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To determine the mechanism of carotenoid-sensitized non-photochemical quenching in cyanobacteria, the kinetics of blue-light-induced quenching and fluorescence spectra were studied in the wild type and mutants of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 grown with or without iron. The blue-light-induced quenching was observed in the wild type as well as in mutants lacking PS II or IsiA confirming that neither IsiA nor PS II is required for carotenoid-triggered fluorescence quenching. Both fluorescence at 660 nm (originating from phycobilisomes) and at 681 nm (which, upon 440 nm excitation originates mostly from chlorophyll) was quenched. However, no blue-light-induced changes in the fluorescence yield were observed in the apcE(-) mutant that lacks phycobilisome attachment. The results are interpreted to indicate that interaction of the Slr1963-associated carotenoid with--presumably--allophycocyanin in the phycobilisome core is responsible for non-photochemical energy quenching, and that excitations on chlorophyll in the thylakoid equilibrate sufficiently with excitations on allophycocyanin in wild type to contribute to quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence.  相似文献   

By using absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, we compared the effects of heat and light treatments on the phycobilisome (PBS) antenna of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells. Fluorescence emission spectra obtained upon exciting predominantly PBS, recorded at 25 °C and 77 K, revealed characteristic changes upon heat treatment of the cells. A 5-min incubation at 50 °C, which completely inactivated the activity of photosystem II, led to a small but statistically significant decrease in the F680/F655 fluorescence intensity ratio. In contrast, heat treatment at 60 °C resulted in a much larger decrease in the same ratio and was accompanied by a blue-shift of the main PBS emission band at around 655 nm (F655), indicating an energetic decoupling of PBS from chlorophylls and reorganizations in its internal structure. (Upon exciting PBS, F680 originates from photosystem II and from the terminal emitter of PBS.). Very similar changes were obtained upon exposing the cells to high light (600-7500 μmol photons m−2 s−1) for different time periods (10 min to 3 h). In cells with heat-inactivated photosystem II, the variations caused by light treatment could clearly be assigned to a similar energetic decoupling of the PBS from the membrane and internal reorganizations as induced at around 60 °C. These data can be explained within the frameworks of thermo-optic mechanism [Cseh et al. 2000, Biochemistry 39, 15250]: in high light the heat packages originating from dissipation might lead to elementary structural changes in the close vicinity of dissipation in heat-sensitive structural elements, e.g. around the site where PBS is anchored to the membrane. This, in turn, brings about a diminishment in the energy supply from PBS to the photosystems and reorganization in the molecular architecture of PBS.  相似文献   

An inquiry into the effect of temperature on carotenoid triggered quenching of phycobilisome (PBS) fluorescence in a photosystem II-deficient mutant of Synechocystis sp. results in identification of two temperature-dependent processes: one is responsible for the quenching rate, and one determines the yield of PBS fluorescence. Non-Arrhenius behavior of the light-on quenching rate suggests that carotenoid-absorbed light triggers a process that bears a strong resemblance to soluble protein folding, showing temperature-dependent enthalpy of activated complex formation. The response of PBS fluorescence yield to hydration changing additives and to passing of the membrane lipid phase transition point indicates that the pool size of PBSs subject to quenching depends on the state of some membrane component.  相似文献   

As high-intensity solar radiation can lead to extensive damage of the photosynthetic apparatus, cyanobacteria have developed various protection mechanisms to reduce the effective excitation energy transfer (EET) from the antenna complexes to the reaction center. One of them is non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of the phycobilisome (PB) fluorescence. In Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 this role is carried by the orange carotenoid protein (OCP), which reacts to high-intensity light by a series of conformational changes, enabling the binding of OCP to the PBs reducing the flow of energy into the photosystems. In this paper the mechanisms of energy migration in two mutant PB complexes of Synechocystis sp. were investigated and compared. The mutant CK is lacking phycocyanin in the PBs while the mutant ΔPSI/PSII does not contain both photosystems. Fluorescence decay spectra with picosecond time resolution were registered using a single photon counting technique. The studies were performed in a wide range of temperatures — from 4 to 300 K. The time course of NPQ and fluorescence recovery in darkness was studied at room temperature using both steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence measurements. The OCP induced NPQ has been shown to be due to EET from PB cores to the red form of OCP under photon flux densities up to 1000 μmol photons m− 2 s− 1. The gradual changes of the energy transfer rate from allophycocyanin to OCP were observed during the irradiation of the sample with blue light and consequent adaptation to darkness. This fact was interpreted as the revelation of intermolecular interaction between OCP and PB binding site. At low temperatures a significantly enhanced EET from allophycocyanin to terminal emitters has been shown, due to the decreased back transfer from terminal emitter to APC. The activation of OCP not only leads to fluorescence quenching, but also affects the rate constants of energy transfer as shown by model based analysis of the decay associated spectra. The results indicate that the ability of OCP to quench the fluorescence is strongly temperature dependent. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: Keys to Produce Clean Energy.  相似文献   

