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Chemical rescue of site-modified amino acids using externally supplied organic molecules represents a powerful method to investigate structure-function relationships in proteins. Here we provide definitive evidence that aryl and alkyl thiolates, reagents typically used for in vitro iron-sulfur cluster reconstitutions, serve as rescue ligands to a site-specifically modified [4Fe-4S](1+,2+) cluster in PsaC, a bacterial dicluster ferredoxin-like subunit of Photosystem I. PsaC binds two low-potential [4Fe-4S](1+,2+) clusters termed F(A) and F(B). In the C13G/C33S variant of PsaC, glycine has replaced cysteine at position 13 creating a protein that is missing one of the ligating amino acids to iron-sulfur cluster F(B). Using a variety of analytical techniques, including non-heme iron and acid-labile sulfur assays, and EPR, resonance Raman, and M?ssbauer spectroscopies, we showed that the C13G/C33S variant of PsaC binds two [4Fe-4S](1+,2+) clusters, despite the absence of one of the biological ligands. (19)F NMR spectroscopy indicated that the external thiolate replaces cysteine 13 as a substitute ligand to the F(B) cluster. The finding that site-modified [4Fe-4S](1+,2+) clusters can be chemically rescued with external thiolates opens new opportunities for modulating their properties in proteins. In particular, it provides a mechanism to attach an additional electron transfer cofactor to the protein via a bound, external ligand.  相似文献   

Photosystem I (PS I) converts the energy of light into chemical energy via transmembrane charge separation. The terminal electron transfer cofactors in PS I are three low-potential [4Fe-4S] clusters named FX, FA and FB, the last two are bound by the PsaC subunit. We have modelled the FA and FB binding sites by preparing two apo-peptides (maquettes), sixteen amino acids each. These model peptides incorporate the consensus [4Fe-4S] binding motif along with amino acids from the immediate environment of the iron-sulfur clusters FA and FB. The [4Fe-4S] clusters were successfully incorporated into these model peptides, as shown by optical absorbance, EPR and Mössbauer spectroscopies. The oxidation-reduction potential of the iron-sulfur cluster in the FA-maquette is − 0.44 ± 0.03 V and in the FB-maquette is − 0.47 ± 0.03 V. Both are close to that of FA and FB in PS I and are considerably more negative than that observed for other [4Fe-4S] model systems described earlier (Gibney, B. R., Mulholland, S. E., Rabanal, F., and Dutton, P. L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 93 (1996) 15041-15046). Our optical data show that both maquettes can irreversibly bind to PS I complexes, where PsaC-bound FA and FB were removed, and possibly participate in the light-induced electron transfer reaction in PS I.  相似文献   

Diffraction data of two crystal forms (forms I and II) of [4Fe-4S] ferredoxin from Bacillus thermoproteolyticus have been collected to 0.92 A and 1.00 A resolutions, respectively, at 100 K using synchrotron radiation. Anisotropic temperature factors were introduced for all non-hydrogen atoms in the refinement with SHELX-97, in which stereochemical restraints were applied to the protein chain but not to the [4Fe-4S] cluster. The final crystallographic R-factors are 9.8 % for 7.0-0.92 A resolution data of the form I and 11.2 % for the 13.3-1.0 A resolution data of the form II. Many hydrogen atoms as well as multiple conformations for several side-chains have been identified. The present refinement has revised the conformations of several peptide bonds and side-chains assigned previously at 2.3 A resolution; the largest correction was that the main-chain of Pro1 and the side-chain of Lys2 were changed by rotating the C(alpha)-C bond of Lys2. Although the overall structures in the two crystal forms are very similar, conformational differences are observed in the two residues at the middle (Glu29 and Asp30) and the C-terminal residues, which have large temperature factors. The [4Fe-4S] cluster is a distorted cube with non-planar rhombic faces. Slight but significant compression of the four Fe-S bonds along one direction is observed in both crystal forms, and results in the D(2d) symmetry of the cluster. The compressed direction of the cluster relative to the protein is conserved in the two crystal forms and consistent with that in one of the clusters in Clostridium acidurici ferredoxin.  相似文献   

