysmography) during inflow (VeC(IN)) and outflow [venous emptying rate (VER(OUT))]. VeC(IN) was defined as the ratio of the slope of the volume-time curve and pressure-time curve, with direct intravenous pressure measurement. VER(OUT) was determined using the derivate of a quadratic regression model using cuff pressure. We defined V(u) as the y-intercept of the P-V curve. We calculated, for both methods, the coefficients of reproducibility (CR) and variation (CV). Vascular sympathetic activity was determined by spectral analysis. VeC(IN) decreased at each rotational step compared with the supine position (P<0.05), whereas VER(OUT) increased. CR of VeC(IN) was higher in the supine position than VER(OUT) but lower during HUT. CV varied between 19% and 25% (VeC(IN)) and between 12% and 21% (VER(OUT)). HUT decreased V(u). The change in VeC(IN) and VER(OUT) correlated with the change in vascular sympathetic activity (r= -0.36, P<0.01, and r=0.48, P<0.01). This is the first study in which a reproducible reduction in VeC(IN) and V(u) and a rise in VER(OUT) during HUT are documented. The alterations in venous characteristics relate to changes in vascular sympathetic activity.  相似文献   

Short-term responses of Photosystem I to heat stress   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
When 23°C-grown potato leaves (Solanum tuberosum L.) were exposed for 15 min to elevated temperatures in weak light, a dramatic and preferential inactivation of Photosystem (PS) II was observed at temperatures higher than about 38°C. In vivo photoacoustic measurements indicated that, concomitantly with the loss of PS II activity, heat stress induced a marked gas-uptake activity both in far-red light (>715 nm) exciting only PS I and in broadband light (350–600 nm) exciting PS I and PS II. In view of its suppression by nitrogen gas and oxygen and its stimulation by high carbon-dioxide concentrations, the bulk of the photoacoustically measured gas uptake by heat-stressed leaves was ascribed to rapid carbon-dioxide solubilization in response to light-modulated stroma alkalization coupled to PS I-driven electron transport. Heat-induced gas uptake was observed to be insensitive to the PS II inhibitor diuron, sensitive to the plastocyanin inhibitor HgCl2 and saturated at a rather high photon flux density of around 1200 E m–2 s–1. Upon transition from far-red light to darkness, the oxidized reaction center P700+ of PS I was re-reduced very slowly in control leaves (with a half time t1/2 higher than 500 ms), as measured by leaf absorbance changes at around 820 nm. Heat stress caused a spectacular acceleration of the postillumination P700+ reduction, with t1/2 falling to a value lower than 50 ms (after leaf exposure to 48°C). The decreased t1/2 was sensitive to HgCl2 and insensitive to diuron, methyl viologen (an electron acceptor of PS I competing with the endogenous acceptor ferredoxin) and anaerobiosis. This acceleration of the P700+ reduction was very rapidly induced by heat treatment (within less than 5 min) and persisted even after prolonged irradiation of the leaves with far-red light. After heat stress, the plastoquinone pool exhibited reduction in darkness as indicated by the increase in the apparent Fo level of chlorophyll fluorescence which could be quenched by far-red light. Application (for 1 min) of far-red light to heat-pretreated leaves also induced a reversible quenching of the maximal fluorescence level Fm, suggesting formation of a pH gradient in far-red light. Taken together, the presented data indicate that PS I responded to the heat-induced loss of PS II photochemical activity by catalyzing an electron flow from stromal reductants. Heat-stress-induced PS I electron transport independent of PS II seems to constitute a protective mechanism since block of this electron pathway in anaerobiosis was observed to result in a dramatic photoinactivation of PS I.Abbreviations PFD photon flux density - PS Photosystem - Apt and Aox amplitude of the photothermal and photobaric components of the photoacoustic signal, respectively - P700 reaction center pigment of PS I - Fo and Fm initial and maximal levels of chlorophyll fluorescence, respectively - Fv=Fm Fo-variable chlorophyll fluorescence - QA primary (stable) electron acceptor of PS II - DCMU (diuron) 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - Cyt cytochrome  相似文献   