Blue light induced quenching in a Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 strain lacking both photosystems is only related to allophycocyanin fluorescence. A fivefold decrease in the fluorescence level in two bands near 660 and 680 nm is attributed to different allophycocyanin forms in the phycobilisome core. Some low-heat sensitive component inactivated at 53 °C is involved in the quenching process. Enormous allophycocyanin fluorescence in the absence of the photosystems reveals a dark stage in this quenching. Thus, we present evidence that light activation of the carotenoid-binding protein and formation of a quenching center within the phycobilisome core in vivo are discrete events in a multistep process.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are capable of using dissipation of phycobilisome-absorbed energy into heat as part of their photoprotective strategy. Non-photochemical quenching in cyanobacteria cells is triggered by absorption of blue-green light by the carotenoid-binding protein, and involves quenching of phycobilisome fluorescence. In this study, we find direct evidence that the quenching is accompanied by a considerable reduction of energy flow to the photosystems. We present light saturation curves of photosystems’ activity in quenched and non-quenched states in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. In the quenched state, the quantum efficiency of light absorbed by phycobilisomes drops by about 30-40% for both photoreactions—P700 photooxidation in the photosystem II-less strain and photosystem II fluorescence induction in the photosystem I-less strain of Synechocystis. A similar decrease of the excitation pressure on both photosystems leads us to believe that the core-membrane linker allophycocyanin APC-LCM is at or beyond the point of non-photochemical quenching. We analyze 77 K fluorescence spectra and suggest that the quenching center is formed at the level of the short-wavelength allophycocyanin trimers. It seems that both chlorophyll and APC-LCM may dissipate excess energy via uphill energy transfer at physiological temperatures, but neither of the two is at the heart of the carotenoid-binding protein-dependent non-photochemical quenching mechanism.  相似文献   

Ana A. Arteni  Ghada Ajlani 《BBA》2009,1787(4):272-3065
In cyanobacteria, the harvesting of light energy for photosynthesis is mainly carried out by the phycobilisome — a giant, multi-subunit pigment-protein complex. This complex is composed of heterodimeric phycobiliproteins that are assembled with the aid of linker polypeptides such that light absorption and energy transfer to photosystem II are optimised. In this work we have studied, using single particle electron microscopy, the phycobilisome structure in mutants lacking either two or all three of the phycocyanin hexamers. The images presented give much greater detail than those previously published, and in the best two-dimensional projection maps a resolution of 13 Å was achieved. As well as giving a better overall picture of the assembly of phycobilisomes, these results reveal new details of the association of allophycocyanin trimers within the core. Insights are gained into the attachment of this core to the membrane surface, essential for efficient energy transfer to photosystem II. Comparison of projection maps of phycobilisomes with and without reconstituted ferredoxin:NADP oxidoreductase suggests a location for this enzyme within the complex at the rod-core interface.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria have previously been considered to differ fundamentally from plants and algae in their regulation of light harvesting. We show here that in fact the ecologically important marine prochlorophyte, Prochlorococcus, is capable of forming rapidly reversible non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence (NPQf or qE) as are freshwater cyanobacteria when they employ the iron stress induced chlorophyll-based antenna, IsiA. For Prochlorococcus, the capacity for NPQf is greater in high light-adapted strains, except during iron starvation which allows for increased quenching in low light-adapted strains. NPQf formation in freshwater cyanobacteria is accompanied by deep Fo quenching which increases with prolonged iron starvation.  相似文献   

Sato H  Fujimori T  Sonoike K 《FEBS letters》2008,582(7):1093-1096
The sll1961 gene was reported to encode a regulatory factor of photosystem stoichiometry in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. We here show that the sll1961 gene is also essential for the phycobilisome degradation during nitrogen starvation. The defect in phycobilisome degradation was observed in the sll1961 mutant despite the increased expression of nblA, a gene involved in phycobilisome degradation during nitrogen starvation. Photosystem stoichiometry is not affected by nitrogen starvation in the sll1961 mutant nor in the wild-type. The results indicate the presence of a novel pathway for phycobilisome degradation control independent of nblA expression.  相似文献   