Xiao-Min Gong  Tal Lev  Chanoch Carmeli 《BBA》2009,1787(2):97-104
Photosystem I (PS I) mediates light-induced electron transfer from P700 through a chlorophyll a, a quinone and a [4Fe-4S] iron-sulfur cluster FX, located on the core subunits PsaA/B to iron-sulfur clusters FA/B on subunit PsaC. Structure function relations in the native and in the mutant (psaB-C565S/D566E) of the cysteine ligand of FX cluster were studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS) and transient spectroscopy. The structure of FX was determined in PS I lacking clusters FA/B by interruption of the psaC2 gene of PS I in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp PCC 6803. PsaC-deficient mutant cells assembled the core subunits of PS I which mediated electron transfer mostly to the phylloquinone. EXAFS analysis of the iron resolved a [4Fe-4S] cluster in the native PsaC-deficient PS I. Each iron had 4 sulfur and 3 iron atoms in the first and second shells with average Fe-S and Fe-Fe distances of 2.27 Å and 2.69 Å, respectively. In the C565S/D566E serine mutant, one of the irons of the cluster was ligated to three oxygen atoms with Fe-O distance of 1.81 Å. The possibility that the structural changes induced an increase in the reorganization energy that consequently decreased the rate of electron transfer from the phylloquinone to FX is discussed.  相似文献   

Photosystem I is a large macromolecular complex located in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts and in cyanobacteria that catalyses the light driven reduction of ferredoxin and oxidation of plastocyanin. Due to the very negative redox potential of the primary electron transfer cofactors accepting electrons, direct estimation by redox titration of the energetics of the system is hampered. However, the rates of electron transfer reactions are related to the thermodynamic properties of the system. Hence, several spectroscopic and biochemical techniques have been employed, in combination with the classical Marcus theory for electron transfer tunnelling, in order to access these parameters. Nevertheless, the values which have been presented are very variable. In particular, for the case of the tightly bound phylloquinone molecule A1, the values of the redox potentials reported in the literature vary over a range of about 350 mV. Previous models of Photosystem I have assumed a unidirectional electron transfer model. In the present study, experimental evidence obtained by means of time resolved absorption, photovoltage, and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements are reviewed and analysed in terms of a bi-directional kinetic model for electron transfer reactions. This model takes into consideration the thermodynamic equilibrium between the iron-sulfur centre FX and the phylloquinone bound to either the PsaA (A1A) or the PsaB (A1B) subunit of the reaction centre and the equilibrium between the iron-sulfur centres FA and FB. The experimentally determined decay lifetimes in the range of sub-picosecond to the microsecond time domains can be satisfactorily simulated, taking into consideration the edge-to-edge distances between redox cofactors and driving forces reported in the literature. The only exception to this general behaviour is the case of phylloquinone (A1) reoxidation. In order to describe the reported rates of the biphasic decay, of about 20 and 200 ns, associated with this electron transfer step, the redox potentials of the quinones are estimated to be almost isoenergetic with that of the iron sulfur centre FX. A driving force in the range of 5 to 15 meV is estimated for these reactions, being slightly exergonic in the case of the A1B quinone and slightly endergonic, in the case of the A1A quinone. The simulation presented in this analysis not only describes the kinetic data obtained for the wild type samples at room temperature and is consistent with estimates of activation energy by the analysis of temperature dependence, but can also explain the effect of the mutations around the PsaB quinone binding pocket. A model of the overall energetics of the system is derived, which suggests that the only substantially irreversible electron transfer reactions are the reoxidation of A0 on both electron transfer branches and the reduction of FA by FX.  相似文献   

The kinetic and spectroscopic properties of the secondary electron acceptor A1 were determined by flash absorption spectroscopy at room and cryogenic temperatures in a Photosystem I (PS I) core devoid of the iron-sulfur clusters FX, FB and FA. It was shown earlier (Warren, P.V., Golbeck, J.H. and Warden, J.T. (1993) Biochemistry 32: 849–857) that the majority of the flash-induced absorbance increase at 820 nm, reflecting formation of P700+, decays with a t1/2 of 10 s due to charge recombination between P700+ and A1 . Following A1 directly around 380 nm, where absorbance changes due to the formation of P700+ are negligible, two major decay components were resolved in this study with t1/2 of 10 s and 110 s at an amplitude ratio of 2.5:1. The difference spectra between 340 and 490 nm of the two kinetic phases are highly similar, showing absorbance increases from 340 to 400 nm characteristic of the one-electron reduction of the phylloquinone A1. When measured at 10 K, the flash-induced absorbance changes around 380 nm can be fitted with two decay phases of t1/2 15 s and 150 s at an amplitude ratio 1:1. The difference spectra of both kinetic phases from 340 to 400 nm are similar to those determined at 298 K and are therefore attributed to charge recombination in the pair P700+A1 . These results indicate that the backreaction between P700+ and A1 is multiphasic when FX, FB and FA are removed, and only slightly temperature dependent in the range of 298 K to 10 K.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - D pathlength for the measuring light through the sample - DPIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - EPR electron paramagnetic resonance - IR infrared - PS I Photosystem I - Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - UV ultraviolet Published as Journal Series #10890 of the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research Division and supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (MCB-9205756).  相似文献   