During this investigation the effects of heat acclimation and exercise on creatine kinase and creatine kinase BB isoenzyme responses in various tissues and serum of male Sprague-Dawley rats were ascertained. Forty rats were randomly divided into two groups of 20 rats each. One group was housed at 22+/-1 degrees C and the other at 33+/-1 degrees C. Each of the two groups were subdivided into two subgroups of ten rats each. One subgroup of each group was subjected to a programme of treadmill running of progressive intensity over a period of 6 weeks at the temperature at which it was housed while the other served as a resting control. At the end of the acclimation programme the rats were running at 23 m/min for 80 min. On the day of sacrifice all four subgroups were subjected to a discontinuous exercise protocol (10 min running alternated by a 2-min rest period; repeated three times) at 30+/-1 degrees C on a rodent treadmill at 23 m/min. The tissues investigated were kidney, heart and muscle. The rats were anaesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (6 mg/100 g body mass) injected intraperitoneally. The tissues were freeze-clamped and stored in liquid air until analysed. The body temperature of the four subgroups at the end of the experimental protocol were not significantly different. Acclimation at 33+/-1 degrees C resulted in significantly lower creatine kinase activity levels. Exercise at 30+/-1 degrees C also resulted in decreased creatine kinase activity levels in both acclimated groups. A similar trend was observed regarding creatine kinase BB isoenzyme activity levels, especially in kidney.  相似文献   

Microbial metabolomic analysis is essential for understanding responses of microorganisms to heat stress. To understand the comprehensive metabolic responses of Escherichia coli to continuous heat stress, we characterized the metabolomic variations induced by heat stress using NMR spectroscopy in combination with multivariate data analysis. We detected 15 amino acids, 10 nucleotides, 9 aliphatic organic acids, 7 amines, glucose and its derivative glucosylglyceric acid, and methanol in the E. coli extracts. Glucosylglyceric acid was reported for the first time in E. coli. We found that heat stress was an important factor influencing the metabolic state and growth process, mainly via suppressing energy associated metabolism, reducing nucleotide biosynthesis, altering amino acid metabolism and promoting osmotic regulation. Moreover, metabolic perturbation was aggravated during heat stress. However, a sign of recovery to control levels was observed after the removal of heat stress. These findings enhanced our understanding of the metabolic responses of E. coli to heat stress and demonstrated the effectiveness of the NMR-based metabolomics approach to study such a complex system.  相似文献   

Do men die young and sick, or do women live long and healthy? By trying to explain the sexual dimorphism in life expectancy, both biological and environmental aspects are presently being addressed. Besides age-related changes, both the immune and the endocrine system exhibit significant sex-specific differences. This review deals with the aging immune system and its interplay with sex steroid hormones. Together, they impact on the etiopathology of many infectious diseases, which are still the major causes of morbidity and mortality in people at old age. Among men, susceptibilities toward many infectious diseases and the corresponding mortality rates are higher. Responses to various types of vaccination are often higher among women thereby also mounting stronger humoral responses. Women appear immune-privileged. The major sex steroid hormones exhibit opposing effects on cells of both the adaptive and the innate immune system: estradiol being mainly enhancing, testosterone by and large suppressive. However, levels of sex hormones change with age. At menopause transition, dropping estradiol potentially enhances immunosenescence effects posing postmenopausal women at additional, yet specific risks. Conclusively during aging, interventions, which distinctively consider the changing level of individual hormones, shall provide potent options in maintaining optimal immune functions.  相似文献   