Roles of oxidative stress and photoinhibition in high light acclimation were studied using a regulatory mutant of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The mutant strain ΔsigCDE contains the stress responsive SigB as the only functional group 2 σ factor. The ?sigCDE strain grew more slowly than the control strain in methyl-viologen-induced oxidative stress. Furthermore, a fluorescence dye detecting H2O2, hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite, produced a stronger signal in ?sigCDE than in the control strain, and immunological detection of carbonylated residues showed more protein oxidation in ?sigCDE than in the control strain. These results indicate that ?sigCDE suffers from oxidative stress in standard conditions. The oxidative stress may be explained by the findings that ?sigCDE had a low content of glutathione and low amount of Flv3 protein functioning in the Mehler-like reaction. Although ?sigCDE suffers from oxidative stress, up-regulation of photoprotective carotenoids and Flv4, Sll2018, Flv2 proteins protected PSII against light induced damage by quenching singlet oxygen more efficiently in ?sigCDE than in the control strain in visible and in UV-A/B light. However, in UV-C light singlet oxygen is not produced and PSII damage occurred similarly in the ?sigCDE and control strains. According to our results, resistance against the light-induced damage of PSII alone does not lead to high light tolerance of the cells, but in addition efficient protection against oxidative stress would be required.  相似文献   

Dmitrii Vavilin 《BBA》2007,1767(7):920-929
Chlorophyll synthesis and degradation were analyzed in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 by incubating cells in the presence of 13C-labeled glucose or 15N-containing salts. Upon mass spectral analysis of chlorophyll isolated from cells grown in the presence of 13C-glucose for different time periods, four chlorophyll pools were detected that differed markedly in the amount of 13C incorporated into the porphyrin (Por) and phytol (Phy) moieties of the molecule. These four pools represent (i) unlabeled chlorophyll (12Por12Phy), (ii) 13C-labeled chlorophyll (13Por13Phy), and (iii, iv) chlorophyll, in which either the porphyrin or the phytol moiety was 13C-labeled, whereas the other constituent of the molecule remained unlabeled (13Por12Phy and 12Por13Phy). The kinetics of 12Por12Phy disappearance, presumably due to chlorophyll de-esterification, and of 13Por12Phy, 12Por13Phy, and 13Por13Phy accumulation due to chlorophyll synthesis provided evidence for continuous chlorophyll turnover in Synechocystis cells. The loss of 12Por12Phy was three-fold faster in a photosystem I-less strain than in a photosystem II-less strain and was accelerated in wild-type cells upon exposure to strong light. These data suggest that most chlorophyll appears to be de-esterified in Synechocystis upon dissociation and repair of damaged photosystem II. A substantial part of chlorophyllide and phytol released upon the de-esterification of chlorophyll can be recycled for the biosynthesis of new chlorophyll molecules contributing to the formation of 13Por12Phy and 12Por13Phy chlorophyll pools. The phytol kinase, Slr1652, plays a significant but not absolutely critical role in this recycling process.  相似文献   

Liu XG  Zhao JJ  Wu QY 《FEBS letters》2005,579(21):4571-4576
Inactivation of the chlN gene in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 resulted in no chlorophyll and photosystems when the mutant was grown in darkness, providing an in vivo system to study the structure and function of phycobilisomes (PBSs). The effects of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and metal ions on the mutant PBSs in vivo were investigated by low temperature fluorescence emission measurement. H2O2 induced an obvious disassembly of the cores of PBSs and interruption of energy transfer from allophycocyanin to the terminal emitter. Among many metal ions only silver induced disassembly of the cores of PBSs. Our results demonstrated for the first time that the cores of PBSs act as targets in vivo for oxidative stress or silver induced damage.  相似文献   