We studied the kinetics of reoxidation of the phylloquinones in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Photosystem I using site-directed mutations in the PhQA-binding site and of the residues serving as the axial ligand to ec3A and ec3B chlorophylls. In wild type PS I, these kinetics are biphasic, and mutations in the binding region of PhQA induced a specific slowing down of the slow component. This slowing allowed detection of a previously unobserved 180-ns phase having spectral characteristics that differ from electron transfer between phylloquinones and FX. The new kinetic phase thus reflects a different reaction that we ascribe to oxidation of FX by the FA/B FeS clusters. These absorption changes partly account for the differences between the spectra associated with the two kinetic components assigned to phylloquinone reoxidation. In the mutant in which the axial ligand to ec3A (PsaA-Met688) was targeted, about 25% of charge separations ended in P700+A0 charge recombination; no such recombination was detected in the B-side symmetric mutant. Despite significant changes in the amplitude of the components ascribed to phylloquinone reoxidation in the two mutants, the overall nanosecond absorption changes were similar to the wild type. This suggests that these absorption changes are similar for the two different phylloquinones and that part of the differences between the decay-associated spectra of the two components reflect a contribution from different electron acceptors, i.e. from an inter-FeS cluster electron transfer.  相似文献   

Core antenna and reaction centre of photosytem I (PS I) complexes from the cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis and Thermosynechococcus elongatus have been characterized by steady-state polarized absorption spectroscopy, including linear dichroism (LD) and circular dichroism (CD). CD spectra and the second derivatives of measured 77 K CD spectra reveal the spectral components found in the polarized absorption spectra indicating the excitonic origin of the spectral forms of chlorophyll in the PS I complexes. The CD bands at 669-670(+), 673(+), 680(−), 683-685(−), 696-697(−), and 711(−) nm are a common feature of used PSI complexes. The 77 K CD spectra of the trimeric PS I complexes exhibit also low amplitude components around 736 nm for A. platensis and 720 nm for T. elongatus attributed to red-most chlorophylls. The LD measurements indicate that the transition dipole moments of the red-most states are oriented parallel to the membrane plane. The formation of P700+A1 or 3P700 was monitored by time-resolved difference absorbance and LD spectroscopy to elucidate the spectral properties of the PS I reaction centre. The difference spectra give strong evidence for the delocalization of the excited singlet states in the reaction centre. Therefore, P700 cannot be considered as a dimer but should be regarded as a multimer of the six nearly equally coupled reaction centre chlorophylls in accordance with structure-based calculations. On the basis of the results presented in this work and earlier work in the literature it is concluded that the triplet state is localized most likely on PA, whereas the cation is localized most likely on PB.  相似文献   

V.M. Ramesh  Su Lin  Andrew N. Webber 《BBA》2007,1767(2):151-160
The recent crystal structure of photosystem I (PSI) from Thermosynechococcus elongatus shows two nearly symmetric branches of electron transfer cofactors including the primary electron donor, P700, and a sequence of electron acceptors, A, A0 and A1, bound to the PsaA and PsaB heterodimer. The central magnesium atoms of each of the putative primary electron acceptor chlorophylls, A0, are unusually coordinated by the sulfur atom of methionine 688 of PsaA and 668 of PsaB, respectively. We [Ramesh et al. (2004a) Biochemistry 43:1369-1375] have shown that the replacement of either methionine with histidine in the PSI of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii resulted in accumulation of A0 (in 300-ps time scale), suggesting that both the PsaA and PsaB branches are active. This is in contrast to cyanobacterial PSI where studies with methionine-to-leucine mutants show that electron transfer occurs predominantly along the PsaA branch. In this contribution we report that the change of methionine to either leucine or serine leads to a similar accumulation of A0 on both the PsaA and the PsaB branch of PSI from C. reinhardtii, as we reported earlier for histidine mutants. More importantly, we further demonstrate that for all the mutants under study, accumulation of A0 is transient, and that reoxidation of A0 occurs within 1-2 ns, two orders of magnitude slower than in wild type PSI, most likely via slow electron transfer to A1. This illustrates an indispensable role of methionine as an axial ligand to the primary acceptor A0 in optimizing the rate of charge stabilization in PSI. A simple energetic model for this reaction is proposed. Our findings support the model of equivalent electron transfer along both cofactor branches in Photosystem I.  相似文献   