Renal and splanchnic sympathetic nerve discharge (SND) responses to heating are significantly reduced in senescent compared with young Fischer-344 (F344) rats (Kenney MJ and Fels RJ. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 283: R513-R520, 2002). However, the functional significance of this finding is not known. We tested the hypothesis that blood flow distribution profiles to heating are altered in senescent (24 mo old) compared with mature (12 mo old) and young (3 mo old) F344 rats. Visceral organ, skeletal muscle, and tail blood flows were determined with the radionuclide-tagged microsphere technique before (control, 38 degrees C) and during heating that increased body temperature to 41 degrees C in anesthetized F344 rats. Vascular conductance in the kidney, stomach, large intestine, pancreas, spleen, and tail was significantly reduced during control before heating in senescent compared with young F344 rats. Heating significantly decreased kidney, stomach, small and large intestine, and pancreas vascular conductance in young and mature but not senescent F344 rats. Vascular conductance at 41 degrees C in the kidney and small intestine was significantly lower and in the stomach tended to be lower in young compared with senescent rats. Splenic conductance increased during heating in young and senescent rats but was highest in young rats. Tail conductance during heating was significantly increased in young rats but remained unchanged in mature and senescent rats. These results demonstrate a marked attenuation in heating-induced vascular conductance changes in senescent rats, suggesting an important functional consequence for the attenuated SND responses to heating in aged rats.  相似文献   

Acute alcohol consumption is reported to decrease mean arterial pressure (MAP) during orthostatic challenge, a response that may contribute to alcohol-mediated syncope. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) increases during orthostatic stress to help maintain MAP, yet the effects of alcohol on MSNA responses during orthostatic stress have not been determined. We hypothesized that alcohol ingestion would blunt arterial blood pressure and MSNA responses to lower body negative pressure (LBNP). MAP, MSNA, and heart rate (HR) were recorded during progressive LBNP (-5, -10, -15, -20, -30, and -40 mmHg; 3 min/stage) in 30 subjects (age 24 ± 1 yr). After an initial progressive LBNP (pretreatment), subjects consumed either alcohol (0.8 g ethanol/kg body mass; n = 15) or placebo (n = 15), and progressive LBNP was repeated (posttreatment). Alcohol increased resting HR (59 ± 2 to 65 ± 2 beats/min, P < 0.05), MSNA (13 ± 3 to 19 ± 4 bursts/min, P < 0.05), and MSNA burst latency (1,313 ± 16 to 1,350 ± 17 ms, P < 0.05) compared with placebo (group × treatment interactions, P < 0.05). During progressive LBNP, a pronounced decrease in MAP was observed after alcohol but not placebo (group × time × treatment, P < 0.05). In contrast, MSNA and HR increased during all LBNP protocols, but there were no differences between trials or groups. However, alcohol altered MSNA burst latency response to progressive LBNP. In conclusion, the lack of MSNA adjustment to a larger drop in arterial blood pressure during progressive LBNP, coupled with altered sympathetic burst latency responses, suggests that alcohol blunts MSNA responses to orthostatic stress.  相似文献   

Temperatures in excess of 45°C are required to stop the growth ofSchizophyllum commune colonies. Transfer of colonies from normal growth conditions (21°C) to 55°C, while halting mycelial expansion and increasing the production of aerial hyphae, was not lethal. Shortterm heat shock (3h) resulted in the appearance of nine proteins resolvable by SDS-PAGE that were newly synthesized or had their synthesis increased. The molecular weights of these proteins qualify two of them as being members of the hsp90 and hsp 70 families of heat shock proteins. Heat shock also affected proteolytic processes in the colonies. Changes in the pattern of ubiquitinated protein conjugates occurred; fewer high-molecular-weight conjugates were found in heat-shocked colonies, and the appearance of a ladder of lower-molecular-weight conjugates was noted. Protease enzymes detected by gelatin-gel PAGE showed a general decrease in activity. One of these proteases, which was up-regulated during nitrogen deprivation, showed an intermediate response during the combined stresses of heat shock and nitrogen starvation.  相似文献   

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