Geranylgeranyl reductase catalyses the reduction of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate to phytyl pyrophosphate required for synthesis of chlorophylls, phylloquinone and tocopherols. The gene chlP (ORF sll1091) encoding the enzyme has been inactivated in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The resulting ΔchlP mutant accumulates exclusively geranylgeranylated chlorophyll a instead of its phytylated analogue as well as low amounts of α-tocotrienol instead of α-tocopherol. Whereas the contents of chlorophyll and total carotenoids are decreased, abundance of phycobilisomes is increased in ΔchlP cells. The mutant assembles functional photosystems I and II as judged from 77 K fluorescence and electron transport measurements. However, the mutant is unable to grow photoautotrophically due to instability and rapid degradation of the photosystems in the absence of added glucose. We suggest that instability of the photosystems in ΔchlP is directly related to accumulation of geranylgeranylated chlorophyll a. Increased rigidity of the chlorophyll isoprenoid tail moiety due to three additional CC bonds is the likely cause of photooxidative stress and reduced stability of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes assembled with geranylgeranylated chlorophyll a in the ΔchlP mutant.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigated electron transport processes in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, with a special emphasis focused on oxygen-dependent interrelations between photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains. Redox transients of the photosystem I primary donor P700 and oxygen exchange processes were measured by the EPR method under the same experimental conditions. To discriminate between the factors controlling electron flow through photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains, we compared the P700 redox transients and oxygen exchange processes in wild type cells and mutants with impaired photosystem II and terminal oxidases (CtaI, CydAB, CtaDEII). It was shown that the rates of electron flow through both photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains strongly depended on the transmembrane proton gradient and oxygen concentration in cell suspension. Electron transport through photosystem I was controlled by two main mechanisms: (i) oxygen-dependent acceleration of electron transfer from photosystem I to NADP+, and (ii) slowing down of electron flow between photosystem II and photosystem I governed by the intrathylakoid pH. Inhibitor analysis of P700 redox transients led us to the conclusion that electron fluxes from dehydrogenases and from cyclic electron transport pathway comprise 20-30% of the total electron flux from the intersystem electron transport chain to P700+.  相似文献   

We measured the kinetics of light-induced NADPH formation and subsequent dark consumption by monitoring in vivo its fluorescence in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803. Spectral data allowed the signal changes to be attributed to NAD(P)H and signal linearity vs the chlorophyll concentration was shown to be recoverable after appropriate correction. Parameters associated to reduction of NADP+ to NADPH by ferredoxin–NADP+-oxidoreductase were determined: After single excitation of photosystem I, half of the signal rise is observed in 8 ms; Evidence for a kinetic limitation which is attributed to an enzyme bottleneck is provided; After two closely separated saturating flashes eliciting two photosystem I turnovers in less than 2 ms, more than 50% of the cytoplasmic photoreductants (reduced ferredoxin and photosystem I acceptors) are diverted from NADPH formation by competing processes. Signal quantitation in absolute NADPH concentrations was performed by adding exogenous NADPH to the cell suspensions and by estimating the enhancement factor of in vivo fluorescence (between 2 and 4). The size of the visible (light-dependent) NADP (NADP+ + NADPH) pool was measured to be between 1.4 and 4 times the photosystem I concentration. A quantitative discrepancy is found between net oxygen evolution and NADPH consumption by the light-activated Calvin–Benson cycle. The present study shows that NADPH fluorescence is an efficient probe for studying in vivo the energetic metabolism of cyanobacteria which can be used for assessing multiple phenomena occurring over different time scales.  相似文献   

The ultrafast (< 100 fs) conversion of delocalized exciton into charge-separated state between the primary donor P700 (bleaching at 705 nm) and the primary acceptor A0 (bleaching at 690 nm) in photosystem I (PS I) complexes from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was observed. The data were obtained by application of pump-probe technique with 20-fs low-energy pump pulses centered at 720 nm. The earliest absorbance changes (close to zero delay) with a bleaching at 690 nm are similar to the product of the absorption spectrum of PS I complex and the laser pulse spectrum, which represents the efficiency spectrum of the light absorption by PS I upon femtosecond excitation centered at 720 nm. During the first ∼ 60 fs the energy transfer from the chlorophyll (Chl) species bleaching at 690 nm to the Chl bleaching at 705 nm occurs, resulting in almost equal bleaching of the two forms with the formation of delocalized exciton between 690-nm and 705-nm Chls. Within the next ∼ 40 fs the formation of a new broad band centered at ∼ 660 nm (attributed to the appearance of Chl anion radical) is observed. This band decays with time constant simultaneously with an electron transfer to A1 (phylloquinone). The subtraction of kinetic difference absorption spectra of the closed (state P700+A0A1) PS I reaction center (RC) from that of the open (state P700A0A1) RC reveals the pure spectrum of the P700+A0 ion-radical pair. The experimental data were analyzed using a simple kinetic scheme: An* [(PA0)*A1 P+A0A1] P+A0A1, and a global fitting procedure based on the singular value decomposition analysis. The calculated kinetics of transitions between intermediate states and their spectra were similar to the kinetics recorded at 694 and 705 nm and the experimental spectra obtained by subtraction of the spectra of closed RCs from the spectra of open RCs. As a result, we found that the main events in RCs of PS I under our experimental conditions include very fast (< 100 fs) charge separation with the formation of the P700+A0A1 state in approximately one half of the RCs, the ∼ 5-ps energy transfer from antenna Chl* to P700A0A1 in the remaining RCs, and ∼ 25-ps formation of the secondary radical pair P700+A0A1.  相似文献   