The rate of quinol oxidation by cytochrome bc(1)/b(6)f complex is in part associated with the redox potential (E(m)) of its Rieske [2Fe-2S] center, for which an approximate correlation with the number of hydrogen bonds to the cluster has been proposed. Here we report comparative resonance Raman (RR) characterization of bacterial and archaeal high-potential Rieske proteins and their site-directed variants with a modified hydrogen bond network around the cluster. Major differences among their RR spectra appear to be associated in part with the presence or absence of Tyr-156 (in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides numbering) near one of the Cys ligands to the cluster. Elimination of the hydrogen bond between the terminal cysteinyl sulfur ligand (S(t)) and Tyr-Oeta (as with the Y156W variant, which has a modified histidine N(epsilon) pK(a,ox)) induces a small structural bias of the geometry of the cluster and the surrounding protein in the normal coordinate system, and significantly affects some Fe-S(b/t) stretching vibrations. This is not observed in the case of the hydrogen bond between the bridging sulfide ligand (S(b)) and Ser-Ogamma, which is weak and/or unfavorably oriented for extensive coupling with the Fe-S(b/t) stretching vibrations.  相似文献   

Kulsam Ali  Peter Heathcote  Saul Purton 《BBA》2006,1757(12):1623-1633
A conserved tryptophan residue located between the A1B and FX redox centres on the PsaB side of the Photosystem I reaction centre has been mutated to a glycine in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, thereby matching the conserved residue found in the equivalent position on the PsaA side. This mutant (PsaB:W669G) was studied using EPR spectroscopy with a view to understanding the molecular basis of the reported kinetic differences in forward electron transfer from the A1A and the A1B phyllo(semi)quinones. The kinetics of A1 reoxidation due to forward electron transfer or charge recombination were measured by electron spin echo spectroscopy at 265 K and 100 K, respectively. At 265 K, the reoxidation kinetics are considerably lengthened in the mutant in comparison to the wild-type. Under conditions in which FX is initially oxidised the kinetics of charge recombination at 100 K are found to be biphasic in the mutant while they are substantially monophasic in the wild-type. Pre-reduction of FX leads to biphasic kinetics in the wild-type, but does not alter the already biphasic kinetic properties of the PsaB:W669G mutant. Reduction of the [4Fe-4S] clusters FA and FB by illumination at 15 K is suppressed in the mutant. The results provide further support for the bi-directional model of electron transfer in Photosystem I of C. reinhardtii, and indicate that the replacement of the tryptophan residue with glycine mainly affects the redox properties of the PsaB bound phylloquinone A1B.  相似文献   

The GcpE enzyme converts 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-2,4-cyclodiphosphate (MEcPP) into (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl diphosphate (HMBPP) in the penultimate step of the DOXP pathway for isoprene biosynthesis. Purification of the enzyme under exclusion of air leads to a preparation that contains solely [4Fe-4S] clusters. Kinetic studies showed that in the presence of the artificial reductant dithionite and MEcPP a new transient iron-sulfur-based signal is detected in electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Similarity of this EPR signal to that detected in ferredoxin:thioredoxin reductase indicates that during the reaction an intermediate is directly bound to the active-site cluster.  相似文献   

Absorbance difference spectroscopy and redox titrations have been applied to investigate the properties of photosystem I from the chlorophyll d containing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina. At room temperature, the (P740+ − P740) and (FA/B − FA/B) absorbance difference spectra were recorded in the range between 300 and 1000 nm while at cryogenic temperatures, (P740+A1 − P740A1) and (3P740 − P740) absorbance difference spectra have been measured. Spectroscopic and kinetic evidence is presented that the cofactors involved in the electron transfer from the reduced secondary electron acceptor, phylloquinone (A1), to the terminal electron acceptor and their structural arrangement are virtually identical to those of chlorophyll a containing photosystem I. The oxidation potential of the primary electron donor P740 of photosystem I has been reinvestigated. We find a midpoint potential of 450 ± 10 mV in photosystem I-enriched membrane fractions as well as in thylakoids which is very similar to that found for P700 in chlorophyll a dominated organisms. In addition, the extinction difference coefficient for the oxidation of the primary donor has been determined and a value of 45,000 ± 4000 M− 1 cm− 1 at 740 nm was obtained. Based on this value the ratio of P740 to chlorophyll is calculated to be 1:~ 200 chlorophyll d in thylakoid membranes. The consequences of our findings for the energetics in photosystem I of A. marina are discussed as well as the pigment stoichiometry and spectral characteristics of P740.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) calculations, a semi-continuum (SC) approach, and quantum chemistry (QC) calculations were employed together to investigate the molecular mechanics of ultrafast charge separation reactions in Photosystem I (PS I) of Thermosynechococcus elongatus. A molecular model of PS I was developed with the aim to relate the atomic structure with electron transfer events in the two branches of cofactors. A structural flexibility map of PS I was constructed based on MD simulations, which demonstrated its rigid hydrophobic core and more flexible peripheral regions. The MD model permitted the study of atomic movements (dielectric polarization) in response to primary and secondary charge separations, while QC calculations were used to estimate the direct chemical effect of the A0A/A0B ligands (Met or Asn in the 688/668 position) on the redox potential of chlorophylls A0A/A0B and phylloquinones A1A/A1B. A combination of MD and SC approaches was used to estimate reorganization energies λ of the primary (λ1) and secondary (λ2) charge separation reactions, which were found to be independent of the active branch of electron transfer; in PS I from the wild type, λ1 was estimated to be 390 ± 20 mV, while λ2 was estimated to be higher at 445 ± 15 mV. MD and QC approaches were used to describe the effect of substituting Met688PsaA/Met668PsaB by Asn688PsaA/Asn668PsaB on the energetics of electron transfer. Unlike Met, which has limited degrees of freedom in the site, Asn was found to switch between two relatively stable conformations depending on cofactor charge. The introduction of Asn and its conformation flexibility significantly affected the reorganization energy of charge separation and the redox potentials of chlorophylls A0A/A0B and phylloquinones A1A/A1B, which may explain the experimentally observed slowdown of secondary electron transfer in the M688NPsaA variant. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis research for sustainability: Keys to produce clean energy.  相似文献   

The absolute configuration of (+)-cis-2,3-dihydro-2[(methylamino)methyl]-1-[4-(trifluoromethyl)pheno<y]-1H-indene hydrochloride, the more active enantiomer of a new serotonin inhibitor, was established as 1S,2S. This assignment was based on the application of the benzene sector and chirality rules to the interpretation of the inhibitor's circular dichroism spectrum and the spectra of other related chiral 1-substituted 2,3-dihydro-1H-indenes. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) difference spectroscopy in combination with deuterium exchange experiments has been used to study the photo-oxidation of P740, the primary electron donor in photosystem I from Acaryochloris marina. Comparison of (P740(+)-P740) and (P700(+)-P700) FTIR difference spectra show that P700 and P740 share many structural similarities. However, there are several distinct differences also: 1), The (P740(+)-P740) FTIR difference spectrum is significantly altered upon proton exchange, considerably more so than the (P700(+)-P700) FTIR difference spectrum. The P740 binding pocket is therefore more accessible than the P700 binding pocket. 2), Broad, "dimer" absorption bands are observed for both P700(+) and P740(+). These bands differ significantly in substructure, however, suggesting differences in the electronic organization of P700(+) and P740(+). 3), Bands are observed at 2727(-) and 2715(-) cm(-1) in the (P740(+)-P740) FTIR difference spectrum, but are absent in the (P700(+)-P700) FTIR difference spectrum. These bands are due to formyl CH modes of chlorophyll d. Therefore, P740 consists of two chlorophyll d molecules. Deuterium-induced modification of the (P740(+)-P740) FTIR difference spectrum indicates that only the highest frequency 13(3) ester carbonyl mode of P740 downshifts, indicating that this ester mode is weakly H-bonded. In contrast, the highest frequency ester carbonyl mode of P700 is free from H-bonding. Deuterium-induced changes in (P740(+)-P740) FTIR difference spectrum could also indicate that one of the chlorophyll d 3(1) carbonyls of P740 is hydrogen bonded.  相似文献   