Naoki Mizusawa 《FEBS letters》2009,583(4):718-6684
The physiological role of digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) in photosynthesis was examined using a dgdA mutant of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 that is defective in the biosynthesis of DGDG. The dgdA mutant cells showed normal growth under low light (LL) conditions. However, their growth was retarded under high light (HL) conditions and under Ca2+- and/or Cl-limited conditions compared to wild-type cells. The retardation in growth of the mutant cells was recovered by exogenous supply of DGDG in the growth medium. The dgdA mutant showed increased sensitivity to photoinhibition. Although both photodamage and repair processes of photosynthesis were affected, the repair process was more severely affected than the photodamage process, suggesting that DGDG plays an important role in the photosynthetic repair cycle.  相似文献   

This study deals with effects of membrane excitation on photosynthesis and cell protection against excessive light, manifested in non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). In Chara corallina cells, NPQ and pericellular pH displayed coordinated spatial patterns along the length of the cell. The NPQ values were lower in H+-extruding cell regions (external pH ∼ 6.5) than in high pH regions (pH ∼ 9.5). Generation of an action potential by applying a pulse of electric current caused NPQ to increase within 30-60 s. This effect, manifested as a long-lived drop of maximum chlorophyll fluorescence (Fm′), occurred at lower photosynthetic flux densities (PFD) in the alkaline as compared to acidic cell regions. The light response curve of NPQ shifted, after generation of an action potential, towards lower PFD. The release of NPQ by nigericin and the rapid reversal of action potential-triggered NPQ in darkness indicate its relation to thylakoid ΔpH. Generation of an action potential shortly after darkening converted the chloroplasts into a latent state with the Fm identical to that of unexcited cells. This state transformed to the quenched state after turning on weak light that was insufficient for NPQ prior to membrane excitation of the cells. The ionophore, A23187, shifted NPQ plots similarly to the action potential effect, consistent with a likely role of a rise in the cytosolic Ca2+ level in the action potential-induced quenching. The results suggest that a rapid electric signal, across the plasma membrane, might exert long-lived effects on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence through ion flux-mediated pathways.  相似文献   

Rates of chlorophyll synthesis and degradation were analyzed in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 wild type and mutants lacking one or both photosystems by labeling cells with (15NH4)2SO4 and Na15NO3. Pigments extracted from cells were separated by HPLC and incorporation of the 15N label into porphyrins was subsequently examined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The life time (τ) of chlorophyll in wild-type Synechocystis grown at a light intensity of 100 μmol photons m−2 s−1 was determined to be about 300 h, much longer than the cell doubling time of about 14 h. Slow chlorophyll degradation (τ ∼200-400 h) was also observed in Photosystem I-less and in Photosystem II-less Synechocystis mutants, whereas in a mutant lacking both Photosystem I and Photosystem II chlorophyll degradation was accelerated 4-5 fold (τ ∼50 h). Chlorophyllide and pheophorbide were identified as intermediates of chlorophyll degradation in the Photosystem I-less/Photosystem II-less mutant. In comparison with the wild type, the chlorophyll synthesis rate was five-fold slower in the Photosystem I-less strain and about eight-fold slower in the strain lacking both photosystems, resulting in different chlorophyll levels in the various mutants. The results presented in this paper demonstrate the presence of a regulation that adjusts the rate of chlorophyll synthesis according to the needs of chlorophyll-binding polypeptides associated with the photosystems.  相似文献   

The photosystem two (PSII) complex found in oxygenic photosynthetic organisms is susceptible to damage by UV-B irradiation and undergoes repair in vivo to maintain activity. Until now there has been little information on the identity of the enzymes involved in repair. In the present study we have investigated the involvement of the FtsH and Deg protease families in the degradation of UV-B-damaged PSII reaction center subunits, D1 and D2, in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803. PSII activity in a ΔFtsH (slr0228) strain, with an inactivated slr0228 gene, showed increased sensitivity to UV-B radiation and impaired recovery of activity in visible light after UV-B exposure. In contrast, in ΔDeg-G cells, in which all the three deg genes were inactivated, the damage and recovery kinetics were the same as in the WT. Immunoblotting showed that the loss of both the D1 and D2 proteins was retarded in ΔFtsH (slr0228) during UV-B exposure, and the extent of their restoration during the recovery period was decreased relative to the WT. However, in the ΔDeg-G cells the damage and recovery kinetics of D1 and D2 were the same as in the WT. These data demonstrate a key role of FtsH (slr0228), but not the Deg proteases, for the repair of PS II during and following UV-B radiation at the step of degrading both of the UV-B damaged D1 and D2 reaction center subunits.  相似文献   

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