The cationic β-sheet cyclic tetradecapeptide cyclo[VKLdKVdYPLKVKLdYP] (GS14dK4) is a diastereomeric lysine ring-size analog of the potent naturally occurring antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S (GS) which exhibits enhanced antimicrobial but markedly reduced hemolytic activity compared to GS itself. We have previously studied the binding of GS14dK4 to various phospholipid bilayer model membranes using isothermal titration calorimetry [Abraham, T. et al. (2005) Biochemistry 44, 2103-2112]. In the present study, we compare the ability of GS14dK4 to bind to and disrupt these same phospholipid model membranes by employing a fluorescent dye leakage assay to determine the ability of this peptide to permeabilize large unilamellar vesicles. We find that in general, the ability of GS14dK4 to bind to and to permeabilize phospholipid bilayers of different compositions are not well correlated. In particular, the binding affinity of GS14dK4 varies markedly with the charge and to some extent with the polar headgroup structure of the phospholipid and with the cholesterol content of the model membrane. Specifically, this peptide binds much more tightly to anionic than to zwitterionic phospholipids and much less tightly to cholesterol-containing than to cholesterol-free model membranes. In addition, the maximum extent of binding of GS14dK4 can also vary considerably with phospholipid composition in a parallel fashion. In contrast, the ability of this peptide to permeabilize phospholipid vesicles is only weakly dependent on phospholipid charge, polar headgroup structure or cholesterol content. We provide tentative explanations for the observed lack of a correlation between the affinity and extent of GS14dK4 binding to, and degree of disruption of the structure and integrity of, phospholipid bilayers membranes. We also present evidence that the lack of correlation between these two parameters may be a general phenomenon among antimicrobial peptides. Finally, we demonstrate that the affinity of binding of GS14dK4 to various phospholipid bilayer membranes is much more strongly correlated with the antimicrobial and hemolytic activities of this peptide than with its effect on the rate and extent of dye leakage in these model membrane systems.  相似文献   

In Photosystem I, light-induced electron transfer can occur in either of two symmetry-related branches of cofactors, each of which is composed of a pair of chlorophylls (ec2A/ec3A or ec2B/ec3B) and a phylloquinone (PhQA or PhQB). The axial ligand to the central Mg2 + of the ec2A and ec2B chlorophylls is a water molecule that is also H-bonded to a nearby Asn residue. Here, we investigate the importance of this interaction for charge separation by converting each of the Asn residues to a Leu in the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and the cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, and studying the energy and electron transfer using time-resolved optical and EPR spectroscopy. Nanosecond transient absorbance measurements of the PhQ to FX electron transfer show that in both species, the PsaA-N604L mutation (near ec2B) results in a ~ 50% reduction in the amount of electron transfer in the B-branch, while the PsaB-N591L mutation (near ec2A) results in a ~ 70% reduction in the amount of electron transfer in the A-branch. A diminished quantum yield of P700+ PhQ? is also observed in ultrafast optical experiments, but the lower yield does not appear to be a consequence of charge recombination in the nanosecond or microsecond timescales. The most significant finding is that the yield of electron transfer in the unaffected branch did not increase to compensate for the lower yield in the affected branch. Hence, each branch of the reaction center appears to operate independently of the other in carrying out light-induced charge separation.  相似文献   

In photosynthetic chains, the kinetics of fluorescence yield depends on the photochemical rates at the level of both Photosystem I and II and thus on the absorption cross section of the photosynthetic units as well as on the coupling between light harvesting complexes and photosynthetic traps. A new set-up is described which, at variance with the commonly used set-ups, uses of a weakly absorbed light source (light-emitting diodes with maximum output at 520 nm) to excite the photosynthetic electron chain and probe the resulting fluorescence yield changes and their time course. This approach optimizes the homogeneity of the exciting light throughout the leaf and we show that this homogeneity narrows the distribution of the photochemical rates. Although the exciting light is weakly absorbed, the possibility to tune the intensity of the light emitting diodes allows one to reach photochemical rates ranging from 104 s− 1 to 0.25 s− 1 rendering experimentally accessible different functional regimes. The variations of the fluorescence yield induced by the photosynthetic activity are qualitatively and quantitatively discussed. When illuminating dark-adapted leaves by a weak light, the kinetics of fluorescence changes displays a pronounced plateau which precedes the fluorescence increase reflecting the full reduction of the plastoquinone pool. We ascribe this plateau to the time delay needed to reduce the photosystem I electron acceptors.  相似文献   

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